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306 lines (258 loc) · 9.05 KB

File metadata and controls

306 lines (258 loc) · 9.05 KB


Getting Started

Download it from GitHub Releases, or build it yourself: ./gradlew package
Then, java -jar ./DynmapProcessor-1.0.0.jar --help to view help.

Help output
Usage: main [OPTIONS]

  Welcome to Dynmap Processor.

  For more detailed information, please refer to

  -t, --type [FILE|DATABASE]  Input type
  -i, --input PATH            The directory of tile images.
  -j, --jdbc-url TEXT         JDBC URL to connect to the dynmap database.
  -u, --db-user TEXT          Database user name.
  -p, --db-password TEXT      Database user password.
  --db-table-prefix TEXT      Database table name.
  --db-map-id INT             Map ID.
  -o, --output PATH           The directory to output generated images and
  --cache                     Whether to allow the use of cached basemap.
                              (Skip basemap generation from scratch)
  -z, --zoom INT              Specify the zoom level from 0 to 4 (4 by
  -g, --grid                  Whether to enable chunk grid.
  -e, --edit                  Whether to enable image editing.
  -m, --markers PATH          The file path to the JSON file that configures
  -c, --clip TEXT             Clip the specified area from the map image.
                              Format: x1,y1,x2,y2
  -h, --height INT            Height of the map image. Using this with the
                              width option might cause distortion.
  -w, --width INT             Width of the map image. Using this with the
                              height option might cause distortion.
  -r, --resize FLOAT          Scale up (or down) the output image to the
                              specified scale rate. (0<x<1 to scale down, 1<x
                              to scale up)
  --help                      Show this message and exit


Type Name Flags
ENUM Input type -t --type
PATH Input -i --input
TEXT JDBC URL -j --jbdc-url
TEXT Database User -u --db-user
TEXT Database Password -p --db-password
TEXT Database Table Prefix --db-table-prefix
INT Database Map ID --db-map-id
PATH Output -o --output
BOOL Cache --cache
BOOL Purge isolated chunks --purge-isolated
INT Zoom level -z --zoom
BOOL Grid -g --grid
BOOL Edit -e --edit
PATH Markers -m --markers
TEXT Clip -c --clip
INT Height -h --height
INT Width -w --width
FLOAT Resize -r --resize

Input type: -t or --type

Example: -t DATABASE

Where to get tile images.

Input: -i or --input

Example: -i ./input_images

The directory of tile images.
The directory structure should be the following:



-j, -u, -p or --jdbc-url, --db-user, --db-password, --db-table-prefix, --db-map-id

Example: -j jdbc:mysql://localhost:1234 -u someone -p password --db-table-prefix dynmap --db-map-id 1234

Define the database information to download images from.
--db-table-prefix is dmap by default.

Output: -o or --output

Example: -o ./output_images

The directory to output generated images and metadata.


basemap.png is the original unedited map image
map-{year}-{month}-{date}-{hour}-{minute}-{second}.png is the edited image as you specified in markers.json. How to edit image is here.
metadata.json is the metadata file that stores resolution, central coordinate, and zoom level.

Cache: --cache

Example: --cache

Whether to allow the use of cached basemap.
If you use this option and basemap.png already exists, Dynmap Processor will skip the new basemap generation.

Purge isolated chunks: --purge-isolated

Example: --purge-isolated

Whether to purge isolated chunks.
When this option enabled, Dynmap Processor will purge chunks isolated from the central chunk.

Zoom level: -z or --zoom (4 by default)

Example: -z 3

Specify the zoom level from 0 to 4.
2~0 are super dangerous.

Grid: -g or --grid (false by default)

Example: -g

Whether to enable chunk grid.

Edit: -e or --edit (false by default)

Example: -e

Whether to enable image editing.
The edited image is output like this. Note that if you forget to add this option, Dynmap Processor will NOT edit the image.
Edit options are all the following.
Markers, Trim, Height, Width, and Resize.
Note that the final image will be processed in the following order:

  1. draw markers -m
  2. trim to a specified area -t
  3. scale width and height -h,-w
  4. resize the image by the provided rate -r

Markers: -m or --markers

Example: -m ./markers.json

The file path to the JSON file configures markers.
See Marker file

Clip: -c or --clip

Example: -c 1000,1000,-1000,-1000

Clip the specified area from the map image.
Format: x1,y1,x2,y2

Height and width: -h, -w or --height, --width

Example: -w 1000 / -h 500

Height or width of the map image.
Using both option at the same time might cause distortion.

Resize: -r or --resize (1 by default)

Example: -r 0.8

Scale up (or down) the output image to the specified scale rate.
0<x<1 to scale down, 1<x to scale up.

Marker file

JSON Schema:

Sample file
  "markers": [
      "type": "Area",
      "name": "yuuaCity",
      "coordinates": [
          "x": 1070,
          "y": -1873
          "x": 1070,
          "y": -1764
          "x": 704,
          "y": -1764
          "x": 704,
          "y": -1430
          "x": 1362,
          "y": -1873
          "x": 1362,
          "y": -1430
      "color": {
        "r": 231,
        "g": 214,
        "b": 243
      "overlay": {
        "r": 231,
        "g": 214,
        "b": 243,
        "a": 100
      "type": "Line",
      "name": "Sample Line",
      "coordinates": [
          "x": 511,
          "y": -511
          "x": -511,
          "y": 511
      "color": {
        "r": 255,
        "g": 161,
        "b": 38
      "overlay": {
        "r": 255,
        "g": 161,
        "b": 38,
        "a": 100
      "type": "Circle",
      "name": "Sample Circle",
      "radius": 100,
      "coordinates": [
          "x": 0,
          "y": 31
      "color": {
        "r": 187,
        "g": 200,
        "b": 230
      "overlay": {
        "r": 187,
        "g": 200,
        "b": 230,
        "a": 100


java -jar ./DynmapProcessor-1.0.0.jar -i ./images -o ./output -z 4 -e -m ./markers.json