- HTML page is a Document
- HTML elements are Objects
- HTML tree structure is the Model
//gives us all the elements in the html file in the type of HTMLAllcollection
// gives us all the img in the html file in the type of HTMLCollection
//gives us all the links in the html file in the type of HTMLCollection
// gives all all the forms in the html file in the type of **HTMLCollection.
To Get element by id:
To get elements by class name which gives us all the elements which has this same className in the type of HTMLCollection.
To get elements by tag name which gives us all the elements which has this same tagName in the type of HTMLCollection.
To get element using any of the selector(ex. classSelector, id, tagName) using only one method which gives the first matched element.
document.querySelector(curresponding selector with its sign as prefix) //example document.querySelector(".className" | "#id" | "tagName" ) ```javascript
To get element using any of the selector(ex. classSelector, tagName) using only one method which gives all the elements which has this same tagName or classname in the type of NODEList.
document.querySelectorAll(curresponding selector with its sign as prefix) // example document.querySelectorAll(".classname" | "tagName")
querySelector finds element from top to bottom
closest finds element from bottom to top
Find element from parent to children.:
const parent = document.querySelector(parent); const children = parent.children;
Find element from grandParent to children:
const grandParent = document.querySelector(grandParent) const children = grandParent.querySelectorAll(children)<br>
Find element from children to parent:
const children = document.querySelector(children)<br /> const parent = children.parentElement
Find element from children to grandParent:
const grandParent = children.closest(grandParent);
Finding sibling elements. Find next immediate sibling
const childrenOne = document.querySelector(childrenOne); const childrenTwo = childrenOne.nextElementSibling;
Find previous immediate sibling
const childrenTwo = document.querySelector(childrenTwo); const childrenOne = childrenTwo.previousElementSibling;
can only take one html element as argument
can take both element and others(text, etc) also multiple elements as an argument.
Creating an element
const elementWantToCreate = document.createElement(tagNameWantToCreate); //example const divElement = document.createElement("div"); const paragraph = document.createElement("p");
add className to element using dom
element.className = className; //example divElement.className = "item";
set attribute using dom
element.setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue); //example divElement.setAttribute("id", "firstItem");
append created element or element at the end of a container
container.appendChild(elem); //example container.appendChild(divElement);
append element before a childElement within container
const childElm = document.querySelector("h2Elm"); container.insertBefore(divElement, childElm);
changing HTML content using dom
const element = document.getElementById(id) element.innerHTML = newHTMl //or element.innerText = newText`
changing html elements style using dom
element.style.propertyName = propertyValue;
DOM allows Javascript to react on HTML events
A JavaScript can be executed when an event occurs, like when a user clicks on an HTML element.
trigger an action when someone click an element
element.addEventListener(eventName, a function for what to do when this event triggered) element.addEventListener('click', (event) => {console.log(event)})
Examples of HTML events:
- When a user clicks the mouse
- When the mouse moves over an element
- When a web page has loaded
- When an image has been loaded
- When an input field is changed
- When an HTML form is submitted
- When a user strokes a key
Some common HTML events
Event | Description |
click | when an user clicks an element |
dblclick | when the user double click an element |
input | when an element gets user input |
blur | when an element losses blur |
focus | when an element gets focus |
mouseenter | when the pointer is moved onto an element |
keydown | when a user is pressing a key |
keyup | when a user releases a key |
The project was created using most of the DOM methods.
- An user can add todo to the active TODO ul
- From the active todo ul user can
- toggle todos from active to complete
- edit a todo and
- delete a todo
- In the complete todo ul section user can
- toggle todos from complete to active and
- delete todos
Finally, This would not have been possible to document this wonderful Topic about JS DOM without Sumit bhaiya's guideline.
Sumit bhaiya's Playlist about JS DOM