This is a repository for all the scripts I'll find useful while I'm learning scripting with Bash, PowerShell and Python
The original script is available here:
I had to modify it to make it work for Python3
- I modified lines 49 and 50 to fix bytes concatenation
- I modified line 54 to remove encoding
- You need to setup a listener. Eg.
nc -nlvp 443
To use the script, follow this example:
./ <target_ip> <output_file_name>
This script will extract a Kerberos hash from a pcap file containing Kerberos Pre-Authentication packets. The extracted hash will be crackable with module 19900 of hashcat. All you need to do is to provide a pcap file. Example: <pcap file>
I used this script for the room SeeTwo on TryHackMe. Just run: