Releases: JuliaDynamics/RecurrenceAnalysis.jl
Releases · JuliaDynamics/RecurrenceAnalysis.jl
export nmprt
Export RT parameters and add them in `rqa` (#40) use new function names and complete in @windowed extend tests
New histogram function names, decration of older names
Histograms (#35) * clean rqa code * error > throw(ErrorException()) * optimization of histogram functions * Poincare recurrence times and RT parameters * minimum lenght line for histograms * add `recurrencestructures` * add tests
Recurrence matrices have dedicated structs now
[WIP] Dedicated structs for recurrence matrices (#25) * export Dataset as well, seems useful. * recurrence matrix type and its pretty printing * change function return types * each matrix gets its own type. * more necessary method propagation * more elegant method propagation * update recurrence rate * enforce as constant that RecurrenceMatrix is symmetric * correct mistake: Int instead of Int64 * replace all dispatches with ARM and comment out windowed for now. * use new types in tests * update plotting to new types * remove `AbstractMatrix` methods for diagonal and vertical histograms * extend iterate and uncomment windowed * type stability in trend and recurrencerate * fix windowed with JointRecurrenceMatrix * change field from .m to .data * fix windowed rqa functions * change gensym by local variable declarations in windowed * added documentation and comments on windowed * delete "= true" in pretty printing of recurrence matrices (#27) * docstring fixes * deprecations
rename entropy to rqaentropy and export it
v0.6.0 small docstring fix
Fix win32 issue
v0.5.2 try test on win32 again (#17)
Integration finished, fix News
v0.5.1 export both reconstruct and embed
Integration with DynamicalSystems.jl - part 1
Merge pull request #12 from JuliaDynamics/jd_integration DynamicalSystems.jl integration