- The dog CHASES the cat and The dog FOLLOWS the cat should be somehow similar to the computer.
- Same with Google: I want to buy a dog/puppy.
How do we represent the meaning of a word?
- Can use the meaning of the dictionary. Useful for humans, not for computers.
- Common solution: WordNet, a thesaurus, collection of words, containing lists of synonyms sets and hypernyms ("is a" relationships).
Problems with WordNet:
- Not all synonyms are complete synonyms: proficient and good. Only on some contexts.
- Missing new meanings of words: genius, badasss, etc.
- Impossible to keep up-to-date. Not automatic.
- No way to say that chair and table are somehow similar.
Representing as discrete symbols:
- [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
- One-hot vectors: just one 1, the rest 0s.
- Vector dimension = #words in vocabulary (e.g. .5M).
- No notion of similarity. So motel and hotel are similar but have really different representation.
- Can try to use WordNet, but all the drawbacks still remain.
- Instead: learn to encode similarity in the vectors themselves.
- E.g. first dimension is noun 0/1, etc.
Representing words by their context:
- "You should know a word by the company it keeps".
- Successful in NLP.
- Context is though as a fixed-size window around the word.
Word vectors:
- Dense vector for each word; similar words have similar contexts.
- Notation: word embeddings or word representations.
Word meaning as a neural word vector. Visualization.
- P(t | c) or P(t | c): probability of the context given the word which we see in the context.
- Likelihood is a function to be optimized.
- Uses softmax.
Train the model:
- Theta represents all model parameteres, in one long vector. All the centered words and context words.
- Calculating all gradients.
- Uses two vectors.
- Two models: skip-grams (SG, independent of position), continuous bag of words (CBOW).
- Can add negative sampling.
- We get an objective function J(θ), and minimize it.
- There is a learning rate (conveys a learning step).
Stochastic Gradient Descent:
- It is slow to calculate everything.
- So just take a small subset of your data (window), and then apply to everything.
- The good thing is that Stochastic Gradient Descent escapes better from local minimum.