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EPUB analysis report

Report generated: 2022-11-07 15:50:28

Input file: ./example.csv


Count % of all EPUBs
EPUBs 12
EPUBs with errors 7 58.33
EPUBs with warnings 2 16.67
EPUBs with errors or warnings 7 58.33
EPUBs with less than 1000 words 0 0.0

CSV subsets

EPUBs with errors errors.csv
EPUBs with warnings warnings.csv
EPUBs with errors or warnings errorsorwarnings.csv
EPUBs with less than 1000 words wordcountlt1000.csv

EPUB versions

epubVersion Count % of all EPUBs
3.2 9 75
2.0.1 3 25

Frequency of validation errors

Code Description Count % of all EPUBs
RSC-005 Error while parsing file: %1$s 5 41.67
NCX-001 NCX identifier ("%1$s") does not match OPF identifier ("%2$s"). 2 16.67
OPF-032 Guide references "%1$s" which is not a valid "OPS Content Document". 2 16.67
RSC-012 Fragment identifier is not defined. 2 16.67
CSS-020 CSS font selector declaration uses unexpected font-size value "%1$s". 1 8.33
HTM-003 External entities are not allowed in EPUB v3 documents. External entity declaration found: %1$s. 1 8.33
OPF-073 External identifiers must not appear in the document type declaration. 1 8.33
RSC-007 Referenced resource "%1$s" could not be found in the EPUB. 1 8.33
RSC-011 Found a reference to a resource that is not a spine item. 1 8.33
RSC-016 Fatal Error while parsing file: %1$s 1 8.33
RSC-020 "%1$s" is not a valid URI. 1 8.33
OPF-031 File listed in reference element in guide was not declared in OPF manifest: %1$s. 1 8.33
RSC-008 Referenced resource "%1$s" is not declared in the OPF manifest. 1 8.33
OPF-030 The unique-identifier "%1$s" was not found. 1 8.33

CSV subsets for each error

Code File
RSC-005 error-RSC-005.csv
NCX-001 error-NCX-001.csv
OPF-032 error-OPF-032.csv
RSC-012 error-RSC-012.csv
CSS-020 error-CSS-020.csv
HTM-003 error-HTM-003.csv
OPF-073 error-OPF-073.csv
RSC-007 error-RSC-007.csv
RSC-011 error-RSC-011.csv
RSC-016 error-RSC-016.csv
RSC-020 error-RSC-020.csv
OPF-031 error-OPF-031.csv
RSC-008 error-RSC-008.csv
OPF-030 error-OPF-030.csv

Frequency of validation warnings

Code Description Count % of all EPUBs
PKG-010 Filename contains spaces, therefore URI escaping is necessary. Consider removing spaces from filename. 1 8.33
OPF-003 Item "%1$s" exists in the EPUB, but is not declared in the OPF manifest. 1 8.33
OPF-055 %1$s tag is empty. 1 8.33

CSV subsets for each warning

Code File
PKG-010 warning-PKG-010.csv
OPF-003 warning-OPF-003.csv
OPF-055 warning-OPF-055.csv

Detailed statistics


noErrors noWarnings wordCount
count 12 12 12
mean 1.75 0.25 77252.8
std 2.49089 0.621582 76391.1
min 0 0 2779
25% 0 0 27156
50% 1 0 31108
75% 2.25 0 125338
max 8 2 218333

EPUBs with errors

noErrors noWarnings wordCount
count 7 7 7
mean 3 0.428571 74671.7
std 2.64575 0.786796 73166.6
min 1 0 25949
25% 1 0 27116
50% 2 0 30439
75% 4 0.5 96874.5
max 8 2 218333

EPUBs with warnings

noErrors noWarnings wordCount
count 2 2 2
mean 6.5 1.5 49330
std 2.12132 0.707107 26715.9
min 5 1 30439
25% 5.75 1.25 39884.5
50% 6.5 1.5 49330
75% 7.25 1.75 58775.5
max 8 2 68221

EPUBs with errors or warnings

noErrors noWarnings wordCount
count 7 7 7
mean 3 0.428571 74671.7
std 2.64575 0.786796 73166.6
min 1 0 25949
25% 1 0 27116
50% 2 0 30439
75% 4 0.5 96874.5
max 8 2 218333

EPUBs with less than 1000 words

noErrors noWarnings wordCount
count 0 0 0
mean nan nan nan
std nan nan nan
min nan nan nan
25% nan nan nan
50% nan nan nan
75% nan nan nan
max nan nan nan