This is the Repos for Junction 2019. The challenge is we picked is Using data to help people reduce food waste and live healthier lives offered by CGI $ Kesko Group.
In this project, we propose an innovative way to motivate users to reduce food waste and share data. To reduce food waste, many companies give a discount to the food that is about to expire. To give customers bigger motivation, we can give "eco-points" to users who buy the about-to-expire food. These points are using for planting a tree in the Amazon forest. To get the eco-points, the users have to join the membership. And we also integrate gamification into this part. User can see the tree "growing" in his phone. Every time the user accumulates 100 points, we promise to grow one tree in the Amazon forest. The slides of this project can be read by 'Junction_Waste2green.pdf'.
In addition, we use augmented reality to improve customers' shopping experiences and make it more fun! We also design a recommendation algorithm for this project. It is based on association discovery. You can check the details of this part by 'CGI_K Group_Junction_Recommendation.ipynb'. Due to the privacy concern, we decide not to upload the dataset.
A simple demo video: DEMO
Jun Zhang: Product Manager & Algorithm Engineer
Qinyan Zhang: UI/UX Designer
Yuanzong Zhang: Algorithm Engineer
Zhiheng Qian: Android Developer
Zhongyuan Jin: Web Developer