The cross-platform QT desktop user interface provides a productive tool for Spin simulations, providing powerful real-time visualisations and access to simulation parameters, as well as other very useful features.
See the framework build instructions for information on how to build the user interface on your machine.
Insert Configurations:
- White noise
- (Anti-) Skyrmions
- Domains
- Spin Spirals
You may manipulate the Hamiltonian as well as simulation parameters and your output file configuration:
You may start and stop simulation and directly interact with a running simulation.
- LLG Simulation: Dynamics and Minimization
- GNEB: create transitions and calculate minimum energy paths
By copying and inserting spin systems and manipulating them you may create arbitrary transitions between different spin states to use them in GNEB calculations. Furthermore you can choose different images to be climbing or falling images during your calculation.
This feature is most powerful for 3D systems but shows great use for the analysis of dynamical processes and understanding what is happening in your system during a simulation instead of post-processing your data.
- Arrows, Surface (2D/3D), Isosurface
- Spins or Eff. Field
- Every n'th arrow
- Spin Sphere
- Directional & Position filters
- Colormaps
You can also create quite complicate visualisations by combining these different features in order to visualise complex states in 3D systems:
Note that a data plot is available to visualise your chain of spin systems. It can also show interpolated energies if you run a GNEB calculation.
- Drag mode: drag, copy, insert, change radius
- Screenshot
- Read configuration or chain
- Save configuration or chain
Note that some of the keybindings may only work correctly on US keyboard layout.
Effect | Keystroke |
Show this | F1 |
Toggle Settings | F2 |
Toggle Plots | F3 |
Toggle Debug | F4 |
Toggle "Dragging" mode | F5 |
Toggle large visualization | F10 / Ctrl+F |
Toggle full-screen window | F11 / Ctrl+Shift+F |
Screenshot of Visualization region | F12 / Home |
Toggle OpenGL Visualization | Ctrl+Shift+V |
Try to return focus to main UI | Esc |
Effect | Keystroke |
Rotate the camera around | Left mouse / W A S D ( Shift to go slow) |
Move the camera around | Left mouse / T F G H ( Shift to go slow) |
Zoom in on focus point | Scroll mouse ( Shift to go slow) |
Set the camera in X, Y or Z direction | X Y Z ( shift to invert) |
Effect | Keystroke |
Play/Pause | Space |
Cycle Method | Ctrl+M |
Cycle Solver | Ctrl+S |
Effect | Keystroke |
Random configuration | Ctrl+R |
Add tempered noise | Ctrl+N |
Insert last used configuration | Enter |
Effect | Keystroke |
Use more/less data points of the vector field | +/- |
Regular Visualisation Mode | 1 |
Isosurface Visualisation Mode | 2 |
Slab (X,Y,Z) Visualisation Mode | 3 4 5 |
Cycle Visualisation Mode | / |
Move Slab | , / . ( Shift to go faster) |
Effect | Keystroke |
Switch between images and chains | ← ↑ → ↓ |
Cut image | Ctrl+X |
Copy image | Ctrl+C |
Paste image at current index | Ctrl+V |
Insert left/right of current index | Ctrl+← / → |
Delete image | Del |