- Apply lint tools
- Go get must simply work
- Follow best practices Effective Go: https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html
The following software is required to build this project:
- Install git
- Install go
- Install dep
- Install mysql
- Install fpm, only required if building packages (described below)
go get github.com/Juniper/contrail
make generate
Templates are stored in tools/templates Template configuraion You can add your template on template_config.yaml.
Note that schema stored here is just a cache for helping development. Developers should make sure download latest schema from http://github.com/Juniper/contrail-api-client
JSON version stored in public/schema.json
You need to run a local mysql instance running with test configuraion.
It is expected that the root password is 'contrail123', you can set this on an existing installation from the mysql prompt as follows:
MariaDB [(none)]> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'contrail123';
Executing the script below, will drop the contrail_test schema if it exists, recreate it and initialise this schema
At this point the tests can be executed
make test
You can run API server using this command.
go run cmd/contrail/main.go server -c packaging/apisrv.yml
API Server supports Keystone V3 authentication and RBAC. API Server has minimal Keystone API V3 support for standalone usecase. see a configuraion example in tools/test_config.yml
Dep, RPM and Binaries are stored in release page.
See releases
- contrail command for running intent api server/intent compiler etc
Contrail command
contrail [flags]
contrail [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
server Start API Server
-c, --config string Configuraion File
-h, --help help for contrail
Use "contrail [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- contrailutil utility command for help developments
Contrail Utility Command
contrailutil [flags]
contrailutil [command]
Available Commands:
generate generate code from schema
help Help about any command
package make a dep and rpm package
-h, --help help for contrailutil
Build the packages
make package