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Let user pass coefficients to series(); show both this and the versio…
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…n with automatic coefficients in tutorial
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hersle committed Nov 4, 2024
1 parent 5f01f6a commit 7b0546f
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20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions docs/src/tutorials/
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Expand Up @@ -47,9 +47,8 @@ quintic = x^5 + ϵ*x ~ 1
If $ϵ = 1$, we get our original problem. With $ϵ = 0$, the problem transforms to the easy quintic equation $x^5 = 1$ with the trivial real solution $x = 1$ (and four complex solutions which we ignore). Next, expand $x$ as a power series in $ϵ$:
```@example perturb
x_taylor = series(x, ϵ, 0:7) # expand x in a power series in ϵ
x_coeffs = taylor_coeff(x_taylor, ϵ) # TODO: get coefficients at series creation
x_coeffs, = @variables a[0:7] # create Taylor series coefficients
x_taylor = series(x_coeffs, ϵ) # expand x in a power series in ϵ
Then insert this into the quintic equation and expand it, too, to the same order:
```@example perturb
Expand All @@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ quintic_taylor = taylor(quintic_taylor, ϵ, 0:7)
This messy equation must hold for each power of $ϵ$, so we can separate it into one nicer equation per order:
```@example perturb
quintic_eqs = taylor_coeff(quintic_taylor, ϵ)
quintic_eqs = taylor_coeff(quintic_taylor, ϵ, 0:7)
quintic_eqs[1:5] # for readability, show only 5 shortest equations
These equations show three important features of perturbation theory:
Expand All @@ -77,10 +76,11 @@ function solve_cascade(eqs, xs, x₀, ϵ)
isequal(eq0.lhs, eq0.rhs) || error("$sol does not solve $(eqs[1])")
# solve remaining equations sequentially
for i in 2:lastindex(eqs)
for i in 2:length(eqs)
eq = substitute(eqs[i], sol) # insert previous solutions
x = Symbolics.symbolic_linear_solve(eq, xs[i]) # solve current equation
sol = merge(sol, Dict(xs[i] => x)) # store solution
x = xs[begin+i-1] # need not be 1-indexed
xsol = Symbolics.symbolic_linear_solve(eq, x) # solve current equation
sol = merge(sol, Dict(x => xsol)) # store solution
return sol
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ println("Newton's method solution: E = ", E_newton)

Next, let us solve the same problem with the perturbative method. It is most common to expand $E$ as a series in $M$. Repeating the procedure from the quintic example, we get these equations:
```@example perturb
E_taylor = series(E, M, 0:5)
E_coeffs = taylor_coeff(E_taylor, M) # TODO: get coefficients at series creation
E_taylor = series(E, M, 0:5) # this auto-creates coefficients E[0:5]
E_coeffs = taylor_coeff(E_taylor, M) # get a handle to the coefficients
kepler_eqs = taylor_coeff(substitute(kepler, E => E_taylor), M, 0:5)
kepler_eqs[1:4] # for readability
Expand All @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ E_wiki = 1/(1-e)*M - e/(1-e)^4*M^3/factorial(3) + (9e^2+e)/(1-e)^7*M^5/factorial
Alternatively, we can expand $E$ in $e$ instead of $M$, giving the solution (the trivial solution when $e = 0$ is $E_0=M$):
```@example perturb
E_taylor′ = series(E, e, 0:5)
E_coeffs′ = taylor_coeff(E_taylor′, e) # TODO: get at creation
E_coeffs′ = taylor_coeff(E_taylor′, e)
kepler_eqs′ = taylor_coeff(substitute(kepler, E => E_taylor′), e, 0:5)
E_coeffs_sol′ = solve_cascade(kepler_eqs′, E_coeffs′, M, e)
E_pert′ = substitute(E_taylor′, E_coeffs_sol′)
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40 changes: 28 additions & 12 deletions src/taylor.jl
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@@ -1,27 +1,43 @@
series(y, x, [x0=0,] ns; name = nameof(y))
series(cs, x, [x0=0,], ns=0:length(cs)-1)
Expand the variable `y` in a power series in the variable `x` around `x0` to orders `ns`.
Return the power series in `x` around `x0` to the powers `ns` with coefficients `cs`.
series(y, x, [x0=0,] ns)
Return the power series in `x` around `x0` to the powers `ns` with coefficients automatically created from the variable `y`.
julia> @variables z ϵ
2-element Vector{Num}:
julia> @variables x y[0:3] z
3-element Vector{Any}:
julia> series(z, ϵ, 2, 0:3)
z[0] + z[1]*(-2 + ϵ) + z[2]*((-2 + ϵ)^2) + z[3]*((-2 + ϵ)^3)
julia> series(y, x, 2)
y[0] + (-2 + x)*y[1] + ((-2 + x)^2)*y[2] + ((-2 + x)^3)*y[3]
julia> series(z, x, 2, 0:3)
z[0] + (-2 + x)*z[1] + ((-2 + x)^2)*z[2] + ((-2 + x)^3)*z[3]
function series(y, x, x0, ns; name = nameof(y))
c, = @variables $name[ns]
return sum(c[n] * (x - x0)^n for n in ns)
function series(cs::AbstractArray, x::Number, x0::Number, ns::AbstractArray = 0:length(cs)-1)
length(cs) == length(ns) || error("There are different numbers of coefficients and orders")
s = sum(c * (x - x0)^n for (c, n) in zip(cs, ns))
return s
function series(cs::AbstractArray, x::Number, ns::AbstractArray = 0:length(cs)-1)
return series(cs, x, 0, ns)
function series(y::Num, x::Number, x0::Number, ns::AbstractArray)
cs, = @variables $(nameof(y))[ns]
return series(cs, x, x0, ns)
function series(y, x, ns; kwargs...)
return series(y, x, 0, ns; kwargs...)
function series(y::Num, x::Number, ns::AbstractArray)
return series(y, x, 0, ns)

Expand Down
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions test/taylor.jl
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@@ -1,5 +1,23 @@
using Symbolics

# test all variations of series() input
ns = 0:3
Y, = @variables y[ns]
@variables x y

# 1) first argument is a variable
@test isequal(series(y, x, 7, ns), Y[0] + Y[1]*(x-7)^1 + Y[2]*(x-7)^2 + Y[3]*(x-7)^3)
@test isequal(series(y, x, ns), substitute(series(y, x, 7, ns), x => x + 7))
@test_throws ErrorException series(2*y, x, ns) # 2*y is a meaningless variable name

# 2) first argument is coefficients
@test isequal(series(Y, x, 7), series(y, x, 7, ns))
@test isequal(series(Y, x, ns), substitute(series(Y, x, 7), x => x + 7))
@test isequal(series([1,2,3], 8, 4, [5,6,7]), 1*(8-4)^5 + 2*(8-4)^6 + 3*(8-4)^7)
@test isequal(series([1,2,3], 8, 4), 1 + 2*(8-4)^1 + 3*(8-4)^2)
@test isequal(series([1,2,3], 4, [5,6,7]), series([1,2,3], 8, 4, [5,6,7]))
@test isequal(series([1,2,3], 4), 1^0 + 2*4^1 + 3*4^2)

@variables x
@test taylor(exp(x), x, 0:9) - sum(x^n//factorial(n) for n in 0:9) == 0
Expand Down

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