Symbolics.jl is a symbolic modeling language for Julia, built in Julia. Its goal is very different from Sympy: it was made to support symbolic-numerics, the combination of symbolic computing with numerical methods to allow for extreme performance computing that would not be possible without modifying the model. Because of this, Symbolics.jl excels in many areas due to purposeful design decisions:
Performance: Symbolics.jl is built in Julia, whereas SymPy was built in Python. Thus, the performance bar for Symbolics.jl is much higher. Symbolics.jl started because SymPy was far too slow and SymEngine was far too inflexible for the projects they were doing. Performance is key to Symbolics.jl. If you find any performance issues, please file an issue.
build_function: lambdify is “fine” for some people, but if you're building a super fast MPI-enabled Julia/C/Fortran simulation code, having a function that hits the Python interpreter is less than optimal. By default, build_function builds fast JIT-compiled functions due to being in Julia. However, it has support for things like static arrays, non-allocating functions via mutation, fast functions on sparse matrices and arrays of arrays, etc.: all core details of doing high performance computing.
Parallelism: Symbolics.jl has pervasive parallelism. The symbolic simplification via SymbolicUtils.jl has built-in parallelism, Symbolics.jl builds functions that parallelize across threads. Symbolics.jl is compatible with GPU libraries like CUDA.jl.
Extensible: Symbolics.jl and its underlying tools are written in pure Julia. Want to add new or better simplification rules? Add some Julia code! Need to add new derivatives? Add some Julia code! You get the picture. Breaking down these barriers makes it easier for the user to tailor the program to their needs and accelerates the development of the library.
Deep integration with the Julia ecosystem: Symbolics.jl's integration with neural networks is not the only thing that's deep. Symbolics.jl is built with the same philosophy as other SciML packages, eschewing “monorepos” for a distributed development approach that ties together the work of many developers. The differentiation parts utilize tools from automatic differentiation libraries, all linear algebra functionality comes from tracing Julia Base itself, symbolic rewriting (simplification and substitution) comes from SymbolicUtils.jl, parallelism comes from Julia Base libraries, Dagger.jl, etc. SciML Tools like DataDrivenDiffEq.jl can reconstruct symbolic expressions from neural networks and data, while NeuralPDE.jl can automatically solve partial differential equations from symbolic descriptions using physics-informed neural networks. The list keeps going. All told, by design Symbolics.jl's development moves fast because it's effectively using the work of hundreds of Julia developers, allowing it to grow fast.
While Symbolics.jl has many features missing from SymPy, it does not superset SymPy's functionality. For a list of missing features, see this issue.
This document was generated with Documenter.jl version 1.5.0 on Wednesday 31 July 2024. Using Julia version 1.10.4.
Symbolics.jl is a symbolic modeling language for Julia, built in Julia. Its goal is very different from Sympy: it was made to support symbolic-numerics, the combination of symbolic computing with numerical methods to allow for extreme performance computing that would not be possible without modifying the model. Because of this, Symbolics.jl excels in many areas due to purposeful design decisions:
Performance: Symbolics.jl is built in Julia, whereas SymPy was built in Python. Thus, the performance bar for Symbolics.jl is much higher. Symbolics.jl started because SymPy was far too slow and SymEngine was far too inflexible for the projects they were doing. Performance is key to Symbolics.jl. If you find any performance issues, please file an issue.
build_function: lambdify is “fine” for some people, but if you're building a super fast MPI-enabled Julia/C/Fortran simulation code, having a function that hits the Python interpreter is less than optimal. By default, build_function builds fast JIT-compiled functions due to being in Julia. However, it has support for things like static arrays, non-allocating functions via mutation, fast functions on sparse matrices and arrays of arrays, etc.: all core details of doing high performance computing.
Parallelism: Symbolics.jl has pervasive parallelism. The symbolic simplification via SymbolicUtils.jl has built-in parallelism, Symbolics.jl builds functions that parallelize across threads. Symbolics.jl is compatible with GPU libraries like CUDA.jl.
Extensible: Symbolics.jl and its underlying tools are written in pure Julia. Want to add new or better simplification rules? Add some Julia code! Need to add new derivatives? Add some Julia code! You get the picture. Breaking down these barriers makes it easier for the user to tailor the program to their needs and accelerates the development of the library.
Deep integration with the Julia ecosystem: Symbolics.jl's integration with neural networks is not the only thing that's deep. Symbolics.jl is built with the same philosophy as other SciML packages, eschewing “monorepos” for a distributed development approach that ties together the work of many developers. The differentiation parts utilize tools from automatic differentiation libraries, all linear algebra functionality comes from tracing Julia Base itself, symbolic rewriting (simplification and substitution) comes from SymbolicUtils.jl, parallelism comes from Julia Base libraries, Dagger.jl, etc. SciML Tools like DataDrivenDiffEq.jl can reconstruct symbolic expressions from neural networks and data, while NeuralPDE.jl can automatically solve partial differential equations from symbolic descriptions using physics-informed neural networks. The list keeps going. All told, by design Symbolics.jl's development moves fast because it's effectively using the work of hundreds of Julia developers, allowing it to grow fast.
While Symbolics.jl has many features missing from SymPy, it does not superset SymPy's functionality. For a list of missing features, see this issue.
This document was generated with Documenter.jl version 1.5.0 on Wednesday 31 July 2024. Using Julia version 1.10.4.