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Create new project (optional)

oc new-project demo

Import the deployment template:

oc create -f

Deploy the template:

oc new-app obp-api-example


--> Deploying template "myproject/obp-api-example" to project myproject

--> Creating resources ...
    secret "postgres-credentials" created
    persistentvolumeclaim "postgres-volume-claim" created
    service "obpapi-service" created
    deployment.extensions "obp-deployment" created
    service "postgres-service" created
    deployment.extensions "postgres" created
--> Success
    Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below:
     'oc expose svc/obpapi-service' 
     'oc expose svc/postgres-service' 
    Run 'oc status' to view your app.

Verify Deployment is running

View the pods until they're running:

oc get pods
NAME                              READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
obp-deployment-79595dd6b6-56ccw   0/1       ContainerCreating   0          44s
postgres-86bd6f8dd9-gbvv7         0/1       ContainerCreating   0          44s

Verify 'running' state:

oc get -w pods
NAME                              READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
obp-deployment-79595dd6b6-56ccw   1/1       Running   0          1m
postgres-86bd6f8dd9-gbvv7         1/1       Running   0          1m

Scale Open Bank Project down / up

The database must be ready before Open Bank Project can run. To ensure this, we must scale down the obp deployment, and back up.

oc scale deployment obp-deployment --replicas=0
oc scale deployment obp-deployment --replicas=1 

Create a route to Open Bank Project frontend:

Create a http url to navigate to the Open Bank Project frontend:

oc create -f

Get the route by:

oc get routes
NAME           HOST/PORT                                        PATH      SERVICES         PORT      TERMINATION   WILDCARD
obp-frontend             obpapi-service   <all>                   None

Follow the URL from the output shown, you can now browse to the Open Bank Project hosted on Openshift.

Inject bootstrap user

The bootstrap user is a tempory account which has enough privileges to seed the Open Bank Project with some dummy data. There is a bootstrap pod to do most of the work for you.

Deploy the bootstap pod:

oc create -f
deployment.apps/bootstrap-deployment created

Verify bootstrap pod is ready:

oc get pods -l app=bootstrap
NAME                                    READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
bootstrap-deployment-55694df658-r6m56   0/1       ContainerCreating   0          16s


oc get pods -l app=bootstrap
NAME                                    READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
bootstrap-deployment-55694df658-r6m56   1/1       Running   0          54s

Bootstrap the deployment

We will:

  • Run the bootstrap to create a new user, and generate an api key
  • Fetch the generated user_id from the application
  • Prote this user to a super user
  • Use this super user to populate with dummy data

Run the bootstrap pod command to create a new user, and generate an api key

oc exec -it $(oc get pods -l app=bootstrap -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') -- bash -c "export OBP_API_HOST=http://obpapi-service; python3"

Copy assigned user id to local host

oc cp $(oc get pods -l app=bootstrap -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'):obp_user_id.txt ./

The user id is now used to create a patched for the deployment to inject this user id into the deployment as a super user id.

Generate patch for deployment with user id as super user

sed s/REPLACE_ME/`cat obp_user_id.txt`/g patch-deployment.yaml.example > patch-deployment.yaml;

Patch the deployment with user id

oc patch deployment obp-deployment --patch "$(cat patch-deployment.yaml)"

Authenticate against Open Bank Project

Retrieve generated consumer key from bootstrap pod:

oc cp $(oc get pods -l app=bootstrap -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'):consumerKey.txt ./

View your consumer key:

cat consumerKey.txt

Use obp cli to authenticate against the api

obp init
Please enter your API_HOST:  []:
Please enter your username:  [demo]: demo
Please enter your password: : 
Repeat for confirmation: 
... generating direct login token
Please enter your OBP_CONSUMER_KEY:  [inwpg5vajtt4am2b12zt5pi1zrqgmwtryefcicnz]: inwpg5vajtt4am2b12zt5pi1zrqgmwtryefcicnz
Init complete

Add role CanCreateSandbox to user

obp addrole --role-name CanCreateSandbox

Import sandbox demo data

obp sandboximport --input example_import.json
Sandbox import complete

You can query the api's to view dummy data from the Open Bank Project sandbox. e.g

  • View public data, such as get banks
  • Public data such at ATM locations
  • Private data such as user accounts (requires login)

Get banks example output (from OpenShift)

obp getbanks
{'banks': [{'bank_routing': {'address': 'psd201-bank-x--uk',
                             'scheme': 'OBP'},
            'full_name': 'The Bank of X',
            'id': 'psd201-bank-x--uk',
            'logo': '',
            'short_name': 'Bank X',
            'website': ''},
           {'bank_routing': {'address': 'psd201-bank-y--uk',
                             'scheme': 'OBP'},
            'full_name': 'The Bank of Y',
            'id': 'psd201-bank-y--uk',
            'logo': '',
            'short_name': 'Bank Y',
            'website': ''}]}