- Fleet journeys
- New ship frames
- Trade resource offer cancellation
- Improved documentation
- Trade sale offer creation
- Trade offers list
- Fleet ship assignment
- Fleet removal
- Fleet creation
- Hourly money income
- Fleets model and migration scripts
- Fleet creation webservice
- Player fleets and planet fleets retrieval webservices
- Player wallet
- Ship model price stored at its creation
- Player ship models retrieval
- Planet hangar ships retrieval
- Ship creation
- Ship construction with military points
- Storage resources spending
- Price diff between the front and the API
- Factions banner
- Configuration for test servers
- Error messages when faction select query fails
- Exception catchers
- Planet settings model and update service
- Building construction with building points
- Ship, ship models and fleet model structures with migration scripts
- Player ship models retrieval webservice
- Ship model creation webservice
- Diplomatic relations between factions
- Planet demography and population points model
- Population points update webservice
- Faction retrieval webservice
- Buildings can now be built only once per planet
- Buildings now require building points instead of resources
- Hourly takss in scheduling
- Player retrieval webservice
- Faction retrieval webservice
- Hourly calculation of planet resources production
- Planet storages
- File logger
- Scheduling component
- Planet buildings
- Hybrid encryption for portal communications
- Diplomatic relations initialization at game creation
- Initial player relations with starter planet
- Faction colors
- Optimize server map generation with goroutines
- Planet resources
- Player first connection course
- Factions model
- Player binding to a planet
- Player binding to a faction
- Faction retrieval route
- Player planets retrieval
- System retrieval route
- Planet retrieval route
- Planet types choice at map generation
- Registration of same player on multiple servers
- Map model structures
- Map model migration scripts
- Map generation after server creation
- Map systems retrieval route
- RSA keypair generation
- RSA encryption manager
- Crypted communication between portal and server
- Server DB model
- Player DB model
- Server registration
- Player registration
- JSON WebToken generation
- PostgreSQL ORM library
- Database migration external tool
- Mux routing utils