- Minimize some objection function J(theta).
- Update parameters in opposite direction of the gradient of J.
- Batch gradient descent: the original, computes loss over whole training dataset at a time.
- Stochastic gradient descent: one per example.
- Mini-batch gradient descent.
Batch gradient descent:
- Guaranteed to converge to the global minimum for convex.
- Local minimum for non-convex.
Stochastic gradient descent:
- It is stochastic = random.
- SGD performs a parameter update for each training example.
- Advantage: enables it to jump to a new and potentially better local minima.
- Side effect: complicates convergence.
Mini-batch gradient descent:
- Best of both worlds.
- Reduces variance of parameter updates.
- More stable convergence.
- Algorithm of choice for NN training.
- Can use some neat optimisations: GPU matrix factorisation.
- Learning rate "schedules" reduce etha at preset times
- Not all the features have the same variance. A universal learning rate doesn't make sense here.
- Saddle points are challenging: many local minima.
Gradient descent optimization:
- Momentum
- Adagrad
- Adadelta
- RMSprop
Momentum optimisation:
- Problems with "ravines" aka parts of space where one dimension varies way more than the other.
- It is like adding air resistance.
Adam optimisation:
- Adaptative Moment Estimation (Adam).