List the content of a diretory (file)
Create a new diretory
mkdir <file-name>
Remove an existing diretory
rmdir <file-name>
Acess a file
cd <file-name>
Cleans terminal
Exit the file, returning one level
cd ..
Exit the file, returning to C: file
cd /
Initiate the versioning
git init
Verify the project situation
git status
Add all untracked files
git add .
Add README markdown file
git add
Execute a commit (update) with message
git commit -m "message"
Link the project to the main branch
git branch -M main
Execute a remote link to a GitHub repository
git remote add origin <repository-url>
Push all files to the main branch in repository
git push -u origin main
Add all files to upload to Github resository
git add .
Create a message to describe changes
git commit -m "message-to-add"
Push all files to Github repository
git push -u
Verifying if everything is in order
git status
Initiate a project by providing data manually
npm init
Initiate a project using default data
npm init -y