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ALPHA testing statistic

ALPHA is a risk-measuring function that adapts to the drawn sample as it is made. ALPHA estimates the reported winner’s share of the vote before the jth card is drawn from the j-1 cards already in the sample. The estimator can be any measurable function of the first j − 1 draws, for example a simple truncated shrinkage estimate, described below. ALPHA generalizes BRAVO to situations where the population {xj} is not necessarily binary, but merely nonnegative and bounded. ALPHA works for sampling with or without replacement, with or without weights, while BRAVO is specifically for IID sampling with replacement.

θ 	        true population mean
Xk 	        the kth random sample drawn from the population.
X^j         (X1 , . . . , Xj) is the jth sequence of samples.

µj          E(Xj | X^j−1 ) computed under the null hypothesis that θ = 1/2. 
            "expected value of the next sample's assorted value (Xj) under the null hypothosis".
            With replacement, its 1/2.
            Without replacement, its the value that moves the mean to 1/2.

η0          an estimate of the true mean before sampling .
ηj          an estimate of the true mean, using X^j-1 (not using Xj), 
            estimate of what the sampled mean of X^j is (not using Xj) ??
            This is the "estimator function". 

Let ηj = ηj (X^j−1 ), j = 1, . . ., be a "predictable sequence": ηj may depend on X^j−1, but not on Xk for k ≥ j.

Tj          ALPHA nonnegative supermartingale (Tj)_j∈N  starting at 1

	E(Tj | X^j-1 ) = Tj-1, under the null hypothesis that θj = µj (7)

	E(Tj | X^j-1 ) < Tj-1, if θ < µ (8)

	P{∃j : Tj ≥ α−1 } ≤ α, if θ < µ (9) (follows from Ville's inequality)

BRAVO testing statistic

BRAVO is based on Wald’s sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) of the simple hypothesis θ = µ against a simple alternative θ = η from IID Bernoulli(θ) observations.

ALPHA is a simple adaptive extension of BRAVO. It is motivated by the SPRT for the Bernoulli and its optimality when the simple alternative is true.

BRAVO is ALPHA with the following restrictions:

  • the sample is drawn with replacement from ballot cards that do have a valid vote for the reported winner w or the reported loser ℓ (ballot cards with votes for other candidates or non-votes are ignored).
  • ballot cards are encoded as 0 or 1, depending on whether they have a valid vote for the reported winner or for the reported loser; u = 1 and the only possible values of xi are 0 and 1.
  • µ = 1/2, and µi = 1/2 for all i since the sample is drawn with replacement.
  • ηi = η0 := Nw /(Nw + Nℓ ), where Nw is the number of votes reported for candidate w and Nℓ is the number of votes reported for candidate ℓ: ηi is not updated as data are collected.

AlphaMart formula as generalization of Wald SPRT:

Bravo: Probability of drawing y if theta=n over probability of drawing y if theta=m:

y*(n/m) + (1-y)*(1-n)/(1-m)

makes sense where y is 0 or 1, so one term or the other vanishes.


Step 1: Replace discrete y with continuous x:

(1a) x*(n/m) + (1-x)*(1-n)/(1-m)

Its not obvious what this is now. Still the probability ratio?? Should you really use

(1b) (x*n + (1-x)*(1-n)) / (x*m + (1-x)*(1-m))

?? Turns out these equations are the same when mu = 1/2. then mu = (1-mu) and

(1a) x*n/m + (1-x)*(1-n)/(1-m) = (x*n + (1-x)*(1-n) / 2

(1b denominator) (x*m + (1-x)*(1-m)) = (x + (1-x))/2 = 1/2

(1c) (x*n + (1-x)(1-n)) / (1/2)

(I think they are not identical for the general case of m != 1/2 and m != n.

Step 2: Generalize range [0,1] to [0,upper]

I think you need to replace x with x/u, (1-x) with (u-x)/u, n with n/u, etc

So then (1a) becomes

(2a) (x/u*(n/m) + ((u-x)/u)*(u-n)/(u-m))
   = (x*n/m + (u-x)*(u-n)/(u-m))/u

But 1b becomes

(2b) (x/u)*(n/u) + ((u-x)/u)*((u-n)/u)) / (x/u)*(m/u) + ((u-x)/u)*((u-m)/u))  
   = (x*n + (u-x)*(u-n)) / (x*m + (u-x)*(u-m))  

note the lack of division by u, since every term has a u*u denominator, so all those cancel out. when m=1/2, 1c becomes

(2c) (x*n + (u-x)*(u-n)) / (x*m + (u-x)*(u-m)) = (x*n + (u-x)*(u-n)) / (u/2)

Step 3: Use estimated nj instead of fixed n, and mj instead of fixed m = 1/2 when sampling without replacement:

(3a) (xj * (nj/mj) + (u-xj) * (u-nj)/(u-mj)) / u

(3b) (xj*nj + (u-xj)*(u-nj)) / (x*mj + (u-xj)*(u-mj))

Sampling with or without replacement

We need E(Xj | X^j−1 ) computed with the null hypothosis that θ == µ == 1/2.

Sampling with replacement means that this value is always µ == 1/2.

For sampling without replacement from a population with mean µ, after draw j - 1, the mean of the remaining numbers is

  (N * µ − Sum(X^j-1)/(N − j + 1).

If this ever becomes less than zero, the null hypothesis is certainly false. When allowed to sample all N values without replacement, eventually this value becomes less than zero.

Truncated shrinkage estimate of the population mean

The only settable parameter for the TruncShrink funcition function is d, which is the weighting between the initial guess at the population mean (eta0) and the running mean of the sampled data:

estTheta_i = (d*eta0 + sampleSum_i) / (d + sampleSize_i)

This trades off smaller sample sizes when theta = eta0 (large d) vs quickly adapting to when theta < eta0 (smaller d).

See section 2.5.2 of ALPHA for a function with parameters eta0, c and d.

See SHANGRLA shrink_trunc() in for an updated version with additional parameter f.

sample mean is shrunk towards eta, with relative weight d compared to a single observation,
then that combination is shrunk towards u, with relative weight f/(stdev(x)).

The result is truncated above at u*(1-eps) and below at m_j+etaj(c,j)
Shrinking towards eta stabilizes the sample mean as an estimate of the population mean.
Shrinking towards u takes advantage of low-variance samples to grow the test statistic more rapidly.

// Choosing epsi . To allow the estimated winner’s share ηi to approach √ µi as the sample grows
// (if the sample mean approaches µi or less), we shall take epsi := c/sqrt(d + i − 1) for a nonnegative constant c,
// for instance c = (η0 − µ)/2.
// The estimate ηi is thus the sample mean, shrunk towards η0 and truncated to the interval [µi + ǫi , 1), where ǫi → 0 as the sample size grows.

val weighted = ((d * eta0 + sampleSum) / (d + lastj - 1) + u * f / sdj3) / (1 + f / sdj3)
val npmax = max( weighted, mean2 + c / sqrt((d + lastj - 1).toDouble()))  // 2.5.2 "choosing ǫi"
return min(u * (1 - eps), npmax)

how to set the parameter d?

From ALPHA (p 9)

Choosing d. As d → ∞, the sample size for ALPHA approaches that of BRAVO, for
binary data. The larger d is, the more strongly anchored the estimate is to the reported vote
shares, and the smaller the penalty ALPHA pays when the reported results are exactly correct.
Using a small value of d is particularly helpful when the true population mean is far from the
reported results. The smaller d is, the faster the method adapts to the true population mean,
but the higher the variance is. Whatever d is, the relative weight of the reported vote shares
decreases as the sample size increases.

See output of DiffMeans.kt and PlotDiffMeans.kt. This is done for each value of N and theta.

A few representative plots are at meanDiff plots


  • samples size when reported mean != theta (true mean)
  • show tables of mean difference = (reported mean - theta) columns vs values of d parameter (rows)
  • ntrials = 1000
  • For many values of N and theta, we cant help (margin too small; N too small); or it doesn't matter much (margin large, N large).
  • Ive chosen a few plots where values of N and theta have pct samples 10 - 30%, since thats where improvements might matter for having a successful RLA vs a full hand recount.
  • High values of d work well when reported mean ~= theta.
  • Low values of d work better as mean difference = (reported mean - theta) grows.
  • The question is, how much weight to give "outliers", at the expense of improving success rate for "common case" of reported mean ~= theta ?
  • See CreatePollingDiffMeans.kt

Using BettingMart to implement AlphaMart

To use BettingMart rather than AlphaMart, we just have to set

λ_i = (estTheta_i/µ_i − 1) / (upper − µ_i)

where upper is the upper bound of the assorter (1 for plurality, 1/(2f) for supermajority), and µ_i := E(Xi | Xi−1) as above.

Polling Simulations

See the plots here: 9/4/24 plots

  • RLA cant help for close elections unless N is large
  • seems like this is because sample size is approx. independent of N (Plot 1)
  • sample size approx 1/margin as N -> inf. Something more complicated as margin -> 0. (Plot 2b)
  • variance is quite large (Plot 4)

compare table 3 of ALPHA paper with our Polling Audit with replacement

  • eta0 = theta (no divergence of sample from true).
  • 1000 repetitions

nvotes sampled vs theta = winning percent

N 0.510 0.520 0.530 0.540 0.550 0.575 0.600 0.650 0.7
1000 897 726 569 446 340 201 128 60 36
5000 3447 1948 1223 799 527 256 145 68 38
10000 5665 2737 1430 871 549 266 152 68 38
20000 8456 3306 1546 926 590 261 154 65 38
50000 12225 3688 1686 994 617 263 155 67 37

stddev samples vs theta

N 0.510 0.520 0.530 0.540 0.550 0.575 0.600 0.650 0.700
1000 119.444 176.939 195.837 176.534 153.460 110.204 78.946 40.537 24.501
5000 1008.455 893.249 669.987 478.499 347.139 176.844 101.661 52.668 28.712
10000 2056.201 1425.911 891.215 583.694 381.797 199.165 113.188 52.029 27.933
20000 3751.976 2124.064 1051.194 656.632 449.989 190.791 123.333 47.084 28.173
50000 6873.319 2708.147 1274.291 740.712 475.265 194.538 130.865 51.086 26.439
  • no use for the parameter d in this case. Likely useful only for when eta0 != theta
  • See PlotSampleSizes.kt