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Example scenario model Robot Scenario

Junho Kim edited this page Jan 16, 2017 · 3 revisions

Robot scenario

This scenario is very simple to understand our ABC model concept and how simulation works.

Above figure is illustration of our case scenario. In scenario, there are three robots. Each robot grab their items and carries items until final lane.

public class Movement extends BaseAction {

	public Movement(){

	public void addBenefit(int additionalBenefit) {


	public Movement clone() {

		Movement _copy = new Movement();

		return _copy;

	public void reset() {


	public void randomGenerate() {
		// Not-used

	public String getDebugTrace() {
		return null;

	public DebugProperty getDebugProperty() {
		return null;

As you can notice from this code, if you don't need to use the abstracted method, then you leave the overridden method as empty. The point is that you need to extend BaseAction class.

public class Robot extends BaseConstituent{

	private int xpos;
	private int ypos;
	private boolean token; // False -> drop, True -> no drop
	private Movement move;
	private Random ranNumGenerator;

	public Robot(int ypos, Movement move){
		this.xpos = 10;
		this.ypos = ypos;
		this.token = false;
		this.move = move;
		this.ranNumGenerator = new Random();

	public void normalAction(int elapsedTime) {
		if(xpos != 10) {
			int ranNum = this.ranNumGenerator.nextInt(100);
			if (ranNum == 0) {
				token = false; // loose its token;

		if(token) {
		if(this.xpos > 20){
			this.updateCostBenefit(0, 0, 1); // SoS-benefit is complete the task

	public BaseAction immediateAction() {
		if(this.xpos == 10)
			token = true; // token pick
			Movement do_movement = this.move.clone();
			return do_movement;
		}else if(token){
			Movement do_movement = this.move.clone();
			return do_movement;
		return null;

	public BaseAction step(){
		if(this.getRemainBudget() == 0){
			return null; // voidAction, nothing happen
			if(this.getStatus() == Status.IDLE){ // Select an action
				BaseAction a = new DummyAction("Immediate action", 0, 0);
				return a;
			}else if(this.getStatus() == Status.OPERATING){ // Operation step
				return this.move;
		return null;

	public BaseConstituent clone() {
		return null;

	public BaseAction getCurrentAction() {
		return move;

	public void reset(){
		this.xpos = 10;
		this.token = false;

	public DebugProperty getDebugProperty(){
		return null;

	public String getName() {
		return null;

This is the Robot class. You must implement at least three methods; step, immediateAction, and normalAction method. step method is generating next action to operate in this CS. 'immediateAction' method is the action takes no time. For example, you can use this method as abstracted decision making mechanism. normalAction is the action takes time. Real movement implementation can be implemented here.

public class RobotScenario  extends BaseScenario {
	private int endTick;
	private ArrayList<BaseConstituent> csList;
	private BaseConstituent manager;
	private Environment env;
	private ArrayList<BaseAction> actionList;

	public RobotScenario(int type) {
		Movement right_move = new Movement();

		Robot r1, r2, r3;

		r1.addCapability(right_move, 1);
		r2.addCapability(right_move, 1);
		r3.addCapability(right_move, 1);

		BaseConstituent[] CSs = new BaseConstituent[] {r1, r2, r3};
		BaseAction[] moves = new BaseAction[] {right_move};

		this.csList = new ArrayList<>();
		this.manager = null;

		this.actionList = new ArrayList<>();

		this.env = new Environment(CSs, this.actionList.toArray(new BaseAction[this.actionList.size()]));

		this.endTick = 12;

	public void init() {

	public String getDescription() {
		return "Robot";

	public ArrayList<BaseConstituent> getCSList() {
		return this.csList;

	public BaseConstituent getManager() {
		return this.manager;

	public void setCSList(BaseConstituent[] CSs) {
		if(this.csList != null)
			this.csList = new ArrayList<>();

	public void setManager(BaseConstituent manager) {
		this.manager = manager;

	public void setEnvironment(Environment env) {
		this.env = env;

	public Environment getEnvironment() {
		return env;

	public ArrayList<BaseAction> getActionList() {
		return this.actionList;

	public void setActionList(ArrayList<BaseAction> aList) {
		this.actionList = aList;

	public int getEndTick() {
		return endTick;

	public void setEndTick(int endTick) {
		this.endTick = endTick;

Above code is scenario file. You need to implement a scenario class for simulation. Simulator class takes a scenario class as an input for simulation. You need to extends the BaseScenario class. In the constructor, you need to include which CSs are joined in simulation and their capabilities and when simulation procedure ends.

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