A simple Swift Package to help you render CIImage from Core Image in a MTKView in SwiftUI, supporting some other features like HDR rendering.
The generated documentation can be accessed via:
The simplest way is to run the "./docs.sh" script to generate the Swift DocC.
More information: https://juniperphoton.substack.com/p/swift-docc-theming-and-distribution
swift package --allow-writing-to-directory ./docs \
generate-documentation --target PhotonMetalDisplayCore \
--disable-indexing \
--transform-for-static-hosting \
--hosting-base-path PhotonMetalDisplayCore \
--output-path './docs'
xcodebuild docbuild -scheme PhotonMetalDisplayCore -derivedDataPath ./.build/derived-data -destination 'generic/platform=iOS' DOCC_HOSTING_BASE_PATH='PhotonMetalDisplayCore'
Then find the docarchived:
find './.build/derived-data' -type d -name '*.doccarchive'
Copy the *.doccarchive to the root dir and change its name to docs
(Configure the page settings in the repo settings first).
swift package --disable-sandbox preview-documentation --target PhotonMetalDisplayCore