Script uses default values if no configuration file was found. Options:
Option | Default | Comments |
ZBX_ADDRESS | localhost | Zabbix Server/Proxy IP/FQDN |
ZBX_PORT | 10051 | Zabbix Server/Proxy Port |
TLS_CONNECT | TLS Settings - currently only psk supported if this option exists, all other PSK Options also needed |
TLS_PSK_IDENTITY | PSK identity name which is used in Zabbix | |
TLS_PSK_FILE | Path to PSK key file The file may only contain the psk secret/password. See zabbix_sender --help |
TLS_PSK_FILE=sendToZabbix.psk uses the sensor name as host name in Zabbix. If there is no devicelistfile defined the MAC address is used as host name. But Zabbix don't allow ':' in host names. So the script strip them out. Sensor Name "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff" is changed to "aabbccddeeff".
- Sensor - Battery - Level
- Sensor - Battery - Voltage
- Sensor - Humidity
- Sensor - Temperature
- based on Item values
- Battery level < {$BATTERY_LEVEL_MIN}%
- based on nodata()
- Missing data - battery level
- Missing data - battery voltage
- Missing data - humidity
- Missing data - temperature
- {$NODATA_DELAY} - 900
- context sensitive macros possible like
- {$NODATA_DELAY:battery_level}
- {$NODATA_DELAY:battery_voltage}
- {$NODATA_DELAY:humidity}
- {$NODATA_DELAY:temperature}
- context sensitive macros possible like
- Temperature & Humidity
- Temperature as Line with axis on the left
- Humidity as filled region with axis on the right