- Changed Gear, Gun, Ride, Experience items so players can change the name (other items can only have the GM change the name)
- Complete overhaul of the Item Compendiums of the system for Beta GoLive
- Added German language "Anleitung" as Compendium and hereby updated some information in the Englisch "Description" Compendium
- Added macros packs which includes Heat Increase/Decrease macros and neutral roll
- Updated for Foundry V12
- German Language Pack added (thank you Karsten)
- Added Instructions
- Added "Neutral Roll" - see instructions for details
- Changed Dice Roll chat message to show follow up dice roll options
- Added a Close Roll option to chat message to accept the result
- Added a check so that re-rolls etc are only carried out by one GM (not all of them)
- When making a follow up roll then it is actually made (behind the scenes) by the originating player/GM and not the GM
- Fixed an issue with Free Roll not working - thanks to KarstenW for the fix