- SQL Joins
- SQL table alias
- SQL column alias
- What is a table?
- What is a database?
- What is a foreign key?
- When to use SQL or NoSQL
- Why should you choose PostgreSQL
- Types of relationships (O-O, O-M, M-M)
- What is a database schema?
- What is a schema migration?
- db-migrate documentations
- Using db-migrate and pg-admin to automate migration scripts
- Anatomy of a JWT
- Why do we use JWTs?
- If you can decode JWT, how are they secure?
- What Are Environment Variables?
- How to use Environment Variables?
- Cooking your passwords (Salting & Peppering)
- How does password encryption work?
- What is password hashing?
- What is Base64 Encoding?
- What is AES encryption?
- What is Bcrypt?