last changed: 12/24/2024
- raire library
- hybrid audits
- the effect of adding n worst-case ballots to an audit.
- Estimate sample sizes with fixed formula
- DONE Raire error rates
- Parallelization (?)
- SecureRandom must be deterministic using a given seed, so verifiers can test. Make a version that agrees exactly with SHANGRLA's version. (3) BigIntegers? Strings? Maybe hex strings?
- COBRA 4.3 Diversified betting
- cobra/GenAdaptiveComparison
- sampling/GenPollingDvalues
- sampling/GenPollingNoStyles
- sampling/GenSampleSizeEstimates
- Serialization of intermediate stages
- web server
We need interfaces for testing. How elaborate should we make those?
- remote clients
- web?
- swing?
- arlo?
- colorado-rla?
What is effect of overestimating N_c, the bound on the number of cards for contest c? If each of these gets conveerted to a 2-vote overstatement, which the sampleSize is highly sensisitive to.
What about when you start an audit, then more CVRs arrive?
I think its fine if more ballots come in between rounds. Just add to the "all cvrs list". Ideally N_c doesnt change, so it just makes less evil zombies. Then the consistent sampling is just rerun.
Add feature to run the sample size estimates by contest, but not the full audit. DONE: FindSampleSize.computeSampleSize()
Running the workflow with other RiskTestingFn, BettingFn, etc.
If everything is stored in the database, then you have to trust the database software. If you have some kind of BB with the raw data that anyone caan read, then you can have 3rd party verifiers. Otherwise what do you have? A PostGres DB that you have to trust.
Theres not a problem using a DB, but you should be able to recreate it from the raw data.
OTOH the RLA should detect a compromised DB?
Samples // keeps track of the latest sample, number of samples, and the sample sum.
ConsistentSampling // implement consistent or uniform sampling EstimateSampleSize / estimates sample size; polling or comparison, with/out styles
ComparisonSimulation // create internal cvr and mvr with the correct under/over statements based on the error rates. // specific to a contest. only used for estimating the sample size
PollingFuzzSampler, ComparisonFuzzSampler // this takes a list of cvrs and fuzzes them. New fuzz each reset. // fun makeFuzzedCvrsFrom(contests: List, cvrs: List, fuzzPct: Double): List
MultiContestTestData // creates a set of contests and ballotStyles, with randomly chosen candidates and margins. create cvrs that reflect the contests' exact votes. PollingSimulation
SampleGenerator // abstraction for creating a sequence of samples. PollWithoutReplacement ComparisonWithoutReplacement
val test = MultiContestTestData(11, 4, N, marginRange= 0.04..0.10)
val contests: List<Contest> = test.makeContests()
// Synthetic cvrs for testing reflecting the exact contest votes. In practice, we dont actually have the cvrs.
val testCvrs = test.makeCvrsFromContests()
val ballots = test.makeBallotsForPolling()
// fuzzPct of the Mvrs have their votes randomly changed ("fuzzed")
val testMvrs: List<Cvr> = makeFuzzedCvrsFrom(contests, testCvrs, auditConfig.fuzzPct!!)
estimateSampleSizes simulateSampleSizePollingAssorter val simContest = PollingSimulation(contestUA.contest as Contest, assorter) val cvrs = simContest.makeCvrs() val sampler = if (auditConfig.fuzzPct == null) { PollWithoutReplacement(contestUA, cvrs, assorter) // use as is } else { PollingFuzzSampler(auditConfig.fuzzPct, cvrs, contestUA, assorter) // fuzz them }
consistentPollingSampling or uniformPollingSampling
runAudit val sampler = PollWithoutReplacement(contestUA, mvrs, assorter, allowReset=false)
val testData = MultiContestTestData(11, 4, N)
val contests: List<Contest> = testData.makeContests()
// Synthetic cvrs for testing reflecting the exact contest votes.
val cvrs = testData.makeCvrsFromContests()
// fuzzPct of the Mvrs have their votes randomly changed ("fuzzed")
val fuzzedMvrs: List<Cvr> = makeFuzzedCvrsFrom(contests, cvrs, auditConfig.fuzzPct!!)
estimateSampleSizes simulateSampleSizeComparisonAssorter val sampler = if (auditConfig.fuzzPct == null) { // TODO always using the ComparisonErrorRates derived from fuzzPct. should have the option to use ones chosen by the user. val errorRates = ComparisonErrorRates.getErrorRates(contestUA.ncandidates, auditConfig.fuzzPct) // ComparisonSimulation carefully adds that number of errors. So simulation has that error in it. ComparisonSimulation(cvrs, contestUA, cassorter, errorRates) } else { ComparisonFuzzSampler(auditConfig.fuzzPct, cvrs, contestUA, cassorter) }
runAudit runOneAssertionAudit val sampler = ComparisonWithoutReplacement(contestUA, cvrPairs, assorter, allowReset = false)
// TODO always using the ComparisonErrorRates derived from fuzzPct. should have the option to use ones chosen by the user.
val errorRates = ComparisonErrorRates.getErrorRates(contestUA.ncandidates, auditConfig.fuzzPct)
val optimal = AdaptiveComparison(errorRates)