A modified version of the UVa MPD4 decoder.
- changed the bank number and the tag
- change the data search structure of the 'inputhandler.cpp' so as to decode the PRex data
- changed the grephic out style
# runType
RUNTYPE: CalPedestal
# pedestal
SAVEPED: ./Pedestal/ // this is the file name of the generated pedestal
# # Input File for physics analysis; NOT FOR OTHER TYPE ANALYSIS
INPUTFILE: // the pedestal raw run file name
- it will generate a file named PRex_Pedestal.txt
- this file is conpatible with the standard prex pedestal, need to replace the pedestal in the prex database
Option 1.
# it will load the default configure file which located in folder ./config/gem.cfg
Option 2.
./mpd4_decoder config.cfg
# it will load config.cfg instead of using the default ./config/gem.cfg file
- Pedestal Run 1371 20513
- Pedestal Run 2155, 21297
- Pedestal Run 2303, 21425
- HV off
- pulse trigger
- add the function to take configure file when run the scrips
- check whay some of then dataframe have missing channels
- missing channel for some frame
- one HRS, the noise is much higher than the other