The file sw1k.csv contains most frequent 1,000 words and phrases occurred in more than 1.53 million news articles from 200+ sources collected over the span of a 2.5 years.
Similarily sw10k.csv and sw100k.csv contain 10,000 and 100,000 terms respectively.
Each CSV file contains 5 columns:
term: the actual word or phrase
frequency: how many times a term has occured in all the documents
presence: in how many documents the term has occurred, note that frequence >= presence
doc_size_sum: sum of the size of the documents in which the term has occurred,
doc_size(d) = number of characters present in the doc d including whitespace
type: type of the term, N: Noun, NP: Noun Phrase, PN: Proper Noun, G: Other
types PERSON, PLACE, ORGANIZATION are self explanatory
Libs Sanford CoreNLP and OpenNLP were used to split the docs in sentences, NER and POS tagging
The dataset is not manually processed, so you might see some unusual terms such as some common emails, news site names, editor/author names etc. These can be easily filtered by keeping the words with higher frequency/presence ratio.
The dataset includes all type of frequent terms like proper nouns, places, orgs etc. One can filter these using the type column.