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qBittorrent, WireGuard and OpenVPN

Codacy Badge Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (tag)

Docker container which runs the latest qBittorrent-nox client while connecting to WireGuard or OpenVPN with iptables killswitch to prevent IP leakage when the tunnel goes down.


  • Build for amd64, arm64, armv8 and armv7
  • Selectively enable or disable WireGuard or OpenVPN support
  • IP tables killswitch to prevent IP leaking when VPN connection fails
  • Configurable UID and GID for config files and /downloads for qBittorrent


Run container:

From the Docker registry

$ docker run --privileged -d \
             -v /your/config/path/:/config \
             -v /your/downloads/path/:/downloads \
             -e "VPN_ENABLED=yes" \
             -e "VPN_TYPE=wireguard" \
             -e "LAN_NETWORK=" \
             -p 8080:8080 \
             --restart unless-stopped \

Run in unprivileged mode

(Omit the --privileged flag - mainly for security)


--cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
--cap-add=SYS_MODULE \
--sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1 \


--cap-add=NET_ADMIN \

Build it yourself

You can use the Dockerfile with all architectures and versions of qBT that are listed here.
You can find more information on the Architecture tags here.

Dockerfile.compile should work for all architectures. Release numbers can be found here.

$ git clone
$ cd alpine-qbittorrentvpn

$ QBITTORRENT_VERSION={ALPINE-REPO-VERSION} docker build -f Dockerfile -t qbittorrentvpn .
$ QBITTORRENT_VERSION={RELEASE-NR} docker build -f Dockerfile.compile -t qbittorrentvpn .

$ docker run --privileged -d \
             -v /your/config/path/:/config \
             -v /your/downloads/path/:/downloads \
             -e "VPN_ENABLED=yes" \
             -e "VPN_TYPE=wireguard" \
             -e "LAN_NETWORK=" \
             -p 8080:8080 \
             --restart unless-stopped \

Build for all supported architectures:

$ QBITTORRENT_VERSION={RELEASE-NR} docker buildx bake -f bake.yml

If you want to use this command to push the images to a registry (append --push to the above command), you have to modify the image setting in bake.yml.

Compiling for many architectures simultaneously can be very demanding. You can create and use a builder instance with no concurrency using these commands:

$ docker buildx create --config buildkitd.toml --name no_concurrency
$ QBITTORRENT_VERSION={RELEASE-NR} docker buildx bake -f bake.yml --builder no_concurrency

Docker Tags

Tag Description
trigus42/qbittorrentvpn The latest image with the then latest version of qBittorrent
trigus42/qbittorrentvpn:qbtx.x.x Image with version x.x.x of qBittorrent
trigus42/qbittorrentvpn:qbtx.x.x-YYYYMMDD Image build on YYYYMMDD with version x.x.x of qBittorrent
trigus42/qbittorrentvpn:testing Image used for testing (don't use)

The images of the development branch use the same naming sceme except that dev- is added in front.
For example: trigus42/qbittorrentvpn:dev-qbtx.x.x-YYYYMMDD
Testing and feedback is appreciated.

Environment Variables

Variable Function Example Default
ADDITIONAL_PORTS Comma delimited list of ports which will be whitelisted in the firewall ADDITIONAL_PORTS=1234,8112
DEBUG Print information useful for debugging in log yes no
ENABLE_SSL Let the container handle SSL (yes/no) ENABLE_SSL=yes no
HEALTH_CHECK_HOST This is the host or IP that the healthcheck script will use to check an active connection HEALTH_CHECK_HOST=
HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL This is the time in seconds that the container waits to see if the VPN still works HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL=5 5
INSTALL_PYTHON3 Set this to yes to let the container install Python3 INSTALL_PYTHON3=yes no
LAN_NETWORK Comma delimited local networks with CIDR notation LAN_NETWORK=,
NAME_SERVERS Comma delimited name servers NAME_SERVERS=,,
PGID GID applied to /config files and /downloads PGID=100 1000
PUID UID applied to /config files and /downloads PUID=99 1000
SET_FWMARK Make web interface reachable for devices in networks not specified in LAN_NETWORK yes no
TZ Specify a timezone to use TZ=Europe/London UTC
UMASK Set file mode creation mask UMASK=002 002
VPN_ENABLED Enable VPN (yes/no)? VPN_ENABLED=yes yes
VPN_PASSWORD If username and password provided, configures all ovpn files automatically VPN_PASSWORD=ac98df79ed7fb
VPN_TYPE WireGuard or OpenVPN (wireguard/openvpn)? VPN_TYPE=openvpn wireguard
VPN_USERNAME If username and password provided, configures all ovpn files automatically VPN_USERNAME=ad8f64c02a2de


Volume Required Function Example
config Yes qBittorrent, WireGuard and OpenVPN config files /your/config/path/:/config
downloads No Default downloads path for saving downloads /your/downloads/path/:/downloads


Port Proto Required Function Example
8080 TCP Yes qBittorrent WebUI 8080:8080

Default Credentials

Credential Default Value
username admin
password adminadmin

VPN Configuration

If there are multiple config files present, one will be choosen randomly.

How to use WireGuard

The container will fail to boot if VPN_ENABLED is set and there is no valid INTERFACE.conf file present in the /config/wireguard directory. Drop a .conf file from your VPN provider into /config/wireguard and start the container again.

Recommended INTERFACE names include wg0 or wgvpn0 or even wgmgmtlan0. However, the number at the end is in fact optional, and really any free-form string [a-zA-Z0-9_=+.-]{1,15} will work. So even interface names corresponding to geographic locations would suffice, such as cincinnati, nyc, or paris, if that's somehow desirable.

How to use OpenVPN

The container will fail to boot if VPN_ENABLED is set and there is no valid FILENAME.ovpn file present in the /config/openvpn directory. Drop a .ovpn file from your VPN provider into /config/openvpn (if necessary with additional files like certificates) and start the container again.
You can either use the environment variables VPN_USERNAME and VPN_PASSWORD or store your credentials in openvpn/credentials.conf. Those credentials will be used to create credential files for all VPN configs initially. If you manually store your VPN credentials in openvpn/FILENAME_credentials.conf, those will be used for the particular VPN config.

Example credentials file



User ID (PUID) and Group ID (PGID) can be found by issuing the following command for the user you want to run the container as:

id <username>


If you encounter any issues please checkout the Known-Issues page in the wiki before you open a new issue. If you open an issue, please provide logs and other information that can simplify reproducing the issue.
If possible, always use the most up to date (stable) version of Docker, your operating system, kernel and the container itself.


This image is based on DyonR/docker-qbittorrentvpn which in turn is based off on MarkusMcNugen/docker-qBittorrentvpn and binhex/arch-qbittorrentvpn.