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How to run the solution locally


This document details the required software to be installed and the necessary steps you must follow to configure and run the solution locally.

Getting Started


Microsoft Azure Storage Emulator

Download and Install Azure Storage Emulator

Visual Studio 2019

Download and Install Visual Studio Community 2019

Cosmos DB Emulator

Download Azure Cosmos DB emulator and install.

Open the Azure Cosmos DB emulator, it will open a new browser tab and will show the Quickstart view.

Cosmos DB Data Explorer
Cosmos DB Emulator Data Explorer

Copy the value of the primary key, you will use it later.


Download and Install GStreamer MinGW 64-bit 1.18.4 selecting the Complete installation mode.

GStreamer Installer
GStreamer Installer: Select Complete Mode

Once GStreamer is installed you need to verify and copy the path to the bin directory where gstreamer was installed. For example if GStreamer was installed on the C drive the path would look like this: "C:\gstreamer\1.0\mingw_x86_64\bin".

Gstreamer Bin Path
Copy the Gstreamer bin Path

After that, you need to add the path of the gstreamer bin directory to the environment variables path. To do so, select the edit the system environment variables option in the control panel or press the windows start button, type environment variables and select the respective option.

System Environment Variables
Edit System Environment Variables Option

Click on the environment variables button near the bottom of the window. A new window will open where you must select the path variable and click on the edit button.

Environmment Variables
Environment Variables window

Once the window to edit the environment variable is open, click on the new button and add the path to the GStreamer bin directory you copied earlier.

Path Environment Variable
Add the GStreamer bin path value to the Path Environment Variable

It is not necessary to repeat this procedure every time you are going to run the solution locally, it should only be done before run it for the first time.


To run the solution locally you will need to use Ngrok so it is necessary to create a free account and download it.

Once downloaded, unzip the exe file in a new directory C:\ngrok.

Login to Ngrok account and in the left menu, in the Getting Started section, select the option Your Authtoken and copy it. You will use this token to configure your instance of ngrok.

Ngrok AuthToken
Copy the Ngrok Authtoken

Go to the directory C:\ngrok where you unzipped ngrok and create a new file named ngrok.yml. To create the config file you can use your editor of preference, in this example we will use Visual Studio Code (vscode).

Creating config file

  1. Open vscode
  2. Go to File -> New file (or press Ctrl+N)
Ngrok Config File
Create new file
  1. Select yaml as language
Ngrok Config File
Select language
  1. Copy the following configuration into the yaml file and replace the text {{PUT YOUR AUTHTOKEN HERE}} with the value of the authtoken copied earlier from the Ngrok dashboard.
  addr: 9441
  proto: http
  addr: 8445
  proto: tcp
Ngrok Config File
Config file example
  1. Go to File -> Save (or press Ctrl+S), enter the name of your file (ngrok.yml in this example) and save it in ngrok's folder
Ngrok Config File
Save file
Ngrok Config File
Example result

You only need to perform this initial configuration of ngrok the first time you configure the solution, then you do not need to repeat it again.

Run Ngrok

To run ngrok, go to the C:\ngrok directory and open a terminal in that location and run the following command (or open your terminal of preference and navigate to the ngrok's folder):

ngrok start --all --config ngrok.yml

You can open a taerminal window by holding down the shift key and clicking on an empty area of the window and selecting the option "Open PowerShell window here".

Open Console
How to open a console in a directory

Once this command is executed a message like the following will be displayed, this window should not be closed while using the solution.

Ngrok run
Ngrok running on the console

You must run ngrok every time that you want to run the solution locally by executing the command mentioned before.

OPTIONAL: Add C:\ngrok path where the .exe file is located to the Path environment variable. If you add it, you will not have to change the directory in the terminal every time you want to run ngrok.

Domain Certificate

Having the pfx certificate mentioned in the prerequisites double click on it to run the certificate import wizard.

On the first screen, select Local machine as the Store Location and click Next (Windows may ask for administrator rights).

Import Certificate
Certificate Import Wizard

Click Next on the File to import step.

In the Privacy Key Protection step, the wizard will ask for the password to read the certificate's private key, complete it and leave the rest of the settings as-is and click next.

Import Certificate
Complete the password to read the certificate

Finally, in the Certificate Store selection, click on Browse and select Personal. Then continue with the rest of the wizard.

Later it will be necessary to obtain the certificate thumbprint to complete the botservice configuration. To obtain it press Win+R keys, complete the input with certlm.msc and press Ok.

Run Certificate
Complete the input and press Ok

Navigate to Certificates - Local Computer\Personal\Certificates, search for the name of the certificate and open it (Either by double clicking or left click and open).

Run Certificate
Search the certificate and open it

Go to details tab and search for Thumbprint field, select it, and copy its value, you will use it later.

Run Certificate
Copy the thumbprint of the certificate

Configure the Backend Solution to run locally

The solution is composed by 3 main projects:

  • BotOrchestrator: The Azure Functions used to execute some of the features in the solution.
  • ManagementApi: The project containing the management API that is used to interact with the solution.
  • BotService: A self-hosted API/application-hosted media bot that hosts the media session. As part of its core components, it includes the GStreamer pipelines that are in charge of processing the media and deliver it in SRT/RTMP.

Each of the three projects have configuration files that must be updated separately in order to run the solution locally. To do so, run Visual Studio 2019 as administrator, right click on the Visual Studio icon and click the Run as administrator option. It is very important to open it as administrator otherwise the solution will not run correctly.

Run as Administrator
Select 'Run as administrator' option

In the Visual Studio menu select "File" > "Open" > "Project / Solution" and select the Broadcaster.sln file in the src folder of the solution.

Configure Bot Orchestrator

In the solution explorer, go to the BotOrchestrator project (under src/applications) and create a new configuration file with the name local.settings.json

  "IsEncrypted": false,
  "Values": {
    "AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
    "APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY": "{{appInsightInstrumentationKey}}",
    "BuildVersion": "local-Api",
    "CosmosDbConfiguration:EndpointUrl": "https://localhost:8081",
    "CosmosDbConfiguration:DatabaseName": "{{cosmosDbDatabaseName}}",
    "CosmosDbConfiguration:PrimaryKey": "{{cosmosDbPrimaryKey}}",
    "AzServicePrincipalConfiguration:ApplicationClientId": "",
    "AzServicePrincipalConfiguration:ApplicationClientSecret": "",
    "AzServicePrincipalConfiguration:SubscriptionId": "",
    "AzServicePrincipalConfiguration:TenantId": "",
    "AzureAdConfiguration:Instance": "",
    "AzureAdConfiguration:TenantId": "",
    "BotServiceAuthenticationConfiguration:BotServiceApiClientId": "",
    "BotServiceAuthenticationConfiguration:ClientId": "",
    "BotServiceAuthenticationConfiguration:ClientSecret": ""
Placeholder Description
appInsightInstrumentationKey Optional: by default leave it empty. If you want to store the logs and have an instance of Application Insights you can enter its instrumentation key.
cosmosDbPrimaryKey Azure Cosmos DB Emulator primary key, can be found in the data explorer of the emulator.
cosmosDbDatabaseName Name of the database that the solution will create in Cosmos DB Emulator. E.g.: BroadcastDevelopmentKitDb

Configure Management Api

In the solution explorer, go to the ManagementApi project (under src/applications), open the Properties folder and replace the launchSettings.json with the following configuration.

  "profiles": {
    "ManagementApi": {
      "commandName": "Project",
      "launchBrowser": true,
      "environmentVariables": {
        "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "local",
      "applicationUrl": "https://localhost:8442;http://localhost:8441"

Then, in the root of the project, create a new configuration file with the name appsettings.local.json and copy the following configuration into it.

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft": "Warning",
      "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
  "APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY": "{{appInsightInstrumentationKey}}",
  "Settings": {
    "BuildVersion": "local-Api",
    "GraphClientConfiguration": {
      "TenantId": "{{tenantIdAzureBotAppRegistration}}",
      "ClientId": "{{clientIdAzureBotAppRegistration}}",
      "ClientSecret": "{{clientSecretAzureBotAppRegistration}}"
    "CosmosDbConfiguration": {
      "EndpointUrl": "https://localhost:8081",
      "PrimaryKey": "{{cosmosDbPrimaryKey}}",
      "DatabaseName": "{{cosmosDbDatabaseName}}"
    "StorageConfiguration": {
      "ConnectionString": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
Placeholder Description
appInsightInstrumentationKey Optional: by default leave it empty or if you have an instance of Application Insights you can store the log messages by entering an instrumentation key.
tenantIdAzureBotAppRegistration Tenant Id of Azure Bot app registration.
clientIdAzureBotAppRegistration Client Id of Azure Bot app registration.
clientSecretAzureBotAppRegistration Client secret of Azure bot app registration.
cosmosDbPrimaryKey Azure Cosmos DB Emulator primary key, can be found in the data explorer of the emulator.
cosmosDbDatabaseName Name of the database that the solution will create in Cosmos DB Emulator. E.g.: BroadcastDevelopmentKitDb

Configure BotService

In the solution explorer, go to the BotService project (under src/applications), open the Properties folder and replace the launchSettings.json with the following configuration.

  "profiles": {
    "BotService": {
      "commandName": "Project",
      "launchBrowser": true,
      "environmentVariables": {
        "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development",
        "CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME": "{{certificateName}}",
        "GST_DEBUG": "3"
      "applicationUrl": "https://localhost:9442;http://localhost:9441"
Placeholder Description
certificateName Name of the installed Certificate (e.g:

Then, in the root of the project, create a new configuration file with the name appsettings.local.json and copy the following configuration into it.

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft": "Warning",
      "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
  "AllowedHosts": "*",
  "HttpServer": {
    "Endpoints": {
      "Http": {
        "Host": "localhost",
        "Port": 9441,
        "Scheme": "http"
      "Https": {
        "Host": "localhost",
        "Port": 9442,
        "Scheme": "https"
  "Settings": {
    "GraphClientConfiguration": {
      "TenantId": "{{tenantIdAzureBotAppRegistration}}",
      "ClientId": "{{clientIdAzureBotAppRegistration}}",
      "ClientSecret": "{{clientSecretAzureBotAppRegistration}}"
    "CosmosDbConfiguration": {
      "EndpointUrl": "https://localhost:8081",
      "PrimaryKey": "{{cosmosDbPrimaryKey}}",
      "DatabaseName": "{{cosmosDbDatabaseName}}"
    "BotConfiguration": {
      "ServiceDnsName": "{{ngrokUrl}}",
      "ServiceCname": "{{ngrokUrl}}",
      "PlaceCallEndpointUrl": "",
      "AadAppId": "{{clientIdAzureBotAppRegistration}}",
      "AadAppSecret": "{{clientSecretAzureBotAppRegistration}}",
      "NumberOfMultiviewSockets": 3,
      "InstanceInternalPort": 8445,
      "InstancePublicPort": "{{instancePublicPort}}",
      "ServiceFqdn": "{{serviceFqdn}}",
      "CertificatePassword": "",
      "CertificateThumbprint": "{{certificateThumbprint}}",
      "MainApiUrl": "localhost:8442"
  "APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY": "{{appInsightInstrumentationKey}}"
Placeholder Description
botServiceHttpsPort BotService Https port configured in botService launchsettings
botServiceHttpPort BotService Http port configured in botService launchsettings
tenantIdAzureBotAppRegistration Tenant Id of the app registration.
clientIdAzureBotAppRegistration Client Id of the app registration.
clientSecretAzureBotAppRegistration Client secret of the app registration.
cosmosDbPrimaryKey Azure Cosmos DB Emulator primary key, can be found in the data explorer of the emulator.
cosmosDbDatabaseName Name of the database that the solution will create in Cosmos DB Emulator. E.g.: BroadcastDevelopmentKitDb
certificateThumbprint Thumbprint of the installed certificate.
appInsightInstrumentationKey Optional: by default leave it empty or if you have an instance of Application Insights you can store the log messages by entering an instrumentation key.

To finish Configure the configuration file you have to use ngrok. The following image serves as a guide to know in a simple way where to take the values.

Ngrok Configuration
Where to take the values from Ngrok
Placeholder Description
ngrokUrl Fill both values of NgrokHttp with the red marked value (1) from the ngrok console (e.g:
instancePublicPort Complete with the value of the port marked in yellow (2) in the ngrok console (e.g: 16186)
serviceFqdn Complete with value with value marked with green (3) in the ngrok console and the domain name. (e.g: It is necessary to add a DNS record pointing to ngrok's TCP Url. (e.g: ->

Since we suggest to use a free ngrok account, you will need to update the Ngrok settings in this file every time you start a new instance of ngrok. Also, you will need to modify the DNS record.

Configure solution

In the standard Visual Studio toolbar, click on the down arrow next to the start button and select Set Startup Projects....

Set Startup Projects
Select "Set Startup Projects..."

A new window will open, select Multiple startup projects: option and change the action of the following projects from None to Start:

  • ManagementApi
  • BotOrchestrator
  • BotService
Update Startup Actions
Update Actions properties to Start

In the solution explorer, right click on the Botservice project inside src\applications and click on the properties option. A New window will open and in the left menu, select debug and verify that the Launch configuration is set as Project. Verify also the Launch settings of the ManagementApi project

Make sure that Cosmos DB is running and press the Start Button in the Visual Studio Standard Toolbar.

Start button on Standard Toolbar

This first start-up will create the database with the name specified in the configuration files and the necessary containers. The start of the solution will fail with an error message displayed in the BotService console saying that the service is not found, so you have to proceed and add this record in the database.

BotService Err
BotService Error Message

Open Cosmos DB Data Explorer and in the left menu select explorer and then select the database created to run the solution.

Add new Item to Service
Selec in the Service Container and then add a new Item

Select the Service container and then click on the New Item button and copy the following settings and click on Save button

    "CallId": null,
    "Name": "Local Service",
    "State": 1,
    "CreatedAt": "2021-06-09T11:05:37.2778107-03:00",
    "Infrastructure": {
        "VirtualMachineName": "localhost",
        "ResourceGroup": "",
        "SubscriptionId": "",
        "Id": "localhost",
        "PowerState": "PowerState/run",
        "IpAddress": "localhost:9442",
        "Dns": "localhost:9442",
        "ProvisioningDetails": {
            "Message": "",
            "State": {
                "Id": 1,
                "Name": "Provisioned"
    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Press the Start button again and wait until all projects start. If the Solution does not start successfully, review the initial settings.

Run the solution

Each time you are going to run the solution you need to perform the following steps:

  • Run Azure cosmos DB emulator: you can check that cosmos DB is run by verifying that the crosmos db logo is in the windows taskbar.
  • Run Ngrok: It is necessary to have an instance of ngrok run in order to execute the solution. Once initialized, it is necessary to update the appsettings.local.json file of the BotService with the new values of the ngrok instance.
  • NGINX Optional: If you want to perform locally RTMP injection into Microsoft Teams Meeting, you need to install and configure NGINX

Finally, run Visual Studio as administrator, open the solution and click the Start button on the standard Visual Studio toolbar and wait for all projects to start.

Both the Management API and the BotService API should open a console windows and also browser windows (with no content in them). Check the port numbers in the browser windows as they should match with the ports configured in previous steps. If not, the incorrect profile might be selected in one of the projects.

Testing the application

To verify that the solution is properly running we suggest to use Postman to join the bot to a Microsoft Teams meeting.

Create a new Microsoft Teams meeting and join it.

Microsoft Teams Invite Link
Steps to copy the invite Link from Microsoft Teams

Once you have joined the meeting, copy the invitation link from the meeting.

Open postman and create a new POST request pointing to the following address: https://localhost:8442/api/call/initialize-call (is the same domain you have configured in the launchSettings of the managementApi)

In the header tab, add (if it does not exist) a new key Content-Type with the value application/json.

Postman Header
Postmant content-Type header

In the body tab select raw and complete by copying the following

    "MeetingUrl": "{{microsoftTeamsInviteLink}}"
Placeholder Description
microsoftTeamsInviteLink Microsoft Teams invite link

Click on the Send button and the request will be sent to the solution, you should receive a response with status 200 Ok and after a few seconds the bot should join the Microsoft Teams meeting.

Test with Postman
Test the solution with postman