This is an Angular 2 rewrite of the KairosDB query building interface.
It still work in progress but is almost ready for production. It requires the complete meta-data support on KairosDB server.
Using node and npm.
- If not done already - install npm dependecies using
npm install
- Then build using
npm run build
- The application is generated in
You may run the web server with lite for testing npm run lite
Use the following snippet to create an alias (using bash):
alias clean_tsc="find app -name '*.json' -delete && find app -name '*.js' -delete && find app -name '*.map' -delete && find app -name '*.ngfactory.ts' -delete && find app -name '*.shim.*' -delete"
Then run clean_tsc
to do a "clean" of the environment (i.e. remove compilation artefacts)