This configures Sublime Text to work with our coding standards and provide real-time feedback.
- SublimeLinter
- SublimeLinter-php
- SublimeLinter-phpcs
- SublimeLinter-jshint
- SublimeLinter-css
- SublimeLinter-jscs
- SublimeLinter (no longer supported by devs, recommend using ST3 instead)
- Phpcs
You must have phpcs, jscs, jshint, and css installed locally & have set up our coding standard before doing this.
If you don't have Package Control, install it.
Install the list of ST3 packages above using Package Control. Restart Sublime.
Open st3/SublimeLinter.sublime-settings
in this folder and copy it into your SublimeLinter user settings located in:
- OS X:
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/SublimeLinter.sublime-settings
These settings will lint with our coding standard and provide underlining of problematic code. Placing your cursor in non-standard code will show the specific issue in the status bar on the bottom of the window. If you'd prefer a list of errors on save, set "show_errors_on_save": true
You can further customize your linter with these options.
Install the list of ST2 packages above using Package Control. Restart Sublime. SublimeLinter for ST2 bundles csslint & jshint but doesn't support phpcs, so we need to use an additional package. Restart Sublime.
Open st2/phpcs.sublime-settings
in this folder and copy it into your sublime-phpcs user settings located in:
- OS X: '~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/User/phpcs.sublime-settings`
sublime-phpcs doesn't support realtime linting, but will run every time you save a file.