diff --git a/.github/workflows/jekyll-gh-pages.yml b/.github/workflows/jekyll-gh-pages.yml index c00d809..efd69ec 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/jekyll-gh-pages.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/jekyll-gh-pages.yml @@ -1,35 +1,29 @@ -# Sample workflow for building and deploying a Jekyll site to GitHub Pages -name: Deploy Jekyll with GitHub Pages dependencies preinstalled +name: Deploy Github-Pages on: - # Runs on pushes targeting the default branch push: - branches: ["master"] + branches: + - gh-pages - # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab workflow_dispatch: -# Sets permissions of the GITHUB_TOKEN to allow deployment to GitHub Pages permissions: contents: read pages: write id-token: write -# Allow only one concurrent deployment, skipping runs queued between the run in-progress and latest queued. -# However, do NOT cancel in-progress runs as we want to allow these production deployments to complete. concurrency: group: "pages" cancel-in-progress: false jobs: - # Build job build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout - uses: actions/checkout@v3 + uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Setup Pages - uses: actions/configure-pages@v3 + uses: actions/configure-pages@v2 - name: Build with Jekyll uses: actions/jekyll-build-pages@v1 with: @@ -38,7 +32,6 @@ jobs: - name: Upload artifact uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v1 - # Deployment job deploy: environment: name: github-pages diff --git a/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..132a59e --- /dev/null +++ b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our +community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body +size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender +identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, +nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity +and orientation. + +We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, +diverse, inclusive, and healthy community. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our +community include: + +* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people +* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences +* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback +* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, + and learning from the experience +* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the + overall community + +Examples of unacceptable behavior include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or + advances of any kind +* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email + address, without their explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a + professional setting + +## Enforcement Responsibilities + +Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of +acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in +response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, +or harmful. + +Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject +comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are +not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation +decisions when appropriate. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when +an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces. +Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address, +posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed +representative at an online or offline event. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be +reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at +julian.hochhaus@tu-dortmund.de. +All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly. + +All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the +reporter of any incident. + +## Enforcement Guidelines + +Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining +the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct: + +### 1. Correction + +**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed +unprofessional or unwelcome in the community. + +**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing +clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the +behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested. + +### 2. Warning + +**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series +of actions. + +**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No +interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with +those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This +includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels +like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or +permanent ban. + +### 3. Temporary Ban + +**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including +sustained inappropriate behavior. + +**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public +communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or +private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction +with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period. +Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban. + +### 4. Permanent Ban + +**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community +standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an +individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals. + +**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within +the community. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], +version 2.0, available at +https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/code_of_conduct.html. + +Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct +enforcement ladder](https://github.com/mozilla/diversity). + +[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org + +For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at +https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq. Translations are available at +https://www.contributor-covenant.org/translations. diff --git a/CrossSections/cross_sections.csv b/Databases/CrossSections/cross_sections.csv similarity index 100% rename from CrossSections/cross_sections.csv rename to Databases/CrossSections/cross_sections.csv diff --git a/Databases/elements.csv b/Databases/elements.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee89de0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Databases/elements.csv @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +symbol,period,group_id,series_id,alka,aes,atomic_number,cpk_color,jmol_color,series_name,series_color +H,1,1.0,1,"{'trans': ""['1s']"", 'be': '[13.6]', 'rsf': '[0.0002]'}","{'trans': '[]', 'ke': '[]', 'rsf': '[]'}",1,#ffffff,#ffffff,Nonmetals,#baa2a6 +He,1,18.0,2,"{'trans': ""['1s']"", 'be': '[24.6]', 'rsf': '[0.0082]'}","{'trans': '[]', 'ke': '[]', 'rsf': '[]'}",2,#ffc0cb,#d9ffff,Noble gases,#bbbb88 +Li,2,1.0,3,"{'trans': ""['1s']"", 'be': '[54.7]', 'rsf': '[0.0568]'}","{'trans': ""['KLL']"", 'ke': '[43]', 'rsf': '[0.977]'}",3,#b22222,#cc80ff,Alkali metals,#a6cee3 +Be,2,2.0,4,"{'trans': ""['1s']"", 'be': '[111.5]', 'rsf': '[0.1947]'}","{'trans': ""['KLL']"", 'ke': '[104]', 'rsf': '[0.456]'}",4,#ff1493,#c2ff00,Alkaline earth metals,#1f78b4 +B,2,13.0,5,"{'trans': ""['1s']"", 'be': '[188]', 'rsf': '[0.486]'}","{'trans': ""['KLL']"", 'ke': '[179]', 'rsf': '[0.289]'}",5,#00ff00,#ffb5b5,Metalloids,#33a02c +C,2,14.0,1,"{'trans': ""['1s']"", 'be': '[284.2]', 'rsf': '[1]'}","{'trans': ""['KLL']"", 'ke': '[272]', 'rsf': '[0.209]'}",6,#c8c8c8,#909090,Nonmetals,#baa2a6 +N,2,15.0,1,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s']"", 'be': '[409.9, 37.3]', 'rsf': '[1.8, 0.0867]'}","{'trans': ""['KLL']"", 'ke': '[379]', 'rsf': '[0.159]'}",7,#8f8fff,#3050f8,Nonmetals,#baa2a6 +O,2,16.0,1,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s']"", 'be': '[543.1, 41.6]', 'rsf': '[2.93, 0.1405]'}","{'trans': ""['KLL']"", 'ke': '[503]', 'rsf': '[0.129]'}",8,#f00000,#ff0d0d,Nonmetals,#baa2a6 +F,2,17.0,6,"{'trans': ""['1s']"", 'be': '[696.7]', 'rsf': '[4.43]'}","{'trans': ""['KLL']"", 'ke': '[647]', 'rsf': '[0.105]'}",9,#daa520,#90e050,Halogens,#fdbf6f +Ne,2,18.0,2,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2']"", 'be': '[870.2, 48.5, 21.7, 21.6]', 'rsf': '[6.3, 0.296, 0.0347, 0.0683]'}","{'trans': ""['KLL']"", 'ke': '[805]', 'rsf': '[0.0846]'}",10,#ff1493,#b3e3f5,Noble gases,#bbbb88 +Na,3,1.0,3,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2']"", 'be': '[1070.8, 63.5, 30.65, 30.81]', 'rsf': '[8.52, 0.422, 0.0654, 0.1287]'}","{'trans': ""['KLL']"", 'ke': '[990]', 'rsf': '[0.0714]'}",11,#0000ff,#ab5cf2,Alkali metals,#a6cee3 +Mg,3,2.0,4,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2']"", 'be': '[1303, 88.7, 49.78, 49.5]', 'rsf': '[11.18, 0.575, 0.1125, 0.221]'}","{'trans': ""['KLL', 'LMM']"", 'ke': '[1186, 45]', 'rsf': '[0.0593, 3.43]'}",12,#228b22,#8aff00,Alkaline earth metals,#1f78b4 +Al,3,13.0,7,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2']"", 'be': '[1559.6, 117.8, 72.95, 72.55]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.753, 0.1811, 0.356]'}","{'trans': ""['KLL', 'LMM']"", 'ke': '[1396, 68]', 'rsf': '[0.0497, 2.44]'}",13,#808090,#bfa6a6,Poor metals,#b2df8a +Si,3,14.0,5,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2']"", 'be': '[1839, 149.7, 99.82, 99.42]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.955, 0.276, 0.541]'}","{'trans': ""['KLL', 'LMM']"", 'ke': '[1619, 92]', 'rsf': '[0.0417, 1.78]'}",14,#daa520,#f0c8a0,Metalloids,#33a02c +P,3,15.0,1,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2']"", 'be': '[2145.5, 189, 136, 135]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 1.18, 0.403, 0.789]'}","{'trans': ""['KLL', 'LMM']"", 'ke': '[1859, 120]', 'rsf': '[0.035, 1.36]'}",15,#ffa500,#ff8000,Nonmetals,#baa2a6 +S,3,16.0,1,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2']"", 'be': '[2472, 230.9, 163.6, 162.5]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 1.43, 0.567, 1.11]'}","{'trans': ""['KLL', 'LMM']"", 'ke': '[2117, 152]', 'rsf': '[0.0295, 1.14]'}",16,#ffc832,#ffff30,Nonmetals,#baa2a6 +Cl,3,17.0,6,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2']"", 'be': '[2822.4, 270, 202, 200]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 1.69, 0.775, 1.51]'}","{'trans': ""['KLL', 'LMM']"", 'ke': '[2378, 181]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.984]'}",17,#00ff00,#1ff01f,Halogens,#fdbf6f +Ar,3,18.0,2,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']"", 'be': '[3205.9, 326.3, 250.6, 248.4, 29.3, 15.9, 15.7]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 1.97, 1.03, 2.01, 0.227, 0.0821, 0.1597]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM']"", 'ke': '[215]', 'rsf': '[0.827]'}",18,#ff1493,#80d1e3,Noble gases,#bbbb88 +K,4,1.0,3,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']"", 'be': '[3608.4, 378.6, 297.3, 294.6, 34.8, 18.3, 18.3]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 2.27, 1.35, 2.62, 0.286, 0.1229, 0.239]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM']"", 'ke': '[252]', 'rsf': '[0.723]'}",19,#ff1493,#8f40d4,Alkali metals,#a6cee3 +Ca,4,2.0,4,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']"", 'be': '[4038.5, 438.4, 349.7, 346.2, 44.3, 25.4, 25.4]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 2.59, 1.72, 3.35, 0.351, 0.172, 0.335]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[291, 20]', 'rsf': '[0.633, 0.0001]'}",20,#808090,#3dff00,Alkaline earth metals,#1f78b4 +Sc,4,3.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']"", 'be': '[4492, 498, 403.6, 398.7, 51.1, 28.3, 28.3]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 2.91, 2.17, 4.21, 0.411, 0.221, 0.429]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[340, 24]', 'rsf': '[0.563, 0.0001]'}",21,#ff1493,#e6e6e6,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Ti,4,4.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']"", 'be': '[4966, 560.9, 460.2, 453.8, 58.7, 32.6, 32.6]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 3.24, 2.69, 5.22, 0.473, 0.276, 0.537]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[418, 27]', 'rsf': '[0.514, 0.0001]'}",22,#808090,#bfc2c7,Transition metals,#e08e79 +V,4,5.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']"", 'be': '[5465, 626.7, 519.8, 512.1, 66.3, 37.2, 37.2]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 3.57, 3.29, 6.37, 0.538, 0.339, 0.657]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[473, 31]', 'rsf': '[0.471, 5.03]'}",23,#ff1493,#a6a6ab,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Cr,4,6.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']"", 'be': '[5989, 696, 583.8, 574.1, 74.1, 42.2, 42.2]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 3.91, 3.98, 7.69, 0.596, 0.4, 0.773]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[529, 36]', 'rsf': '[0.432, 4.6]'}",24,#808090,#8a99c7,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Mn,4,7.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']"", 'be': '[6539, 769.1, 649.9, 638.7, 82.3, 47.2, 47.2]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 4.23, 4.74, 9.17, 0.674, 0.485, 0.938]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[589, 40]', 'rsf': '[0.397, 3.96]'}",25,#808090,#9c7ac7,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Fe,4,8.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']"", 'be': '[7112, 844.6, 719.9, 706.8, 91.3, 52.7, 52.7]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 4.57, 5.6, 10.82, 0.745, 0.569, 1.1]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[703, 47]', 'rsf': '[0.367, 3.5]'}",26,#ffa500,#e06633,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Co,4,9.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']"", 'be': '[7709, 925.1, 793.2, 778.1, 101, 58.9, 59.9]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 4.88, 6.54, 12.62, 0.818, 0.66, 1.27]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[775, 53]', 'rsf': '[0.341, 3.12]'}",27,#ff1493,#f090a0,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Ni,4,10.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']"", 'be': '[8333, 1008.6, 870, 852.7, 110.8, 68, 66.2]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 5.16, 7.57, 14.61, 0.892, 0.757, 1.46]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[848, 61]', 'rsf': '[0.316, 2.65]'}",28,#a52a2a,#50d050,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Cu,4,11.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']"", 'be': '[8979, 1096.7, 952.3, 932.7, 122.5, 77.3, 75.1]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 5.46, 8.66, 16.73, 0.957, 0.848, 1.63]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[920, 60]', 'rsf': '[0.294, 2.41]'}",29,#a52a2a,#c88033,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Zn,4,12.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2']"", 'be': '[9659, 1196.2, 1044.9, 1021.8, 139.8, 91.4, 88.6, 10.2, 10.1]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 5.76, 9.8, 18.92, 1.04, 0.968, 1.86, 0.33, 0.48]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[994, 59]', 'rsf': '[0.271, 1.98]'}",30,#a52a2a,#7d80b0,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Ga,4,13.0,7,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2']"", 'be': '[10367, 1299, 1143.2, 1116.4, 159.5, 103.5, 100, 18.7, 18.7]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 6.07, 11.09, 21.4, 1.13, 1.1, 2.11, 0.442, 0.643]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[1070, 55]', 'rsf': '[0.25, 1.57]'}",31,#ff1493,#c28f8f,Poor metals,#b2df8a +Ge,4,14.0,5,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2']"", 'be': '[11103, 1414.6, 1248.1, 1217, 180.1, 124.9, 120.8, 29.8, 29.2]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 6.31, 12.52, 24.15, 1.23, 1.24, 2.39, 0.578, 0.842]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[1147, 23]', 'rsf': '[0.229, 1.27]'}",32,#ff1493,#668f8f,Metalloids,#33a02c +As,4,15.0,5,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2']"", 'be': '[11867, 1527, 1359.1, 1323.6, 204.7, 146.2, 141.2, 41.7, 41.7]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 14.07, 27.19, 1.32, 1.39, 2.68, 0.741, 1.08]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[1228, 31]', 'rsf': '[0.211, 1.06]'}",33,#ff1493,#bd80e3,Metalloids,#33a02c +Se,4,16.0,1,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2']"", 'be': '[12658, 1652, 1474.3, 1433.9, 229.6, 166.5, 160.7, 55.5, 54.6]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 13.66, 25.9, 1.43, 1.55, 2.98, 0.934, 1.36]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[1315, 43]', 'rsf': '[0.194, 5.44]'}",34,#ff1493,#ffa100,Nonmetals,#baa2a6 +Br,4,17.0,6,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2']"", 'be': '[13474, 1782, 1596, 1550, 257, 189, 182, 70, 69]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.53, 1.72, 3.31, 1.16, 1.68]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[1396, 55]', 'rsf': '[0.179, 4.37]'}",35,#a52a2a,#a62929,Halogens,#fdbf6f +Kr,4,18.0,2,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']"", 'be': '[14326, 1921, 1730.9, 1678.4, 292.8, 222.2, 214.4, 95, 93.8, 27.5, 14.1, 14.1]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.64, 1.89, 3.65, 1.42, 2.06, 0.213, 0.1643, 0.312]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM']"", 'ke': '[1474]', 'rsf': '[0.164]'}",36,#ff1493,#5cb8d1,Noble gases,#bbbb88 +Rb,5,1.0,3,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']"", 'be': '[15200, 2065, 1864, 1804, 326.7, 248.7, 239.1, 113, 112, 30.5, 16.3, 15.3]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.75, 2.07, 4, 1.72, 2.49, 0.251, 0.214, 0.411]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[1565, 76]', 'rsf': '[0.152, 2.63]'}",37,#ff1493,#702eb0,Alkali metals,#a6cee3 +Sr,5,2.0,4,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']"", 'be': '[16105, 2216, 2007, 1940, 358.7, 280.3, 270, 136, 134.2, 38.9, 21.3, 20.1]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.86, 2.25, 4.37, 2.06, 2.99, 0.291, 0.265, 0.51]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[1649, 110]', 'rsf': '[0.14, 2.17]'}",38,#ff1493,#00ff00,Alkaline earth metals,#1f78b4 +Y,5,3.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']"", 'be': '[17038, 2373, 2156, 2080, 392, 310.6, 298.8, 157.7, 155.8, 43.8, 24.4, 23.1]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.98, 2.44, 4.75, 2.44, 3.54, 0.329, 0.311, 0.599]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[1746, 127]', 'rsf': '[0.129, 1.86]'}",39,#ff1493,#94ffff,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Zr,5,4.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']"", 'be': '[17998, 2532, 2307, 2223, 430.3, 343.5, 329.8, 181.1, 178.8, 50.6, 28.5, 27.1]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.1, 2.64, 5.14, 2.87, 4.17, 0.367, 0.357, 0.689]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[1845, 147]', 'rsf': '[0.119, 1.66]'}",40,#ff1493,#94e0e0,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Nb,5,5.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']"", 'be': '[18986, 2698, 2465, 2371, 466.6, 376.1, 360.6, 205, 202.3, 56.4, 32.6, 30.8]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.22, 2.84, 5.53, 3.35, 4.86, 0.402, 0.398, 0.767]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[1944, 167]', 'rsf': '[0.11, 1.5]'}",41,#ff1493,#73c2c9,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Mo,5,6.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']"", 'be': '[20000, 2866, 2625, 2520, 506.3, 411.6, 394, 231.1, 227.9, 63.2, 37.6, 35.5]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.34, 3.04, 5.94, 3.88, 5.62, 0.44, 0.445, 0.86]'}","{'trans': ""['LMM', 'MNN']"", 'ke': '[2044, 186]', 'rsf': '[0.101, 1.39]'}",42,#ff1493,#54b5b5,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Tc,5,7.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']"", 'be': '[21044, 3043, 2793, 2677, 544, 447.6, 417.7, 257.6, 253.9, 69.5, 42.3, 39.9]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.45, 3.23, 6.36, 4.46, 6.47, 0.479, 0.494, 0.955]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN']"", 'ke': '[249]', 'rsf': '[1.29]'}",43,#ff1493,#3b9e9e,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Ru,5,8.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']"", 'be': '[22117, 3224, 2967, 2838, 586.1, 483.5, 461.4, 284.2, 280, 75, 46.3, 43.2]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.57, 3.44, 6.78, 5.1, 7.39, 0.519, 0.544, 1.05]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN']"", 'ke': '[273]', 'rsf': '[1.2]'}",44,#ff1493,#248f8f,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Rh,5,9.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']"", 'be': '[23220, 3412, 3146, 3004, 628.1, 521.3, 496.5, 311.9, 307.2, 81.4, 50.5, 47.3]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.7, 3.64, 7.21, 5.8, 8.39, 0.56, 0.595, 1.15]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN']"", 'ke': '[302]', 'rsf': '[1.13]'}",45,#ff1493,#0a7d8c,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Pd,5,10.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']"", 'be': '[24350, 3604, 3330, 3173, 671.6, 559.9, 532.3, 340.5, 335.2, 87.1, 55.7, 50.9]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.81, 3.83, 7.63, 6.56, 9.48, 0.598, 0.641, 1.24]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN']"", 'ke': '[330]', 'rsf': '[1.07]'}",46,#ff1493,#006985,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Ag,5,11.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']"", 'be': '[25514, 3806, 3524, 3351, 719, 603.8, 573, 374, 368.3, 97, 63.7, 58.3]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.93, 4.03, 8.06, 7.38, 10.66, 0.644, 0.7, 1.36]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN']"", 'ke': '[351]', 'rsf': '[1]'}",47,#808090,#c0c0c0,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Cd,5,12.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2']"", 'be': '[26711, 4018, 3727, 3538, 772, 652.6, 618.4, 411.9, 405.2, 109.8, 63.9, 63.9, 11.7, 10.7]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.04, 4.22, 8.5, 8.27, 11.95, 0.692, 0.762, 1.49, 0.778, 1.11]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN']"", 'ke': '[376]', 'rsf': '[0.931]'}",48,#ff1493,#ffd98f,Transition metals,#e08e79 +In,5,13.0,7,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2']"", 'be': '[27940, 4238, 3938, 3730, 827.2, 703.2, 665.3, 451.4, 443.9, 122.9, 73.5, 73.5, 17.7, 16.9]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.16, 4.4, 8.93, 9.22, 13.32, 0.742, 0.828, 1.62, 0.935, 1.34]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN']"", 'ke': '[404]', 'rsf': '[0.867]'}",49,#ff1493,#a67573,Poor metals,#b2df8a +Sn,5,14.0,7,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2']"", 'be': '[29200, 4465, 4156, 3929, 884.7, 756.5, 714.6, 493.2, 484.9, 137.1, 83.6, 83.6, 24.9, 23.9]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.26, 4.58, 9.35, 10.25, 14.8, 0.794, 0.897, 1.77, 1.11, 1.59]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN']"", 'ke': '[430]', 'rsf': '[0.809]'}",50,#ff1493,#668080,Poor metals,#b2df8a +Sb,5,15.0,5,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2']"", 'be': '[30491, 4698, 4380, 4132, 946, 812.7, 766.4, 537.5, 528.2, 153.2, 95.6, 95.6, 33.3, 32.1]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.36, 4.76, 9.77, 11.35, 16.39, 0.848, 0.968, 1.91, 1.29, 1.85]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN']"", 'ke': '[454]', 'rsf': '[0.759]'}",51,#ff1493,#9e63b5,Metalloids,#33a02c +Te,5,16.0,5,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2']"", 'be': '[31814, 4939, 4612, 4341, 1006, 870.8, 820, 583.4, 573, 169.4, 103.3, 103.3, 41.9, 40.4]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.46, 4.92, 10.21, 12.52, 18.06, 0.903, 1.04, 2.07, 1.49, 2.14]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[483, 31]', 'rsf': '[0.713, 0.0001]'}",52,#ff1493,#d47a00,Metalloids,#33a02c +I,5,17.0,6,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2']"", 'be': '[33169, 5188, 4852, 4557, 1072, 931, 875, 630.8, 619.3, 186, 123, 123, 50.6, 48.9]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.53, 5.06, 10.62, 13.77, 19.87, 0.959, 1.11, 2.23, 1.69, 2.44]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[511, 37]', 'rsf': '[0.67, 0.0001]'}",53,#a020f0,#940094,Halogens,#fdbf6f +Xe,5,18.0,2,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[34561, 5453, 5107, 4786, 1148.7, 1002.1, 940.6, 689, 676.4, 213.2, 146.7, 145.5, 69.5, 67.5, 23.3, 13.4, 12.1]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.62, 5.2, 10.99, 15.1, 21.79, 1.02, 1.19, 2.39, 1.92, 2.76, 0.1596, 0.1361, 0.26]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[532, 41]', 'rsf': '[0.626, 0.0001]'}",54,#ff1493,#429eb0,Noble gases,#bbbb88 +Cs,6,1.0,3,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[35985, 5714, 5359, 5012, 1211, 1071, 1003, 740.5, 726.6, 232.3, 172.4, 161.3, 79.8, 77.5, 22.7, 14.2, 12.1]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.73, 5.29, 11.38, 16.46, 23.76, 1.08, 1.27, 2.56, 2.15, 3.1, 0.1843, 0.1697, 0.332]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[563, 47]', 'rsf': '[0.589, 0.0001]'}",55,#ff1493,#57178f,Alkali metals,#a6cee3 +Ba,6,2.0,4,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[37441, 5989, 5624, 5247, 1293, 1137, 1063, 795.7, 780.5, 253.5, 192, 178.6, 92.6, 89.9, 30.3, 17, 14.8]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.84, 5.42, 11.71, 17.92, 25.84, 1.13, 1.34, 2.73, 2.4, 3.46, 0.21, 0.202, 0.4]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[584, 57]', 'rsf': '[0.554, 3.41]'}",56,#ffa500,#00c900,Alkaline earth metals,#1f78b4 +La,6,3.0,9,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[38925, 6266, 5891, 5483, 1362, 1209, 1128, 853, 836, 274.7, 205.8, 196, 105.3, 102.5, 34.3, 19.3, 16.8]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.89, 5.55, 12.11, 19.5, 28.12, 1.19, 1.42, 2.91, 2.67, 3.85, 0.234, 0.23, 0.458]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[625, 78]', 'rsf': '[0.527, 3.12]'}",57,#ff1493,#70d4ff,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Ce,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[40443, 6549, 6164, 5723, 1436, 1274, 1187, 902.4, 883.8, 291, 223.2, 206.5, 109, 0.1, 0.1, 37.8, 19.8, 17]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.93, 5.66, 12.53, 21.12, 30.5, 1.24, 1.47, 3.03, 2.84, 0.0609, 0.078, 0.23, 0.221, 0.439]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[661, 82]', 'rsf': '[0.503, 2.79]'}",58,#ff1493,#ffffc7,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Pr,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[41991, 6835, 6440, 5964, 1511, 1337, 1242, 948.3, 928.8, 304.5, 236.3, 217.6, 115.1, 115.1, 2, 2, 37.4, 22.3, 22.3]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.98, 5.75, 12.94, 22.72, 32.85, 1.28, 1.53, 3.17, 3.07, 4.41, 0.1115, 0.143, 0.238, 0.229, 0.456]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[699, 87]', 'rsf': '[0.485, 2.72]'}",59,#ff1493,#d9ffc7,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Nd,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[43569, 7126, 6722, 6208, 1575, 1403, 1297, 1003.3, 980.4, 319.2, 243.3, 224.6, 120.5, 120.5, 1.5, 1.5, 37.5, 21.1, 21.1]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 5.75, 13.35, 24.27, 35.29, 1.33, 1.59, 3.31, 3.29, 4.74, 0.1788, 0.228, 0.247, 0.236, 0.472]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[730, 91]', 'rsf': '[0.469, 2.65]'}",60,#ff1493,#c7ffc7,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Pm,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2']"", 'be': '[45184, 7428, 7013, 6459, 1471, 1357, 1052, 1027, 242, 242, 120, 120]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 5.72, 13.66, 26.08, 37.65, 1.64, 3.45, 3.52, 5.07]'}","{'trans': '[]', 'ke': '[]', 'rsf': '[]'}",61,#ff1493,#a3ffc7,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Sm,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[46834, 7737, 7312, 6716, 1723, 1541, 1420, 1110.9, 1083.4, 347.2, 265.6, 247.4, 129, 129, 5.2, 5.2, 37.4, 21.3, 21.3]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 13.84, 27.96, 40.37, 1.42, 1.7, 3.59, 3.76, 5.4, 0.374, 0.477, 0.261, 0.249, 0.501]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[814, 100]', 'rsf': '[0.435, 2.43]'}",62,#ff1493,#8fffc7,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Eu,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[48519, 8052, 7617, 6977, 1800, 1614, 1481, 1158.6, 1127.5, 360, 284, 257, 133, 127.7, 32, 22, 22]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 14.3, 29.91, 43.24, 1.46, 1.75, 3.72, 3.99, 5.74, 0.268, 0.255, 0.515]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[858, 109]', 'rsf': '[0.42, 2.37]'}",63,#ff1493,#61ffc7,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Gd,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[50239, 8376, 7930, 7243, 1881, 1688, 1544, 1221.9, 1189.6, 378.6, 286, 271, 142.6, 8.6, 8.6, 36, 28, 21]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 31.98, 46.23, 1.51, 1.8, 3.88, 6.14, 0.63, 0.804, 0.288, 0.279, 0.568]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[895, 138]', 'rsf': '[0.405, 2.26]'}",64,#ff1493,#45ffc7,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Tb,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[51996, 8708, 8252, 7514, 1968, 1768, 1611, 1276.9, 1241.1, 396, 322.4, 284.1, 150.5, 150.5, 7.7, 2.4, 45.6, 28.7, 22.6]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 34.2, 49.42, 1.54, 1.84, 3.99, 4.46, 6.41, 0.867, 1.1, 0.281, 0.265, 0.539]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[1073, 146]', 'rsf': '[0.39, 2.15]'}",65,#ff1493,#30ffc7,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Dy,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[53789, 9046, 8581, 7790, 2047, 1842, 1676, 1333, 1292.6, 414.2, 333.5, 293.2, 153.6, 153.6, 8, 4.3, 49.9, 26.3, 26.3]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 36.65, 52.83, 1.58, 1.88, 4.12, 4.69, 6.74, 1.1, 1.39, 0.287, 0.27, 0.551]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[1126, 151]', 'rsf': '[0.377, 2.07]'}",66,#ff1493,#1fffc7,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Ho,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[55618, 9394, 8918, 8071, 2128, 1923, 1741, 1392, 1351, 432.4, 343.5, 308.2, 160, 160, 8.6, 5.2, 49.3, 30.8, 24.1]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 39.19, 56.66, 1.61, 1.91, 4.24, 4.92, 7.08, 1.37, 1.73, 0.293, 0.274, 0.562]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[1175, 157]', 'rsf': '[0.365, 1.98]'}",67,#ff1493,#00ff9c,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Er,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[57486, 9751, 9264, 8358, 2207, 2006, 1812, 1453, 1409, 449.8, 366.2, 320.2, 167.6, 167.6, 4.7, 50.6, 31.4, 24.7]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 36.7, 60.42, 1.64, 1.95, 4.37, 5.15, 7.41, 2.13, 0.298, 0.277, 0.572]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[1393, 163]', 'rsf': '[0.352, 1.87]'}",68,#ff1493,#00e675,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Tm,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[59390, 10116, 9617, 8648, 2307, 2090, 1885, 1515, 1468, 470.9, 385.9, 332.6, 175.5, 175.5, 4.6, 54.7, 31.8, 25]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 41.01, 1.67, 1.98, 4.48, 5.38, 7.74, 2.59, 0.303, 0.281, 0.583]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[1449, 166]', 'rsf': '[0.34, 1.78]'}",69,#ff1493,#00d452,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Yb,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[61332, 10486, 9978, 8944, 2398, 2173, 1950, 1576, 1528, 480.5, 388.7, 339.7, 191.2, 182.4, 2.5, 1.3, 52, 30.3, 24.1]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.7, 2, 4.6, 5.61, 8.07, 2.47, 3.11, 0.308, 0.284, 0.592]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[1514, 170]', 'rsf': '[0.329, 1.69]'}",70,#ff1493,#00bf38,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Lu,6,100.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[63314, 10870, 10349, 9244, 2491, 2264, 2024, 1639, 1589, 506.8, 412.4, 359.2, 206.1, 196.3, 8.9, 7.5, 57.3, 33.6, 26.7]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.73, 2.03, 4.74, 5.87, 8.45, 2.87, 3.63, 0.326, 0.304, 0.645]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[1573, 177]', 'rsf': '[0.317, 1.61]'}",71,#ff1493,#00ab24,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Hf,6,4.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[65351, 11271, 10739, 9561, 2601, 2365, 2108, 1716, 1662, 538, 438.2, 380.7, 220, 211.5, 15.9, 14.2, 64.2, 38, 29.9]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.76, 2.06, 4.88, 6.13, 8.84, 3.32, 4.2, 0.344, 0.325, 0.699]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[1624, 185]', 'rsf': '[0.303, 1.47]'}",72,#ff1493,#4dc2ff,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Ta,6,5.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[67416, 11682, 11136, 9881, 2708, 2469, 2194, 1793, 1735, 563.4, 463.4, 400.9, 237.9, 226.4, 23.5, 21.6, 69.7, 42.2, 32.7]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.79, 2.08, 5.02, 6.4, 9.24, 3.8, 4.82, 0.363, 0.346, 0.754]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[1680, 179]', 'rsf': '[0.29, 1.35]'}",73,#ff1493,#4da6ff,Transition metals,#e08e79 +W,6,6.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[69525, 12100, 11544, 10207, 2820, 2575, 2281, 1872, 1809, 594.1, 490.4, 423.6, 255.9, 243.5, 33.6, 31.4, 75.6, 45.3, 36.8]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.81, 2.1, 5.16, 6.68, 9.65, 4.32, 5.48, 0.383, 0.367, 0.811]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[1736, 179]', 'rsf': '[0.278, 1.25]'}",74,#ff1493,#2194d6,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Re,6,7.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[71676, 12527, 11959, 10535, 2932, 2682, 2367, 1949, 1883, 625.4, 518.7, 446.8, 273.9, 260.5, 42.9, 40.5, 83, 45.6, 34.6]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.84, 2.12, 5.3, 6.95, 10.06, 4.88, 6.2, 0.402, 0.387, 0.869]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[1799, 176]', 'rsf': '[0.267, 1.17]'}",75,#ff1493,#267dab,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Os,6,8.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[73871, 12968, 12385, 10871, 3049, 2792, 2457, 2031, 1960, 658.2, 549.1, 470.7, 293.1, 278.5, 53.4, 50.7, 84, 58, 44.5]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.86, 2.13, 5.45, 7.23, 10.48, 5.48, 6.96, 0.422, 0.408, 0.928]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[1850, 170]', 'rsf': '[0.255, 1.11]'}",76,#ff1493,#266696,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Ir,6,9.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[76111, 13419, 12824, 11215, 3174, 2909, 2551, 2116, 2040, 691.1, 577.8, 495.8, 311.9, 296.3, 63.8, 60.8, 95.2, 63, 48]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.88, 2.14, 5.59, 7.51, 10.9, 6.12, 7.78, 0.438, 0.422, 0.967]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[1908, 171]', 'rsf': '[0.244, 1.01]'}",77,#ff1493,#175487,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Pt,6,10.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[78395, 13880, 13273, 11564, 3296, 3027, 2645, 2202, 2122, 725.4, 609.1, 519.4, 331.6, 314.6, 74.5, 71.2, 101.7, 65.3, 51.7]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.9, 2.14, 5.74, 7.78, 11.32, 6.81, 8.65, 0.459, 0.444, 1.04]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[1967, 168]', 'rsf': '[0.234, 5.48]'}",78,#ff1493,#d0d0e0,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Au,6,11.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']"", 'be': '[80725, 14353, 13734, 11919, 3425, 3148, 2743, 2291, 2206, 762.1, 642.7, 546.3, 353.2, 335.1, 87.6, 84, 107.2, 74.2, 57.2]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.92, 2.14, 5.89, 8.06, 11.74, 7.54, 9.58, 0.479, 0.463, 1.1]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[2024, 239]', 'rsf': '[0.223, 4.6]'}",79,#daa520,#ffd123,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Hg,6,12.0,8,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2']"", 'be': '[83102, 14839, 14209, 12284, 3562, 3279, 2847, 2385, 2295, 802.2, 680.2, 576.6, 378.2, 358.8, 104, 99.9, 127, 83.1, 64.5, 9.6, 7.8]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.94, 2.14, 6.04, 8.33, 12.17, 8.32, 10.57, 0.5, 0.484, 1.17, 0.869, 1.21]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[2078, 241]', 'rsf': '[0.213, 3.78]'}",80,#ff1493,#b8b8d0,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Tl,6,13.0,7,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2']"", 'be': '[85530, 15347, 14698, 12658, 3704, 3416, 2957, 2485, 2389, 846.2, 720.5, 609.5, 405.7, 385, 122.2, 117.8, 136, 94.6, 73.5, 14.7, 12.5]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.95, 2.13, 6.19, 8.6, 12.6, 9.14, 11.62, 0.52, 0.505, 1.25, 0.991, 1.39]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[2134, 244]', 'rsf': '[0.202, 3.06]'}",81,#ff1493,#a6544d,Poor metals,#b2df8a +Pb,6,14.0,7,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2']"", 'be': '[88005, 15861, 15200, 13035, 3851, 3554, 3066, 2586, 2484, 891.8, 761.9, 643.5, 434.3, 412.2, 141.7, 136.9, 147, 106.4, 83.3, 20.7, 18.1]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.96, 2.12, 6.33, 8.87, 13.02, 10.01, 12.73, 0.542, 0.526, 1.33, 1.11, 1.58]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN', 'NOO']"", 'ke': '[2186, 249]', 'rsf': '[0.192, 2.58]'}",82,#ff1493,#575961,Poor metals,#b2df8a +Bi,6,15.0,7,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2']"", 'be': '[90524, 16388, 15711, 13419, 3999, 3696, 3177, 2688, 2580, 939, 805.2, 678.8, 464, 440.1, 162.3, 157, 159.3, 119, 92.6, 26.9, 23.8]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.96, 2.1, 6.48, 9.14, 13.44, 10.93, 13.9, 0.563, 0.546, 1.41, 1.24, 1.76]'}","{'trans': ""['MNN']"", 'ke': '[2243]', 'rsf': '[0.183]'}",83,#ff1493,#9e4fb5,Poor metals,#b2df8a +Po,6,16.0,5,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2']"", 'be': '[93105, 16939, 16244, 13814, 4149, 3854, 3302, 2798, 2683, 995, 851, 705, 500, 473, 184, 184, 177, 132, 104, 31, 31]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.97, 2.07, 6.62, 9.4, 13.87, 11.9, 15.14, 0.584, 0.566, 1.5, 1.36, 1.95]'}","{'trans': '[]', 'ke': '[]', 'rsf': '[]'}",84,#ff1493,#ab5c00,Metalloids,#33a02c +At,6,17.0,6,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2']"", 'be': '[95730, 17493, 16785, 14214, 4317, 4008, 3426, 2909, 2787, 1042, 886, 740, 533, 507, 210, 210, 195, 148, 115, 40, 40]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.96, 2.04, 6.77, 9.65, 14.29, 12.92, 16.44, 0.605, 0.584, 1.58, 1.49, 2.14]'}","{'trans': '[]', 'ke': '[]', 'rsf': '[]'}",85,#ff1493,#754f45,Halogens,#fdbf6f +Rn,6,18.0,2,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s']"", 'be': '[98404, 18049, 17337, 14619, 4482, 4159, 3538, 3022, 2892, 1097, 929, 768, 567, 541, 238, 238, 214, 164, 127, 48, 48, 26]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.95, 2, 6.92, 9.9, 14.7, 14, 17.81, 0.625, 0.602, 1.67, 1.62, 2.33, 0.1129]'}","{'trans': '[]', 'ke': '[]', 'rsf': '[]'}",86,#ffffff,#428296,Noble gases,#bbbb88 +Fr,7,1.0,3,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s', '6p1/2', '6p3/2']"", 'be': '[101137, 18639, 17907, 15031, 4652, 4327, 3663, 3136, 3000, 1153, 980, 810, 603, 577, 268, 268, 234, 182, 140, 58, 58, 34, 15, 15]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.95, 1.97, 7.07, 10.16, 15.11, 15.12, 19.24, 0.645, 0.618, 1.77, 1.75, 2.53, 0.1257, 0.0966, 0.24]'}","{'trans': '[]', 'ke': '[]', 'rsf': '[]'}",87,#ffffff,#420066,Alkali metals,#a6cee3 +Ra,7,2.0,4,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s', '6p1/2', '6p3/2']"", 'be': '[103922, 19237, 18484, 15444, 4822, 4490, 3792, 3248, 3105, 1208, 1058, 879, 636, 603, 299, 299, 254, 200, 153, 68, 68, 44, 19, 19]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.95, 1.91, 7.2, 10.4, 15.53, 16.3, 20.74, 0.665, 0.633, 1.86, 1.88, 2.73, 0.1383, 0.1099, 0.286]'}","{'trans': '[]', 'ke': '[]', 'rsf': '[]'}",88,#ffffff,#007d00,Alkaline earth metals,#1f78b4 +Ac,7,3.0,10,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2']"", 'be': '[106755, 19840, 19083, 15871, 5002, 4656, 3909, 3370, 3219, 1269, 1080, 890, 675, 639, 319, 319, 272, 215, 167, 80, 80]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.95, 1.86, 7.33, 10.61, 15.93, 17.53, 22.3, 0.684, 0.647, 1.95, 2.02, 2.94]'}","{'trans': '[]', 'ke': '[]', 'rsf': '[]'}",89,#ffffff,#70abfa,Actinides,#6a3d9a +Th,7,100.0,10,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s', '6p1/2', '6p3/2']"", 'be': '[109651, 20472, 19693, 16300, 5182, 4830, 4046, 3491, 3332, 1330, 1168, 966.4, 712.1, 675.2, 342.4, 333.1, 290, 229, 182, 92.5, 85.4, 41.4, 24.5, 16.6]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.95, 1.9, 7.46, 10.82, 16.31, 18.81, 23.94, 0.702, 0.66, 2.05, 2.15, 3.15, 0.1625, 0.1325, 0.366]'}","{'trans': '[]', 'ke': '[]', 'rsf': '[]'}",90,#ff1493,#00baff,Actinides,#6a3d9a +Pa,7,100.0,10,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2']"", 'be': '[112601, 21105, 20314, 16733, 5367, 5001, 4174, 3611, 3442, 1387, 1224, 1007, 743, 708, 371, 360, 310, 232, 232, 94, 94]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.92, 1.74, 7.61, 11.04, 16.47, 20.12, 25.6, 0.718, 0.667, 2.13, 2.25, 3.29]'}","{'trans': '[]', 'ke': '[]', 'rsf': '[]'}",91,#ffffff,#00a1ff,Actinides,#6a3d9a +U,7,100.0,10,"{'trans': ""['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s', '6p1/2', '6p3/2']"", 'be': '[115606, 21757, 20948, 17166, 5548, 5182, 4303, 3728, 3552, 1439, 1271, 1043, 778.3, 736.2, 388.2, 377.4, 321, 257, 192, 102.8, 94.2, 43.9, 26.8, 16.8]', 'rsf': '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.9, 1.68, 7.71, 11.25, 17.05, 21.5, 27.36, 0.732, 0.674, 2.22, 2.36, 3.46, 0.1682, 0.133, 0.376]'}","{'trans': '[]', 'ke': '[]', 'rsf': '[]'}",92,#ff1493,#008fff,Actinides,#6a3d9a diff --git a/Databases/xps_data.csv b/Databases/xps_data.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc9b699 --- /dev/null +++ b/Databases/xps_data.csv @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +symbol,alka.trans,alka.be,alka.rsf,aes.trans,aes.ke,aes.rsf +H,['1s'],[13.6],[0.0002],[],[],[] +He,['1s'],[24.6],[0.0082],[],[],[] +Li,['1s'],[54.7],[0.0568],['KLL'],[43],[0.977] +Be,['1s'],[111.5],[0.1947],['KLL'],[104],[0.456] +B,['1s'],[188],[0.486],['KLL'],[179],[0.289] +C,['1s'],[284.2],[1],['KLL'],[272],[0.209] +N,"['1s', '2s']","[409.9, 37.3]","[1.8, 0.0867]",['KLL'],[379],[0.159] +O,"['1s', '2s']","[543.1, 41.6]","[2.93, 0.1405]",['KLL'],[503],[0.129] +F,['1s'],[696.7],[4.43],['KLL'],[647],[0.105] +Ne,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2']","[870.2, 48.5, 21.7, 21.6]","[6.3, 0.296, 0.0347, 0.0683]",['KLL'],[805],[0.0846] +Na,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2']","[1070.8, 63.5, 30.65, 30.81]","[8.52, 0.422, 0.0654, 0.1287]",['KLL'],[990],[0.0714] +Mg,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2']","[1303, 88.7, 49.78, 49.5]","[11.18, 0.575, 0.1125, 0.221]","['KLL', 'LMM']","[1186, 45]","[0.0593, 3.43]" +Al,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2']","[1559.6, 117.8, 72.95, 72.55]","[0.0001, 0.753, 0.1811, 0.356]","['KLL', 'LMM']","[1396, 68]","[0.0497, 2.44]" +Si,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2']","[1839, 149.7, 99.82, 99.42]","[0.0001, 0.955, 0.276, 0.541]","['KLL', 'LMM']","[1619, 92]","[0.0417, 1.78]" +P,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2']","[2145.5, 189, 136, 135]","[0.0001, 1.18, 0.403, 0.789]","['KLL', 'LMM']","[1859, 120]","[0.035, 1.36]" +S,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2']","[2472, 230.9, 163.6, 162.5]","[0.0001, 1.43, 0.567, 1.11]","['KLL', 'LMM']","[2117, 152]","[0.0295, 1.14]" +Cl,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2']","[2822.4, 270, 202, 200]","[0.0001, 1.69, 0.775, 1.51]","['KLL', 'LMM']","[2378, 181]","[0.0001, 0.984]" +Ar,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']","[3205.9, 326.3, 250.6, 248.4, 29.3, 15.9, 15.7]","[0.0001, 1.97, 1.03, 2.01, 0.227, 0.0821, 0.1597]",['LMM'],[215],[0.827] +K,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']","[3608.4, 378.6, 297.3, 294.6, 34.8, 18.3, 18.3]","[0.0001, 2.27, 1.35, 2.62, 0.286, 0.1229, 0.239]",['LMM'],[252],[0.723] +Ca,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']","[4038.5, 438.4, 349.7, 346.2, 44.3, 25.4, 25.4]","[0.0001, 2.59, 1.72, 3.35, 0.351, 0.172, 0.335]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[291, 20]","[0.633, 0.0001]" +Sc,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']","[4492, 498, 403.6, 398.7, 51.1, 28.3, 28.3]","[0.0001, 2.91, 2.17, 4.21, 0.411, 0.221, 0.429]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[340, 24]","[0.563, 0.0001]" +Ti,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']","[4966, 560.9, 460.2, 453.8, 58.7, 32.6, 32.6]","[0.0001, 3.24, 2.69, 5.22, 0.473, 0.276, 0.537]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[418, 27]","[0.514, 0.0001]" +V,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']","[5465, 626.7, 519.8, 512.1, 66.3, 37.2, 37.2]","[0.0001, 3.57, 3.29, 6.37, 0.538, 0.339, 0.657]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[473, 31]","[0.471, 5.03]" +Cr,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']","[5989, 696, 583.8, 574.1, 74.1, 42.2, 42.2]","[0.0001, 3.91, 3.98, 7.69, 0.596, 0.4, 0.773]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[529, 36]","[0.432, 4.6]" +Mn,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']","[6539, 769.1, 649.9, 638.7, 82.3, 47.2, 47.2]","[0.0001, 4.23, 4.74, 9.17, 0.674, 0.485, 0.938]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[589, 40]","[0.397, 3.96]" +Fe,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']","[7112, 844.6, 719.9, 706.8, 91.3, 52.7, 52.7]","[0.0001, 4.57, 5.6, 10.82, 0.745, 0.569, 1.1]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[703, 47]","[0.367, 3.5]" +Co,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']","[7709, 925.1, 793.2, 778.1, 101, 58.9, 59.9]","[0.0001, 4.88, 6.54, 12.62, 0.818, 0.66, 1.27]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[775, 53]","[0.341, 3.12]" +Ni,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']","[8333, 1008.6, 870, 852.7, 110.8, 68, 66.2]","[0.0001, 5.16, 7.57, 14.61, 0.892, 0.757, 1.46]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[848, 61]","[0.316, 2.65]" +Cu,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2']","[8979, 1096.7, 952.3, 932.7, 122.5, 77.3, 75.1]","[0.0001, 5.46, 8.66, 16.73, 0.957, 0.848, 1.63]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[920, 60]","[0.294, 2.41]" +Zn,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2']","[9659, 1196.2, 1044.9, 1021.8, 139.8, 91.4, 88.6, 10.2, 10.1]","[0.0001, 5.76, 9.8, 18.92, 1.04, 0.968, 1.86, 0.33, 0.48]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[994, 59]","[0.271, 1.98]" +Ga,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2']","[10367, 1299, 1143.2, 1116.4, 159.5, 103.5, 100, 18.7, 18.7]","[0.0001, 6.07, 11.09, 21.4, 1.13, 1.1, 2.11, 0.442, 0.643]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[1070, 55]","[0.25, 1.57]" +Ge,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2']","[11103, 1414.6, 1248.1, 1217, 180.1, 124.9, 120.8, 29.8, 29.2]","[0.0001, 6.31, 12.52, 24.15, 1.23, 1.24, 2.39, 0.578, 0.842]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[1147, 23]","[0.229, 1.27]" +As,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2']","[11867, 1527, 1359.1, 1323.6, 204.7, 146.2, 141.2, 41.7, 41.7]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 14.07, 27.19, 1.32, 1.39, 2.68, 0.741, 1.08]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[1228, 31]","[0.211, 1.06]" +Se,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2']","[12658, 1652, 1474.3, 1433.9, 229.6, 166.5, 160.7, 55.5, 54.6]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 13.66, 25.9, 1.43, 1.55, 2.98, 0.934, 1.36]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[1315, 43]","[0.194, 5.44]" +Br,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2']","[13474, 1782, 1596, 1550, 257, 189, 182, 70, 69]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.53, 1.72, 3.31, 1.16, 1.68]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[1396, 55]","[0.179, 4.37]" +Kr,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']","[14326, 1921, 1730.9, 1678.4, 292.8, 222.2, 214.4, 95, 93.8, 27.5, 14.1, 14.1]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.64, 1.89, 3.65, 1.42, 2.06, 0.213, 0.1643, 0.312]",['LMM'],[1474],[0.164] +Rb,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']","[15200, 2065, 1864, 1804, 326.7, 248.7, 239.1, 113, 112, 30.5, 16.3, 15.3]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.75, 2.07, 4, 1.72, 2.49, 0.251, 0.214, 0.411]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[1565, 76]","[0.152, 2.63]" +Sr,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']","[16105, 2216, 2007, 1940, 358.7, 280.3, 270, 136, 134.2, 38.9, 21.3, 20.1]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.86, 2.25, 4.37, 2.06, 2.99, 0.291, 0.265, 0.51]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[1649, 110]","[0.14, 2.17]" +Y,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']","[17038, 2373, 2156, 2080, 392, 310.6, 298.8, 157.7, 155.8, 43.8, 24.4, 23.1]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.98, 2.44, 4.75, 2.44, 3.54, 0.329, 0.311, 0.599]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[1746, 127]","[0.129, 1.86]" +Zr,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']","[17998, 2532, 2307, 2223, 430.3, 343.5, 329.8, 181.1, 178.8, 50.6, 28.5, 27.1]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.1, 2.64, 5.14, 2.87, 4.17, 0.367, 0.357, 0.689]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[1845, 147]","[0.119, 1.66]" +Nb,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']","[18986, 2698, 2465, 2371, 466.6, 376.1, 360.6, 205, 202.3, 56.4, 32.6, 30.8]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.22, 2.84, 5.53, 3.35, 4.86, 0.402, 0.398, 0.767]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[1944, 167]","[0.11, 1.5]" +Mo,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']","[20000, 2866, 2625, 2520, 506.3, 411.6, 394, 231.1, 227.9, 63.2, 37.6, 35.5]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.34, 3.04, 5.94, 3.88, 5.62, 0.44, 0.445, 0.86]","['LMM', 'MNN']","[2044, 186]","[0.101, 1.39]" +Tc,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']","[21044, 3043, 2793, 2677, 544, 447.6, 417.7, 257.6, 253.9, 69.5, 42.3, 39.9]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.45, 3.23, 6.36, 4.46, 6.47, 0.479, 0.494, 0.955]",['MNN'],[249],[1.29] +Ru,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']","[22117, 3224, 2967, 2838, 586.1, 483.5, 461.4, 284.2, 280, 75, 46.3, 43.2]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.57, 3.44, 6.78, 5.1, 7.39, 0.519, 0.544, 1.05]",['MNN'],[273],[1.2] +Rh,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']","[23220, 3412, 3146, 3004, 628.1, 521.3, 496.5, 311.9, 307.2, 81.4, 50.5, 47.3]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.7, 3.64, 7.21, 5.8, 8.39, 0.56, 0.595, 1.15]",['MNN'],[302],[1.13] +Pd,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']","[24350, 3604, 3330, 3173, 671.6, 559.9, 532.3, 340.5, 335.2, 87.1, 55.7, 50.9]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.81, 3.83, 7.63, 6.56, 9.48, 0.598, 0.641, 1.24]",['MNN'],[330],[1.07] +Ag,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2']","[25514, 3806, 3524, 3351, 719, 603.8, 573, 374, 368.3, 97, 63.7, 58.3]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.93, 4.03, 8.06, 7.38, 10.66, 0.644, 0.7, 1.36]",['MNN'],[351],[1] +Cd,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2']","[26711, 4018, 3727, 3538, 772, 652.6, 618.4, 411.9, 405.2, 109.8, 63.9, 63.9, 11.7, 10.7]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.04, 4.22, 8.5, 8.27, 11.95, 0.692, 0.762, 1.49, 0.778, 1.11]",['MNN'],[376],[0.931] +In,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2']","[27940, 4238, 3938, 3730, 827.2, 703.2, 665.3, 451.4, 443.9, 122.9, 73.5, 73.5, 17.7, 16.9]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.16, 4.4, 8.93, 9.22, 13.32, 0.742, 0.828, 1.62, 0.935, 1.34]",['MNN'],[404],[0.867] +Sn,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2']","[29200, 4465, 4156, 3929, 884.7, 756.5, 714.6, 493.2, 484.9, 137.1, 83.6, 83.6, 24.9, 23.9]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.26, 4.58, 9.35, 10.25, 14.8, 0.794, 0.897, 1.77, 1.11, 1.59]",['MNN'],[430],[0.809] +Sb,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2']","[30491, 4698, 4380, 4132, 946, 812.7, 766.4, 537.5, 528.2, 153.2, 95.6, 95.6, 33.3, 32.1]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.36, 4.76, 9.77, 11.35, 16.39, 0.848, 0.968, 1.91, 1.29, 1.85]",['MNN'],[454],[0.759] +Te,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2']","[31814, 4939, 4612, 4341, 1006, 870.8, 820, 583.4, 573, 169.4, 103.3, 103.3, 41.9, 40.4]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.46, 4.92, 10.21, 12.52, 18.06, 0.903, 1.04, 2.07, 1.49, 2.14]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[483, 31]","[0.713, 0.0001]" +I,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2']","[33169, 5188, 4852, 4557, 1072, 931, 875, 630.8, 619.3, 186, 123, 123, 50.6, 48.9]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.53, 5.06, 10.62, 13.77, 19.87, 0.959, 1.11, 2.23, 1.69, 2.44]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[511, 37]","[0.67, 0.0001]" +Xe,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[34561, 5453, 5107, 4786, 1148.7, 1002.1, 940.6, 689, 676.4, 213.2, 146.7, 145.5, 69.5, 67.5, 23.3, 13.4, 12.1]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.62, 5.2, 10.99, 15.1, 21.79, 1.02, 1.19, 2.39, 1.92, 2.76, 0.1596, 0.1361, 0.26]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[532, 41]","[0.626, 0.0001]" +Cs,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[35985, 5714, 5359, 5012, 1211, 1071, 1003, 740.5, 726.6, 232.3, 172.4, 161.3, 79.8, 77.5, 22.7, 14.2, 12.1]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.73, 5.29, 11.38, 16.46, 23.76, 1.08, 1.27, 2.56, 2.15, 3.1, 0.1843, 0.1697, 0.332]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[563, 47]","[0.589, 0.0001]" +Ba,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[37441, 5989, 5624, 5247, 1293, 1137, 1063, 795.7, 780.5, 253.5, 192, 178.6, 92.6, 89.9, 30.3, 17, 14.8]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.84, 5.42, 11.71, 17.92, 25.84, 1.13, 1.34, 2.73, 2.4, 3.46, 0.21, 0.202, 0.4]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[584, 57]","[0.554, 3.41]" +La,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[38925, 6266, 5891, 5483, 1362, 1209, 1128, 853, 836, 274.7, 205.8, 196, 105.3, 102.5, 34.3, 19.3, 16.8]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.89, 5.55, 12.11, 19.5, 28.12, 1.19, 1.42, 2.91, 2.67, 3.85, 0.234, 0.23, 0.458]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[625, 78]","[0.527, 3.12]" +Ce,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[40443, 6549, 6164, 5723, 1436, 1274, 1187, 902.4, 883.8, 291, 223.2, 206.5, 109, 0.1, 0.1, 37.8, 19.8, 17]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.93, 5.66, 12.53, 21.12, 30.5, 1.24, 1.47, 3.03, 2.84, 0.0609, 0.078, 0.23, 0.221, 0.439]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[661, 82]","[0.503, 2.79]" +Pr,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[41991, 6835, 6440, 5964, 1511, 1337, 1242, 948.3, 928.8, 304.5, 236.3, 217.6, 115.1, 115.1, 2, 2, 37.4, 22.3, 22.3]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.98, 5.75, 12.94, 22.72, 32.85, 1.28, 1.53, 3.17, 3.07, 4.41, 0.1115, 0.143, 0.238, 0.229, 0.456]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[699, 87]","[0.485, 2.72]" +Nd,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[43569, 7126, 6722, 6208, 1575, 1403, 1297, 1003.3, 980.4, 319.2, 243.3, 224.6, 120.5, 120.5, 1.5, 1.5, 37.5, 21.1, 21.1]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 5.75, 13.35, 24.27, 35.29, 1.33, 1.59, 3.31, 3.29, 4.74, 0.1788, 0.228, 0.247, 0.236, 0.472]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[730, 91]","[0.469, 2.65]" +Pm,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2']","[45184, 7428, 7013, 6459, 1471, 1357, 1052, 1027, 242, 242, 120, 120]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 5.72, 13.66, 26.08, 37.65, 1.64, 3.45, 3.52, 5.07]",[],[],[] +Sm,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[46834, 7737, 7312, 6716, 1723, 1541, 1420, 1110.9, 1083.4, 347.2, 265.6, 247.4, 129, 129, 5.2, 5.2, 37.4, 21.3, 21.3]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 13.84, 27.96, 40.37, 1.42, 1.7, 3.59, 3.76, 5.4, 0.374, 0.477, 0.261, 0.249, 0.501]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[814, 100]","[0.435, 2.43]" +Eu,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[48519, 8052, 7617, 6977, 1800, 1614, 1481, 1158.6, 1127.5, 360, 284, 257, 133, 127.7, 32, 22, 22]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 14.3, 29.91, 43.24, 1.46, 1.75, 3.72, 3.99, 5.74, 0.268, 0.255, 0.515]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[858, 109]","[0.42, 2.37]" +Gd,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[50239, 8376, 7930, 7243, 1881, 1688, 1544, 1221.9, 1189.6, 378.6, 286, 271, 142.6, 8.6, 8.6, 36, 28, 21]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 31.98, 46.23, 1.51, 1.8, 3.88, 6.14, 0.63, 0.804, 0.288, 0.279, 0.568]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[895, 138]","[0.405, 2.26]" +Tb,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[51996, 8708, 8252, 7514, 1968, 1768, 1611, 1276.9, 1241.1, 396, 322.4, 284.1, 150.5, 150.5, 7.7, 2.4, 45.6, 28.7, 22.6]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 34.2, 49.42, 1.54, 1.84, 3.99, 4.46, 6.41, 0.867, 1.1, 0.281, 0.265, 0.539]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[1073, 146]","[0.39, 2.15]" +Dy,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[53789, 9046, 8581, 7790, 2047, 1842, 1676, 1333, 1292.6, 414.2, 333.5, 293.2, 153.6, 153.6, 8, 4.3, 49.9, 26.3, 26.3]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 36.65, 52.83, 1.58, 1.88, 4.12, 4.69, 6.74, 1.1, 1.39, 0.287, 0.27, 0.551]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[1126, 151]","[0.377, 2.07]" +Ho,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[55618, 9394, 8918, 8071, 2128, 1923, 1741, 1392, 1351, 432.4, 343.5, 308.2, 160, 160, 8.6, 5.2, 49.3, 30.8, 24.1]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 39.19, 56.66, 1.61, 1.91, 4.24, 4.92, 7.08, 1.37, 1.73, 0.293, 0.274, 0.562]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[1175, 157]","[0.365, 1.98]" +Er,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[57486, 9751, 9264, 8358, 2207, 2006, 1812, 1453, 1409, 449.8, 366.2, 320.2, 167.6, 167.6, 4.7, 50.6, 31.4, 24.7]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 36.7, 60.42, 1.64, 1.95, 4.37, 5.15, 7.41, 2.13, 0.298, 0.277, 0.572]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[1393, 163]","[0.352, 1.87]" +Tm,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[59390, 10116, 9617, 8648, 2307, 2090, 1885, 1515, 1468, 470.9, 385.9, 332.6, 175.5, 175.5, 4.6, 54.7, 31.8, 25]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 41.01, 1.67, 1.98, 4.48, 5.38, 7.74, 2.59, 0.303, 0.281, 0.583]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[1449, 166]","[0.34, 1.78]" +Yb,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[61332, 10486, 9978, 8944, 2398, 2173, 1950, 1576, 1528, 480.5, 388.7, 339.7, 191.2, 182.4, 2.5, 1.3, 52, 30.3, 24.1]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.7, 2, 4.6, 5.61, 8.07, 2.47, 3.11, 0.308, 0.284, 0.592]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[1514, 170]","[0.329, 1.69]" +Lu,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[63314, 10870, 10349, 9244, 2491, 2264, 2024, 1639, 1589, 506.8, 412.4, 359.2, 206.1, 196.3, 8.9, 7.5, 57.3, 33.6, 26.7]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.73, 2.03, 4.74, 5.87, 8.45, 2.87, 3.63, 0.326, 0.304, 0.645]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[1573, 177]","[0.317, 1.61]" +Hf,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[65351, 11271, 10739, 9561, 2601, 2365, 2108, 1716, 1662, 538, 438.2, 380.7, 220, 211.5, 15.9, 14.2, 64.2, 38, 29.9]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.76, 2.06, 4.88, 6.13, 8.84, 3.32, 4.2, 0.344, 0.325, 0.699]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[1624, 185]","[0.303, 1.47]" +Ta,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[67416, 11682, 11136, 9881, 2708, 2469, 2194, 1793, 1735, 563.4, 463.4, 400.9, 237.9, 226.4, 23.5, 21.6, 69.7, 42.2, 32.7]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.79, 2.08, 5.02, 6.4, 9.24, 3.8, 4.82, 0.363, 0.346, 0.754]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[1680, 179]","[0.29, 1.35]" +W,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[69525, 12100, 11544, 10207, 2820, 2575, 2281, 1872, 1809, 594.1, 490.4, 423.6, 255.9, 243.5, 33.6, 31.4, 75.6, 45.3, 36.8]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.81, 2.1, 5.16, 6.68, 9.65, 4.32, 5.48, 0.383, 0.367, 0.811]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[1736, 179]","[0.278, 1.25]" +Re,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[71676, 12527, 11959, 10535, 2932, 2682, 2367, 1949, 1883, 625.4, 518.7, 446.8, 273.9, 260.5, 42.9, 40.5, 83, 45.6, 34.6]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.84, 2.12, 5.3, 6.95, 10.06, 4.88, 6.2, 0.402, 0.387, 0.869]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[1799, 176]","[0.267, 1.17]" +Os,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[73871, 12968, 12385, 10871, 3049, 2792, 2457, 2031, 1960, 658.2, 549.1, 470.7, 293.1, 278.5, 53.4, 50.7, 84, 58, 44.5]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.86, 2.13, 5.45, 7.23, 10.48, 5.48, 6.96, 0.422, 0.408, 0.928]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[1850, 170]","[0.255, 1.11]" +Ir,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[76111, 13419, 12824, 11215, 3174, 2909, 2551, 2116, 2040, 691.1, 577.8, 495.8, 311.9, 296.3, 63.8, 60.8, 95.2, 63, 48]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.88, 2.14, 5.59, 7.51, 10.9, 6.12, 7.78, 0.438, 0.422, 0.967]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[1908, 171]","[0.244, 1.01]" +Pt,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[78395, 13880, 13273, 11564, 3296, 3027, 2645, 2202, 2122, 725.4, 609.1, 519.4, 331.6, 314.6, 74.5, 71.2, 101.7, 65.3, 51.7]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.9, 2.14, 5.74, 7.78, 11.32, 6.81, 8.65, 0.459, 0.444, 1.04]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[1967, 168]","[0.234, 5.48]" +Au,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2']","[80725, 14353, 13734, 11919, 3425, 3148, 2743, 2291, 2206, 762.1, 642.7, 546.3, 353.2, 335.1, 87.6, 84, 107.2, 74.2, 57.2]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.92, 2.14, 5.89, 8.06, 11.74, 7.54, 9.58, 0.479, 0.463, 1.1]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[2024, 239]","[0.223, 4.6]" +Hg,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2']","[83102, 14839, 14209, 12284, 3562, 3279, 2847, 2385, 2295, 802.2, 680.2, 576.6, 378.2, 358.8, 104, 99.9, 127, 83.1, 64.5, 9.6, 7.8]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.94, 2.14, 6.04, 8.33, 12.17, 8.32, 10.57, 0.5, 0.484, 1.17, 0.869, 1.21]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[2078, 241]","[0.213, 3.78]" +Tl,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2']","[85530, 15347, 14698, 12658, 3704, 3416, 2957, 2485, 2389, 846.2, 720.5, 609.5, 405.7, 385, 122.2, 117.8, 136, 94.6, 73.5, 14.7, 12.5]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.95, 2.13, 6.19, 8.6, 12.6, 9.14, 11.62, 0.52, 0.505, 1.25, 0.991, 1.39]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[2134, 244]","[0.202, 3.06]" +Pb,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2']","[88005, 15861, 15200, 13035, 3851, 3554, 3066, 2586, 2484, 891.8, 761.9, 643.5, 434.3, 412.2, 141.7, 136.9, 147, 106.4, 83.3, 20.7, 18.1]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.96, 2.12, 6.33, 8.87, 13.02, 10.01, 12.73, 0.542, 0.526, 1.33, 1.11, 1.58]","['MNN', 'NOO']","[2186, 249]","[0.192, 2.58]" +Bi,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2']","[90524, 16388, 15711, 13419, 3999, 3696, 3177, 2688, 2580, 939, 805.2, 678.8, 464, 440.1, 162.3, 157, 159.3, 119, 92.6, 26.9, 23.8]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.96, 2.1, 6.48, 9.14, 13.44, 10.93, 13.9, 0.563, 0.546, 1.41, 1.24, 1.76]",['MNN'],[2243],[0.183] +Po,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2']","[93105, 16939, 16244, 13814, 4149, 3854, 3302, 2798, 2683, 995, 851, 705, 500, 473, 184, 184, 177, 132, 104, 31, 31]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.97, 2.07, 6.62, 9.4, 13.87, 11.9, 15.14, 0.584, 0.566, 1.5, 1.36, 1.95]",[],[],[] +At,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2']","[95730, 17493, 16785, 14214, 4317, 4008, 3426, 2909, 2787, 1042, 886, 740, 533, 507, 210, 210, 195, 148, 115, 40, 40]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.96, 2.04, 6.77, 9.65, 14.29, 12.92, 16.44, 0.605, 0.584, 1.58, 1.49, 2.14]",[],[],[] +Rn,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s']","[98404, 18049, 17337, 14619, 4482, 4159, 3538, 3022, 2892, 1097, 929, 768, 567, 541, 238, 238, 214, 164, 127, 48, 48, 26]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.95, 2, 6.92, 9.9, 14.7, 14, 17.81, 0.625, 0.602, 1.67, 1.62, 2.33, 0.1129]",[],[],[] +Fr,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s', '6p1/2', '6p3/2']","[101137, 18639, 17907, 15031, 4652, 4327, 3663, 3136, 3000, 1153, 980, 810, 603, 577, 268, 268, 234, 182, 140, 58, 58, 34, 15, 15]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.95, 1.97, 7.07, 10.16, 15.11, 15.12, 19.24, 0.645, 0.618, 1.77, 1.75, 2.53, 0.1257, 0.0966, 0.24]",[],[],[] +Ra,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s', '6p1/2', '6p3/2']","[103922, 19237, 18484, 15444, 4822, 4490, 3792, 3248, 3105, 1208, 1058, 879, 636, 603, 299, 299, 254, 200, 153, 68, 68, 44, 19, 19]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.95, 1.91, 7.2, 10.4, 15.53, 16.3, 20.74, 0.665, 0.633, 1.86, 1.88, 2.73, 0.1383, 0.1099, 0.286]",[],[],[] +Ac,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2']","[106755, 19840, 19083, 15871, 5002, 4656, 3909, 3370, 3219, 1269, 1080, 890, 675, 639, 319, 319, 272, 215, 167, 80, 80]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.95, 1.86, 7.33, 10.61, 15.93, 17.53, 22.3, 0.684, 0.647, 1.95, 2.02, 2.94]",[],[],[] +Th,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s', '6p1/2', '6p3/2']","[109651, 20472, 19693, 16300, 5182, 4830, 4046, 3491, 3332, 1330, 1168, 966.4, 712.1, 675.2, 342.4, 333.1, 290, 229, 182, 92.5, 85.4, 41.4, 24.5, 16.6]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.95, 1.9, 7.46, 10.82, 16.31, 18.81, 23.94, 0.702, 0.66, 2.05, 2.15, 3.15, 0.1625, 0.1325, 0.366]",[],[],[] +Pa,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2']","[112601, 21105, 20314, 16733, 5367, 5001, 4174, 3611, 3442, 1387, 1224, 1007, 743, 708, 371, 360, 310, 232, 232, 94, 94]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.92, 1.74, 7.61, 11.04, 16.47, 20.12, 25.6, 0.718, 0.667, 2.13, 2.25, 3.29]",[],[],[] +U,"['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s', '6p1/2', '6p3/2']","[115606, 21757, 20948, 17166, 5548, 5182, 4303, 3728, 3552, 1439, 1271, 1043, 778.3, 736.2, 388.2, 377.4, 321, 257, 192, 102.8, 94.2, 43.9, 26.8, 16.8]","[0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.9, 1.68, 7.71, 11.25, 17.05, 21.5, 27.36, 0.732, 0.674, 2.22, 2.36, 3.46, 0.1682, 0.133, 0.376]",[],[],[] diff --git a/Images/cross_section.png b/Images/cross_section.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0434977 Binary files /dev/null and b/Images/cross_section.png differ diff --git a/Images/main_window.png b/Images/main_window.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65ed692 Binary files /dev/null and b/Images/main_window.png differ diff --git a/Images/survey_periodictable.png b/Images/survey_periodictable.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..147cbe1 Binary files /dev/null and b/Images/survey_periodictable.png differ diff --git a/Python/elementdata.py b/Python/elementdata.py deleted file mode 100644 index 79b04d8..0000000 --- a/Python/elementdata.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,474 +0,0 @@ -class ElementData: - def __init__(self): - self.xps = [ - { - 'symbol': 'Refresh', - 'alka': {'trans': [], 'be': [], 'rsf': []}, - 'aes': {'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Clear', - 'alka': {'trans': [], 'be': [], 'rsf': []}, - 'aes': {'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'H', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s'], 'be': [13.6], 'rsf': [.0002]}, - 'aes': {'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'He', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s'], 'be': [24.6], 'rsf': [.0082]}, - 'aes': {'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Li', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s'], 'be': [54.7], 'rsf': [.0568]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['KLL'], 'ke': [43], 'rsf': [.977]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Be', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s'], 'be': [111.5], 'rsf': [.1947]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['KLL'], 'ke': [104], 'rsf': [.456]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'B', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s'], 'be': [188], 'rsf': [.486]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['KLL'], 'ke': [179], 'rsf': [.289]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'C', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s'], 'be': [284.2], 'rsf': [1]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['KLL'], 'ke': [272], 'rsf': [.209]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'N', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s'], 'be': [409.9, 37.3], 'rsf': [1.8, .0867]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['KLL'], 'ke': [379], 'rsf': [.159]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'O', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s'], 'be': [543.1, 41.6], 'rsf': [2.93, .1405]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['KLL'], 'ke': [503], 'rsf': [.129]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'F', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s'], 'be': [696.7], 'rsf': [4.43]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['KLL'], 'ke': [647], 'rsf': [.105]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Ne', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2'], 'be': [870.2, 48.5, 21.7, 21.6], 'rsf': [6.3, .296, .0347, .0683]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['KLL'], 'ke': [805], 'rsf': [.0846]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Na', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2'], 'be': [1070.8, 63.5, 30.65, 30.81], 'rsf': [8.52, .422, .0654, .1287]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['KLL'], 'ke': [990], 'rsf': [.0714]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Mg', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2'], 'be': [1303, 88.7, 49.78, 49.5], 'rsf': [11.18, .575, .1125, .221]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['KLL', 'LMM'], 'ke': [1186, 45], 'rsf': [.0593, 3.43]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Al', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2'], 'be': [1559.6, 117.8, 72.95, 72.55], 'rsf': [.0001, .753, .1811, .356]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['KLL', 'LMM'], 'ke': [1396, 68], 'rsf': [.0497, 2.44]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Si', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2'], 'be': [1839, 149.7, 99.82, 99.42], 'rsf': [.0001, .955, .276, .541]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['KLL', 'LMM'], 'ke': [1619, 92], 'rsf': [.0417, 1.78]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'P', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2'], 'be': [2145.5, 189, 136, 135], 'rsf': [.0001, 1.18, .403, .789]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['KLL', 'LMM'], 'ke': [1859, 120], 'rsf': [.035, 1.36]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'S', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2'], 'be': [2472, 230.9, 163.6, 162.5], 'rsf': [.0001, 1.43, .567, 1.11]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['KLL', 'LMM'], 'ke': [2117, 152], 'rsf': [.0295, 1.14]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Cl', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2'], 'be': [2822.4, 270, 202, 200], 'rsf': [.0001, 1.69, .775, 1.51]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['KLL', 'LMM'], 'ke': [2378, 181], 'rsf': [.0001, .984]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Ar', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [3205.9, 326.3, 250.6, 248.4, 29.3, 15.9, 15.7], 'rsf': [.0001, 1.97, 1.03, 2.01, .227, .0821, .1597]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM'], 'ke': [215], 'rsf': [.827]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'K', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [3608.4, 378.6, 297.3, 294.6, 34.8, 18.3, 18.3], 'rsf': [.0001, 2.27, 1.35, 2.62, .286, .1229, .239]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM'], 'ke': [252], 'rsf': [.723]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Ca', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [4038.5, 438.4, 349.7, 346.2, 44.3, 25.4, 25.4], 'rsf': [.0001, 2.59, 1.72, 3.35, .351, .172, .335]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [291, 20], 'rsf': [.633, .0001]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Sc', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [4492, 498, 403.6, 398.7, 51.1, 28.3, 28.3], 'rsf': [.0001, 2.91, 2.17, 4.21, .411, .221, .429]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [340, 24], 'rsf': [.563, .0001]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Ti', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [4966, 560.9, 460.2, 453.8, 58.7, 32.6, 32.6], 'rsf': [.0001, 3.24, 2.69, 5.22, .473, .276, .537]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [418, 27], 'rsf': [.514, .0001]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'V', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [5465, 626.7, 519.8, 512.1, 66.3, 37.2, 37.2], 'rsf': [.0001, 3.57, 3.29, 6.37, .538, .339, .657]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [473, 31], 'rsf': [.471, 5.03]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Cr', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [5989, 696, 583.8, 574.1, 74.1, 42.2, 42.2], 'rsf': [.0001, 3.91, 3.98, 7.69, .596, .4, .773]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [529, 36], 'rsf': [.432, 4.6]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Mn', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [6539, 769.1, 649.9, 638.7, 82.3, 47.2, 47.2], 'rsf': [.0001, 4.23, 4.74, 9.17, .674, .485, .938]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [589, 40], 'rsf': [.397, 3.96]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Fe', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [7112, 844.6, 719.9, 706.8, 91.3, 52.7, 52.7], 'rsf': [.0001, 4.57, 5.6, 10.82, .745, .569, 1.1]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [703, 47], 'rsf': [.367, 3.5]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Co', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [7709, 925.1, 793.2, 778.1, 101, 58.9, 59.9], 'rsf': [.0001, 4.88, 6.54, 12.62, .818, .66, 1.27]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [775, 53], 'rsf': [.341, 3.12]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Ni', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [8333, 1008.6, 870, 852.7, 110.8, 68, 66.2], 'rsf': [.0001, 5.16, 7.57, 14.61, .892, .757, 1.46]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [848, 61], 'rsf': [.316, 2.65]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Cu', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [8979, 1096.7, 952.3, 932.7, 122.5, 77.3, 75.1], 'rsf': [.0001, 5.46, 8.66, 16.73, .957, .848, 1.63]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [920, 60], 'rsf': [.294, 2.41]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Zn', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2'], 'be': [9659, 1196.2, 1044.9, 1021.8, 139.8, 91.4, 88.6, 10.2, 10.1], 'rsf': [.0001, 5.76, 9.8, 18.92, 1.04, .968, 1.86, .33, .48]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [994, 59], 'rsf': [.271, 1.98]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Ga', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2'], 'be': [10367, 1299, 1143.2, 1116.4, 159.5, 103.5, 100, 18.7, 18.7], 'rsf': [.0001, 6.07, 11.09, 21.4, 1.13, 1.1, 2.11, .442, .643]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1070, 55], 'rsf': [.25, 1.57]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Ge', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2'], 'be': [11103, 1414.6, 1248.1, 1217, 180.1, 124.9, 120.8, 29.8, 29.2], 'rsf': [.0001, 6.31, 12.52, 24.15, 1.23, 1.24, 2.39, .578, .842]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1147, 23], 'rsf': [.229, 1.27]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'As', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2'], 'be': [11867, 1527, 1359.1, 1323.6, 204.7, 146.2, 141.2, 41.7, 41.7], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, 14.07, 27.19, 1.32, 1.39, 2.68, .741, 1.08]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1228, 31], 'rsf': [.211, 1.06]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Se', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2'], 'be': [12658, 1652, 1474.3, 1433.9, 229.6, 166.5, 160.7, 55.5, 54.6], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, 13.66, 25.9, 1.43, 1.55, 2.98, .934, 1.36]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1315, 43], 'rsf': [.194, 5.44]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Br', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2'], 'be': [13474, 1782, 1596, 1550, 257, 189, 182, 70, 69], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.53, 1.72, 3.31, 1.16, 1.68]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1396, 55], 'rsf': [.179, 4.37]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Kr', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [14326, 1921, 1730.9, 1678.4, 292.8, 222.2, 214.4, 95, 93.8, 27.5, 14.1, 14.1], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.64, 1.89, 3.65, 1.42, 2.06, .213, .1643, .312]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM'], 'ke': [1474], 'rsf': [.164]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Rb', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [15200, 2065, 1864, 1804, 326.7, 248.7, 239.1, 113, 112, 30.5, 16.3, 15.3], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.75, 2.07, 4, 1.72, 2.49, .251, .214, .411]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1565, 76], 'rsf': [.152, 2.63]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Sr', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [16105, 2216, 2007, 1940, 358.7, 280.3, 270, 136, 134.2, 38.9, 21.3, 20.1], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.86, 2.25, 4.37, 2.06, 2.99, .291, .265, .51]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1649, 110], 'rsf': [.14, 2.17]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Y', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [17038, 2373, 2156, 2080, 392, 310.6, 298.8, 157.7, 155.8, 43.8, 24.4, 23.1], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.98, 2.44, 4.75, 2.44, 3.54, .329, .311, .599]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1746, 127], 'rsf': [.129, 1.86]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Zr', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [17998, 2532, 2307, 2223, 430.3, 343.5, 329.8, 181.1, 178.8, 50.6, 28.5, 27.1], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 2.1, 2.64, 5.14, 2.87, 4.17, .367, .357, .689]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1845, 147], 'rsf': [.119, 1.66]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Nb', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [18986, 2698, 2465, 2371, 466.6, 376.1, 360.6, 205, 202.3, 56.4, 32.6, 30.8], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 2.22, 2.84, 5.53, 3.35, 4.86, .402, .398, .767]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1944, 167], 'rsf': [.11, 1.5]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Mo', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [20000, 2866, 2625, 2520, 506.3, 411.6, 394, 231.1, 227.9, 63.2, 37.6, 35.5], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 2.34, 3.04, 5.94, 3.88, 5.62, .44, .445, .86]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [2044, 186], 'rsf': [.101, 1.39]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Tc', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [21044, 3043, 2793, 2677, 544, 447.6, 417.7, 257.6, 253.9, 69.5, 42.3, 39.9], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 2.45, 3.23, 6.36, 4.46, 6.47, .479, .494, .955]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [249], 'rsf': [1.29]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Ru', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [22117, 3224, 2967, 2838, 586.1, 483.5, 461.4, 284.2, 280, 75, 46.3, 43.2], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 2.57, 3.44, 6.78, 5.1, 7.39, .519, .544, 1.05]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [273], 'rsf': [1.2]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Rh', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [23220, 3412, 3146, 3004, 628.1, 521.3, 496.5, 311.9, 307.2, 81.4, 50.5, 47.3], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 2.7, 3.64, 7.21, 5.8, 8.39, .56, .595, 1.15]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [302], 'rsf': [1.13]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Pd', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [24350, 3604, 3330, 3173, 671.6, 559.9, 532.3, 340.5, 335.2, 87.1, 55.7, 50.9], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 2.81, 3.83, 7.63, 6.56, 9.48, .598, .641, 1.24]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [330], 'rsf': [1.07]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Ag', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [25514, 3806, 3524, 3351, 719, 603.8, 573, 374, 368.3, 97, 63.7, 58.3], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 2.93, 4.03, 8.06, 7.38, 10.66, .644, .7, 1.36]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [351], 'rsf': [1]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Cd', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2'], 'be': [26711, 4018, 3727, 3538, 772, 652.6, 618.4, 411.9, 405.2, 109.8, 63.9, 63.9, 11.7, 10.7], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 3.04, 4.22, 8.5, 8.27, 11.95, .692, .762, 1.49, .778, 1.11]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [376], 'rsf': [.931]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'In', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2'], 'be': [27940, 4238, 3938, 3730, 827.2, 703.2, 665.3, 451.4, 443.9, 122.9, 73.5, 73.5, 17.7, 16.9], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 3.16, 4.4, 8.93, 9.22, 13.32, .742, .828, 1.62, .935, 1.34]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [404], 'rsf': [.867]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Sn', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2'], 'be': [29200, 4465, 4156, 3929, 884.7, 756.5, 714.6, 493.2, 484.9, 137.1, 83.6, 83.6, 24.9, 23.9], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 3.26, 4.58, 9.35, 10.25, 14.8, .794, .897, 1.77, 1.11, 1.59]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [430], 'rsf': [.809]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Sb', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2'], 'be': [30491, 4698, 4380, 4132, 946, 812.7, 766.4, 537.5, 528.2, 153.2, 95.6, 95.6, 33.3, 32.1], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 3.36, 4.76, 9.77, 11.35, 16.39, .848, .968, 1.91, 1.29, 1.85]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [454], 'rsf': [.759]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Te', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2'], 'be': [31814, 4939, 4612, 4341, 1006, 870.8, 820, 583.4, 573, 169.4, 103.3, 103.3, 41.9, 40.4], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 3.46, 4.92, 10.21, 12.52, 18.06, .903, 1.04, 2.07, 1.49, 2.14]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [483, 31], 'rsf': [.713, .0001]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'I', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2'], 'be': [33169, 5188, 4852, 4557, 1072, 931, 875, 630.8, 619.3, 186, 123, 123, 50.6, 48.9], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 3.53, 5.06, 10.62, 13.77, 19.87, .959, 1.11, 2.23, 1.69, 2.44]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [511, 37], 'rsf': [.67, .0001]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Xe', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [34561, 5453, 5107, 4786, 1148.7, 1002.1, 940.6, 689, 676.4, 213.2, 146.7, 145.5, 69.5, 67.5, 23.3, 13.4, 12.1], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 3.62, 5.2, 10.99, 15.1, 21.79, 1.02, 1.19, 2.39, 1.92, 2.76, .1596, .1361, .26]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [532, 41], 'rsf': [.626, .0001]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Cs', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [35985, 5714, 5359, 5012, 1211, 1071, 1003, 740.5, 726.6, 232.3, 172.4, 161.3, 79.8, 77.5, 22.7, 14.2, 12.1], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 3.73, 5.29, 11.38, 16.46, 23.76, 1.08, 1.27, 2.56, 2.15, 3.1, .1843, .1697, .332]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [563, 47], 'rsf': [.589, .0001]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Ba', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [37441, 5989, 5624, 5247, 1293, 1137, 1063, 795.7, 780.5, 253.5, 192, 178.6, 92.6, 89.9, 30.3, 17, 14.8], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 3.84, 5.42, 11.71, 17.92, 25.84, 1.13, 1.34, 2.73, 2.4, 3.46, .21, .202, .4]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [584, 57], 'rsf': [.554, 3.41]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'La', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [38925, 6266, 5891, 5483, 1362, 1209, 1128, 853, 836, 274.7, 205.8, 196, 105.3, 102.5, 34.3, 19.3, 16.8], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 3.89, 5.55, 12.11, 19.5, 28.12, 1.19, 1.42, 2.91, 2.67, 3.85, .234, .23, .458]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [625, 78], 'rsf': [.527, 3.12]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Ce', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [40443, 6549, 6164, 5723, 1436, 1274, 1187, 902.4, 883.8, 291, 223.2, 206.5, 109, .1, .1, 37.8, 19.8, 17], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 3.93, 5.66, 12.53, 21.12, 30.5, 1.24, 1.47, 3.03, 2.84, .0609, .078, .23, .221, .439]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [661, 82], 'rsf': [.503, 2.79]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Pr', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [41991, 6835, 6440, 5964, 1511, 1337, 1242, 948.3, 928.8, 304.5, 236.3, 217.6, 115.1, 115.1, 2, 2, 37.4, 22.3, 22.3], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 3.98, 5.75, 12.94, 22.72, 32.85, 1.28, 1.53, 3.17, 3.07, 4.41, .1115, .143, .238, .229, .456]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [699, 87], 'rsf': [.485, 2.72]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Nd', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [43569, 7126, 6722, 6208, 1575, 1403, 1297, 1003.3, 980.4, 319.2, 243.3, 224.6, 120.5, 120.5, 1.5, 1.5, 37.5, 21.1, 21.1], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 5.75, 13.35, 24.27, 35.29, 1.33, 1.59, 3.31, 3.29, 4.74, .1788, .228, .247, .236, .472]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [730, 91], 'rsf': [.469, 2.65]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Pm', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2'], 'be': [45184, 7428, 7013, 6459, 1471, 1357, 1052, 1027, 242, 242, 120, 120], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 5.72, 13.66, 26.08, 37.65, 1.64, 3.45, 3.52, 5.07]}, - 'aes': {'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Sm', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [46834, 7737, 7312, 6716, 1723, 1541, 1420, 1110.9, 1083.4, 347.2, 265.6, 247.4, 129, 129, 5.2, 5.2, 37.4, 21.3, 21.3], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 13.84, 27.96, 40.37, 1.42, 1.7, 3.59, 3.76, 5.4, .374, .477, .261, .249, .501]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [814, 100], 'rsf': [.435, 2.43]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Eu', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [48519, 8052, 7617, 6977, 1800, 1614, 1481, 1158.6, 1127.5, 360, 284, 257, 133, 127.7, 32, 22, 22], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 14.3, 29.91, 43.24, 1.46, 1.75, 3.72, 3.99, 5.74, .268, .255, .515]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [858, 109], 'rsf': [.42, 2.37]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Gd', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [50239, 8376, 7930, 7243, 1881, 1688, 1544, 1221.9, 1189.6, 378.6, 286, 271, 142.6, 8.6, 8.6, 36, 28, 21], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 31.98, 46.23, 1.51, 1.8, 3.88, 6.14, .63, .804, .288, .279, .568]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [895, 138], 'rsf': [.405, 2.26]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Tb', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [51996, 8708, 8252, 7514, 1968, 1768, 1611, 1276.9, 1241.1, 396, 322.4, 284.1, 150.5, 150.5, 7.7, 2.4, 45.6, 28.7, 22.6], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 34.2, 49.42, 1.54, 1.84, 3.99, 4.46, 6.41, .867, 1.1, .281, .265, .539]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1073, 146], 'rsf': [.39, 2.15]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Dy', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [53789, 9046, 8581, 7790, 2047, 1842, 1676, 1333, 1292.6, 414.2, 333.5, 293.2, 153.6, 153.6, 8, 4.3, 49.9, 26.3, 26.3], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 36.65, 52.83, 1.58, 1.88, 4.12, 4.69, 6.74, 1.1, 1.39, .287, .27, .551]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1126, 151], 'rsf': [.377, 2.07]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Ho', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [55618, 9394, 8918, 8071, 2128, 1923, 1741, 1392, 1351, 432.4, 343.5, 308.2, 160, 160, 8.6, 5.2, 49.3, 30.8, 24.1], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 39.19, 56.66, 1.61, 1.91, 4.24, 4.92, 7.08, 1.37, 1.73, .293, .274, .562]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1175, 157], 'rsf': [.365, 1.98]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Er', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [57486, 9751, 9264, 8358, 2207, 2006, 1812, 1453, 1409, 449.8, 366.2, 320.2, 167.6, 167.6, 4.7, 50.6, 31.4, 24.7], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 36.7, 60.42, 1.64, 1.95, 4.37, 5.15, 7.41, 2.13, .298, .277, .572]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1393, 163], 'rsf': [.352, 1.87]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Tm', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [59390, 10116, 9617, 8648, 2307, 2090, 1885, 1515, 1468, 470.9, 385.9, 332.6, 175.5, 175.5, 4.6, 54.7, 31.8, 25], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 41.01, 1.67, 1.98, 4.48, 5.38, 7.74, 2.59, .303, .281, .583]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1449, 166], 'rsf': [.34, 1.78]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Yb', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [61332, 10486, 9978, 8944, 2398, 2173, 1950, 1576, 1528, 480.5, 388.7, 339.7, 191.2, 182.4, 2.5, 1.3, 52, 30.3, 24.1], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.7, 2, 4.6, 5.61, 8.07, 2.47, 3.11, .308, .284, .592]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1514, 170], 'rsf': [.329, 1.69]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Lu', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [63314, 10870, 10349, 9244, 2491, 2264, 2024, 1639, 1589, 506.8, 412.4, 359.2, 206.1, 196.3, 8.9, 7.5, 57.3, 33.6, 26.7], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.73, 2.03, 4.74, 5.87, 8.45, 2.87, 3.63, .326, .304, .645]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1573, 177], 'rsf': [.317, 1.61]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Hf', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [65351, 11271, 10739, 9561, 2601, 2365, 2108, 1716, 1662, 538, 438.2, 380.7, 220, 211.5, 15.9, 14.2, 64.2, 38, 29.9], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.76, 2.06, 4.88, 6.13, 8.84, 3.32, 4.2, .344, .325, .699]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1624, 185], 'rsf': [.303, 1.47]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Ta', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [67416, 11682, 11136, 9881, 2708, 2469, 2194, 1793, 1735, 563.4, 463.4, 400.9, 237.9, 226.4, 23.5, 21.6, 69.7, 42.2, 32.7], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.79, 2.08, 5.02, 6.4, 9.24, 3.8, 4.82, .363, .346, .754]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1680, 179], 'rsf': [.29, 1.35]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'W', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [69525, 12100, 11544, 10207, 2820, 2575, 2281, 1872, 1809, 594.1, 490.4, 423.6, 255.9, 243.5, 33.6, 31.4, 75.6, 45.3, 36.8], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.81, 2.1, 5.16, 6.68, 9.65, 4.32, 5.48, .383, .367, .811]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1736, 179], 'rsf': [.278, 1.25]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Re', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [71676, 12527, 11959, 10535, 2932, 2682, 2367, 1949, 1883, 625.4, 518.7, 446.8, 273.9, 260.5, 42.9, 40.5, 83, 45.6, 34.6], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.84, 2.12, 5.3, 6.95, 10.06, 4.88, 6.2, .402, .387, .869]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1799, 176], 'rsf': [.267, 1.17]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Os', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [73871, 12968, 12385, 10871, 3049, 2792, 2457, 2031, 1960, 658.2, 549.1, 470.7, 293.1, 278.5, 53.4, 50.7, 84, 58, 44.5], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.86, 2.13, 5.45, 7.23, 10.48, 5.48, 6.96, .422, .408, .928]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1850, 170], 'rsf': [.255, 1.11]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Ir', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [76111, 13419, 12824, 11215, 3174, 2909, 2551, 2116, 2040, 691.1, 577.8, 495.8, 311.9, 296.3, 63.8, 60.8, 95.2, 63, 48], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.88, 2.14, 5.59, 7.51, 10.9, 6.12, 7.78, .438, .422, .967]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1908, 171], 'rsf': [.244, 1.01]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Pt', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [78395, 13880, 13273, 11564, 3296, 3027, 2645, 2202, 2122, 725.4, 609.1, 519.4, 331.6, 314.6, 74.5, 71.2, 101.7, 65.3, 51.7], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.9, 2.14, 5.74, 7.78, 11.32, 6.81, 8.65, .459, .444, 1.04]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1967, 168], 'rsf': [.234, 5.48]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Au', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [80725, 14353, 13734, 11919, 3425, 3148, 2743, 2291, 2206, 762.1, 642.7, 546.3, 353.2, 335.1, 87.6, 84, 107.2, 74.2, 57.2], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.92, 2.14, 5.89, 8.06, 11.74, 7.54, 9.58, .479, .463, 1.1]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [2024, 239], 'rsf': [.223, 4.6]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Hg', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2'], 'be': [83102, 14839, 14209, 12284, 3562, 3279, 2847, 2385, 2295, 802.2, 680.2, 576.6, 378.2, 358.8, 104, 99.9, 127, 83.1, 64.5, 9.6, 7.8], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.94, 2.14, 6.04, 8.33, 12.17, 8.32, 10.57, .5, .484, 1.17, .869, 1.21]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [2078, 241], 'rsf': [.213, 3.78]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Tl', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2'], 'be': [85530, 15347, 14698, 12658, 3704, 3416, 2957, 2485, 2389, 846.2, 720.5, 609.5, 405.7, 385, 122.2, 117.8, 136, 94.6, 73.5, 14.7, 12.5], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.95, 2.13, 6.19, 8.6, 12.6, 9.14, 11.62, .52, .505, 1.25, .991, 1.39]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [2134, 244], 'rsf': [.202, 3.06]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Pb', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2'], 'be': [88005, 15861, 15200, 13035, 3851, 3554, 3066, 2586, 2484, 891.8, 761.9, 643.5, 434.3, 412.2, 141.7, 136.9, 147, 106.4, 83.3, 20.7, 18.1], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.96, 2.12, 6.33, 8.87, 13.02, 10.01, 12.73, .542, .526, 1.33, 1.11, 1.58]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [2186, 249], 'rsf': [.192, 2.58]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Bi', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2'], 'be': [90524, 16388, 15711, 13419, 3999, 3696, 3177, 2688, 2580, 939, 805.2, 678.8, 464, 440.1, 162.3, 157, 159.3, 119, 92.6, 26.9, 23.8], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.96, 2.1, 6.48, 9.14, 13.44, 10.93, 13.9, .563, .546, 1.41, 1.24, 1.76]}, - 'aes': {'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [2243], 'rsf': [.183]} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Po', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2'], 'be': [93105, 16939, 16244, 13814, 4149, 3854, 3302, 2798, 2683, 995, 851, 705, 500, 473, 184, 184, 177, 132, 104, 31, 31], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.97, 2.07, 6.62, 9.4, 13.87, 11.9, 15.14, .584, .566, 1.5, 1.36, 1.95]}, - 'aes': {'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'At', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2'], 'be': [95730, 17493, 16785, 14214, 4317, 4008, 3426, 2909, 2787, 1042, 886, 740, 533, 507, 210, 210, 195, 148, 115, 40, 40], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.96, 2.04, 6.77, 9.65, 14.29, 12.92, 16.44, .605, .584, 1.58, 1.49, 2.14]}, - 'aes': {'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Rn', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s'], 'be': [98404, 18049, 17337, 14619, 4482, 4159, 3538, 3022, 2892, 1097, 929, 768, 567, 541, 238, 238, 214, 164, 127, 48, 48, 26], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.95, 2, 6.92, 9.9, 14.7, 14, 17.81, .625, .602, 1.67, 1.62, 2.33, .1129]}, - 'aes': {'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Fr', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s', '6p1/2', '6p3/2'], 'be': [101137, 18639, 17907, 15031, 4652, 4327, 3663, 3136, 3000, 1153, 980, 810, 603, 577, 268, 268, 234, 182, 140, 58, 58, 34, 15, 15], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.95, 1.97, 7.07, 10.16, 15.11, 15.12, 19.24, .645, .618, 1.77, 1.75, 2.53, .1257, .0966, .24]}, - 'aes': {'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Ra', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s', '6p1/2', '6p3/2'], 'be': [103922, 19237, 18484, 15444, 4822, 4490, 3792, 3248, 3105, 1208, 1058, 879, 636, 603, 299, 299, 254, 200, 153, 68, 68, 44, 19, 19], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.95, 1.91, 7.2, 10.4, 15.53, 16.3, 20.74, .665, .633, 1.86, 1.88, 2.73, .1383, .1099, .286]}, - 'aes': {'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Ac', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2'], 'be': [106755, 19840, 19083, 15871, 5002, 4656, 3909, 3370, 3219, 1269, 1080, 890, 675, 639, 319, 319, 272, 215, 167, 80, 80], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.95, 1.86, 7.33, 10.61, 15.93, 17.53, 22.3, .684, .647, 1.95, 2.02, 2.94]}, - 'aes': {'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Th', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s', '6p1/2', '6p3/2'], 'be': [109651, 20472, 19693, 16300, 5182, 4830, 4046, 3491, 3332, 1330, 1168, 966.4, 712.1, 675.2, 342.4, 333.1, 290, 229, 182, 92.5, 85.4, 41.4, 24.5, 16.6], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.95, 1.9, 7.46, 10.82, 16.31, 18.81, 23.94, .702, .66, 2.05, 2.15, 3.15, .1625, .1325, .366]}, - 'aes': {'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'Pa', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2'], 'be': [112601, 21105, 20314, 16733, 5367, 5001, 4174, 3611, 3442, 1387, 1224, 1007, 743, 708, 371, 360, 310, 232, 232, 94, 94], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.92, 1.74, 7.61, 11.04, 16.47, 20.12, 25.6, .718, .667, 2.13, 2.25, 3.29]}, - 'aes': {'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []} - }, - { - 'symbol': 'U', - 'alka': {'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s', '6p1/2', '6p3/2'], 'be': [115606, 21757, 20948, 17166, 5548, 5182, 4303, 3728, 3552, 1439, 1271, 1043, 778.3, 736.2, 388.2, 377.4, 321, 257, 192, 102.8, 94.2, 43.9, 26.8, 16.8], 'rsf': [.0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, .0001, 1.9, 1.68, 7.71, 11.25, 17.05, 21.5, 27.36, .732, .674, 2.22, 2.36, 3.46, .1682, .133, .376]}, - 'aes': {'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []} - } - ] diff --git a/Python/elements.csv b/Python/elements.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..36fb345 --- /dev/null +++ b/Python/elements.csv @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +symbol,period,group_id,series_id,alka,aes,atomic_number,cpk_color,jmol_color,series_name,series_color +H,1,1.0,1,"{'trans': ['1s'], 'be': [13.6], 'rsf': [0.0002]}","{'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []}",1,#ffffff,#ffffff,Nonmetals,#baa2a6 +He,1,18.0,2,"{'trans': ['1s'], 'be': [24.6], 'rsf': [0.0082]}","{'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []}",2,#ffc0cb,#d9ffff,Noble gases,#bbbb88 +Li,2,1.0,3,"{'trans': ['1s'], 'be': [54.7], 'rsf': [0.0568]}","{'trans': ['KLL'], 'ke': [43], 'rsf': [0.977]}",3,#b22222,#cc80ff,Alkali metals,#a6cee3 +Be,2,2.0,4,"{'trans': ['1s'], 'be': [111.5], 'rsf': [0.1947]}","{'trans': ['KLL'], 'ke': [104], 'rsf': [0.456]}",4,#ff1493,#c2ff00,Alkaline earth metals,#1f78b4 +B,2,13.0,5,"{'trans': ['1s'], 'be': [188], 'rsf': [0.486]}","{'trans': ['KLL'], 'ke': [179], 'rsf': [0.289]}",5,#00ff00,#ffb5b5,Metalloids,#33a02c +C,2,14.0,1,"{'trans': ['1s'], 'be': [284.2], 'rsf': [1]}","{'trans': ['KLL'], 'ke': [272], 'rsf': [0.209]}",6,#c8c8c8,#909090,Nonmetals,#baa2a6 +N,2,15.0,1,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s'], 'be': [409.9, 37.3], 'rsf': [1.8, 0.0867]}","{'trans': ['KLL'], 'ke': [379], 'rsf': [0.159]}",7,#8f8fff,#3050f8,Nonmetals,#baa2a6 +O,2,16.0,1,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s'], 'be': [543.1, 41.6], 'rsf': [2.93, 0.1405]}","{'trans': ['KLL'], 'ke': [503], 'rsf': [0.129]}",8,#f00000,#ff0d0d,Nonmetals,#baa2a6 +F,2,17.0,6,"{'trans': ['1s'], 'be': [696.7], 'rsf': [4.43]}","{'trans': ['KLL'], 'ke': [647], 'rsf': [0.105]}",9,#daa520,#90e050,Halogens,#fdbf6f +Ne,2,18.0,2,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2'], 'be': [870.2, 48.5, 21.7, 21.6], 'rsf': [6.3, 0.296, 0.0347, 0.0683]}","{'trans': ['KLL'], 'ke': [805], 'rsf': [0.0846]}",10,#ff1493,#b3e3f5,Noble gases,#bbbb88 +Na,3,1.0,3,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2'], 'be': [1070.8, 63.5, 30.65, 30.81], 'rsf': [8.52, 0.422, 0.0654, 0.1287]}","{'trans': ['KLL'], 'ke': [990], 'rsf': [0.0714]}",11,#0000ff,#ab5cf2,Alkali metals,#a6cee3 +Mg,3,2.0,4,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2'], 'be': [1303, 88.7, 49.78, 49.5], 'rsf': [11.18, 0.575, 0.1125, 0.221]}","{'trans': ['KLL', 'LMM'], 'ke': [1186, 45], 'rsf': [0.0593, 3.43]}",12,#228b22,#8aff00,Alkaline earth metals,#1f78b4 +Al,3,13.0,7,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2'], 'be': [1559.6, 117.8, 72.95, 72.55], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.753, 0.1811, 0.356]}","{'trans': ['KLL', 'LMM'], 'ke': [1396, 68], 'rsf': [0.0497, 2.44]}",13,#808090,#bfa6a6,Poor metals,#b2df8a +Si,3,14.0,5,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2'], 'be': [1839, 149.7, 99.82, 99.42], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.955, 0.276, 0.541]}","{'trans': ['KLL', 'LMM'], 'ke': [1619, 92], 'rsf': [0.0417, 1.78]}",14,#daa520,#f0c8a0,Metalloids,#33a02c +P,3,15.0,1,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2'], 'be': [2145.5, 189, 136, 135], 'rsf': [0.0001, 1.18, 0.403, 0.789]}","{'trans': ['KLL', 'LMM'], 'ke': [1859, 120], 'rsf': [0.035, 1.36]}",15,#ffa500,#ff8000,Nonmetals,#baa2a6 +S,3,16.0,1,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2'], 'be': [2472, 230.9, 163.6, 162.5], 'rsf': [0.0001, 1.43, 0.567, 1.11]}","{'trans': ['KLL', 'LMM'], 'ke': [2117, 152], 'rsf': [0.0295, 1.14]}",16,#ffc832,#ffff30,Nonmetals,#baa2a6 +Cl,3,17.0,6,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2'], 'be': [2822.4, 270, 202, 200], 'rsf': [0.0001, 1.69, 0.775, 1.51]}","{'trans': ['KLL', 'LMM'], 'ke': [2378, 181], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.984]}",17,#00ff00,#1ff01f,Halogens,#fdbf6f +Ar,3,18.0,2,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [3205.9, 326.3, 250.6, 248.4, 29.3, 15.9, 15.7], 'rsf': [0.0001, 1.97, 1.03, 2.01, 0.227, 0.0821, 0.1597]}","{'trans': ['LMM'], 'ke': [215], 'rsf': [0.827]}",18,#ff1493,#80d1e3,Noble gases,#bbbb88 +K,4,1.0,3,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [3608.4, 378.6, 297.3, 294.6, 34.8, 18.3, 18.3], 'rsf': [0.0001, 2.27, 1.35, 2.62, 0.286, 0.1229, 0.239]}","{'trans': ['LMM'], 'ke': [252], 'rsf': [0.723]}",19,#ff1493,#8f40d4,Alkali metals,#a6cee3 +Ca,4,2.0,4,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [4038.5, 438.4, 349.7, 346.2, 44.3, 25.4, 25.4], 'rsf': [0.0001, 2.59, 1.72, 3.35, 0.351, 0.172, 0.335]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [291, 20], 'rsf': [0.633, 0.0001]}",20,#808090,#3dff00,Alkaline earth metals,#1f78b4 +Sc,4,3.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [4492, 498, 403.6, 398.7, 51.1, 28.3, 28.3], 'rsf': [0.0001, 2.91, 2.17, 4.21, 0.411, 0.221, 0.429]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [340, 24], 'rsf': [0.563, 0.0001]}",21,#ff1493,#e6e6e6,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Ti,4,4.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [4966, 560.9, 460.2, 453.8, 58.7, 32.6, 32.6], 'rsf': [0.0001, 3.24, 2.69, 5.22, 0.473, 0.276, 0.537]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [418, 27], 'rsf': [0.514, 0.0001]}",22,#808090,#bfc2c7,Transition metals,#e08e79 +V,4,5.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [5465, 626.7, 519.8, 512.1, 66.3, 37.2, 37.2], 'rsf': [0.0001, 3.57, 3.29, 6.37, 0.538, 0.339, 0.657]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [473, 31], 'rsf': [0.471, 5.03]}",23,#ff1493,#a6a6ab,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Cr,4,6.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [5989, 696, 583.8, 574.1, 74.1, 42.2, 42.2], 'rsf': [0.0001, 3.91, 3.98, 7.69, 0.596, 0.4, 0.773]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [529, 36], 'rsf': [0.432, 4.6]}",24,#808090,#8a99c7,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Mn,4,7.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [6539, 769.1, 649.9, 638.7, 82.3, 47.2, 47.2], 'rsf': [0.0001, 4.23, 4.74, 9.17, 0.674, 0.485, 0.938]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [589, 40], 'rsf': [0.397, 3.96]}",25,#808090,#9c7ac7,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Fe,4,8.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [7112, 844.6, 719.9, 706.8, 91.3, 52.7, 52.7], 'rsf': [0.0001, 4.57, 5.6, 10.82, 0.745, 0.569, 1.1]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [703, 47], 'rsf': [0.367, 3.5]}",26,#ffa500,#e06633,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Co,4,9.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [7709, 925.1, 793.2, 778.1, 101, 58.9, 59.9], 'rsf': [0.0001, 4.88, 6.54, 12.62, 0.818, 0.66, 1.27]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [775, 53], 'rsf': [0.341, 3.12]}",27,#ff1493,#f090a0,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Ni,4,10.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [8333, 1008.6, 870, 852.7, 110.8, 68, 66.2], 'rsf': [0.0001, 5.16, 7.57, 14.61, 0.892, 0.757, 1.46]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [848, 61], 'rsf': [0.316, 2.65]}",28,#a52a2a,#50d050,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Cu,4,11.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2'], 'be': [8979, 1096.7, 952.3, 932.7, 122.5, 77.3, 75.1], 'rsf': [0.0001, 5.46, 8.66, 16.73, 0.957, 0.848, 1.63]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [920, 60], 'rsf': [0.294, 2.41]}",29,#a52a2a,#c88033,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Zn,4,12.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2'], 'be': [9659, 1196.2, 1044.9, 1021.8, 139.8, 91.4, 88.6, 10.2, 10.1], 'rsf': [0.0001, 5.76, 9.8, 18.92, 1.04, 0.968, 1.86, 0.33, 0.48]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [994, 59], 'rsf': [0.271, 1.98]}",30,#a52a2a,#7d80b0,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Ga,4,13.0,7,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2'], 'be': [10367, 1299, 1143.2, 1116.4, 159.5, 103.5, 100, 18.7, 18.7], 'rsf': [0.0001, 6.07, 11.09, 21.4, 1.13, 1.1, 2.11, 0.442, 0.643]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1070, 55], 'rsf': [0.25, 1.57]}",31,#ff1493,#c28f8f,Poor metals,#b2df8a +Ge,4,14.0,5,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2'], 'be': [11103, 1414.6, 1248.1, 1217, 180.1, 124.9, 120.8, 29.8, 29.2], 'rsf': [0.0001, 6.31, 12.52, 24.15, 1.23, 1.24, 2.39, 0.578, 0.842]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1147, 23], 'rsf': [0.229, 1.27]}",32,#ff1493,#668f8f,Metalloids,#33a02c +As,4,15.0,5,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2'], 'be': [11867, 1527, 1359.1, 1323.6, 204.7, 146.2, 141.2, 41.7, 41.7], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 14.07, 27.19, 1.32, 1.39, 2.68, 0.741, 1.08]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1228, 31], 'rsf': [0.211, 1.06]}",33,#ff1493,#bd80e3,Metalloids,#33a02c +Se,4,16.0,1,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2'], 'be': [12658, 1652, 1474.3, 1433.9, 229.6, 166.5, 160.7, 55.5, 54.6], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 13.66, 25.9, 1.43, 1.55, 2.98, 0.934, 1.36]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1315, 43], 'rsf': [0.194, 5.44]}",34,#ff1493,#ffa100,Nonmetals,#baa2a6 +Br,4,17.0,6,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2'], 'be': [13474, 1782, 1596, 1550, 257, 189, 182, 70, 69], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.53, 1.72, 3.31, 1.16, 1.68]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1396, 55], 'rsf': [0.179, 4.37]}",35,#a52a2a,#a62929,Halogens,#fdbf6f +Kr,4,18.0,2,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [14326, 1921, 1730.9, 1678.4, 292.8, 222.2, 214.4, 95, 93.8, 27.5, 14.1, 14.1], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.64, 1.89, 3.65, 1.42, 2.06, 0.213, 0.1643, 0.312]}","{'trans': ['LMM'], 'ke': [1474], 'rsf': [0.164]}",36,#ff1493,#5cb8d1,Noble gases,#bbbb88 +Rb,5,1.0,3,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [15200, 2065, 1864, 1804, 326.7, 248.7, 239.1, 113, 112, 30.5, 16.3, 15.3], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.75, 2.07, 4, 1.72, 2.49, 0.251, 0.214, 0.411]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1565, 76], 'rsf': [0.152, 2.63]}",37,#ff1493,#702eb0,Alkali metals,#a6cee3 +Sr,5,2.0,4,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [16105, 2216, 2007, 1940, 358.7, 280.3, 270, 136, 134.2, 38.9, 21.3, 20.1], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.86, 2.25, 4.37, 2.06, 2.99, 0.291, 0.265, 0.51]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1649, 110], 'rsf': [0.14, 2.17]}",38,#ff1493,#00ff00,Alkaline earth metals,#1f78b4 +Y,5,3.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [17038, 2373, 2156, 2080, 392, 310.6, 298.8, 157.7, 155.8, 43.8, 24.4, 23.1], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.98, 2.44, 4.75, 2.44, 3.54, 0.329, 0.311, 0.599]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1746, 127], 'rsf': [0.129, 1.86]}",39,#ff1493,#94ffff,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Zr,5,4.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [17998, 2532, 2307, 2223, 430.3, 343.5, 329.8, 181.1, 178.8, 50.6, 28.5, 27.1], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.1, 2.64, 5.14, 2.87, 4.17, 0.367, 0.357, 0.689]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1845, 147], 'rsf': [0.119, 1.66]}",40,#ff1493,#94e0e0,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Nb,5,5.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [18986, 2698, 2465, 2371, 466.6, 376.1, 360.6, 205, 202.3, 56.4, 32.6, 30.8], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.22, 2.84, 5.53, 3.35, 4.86, 0.402, 0.398, 0.767]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [1944, 167], 'rsf': [0.11, 1.5]}",41,#ff1493,#73c2c9,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Mo,5,6.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [20000, 2866, 2625, 2520, 506.3, 411.6, 394, 231.1, 227.9, 63.2, 37.6, 35.5], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.34, 3.04, 5.94, 3.88, 5.62, 0.44, 0.445, 0.86]}","{'trans': ['LMM', 'MNN'], 'ke': [2044, 186], 'rsf': [0.101, 1.39]}",42,#ff1493,#54b5b5,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Tc,5,7.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [21044, 3043, 2793, 2677, 544, 447.6, 417.7, 257.6, 253.9, 69.5, 42.3, 39.9], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.45, 3.23, 6.36, 4.46, 6.47, 0.479, 0.494, 0.955]}","{'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [249], 'rsf': [1.29]}",43,#ff1493,#3b9e9e,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Ru,5,8.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [22117, 3224, 2967, 2838, 586.1, 483.5, 461.4, 284.2, 280, 75, 46.3, 43.2], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.57, 3.44, 6.78, 5.1, 7.39, 0.519, 0.544, 1.05]}","{'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [273], 'rsf': [1.2]}",44,#ff1493,#248f8f,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Rh,5,9.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [23220, 3412, 3146, 3004, 628.1, 521.3, 496.5, 311.9, 307.2, 81.4, 50.5, 47.3], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.7, 3.64, 7.21, 5.8, 8.39, 0.56, 0.595, 1.15]}","{'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [302], 'rsf': [1.13]}",45,#ff1493,#0a7d8c,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Pd,5,10.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [24350, 3604, 3330, 3173, 671.6, 559.9, 532.3, 340.5, 335.2, 87.1, 55.7, 50.9], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.81, 3.83, 7.63, 6.56, 9.48, 0.598, 0.641, 1.24]}","{'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [330], 'rsf': [1.07]}",46,#ff1493,#006985,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Ag,5,11.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2'], 'be': [25514, 3806, 3524, 3351, 719, 603.8, 573, 374, 368.3, 97, 63.7, 58.3], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.93, 4.03, 8.06, 7.38, 10.66, 0.644, 0.7, 1.36]}","{'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [351], 'rsf': [1]}",47,#808090,#c0c0c0,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Cd,5,12.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2'], 'be': [26711, 4018, 3727, 3538, 772, 652.6, 618.4, 411.9, 405.2, 109.8, 63.9, 63.9, 11.7, 10.7], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.04, 4.22, 8.5, 8.27, 11.95, 0.692, 0.762, 1.49, 0.778, 1.11]}","{'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [376], 'rsf': [0.931]}",48,#ff1493,#ffd98f,Transition metals,#e08e79 +In,5,13.0,7,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2'], 'be': [27940, 4238, 3938, 3730, 827.2, 703.2, 665.3, 451.4, 443.9, 122.9, 73.5, 73.5, 17.7, 16.9], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.16, 4.4, 8.93, 9.22, 13.32, 0.742, 0.828, 1.62, 0.935, 1.34]}","{'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [404], 'rsf': [0.867]}",49,#ff1493,#a67573,Poor metals,#b2df8a +Sn,5,14.0,7,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2'], 'be': [29200, 4465, 4156, 3929, 884.7, 756.5, 714.6, 493.2, 484.9, 137.1, 83.6, 83.6, 24.9, 23.9], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.26, 4.58, 9.35, 10.25, 14.8, 0.794, 0.897, 1.77, 1.11, 1.59]}","{'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [430], 'rsf': [0.809]}",50,#ff1493,#668080,Poor metals,#b2df8a +Sb,5,15.0,5,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2'], 'be': [30491, 4698, 4380, 4132, 946, 812.7, 766.4, 537.5, 528.2, 153.2, 95.6, 95.6, 33.3, 32.1], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.36, 4.76, 9.77, 11.35, 16.39, 0.848, 0.968, 1.91, 1.29, 1.85]}","{'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [454], 'rsf': [0.759]}",51,#ff1493,#9e63b5,Metalloids,#33a02c +Te,5,16.0,5,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2'], 'be': [31814, 4939, 4612, 4341, 1006, 870.8, 820, 583.4, 573, 169.4, 103.3, 103.3, 41.9, 40.4], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.46, 4.92, 10.21, 12.52, 18.06, 0.903, 1.04, 2.07, 1.49, 2.14]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [483, 31], 'rsf': [0.713, 0.0001]}",52,#ff1493,#d47a00,Metalloids,#33a02c +I,5,17.0,6,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2'], 'be': [33169, 5188, 4852, 4557, 1072, 931, 875, 630.8, 619.3, 186, 123, 123, 50.6, 48.9], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.53, 5.06, 10.62, 13.77, 19.87, 0.959, 1.11, 2.23, 1.69, 2.44]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [511, 37], 'rsf': [0.67, 0.0001]}",53,#a020f0,#940094,Halogens,#fdbf6f +Xe,5,18.0,2,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [34561, 5453, 5107, 4786, 1148.7, 1002.1, 940.6, 689, 676.4, 213.2, 146.7, 145.5, 69.5, 67.5, 23.3, 13.4, 12.1], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.62, 5.2, 10.99, 15.1, 21.79, 1.02, 1.19, 2.39, 1.92, 2.76, 0.1596, 0.1361, 0.26]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [532, 41], 'rsf': [0.626, 0.0001]}",54,#ff1493,#429eb0,Noble gases,#bbbb88 +Cs,6,1.0,3,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [35985, 5714, 5359, 5012, 1211, 1071, 1003, 740.5, 726.6, 232.3, 172.4, 161.3, 79.8, 77.5, 22.7, 14.2, 12.1], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.73, 5.29, 11.38, 16.46, 23.76, 1.08, 1.27, 2.56, 2.15, 3.1, 0.1843, 0.1697, 0.332]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [563, 47], 'rsf': [0.589, 0.0001]}",55,#ff1493,#57178f,Alkali metals,#a6cee3 +Ba,6,2.0,4,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [37441, 5989, 5624, 5247, 1293, 1137, 1063, 795.7, 780.5, 253.5, 192, 178.6, 92.6, 89.9, 30.3, 17, 14.8], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.84, 5.42, 11.71, 17.92, 25.84, 1.13, 1.34, 2.73, 2.4, 3.46, 0.21, 0.202, 0.4]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [584, 57], 'rsf': [0.554, 3.41]}",56,#ffa500,#00c900,Alkaline earth metals,#1f78b4 +La,6,3.0,9,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [38925, 6266, 5891, 5483, 1362, 1209, 1128, 853, 836, 274.7, 205.8, 196, 105.3, 102.5, 34.3, 19.3, 16.8], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.89, 5.55, 12.11, 19.5, 28.12, 1.19, 1.42, 2.91, 2.67, 3.85, 0.234, 0.23, 0.458]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [625, 78], 'rsf': [0.527, 3.12]}",57,#ff1493,#70d4ff,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Ce,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [40443, 6549, 6164, 5723, 1436, 1274, 1187, 902.4, 883.8, 291, 223.2, 206.5, 109, 0.1, 0.1, 37.8, 19.8, 17], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.93, 5.66, 12.53, 21.12, 30.5, 1.24, 1.47, 3.03, 2.84, 0.0609, 0.078, 0.23, 0.221, 0.439]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [661, 82], 'rsf': [0.503, 2.79]}",58,#ff1493,#ffffc7,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Pr,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [41991, 6835, 6440, 5964, 1511, 1337, 1242, 948.3, 928.8, 304.5, 236.3, 217.6, 115.1, 115.1, 2, 2, 37.4, 22.3, 22.3], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 3.98, 5.75, 12.94, 22.72, 32.85, 1.28, 1.53, 3.17, 3.07, 4.41, 0.1115, 0.143, 0.238, 0.229, 0.456]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [699, 87], 'rsf': [0.485, 2.72]}",59,#ff1493,#d9ffc7,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Nd,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [43569, 7126, 6722, 6208, 1575, 1403, 1297, 1003.3, 980.4, 319.2, 243.3, 224.6, 120.5, 120.5, 1.5, 1.5, 37.5, 21.1, 21.1], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 5.75, 13.35, 24.27, 35.29, 1.33, 1.59, 3.31, 3.29, 4.74, 0.1788, 0.228, 0.247, 0.236, 0.472]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [730, 91], 'rsf': [0.469, 2.65]}",60,#ff1493,#c7ffc7,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Pm,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2'], 'be': [45184, 7428, 7013, 6459, 1471, 1357, 1052, 1027, 242, 242, 120, 120], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 5.72, 13.66, 26.08, 37.65, 1.64, 3.45, 3.52, 5.07]}","{'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []}",61,#ff1493,#a3ffc7,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Sm,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [46834, 7737, 7312, 6716, 1723, 1541, 1420, 1110.9, 1083.4, 347.2, 265.6, 247.4, 129, 129, 5.2, 5.2, 37.4, 21.3, 21.3], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 13.84, 27.96, 40.37, 1.42, 1.7, 3.59, 3.76, 5.4, 0.374, 0.477, 0.261, 0.249, 0.501]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [814, 100], 'rsf': [0.435, 2.43]}",62,#ff1493,#8fffc7,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Eu,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [48519, 8052, 7617, 6977, 1800, 1614, 1481, 1158.6, 1127.5, 360, 284, 257, 133, 127.7, 32, 22, 22], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 14.3, 29.91, 43.24, 1.46, 1.75, 3.72, 3.99, 5.74, 0.268, 0.255, 0.515]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [858, 109], 'rsf': [0.42, 2.37]}",63,#ff1493,#61ffc7,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Gd,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [50239, 8376, 7930, 7243, 1881, 1688, 1544, 1221.9, 1189.6, 378.6, 286, 271, 142.6, 8.6, 8.6, 36, 28, 21], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 31.98, 46.23, 1.51, 1.8, 3.88, 6.14, 0.63, 0.804, 0.288, 0.279, 0.568]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [895, 138], 'rsf': [0.405, 2.26]}",64,#ff1493,#45ffc7,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Tb,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [51996, 8708, 8252, 7514, 1968, 1768, 1611, 1276.9, 1241.1, 396, 322.4, 284.1, 150.5, 150.5, 7.7, 2.4, 45.6, 28.7, 22.6], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 34.2, 49.42, 1.54, 1.84, 3.99, 4.46, 6.41, 0.867, 1.1, 0.281, 0.265, 0.539]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1073, 146], 'rsf': [0.39, 2.15]}",65,#ff1493,#30ffc7,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Dy,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [53789, 9046, 8581, 7790, 2047, 1842, 1676, 1333, 1292.6, 414.2, 333.5, 293.2, 153.6, 153.6, 8, 4.3, 49.9, 26.3, 26.3], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 36.65, 52.83, 1.58, 1.88, 4.12, 4.69, 6.74, 1.1, 1.39, 0.287, 0.27, 0.551]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1126, 151], 'rsf': [0.377, 2.07]}",66,#ff1493,#1fffc7,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Ho,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [55618, 9394, 8918, 8071, 2128, 1923, 1741, 1392, 1351, 432.4, 343.5, 308.2, 160, 160, 8.6, 5.2, 49.3, 30.8, 24.1], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 39.19, 56.66, 1.61, 1.91, 4.24, 4.92, 7.08, 1.37, 1.73, 0.293, 0.274, 0.562]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1175, 157], 'rsf': [0.365, 1.98]}",67,#ff1493,#00ff9c,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Er,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [57486, 9751, 9264, 8358, 2207, 2006, 1812, 1453, 1409, 449.8, 366.2, 320.2, 167.6, 167.6, 4.7, 50.6, 31.4, 24.7], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 36.7, 60.42, 1.64, 1.95, 4.37, 5.15, 7.41, 2.13, 0.298, 0.277, 0.572]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1393, 163], 'rsf': [0.352, 1.87]}",68,#ff1493,#00e675,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Tm,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [59390, 10116, 9617, 8648, 2307, 2090, 1885, 1515, 1468, 470.9, 385.9, 332.6, 175.5, 175.5, 4.6, 54.7, 31.8, 25], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 41.01, 1.67, 1.98, 4.48, 5.38, 7.74, 2.59, 0.303, 0.281, 0.583]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1449, 166], 'rsf': [0.34, 1.78]}",69,#ff1493,#00d452,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Yb,6,100.0,9,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [61332, 10486, 9978, 8944, 2398, 2173, 1950, 1576, 1528, 480.5, 388.7, 339.7, 191.2, 182.4, 2.5, 1.3, 52, 30.3, 24.1], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.7, 2, 4.6, 5.61, 8.07, 2.47, 3.11, 0.308, 0.284, 0.592]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1514, 170], 'rsf': [0.329, 1.69]}",70,#ff1493,#00bf38,Lanthanides,#cab2d6 +Lu,6,100.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [63314, 10870, 10349, 9244, 2491, 2264, 2024, 1639, 1589, 506.8, 412.4, 359.2, 206.1, 196.3, 8.9, 7.5, 57.3, 33.6, 26.7], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.73, 2.03, 4.74, 5.87, 8.45, 2.87, 3.63, 0.326, 0.304, 0.645]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1573, 177], 'rsf': [0.317, 1.61]}",71,#ff1493,#00ab24,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Hf,6,4.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [65351, 11271, 10739, 9561, 2601, 2365, 2108, 1716, 1662, 538, 438.2, 380.7, 220, 211.5, 15.9, 14.2, 64.2, 38, 29.9], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.76, 2.06, 4.88, 6.13, 8.84, 3.32, 4.2, 0.344, 0.325, 0.699]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1624, 185], 'rsf': [0.303, 1.47]}",72,#ff1493,#4dc2ff,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Ta,6,5.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [67416, 11682, 11136, 9881, 2708, 2469, 2194, 1793, 1735, 563.4, 463.4, 400.9, 237.9, 226.4, 23.5, 21.6, 69.7, 42.2, 32.7], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.79, 2.08, 5.02, 6.4, 9.24, 3.8, 4.82, 0.363, 0.346, 0.754]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1680, 179], 'rsf': [0.29, 1.35]}",73,#ff1493,#4da6ff,Transition metals,#e08e79 +W,6,6.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [69525, 12100, 11544, 10207, 2820, 2575, 2281, 1872, 1809, 594.1, 490.4, 423.6, 255.9, 243.5, 33.6, 31.4, 75.6, 45.3, 36.8], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.81, 2.1, 5.16, 6.68, 9.65, 4.32, 5.48, 0.383, 0.367, 0.811]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1736, 179], 'rsf': [0.278, 1.25]}",74,#ff1493,#2194d6,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Re,6,7.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [71676, 12527, 11959, 10535, 2932, 2682, 2367, 1949, 1883, 625.4, 518.7, 446.8, 273.9, 260.5, 42.9, 40.5, 83, 45.6, 34.6], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.84, 2.12, 5.3, 6.95, 10.06, 4.88, 6.2, 0.402, 0.387, 0.869]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1799, 176], 'rsf': [0.267, 1.17]}",75,#ff1493,#267dab,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Os,6,8.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [73871, 12968, 12385, 10871, 3049, 2792, 2457, 2031, 1960, 658.2, 549.1, 470.7, 293.1, 278.5, 53.4, 50.7, 84, 58, 44.5], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.86, 2.13, 5.45, 7.23, 10.48, 5.48, 6.96, 0.422, 0.408, 0.928]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1850, 170], 'rsf': [0.255, 1.11]}",76,#ff1493,#266696,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Ir,6,9.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [76111, 13419, 12824, 11215, 3174, 2909, 2551, 2116, 2040, 691.1, 577.8, 495.8, 311.9, 296.3, 63.8, 60.8, 95.2, 63, 48], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.88, 2.14, 5.59, 7.51, 10.9, 6.12, 7.78, 0.438, 0.422, 0.967]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1908, 171], 'rsf': [0.244, 1.01]}",77,#ff1493,#175487,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Pt,6,10.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [78395, 13880, 13273, 11564, 3296, 3027, 2645, 2202, 2122, 725.4, 609.1, 519.4, 331.6, 314.6, 74.5, 71.2, 101.7, 65.3, 51.7], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.9, 2.14, 5.74, 7.78, 11.32, 6.81, 8.65, 0.459, 0.444, 1.04]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [1967, 168], 'rsf': [0.234, 5.48]}",78,#ff1493,#d0d0e0,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Au,6,11.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2'], 'be': [80725, 14353, 13734, 11919, 3425, 3148, 2743, 2291, 2206, 762.1, 642.7, 546.3, 353.2, 335.1, 87.6, 84, 107.2, 74.2, 57.2], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.92, 2.14, 5.89, 8.06, 11.74, 7.54, 9.58, 0.479, 0.463, 1.1]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [2024, 239], 'rsf': [0.223, 4.6]}",79,#daa520,#ffd123,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Hg,6,12.0,8,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2'], 'be': [83102, 14839, 14209, 12284, 3562, 3279, 2847, 2385, 2295, 802.2, 680.2, 576.6, 378.2, 358.8, 104, 99.9, 127, 83.1, 64.5, 9.6, 7.8], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.94, 2.14, 6.04, 8.33, 12.17, 8.32, 10.57, 0.5, 0.484, 1.17, 0.869, 1.21]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [2078, 241], 'rsf': [0.213, 3.78]}",80,#ff1493,#b8b8d0,Transition metals,#e08e79 +Tl,6,13.0,7,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2'], 'be': [85530, 15347, 14698, 12658, 3704, 3416, 2957, 2485, 2389, 846.2, 720.5, 609.5, 405.7, 385, 122.2, 117.8, 136, 94.6, 73.5, 14.7, 12.5], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.95, 2.13, 6.19, 8.6, 12.6, 9.14, 11.62, 0.52, 0.505, 1.25, 0.991, 1.39]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [2134, 244], 'rsf': [0.202, 3.06]}",81,#ff1493,#a6544d,Poor metals,#b2df8a +Pb,6,14.0,7,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2'], 'be': [88005, 15861, 15200, 13035, 3851, 3554, 3066, 2586, 2484, 891.8, 761.9, 643.5, 434.3, 412.2, 141.7, 136.9, 147, 106.4, 83.3, 20.7, 18.1], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.96, 2.12, 6.33, 8.87, 13.02, 10.01, 12.73, 0.542, 0.526, 1.33, 1.11, 1.58]}","{'trans': ['MNN', 'NOO'], 'ke': [2186, 249], 'rsf': [0.192, 2.58]}",82,#ff1493,#575961,Poor metals,#b2df8a +Bi,6,15.0,7,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2'], 'be': [90524, 16388, 15711, 13419, 3999, 3696, 3177, 2688, 2580, 939, 805.2, 678.8, 464, 440.1, 162.3, 157, 159.3, 119, 92.6, 26.9, 23.8], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.96, 2.1, 6.48, 9.14, 13.44, 10.93, 13.9, 0.563, 0.546, 1.41, 1.24, 1.76]}","{'trans': ['MNN'], 'ke': [2243], 'rsf': [0.183]}",83,#ff1493,#9e4fb5,Poor metals,#b2df8a +Po,6,16.0,5,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2'], 'be': [93105, 16939, 16244, 13814, 4149, 3854, 3302, 2798, 2683, 995, 851, 705, 500, 473, 184, 184, 177, 132, 104, 31, 31], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.97, 2.07, 6.62, 9.4, 13.87, 11.9, 15.14, 0.584, 0.566, 1.5, 1.36, 1.95]}","{'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []}",84,#ff1493,#ab5c00,Metalloids,#33a02c +At,6,17.0,6,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2'], 'be': [95730, 17493, 16785, 14214, 4317, 4008, 3426, 2909, 2787, 1042, 886, 740, 533, 507, 210, 210, 195, 148, 115, 40, 40], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.96, 2.04, 6.77, 9.65, 14.29, 12.92, 16.44, 0.605, 0.584, 1.58, 1.49, 2.14]}","{'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []}",85,#ff1493,#754f45,Halogens,#fdbf6f +Rn,6,18.0,2,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s'], 'be': [98404, 18049, 17337, 14619, 4482, 4159, 3538, 3022, 2892, 1097, 929, 768, 567, 541, 238, 238, 214, 164, 127, 48, 48, 26], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.95, 2, 6.92, 9.9, 14.7, 14, 17.81, 0.625, 0.602, 1.67, 1.62, 2.33, 0.1129]}","{'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []}",86,#ffffff,#428296,Noble gases,#bbbb88 +Fr,7,1.0,3,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s', '6p1/2', '6p3/2'], 'be': [101137, 18639, 17907, 15031, 4652, 4327, 3663, 3136, 3000, 1153, 980, 810, 603, 577, 268, 268, 234, 182, 140, 58, 58, 34, 15, 15], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.95, 1.97, 7.07, 10.16, 15.11, 15.12, 19.24, 0.645, 0.618, 1.77, 1.75, 2.53, 0.1257, 0.0966, 0.24]}","{'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []}",87,#ffffff,#420066,Alkali metals,#a6cee3 +Ra,7,2.0,4,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s', '6p1/2', '6p3/2'], 'be': [103922, 19237, 18484, 15444, 4822, 4490, 3792, 3248, 3105, 1208, 1058, 879, 636, 603, 299, 299, 254, 200, 153, 68, 68, 44, 19, 19], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.95, 1.91, 7.2, 10.4, 15.53, 16.3, 20.74, 0.665, 0.633, 1.86, 1.88, 2.73, 0.1383, 0.1099, 0.286]}","{'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []}",88,#ffffff,#007d00,Alkaline earth metals,#1f78b4 +Ac,7,3.0,10,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2'], 'be': [106755, 19840, 19083, 15871, 5002, 4656, 3909, 3370, 3219, 1269, 1080, 890, 675, 639, 319, 319, 272, 215, 167, 80, 80], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.95, 1.86, 7.33, 10.61, 15.93, 17.53, 22.3, 0.684, 0.647, 1.95, 2.02, 2.94]}","{'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []}",89,#ffffff,#70abfa,Actinides,#6a3d9a +Th,7,100.0,10,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s', '6p1/2', '6p3/2'], 'be': [109651, 20472, 19693, 16300, 5182, 4830, 4046, 3491, 3332, 1330, 1168, 966.4, 712.1, 675.2, 342.4, 333.1, 290, 229, 182, 92.5, 85.4, 41.4, 24.5, 16.6], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.95, 1.9, 7.46, 10.82, 16.31, 18.81, 23.94, 0.702, 0.66, 2.05, 2.15, 3.15, 0.1625, 0.1325, 0.366]}","{'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []}",90,#ff1493,#00baff,Actinides,#6a3d9a +Pa,7,100.0,10,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2'], 'be': [112601, 21105, 20314, 16733, 5367, 5001, 4174, 3611, 3442, 1387, 1224, 1007, 743, 708, 371, 360, 310, 232, 232, 94, 94], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.92, 1.74, 7.61, 11.04, 16.47, 20.12, 25.6, 0.718, 0.667, 2.13, 2.25, 3.29]}","{'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []}",91,#ffffff,#00a1ff,Actinides,#6a3d9a +U,7,100.0,10,"{'trans': ['1s', '2s', '2p1/2', '2p3/2', '3s', '3p1/2', '3p3/2', '3d3/2', '3d5/2', '4s', '4p1/2', '4p3/2', '4d3/2', '4d5/2', '4f5/2', '4f7/2', '5s', '5p1/2', '5p3/2', '5d3/2', '5d5/2', '6s', '6p1/2', '6p3/2'], 'be': [115606, 21757, 20948, 17166, 5548, 5182, 4303, 3728, 3552, 1439, 1271, 1043, 778.3, 736.2, 388.2, 377.4, 321, 257, 192, 102.8, 94.2, 43.9, 26.8, 16.8], 'rsf': [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 1.9, 1.68, 7.71, 11.25, 17.05, 21.5, 27.36, 0.732, 0.674, 2.22, 2.36, 3.46, 0.1682, 0.133, 0.376]}","{'trans': [], 'ke': [], 'rsf': []}",92,#ff1493,#008fff,Actinides,#6a3d9a diff --git a/Python/elements.py b/Python/elements.py deleted file mode 100644 index 6e30739..0000000 --- a/Python/elements.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -class Transition: - def __init__(self, symbol, alka, aes): - self.symbol = symbol - self.alka = alka - self.aes = aes - diff --git a/Python/generate_elems_csv.py b/Python/generate_elems_csv.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f83be5f --- /dev/null +++ b/Python/generate_elems_csv.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +import os +import pandas as pd +from mendeleev.fetch import fetch_table + + +def generate_elements_csv(xps): + """ + Generate a CSV file of element properties based on a pandas dataframe containing XPS data. + + Parameters: + xps (pandas.DataFrame): A pandas dataframe containing XPS data for each element. The dataframe should have + columns 'symbol', 'alka.trans', 'alka.be', 'alka.rsf', 'aes.trans', 'aes.ke', + and 'aes.rsf'. + + Returns: + None: This function generates a CSV file of element properties, but does not return anything. + + Raises: + IndexError: If the symbol for an element in the XPS data is not found in the Mendeleev table. + + """ + mendeleev_pt = fetch_table('elements') + mendeleev_series = fetch_table('series') + + df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['symbol', 'period', 'group_id', 'series_id', 'alka', 'aes', 'atomic_number', 'cpk_color', 'jmol_color', 'series_name', 'series_color']) + + for _, elem in xps.iterrows(): + index = mendeleev_pt.index[mendeleev_pt['symbol'] == elem.symbol].tolist()[0] + mendeleev_pt_copy = mendeleev_pt.copy() + mendeleev_pt_copy.loc[mendeleev_pt_copy['group_id'].isna(), 'group_id'] = 100 + row = pd.Series([elem.symbol, mendeleev_pt['period'][index], mendeleev_pt_copy['group_id'][index], mendeleev_pt['series_id'][index], {'trans': elem['alka.trans'], 'be': elem['alka.be'], 'rsf': elem['alka.rsf']}, {'trans': elem['aes.trans'], 'ke': elem['aes.ke'], 'rsf': elem['aes.rsf']}, mendeleev_pt['atomic_number'][index], mendeleev_pt['cpk_color'][index], mendeleev_pt['jmol_color'][index], mendeleev_series['name'].values[mendeleev_pt['series_id'][index]-1], mendeleev_series['color'].values[mendeleev_pt['series_id'][index]-1]], index=df.columns) + df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame([row])], ignore_index=True) + + # Save CSV file relative to the script location + script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + csv_path = os.path.join(script_dir, '../Databases/elements.csv') + df.to_csv(csv_path, index=False) + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + # Read CSV file relative to the script location + script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + csv_path = os.path.join(script_dir, '../Databases/xps_data.csv') + xps = pd.read_csv(csv_path) + generate_elements_csv(xps) diff --git a/Python/helpers.py b/Python/helpers.py index ca5de07..0fb4ff4 100644 --- a/Python/helpers.py +++ b/Python/helpers.py @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +from PyQt5.QtGui import QDoubleValidator, QValidator +from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QItemDelegate, QLineEdit from lmfit.models import ExponentialGaussianModel, SkewedGaussianModel, SkewedVoigtModel, DoniachModel, \ BreitWignerModel, LognormalModel from lmfit.models import GaussianModel, LorentzianModel, VoigtModel, PseudoVoigtModel, ThermalDistributionModel, \ @@ -93,6 +95,93 @@ def model_selector(index: int, strind: str, index_pk: int): else: raise ValueError(f"No model found for index {index}.") +class DoubleValidator(QDoubleValidator): + """Subclass of QDoubleValidator that emits a signal if the input is not valid.""" + + # Define a custom signal that will be emitted when the input is not valid. + validationChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(list) + + def validate(self, input_str, pos): + state, input_str, pos = super().validate(input_str, pos) + if input_str == "" and state == QValidator.Acceptable: + state = QValidator.Intermediate + validate_state = [state, input_str, pos] + self.validationChanged.emit(validate_state) + return state, input_str, pos + + +class TableItemDelegate(QItemDelegate): + """Delegate class for QTableWidget cells that validates user input. + + This class creates a line edit widget as the editor for each cell in a + QTableWidget. It adds a DoubleValidator to the line edit widget to ensure + that the user input is a valid double (floating-point) value. + + Attributes: + None + + Methods: + createEditor(parent, option, index): Creates a line edit widget as the + editor for the cell at the specified index. Returns the editor. + + """ + + def createEditor(self, parent, option, index): + """Create a line edit widget as the editor for the cell at the specified index. + + Args: + parent (QWidget): The parent widget of the editor. + option (QStyleOptionViewItem): The style options for the editor. + index (QModelIndex): The model index of the cell being edited. + + Returns: + editor (QLineEdit): The line edit widget used as the editor. + + """ + self.editor = QLineEdit(parent) + self.editor.setToolTip('Only double values are valid inputs!') + validator = DoubleValidator() + self.editor.setValidator(validator) + validator.validationChanged.connect(self.onValidationChanged) + return self.editor + + def onValidationChanged(self, validate_return): + """Display a message box when the user enters an invalid input.""" + state = validate_return[0] + if state == QValidator.Invalid: + print('Value ' + validate_return[1] + " was entered. However, only double values are valid!") + + +class DoubleLineEdit(QLineEdit): + """Custom QLineEdit widget that uses DoubleValidator to validate user input.""" + + def __init__(self, parent=None): + super().__init__(parent) + self.validator = DoubleValidator() + self.setValidator(self.validator) + self.validator.validationChanged.connect(self.onValidationChanged) + + def onValidationChanged(self, validate_return): + """Display a message box when the user enters an invalid input.""" + state = validate_return[0] + if state == QValidator.Invalid: + print('Value ' + validate_return[1] + " was entered. However, only double values are valid!") + + +class SubWindow(QtWidgets.QWidget): + def __init__(self, params_tab): + super(SubWindow, self).__init__() + self.layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self) + self.resize(800, 500) + self.setWindowTitle("Limits") + self.layout.addWidget(params_tab, 0, 0, 5, 4) + + +class LayoutHline(QtWidgets.QFrame): + def __init__(self): + super(LayoutHline, self).__init__() + self.setFrameShape(self.HLine) + self.setFrameShadow(self.Sunken) class Window_CrossSection(QtWidgets.QWidget): """ @@ -159,7 +248,7 @@ def load_elements(self): """ dirPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) temp_elements=[] - with open (dirPath+'/../CrossSections/cross_sections.csv') as f: + with open (dirPath+'/../Databases/CrossSections/cross_sections.csv') as f: next(f) lines=f.read().splitlines() for line in lines: diff --git a/Python/main.py b/Python/main.py index ccc3c21..01ce29a 100644 --- a/Python/main.py +++ b/Python/main.py @@ -3,26 +3,17 @@ import ast import math -import os import sys import pickle - +import webbrowser import matplotlib.pyplot as plt -import numpy as np import pandas as pd -from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtCore -from PyQt5.QtCore import QThreadPool, QRunnable, pyqtSlot, QTime, QRegExp, Qt -from PyQt5.QtGui import QRegExpValidator, QDoubleValidator, QColor, QValidator -from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QTableWidget, QTableWidgetItem, QItemDelegate, QCheckBox, QLineEdit, \ - QMessageBox +from PyQt5.QtCore import QTime +from PyQt5.QtGui import QValidator +from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QItemDelegate, QLineEdit from PyQt5.QtGui import QDoubleValidator -from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QLocale, QRegExp, pyqtSignal - +from usrmodel import TougaardBG, ShirleyBG, SlopeBG from lmfit import Model -from lmfit.models import ExponentialGaussianModel, SkewedGaussianModel, SkewedVoigtModel, DoniachModel, \ - BreitWignerModel, LognormalModel -from lmfit.models import GaussianModel, LorentzianModel, VoigtModel, PseudoVoigtModel, ThermalDistributionModel, \ - PolynomialModel, StepModel from matplotlib import style from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar @@ -30,122 +21,33 @@ import vamas_export as vpy import xpspy as xpy from periodictable import PeriodicTable -from usrmodel import ConvGaussianDoniachDublett, ConvGaussianDoniachSinglett, FermiEdgeModel, singlett, fft_convolve from scipy import integrate -from scipy import interpolate from helpers import * import threading import traceback # error handling import logging # error handling -# style.use('ggplot') -style.use('seaborn-pastel') +# style.use('ggplot') +style.use('seaborn-v0_8-colorblind') dictBG = { - '0': 'static ShirleyBG (+Polynomial BG)', - '100': 'active ShirleyBG (+Polynomial BG)', - '1': 'static TougaardBG (+Polynomial BG)', - '101': 'active TougaardBG (+Polynomial BG)', + '0': 'static Shirley BG', + '100': 'active Shirley BG ', + '1': 'static Tougaard BG', + '101': 'active Tougaard BG', '2': 'Polynomial BG', - '3': 'arctan (+Polynomial BG)', - '4': 'Error function (+Polynomial BG)', - '5': 'CutOff (+Polynomial BG)', + '3': 'arctan', + '4': 'Error function', + '5': 'CutOff', + '6': 'Slope BG', } -class DoubleValidator(QDoubleValidator): - """Subclass of QDoubleValidator that emits a signal if the input is not valid.""" - - # Define a custom signal that will be emitted when the input is not valid. - validationChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(list) - - def validate(self, input_str, pos): - state, input_str, pos = super().validate(input_str, pos) - if input_str == "" and state == QValidator.Acceptable: - state = QValidator.Intermediate - validate_state=[state, input_str, pos] - self.validationChanged.emit(validate_state) - return state, input_str, pos - - -class TableItemDelegate(QItemDelegate): - """Delegate class for QTableWidget cells that validates user input. - - This class creates a line edit widget as the editor for each cell in a - QTableWidget. It adds a DoubleValidator to the line edit widget to ensure - that the user input is a valid double (floating-point) value. - - Attributes: - None - - Methods: - createEditor(parent, option, index): Creates a line edit widget as the - editor for the cell at the specified index. Returns the editor. - - """ - - def createEditor(self, parent, option, index): - """Create a line edit widget as the editor for the cell at the specified index. - - Args: - parent (QWidget): The parent widget of the editor. - option (QStyleOptionViewItem): The style options for the editor. - index (QModelIndex): The model index of the cell being edited. - - Returns: - editor (QLineEdit): The line edit widget used as the editor. - - """ - self.editor = QLineEdit(parent) - self.editor.setToolTip('Only double values are valid inputs!') - validator = DoubleValidator() - self.editor.setValidator(validator) - validator.validationChanged.connect(self.onValidationChanged) - return self.editor - - def onValidationChanged(self, validate_return): - """Display a message box when the user enters an invalid input.""" - state=validate_return[0] - if state == QValidator.Invalid: - print('Value '+validate_return[1]+" was entered. However, only double values are valid!") - -class DoubleLineEdit(QLineEdit): - """Custom QLineEdit widget that uses DoubleValidator to validate user input.""" - - def __init__(self, parent=None): - super().__init__(parent) - self.validator = DoubleValidator() - self.setValidator(self.validator) - self.validator.validationChanged.connect(self.onValidationChanged) - - - def onValidationChanged(self, validate_return): - """Display a message box when the user enters an invalid input.""" - state = validate_return[0] - if state == QValidator.Invalid: - print('Value ' + validate_return[1] + " was entered. However, only double values are valid!") - -class SubWindow(QtWidgets.QWidget): - def __init__(self, params_tab): - super(SubWindow, self).__init__() - self.layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self) - self.resize(800, 500) - self.setWindowTitle("Limits") - self.layout.addWidget(params_tab, 0, 0, 5, 4) - - -class LayoutHline(QtWidgets.QFrame): - def __init__(self): - super(LayoutHline, self).__init__() - self.setFrameShape(self.HLine) - self.setFrameShadow(self.Sunken) - class PrettyWidget(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(PrettyWidget, self).__init__() # super(PrettyWidget, self).__init__() self.rows_lightened = 1 - self.idx_bg = None self.export_out = None self.export_pars = None self.pre = [[], [], [], []] @@ -182,7 +84,7 @@ def __init__(self): self.initUI() def initUI(self): - self.version = 'LG4X: LMFit GUI for XPS curve fitting v2.0.3' + self.version = 'LG4X: LMFit GUI for XPS curve fitting v2.0.4' self.floating = '.4f' self.setGeometry(700, 500, 1600, 900) self.center() @@ -191,8 +93,6 @@ def initUI(self): 'Copyright (C) 2022, Julian Hochhaus, TU Dortmund University') self.pt = PeriodicTable() self.pt.setWindowTitle('Periodic Table') - self.pt.elementEmitted.connect(self.handleElementClicked) - self.pt.selectedElements = [] # data template # self.df = pd.DataFrame() self.df = [] @@ -201,7 +101,7 @@ def initUI(self): self.idx_imp = 0 - self.idx_bg = 0 + self.idx_bg = [2] self.idx_pres = 0 self.addition = 0 @@ -279,7 +179,7 @@ def initUI(self): # btn_preset_ckedge.setShortcut('Ctrl+Shift+') btn_preset_ckedge.triggered.connect(lambda: self.clickOnBtnPreset(idx=6)) - btn_preset_ptable = QtWidgets.QAction('&Periodic Table', self) + btn_preset_ptable = QtWidgets.QAction('Periodic &Table', self) # btn_preset_ptable.setShortcut('Ctrl+Shift+') btn_preset_ptable.triggered.connect(lambda: self.clickOnBtnPreset(idx=7)) @@ -289,45 +189,67 @@ def initUI(self): presetMenu.addAction(btn_preset_save) presetMenu.addAction(btn_preset_c1s) presetMenu.addAction(btn_preset_ckedge) - presetMenu.addAction(btn_preset_ptable) + menubar.addAction(btn_preset_ptable) self.bgMenu = menubar.addMenu('&Choose BG') - self.submenu_shirley = self.bgMenu.addMenu('&Shirley BG') - btn_bg_shirley_act = QtWidgets.QAction('&Active approach', self) - btn_bg_shirley_act.triggered.connect(lambda: self.clickOnBtnBG(idx=0, activeBG=True)) - btn_bg_shirley_static = QtWidgets.QAction('&Static approach', self) - btn_bg_shirley_static.triggered.connect(lambda: self.clickOnBtnBG(idx=0, activeBG=False)) - self.submenu_shirley.addAction(btn_bg_shirley_act) - self.submenu_shirley.addAction(btn_bg_shirley_static) - self.submenu_tougaard = self.bgMenu.addMenu('&Tougaard BG') - btn_bg_tougaard_act = QtWidgets.QAction('&Active approach', self) - btn_bg_tougaard_act.triggered.connect(lambda: self.clickOnBtnBG(idx=1, activeBG=True)) - btn_bg_tougaard_static = QtWidgets.QAction('&Static approach', self) - btn_bg_tougaard_static.triggered.connect(lambda: self.clickOnBtnBG(idx=1, activeBG=False)) - self.submenu_tougaard.addAction(btn_bg_tougaard_act) - self.submenu_tougaard.addAction(btn_bg_tougaard_static) - - btn_bg_polynomial = QtWidgets.QAction('&Polynomial BG', self) - btn_bg_polynomial.setShortcut('Ctrl+Alt+P') - btn_bg_polynomial.triggered.connect(lambda: self.clickOnBtnBG(idx=2)) - btn_bg_arctan = QtWidgets.QAction('&Arctan BG', self) - btn_bg_arctan.triggered.connect(lambda: self.clickOnBtnBG(idx=3)) - - btn_bg_erf = QtWidgets.QAction('&Erf BG', self) - btn_bg_erf.triggered.connect(lambda: self.clickOnBtnBG(idx=4)) - - btn_bg_vbm = QtWidgets.QAction('&VBM/Cutoff BG', self) - btn_bg_vbm.triggered.connect(lambda: self.clickOnBtnBG(idx=5)) + + self.btn_bg_shirley_act = QtWidgets.QAction('&Active &Shirley BG', self, checkable=True) + self.btn_bg_shirley_act.triggered.connect(self.clickOnBtnBG) + + self.btn_bg_shirley_static = QtWidgets.QAction('&Static &Shirley BG', self, checkable=True) + self.btn_bg_shirley_static.triggered.connect(self.clickOnBtnBG) + + self.btn_bg_tougaard_act = QtWidgets.QAction('&Active &Tougaard BG', self, checkable=True) + self.btn_bg_tougaard_act.triggered.connect(self.clickOnBtnBG) + + self.btn_bg_tougaard_static = QtWidgets.QAction('&Static &Tougaard BG', self, checkable=True) + self.btn_bg_tougaard_static.triggered.connect(self.clickOnBtnBG) + + self.btn_bg_polynomial = QtWidgets.QAction('&Polynomial BG', self, checkable=True) + self.btn_bg_polynomial.setShortcut('Ctrl+Alt+P') + self.btn_bg_polynomial.triggered.connect(self.clickOnBtnBG) + + self.btn_bg_slope = QtWidgets.QAction('&Slope BG', self, checkable=True) + self.btn_bg_slope.setShortcut('Ctrl+Alt+S') + self.btn_bg_slope.triggered.connect(self.clickOnBtnBG) + + self.btn_bg_arctan = QtWidgets.QAction('&Arctan BG', self, checkable=True) + self.btn_bg_arctan.triggered.connect(self.clickOnBtnBG) + + self.btn_bg_erf = QtWidgets.QAction('&Erf BG', self, checkable=True) + self.btn_bg_erf.triggered.connect(self.clickOnBtnBG) + + self.btn_bg_vbm = QtWidgets.QAction('&VBM/Cutoff BG', self, checkable=True) + self.btn_bg_vbm.triggered.connect(self.clickOnBtnBG) + + # Add the checkable actions to the menu + self.bgMenu.addAction(self.btn_bg_shirley_act) + self.bgMenu.addAction(self.btn_bg_shirley_static) + self.bgMenu.addAction(self.btn_bg_tougaard_act) + self.bgMenu.addAction(self.btn_bg_tougaard_static) + self.bgMenu.addAction(self.btn_bg_polynomial) + self.bgMenu.addAction(self.btn_bg_slope) + self.bgMenu.addAction(self.btn_bg_arctan) + self.bgMenu.addAction(self.btn_bg_erf) + self.bgMenu.addAction(self.btn_bg_vbm) btn_tougaard_cross_section = QtWidgets.QAction('Tougaard &Cross Section ', self) btn_tougaard_cross_section.triggered.connect(self.clicked_cross_section) - - self.bgMenu.addAction(btn_bg_polynomial) - self.bgMenu.addAction(btn_bg_arctan) - self.bgMenu.addAction(btn_bg_erf) - self.bgMenu.addAction(btn_bg_vbm) self.bgMenu.addSeparator() self.bgMenu.addAction(btn_tougaard_cross_section) + + menubar.addSeparator() + links_menu= menubar.addMenu('&Help/Info') + #manual_link= QtWidgets.QAction('&Manual', self) + #manual_link.triggered.connect(lambda: webbrowser.open('https://julian-hochhaus.github.io/LG4X-V2/')) + #links_menu.addAction(manual_link) + github_link= QtWidgets.QAction('See on &Github', self) + github_link.triggered.connect(lambda: webbrowser.open('https://github.com/Julian-Hochhaus/LG4X-V2')) + links_menu.addAction(github_link) + about_link= QtWidgets.QAction('&How to cite', self) + about_link.triggered.connect(self.show_citation_dialog) + links_menu.addAction(about_link) + # central widget layout widget = QtWidgets.QWidget(self) self.setCentralWidget(widget) @@ -407,7 +329,7 @@ def initUI(self): hv_form.addRow("hv: ", self.hv_item) plot_settings_layout.addLayout(hv_form) wf_form = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() - self.wf_item =DoubleLineEdit() + self.wf_item = DoubleLineEdit() self.wf = 4 self.wf_item.insert(str(self.wf)) self.wf_item.textChanged.connect(self.update_com_vals) @@ -428,7 +350,7 @@ def initUI(self): layout_bottom_mid = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() # PolyBG Table list_bg_col = ['bg_c0', 'bg_c1', 'bg_c2', 'bg_c3', 'bg_c4'] - list_bg_row = ['Shirley (cv, it, k, c)', 'Tougaard(B, C, C*, D)', 'Polynomial', + list_bg_row = ['Shirley (cv, it, k, c)', 'Tougaard(B, C, C*, D, extend)', 'Polynomial', 'Slope(k)', 'arctan (amp, ctr, sig)', 'erf (amp, ctr, sig)', 'cutoff (ctr, d1-4)'] self.fitp0 = QtWidgets.QTableWidget(len(list_bg_row), len(list_bg_col) * 2) self.fitp0.setItemDelegate(self.delegate) @@ -438,7 +360,7 @@ def initUI(self): # set BG table checkbox for row in range(len(list_bg_row)): for col in range(len(list_bg_colh)): - if (row >= 2 or (row == 0 and 8 > col >= 4) or (row == 1 and col == 0)) and col % 2 == 0: + if (row == 2 or row>3 or (row==3 and col<2) or (row == 0 and 8 > col >= 4) or (row == 1 and col == 0)) and col % 2 == 0: item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem() item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) @@ -450,15 +372,17 @@ def initUI(self): self.fitp0.setItem(row, col, item) # set BG table default pre_bg = [['', 1e-06, '', 10, 2, 0.0003, 2, 1000, '', ''], - [2, 2866.0, '', 1643.0, '', 1.0, '', 1.0, '', ''], - [2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0]] + [2, 2866.0, '', 1643.0, '', 1.0, '', 1.0, '', 50], + [2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0], + [2,0.0,'','','', '', '', '', '', '', '']] # self.setPreset([0], pre_bg, []) self.fitp0.resizeColumnsToContents() self.fitp0.resizeRowsToContents() bg_fixedLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.fixedBG = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('Keep background fixed') - self.displayChoosenBG.setText('Choosen Background: {}'.format(dictBG[str(self.idx_bg)])) + self.displayChoosenBG.setText( + 'Choosen Background: {}'.format('+ '.join([dictBG[str(idx)] for idx in self.idx_bg]))) self.displayChoosenBG.setStyleSheet("font-weight: bold") bg_fixedLayout.addWidget(self.displayChoosenBG) @@ -649,8 +573,45 @@ def initUI(self): # grid..addWidget(self.res_label, 7, 7, 1, 1) self.activeParameters() self.show() - - def lims_changed(self, row, column): + def show_citation_dialog(self): + citation_text = 'J. A. Hochhaus and H. Nakajima, LG4X-V2 (Zenodo, 2023), DOI:10.5281/zenodo.7871174' + msg_box = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(self) + msg_box.setWindowTitle('How to cite') + msg_box.setTextFormat(QtCore.Qt.RichText) + msg_box.setText(citation_text) + copy_button = msg_box.addButton('Copy to clipboard',QtWidgets.QMessageBox.AcceptRole) + open_zenodo_button = msg_box.addButton('Open on Zenodo(DOI)', QtWidgets.QMessageBox.ActionRole) + + msg_box.exec_() + if msg_box.clickedButton() == copy_button: + # Copy citation text to clipboard + QtWidgets.QApplication.clipboard().setText(citation_text) + elif msg_box.clickedButton() == open_zenodo_button: + # Open web link + url = 'https://zenodo.org/record/7871174' + webbrowser.open(url) + + def setButtonState(self, indices): + for i in indices: + if i==0: + self.btn_bg_shirley_static.setChecked(True) + elif i==1: + self.btn_bg_tougaard_static.setChecked(True) + elif i==2: + self.btn_bg_polynomial.setChecked(True) + elif i==3: + self.btn_bg_arctan.setChecked(True) + elif i==4: + self.btn_bg_erf.setChecked(True) + elif i==5: + self.btn_bg_vbm.setChecked(True) + elif i==6: + self.btn_bg_slope.setChecked(True) + elif i==100: + self.btn_bg_shirley_act.setChecked(True) + elif i==101: + self.btn_bg_tougaard_act.setChecked(True) + def lims_changed(self, row=0, column=0): """Handle the cellChanged signal emitted by fitp1 table (the limits table) Args: row (int): The row index of the changed cell. @@ -659,13 +620,12 @@ def lims_changed(self, row, column): Returns: None """ - item=self.fitp1_lims.item(row, column) - checked=False - for c in range(int(self.fitp1_lims.columnCount()/3)): + checked = False + for c in range(int(self.fitp1_lims.columnCount() / 3)): for r in range(self.fitp1_lims.rowCount()): - item=self.fitp1_lims.item(r,3*c) + item = self.fitp1_lims.item(r, 3 * c) if item is not None and item.checkState(): - checked=True + checked = True if checked: self.set_status('limit_set') else: @@ -688,10 +648,11 @@ def set_status(self, status): elif status == "limit_set": self.status_label.setStyleSheet("background-color: green; border-radius: 9px") self.status_text.setText("Limits active") - elif status=='at_zero': + elif status == 'at_zero': self.status_label.setStyleSheet("background-color: yellow; border-radius: 9px") self.status_text.setText("Limit at 0. ") - self.status_text.setToolTip('If one limit reaches zero, a warning is displayed. Usually, such a case is intended because several parameters such as the amplitude are limited to positive values. If e.g. one component gets an amplitude of 0 during the fit, the warning will be displayed.') + self.status_text.setToolTip( + "

If a limit reaches zero, a warning is displayed. Usually, such a case is intended because several parameters such as the amplitude and the assymetry are limited to positive values.

") else: self.status_label.setStyleSheet("background-color: blue; border-radius: 9px") self.status_text.setText("Error, Unknown state!") @@ -705,53 +666,51 @@ def clicked_cross_section(self): def setCrossSection(self, window): window.choosenElement() tougaard = window.tougaard_params + self.savePreset() for idx in range(4): self.pre[1][1][2 * idx + 1] = tougaard[idx] self.setPreset(self.pre[0], self.pre[1], self.pre[2], self.pre[3]) def activeParameters(self): - """ - - """ nrows = self.fitp0.rowCount() ncols = self.fitp0.columnCount() + for col in range(ncols): for row in range(nrows): - if not row == 2: - self.fitp0.item(row, col).setFlags(self.fitp0.item(row, - col).flags() & ~ QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable & ~QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled & ~QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) - idx = self.idx_bg - for col in range(ncols): - for row in range(nrows): - if idx == 0: - if row == 0 and col < 4: + self.fitp0.item(row, col).setFlags(self.fitp0.item(row, + col).flags() & ~QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable & ~QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled & ~QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) + + for idx in self.idx_bg: + for col in range(ncols): + for row in range(nrows): + if idx == 0 and row == 0 and col < 4: self.fitp0.item(row, col).setFlags(self.fitp0.item(row, col).flags() | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) - if idx == 100: - if row == 0: + elif idx == 100 and row == 0: self.fitp0.item(row, col).setFlags(self.fitp0.item(row, col).flags() | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) - if idx == 1: - if row == 1: + elif idx == 1 and row == 1: self.fitp0.item(row, col).setFlags(self.fitp0.item(row, col).flags() | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) - if idx == 101: - if row == 1: + elif idx == 101 and row == 1: self.fitp0.item(row, col).setFlags(self.fitp0.item(row, col).flags() | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) - if idx == 3: - if row == 3: + elif idx == 6 and row == 3 and col < 2: self.fitp0.item(row, col).setFlags(self.fitp0.item(row, col).flags() | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) - if idx == 4: - if row == 4: + elif idx == 3 and row == 4: self.fitp0.item(row, col).setFlags(self.fitp0.item(row, col).flags() | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) - if idx == 5: - if row == 5: + elif idx == 2 and row == 2: self.fitp0.item(row, col).setFlags(self.fitp0.item(row, col).flags() | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) + elif idx == 4 and row == 5: + self.fitp0.item(row, col).setFlags(self.fitp0.item(row, + col).flags() | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) + elif idx == 5 and row == 6: + self.fitp0.item(row, col).setFlags(self.fitp0.item(row, + col).flags() | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) nrows = self.fitp1.rowCount() ncols = self.fitp1.columnCount() ncols = int(ncols / 2) @@ -961,7 +920,7 @@ def raise_error(self, window_title: str, error_message: str) -> None: None """ self.error_dialog.setWindowTitle(window_title) - error_message = error_message+r'\n *******************\n'+traceback.format_exc() + error_message = error_message + r'\n *******************\n' + traceback.format_exc() self.error_dialog.showMessage(error_message) logging.error(error_message) @@ -1171,7 +1130,8 @@ def preset(self): try: self.loadPreset() except Exception as e: - return self.raise_error(window_title="Error: Could not load parameters!", error_message='Loading parameters failed. The following traceback may help to solve the issue:') + return self.raise_error(window_title="Error: Could not load parameters!", + error_message='Loading parameters failed. The following traceback may help to solve the issue:') # print(self.df[0], self.df[1], self.df[2]) if len(str(self.pre[0])) != 0 and len(self.pre[1]) != 0 and len(self.pre[2]) != 0 and len(self.pre) == 3: # old format, reorder data! @@ -1186,7 +1146,7 @@ def preset(self): self.addPreset() except Exception as e: return self.raise_error(window_title="Error: Could not add parameters!", - error_message='Adding parameters failed. The following traceback may help to solve the issue:') + error_message='Adding parameters failed. The following traceback may help to solve the issue:') # print(self.df[0], self.df[1], self.df[2]) if len(str(self.pre[0])) != 0 and len(self.pre[1]) != 0 and len(self.pre[2]) != 0 and len(self.pre) == 3: # old format, reorder data! @@ -1200,11 +1160,13 @@ def preset(self): try: self.savePreset() except Exception as e: - return self.raise_error(window_title="Error: Could not save parameters!", error_message='Save parameters failed. The following traceback may help to solve the issue:') + return self.raise_error(window_title="Error: Could not save parameters!", + error_message='Save parameters failed. The following traceback may help to solve the issue:') try: self.savePresetDia() except Exception as e: - return self.raise_error(window_title="Error: Could not save!", error_message='Saving data failed. The following traceback may help to solve the issue:') + return self.raise_error(window_title="Error: Could not save!", + error_message='Saving data failed. The following traceback may help to solve the issue:') if index == 5: # reformat inputs [bug] # load C1s component preset pre_bg = [[2, 295, 2, 275, '', '', '', '', '', ''], ['cv', 1e-06, 'it', 10, '', '', '', '', '', ''], @@ -1254,6 +1216,8 @@ def preset(self): self.setPreset([4], pre_bg, pre_pk) if index == 7: self.pt.show() + self.pt.refresh_button.clicked.connect(self.plot_pt) + self.pt.clear_button.clicked.connect(self.plot_pt) if not self.pt.isActiveWindow(): self.pt.close() self.pt.show() @@ -1264,9 +1228,8 @@ def preset(self): def setPreset(self, list_pre_com, list_pre_bg, list_pre_pk, list_pre_pk_lims=[[0, '', '']] * 19): if len(list_pre_com) == 1: - index_bg = list_pre_com[0] + pass else: - index_bg = list_pre_com[0] self.xmin = list_pre_com[1] self.xmin_item.setText(str(format(self.xmin, self.floating))) self.xmax = list_pre_com[2] @@ -1275,17 +1238,14 @@ def setPreset(self, list_pre_com, list_pre_bg, list_pre_pk, list_pre_pk_lims=[[0 self.hv_item.setText(str(format(self.hv, self.floating))) self.wf = list_pre_com[4] self.wf_item.setText(str(format(self.wf, self.floating))) - if len(str(index_bg)) > 0 and self.addition == 0: - if int(index_bg) < len(self.bgMenu.actions()) or int(index_bg) in [100, 101]: - # self.comboBox_bg.setCurrentIndex(int(index_bg)) - self.idx_bg = int(index_bg) - self.displayChoosenBG.setText('Choosen Background: {}'.format(dictBG[str(self.idx_bg)])) + self.displayChoosenBG.setText( + 'Choosen Background: {}'.format('+ '.join([dictBG[str(idx)] for idx in self.idx_bg]))) # load preset for bg if len(list_pre_bg) != 0 and self.addition == 0: for row in range(len(list_pre_bg)): for col in range(len(list_pre_bg[0])): item = self.fitp0.item(row, col) - if (row >= 2 or (row == 0 and 8 > col >= 4) or (row == 1 and col == 0)) and col % 2 == 0: + if (row == 2 or row>3 or (row==3 and col<2) or (row == 0 and 8 > col >= 4) or (row == 1 and col == 0)) and col % 2 == 0: if list_pre_bg[row][col] == 2: item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) else: @@ -1326,36 +1286,44 @@ def setPreset(self, list_pre_com, list_pre_bg, list_pre_pk, list_pre_pk_lims=[[0 else: self.fitp1.setCellWidget(row, col + colPosition * 2, comboBox) if list_pre_pk[row][col] != 0: - comboBox.setCurrentIndex(list_pre_pk[row][col] + colPosition) + if row==0: + comboBox.setCurrentIndex(int(list_pre_pk[row][col])) + else: + comboBox.setCurrentIndex(int(list_pre_pk[row][col] + colPosition)) else: - comboBox.setCurrentIndex(list_pre_pk[row][col]) + comboBox.setCurrentIndex(int(list_pre_pk[row][col])) else: - item = self.fitp1.item(row, col) if self.addition == 0: + item = self.fitp1.item(row, col) if str(list_pre_pk[row][col]) == '': item.setText('') else: item.setText(str(format(list_pre_pk[row][col], self.floating))) else: + item = self.fitp1.item(row, col+colPosition*2) if str(list_pre_pk[row][col]) == '': item.setText('') else: item.setText(str(format(list_pre_pk[row][col], self.floating))) + else: if row != 0 and row != 13 and row != 15 and row != 17 and row != 19 and row != 21 and row != 23 and row != 25: - item = self.fitp1.item(row, col) + if self.addition == 0: + item = self.fitp1.item(row, col) + else: + item = self.fitp1.item(row, col+colPosition*2) + item.setText('') if list_pre_pk[row][col] == 2: item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) else: item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) - if self.addition == 0: - item.setText('') - else: - self.fitp1.setItem(row, col + colPosition * 2, item) for row in range(len(list_pre_pk_lims)): for col in range(len(list_pre_pk_lims[0])): - item = self.fitp1_lims.item(row, col) + if self.addition == 0: + item = self.fitp1_lims.item(row, col) + else: + item = self.fitp1_lims.item(row, col+colPosition*3) if (col % 3) != 0: if str(list_pre_pk_lims[row][col]) == '': item.setText('') @@ -1366,7 +1334,8 @@ def setPreset(self, list_pre_com, list_pre_bg, list_pre_pk, list_pre_pk_lims=[[0 item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) else: item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) - + self.activeParameters() + self.lims_changed() def loadPreset(self): cfilePath, _ = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open data file', self.filePath, "DAT Files (*.dat)") if cfilePath != "": @@ -1377,6 +1346,11 @@ def loadPreset(self): file.close() # print(self.pre, type(self.pre)) self.pre = ast.literal_eval(temp_pre) + if type(self.pre[0][0])==int:#backwards compatibility for old presets which only allowed one single BG + self.idx_bg = [self.pre[0][0]] + else: + self.idx_bg = self.pre[0][0] + self.setButtonState(self.idx_bg) # self.pre = json.loads(self.pre) #json does not work due to the None issue # print(self.pre, type(self.pre)) # self.comboBox_pres.clear() @@ -1633,7 +1607,7 @@ def exportResults(self): self.rows_lightened) + "(if not using 2D detector, value is 1 and can be ignored!)\n") self.result.to_csv(f, index=False, mode='a') else: - with open(cfilePath.rsplit("_", 1)[0] + '.csv', 'w') as f: + with open(cfilePath.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + '.csv', 'w') as f: f.write('#No of rows lightened (2D detector)' + str( self.rows_lightened) + "(if not using 2D detector, value is 1 and can be ignored!)\n") self.result.to_csv(f, index=False, mode='a') @@ -1672,7 +1646,7 @@ def imp(self): self.list_vamas = vpy.list_vms(cfilePath) except Exception as e: return self.raise_error(window_title="Error: could not load VAMAS file.", - error_message='Loading VAMAS file failed. The following traceback may help to solve the issue:') + error_message='Loading VAMAS file failed. The following traceback may help to solve the issue:') self.list_file.extend(self.list_vamas) # print (self.list_file) @@ -1703,53 +1677,46 @@ def plot_pt(self): self.canvas.draw() self.repaint() # self.ax.texts.remove() - if self.pt.selectedElements: - if self.fitp0.item(0, 7).text() is not None and self.fitp0.item(0, 9).text() is not None: - if len(self.fitp0.item(0, 7).text()) > 0 and len(self.fitp0.item(0, 9).text()) > 0: - pe = float(self.fitp0.item(0, 7).text()) - wf = float(self.fitp0.item(0, 9).text()) - else: - pe = 1486.6 - wf = 4 - item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(pe)) - self.fitp0.setItem(0, 7, item) - item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(wf)) - self.fitp0.setItem(0, 9, item) + if self.pt.selected_elements: + if self.pre[0][3] != None and self.pre[0][4] != None: + pe = self.pre[0][3] + wf = self.pre[0][4] else: - pe = 1486.6 - wf = 4 - item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(pe)) - self.fitp0.setItem(0, 7, item) - item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(wf)) - self.fitp0.setItem(0, 9, item) + self.hv = 1486.6 + self.hv_item.insert(str(self.hv)) + self.wf = 4 + self.wf.insert(str(self.wf)) + ymin, ymax = self.ax.get_ylim() xmin, xmax = self.ax.get_xlim() - for obj in self.pt.selectedElements: - if len(obj.alka['trans']) > 0: - for orb in range(len(obj.alka['trans'])): + for obj in self.pt.selected_elements: + alka=ast.literal_eval(obj['alka'].values[0]) + if len(alka['trans']) > 0: + for orb in range(len(alka['trans'])): if xmin > xmax: - en = float(obj.alka['be'][orb]) + en = float(alka['be'][orb]) else: - en = pe - wf - float(obj.alka['be'][orb]) + en = pe - wf - float(alka['be'][orb]) if (xmin > xmax and xmin > en > xmax) or (xmin < xmax and xmin < en < xmax): elem_x = np.asarray([en]) - elem_y = np.asarray([float(obj.alka['rsf'][orb])]) - elem_z = obj.alka['trans'][orb] + elem_y = np.asarray([float(alka['rsf'][orb])]) + elem_z = alka['trans'][orb] # obj.symbol+elem_z, color="r", rotation="vertical") self.ax.text(elem_x, ymin + (ymax - ymin) * math.log(elem_y + 1, 10) / 2, - obj.symbol + elem_z, color="r", rotation="vertical") - if len(obj.aes['trans']) > 0: - for orb in range(len(obj.aes['trans'])): + obj['symbol'].values[0] + elem_z, color="r", rotation="vertical") + aes=ast.literal_eval(obj['aes'].values[0]) + if len(aes['trans']) > 0: + for orb in range(len(aes['trans'])): if xmin > xmax: - en = pe - wf - float(obj.aes['ke'][orb]) + en = pe - wf - float(aes['ke'][orb]) else: - en = float(obj.aes['ke'][orb]) + en = float(aes['ke'][orb]) if (xmin > xmax and xmin > en > xmax) or (xmin < xmax and xmin < en < xmax): elem_x = np.asarray([en]) - elem_y = np.asarray([float(obj.aes['rsf'][orb])]) - elem_z = obj.aes['trans'][orb] + elem_y = np.asarray([float(aes['rsf'][orb])]) + elem_z = aes['trans'][orb] # obj.symbol+elem_z, color="g", rotation="vertical") - self.ax.text(elem_x, ymin + (ymax - ymin) * math.log(elem_y + 1, 10), obj.symbol + elem_z, + self.ax.text(elem_x, ymin + (ymax - ymin) * math.log(elem_y + 1, 10), obj['symbol'].values[0] + elem_z, color="g", rotation="vertical") self.canvas.draw() @@ -1767,8 +1734,13 @@ def plot(self): # self.df = np.loadtxt(str(self.comboBox_file.currentText()), delimiter=',', skiprows=1) fileName = os.path.basename(self.comboBox_file.currentText()) if os.path.splitext(fileName)[1] == '.csv': - try: - self.df = np.loadtxt(str(self.comboBox_file.currentText()), delimiter=',', skiprows=1) + try: # change import, so that export file is detected + data = np.genfromtxt(str(self.comboBox_file.currentText()), dtype='str', delimiter=',', max_rows=2) + if all(elem in data for elem in ['x', 'raw_y', 'sum_fit']): + self.df = np.loadtxt(str(self.comboBox_file.currentText()), delimiter=',', skiprows=2, + usecols=(0, 1)) + else: + self.df = np.loadtxt(str(self.comboBox_file.currentText()), delimiter=',', skiprows=1) # self.df = pd.read_csv(str(self.comboBox_file.currentText()), dtype = float, skiprows=1, # header=None) strpe = np.loadtxt(str(self.comboBox_file.currentText()), dtype='str', delimiter=',', usecols=1, @@ -1782,7 +1754,7 @@ def plot(self): except Exception as e: return self.raise_error(window_title="Error: could not load .csv file.", - error_message='The input .csv is not in the correct format!. The following traceback may help to solve the issue:') + error_message='The input .csv is not in the correct format!. The following traceback may help to solve the issue:') else: @@ -1800,8 +1772,7 @@ def plot(self): self.rows_lightened = 1 except Exception as e: return self.raise_error(window_title="Error: could not load input file.", - error_message='The input file is not in the correct format!. The following traceback may help to solve the issue:') - + error_message='The input file is not in the correct format!. The following traceback may help to solve the issue:') # I have moved the error handling here directly to the import, there may exist situations, where already the # Import would fail. I still left the following error handling there, but I am not sure if there are cases @@ -1819,10 +1790,12 @@ def plot(self): return self.raise_error(window_title="Error: could not load .csv file.", error_message='The input .csv is not in the correct format!. The following traceback may help to solve the issue:') strpe = (str(strpe).split()) + if strpe[0] == 'PE:' and strpe[2] == 'eV': pe = float(strpe[1]) item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(pe)) - self.fitp0.setItem(0, 7, item) + self.fitp0.setItem(0, 9, item) + self.fitp0.setItem(0, 8, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('Pass energy (eV)')) # plt.cla() self.ar.cla() self.ax.cla() @@ -1877,7 +1850,7 @@ def fit(self): # self.threadpool.start(self.fitter) except Exception as e: return self.raise_error(window_title="Error: Fitting failed!", - error_message='Fitting was not successful. The following traceback may help to solve the issue:') + error_message='Fitting was not successful. The following traceback may help to solve the issue:') else: print('No Data present, Switching to simulation mode!') if self.xmin is not None and self.xmax is not None and len(str(self.xmin)) > 0 and len(str(self.xmax)) > 0: @@ -1921,51 +1894,93 @@ def history_manager(self, pars): except IndexError: self.go_back_in_parameter_history = False return self.raise_error(window_title="Error: History empty!", - error_message='First entry in parameter history reached. No further steps saved. The following traceback may help to solve the issue:') + error_message='First entry in parameter history reached. No further steps saved. The following traceback may help to solve the issue:') else: self.savePreset() self.parameter_history_list.append([pars, self.pre]) return None - def clickOnBtnBG(self, idx, activeBG=False): - if not activeBG: - self.idx_bg = idx - else: - self.idx_bg = idx + 100 + def clickOnBtnBG(self): + checked_actions = [action for action in self.bgMenu.actions() if action.isChecked()] + idx_bg = set() + for checked_action in checked_actions: + if checked_action.text() == '&Static &Shirley BG': + idx_bg.add(0) + elif checked_action.text() == '&Active &Shirley BG' and '&Static &Shirley BG' in [checked_act.text() for + checked_act in + checked_actions]: + QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Warning', 'You cannot choose both Active Shirley BG and Static ' + 'Shirley BG at the same time! Static Shirley BG set! To use Active Shirley BG, please uncheck Static ' + 'Shirley BG!') + checked_action.setChecked(False) + idx_bg.add(0) + elif checked_action.text() == '&Active &Shirley BG' and '&Static &Shirley BG' not in [checked_act.text() for + checked_act in + checked_actions]: + idx_bg.add(100) + elif checked_action.text() == '&Static &Tougaard BG': + idx_bg.add(1) + elif checked_action.text() == '&Active &Tougaard BG' and '&Static &Tougaard BG' in [ + checked_act.text() for checked_act in checked_actions]: + QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Warning', + 'You cannot choose both Active Tougaard BG and Static Tougaard BG at ' + 'the same time! Static Tougaard BG set! To use Active Tougaard BG, ' + 'please uncheck Static Tougaard BG!') + idx_bg.add(1) + checked_action.setChecked(False) + elif checked_action.text() == '&Active &Tougaard BG' and '&Static &Tougaard BG' not in [checked_act.text() + for checked_act in + checked_actions]: + idx_bg.add(101) + elif checked_action.text() == '&Polynomial BG': + idx_bg.add(2) + elif checked_action.text() == '&Slope BG': + idx_bg.add(6) + elif checked_action.text() == '&Arctan BG': + idx_bg.add(3) + elif checked_action.text() == '&Erf BG': + idx_bg.add(4) + elif checked_action.text() == '&VBM/Cutoff BG': + idx_bg.add(5) + if len(checked_actions) == 0: + QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, 'Info', 'No background was choosen, a polynomial BG was set as default.') + idx_bg.add(2) #if no background was selected, a polynomial will be used + self.idx_bg = sorted(idx_bg) + self.pre[0][0] = self.idx_bg - self.activeBG = activeBG - self.displayChoosenBG.setText('Choosen Background: {}'.format(dictBG[str(self.idx_bg)])) + self.displayChoosenBG.setText( + 'Choosen Background: {}'.format('+ '.join([dictBG[str(idx)] for idx in self.idx_bg]))) self.activeParameters() def write_pars(self, pars): return None - def bgSelector(self, x, y, mode): - if self.idx_bg == 0: + def bgSelector(self, x, y, mode, idx_bg): + if idx_bg == 0: shA = self.pre[1][0][1] shB = self.pre[1][0][3] pars = None bg_mod = xpy.shirley_calculate(x, y, shA, shB) - if self.idx_bg == 100: + if idx_bg == 100: if mode == "eva": shA = self.pre[1][0][1] shB = self.pre[1][0][3] pars = None bg_mod = xpy.shirley_calculate(x, y, shA, shB) else: - mod = Model(xpy.shirley, independent_vars=["y"], prefix='bg_') + mod = ShirleyBG(independent_vars=["y"], prefix='bg_shirley_') k = self.pre[1][0][5] const = self.pre[1][0][7] pars = mod.make_params() - pars['bg_k'].value = float(k) - pars['bg_const'].value = float(const) + pars['bg_shirley_k'].value = float(k) + pars['bg_shirley_const'].value = float(const) if self.pre[1][0][4] == 2: - pars['bg_k'].vary = False + pars['bg_shirley_k'].vary = False if self.pre[1][0][6] == 2: - pars['bg_const'].vary = False + pars['bg_shirley_const'].vary = False bg_mod = 0 - if self.idx_bg == 1: + if idx_bg == 1: toB = self.pre[1][1][1] toC = self.pre[1][1][3] toCd = self.pre[1][1][5] @@ -1979,47 +1994,66 @@ def bgSelector(self, x, y, mode): toM = 1 [bg_mod, bg_toB] = xpy.tougaard_calculate(x, y, toB, toC, toCd, toD, toM) self.pre[1][1][1] = bg_toB - if self.idx_bg == 101: - mod = Model(xpy.tougaard2, independent_vars=["x", "y"], prefix='bg_') + if idx_bg == 101: + mod = TougaardBG(independent_vars=["x", "y"], prefix='bg_tougaard_') if self.pre[1][1][1] is None or self.pre[1][1][3] is None or self.pre[1][1][5] is None \ - or self.pre[1][1][7] is None or len(str(self.pre[1][1][1])) == 0 or len(str(self.pre[1][1][3])) == 0 \ - or len(str(self.pre[1][1][5])) == 0 or len(str(self.pre[1][1][7])) == 0: + or self.pre[1][1][7] is None or self.pre[1][1][9] is None or len(str(self.pre[1][1][1])) == 0 or len(str(self.pre[1][1][3])) == 0 \ + or len(str(self.pre[1][1][5])) == 0 or len(str(self.pre[1][1][7]))==0 or len(str(self.pre[1][1][9])) == 0: pars = mod.guess(y, x=x, y=y) else: pars = mod.make_params() - pars['bg_B'].value = self.pre[1][1][1] + pars['bg_tougaard_B'].value = self.pre[1][1][1] if self.pre[1][1][0] == 2: - pars['bg_B'].vary = False - pars['bg_C'].value = self.pre[1][1][3] - pars['bg_C'].vary = False - pars['bg_C_d'].value = self.pre[1][1][5] - pars['bg_C_d'].vary = False - pars['bg_D'].value = self.pre[1][1][7] - pars['bg_D'].vary = False + pars['bg_tougaard_B'].vary = False + pars['bg_tougaard_C'].value = self.pre[1][1][3] + pars['bg_tougaard_C'].vary = False + pars['bg_tougaard_C_d'].value = self.pre[1][1][5] + pars['bg_tougaard_C_d'].vary = False + pars['bg_tougaard_D'].value = self.pre[1][1][7] + pars['bg_tougaard_D'].vary = False + pars['bg_tougaard_extend'].value=self.pre[1][1][9] + pars['bg_tougaard_extend'].vary = False bg_mod = 0 - if self.idx_bg == 3 or self.idx_bg == 4: - if self.idx_bg == 3: - mod = StepModel(prefix='bg_', form='arctan') - if self.idx_bg == 4: - mod = StepModel(prefix='bg_', form='erf') - if self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][1] is None or self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][3] is None or self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][ + if idx_bg == 3: + mod = StepModel(prefix='bg_arctan_', form='arctan') + if self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][1] is None or self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][3] is None or self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][ 5] is None \ - or len(str(self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][1])) == 0 or len(str(self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][3])) == 0 \ - or len(str(self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][5])) == 0: + or len(str(self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][1])) == 0 or len(str(self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][3])) == 0 \ + or len(str(self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][5])) == 0: pars = mod.guess(y, x=x) else: pars = mod.make_params() - pars['bg_amplitude'].value = self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][1] - if self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][0] == 2: - pars['bg_amplitude'].vary = False - pars['bg_center'].value = self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][3] - if self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][2] == 2: - pars['bg_center'].vary = False - pars['bg_sigma'].value = self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][5] - if self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][4] == 2: - pars['bg_sigma'].vary = False + pars['bg_arctan_amplitude'].value = self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][1] + if self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][0] == 2: + pars['bg_arctan_amplitude'].vary = False + pars['bg_arctan_center'].value = self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][3] + if self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][2] == 2: + pars['bg_arctan_center'].vary = False + pars['bg_arctan_sigma'].value = self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][5] + if self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][4] == 2: + pars['bg_arctan_sigma'].vary = False bg_mod = 0 - if self.idx_bg == 5: + if idx_bg == 4: + mod = StepModel(prefix='bg_step_', form='erf') + if self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][1] is None or self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][3] is None or self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][ + 5] is None \ + or len(str(self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][1])) == 0 or len(str(self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][3])) == 0 \ + or len(str(self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][5])) == 0: + pars = mod.guess(y, x=x) + else: + pars = mod.make_params() + pars['bg_step_amplitude'].value = self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][1] + if self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][0] == 2: + pars['bg_step_amplitude'].vary = False + pars['bg_step_center'].value = self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][3] + if self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][2] == 2: + pars['bg_step_center'].vary = False + pars['bg_step_sigma'].value = self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][5] + if self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][4] == 2: + pars['bg_step_sigma'].vary = False + bg_mod = 0 + + if idx_bg == 5: if (x[0] > x[-1] and y[0] > y[-1]) or (x[0] < x[-1] and y[0] < y[-1]): # VBM def poly2vbm(x, ctr, d1, d2, d3, d4): @@ -2031,38 +2065,38 @@ def poly2vbm(x, ctr, d1, d2, d3, d4): return (d1 * (x - ctr) + d2 * (x - ctr) ** 2 + d3 * (x - ctr) ** 3 + d4 * (x - ctr) ** 4) * ( x <= ctr) - mod = Model(poly2vbm, prefix='bg_') + mod = Model(poly2vbm, prefix='bg_vbm_') pars = mod.make_params() - if self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][1] is None or self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][3] is None or self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][ + if self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][1] is None or self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][3] is None or self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][ 5] is None \ - or self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][7] is None or self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][9] is None \ - or len(str(self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][1])) == 0 or len(str(self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][3])) == 0 \ - or len(str(self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][5])) == 0 or len(str(self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][7])) == 0 \ - or len(str(self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][9])) == 0: - pars['bg_ctr'].value = (x[0] + x[-1]) / 2 - pars['bg_d1'].value = 0 - pars['bg_d2'].value = 0 - pars['bg_d3'].value = 0 - pars['bg_d4'].value = 0 + or self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][7] is None or self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][9] is None \ + or len(str(self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][1])) == 0 or len(str(self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][3])) == 0 \ + or len(str(self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][5])) == 0 or len(str(self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][7])) == 0 \ + or len(str(self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][9])) == 0: + pars['bg_vbm_ctr'].value = (x[0] + x[-1]) / 2 + pars['bg_vbm_d1'].value = 0 + pars['bg_vbm_d2'].value = 0 + pars['bg_vbm_d3'].value = 0 + pars['bg_vbm_d4'].value = 0 else: - pars['bg_ctr'].value = self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][1] - if self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][0] == 2: - pars['bg_ctr'].vary = False - pars['bg_d1'].value = self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][3] - if self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][2] == 2: - pars['bg_d1'].vary = False - pars['bg_d2'].value = self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][5] - if self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][5] == 2: - pars['bg_d2'].vary = False - pars['bg_d3'].value = self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][7] - if self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][6] == 2: - pars['bg_d3'].vary = False - pars['bg_d4'].value = self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][9] - if self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][8] == 2: - pars['bg_d4'].vary = False + pars['bg_vbm_ctr'].value = self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][1] + if self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][0] == 2: + pars['bg_vbm_ctr'].vary = False + pars['bg_vbm_d1'].value = self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][3] + if self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][2] == 2: + pars['bg_vbm_d1'].vary = False + pars['bg_vbm_d2'].value = self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][5] + if self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][5] == 2: + pars['bg_vbm_d2'].vary = False + pars['bg_vbm_d3'].value = self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][7] + if self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][6] == 2: + pars['bg_vbm_d3'].vary = False + pars['bg_vbm_d4'].value = self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][9] + if self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][8] == 2: + pars['bg_vbm_d4'].vary = False bg_mod = 0 - if self.idx_bg == 2: - mod = PolynomialModel(4, prefix='bg_') + if idx_bg == 2: + mod = PolynomialModel(4, prefix='bg_poly_') bg_mod = 0 if self.pre[1][2][1] is None or self.pre[1][2][3] is None or self.pre[1][2][5] is None \ or self.pre[1][2][7] is None or self.pre[1][2][9] is None or len(str(self.pre[1][2][1])) == 0 \ @@ -2072,64 +2106,26 @@ def poly2vbm(x, ctr, d1, d2, d3, d4): else: pars = mod.make_params() for index in range(5): - pars['bg_c' + str(index)].value = self.pre[1][2][2 * index + 1] - if self.pre[1][2][2 * index] == 2: - pars['bg_c' + str(index)].vary = False - if self.fixedBG.isChecked(): - for par in pars: - pars[par].vary = False - return [mod, bg_mod, pars] - # Polynomial BG to be added for all BG - modp = PolynomialModel(4, prefix='pg_') - if self.pre[1][2][1] is None or self.pre[1][2][3] is None or self.pre[1][2][5] is None \ - or self.pre[1][2][7] is None or self.pre[1][2][9] is None or len(str(self.pre[1][2][1])) == 0 \ - or len(str(self.pre[1][2][3])) == 0 or len(str(self.pre[1][2][5])) == 0 \ - or len(str(self.pre[1][2][7])) == 0 or len(str(self.pre[1][2][9])) == 0: - if pars is None: - pars = modp.make_params() - mod = modp - for index in range(5): - pars['pg_c' + str(index)].value = 0 - # make all poly bg parameters fixed - for col in range(5): - self.pre[1][2][2 * col] = 0 - if self.fixedBG.isChecked(): - for par in pars: - pars[par].vary = False - return [mod, bg_mod, pars] - - else: - pars.update(modp.make_params()) - for index in range(5): - pars['pg_c' + str(index)].value = 0 - # make all poly bg parameters fixed - for col in range(5): - self.pre[1][2][2 * col] = 0 - - else: - if pars is None: - pars = modp.make_params() - mod = modp - for index in range(5): - pars['pg_c' + str(index)].value = self.pre[1][2][2 * index + 1] + pars['bg_poly_c' + str(index)].value = self.pre[1][2][2 * index + 1] if self.pre[1][2][2 * index] == 2: - pars['pg_c' + str(index)].vary = False - if self.fixedBG.isChecked(): - for par in pars: - pars[par].vary = False - return [mod, bg_mod, pars] + pars['bg_poly_c' + str(index)].vary = False + if idx_bg ==6: + mod=SlopeBG(independent_vars=['y'],prefix='bg_slope_') + bg_mod=0 + if self.pre[1][3][1] is None or len(str(self.pre[1][3][1])) == 0: + pars = mod.guess(y, x=x) else: - pars.update(modp.make_params()) - for index in range(5): - pars['pg_c' + str(index)].value = self.pre[1][2][2 * index + 1] - if self.pre[1][2][2 * index] == 2: - pars['pg_c' + str(index)].vary = False - mod += modp + pars = mod.make_params() + pars['bg_slope_k'].value = self.pre[1][3][1] + if self.pre[1][3][0] == 2: + pars['bg_slope_k'].vary = False if self.fixedBG.isChecked(): for par in pars: pars[par].vary = False return [mod, bg_mod, pars] + + def PeakSelector(self, mod): pars_all = [] ncomponent = self.fitp1.columnCount() @@ -2159,7 +2155,8 @@ def PeakSelector(self, mod): if self.pre[2][14][2 * index_pk] == 2: pars[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_center_diff'].vary = False if self.pre[2][16][2 * index_pk + 1] is not None and len(str(self.pre[2][16][2 * index_pk + 1])) > 0: - pars.add(strind + str(index_pk + 1) + "_amp_ratio", value=float(self.pre[2][16][2 * index_pk + 1]), min=0) + pars.add(strind + str(index_pk + 1) + "_amp_ratio", value=float(self.pre[2][16][2 * index_pk + 1]), + min=0) if self.pre[2][16][2 * index_pk] == 2: pars[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_amp_ratio'].vary = False if index == 0 or index == 2 or index == 4 or index == 5 or index == 6 or index == 7 or index == 8 or index == 12: @@ -2556,32 +2553,38 @@ def peak_limits(self, pars): 3 * index_pk + 2] return pars - def bgResult2Pre(self, out_params, mode): - if self.idx_bg == 100: - if mode != "eva": - self.pre[1][0][5] = out_params['bg_k'].value - self.pre[1][0][7] = out_params['bg_const'].value - if self.idx_bg == 101: - self.pre[1][1][1] = out_params['bg_B'].value - self.pre[1][1][3] = out_params['bg_C'].value - self.pre[1][1][5] = out_params['bg_C_d'].value - self.pre[1][1][7] = out_params['bg_D'].value - if self.idx_bg == 3 or self.idx_bg == 4: - self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][1] = out_params['bg_amplitude'].value - self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][3] = out_params['bg_center'].value - self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][5] = out_params['bg_sigma'].value - if self.idx_bg == 5: - self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][1] = out_params['bg_ctr'].value - self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][3] = out_params['bg_d1'].value - self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][5] = out_params['bg_d2'].value - self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][7] = out_params['bg_d3'].value - self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][9] = out_params['bg_d4'].value - if self.idx_bg == 2: - for index in range(5): - self.pre[1][self.idx_bg][2 * index + 1] = out_params['bg_c' + str(index)].value - if self.idx_bg != 2: - for index in range(5): - self.pre[1][2][2 * index + 1] = out_params['pg_c' + str(index)].value + def bgResult2Pre(self, out_params, mode, idx_bgs): + for idx_bg in idx_bgs: + if idx_bg == 6: + self.pre[1][3][1] = out_params['bg_slope_k'].value + if idx_bg == 100: + if mode != "eva": + self.pre[1][0][5] = out_params['bg_shirley_k'].value + self.pre[1][0][7] = out_params['bg_shirley_const'].value + if idx_bg == 101: + self.pre[1][1][1] = out_params['bg_tougaard_B'].value + self.pre[1][1][3] = out_params['bg_tougaard_C'].value + self.pre[1][1][5] = out_params['bg_tougaard_C_d'].value + self.pre[1][1][7] = out_params['bg_tougaard_D'].value + self.pre[1][1][9] = out_params['bg_tougaard_extend'].value + if idx_bg == 3: + self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][1] = out_params['bg_arctan_amplitude'].value + self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][3] = out_params['bg_arctan_center'].value + self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][5] = out_params['bg_arctan_sigma'].value + + if idx_bg == 4: + self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][1] = out_params['bg_step_amplitude'].value + self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][3] = out_params['bg_step_center'].value + self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][5] = out_params['bg_step_sigma'].value + if idx_bg == 5: + self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][1] = out_params['bg_vbm_ctr'].value + self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][3] = out_params['bg_vbm_d1'].value + self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][5] = out_params['bg_vbm_d2'].value + self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][7] = out_params['bg_vbm_d3'].value + self.pre[1][idx_bg+1][9] = out_params['bg_vbm_d4'].value + if idx_bg==2: + for index in range(5): + self.pre[1][2][2 * index + 1] = out_params['bg_poly_c' + str(index)].value def peakResult2Pre(self, out_params, mode): ncomponent = self.fitp1.columnCount() @@ -2628,7 +2631,7 @@ def peakResult2Pre(self, out_params, mode): self.pre[2][12][2 * index_pk + 1] = out_params[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_fct_coster_kronig'].value def result2Par(self, out_params, mode): - self.bgResult2Pre(out_params, mode) + self.bgResult2Pre(out_params, mode, self.idx_bg) self.peakResult2Pre(out_params, mode) def fillTabResults(self, x, y, out): @@ -2800,6 +2803,20 @@ def fillTabResults(self, x, y, out): self.res_tab.resizeRowsToContents() self.fitp1.resizeColumnsToContents() self.fitp1.resizeRowsToContents() + def BGModCreator(self, x,y,mode): + temp_res = self.bgSelector(x, y, mode=mode, idx_bg= self.idx_bg[0]) + mod=temp_res[0] + bg_mod=temp_res[1] + pars=temp_res[2] + + for idx_bg in self.idx_bg[1:]: + temp_res=self.bgSelector(x,y,mode,idx_bg) + mod += temp_res[0] + bg_mod += temp_res[1] + pars.update(temp_res[2]) + + return mod, bg_mod,pars + def ana(self, mode): self.savePreset() @@ -2865,7 +2882,9 @@ def ana(self, mode): raw_y = y.copy() # BG model selection and call shirley and tougaard # colPosition = self.fitp1.columnCount() - temp_res = self.bgSelector(x, y, mode=mode) + + + temp_res = self.BGModCreator(x, y, mode=mode) mod = temp_res[0] bg_mod = temp_res[1] pars = temp_res[2] @@ -2967,6 +2986,12 @@ def ana(self, mode): self.stats_tab.setItem(9, 0, item) self.stats_tab.resizeColumnsToContents() self.stats_tab.resizeRowsToContents() + sum_background=np.array([0.]*len(x)) + self.bg_comps=dict() + for key in comps: + if 'bg_' in key: + self.bg_comps[key]=comps[key] + sum_background+=comps[key] if mode == "sim": self.ar.set_title(r"Simulation mode", fontsize=11) if mode == 'eva': @@ -2980,30 +3005,12 @@ def ana(self, mode): # print(index_pk, color) strind = self.fitp1.cellWidget(0, 2 * index_pk + 1).currentText() strind = strind.split(":", 1)[0] - if self.idx_bg > 100: - self.ax.fill_between(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + comps['bg_'] + comps['pg_'], - comps['bg_'] + comps['pg_'], label='C_' + str(index_pk + 1)) - self.ax.plot(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + comps['bg_'] + comps['pg_']) - if index_pk == len_idx_pk - 1: - self.ax.plot(x, comps['bg_'] + comps['pg_'], label='BG') - if self.idx_bg < 2 or self.idx_bg == 100: - self.ax.fill_between(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + bg_mod + comps['pg_'], - bg_mod + comps['pg_'], label='C_' + str(index_pk + 1)) - self.ax.plot(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + bg_mod + comps['pg_']) - if index_pk == len_idx_pk - 1: - self.ax.plot(x, bg_mod + comps['pg_'], label='BG') - if self.idx_bg == 2: - self.ax.fill_between(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + comps['bg_'], comps['bg_'], - label='C_' + str(index_pk + 1)) - self.ax.plot(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + comps['bg_'], comps['bg_']) - if index_pk == len_idx_pk - 1: - self.ax.plot(x, comps['bg_'], label='BG') - if 100 > self.idx_bg > 2: - self.ax.fill_between(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + comps['bg_'] + comps['pg_'], - comps['bg_'] + comps['pg_'], label='C_' + str(index_pk + 1)) - self.ax.plot(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + comps['bg_'] + comps['pg_']) - if index_pk == len_idx_pk - 1: - self.ax.plot(x, comps['bg_'] + comps['pg_'], label='BG') + + self.ax.fill_between(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + sum_background+bg_mod, + sum_background+bg_mod, label='C_' + str(index_pk + 1)) + self.ax.plot(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + sum_background+bg_mod) + if index_pk == len_idx_pk - 1: + self.ax.plot(x, + sum_background+bg_mod, label='BG') self.ax.set_xlim(left=self.xmin) self.ar.set_xlim(left=self.xmin) self.ax.set_xlim(right=self.xmax) @@ -3021,32 +3028,11 @@ def ana(self, mode): for index_pk in range(len_idx_pk): strind = self.fitp1.cellWidget(0, 2 * index_pk + 1).currentText() strind = strind.split(":", 1)[0] - if self.idx_bg >= 100: - self.ax.fill_between(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + comps['bg_'] + comps['pg_'], - comps['bg_'] + comps['pg_'], label='C_' + str(index_pk + 1)) - self.ax.plot(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + comps['bg_'] + comps['pg_']) - if index_pk == len_idx_pk - 1: - self.ax.plot(x, comps['bg_'] + comps['pg_'], label="BG") - if self.idx_bg < 2: - self.ax.fill_between(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + bg_mod + comps['pg_'], - bg_mod + comps['pg_'], label='C_' + str(index_pk + 1)) - self.ax.plot(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + bg_mod + comps['pg_']) - if index_pk == len_idx_pk - 1: - self.ax.plot(x, bg_mod + comps['pg_'], label="BG") - if self.idx_bg == 2: - self.ax.fill_between(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + comps['bg_'], comps['bg_'], - label='C_' + str(index_pk + 1)) - self.ax.plot(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + comps['bg_']) - if index_pk == len_idx_pk - 1: - self.ax.plot(x, comps['bg_'], label="BG") - if 100 > self.idx_bg > 2: - self.ax.fill_between(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + comps['bg_'] + comps['pg_'], - comps['bg_'] + comps['pg_'], label='C_' + str(index_pk + 1)) - self.ax.plot(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + comps['bg_'] + comps['pg_']) - if index_pk == len_idx_pk - 1: - self.ax.plot(x, comps['bg_'] + comps['pg_'], label="BG") - - # + self.ax.fill_between(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + bg_mod+sum_background, + bg_mod+sum_background, label='C_' + str(index_pk + 1)) + self.ax.plot(x, comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'] + bg_mod+sum_background) + if index_pk == len_idx_pk - 1: + self.ax.plot(x, + bg_mod+sum_background, label="BG") self.ax.set_xlim(left=self.xmin) self.ar.set_xlim(left=self.xmin) self.ax.set_xlim(right=self.xmax) @@ -3067,59 +3053,29 @@ def ana(self, mode): # make dataFrame and concat to export df_x = pd.DataFrame(x, columns=['x']) df_raw_y = pd.DataFrame(raw_y, columns=['raw_y']) - if self.idx_bg > 100: - df_y = pd.DataFrame(raw_y - comps['pg_'] - comps['bg_'], columns=['data-bg']) - df_pks = pd.DataFrame(out.best_fit - comps['pg_'] - comps['bg_'], columns=['sum_components']) - df_sum = pd.DataFrame(out.best_fit, columns=['sum_fit']) - elif self.idx_bg == 100: - if mode == 'eva': - df_y = pd.DataFrame(raw_y - comps['pg_'] - bg_mod, columns=['data-bg']) - df_pks = pd.DataFrame(out.best_fit - comps['pg_'] - bg_mod, columns=['sum_components']) - df_sum = pd.DataFrame(out.best_fit, columns=['sum_fit']) - else: - df_y = pd.DataFrame(raw_y - comps['pg_'] - comps['bg_'], columns=['data-bg']) - df_pks = pd.DataFrame(out.best_fit - comps['pg_'] - comps['bg_'], columns=['sum_components']) - df_sum = pd.DataFrame(out.best_fit, columns=['sum_fit']) - - elif self.idx_bg == 2: - df_y = pd.DataFrame(raw_y - bg_mod - comps['bg_'], columns=['data-bg']) - df_pks = pd.DataFrame(out.best_fit - comps['bg_'], columns=['sum_components']) - df_sum = pd.DataFrame(out.best_fit + comps['bg_'], columns=['sum_fit']) - else: - df_y = pd.DataFrame(raw_y - bg_mod - comps['pg_'], columns=['data-bg']) - df_pks = pd.DataFrame(out.best_fit - comps['pg_'], columns=['sum_components']) - df_sum = pd.DataFrame(out.best_fit + bg_mod, columns=['sum_fit']) - if self.idx_bg > 100: - df_b = pd.DataFrame(comps['pg_'] + comps['bg_'], columns=['bg']) - if self.idx_bg < 2: - df_b = pd.DataFrame(bg_mod + comps['pg_'], columns=['bg']) - if self.idx_bg == 2: - df_b = pd.DataFrame(comps['bg_'], columns=['bg']) - if 100 > self.idx_bg > 2: - df_b = pd.DataFrame(comps['bg_'] + comps['pg_'], columns=['bg']) - if self.idx_bg == 100: - df_b = pd.DataFrame(comps['bg_'], columns=['bg']) - if self.idx_bg == 2: - df_b_pg = pd.DataFrame(comps['bg_'], columns=['pg']) - else: - df_b_pg = pd.DataFrame(comps['pg_'], columns=['pg']) - self.result = pd.concat([df_x, df_raw_y, df_y, df_pks, df_b, df_b_pg, df_sum], axis=1) + df_y = pd.DataFrame(raw_y - sum_background-bg_mod, columns=['data-bg']) + df_pks = pd.DataFrame(out.best_fit - sum_background-bg_mod, columns=['sum_components']) + df_sum = pd.DataFrame(out.best_fit, columns=['sum_fit']) + df_b = pd.DataFrame(sum_background+bg_mod, columns=['bg']) + self.result = pd.concat([df_x, df_raw_y, df_y, df_pks, df_b, df_sum], axis=1) + df_bg_comps=pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.bg_comps, orient='columns') + self.result=pd.concat([self.result, df_bg_comps], axis=1) for index_pk in range(int(self.fitp1.columnCount() / 2)): strind = self.fitp1.cellWidget(0, 2 * index_pk + 1).currentText() strind = strind.split(":", 1)[0] df_c = pd.DataFrame(comps[strind + str(index_pk + 1) + '_'], columns=[strind + str(index_pk + 1)]) self.result = pd.concat([self.result, df_c], axis=1) print(out.fit_report()) - lim_reached=False - at_zero=False + lim_reached = False + at_zero = False for key in out.params: - if (out.params[key].value==out.params[key].min or out.params[key].value==out.params[key].max) : - if out.params[key].value!=0: - lim_reached=True + if (out.params[key].value == out.params[key].min or out.params[key].value == out.params[key].max): + if out.params[key].value != 0: + lim_reached = True print('Limit reached for ', key) else: - at_zero=True - print(key, ' is at limit. Value is at 0.0. That was probably intended and can be ignored!' ) + at_zero = True + print(key, ' is at limit. Value is at 0.0. That was probably intended and can be ignored!') if at_zero: self.set_status('at_zero') @@ -3134,18 +3090,6 @@ def center(self): qr.moveCenter(cp) self.move(qr.topLeft()) - def handleElementClicked(self, elementObject, checked): - symbol = elementObject.symbol - if symbol == 'Clear': - self.pt.selectedElements = [] - elif symbol == 'Refresh': - pass - elif checked and elementObject not in self.pt.selectedElements: - self.pt.selectedElements.append(elementObject) - elif not checked: - self.pt.selectedElements.remove(elementObject) - self.plot_pt() - def closeEvent(self, event): event.accept() sys.exit(0) diff --git a/Python/periodictable.py b/Python/periodictable.py index 7fa288a..4528eac 100644 --- a/Python/periodictable.py +++ b/Python/periodictable.py @@ -1,61 +1,113 @@ -import sys -from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QLineEdit, QCheckBox -from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal -from periodictableui import Ui_PeriodicTable -from elements import Transition -from elementdata import ElementData +from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QPushButton, QGridLayout, QLabel, QHBoxLayout +import pandas as pd +import os -class PeriodicTable(QWidget): - # Custom signal defined here - elementEmitted = pyqtSignal(object, bool) +data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'elements.csv')) +class PeriodicTable(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() + self.data = data + self.selected_elements = [] + self.selected_elements_names = [] + self.selected_buttons=[] + self.initUI() + + def initUI(self): + self.grid = QGridLayout() + self.grid.setSpacing(0) # Remove spacing between buttons + self.grid.setVerticalSpacing(0) + self.grid.setHorizontalSpacing(0) + for i in range(1, 8): + for j in range(1, 19): + symbol = self.data[(self.data['period'] == i) & (self.data['group_id'] == j)]['symbol'].values + if len(symbol) > 0: + button = QPushButton(symbol[0], self) + button.clicked.connect(lambda checked,s=self.data[(self.data['period'] == i) & (self.data['group_id'] == j)]: self.toggleElementSelection(s)) + cpk_color = \ + self.data[(self.data['period'] == i) & (self.data['group_id'] == j)]['cpk_color'].values[0] + series_color = \ + self.data[(self.data['period'] == i) & (self.data['group_id'] == j)]['series_color'].values[0] + button.setStyleSheet("background-color: %s" % series_color) + button.setMinimumHeight(50) + button.setMaximumWidth(80) + self.grid.addWidget(button, i, j) + self.grid.setRowMinimumHeight(i, 50) + self.grid.setVerticalSpacing(0) + self.grid.setHorizontalSpacing(0) + self.setLayout(self.grid) + self.setGeometry(100, 100, 600, 500) + self.setWindowTitle('Clickable Periodic Table') + + + self.refresh_button = QPushButton('Refresh', self) + self.refresh_button.setStyleSheet("font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px") + self.refresh_button.clicked.connect(self.updateSelectedElements) + self.refresh_button.setMaximumHeight(50) + self.grid.addWidget(self.refresh_button, 1, 5,2,3) + + self.clear_button = QPushButton('Clear', self) + self.clear_button.setStyleSheet("font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px") + self.clear_button.clicked.connect(self.clearSelection) + self.clear_button.setMaximumHeight(50) + self.grid.addWidget(self.clear_button, 1, 8,2,3) + + # create legend + legend_layout = QHBoxLayout() + legend = QLabel(self) + legend.setText("Legend:") + legend.setStyleSheet("font-size: 16px; margin-top: 20px") + legend.move(50, 750) + colors = self.data['series_color'].unique() + + # add legend labels for each color used in the periodic table + for i, color in enumerate(colors): + label = QLabel(self) + label.setStyleSheet("background-color: %s; border: 1px solid black" % color) + label.setFixedSize(30, 30) + label.move(40 + i * 50, 780) + legend_layout.addWidget(label) + legend_text = QLabel(self) + legend_text.setText(self.data[(self.data['series_color']==color)]['series_name'].values[0]) + legend_text.setStyleSheet("font-size: 16px; margin-top: 20px") + legend_text.move(55 + i * 50, 785) + legend_layout.addWidget(legend_text) + self.grid.addLayout(legend_layout, 9, 1, 1, 18) + def toggleElementSelection(self, element): + if element['symbol'].values[0] in self.selected_elements_names: + self.selected_elements_names.remove(element['symbol'].values[0]) + self.selected_elements.remove(element) + print(self.selected_elements_names) + else: + self.selected_elements.append(element) + self.selected_elements_names.append(element['symbol'].values[0]) + for i in range(1, 8): + for j in range(1, 19): + symbol = self.data[(self.data['period'] == i) & (self.data['group_id'] == j)]['symbol'].values + if self.grid.itemAtPosition(i, j) is not None and len(symbol) > 0: + button = self.grid.itemAtPosition(i, j).widget() + cpk_color = \ + self.data[(self.data['period'] == i) & (self.data['group_id'] == j)]['cpk_color'].values[0] + series_color = \ + self.data[(self.data['period'] == i) & (self.data['group_id'] == j)]['series_color'].values[0] + if symbol in self.selected_elements_names: + button.setStyleSheet("border: 3px solid #FF0000; font-weight: bold; color: #FF0000") + else: + button.setStyleSheet("background-color: %s" % series_color) + def clearSelection(self): + self.selected_elements = [] + self.selected_elements_names = [] + for i in range(1, 8): + for j in range(1, 19): + if self.grid.itemAtPosition(i, j) is not None and not self.data[(self.data['period'] == i) & (self.data['group_id'] == j)].empty: + button = self.grid.itemAtPosition(i, j).widget() + cpk_color = \ + self.data[(self.data['period'] == i) & (self.data['group_id'] == j)]['cpk_color'].values[0] + series_color = \ + self.data[(self.data['period'] == i) & (self.data['group_id'] == j)]['series_color'].values[0] + button.setStyleSheet("background-color: %s" % series_color) + - self.ui = Ui_PeriodicTable() - self.ui.setupUi(self) - - # Element Objects - self.elements = ElementData().xps - self.periodicTable = {} - #self.selectedElements = [] - - for element in self.elements: - self.periodicTable[element['symbol']] = Transition(element['symbol'], element['alka'], element['aes']) - #print(element['symbol']) - - # Iterates through all of the UI object names and connects slots/signals - # This widget is highly dependent on the naming convention of the buttons - # and line edits, changing the names will break the function assignments - for name in dir(self.ui): - # Element buttons: - if 'ebtn' in name: - btn = getattr(self.ui, name) - btn.clicked[bool].connect(self.emitElement) - elif 'Clear' in name: - btn = getattr(self.ui, name) - btn.clicked.connect(self.emitElement) - elif 'Refresh' in name: - btn = getattr(self.ui, name) - btn.clicked.connect(self.emitElement) - - # Slot for element button clicked signal - # Emits custom signal with elemental symbol and boolean - def emitElement(self, checked): - symbol = self.sender().text() - elementObject = self.periodicTable[symbol] - self.elementEmitted.emit(elementObject, checked) - - if symbol == 'Clear': - for name in dir(self.ui): - # Element buttons: - if 'ebtn' in name: - btnc = getattr(self.ui, name) - btnc.setChecked(False) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - app = QApplication(sys.argv) - window = PeriodicTable() - window.show() - sys.exit(app.exec_()) + def updateSelectedElements(self): + return self.selected_elements diff --git a/Python/periodictableui.py b/Python/periodictableui.py deleted file mode 100644 index f66b548..0000000 --- a/Python/periodictableui.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,675 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- - -# Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'periodictable.ui' -# -# Created by: PyQt5 UI code generator 5.9.2 -# -# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! - -from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets - -class Ui_PeriodicTable(object): - def setupUi(self, PeriodicTable): - PeriodicTable.setObjectName("PeriodicTable") - PeriodicTable.resize(570, 300) - font = QtGui.QFont() - font.setPointSize(13) - #font.setBold(False) - font.setWeight(75) - PeriodicTable.setFont(font) - self.Refresh = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.Refresh.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(120, 10, 82, 40)) - self.Refresh.setCheckable(False) - self.Clear = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.Clear.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(200, 10, 82, 40)) - self.Clear.setCheckable(False) - self.ebtnHe = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnHe.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(520, 10, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnHe.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnHe.setObjectName("ebtnHe") - self.ebtnRa = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnRa.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(40, 190, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnRa.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnRa.setObjectName("ebtnRa") - self.ebtnLu = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnLu.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(520, 230, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnLu.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnLu.setObjectName("ebtnLu") - self.ebtnGa = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnGa.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(370, 100, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnGa.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnGa.setObjectName("ebtnGa") - self.ebtnCa = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnCa.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(40, 100, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnCa.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnCa.setObjectName("ebtnCa") - self.ebtnAu = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnAu.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(310, 160, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnAu.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnAu.setObjectName("ebtnAu") - self.ebtnLa = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnLa.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100, 230, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnLa.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnLa.setObjectName("ebtnLa") - self.ebtnYb = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnYb.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(490, 230, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnYb.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnYb.setObjectName("ebtnYb") - self.ebtnW = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnW.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(160, 160, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnW.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnW.setObjectName("ebtnW") - self.ebtnBk = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnBk.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(340, 260, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnBk.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnBk.setObjectName("ebtnBk") - self.ebtnSc = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnSc.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(70, 100, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnSc.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnSc.setObjectName("ebtnSc") - self.ebtnNi = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnNi.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(280, 100, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnNi.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnNi.setObjectName("ebtnNi") - self.ebtnBa = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnBa.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(40, 160, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnBa.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnBa.setObjectName("ebtnBa") - self.ebtnBh = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnBh.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(190, 190, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnBh.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnBh.setObjectName("ebtnBh") - self.ebtnHs = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnHs.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(220, 190, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnHs.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnHs.setObjectName("ebtnHs") - self.ebtnHf = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnHf.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100, 160, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnHf.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnHf.setObjectName("ebtnHf") - self.ebtnPr = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnPr.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(160, 230, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnPr.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnPr.setObjectName("ebtnPr") - self.ebtnV = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnV.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 100, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnV.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnV.setObjectName("ebtnV") - self.ebtnN = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnN.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(430, 40, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnN.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnN.setObjectName("ebtnN") - self.ebtnFr = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnFr.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 190, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnFr.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnFr.setObjectName("ebtnFr") - self.ebtnGd = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnGd.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(310, 230, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnGd.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnGd.setObjectName("ebtnGd") - self.ebtnO = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnO.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(460, 40, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnO.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnO.setObjectName("ebtnO") - self.ebtnPt = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnPt.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(280, 160, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnPt.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnPt.setObjectName("ebtnPt") - self.ebtnLi = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnLi.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 40, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnLi.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnLi.setObjectName("ebtnLi") - self.ebtnP = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnP.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(430, 70, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnP.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnP.setObjectName("ebtnP") - self.ebtnXe = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnXe.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(520, 130, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnXe.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnXe.setObjectName("ebtnXe") - self.ebtnPd = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnPd.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(280, 130, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnPd.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnPd.setObjectName("ebtnPd") - self.ebtnDb = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnDb.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 190, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnDb.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnDb.setObjectName("ebtnDb") - self.ebtnRb = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnRb.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 130, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnRb.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnRb.setObjectName("ebtnRb") - self.ebtnBi = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnBi.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(430, 160, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnBi.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnBi.setObjectName("ebtnBi") - self.ebtnIn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnIn.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(370, 130, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnIn.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnIn.setObjectName("ebtnIn") - self.ebtnS = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnS.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(460, 70, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnS.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnS.setObjectName("ebtnS") - self.ebtnNd = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnNd.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(190, 230, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnNd.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnNd.setObjectName("ebtnNd") - self.ebtnNa = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnNa.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 70, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnNa.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnNa.setObjectName("ebtnNa") - self.ebtnIr = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnIr.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(250, 160, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnIr.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnIr.setObjectName("ebtnIr") - self.ebtnOs = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnOs.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(220, 160, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnOs.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnOs.setObjectName("ebtnOs") - self.ebtnPu = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnPu.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(250, 260, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnPu.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnPu.setObjectName("ebtnPu") - self.ebtnTe = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnTe.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(460, 130, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnTe.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnTe.setObjectName("ebtnTe") - self.ebtnEs = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnEs.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(400, 260, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnEs.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnEs.setObjectName("ebtnEs") - self.ebtnCe = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnCe.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 230, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnCe.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnCe.setObjectName("ebtnCe") - self.ebtnB = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnB.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(370, 40, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnB.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnB.setObjectName("ebtnB") - self.ebtnRe = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnRe.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(190, 160, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnRe.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnRe.setObjectName("ebtnRe") - self.ebtnCs = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnCs.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 160, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnCs.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnCs.setObjectName("ebtnCs") - self.ebtnCd = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnCd.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(340, 130, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnCd.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnCd.setObjectName("ebtnCd") - self.ebtnPb = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnPb.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(400, 160, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnPb.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnPb.setObjectName("ebtnPb") - self.ebtnRn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnRn.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(520, 160, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnRn.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnRn.setObjectName("ebtnRn") - self.ebtnY = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnY.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(70, 130, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnY.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnY.setObjectName("ebtnY") - self.ebtnU = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnU.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(190, 260, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnU.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnU.setObjectName("ebtnU") - self.ebtnBr = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnBr.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(490, 100, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnBr.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnBr.setObjectName("ebtnBr") - self.ebtnC = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnC.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(400, 40, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnC.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnC.setObjectName("ebtnC") - self.ebtnHo = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnHo.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(400, 230, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnHo.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnHo.setObjectName("ebtnHo") - self.ebtnNp = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnNp.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(220, 260, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnNp.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnNp.setObjectName("ebtnNp") - self.ebtnEu = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnEu.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(280, 230, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnEu.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnEu.setObjectName("ebtnEu") - self.ebtnMn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnMn.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(190, 100, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnMn.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnMn.setObjectName("ebtnMn") - self.ebtnGe = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnGe.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(400, 100, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnGe.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnGe.setObjectName("ebtnGe") - self.ebtnAc = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnAc.setEnabled(True) - self.ebtnAc.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100, 260, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnAc.setAcceptDrops(False) - self.ebtnAc.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnAc.setChecked(False) - self.ebtnAc.setAutoDefault(False) - self.ebtnAc.setObjectName("ebtnAc") - self.ebtnAl = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnAl.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(370, 70, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnAl.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnAl.setObjectName("ebtnAl") - self.ebtnSr = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnSr.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(40, 130, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnSr.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnSr.setObjectName("ebtnSr") - self.ebtnPo = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnPo.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(460, 160, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnPo.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnPo.setObjectName("ebtnPo") - self.ebtnH = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnH.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 10, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnH.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnH.setObjectName("ebtnH") - self.ebtnMg = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnMg.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(40, 70, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnMg.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnMg.setObjectName("ebtnMg") - self.ebtnNb = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnNb.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 130, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnNb.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnNb.setObjectName("ebtnNb") - self.ebtnSe = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnSe.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(460, 100, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnSe.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnSe.setObjectName("ebtnSe") - self.ebtnFm = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnFm.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(430, 260, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnFm.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnFm.setObjectName("ebtnFm") - self.ebtnRu = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnRu.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(220, 130, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnRu.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnRu.setObjectName("ebtnRu") - self.ebtnZr = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnZr.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100, 130, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnZr.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnZr.setObjectName("ebtnZr") - self.ebtnCm = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnCm.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(310, 260, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnCm.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnCm.setObjectName("ebtnCm") - self.ebtnAm = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnAm.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(280, 260, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnAm.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnAm.setObjectName("ebtnAm") - self.ebtnNo = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnNo.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(490, 260, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnNo.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnNo.setObjectName("ebtnNo") - self.ebtnMt = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnMt.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(250, 190, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnMt.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnMt.setObjectName("ebtnMt") - self.ebtnTh = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnTh.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 260, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnTh.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnTh.setObjectName("ebtnTh") - self.ebtnK = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnK.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 100, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnK.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnK.setObjectName("ebtnK") - self.ebtnMo = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnMo.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(160, 130, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnMo.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnMo.setObjectName("ebtnMo") - self.ebtnF = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnF.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(490, 40, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnF.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnF.setObjectName("ebtnF") - self.ebtnTc = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnTc.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(190, 130, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnTc.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnTc.setObjectName("ebtnTc") - self.ebtnNe = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnNe.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(520, 40, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnNe.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnNe.setObjectName("ebtnNe") - self.ebtnCo = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnCo.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(250, 100, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnCo.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnCo.setObjectName("ebtnCo") - self.ebtnMd = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnMd.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(460, 260, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnMd.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnMd.setObjectName("ebtnMd") - self.ebtnSb = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnSb.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(430, 130, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnSb.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnSb.setObjectName("ebtnSb") - self.ebtnTb = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnTb.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(340, 230, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnTb.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnTb.setObjectName("ebtnTb") - self.ebtnTm = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnTm.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(460, 230, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnTm.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnTm.setObjectName("ebtnTm") - self.ebtnEr = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnEr.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(430, 230, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnEr.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnEr.setObjectName("ebtnEr") - self.ebtnCl = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnCl.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(490, 70, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnCl.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnCl.setObjectName("ebtnCl") - self.ebtnAt = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnAt.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(490, 160, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnAt.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnAt.setObjectName("ebtnAt") - self.ebtnCr = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnCr.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(160, 100, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnCr.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnCr.setObjectName("ebtnCr") - self.ebtnTa = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnTa.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 160, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnTa.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnTa.setObjectName("ebtnTa") - self.ebtnRh = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnRh.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(250, 130, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnRh.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnRh.setObjectName("ebtnRh") - self.ebtnI = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnI.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(490, 130, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnI.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnI.setObjectName("ebtnI") - self.ebtnTl = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnTl.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(370, 160, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnTl.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnTl.setObjectName("ebtnTl") - self.ebtnSn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnSn.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(400, 130, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnSn.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnSn.setObjectName("ebtnSn") - self.ebtnPa = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnPa.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(160, 260, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnPa.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnPa.setObjectName("ebtnPa") - self.ebtnAr = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnAr.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(520, 70, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnAr.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnAr.setObjectName("ebtnAr") - self.ebtnSi = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnSi.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(400, 70, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnSi.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnSi.setObjectName("ebtnSi") - self.ebtnSm = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnSm.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(250, 230, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnSm.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnSm.setObjectName("ebtnSm") - self.ebtnFe = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnFe.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(220, 100, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnFe.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnFe.setObjectName("ebtnFe") - self.ebtnKr = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnKr.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(520, 100, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnKr.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnKr.setObjectName("ebtnKr") - self.ebtnBe = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnBe.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(40, 40, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnBe.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnBe.setObjectName("ebtnBe") - self.ebtnRf = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnRf.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100, 190, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnRf.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnRf.setObjectName("ebtnRf") - self.ebtnLr = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnLr.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(520, 260, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnLr.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnLr.setObjectName("ebtnLr") - self.ebtnSg = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnSg.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(160, 190, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnSg.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnSg.setObjectName("ebtnSg") - self.ebtnHg = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnHg.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(340, 160, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnHg.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnHg.setObjectName("ebtnHg") - self.ebtnAs = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnAs.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(430, 100, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnAs.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnAs.setObjectName("ebtnAs") - self.ebtnCu = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnCu.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(310, 100, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnCu.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnCu.setObjectName("ebtnCu") - self.ebtnCf = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnCf.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(370, 260, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnCf.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnCf.setObjectName("ebtnCf") - self.ebtnTi = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnTi.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100, 100, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnTi.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnTi.setObjectName("ebtnTi") - self.ebtnDy = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnDy.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(370, 230, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnDy.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnDy.setObjectName("ebtnDy") - self.ebtnPm = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnPm.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(220, 230, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnPm.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnPm.setObjectName("ebtnPm") - self.ebtnAg = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnAg.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(310, 130, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnAg.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnAg.setObjectName("ebtnAg") - self.ebtnZn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - self.ebtnZn.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(340, 100, 42, 40)) - self.ebtnZn.setCheckable(True) - self.ebtnZn.setObjectName("ebtnZn") - #self.label_3 = QtWidgets.QLabel(PeriodicTable) - #self.label_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100, 10, 231, 20)) - #font = QtGui.QFont() - #font.setPointSize(9) - #font.setBold(True) - #font.setWeight(75) - #self.label_3.setFont(font) - #self.label_3.setObjectName("label_3") - #self.label_4 = QtWidgets.QLabel(PeriodicTable) - #self.label_4.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(580, 10, 231, 20)) - #font = QtGui.QFont() - #font.setPointSize(9) - #font.setBold(True) - #font.setWeight(75) - #self.label_4.setFont(font) - #self.label_4.setObjectName("label_4") - #self.ligCheckBox1 = QtWidgets.QCheckBox(PeriodicTable) - #self.ligCheckBox1.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(570, 73, 21, 17)) - #self.ligCheckBox1.setText("") - #self.ligCheckBox1.setObjectName("ligCheckBox1") - #self.ligFormula1 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(PeriodicTable) - #self.ligFormula1.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(590, 71, 61, 20)) - #self.ligFormula1.setObjectName("ligFormula1") - #self.ligMass1 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(PeriodicTable) - #self.ligMass1.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(660, 71, 61, 20)) - #self.ligMass1.setReadOnly(True) - #self.ligMass1.setObjectName("ligMass1") - #self.ligClear1 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - #self.ligClear1.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(740, 70, 21, 23)) - #self.ligClear1.setObjectName("ligClear1") - #self.label_5 = QtWidgets.QLabel(PeriodicTable) - #self.label_5.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(590, 50, 231, 20)) - #font = QtGui.QFont() - #font.setPointSize(9) - #font.setBold(True) - #font.setWeight(75) - #self.label_5.setFont(font) - #self.label_5.setObjectName("label_5") - #self.label_6 = QtWidgets.QLabel(PeriodicTable) - #self.label_6.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(660, 50, 231, 20)) - #font = QtGui.QFont() - #font.setPointSize(9) - #font.setBold(True) - #font.setWeight(75) - #self.label_6.setFont(font) - #self.label_6.setObjectName("label_6") - #self.ligClear2 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - #self.ligClear2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(740, 109, 21, 23)) - #self.ligClear2.setObjectName("ligClear2") - #self.ligCheckBox2 = QtWidgets.QCheckBox(PeriodicTable) - #self.ligCheckBox2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(570, 112, 21, 17)) - #self.ligCheckBox2.setText("") - #self.ligCheckBox2.setObjectName("ligCheckBox2") - #self.ligFormula2 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(PeriodicTable) - #self.ligFormula2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(590, 110, 61, 20)) - #self.ligFormula2.setObjectName("ligFormula2") - #self.ligMass2 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(PeriodicTable) - #self.ligMass2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(660, 110, 61, 20)) - #self.ligMass2.setReadOnly(True) - #self.ligMass2.setObjectName("ligMass2") - #self.ligMass3 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(PeriodicTable) - #self.ligMass3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(660, 150, 61, 20)) - #self.ligMass3.setReadOnly(True) - #self.ligMass3.setObjectName("ligMass3") - #self.ligClear3 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(PeriodicTable) - #self.ligClear3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(740, 149, 21, 23)) - #self.ligClear3.setObjectName("ligClear3") - #self.ligCheckBox3 = QtWidgets.QCheckBox(PeriodicTable) - #self.ligCheckBox3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(570, 152, 21, 17)) - #self.ligCheckBox3.setText("") - #self.ligCheckBox3.setObjectName("ligCheckBox3") - #self.ligFormula3 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(PeriodicTable) - #self.ligFormula3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(590, 150, 61, 20)) - #self.ligFormula3.setObjectName("ligFormula3") - - self.retranslateUi(PeriodicTable) - QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(PeriodicTable) - - def retranslateUi(self, PeriodicTable): - _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate - PeriodicTable.setWindowTitle(_translate("PeriodicTable", "PeriodicTable")) - self.Refresh.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Refresh")) - self.Clear.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Clear")) - self.ebtnHe.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "He")) - self.ebtnRa.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Ra")) - self.ebtnLu.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Lu")) - self.ebtnGa.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Ga")) - self.ebtnCa.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Ca")) - self.ebtnAu.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Au")) - self.ebtnLa.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "La")) - self.ebtnYb.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Yb")) - self.ebtnW.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "W")) - self.ebtnBk.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Bk")) - self.ebtnSc.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Sc")) - self.ebtnNi.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Ni")) - self.ebtnBa.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Ba")) - self.ebtnBh.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Bh")) - self.ebtnHs.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Hs")) - self.ebtnHf.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Hf")) - self.ebtnPr.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Pr")) - self.ebtnV.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "V")) - self.ebtnN.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "N")) - self.ebtnFr.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Fr")) - self.ebtnGd.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Gd")) - self.ebtnO.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "O")) - self.ebtnPt.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Pt")) - self.ebtnLi.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Li")) - self.ebtnP.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "P")) - self.ebtnXe.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Xe")) - self.ebtnPd.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Pd")) - self.ebtnDb.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Db")) - self.ebtnRb.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Rb")) - self.ebtnBi.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Bi")) - self.ebtnIn.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "In")) - self.ebtnS.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "S")) - self.ebtnNd.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Nd")) - self.ebtnNa.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Na")) - self.ebtnIr.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Ir")) - self.ebtnOs.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Os")) - self.ebtnPu.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Pu")) - self.ebtnTe.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Te")) - self.ebtnEs.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Es")) - self.ebtnCe.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Ce")) - self.ebtnB.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "B")) - self.ebtnRe.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Re")) - self.ebtnCs.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Cs")) - self.ebtnCd.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Cd")) - self.ebtnPb.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Pb")) - self.ebtnRn.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Rn")) - self.ebtnY.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Y")) - self.ebtnU.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "U")) - self.ebtnBr.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Br")) - self.ebtnC.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "C")) - self.ebtnHo.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Ho")) - self.ebtnNp.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Np")) - self.ebtnEu.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Eu")) - self.ebtnMn.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Mn")) - self.ebtnGe.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Ge")) - self.ebtnAc.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Ac")) - self.ebtnAl.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Al")) - self.ebtnSr.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Sr")) - self.ebtnPo.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Po")) - self.ebtnH.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "H")) - self.ebtnMg.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Mg")) - self.ebtnNb.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Nb")) - self.ebtnSe.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Se")) - self.ebtnFm.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Fm")) - self.ebtnRu.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Ru")) - self.ebtnZr.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Zr")) - self.ebtnCm.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Cm")) - self.ebtnAm.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Am")) - self.ebtnNo.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "No")) - self.ebtnMt.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Mt")) - self.ebtnTh.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Th")) - self.ebtnK.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "K")) - self.ebtnMo.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Mo")) - self.ebtnF.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "F")) - self.ebtnTc.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Tc")) - self.ebtnNe.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Ne")) - self.ebtnCo.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Co")) - self.ebtnMd.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Md")) - self.ebtnSb.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Sb")) - self.ebtnTb.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Tb")) - self.ebtnTm.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Tm")) - self.ebtnEr.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Er")) - self.ebtnCl.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Cl")) - self.ebtnAt.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "At")) - self.ebtnCr.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Cr")) - self.ebtnTa.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Ta")) - self.ebtnRh.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Rh")) - self.ebtnI.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "I")) - self.ebtnTl.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Tl")) - self.ebtnSn.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Sn")) - self.ebtnPa.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Pa")) - self.ebtnAr.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Ar")) - self.ebtnSi.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Si")) - self.ebtnSm.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Sm")) - self.ebtnFe.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Fe")) - self.ebtnKr.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Kr")) - self.ebtnBe.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Be")) - self.ebtnRf.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Rf")) - self.ebtnLr.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Lr")) - self.ebtnSg.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Sg")) - self.ebtnHg.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Hg")) - self.ebtnAs.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "As")) - self.ebtnCu.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Cu")) - self.ebtnCf.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Cf")) - self.ebtnTi.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Ti")) - self.ebtnDy.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Dy")) - self.ebtnPm.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Pm")) - self.ebtnAg.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Ag")) - self.ebtnZn.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Zn")) - #self.label_3.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Step 1: Choose Elements To Include")) - #self.label_4.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Optional: Custom Ligand")) - #self.ligClear1.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "x")) - #self.label_5.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Formula")) - #self.label_6.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "Mass")) - #self.ligClear2.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "x")) - #self.ligClear3.setText(_translate("PeriodicTable", "x")) - - -if __name__ == "__main__": - import sys - app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) - PeriodicTable = QtWidgets.QWidget() - ui = Ui_PeriodicTable() - ui.setupUi(PeriodicTable) - PeriodicTable.show() - sys.exit(app.exec_()) - diff --git a/Python/usrmodel.py b/Python/usrmodel.py index a46602f..f6e1d16 100644 --- a/Python/usrmodel.py +++ b/Python/usrmodel.py @@ -313,3 +313,185 @@ def guess(self, data, x=None, **kwargs): self.set_param_hint('sigma', value=(max(x) - min(x)) / len(x), min=0, max=2) params = self.make_params() return lmfit.models.update_param_vals(params, self.prefix, **kwargs) + + +bgrnd = [[], [], []] + + +def tougaard(x, y, B, C, C_d, D,extend=30, only_vary_B=True): + """ + Calculates the Tougaard background of an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectrum. + + The following implementation is based on the four-parameter loss function as suggested by R.Hesse (https://doi.org/10.1002/sia.3746). + In contrast to R.Hesse, the Tougaard background is not leveled + with the data using a constant, but the background on the high-energy side is extended. This approach was + found to lead to great convergence empirically, however, the length of the data extension remains arbitrary. + + To reduce computing time, as long as only B should be variated (which makes sense in most cases), if the loss function was already calculated, + only b is further optimized. + + Parameters + ---------- + x : array-like + 1D-array containing the x-values (energies) of the spectrum. + y : array-like + 1D-array containing the y-values (intensities) of the spectrum. + B : float + Scaling factor of the Tougaard background model. + C : float + C_d : float + D : float + extend : float, optional + Length of the data extension on the high-kinetic-energy side. Defaults to 30. + only_vary_B : bool, optional + Whether to only vary the scaling factor `B` when calculating the background. Defaults to True. + Varying all parameters of Tougaard background leads to instabilities and weird shaped backgrounds. + + + Returns + ------- + array-like + The Tougaard background of the XPS spectrum. + + See Also + ------- + The following implementation is based on the four-parameter loss function as suggested by R.Hesse [https://doi.org/10.1002/sia.3746]. + """ + global bgrnd + if np.array_equal(bgrnd[0], y) and only_vary_B and bgrnd[2][0]==extend: # only variating B and loss function was already calculated + return [B * elem for elem in bgrnd[1]] + else: + bgrnd[0] = y + bgrnd[2] = [extend] + bg = [] + delta_x = abs((x[-1] - x[0]) / len(x)) + len_padded = int(extend / delta_x) # sets expansion lenght, values between 15 to 50 work great + padded_x = np.concatenate((x, np.linspace(x[-1] + delta_x, x[-1] + delta_x * len_padded, len_padded))) + padded_y = np.concatenate((y, np.mean(y[-10:]) * np.ones(len_padded))) + for k in range(len(x)): + x_k = x[k] + bg_temp = 0 + for j in range(len(padded_y[k:])): + padded_x_kj = padded_x[k + j] + bg_temp += (padded_x_kj - x_k) / ((C + C_d * (padded_x_kj - x_k) ** 2) ** 2 + + D * (padded_x_kj - x_k) ** 2) * padded_y[k + j] * delta_x + bg.append(bg_temp) + bgrnd[1] = bg + return [B * elem for elem in bgrnd[1]] + + +class TougaardBG(lmfit.model.Model): + __doc__ = "Model of the 4 parameter loss function Tougaard. " \ + "The implementation is based on the four-parameter loss function as suggested by R.Hesse [https://doi.org/10.1002/sia.3746]. In addition, the extend parameter is introduced, which improves the agreement between data and Tougaard BG by extending the Data on the high-kinetic energy side (low binding energy side) by the mean intensity value at the rightmost kinetic energy scale. extend represents the length of the data extension on the high-kinetic-energy side in eV. Defaults to 30." + lmfit.models.COMMON_INIT_DOC + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + super().__init__(tougaard, *args, **kwargs) + self._set_paramhints_prefix() + + def _set_paramhints_prefix(self): + self.set_param_hint('B', value=2886, min=0) + self.set_param_hint('C', value=1643, min=0) + self.set_param_hint('C_d', value=1, min=0) + self.set_param_hint('D', value=1, min=0) + self.set_param_hint('extend', value=30, vary=False) + + def guess(self, data, x=None, **kwargs): + if x is None: + return + params = self.make_params(B=2886, C=1643, C_d=1, D=1) + return lmfit.models.update_param_vals(params, self.prefix, **kwargs) + + +def shirley(y, k, const): + """ + Calculates the Shirley background of an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectrum. + This implementation calculates the Shirley background by integrating the step characteristic of the spectrum. + + Parameters + ---------- + y : array-like + 1D-array containing the y-values (intensities) of the spectrum. + k : float + Slope of the step characteristic. + const : float + Constant offset of the step characteristic. + + Returns + ------- + array-like + The Shirley background of the XPS spectrum. + """ + n = len(y) + y_right = const + y_temp = y - y_right # step characteristic is better approximated, if only the step without background is integrated + bg = [] + for i in range(n): + bg.append(np.sum(y_temp[i:])) + return np.asarray([k * elem + y_right for elem in bg]) + + +class ShirleyBG(lmfit.model.Model): + __doc__ = "Model of the Shirley background for X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra." + lmfit.models.COMMON_INIT_DOC + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + super().__init__(shirley, *args, **kwargs) + self._set_paramhints_prefix() + + def _set_paramhints_prefix(self): + self.set_param_hint('k', value=0.03, min=0) + self.set_param_hint('const', value=1000, min=0) + def guess(self, data, x=None, **kwargs): + if x is None: + return + params = self.make_params(k=0.03,const=1000) + return lmfit.models.update_param_vals(params, self.prefix, **kwargs) + + +def slope(y, k): + """ + Calculates the slope background of an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectrum. + The slope background has some similarities to the Shirley background, e.g. the slope background is calculated integrating the Shirley background from each data point to the + end. Afterwards, a slope parameter k is used for scaling the slope accordingly to the measured data. + + Parameters + ---------- + y : array-like + 1D-array containing the y-values (intensities) of the spectrum. + k : float + Slope of the linear function for determining the background. + + Returns + ------- + array-like + The slope background of the XPS spectrum. + + See Also + -------- + Slope Background implemented as suggested by A. Herrera-Gomez et al in [DOI: 10.1016/j.elspec.2013.07.006]. + """ + n = len(y) + y_right = np.min(y) + y_temp = y - y_right + temp = [] + bg = [] + for i in range(n): + temp.append(np.sum(y_temp[i:])) + for j in range(n): + bg.append(np.sum(temp[j:])) + return np.asarray([-k * elem for elem in bg]) + + +class SlopeBG(lmfit.model.Model): + __doc__ = "Model of the Slopey background for X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra. Slope Background implemented as suggested by A. Herrera-Gomez et al in [DOI: 10.1016/j.elspec.2013.07.006]." + lmfit.models.COMMON_INIT_DOC + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + super().__init__(slope, *args, **kwargs) + self._set_paramhints_prefix() + + def _set_paramhints_prefix(self): + self.set_param_hint('k', value=0.01) + + def guess(self, data, x=None, **kwargs): + if x is None: + return + params = self.make_params(k=0.01) + return lmfit.models.update_param_vals(params, self.prefix, **kwargs) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Python/xpspy.py b/Python/xpspy.py index f3752b4..d3c4382 100644 --- a/Python/xpspy.py +++ b/Python/xpspy.py @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ def shirley_calculate(x, y, tol=1e-5, maxit=10): # print(any(x), any(y), (any(x) and any(y))) if not (any(x) and any(y)): print("One of the arrays x or y is empty. Returning zero background.") - return x * 0 + return np.asarray(x * 0) # Next ensure the energy values are *decreasing* in the array, # if not, reverse them. @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ def shirley_calculate(x, y, tol=1e-5, maxit=10): # we can't use this algorithm, we return a zero background. if maxidx == 0 or maxidx >= len(y) - 1: print("Boundaries too high for algorithm: returning a zero background.") - return x * 0 + return np.asarray(x * 0) # Locate the minima either side of maxidx. lmidx = abs(y[0:maxidx] - y[0:maxidx].min()).argmin() @@ -142,10 +142,10 @@ def shirley_calculate(x, y, tol=1e-5, maxit=10): print("Max iterations exceeded before convergence.") if is_reversed: # print("Shirley BG: tol (ini = ", tol, ") , iteration (max = ", maxit, "): ", it) - return (yr + B)[::-1] + return np.asarray((yr + B)[::-1]) else: # print("Shirley BG: tol (ini = ", tol, ") , iteration (max = ", maxit, "): ", it) - return yr + B + return np.asarray(yr + B) def tougaard_calculate(x, y, tb=2866, tc=1643, tcd=1, td=1, maxit=100): @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ def tougaard_calculate(x, y, tb=2866, tc=1643, tcd=1, td=1, maxit=100): # Sanity check: Do we actually have data to process here? if not (any(x) and any(y)): print("One of the arrays x or y is empty. Returning zero background.") - return [x * 0, tb] + return [np.asarray(x * 0), tb] # KE in XPS or PE in XAS if x[0] < x[-1]: @@ -193,66 +193,5 @@ def tougaard_calculate(x, y, tb=2866, tc=1643, tcd=1, td=1, maxit=100): print("Tougaard B:", tb, ", C:", tc, ", C':", tcd, ", D:", td) - return [y[len(y) - 1] + Btou, tb] + return [np.asarray(y[len(y) - 1] + Btou), tb] - -bgrnd = [[], []] - - -def tougaard2(x, y, B, C, C_d, D): - # returns an approximation of the Tougaard BG for a given parameterset - if np.array_equal(bgrnd[0], y): - return [B * elem for elem in bgrnd[1]] - else: - bgrnd[0] = y - bg = [] - delta_x = abs((x[-1] - x[0]) / len(x)) - extend=35 - len_padded = int(extend / delta_x) - # len_padded = 3*len(x) - padded_x = np.concatenate((x, np.linspace(x[-1] + delta_x, x[-1] + delta_x * len_padded, len_padded))) - padded_y = np.concatenate((y,np.mean(y[-10:]) * np.ones(len_padded))) - for k in range(len(x)): - x_k = x[k] - bg_temp = 0 - for j in range(len(padded_y[k:])): - padded_x_kj = padded_x[k + j] - bg_temp += (padded_x_kj - x_k) / ((C + C_d * (padded_x_kj - x_k) ** 2) ** 2 - + D * (padded_x_kj - x_k) ** 2) * padded_y[k + j] * delta_x - bg.append(bg_temp) - bgrnd[1] = bg - return [B * elem for elem in bgrnd[1]] - - -def tougaard(x, y, B, C, C_d, D): - # returns an approximation of the Tougaard BG for a given parameterset - if np.array_equal(bgrnd[0], y): - return [[B * elem for elem in bgrnd[1]], B] - else: - bgrnd[0] = y - bg = [] - delta_x = abs((x[-1] - x[0]) / len(x)) - len_padded = int(50 / delta_x ) - # len_padded = 3*len(x) - padded_x = np.concatenate((x, np.linspace(x[-1] + delta_x, x[-1] + delta_x * len_padded, len_padded))) - padded_y = np.concatenate((y, np.mean(y[-1:]) * np.ones(len_padded))) - for k in range(len(x)): - x_k = x[k] - bg_temp = 0 - for j in range(len(padded_y[k:])): - padded_x_kj = padded_x[k + j] - bg_temp += (padded_x_kj - x_k) / ((C + C_d * (padded_x_kj - x_k) ** 2) ** 2 - + D * (padded_x_kj - x_k) ** 2) * padded_y[k + j] * delta_x - bg.append(bg_temp) - bgrnd[1] = bg - return [[B * elem for elem in bg], B] - - -def shirley(y, k, const): - n = len(y) - y_right = const - y_temp = y - y_right - bg = [] - for i in range(n): - bg.append(np.sum(y_temp[i:])) - return [k * elem + y_right for elem in bg] diff --git a/docs/.gitignore b/docs/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index f40fbd8..0000000 --- a/docs/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -_site -.sass-cache -.jekyll-cache -.jekyll-metadata -vendor diff --git a/docs/404.html b/docs/404.html deleted file mode 100644 index 086a5c9..0000000 --- a/docs/404.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ ---- -permalink: /404.html -layout: default ---- - - - -


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diff --git a/docs/Gemfile b/docs/Gemfile deleted file mode 100644 index 03d4000..0000000 --- a/docs/Gemfile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -source "https://rubygems.org" -# Hello! This is where you manage which Jekyll version is used to run. -# When you want to use a different version, change it below, save the -# file and run `bundle install`. Run Jekyll with `bundle exec`, like so: -# -# bundle exec jekyll serve -# -# This will help ensure the proper Jekyll version is running. -# Happy Jekylling! -#gem "jekyll", "~> 4.3.2" -# This is the default theme for new Jekyll sites. You may change this to anything you like. -gem "minima", "~> 2.5" -# If you want to use GitHub Pages, remove the "gem "jekyll"" above and -# uncomment the line below. To upgrade, run `bundle update github-pages`. -gem "github-pages", "~> 228", group: :jekyll_plugins -# If you have any plugins, put them here! -group :jekyll_plugins do - gem "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.12" -end - -# Windows and JRuby does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem -# and associated library. -platforms :mingw, :x64_mingw, :mswin, :jruby do - gem "tzinfo", ">= 1", "< 3" - gem "tzinfo-data" -end - -# Performance-booster for watching directories on Windows -gem "wdm", "~> 0.1.1", :platforms => [:mingw, :x64_mingw, :mswin] - -# Lock `http_parser.rb` gem to `v0.6.x` on JRuby builds since newer versions of the gem -# do not have a Java counterpart. -gem "http_parser.rb", "~> 0.6.0", :platforms => [:jruby] - -gem "webrick", "~> 1.8" diff --git a/docs/Gemfile.lock b/docs/Gemfile.lock deleted file mode 100644 index 083298a..0000000 --- a/docs/Gemfile.lock +++ /dev/null @@ -1,271 +0,0 @@ -GEM - remote: https://rubygems.org/ - specs: - activesupport ( - concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2) - i18n (>= 1.6, < 2) - minitest (>= 5.1) - tzinfo (~> 2.0) - addressable (2.8.1) - public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 6.0) - coffee-script (2.4.1) - coffee-script-source - execjs - coffee-script-source (1.11.1) - colorator (1.1.0) - commonmarker (0.23.9) - concurrent-ruby (1.2.2) - dnsruby (1.61.9) - simpleidn (~> 0.1) - em-websocket (0.5.3) - eventmachine (>= 0.12.9) - http_parser.rb (~> 0) - ethon (0.16.0) - ffi (>= 1.15.0) - eventmachine (1.2.7) - execjs (2.8.1) - faraday (2.7.4) - faraday-net_http (>= 2.0, < 3.1) - ruby2_keywords (>= 0.0.4) - faraday-net_http (3.0.2) - ffi (1.15.5) - ffi (1.15.5-x64-unknown) - forwardable-extended (2.6.0) - gemoji (3.0.1) - github-pages (228) - github-pages-health-check (= 1.17.9) - jekyll (= 3.9.3) - jekyll-avatar (= 0.7.0) - jekyll-coffeescript (= 1.1.1) - jekyll-commonmark-ghpages (= 0.4.0) - jekyll-default-layout (= 0.1.4) - jekyll-feed (= 0.15.1) - jekyll-gist (= 1.5.0) - jekyll-github-metadata (= 2.13.0) - jekyll-include-cache (= 0.2.1) - jekyll-mentions (= 1.6.0) - jekyll-optional-front-matter (= 0.3.2) - jekyll-paginate (= 1.1.0) - jekyll-readme-index (= 0.3.0) - jekyll-redirect-from (= 0.16.0) - jekyll-relative-links (= 0.6.1) - jekyll-remote-theme (= 0.4.3) - jekyll-sass-converter (= 1.5.2) - jekyll-seo-tag (= 2.8.0) - jekyll-sitemap (= 1.4.0) - jekyll-swiss (= 1.0.0) - jekyll-theme-architect (= 0.2.0) - jekyll-theme-cayman (= 0.2.0) - jekyll-theme-dinky (= 0.2.0) - jekyll-theme-hacker (= 0.2.0) - jekyll-theme-leap-day (= 0.2.0) - jekyll-theme-merlot (= 0.2.0) - jekyll-theme-midnight (= 0.2.0) - jekyll-theme-minimal (= 0.2.0) - jekyll-theme-modernist (= 0.2.0) - jekyll-theme-primer (= 0.6.0) - jekyll-theme-slate (= 0.2.0) - jekyll-theme-tactile (= 0.2.0) - jekyll-theme-time-machine (= 0.2.0) - jekyll-titles-from-headings (= 0.5.3) - jemoji (= 0.12.0) - kramdown (= 2.3.2) - kramdown-parser-gfm (= 1.1.0) - liquid (= 4.0.4) - mercenary (~> 0.3) - minima (= 2.5.1) - nokogiri (>= 1.13.6, < 2.0) - rouge (= 3.26.0) - terminal-table (~> 1.4) - github-pages-health-check (1.17.9) - addressable (~> 2.3) - dnsruby (~> 1.60) - octokit (~> 4.0) - public_suffix (>= 3.0, < 5.0) - typhoeus (~> 1.3) - html-pipeline (2.14.3) - activesupport (>= 2) - nokogiri (>= 1.4) - http_parser.rb (0.8.0) - i18n (1.12.0) - concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) - jekyll (3.9.3) - addressable (~> 2.4) - colorator (~> 1.0) - em-websocket (~> 0.5) - i18n (>= 0.7, < 2) - jekyll-sass-converter (~> 1.0) - jekyll-watch (~> 2.0) - kramdown (>= 1.17, < 3) - liquid (~> 4.0) - mercenary (~> 0.3.3) - pathutil (~> 0.9) - rouge (>= 1.7, < 4) - safe_yaml (~> 1.0) - jekyll-avatar (0.7.0) - jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0) - jekyll-coffeescript (1.1.1) - coffee-script (~> 2.2) - coffee-script-source (~> 1.11.1) - jekyll-commonmark (1.4.0) - commonmarker (~> 0.22) - jekyll-commonmark-ghpages (0.4.0) - commonmarker (~> 0.23.7) - jekyll (~> 3.9.0) - jekyll-commonmark (~> 1.4.0) - rouge (>= 2.0, < 5.0) - jekyll-default-layout (0.1.4) - jekyll (~> 3.0) - jekyll-feed (0.15.1) - jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0) - jekyll-gist (1.5.0) - octokit (~> 4.2) - jekyll-github-metadata (2.13.0) - jekyll (>= 3.4, < 5.0) - octokit (~> 4.0, != 4.4.0) - jekyll-include-cache (0.2.1) - jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0) - jekyll-mentions (1.6.0) - html-pipeline (~> 2.3) - jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0) - jekyll-optional-front-matter (0.3.2) - jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0) - jekyll-paginate (1.1.0) - jekyll-readme-index (0.3.0) - jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0) - jekyll-redirect-from (0.16.0) - jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0) - jekyll-relative-links (0.6.1) - jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0) - jekyll-remote-theme (0.4.3) - addressable (~> 2.0) - jekyll (>= 3.5, < 5.0) - jekyll-sass-converter (>= 1.0, <= 3.0.0, != 2.0.0) - rubyzip (>= 1.3.0, < 3.0) - jekyll-sass-converter (1.5.2) - sass (~> 3.4) - jekyll-seo-tag (2.8.0) - jekyll (>= 3.8, < 5.0) - jekyll-sitemap (1.4.0) - jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0) - jekyll-swiss (1.0.0) - jekyll-theme-architect (0.2.0) - jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) - jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-cayman (0.2.0) - jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) - jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-dinky (0.2.0) - jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) - jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-hacker (0.2.0) - jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) - jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-leap-day (0.2.0) - jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) - jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-merlot (0.2.0) - jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) - jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-midnight (0.2.0) - jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) - jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-minimal (0.2.0) - jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) - jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-modernist (0.2.0) - jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) - jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-primer (0.6.0) - jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) - jekyll-github-metadata (~> 2.9) - jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-slate (0.2.0) - jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) - jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-tactile (0.2.0) - jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) - jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-time-machine (0.2.0) - jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) - jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-titles-from-headings (0.5.3) - jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0) - jekyll-watch (2.2.1) - listen (~> 3.0) - jemoji (0.12.0) - gemoji (~> 3.0) - html-pipeline (~> 2.2) - jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0) - kramdown (2.3.2) - rexml - kramdown-parser-gfm (1.1.0) - kramdown (~> 2.0) - liquid (4.0.4) - listen (3.8.0) - rb-fsevent (~> 0.10, >= 0.10.3) - rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.10) - mercenary (0.3.6) - mini_portile2 (2.8.1) - minima (2.5.1) - jekyll (>= 3.5, < 5.0) - jekyll-feed (~> 0.9) - jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.1) - minitest (5.18.0) - nokogiri (1.14.3) - mini_portile2 (~> 2.8.0) - racc (~> 1.4) - nokogiri (1.14.3-x86_64-linux) - racc (~> 1.4) - octokit (4.25.1) - faraday (>= 1, < 3) - sawyer (~> 0.9) - pathutil (0.16.2) - forwardable-extended (~> 2.6) - public_suffix (4.0.7) - racc (1.6.2) - rb-fsevent (0.11.2) - rb-inotify (0.10.1) - ffi (~> 1.0) - rexml (3.2.5) - rouge (3.26.0) - ruby2_keywords (0.0.5) - rubyzip (2.3.2) - safe_yaml (1.0.5) - sass (3.7.4) - sass-listen (~> 4.0.0) - sass-listen (4.0.0) - rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4) - rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.7) - sawyer (0.9.2) - addressable (>= 2.3.5) - faraday (>= 0.17.3, < 3) - simpleidn (0.2.1) - unf (~> 0.1.4) - terminal-table (1.6.0) - typhoeus (1.4.0) - ethon (>= 0.9.0) - tzinfo (2.0.6) - concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) - unf (0.1.4) - unf_ext - unf_ext ( - unf_ext ( - webrick (1.8.1) - -PLATFORMS - x64-unknown - x86_64-linux - -DEPENDENCIES - github-pages (~> 228) - http_parser.rb (~> 0.6.0) - jekyll-feed (~> 0.12) - minima (~> 2.5) - tzinfo (>= 1, < 3) - tzinfo-data - wdm (~> 0.1.1) - webrick (~> 1.8) - -BUNDLED WITH - 2.4.10 diff --git a/docs/_config.yml b/docs/_config.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 5541552..0000000 --- a/docs/_config.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -# Welcome to Jekyll! -# -# This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values -# which you are expected to set up once and rarely edit after that. If you find -# yourself editing this file very often, consider using Jekyll's data files -# feature for the data you need to update frequently. -# -# For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use -# 'bundle exec jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server process. -# -# If you need help with YAML syntax, here are some quick references for you: -# https://learn-the-web.algonquindesign.ca/topics/markdown-yaml-cheat-sheet/#yaml -# https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/yaml/ -# -# Site settings -# These are used to personalize your new site. If you look in the HTML files, -# you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ site.email }}, and so on. -# You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible -# in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}. - -title: LG4X-V2 -author: Julian Hochhaus -email: julian.hochhaus@tu-dortmund.de -description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:" - LG4X-V2 is an open-source GUI for X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) curve fitting based on the python lmfit package. It streamlines the fitting process for easier validation and consistency. It is inspired by its predecessor software LG4X by Hideki Nakajima. -#baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog -#url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.com -linkedin: julian-hochhaus -ORCID: 0000-0002-8328-607X -github_username: Julian-Hochhaus - - - -# The keywords to associate with your website, for SEO purposes -keywords: "XPS,lmfit,GUI,open-source, curve fitting, spectra analysis, XAS, open-source software, graphical user interface, X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, XPS curve fitting, fitting procedure, data analysis, Julian Hochhaus, Hideki Nakajima " - -# Build settings -theme: minima -plugins: - - jekyll-feed - - jekyll-seo-tag - -# Theme-specific settings - -minima: - - -header_pages: - - pages/setup.markdown - - pages/guide.markdown - - pages/about.markdown - - - -markdown: kramdown - -# Exclude from processing. -# The following items will not be processed, by default. -# Any item listed under the `exclude:` key here will be automatically added to -# the internal "default list". -# -# Excluded items can be processed by explicitly listing the directories or -# their entries' file path in the `include:` list. -# -# exclude: -# - .sass-cache/ -# - .jekyll-cache/ -# - gemfiles/ -# - Gemfile -# - Gemfile.lock -# - node_modules/ -# - vendor/bundle/ -# - vendor/cache/ -# - vendor/gems/ -# - vendor/ruby/ diff --git a/docs/_posts/2023-03-30-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown b/docs/_posts/2023-03-30-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown deleted file mode 100644 index 2ab304c..0000000 --- a/docs/_posts/2023-03-30-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ ---- -layout: post -title: "Welcome to Jekyll!" -date: 2023-03-30 12:28:36 +0200 -categories: jekyll update ---- -You’ll find this post in your `_posts` directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run `jekyll serve`, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated. - -Jekyll requires blog post files to be named according to the following format: - -`YEAR-MONTH-DAY-title.MARKUP` - -Where `YEAR` is a four-digit number, `MONTH` and `DAY` are both two-digit numbers, and `MARKUP` is the file extension representing the format used in the file. After that, include the necessary front matter. Take a look at the source for this post to get an idea about how it works. - -Jekyll also offers powerful support for code snippets: - -{% highlight ruby %} -def print_hi(name) - puts "Hi, #{name}" -end -print_hi('Tom') -#=> prints 'Hi, Tom' to STDOUT. -{% endhighlight %} - -Check out the [Jekyll docs][jekyll-docs] for more info on how to get the most out of Jekyll. File all bugs/feature requests at [Jekyll’s GitHub repo][jekyll-gh]. If you have questions, you can ask them on [Jekyll Talk][jekyll-talk]. - -[jekyll-docs]: https://jekyllrb.com/docs/home -[jekyll-gh]: https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll -[jekyll-talk]: https://talk.jekyllrb.com/ diff --git a/docs/index.markdown b/docs/index.markdown deleted file mode 100644 index 0671507..0000000 --- a/docs/index.markdown +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ ---- -# Feel free to add content and custom Front Matter to this file. -# To modify the layout, see https://jekyllrb.com/docs/themes/#overriding-theme-defaults - -layout: home ---- diff --git a/docs/pages/about.markdown b/docs/pages/about.markdown deleted file mode 100644 index 58ca59d..0000000 --- a/docs/pages/about.markdown +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ ---- -layout: page -title: About -permalink: /pages/about/ -order: -1 ---- - -This is the base Jekyll theme. You can find out more info about customizing your Jekyll theme, as well as basic Jekyll usage documentation at [jekyllrb.com](https://jekyllrb.com/) - -You can find the source code for Minima at GitHub: -[jekyll][jekyll-organization] / -[minima](https://github.com/jekyll/minima) - -You can find the source code for Jekyll at GitHub: -[jekyll][jekyll-organization] / -[jekyll](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll) - - -[jekyll-organization]: https://github.com/jekyll diff --git a/docs/pages/guide.markdown b/docs/pages/guide.markdown deleted file mode 100644 index 7383491..0000000 --- a/docs/pages/guide.markdown +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ ---- -layout: page -title: User Guide -permalink: /pages/guide/ ---- - diff --git a/docs/pages/setup.markdown b/docs/pages/setup.markdown deleted file mode 100644 index 0e4a5d1..0000000 --- a/docs/pages/setup.markdown +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ ---- -layout: page -title: Setup -permalink: /pages/setup/ -order : 1 ---- - diff --git a/requirements.txt 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-92.5757,307.757901067205,2198.8613583298093,699.5698307300647,2198.8613583298093 -92.6167,307.8235446529456,2199.3303670655932,685.5396187106134,2199.3303670655932 -92.6577,307.88921662902345,2199.7995786439865,673.5182870273316,2199.7995786439865 -92.6986,307.9549169810929,2200.268992962492,663.3580371595845,2200.268992962492 -92.7395,308.02064570037624,2200.7386099583946,654.2929866796741,2200.7386099583946 -92.7805,308.08640279502634,2201.208429689946,646.2491962870993,2201.208429689946 -92.8214,308.15218828128957,2201.6784522732223,639.6353353884665,2201.6784522732223 -92.8624,308.2180021688924,2202.1486777777154,633.7255907349493,2202.1486777777154 -92.9034,308.2838444949953,2202.6191064689315,628.3440889298064,2202.6191064689315 -92.9443,308.34971529128416,2203.0897385732565,623.634124310255,2203.0897385732565 -92.9852,308.4156145998179,2203.560574391193,619.468958822357,2203.560574391193 -93.0262,308.48154248161575,2204.0316143587106,615.7404493006552,2204.0316143587106 -93.0671,308.547499004442,2204.5028589599683,612.3860905515878,2204.5028589599683 -93.1081,308.61348422902273,2204.9743086288418,609.3754803915527,2204.9743086288418 -93.1491,308.67949822669743,2205.445963875035,606.6418983236895,2205.445963875035 -93.19,308.74554104696324,2205.917825052194,604.1436949011148,2205.917825052194 -93.2309,308.8116127206363,2206.3898923804936,601.7619960230593,2206.3898923804936 -93.2719,308.8777132515196,2206.862165887105,599.6095736090757,2206.862165887105 -93.3128,308.94384260663975,2207.3346453364406,597.6057957690884,2207.3346453364406 -93.3538,309.0100007225933,2207.8073302754974,595.6567382827684,2207.8073302754974 -93.3948,309.0761875117782,2208.280220078378,593.9426203476954,2208.280220078378 -93.4357,309.1424028804248,2208.753314075119,592.3251098305224,2208.753314075119 -93.4767,309.20864674242387,2209.2266116504898,590.6934084438219,2209.2266116504898 -93.5176,309.27491903332293,2209.7001123439913,589.2289611702863,2209.7001123439913 -93.5585,309.3412197197015,2210.1738159168426,587.8934957402269,2210.1738159168426 -93.5995,309.4075488023807,2210.647722374909,586.5477155112627,2210.647722374909 -93.6405,309.4739063142063,2211.121831952867,585.3451941029983,2211.121831952867 -93.6814,309.54029230381036,2211.596144998182,584.2801978452535,2211.596144998182 -93.7224,309.6067068270591,2212.0706619100047,583.2360384839609,2212.0706619100047 -93.7633,309.6731499505845,2212.545383164407,582.2785962120018,2212.545383164407 -93.8042,309.73962171690187,2213.02030906515,581.3522434957982,2213.02030906515 -93.8452,309.80612216609984,2213.4954398986592,580.3517470363264,2213.4954398986592 -93.8862,309.8726513209983,2213.9707758279756,579.3910060365274,2213.9707758279756 -93.9271,309.9392091779671,2214.4463168271654,578.5554054285649,2214.4463168271654 -93.9681,310.00579571969234,2214.922062772523,577.7218949375812,2214.922062772523 -94.009,310.0724109308751,2215.3980135547417,576.9528007340153,2215.3980135547417 -94.0499,310.1390547822367,2215.874168964631,576.2499651041891,2215.874168964631 -94.0909,310.2057272642494,2216.3505289341174,575.5163297869683,2216.3505289341174 -94.1319,310.27242838496244,2216.827093520711,574.8454761641703,2216.827093520711 -94.1728,310.3391581789745,2217.303862971613,574.2402841574112,2217.303862971613 -94.2138,310.405916717637,2217.7808377966116,573.6693787481157,2217.7808377966116 -94.2547,310.4727041028506,2218.2580187237654,573.1864471488924,2218.2580187237654 -94.2956,310.5395204608785,2218.735406655196,572.7060365828943,2218.735406655196 -94.3366,310.6063659241813,2219.2130025373053,572.1760451653915,2219.2130025373053 -94.3775,310.67324061745694,2219.6908072610313,571.6695821995943,2219.6908072610313 -94.4185,310.74014464346664,2220.1688215605805,571.1780144970899,2220.1688215605805 -94.4595,310.80707807346306,2220.647045945037,570.6591350204795,2220.647045945037 -94.5004,310.8740409437571,2221.125480673835,570.1898110192803,2221.125480673835 -94.5413,310.9410332575571,2221.6041257698957,569.7850099144717,2221.6041257698957 -94.5823,311.0080550007825,2222.0829811326194,569.3334857192558,2222.0829811326194 -94.6232,311.07510614980947,2222.5620465932157,568.971179075463,2222.5620465932157 -94.6642,311.1421866663393,2223.0413218780504,568.6803866418819,2223.0413218780504 -94.7052,311.2092965314878,2223.5208068522006,568.3292366092969,2223.5208068522006 -94.7461,311.2764357215091,2224.0005013460077,567.9954247746161,2224.0005013460077 -94.787,311.34360422094665,2224.480405249037,567.7091206563408,2224.480405249037 -94.828,311.4108020326189,2224.9605185814257,567.4251314417374,2224.9605185814257 -94.8689,311.47802916656894,2225.44084141493,567.1287381842101,2225.44084141493 -94.9099,311.5452856227556,2225.9213737492564,566.8930027056995,2225.9213737492564 -94.9509,311.61257142358386,2226.4021157444813,566.6616510599032,2226.4021157444813 -94.9918,311.6798865757993,2226.8830674488036,566.4228547525236,2226.8830674488036 -95.0327,311.747231079683,2227.364228864228,566.1909027107242,2227.364228864228 -95.0737,311.8146049257123,2227.845599922719,565.8882322783221,2227.845599922719 -95.1146,311.8820080532769,2228.3271801912306,565.6053805473113,2228.3271801912306 -95.1556,311.949440264414,2228.808968255362,565.4230100864827,2228.808968255362 -95.1966,312.0169011018688,2229.2909608481286,565.274973579361,2229.2909608481286 -95.2375,312.08438949134904,2229.7731502939537,565.1009050263981,2229.7731502939537 -95.2784,312.1519031058145,2230.255519966656,564.9326018186678,2230.255519966656 -95.3194,312.219437160873,2230.7380356828226,564.7361356750956,2230.7380356828226 -95.3603,312.28698226954793,2231.2206303746066,564.4591037517465,2231.2206303746066 -95.4013,312.3545207480864,2231.7031776955478,564.2291587500545,2231.7031776955478 -95.4423,312.4220210078745,2232.1854519520684,564.0806405624255,2232.1854519520684 -95.4832,312.48942901241026,2232.6670670654476,563.9246807513885,2232.6670670654476 -95.5241,312.5566563297569,2233.1473912092792,563.6877757850465,2233.1473912092792 -95.5651,312.6235652681512,2233.6254406067183,563.4360358461332,2233.6254406067183 -95.606,312.6899522366989,2234.0997606463657,563.2871537757609,2234.0997606463657 -95.647,312.75552948711925,2234.5682954311264,563.1524460570965,2234.5682954311264 -95.688,312.8199127910877,2235.0282997355707,562.9652229576745,2235.0282997355707 -95.7289,312.8826150441753,2235.47629330752,562.7742749032412,2235.47629330752 -95.7698,312.94305162545163,2235.9080991612027,562.6113588825126,2235.9080991612027 -95.8108,313.0005648206149,2236.3190180750635,562.4662751765528,2236.3190180750635 -95.8517,313.0544663972344,2236.7041327823413,562.3385372266223,2236.7041327823413 -95.8927,313.1040899409991,2237.058681901857,562.2337747051663,2237.058681901857 -95.9337,313.14885787014504,2237.3785387411126,562.09272236722,2237.3785387411126 -95.9746,313.1883418213161,2237.6606427397537,562.0,2237.6606427397537 diff --git a/test/210310_highres_Au_Sn_12min_12w_Au4f_180_0G_01_0_0_fit.txt b/test/210310_highres_Au_Sn_12min_12w_Au4f_180_0G_01_0_0_fit.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b69cd45..0000000 --- a/test/210310_highres_Au_Sn_12min_12w_Au4f_180_0G_01_0_0_fit.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -LG4X: lmfit gui for xps curve fitting ver. 0.082 - -[[Data file]] - -/mnt/c/Users/Julian Hochhaus/Promotion/Auswertung/Spektren Strahlzeit 2103/210512_Au_Sn_12min/210310_highres_Au_Sn_12min_12w_Au4f_180_0G_01_0_0.csv - -[[Fit results]] - -pg_c0 0.0 -pg_c1 0.0 -pg_c2 0.0 -pg_c3 0.0 - - g1 -amplitude 142895.53 -center 284.6 -sigma 0.25 -gamma 0.02 -fwhm nan -height nan -fraction nan -skew nan -q nan - -[[LG4X parameters]] - -[0, [[0, 85.0409, 0, 95.9746, 'pt', 101.0, 'hn', 1486.6, 'wf', 4.0], ['cv', 1e-06, 'it', 10.0, '', '', '', '', '', ''], ['B', 2866.0, 'C', 1643.0, 'C*', 1.0, 'D', 1.0, '', ''], [2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, '', ''], [0, '', 0, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', ''], [0, '', 0, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', ''], [0, '', 0, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', ''], [0, '', 0, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '']], [['', 10], [2, 284.6], [2, 0.25], [2, 0.02], [0, 142895.526], [2, 0.5], [2, 0.0], [2, 0.0], [2, 0.026], [2, 0.1], [2, 0.7], [2, 0.2], [2, 1.0], ['', 0], [2, 0.1], ['', 0], [2, 0.5], ['', 0], [2, 1.0], ['', 0], [2, 1.0], ['', 0], [2, 1.0], ['', 0], [2, 1.0], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, '']]] - -[[lmfit parameters]] - -Parameters([('pg_c0', ), ('pg_c1', ), ('pg_c2', ), ('pg_c3', ), ('g1_center_diff', ), ('g1_amp_ratio', ), ('g1_soc_ratio', ), ('g1_height_r_ratio', ), ('g1_gaussian_ratio', ), ('g1_lorentzian_ratio', ), ('g1_amplitude', ), ('g1_sigma', ), ('g1_gamma', ), ('g1_gaussian_sigma', ), ('g1_center', ), ('g1_soc', ), ('g1_height_ratio', ), ('g1_factor_sigma_doniach', )]) - -[[Model]] - (Model(polynomial, prefix='pg_') + Model(dublett, prefix='g1_')) -[[Fit Statistics]] - # fitting method = leastsq - # function evals = 4 - # data points = 268 - # variables = 1 - chi-square = 3.9376e+09 - reduced chi-square = 14747516.2 - Akaike info crit = 4424.76297 - Bayesian info crit = 4428.35396 -[[Variables]] - pg_c0: 0 (fixed) - pg_c1: 0 (fixed) - pg_c2: 0 (fixed) - pg_c3: 0 (fixed) - g1_center_diff: 0.1 (fixed) - g1_amp_ratio: 0.5 (fixed) - g1_soc_ratio: 1 (fixed) - g1_height_r_ratio: 1 (fixed) - g1_gaussian_ratio: 1 (fixed) - g1_lorentzian_ratio: 1 (fixed) - g1_amplitude: 142895.526 +/- 15402.4317 (10.78%) (init = 20000) - g1_sigma: 0.25 (fixed) - g1_gamma: 0.02 (fixed) - g1_gaussian_sigma: 0.2 (fixed) - g1_center: 284.6 (fixed) - g1_soc: 0.1 (fixed) - g1_height_ratio: 0.7 (fixed) - g1_factor_sigma_doniach: 1 (fixed) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/test/210310_highres_Au_Sn_12min_12w_Au4f_180_0G_01_0_0_pars.dat b/test/210310_highres_Au_Sn_12min_12w_Au4f_180_0G_01_0_0_pars.dat deleted file mode 100644 index 4e32d23..0000000 --- a/test/210310_highres_Au_Sn_12min_12w_Au4f_180_0G_01_0_0_pars.dat +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -[0, [[0, 85.0409, 0, 95.9746, 'pt', 101.0, 'hn', 1486.6, 'wf', 4.0], ['cv', 1e-06, 'it', 10.0, '', '', '', '', '', ''], ['B', 2866.0, 'C', 1643.0, 'C*', 1.0, 'D', 1.0, '', ''], [2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, '', ''], [0, '', 0, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', ''], [0, '', 0, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', ''], [0, '', 0, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', ''], [0, '', 0, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '']], [['', 10], [2, 284.6], [2, 0.25], [2, 0.02], [0, 3.0], [2, 0.5], [2, 0.0], [2, 0.0], [2, 0.026], [2, 0.1], [2, 0.7], [2, 0.2], [2, 1.0], ['', 0], [2, 0.1], ['', 0], [2, 0.5], ['', 0], [2, 1.0], ['', 0], [2, 1.0], ['', 0], [2, 1.0], ['', 0], [2, 1.0], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, '']]] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/test/210310_highres_Au_Sn_12min_12w_Au4f_180_0G_01_0_0.csv b/test/Highres_Au4f_hv_180_testfile.csv similarity index 100% rename from test/210310_highres_Au_Sn_12min_12w_Au4f_180_0G_01_0_0.csv rename to test/Highres_Au4f_hv_180_testfile.csv diff --git a/test/FK.csv b/test/Highres_FK_hv_180.csv similarity index 100% rename from test/FK.csv rename to test/Highres_FK_hv_180.csv diff --git a/test/Survey_Au_hv_700.csv b/test/Survey_Au_hv_700.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3a6d4d --- /dev/null +++ b/test/Survey_Au_hv_700.csv @@ -0,0 +1,537 @@ +60.0,44239.0 +61.2296,47616.0 +62.4591,46052.0 +63.6887,43709.0 +64.9182,42282.0 +66.1478,40604.0 +67.3773,40609.0 +68.6068,41508.0 +69.8364,40924.0 +71.066,43247.0 +72.2955,47129.0 +73.525,46192.0 +74.7546,44454.0 +75.9841,40893.0 +77.2137,35944.0 +78.4433,31740.0 +79.6728,28799.0 +80.9023,25632.0 +82.1319,23560.0 +83.3614,22127.0 +84.591,20285.0 +85.8205,19436.0 +87.0501,18418.0 +88.2797,17823.0 +89.5092,17459.0 +90.7387,16932.0 +91.9683,16622.0 +93.1978,16362.0 +94.4274,16125.0 +95.6569,16058.0 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+169.43,9558.0 +170.659,9367.0 +171.889,8922.0 +173.119,8863.0 +174.348,8542.0 +175.578,8441.0 +176.807,8350.0 +178.037,8481.0 +179.266,8380.0 +180.496,8465.0 +181.725,8317.0 +182.955,8249.0 +184.185,8369.0 +185.414,8244.0 +186.644,8233.0 +187.873,8276.0 +189.103,8146.0 +190.332,8082.0 +191.562,8115.0 +192.791,8223.0 +194.021,8057.0 +195.25,8047.0 +196.48,8034.0 +197.71,7863.0 +198.939,7928.0 +200.169,7957.0 +201.398,8141.0 +202.628,8040.0 +203.857,7906.0 +205.087,8033.0 +206.316,8152.0 +207.546,9461.0 +208.776,8870.0 +210.005,7674.0 +211.235,7559.0 +212.464,7772.0 +213.694,7893.0 +214.923,8118.0 +216.153,10424.0 +217.382,8462.0 +218.612,7434.0 +219.841,7260.0 +221.071,7242.0 +222.301,7222.0 +223.53,7209.0 +224.76,7038.0 +225.989,7310.0 +227.219,7110.0 +228.448,7211.0 +229.678,7277.0 +230.907,7230.0 +232.137,7072.0 +233.367,7178.0 +234.596,7365.0 +235.826,7239.0 +237.055,7356.0 +238.285,7301.0 +239.514,7492.0 +240.744,7532.0 +241.973,7762.0 +243.203,7509.0 +244.432,7463.0 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