diff --git a/src/CommonUtils.jl b/src/CommonUtils.jl index 54a00ee..f8db7a6 100644 --- a/src/CommonUtils.jl +++ b/src/CommonUtils.jl @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ function calcProductGaussians_flat( μ_::Union{<:AbstractVector{P},<:NTuple{N,P}}, # point type commonly known as P (actually on-manifold) Σ_::Union{<:AbstractVector{S},<:NTuple{N,S}}; μ0 = mean(M, _makevec(μ_)), # Tangent space reference around the evenly weighted mean of incoming points - Λ_ = inv.(Σ_), # TODO these probably need to be transported to common tangent space `μ0` -- FYI @Affie 24Q2 + Λ_ = inv.(Σ_), weight::Real = 1.0, do_transport_correction::Bool = true ) where {N,P<:AbstractArray,S<:AbstractMatrix{<:Real}}