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Drawing Service

This service offers endpoints for - /trigger_draw - triggering a lotto draw The endpoints and their documentation via a Swagger UI is reacheable on the /docs endpoint once the application is running.


The service needs the following environment variables at runtime:

RABBIT_PORT= {host of the RabbitMQ instance}
RABBIT_HOST= {port of the RabbitMQ instance}
QUEUE_DRAWING_EVENT= {name of the queue to publish to on the RabbitMQ instance}
DRAW_MESSAGE_EXCHANGE= {exchange key on the RabbitMQ instance}

DEFAULT_INTERNAL_SERVICE_PORT= {default port where the application should run (only for docker)}

This can be achieved by manually setting them or putting them into an .env file. This file can be conveniently used for docker execution as well.


  1. Install the dependencies
    pip install -r src/requirements.txt
  2. Make sure a RabbitMQ instance is running and has been configured via the environment variables to be reached by the publisher
  3. Start the service by excuting the following command
    uvicorn --host --port 8080


Dockerfile - The dockerfile is the instruction on how to create the image which on execution becomes an instance or usually refered to as a container. In the adjacent dockerfile the following steps are performed:

  1. Select the base image to built upon
  2. Set all the environment variables which will be present upon runtime for the application
  3. Install the dependencies for python
  4. Copy the source code into the image
  5. Set Workdirectory and document the port on which the application will run
  6. Supply a default command for starting the application


  1. Build the docker container with a desired name and tag
    cd .\drawing_service\
    docker create network lotto_local
    docker build -t drawing_service:0.2.0 .
  2. Run it
    docker run --rm --env-file ../.env \
        --network=lotto_local \
        --name drawing_service \
        -p 8080:8080 \