General Intro about the course.
- Property-based testing in Python using Hypothesis
- Enforcing version consistency between identical package dependencies in monorepos
- Introducing Team City pipelines a CI/CD tool for samll, mid-sized dev teams by JetBrains
- CircleCI Pipeline Improved with Cache and Parallel Workflow
- Bridging Development and Operations: BDD in Automated Frontend Testing
- Continuous integretion testing of node and service availability of promox instances
-, a Feature Flag tool, that can be used for A/B Testing
- Integrating Robocop Analysis Report in SonarQube
- The Crowdstrike bug, and the importance of high-quality testing
- Automated UI testing using Playwright
- Mockito: What it is, how it works, and how it improves automated testing in Java
- Github Actions workflow for deploying to an AWS Lambda function.
- The importance of containerization
- An Empirical Study of Architecting for Continuous Delivery and Deployment
- Get started with Terraform : Continuous Deployment in AWS through Github Actions
- Continous Deployment and Rollback using Railway
- Understanding Security Threats in Open-Source Software CI/CD Pipelines
- Blue-Green Deployment: Ensuring Zero Downtime in Continuous Deployment
- Automated Changelog-Driven Deployments with GitHub Actions and Release Please
- An Interactive Demonstration of Automated Canary Deployment using AWS and GitHub Actions
- Flyway: Version Control for Databases
- Deployment and rollbacks with Kubernetes
- From Continuous Delivery to Continuous Deployment in GoCD with Gomatic.
- Harness: World's first AI-augmented software delivery platform
- Automating Software Releases with jReleaser and GitHub Actions
- Using ArgoCD for Continuous Deployment in Kubernetes
- Gitlab CI/CD workflow for deploying fullstack web application on self-hosted server via docker.
- Reducing Downtime with Blue-Green Deployment using Vercel
- Continuous Deployment in IoT Edge devices using Azure
- Microservices: Architecting for Continuous Delivery and DevOps
- Revisiting the practices and pains of microservice architecture in reality: An industrial inquiry
- Exploring Canary Deployments in Modern DevOps
- Rainbow deployments and its role in modern CD
- CRISP-ML(Q). The End-to-End Machine Learning Workflow
- Tensorboard: A suite of visualization tools to understand, debug, and optimize TensorFlow programs for ML experimentation
- Dynamic model rollbacks using MLflow
- CodeRabbit: Automated AI Code Reviews
- Machine Learning Operations (MLOps): Overview, Definition, and Architecture
- Predicting Node Failures in an Ultra-Large-Scale Cloud Computing Platform: An AIOps Solution
- TinyMLOps: Operational Challenges for Widespread Edge AI Adoption
- Elyra: an open-source JupyterLab extension for creating ML pipelines
- MLOps: A Taxonomy and a Methodology
- What is a Feature Store in ML?
- Feast in MLOps
- Using Comet ML to analyze and compare the performance of ML models
- MLOps for Cyber-Physical Production Systems: Challenges and Solutions
- Quality Assurance in MLOps Setting: An Industrial Perspective
- The importance of reliable testing methods
- Comparing the differential mechanisms of declarative Terraform and imperative AWS infrastructure as code.
- Ensuring Terraform environment stability with Github Actions
- Using Serverless and Terraform to automate the deployment of a web application to AWS
- AWS Cloud Development Kit - Define your cloud application resources using familiar programming languages
- Declarative and reproducible deployments with NixOS
- AIAC: An AI Infrastructure-as-code Generator
- Saltstack: Grains, States and Pillars
- Dockerfile Compliance Scanning with Docker Bench and Trivy
- Using Bicep to edit Azure resources as code
- Vagrant - How a group of students can experience IaC at home
- Comparing Pulumi and Terraform: Imperative Language vs. Declaritive Language
- Terraform - Using infrastructre as code in DevOps
- The do’s and don’ts of infrastructure code: A systematic gray literature review
- Cost Optimization with Infrastructure as Code
- BlueBuild: The Cloud-Native Desktop Paradigm
- Check-mate: Keep your OpenTofu configurations problem-free
- TruffleHog - Identifying vulnerable management of secrets for IaC
- Using Pulumi Policy as Code to enforce rules on IaC managed cloud resources.
- Strimzi - Easy Apache Kafka on Kubernetes
- Infrastructure as code for dynamic deployments
- Creating Spotify playlist using Terraform
- Disaster Recovery using Terraform
- GitGuardian: Preventing Data Leaks Through Automated Security
- Yet another cybersecurity risk assessment framework
- Using Bitwarden Secret Manager to centrally store, manage, and deploy secrets at scale.
- Making your NPM security wishes come true.
- Continuous Information Flow Control
- Comparing pnpm, npm and yarn
- Dynamic Secrets in HashiCorp Vault
- Streamlining Python Dependency Management with Poetry
- Hardening GitHub Actions for increased security
- Ensuring the integrity and source of software packages
- Detecting vulnerabilities in Python code using static code analysis with Bandit
- Integrating Organizational Policies Using Open Policy Agent
- Using dependabot to automatically detect vulnerabilities in imported packages
- Arc Browser's impotant security breach and why SecDevOps is important
- The event stream incident - vulnerabilities of open source dependencies and possible mitigations.
- NixOS: Reproducibility with Flakes and Secrets
- Secure your git and CD pipeline with SOPS.
- Challenges and solutions when adopting DevSecOps: A systematic review
- Using Semgrep to find vulnerabilities
- Machine Learning-Based Run-Time DevSecOps: ChatGPT Against Traditional Approach
- Implementing and Automating Security Scanning to
- Integrate RetireJS into Github workflow
- The Seven Sins: Security Smells in Infrastructure as Code Scripts
- Using static analysis with SonarCloud to identify security flaws.
- Automating Private Dependency Management and Version Integration
- DevOps Education - Challenges and Recommendations
- RefBot: Intelligent Software Refactoring Bot
- AI Anomaly Detection for log monitoring
- Infrastructure as Code Using Ansible Playbooks
- DevOps at Scale: Managing Complex Service Architectures in Large Technical Companies
- Chaos Engineering with Chaos Monkey
- Data Version Control for MLOps with DVC
- A Case Study of Developer Bots: Motivations, Perceptions, and Challenges
- Understanding GDPR and its importance for DevOps
- ChatOps Bots for Monitoring and Incident Response in DevOps
- Metrics vs Logging for DevOps Monitoring (Comparing Prometheus and ELK Stack)
- Software licencing overview and compliance automation
generated by tools/
- Automated API testing using FastAPI, Startlette TestClient and Git Hooks
- Building and integrating a slack bot with GitHub actions using Node.js
- Continuous delivery to GitHub container registry and containerization
- Creating and using flox environment(s) in an existing project.
- Creating a Robust Gatsby Web Service with Automated Testing and Deployment on GitHub
- Data access testing using Testcontainers
- Database Visualization with Sampler
- Dependency Management and Security Auditing in npm with Snyk + GitHub Actions
- Deployments with Piku
- End-to-end training of a neural network to deployment in a live application
- Headless web testing using Selenium in Python
- Infracost with CI/CD pipeline
- Infrastructure as Code with Pulumi
- Managing project dependencies with Devbox
- Mastering Docker: Building, Networking, and Optimizing Containers with Multi-Stage Builds and Advanced Features
- Monitoring ML Model Predictions with Prometheus
- Multibranch pipelines with ArgoCD
- Nixpkgs and its use for reproducible environments for better local testing.
- No title found
- Policy as Code with Kubewarden: Implement and Enforce Kubernetes Policies
- Profiling Python Applications Without Modifying Code With Py-Spy
- Real-Time Log Monitoring with Loki and Grafana
- REST API Fuzzing using Schemathesis
- SAST in go using gosec
- Security Linting in Python using Bandit
- Setting Up a Dashboard using Splunk
- Setting Up OPA for Kubernetes Policy Enforcement
- Simulating failures in applications using Chaos Mesh
- Simulating Serverless Architectures with LocalStack
- Using Ansible for Disaster Recovery automation
- Using Github Actions in combination with GitHub Pages to launch your Vue web service
- Using Skaffold for Local Kubernetes Development and CI/CD.
- Working with Kubernetes and Docker to deploy and scale a web application