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Unit testing using the GoogleTest framework

These tests were copied from and converted to gtests.

Table of contents

Solution overview

List of programs

  • TestEntity—Tests
  • VfsNet—Program that is used for working with the network
  • VfsRamFs—Program that supports RamFS file system
  • EntropyEntity—Random number generator
  • DNetSrv—Driver for working with network cards
  • RAMDisk—Block device driver of a virtual drive in RAM
  • Bcm2711MboxArmToVc—Mailbox driver for Raspberry Pi 4 B

Initialization description

Statically created IPC channels
  • unittests.TestEntitykl.VfsRamFs
  • kl.VfsNetkl.EntropyEntity
  • kl.VfsNetkl.drivers.DNetSrv
  • kl.VfsRamFskl.drivers.RAMDisk
  • kl.VfsRamFskl.EntropyEntity
  • kl.drivers.DNetSrvkl.drivers.Bcm2711MboxArmToVc

The ./einit/src/ template is used to automatically generate part of the solution initialization description file init.yaml. For more information about the template file, see the KasperskyOS Community Edition Online Help.

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Security policy description

The ./einit/psl/ template is used to automatically generate part of the security.psl file using CMake tools. The security.psl file contains part of a solution security policy description. For more information about the security.psl file, see Describing a security policy for a KasperskyOS-based solution.

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Getting started

Building and running the tests

The tests for KasperskyOS are built using the CMake build system, which is provided in the KasperskyOS Community Edition SDK.

The SDK_PREFIX environment variables affects the build of the example. It specifies the path to the installed version of the KasperskyOS Community Edition SDK.

Run the following command ./ <TARGET> [-s SDK_PATH], where:

  • TARGET can take one of the following values: qemu for QEMU or rpi for Raspberry Pi 4 B.
  • SDK_PATH specifies the path to the installed version of the KasperskyOS Community Edition SDK. If not specified, the path defined in the SDK_PREFIX environment variable is used. The value specified in -s option takes precedence over the value of the SDK_PREFIX environment variable.


Running creates a KasperskyOS-based solution image that includes the tests. The kos-qemu-image solution image is located in the ./build/einit directory.

The script both builds the tests on QEMU and runs them.

Raspberry Pi 4 B

Running creates a KasperskyOS-based solution image that includes the tests and a bootable SD card image for Raspberry Pi 4 B. The kos-image solution image is located in the ./build/einit directory. The rpi4kos.img bootable SD card image is located in the ./build directory.

  1. To copy the bootable SD card image to the SD card, connect the SD card to the computer and run the following command:

    $ sudo dd bs=64k if=build/rpi4kos.img of=/dev/sd[X] conv=fsync,

    where [X] is the final character in the name of the SD card block device.

  2. Connect the bootable SD card to the Raspberry Pi 4 B.

  3. Supply power to the Raspberry Pi 4 B and wait for the tests to run.

You can also use an alternative option to prepare and run the tests:

  1. Prepare Raspberry Pi 4 B and a bootable SD card to run the tests by following the instructions in the KasperskyOS Community Edition Online Help.
  2. Run the tests by following the instructions in the KasperskyOS Community Edition Online Help

CMake input files

./einit/CMakeLists.txt—CMake commands for building the solution.

./tests/CMakeLists.txt—CMake commands for building the tests.

./CMakeLists.txt—CMake commands for building the solution.

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Once testing is complete, the results are displayed:

[==========] Running 58 tests from 7 test suites.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 4 tests from ESAlgo
[ RUN      ] ESAlgo.ES256EncodingDecodingTest
[       OK ] ESAlgo.ES256EncodingDecodingTest (128 ms)
[ RUN      ] ESAlgo.ES384EncodingDecodingTest
[       OK ] ESAlgo.ES384EncodingDecodingTest (45 ms)
[ RUN      ] ESAlgo.ES512EncodingDecodingTest
[       OK ] ESAlgo.ES512EncodingDecodingTest (44 ms)
[ RUN      ] ESAlgo.ES384EncodingDecodingValidTest
[       OK ] ESAlgo.ES384EncodingDecodingValidTest (107 ms)
[----------] 4 tests from ESAlgo (342 ms total)

[----------] 1 test from ObjectTest
[ RUN      ] ObjectTest.MoveConstructor
[       OK ] ObjectTest.MoveConstructor (2 ms)
[----------] 1 test from ObjectTest (7 ms total)

[----------] 13 tests from DecodeVerifyExp
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerifyExp.BeforeExpiryTest
[       OK ] DecodeVerifyExp.BeforeExpiryTest (6 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerifyExp.AfterExpiryTest
[       OK ] DecodeVerifyExp.AfterExpiryTest (56 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerifyExp.AfterExpiryWithLeeway
[       OK ] DecodeVerifyExp.AfterExpiryWithLeeway (3 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerifyExp.ValidIssuerTest
[       OK ] DecodeVerifyExp.ValidIssuerTest (3 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerifyExp.InvalidIssuerTest_1
[       OK ] DecodeVerifyExp.InvalidIssuerTest_1 (13 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerifyExp.InvalidIssuerTest_2
[       OK ] DecodeVerifyExp.InvalidIssuerTest_2 (2 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerifyExp.NotImmatureSignatureTest
[       OK ] DecodeVerifyExp.NotImmatureSignatureTest (3 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerifyExp.ImmatureSignatureTest
[       OK ] DecodeVerifyExp.ImmatureSignatureTest (2 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerifyExp.ImmatureSignatureTestWithLeeway
[       OK ] DecodeVerifyExp.ImmatureSignatureTestWithLeeway (3 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerifyExp.InvalidAudienceTest
[       OK ] DecodeVerifyExp.InvalidAudienceTest (4 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerifyExp.InvalidSignatureTest
[       OK ] DecodeVerifyExp.InvalidSignatureTest (2 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerifyExp.KeyNotPresentTest
[       OK ] DecodeVerifyExp.KeyNotPresentTest (2 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerifyExp.InvalidSubjectTest
[       OK ] DecodeVerifyExp.InvalidSubjectTest (4 ms)
[----------] 13 tests from DecodeVerifyExp (162 ms total)

[----------] 13 tests from EncodeTest
[ RUN      ] EncodeTest.TestRemoveClaim
[       OK ] EncodeTest.TestRemoveClaim (4 ms)
[ RUN      ] EncodeTest.TestRemoveTypHeader
Header: {"alg":"HS256"}
Signature: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2OTg2NDc2MjAsImlhdCI6MTUxMzg2MjM3MSwiaWQiOiJhLWItYy1kLWUtZi0xLTItMyIsImlzcyI6ImFydW4ubXVyYWxpZGhhcmFuIiwic3ViIjoiYWRtaW4ifQ.s-XB_TB1w5e6As4o4yWuc9V_ZXfcROT3JS2GSSElPf4
[       OK ] EncodeTest.TestRemoveTypHeader (6 ms)
[ RUN      ] EncodeTest.StrEncodeHS256_1
Header: {"alg":"HS256","typ":"JWT"}
Payload: {"iat":1513862371,"id":"a-b-c-d-e-f-1-2-3","iss":"arun.muralidharan","sub":"admin"}
Signature: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1MTM4NjIzNzEsImlkIjoiYS1iLWMtZC1lLWYtMS0yLTMiLCJpc3MiOiJhcnVuLm11cmFsaWRoYXJhbiIsInN1YiI6ImFkbWluIn0.jk7bRQKTLvs1RcuvMc2B_rt6WBYPoVPirYi_QRBPiuk
[       OK ] EncodeTest.StrEncodeHS256_1 (4 ms)
[ RUN      ] EncodeTest.StrEncodeHS256_2
[       OK ] EncodeTest.StrEncodeHS256_2 (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] EncodeTest.StrEncodeNONE
Header: {"alg":"NONE","typ":"JWT"}
Payload: {"aud":"","exp":1513863371,"sub":"nothing much"}
[       OK ] EncodeTest.StrEncodeNONE (5 ms)
[ RUN      ] EncodeTest.StrEncodeHS256WithKey
[       OK ] EncodeTest.StrEncodeHS256WithKey (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] EncodeTest.StrEncodeHS384WithKey
[       OK ] EncodeTest.StrEncodeHS384WithKey (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] EncodeTest.StrEncodeHS512WithKey
[       OK ] EncodeTest.StrEncodeHS512WithKey (3 ms)
[ RUN      ] EncodeTest.StrEncodeChangeAlg
[       OK ] EncodeTest.StrEncodeChangeAlg (3 ms)
[ RUN      ] EncodeTest.StrEncodeNoKey
[       OK ] EncodeTest.StrEncodeNoKey (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] EncodeTest.StrEncodeNoneAlgWithKey
[       OK ] EncodeTest.StrEncodeNoneAlgWithKey (2 ms)
[ RUN      ] EncodeTest.OverwriteClaimsTest
[       OK ] EncodeTest.OverwriteClaimsTest (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] EncodeTest.HeaderParamTest
[       OK ] EncodeTest.HeaderParamTest (11 ms)
[----------] 13 tests from EncodeTest (98 ms total)

[----------] 12 tests from DecodeVerify
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerify.BeforeExpiryTest
[       OK ] DecodeVerify.BeforeExpiryTest (2 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerify.AfterExpiryTest
[       OK ] DecodeVerify.AfterExpiryTest (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerify.AfterExpiryWithLeeway
[       OK ] DecodeVerify.AfterExpiryWithLeeway (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerify.ValidIssuerTest
[       OK ] DecodeVerify.ValidIssuerTest (4 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerify.InvalidIssuerTest_1
[       OK ] DecodeVerify.InvalidIssuerTest_1 (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerify.InvalidIssuerTest_2
[       OK ] DecodeVerify.InvalidIssuerTest_2 (6 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerify.NotImmatureSignatureTest
[       OK ] DecodeVerify.NotImmatureSignatureTest (2 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerify.ImmatureSignatureTest
[       OK ] DecodeVerify.ImmatureSignatureTest (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerify.ImmatureSignatureTestWithLeeway
[       OK ] DecodeVerify.ImmatureSignatureTestWithLeeway (2 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerify.InvalidAudienceTest
[       OK ] DecodeVerify.InvalidAudienceTest (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerify.InvalidIATTest
[       OK ] DecodeVerify.InvalidIATTest (4 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeVerify.InvalidSignatureTest
[       OK ] DecodeVerify.InvalidSignatureTest (1 ms)
[----------] 12 tests from DecodeVerify (81 ms total)

[----------] 4 tests from RSAAlgo
[ RUN      ] RSAAlgo.RSA256EncodingDecodingTest
[       OK ] RSAAlgo.RSA256EncodingDecodingTest (73 ms)
[ RUN      ] RSAAlgo.RSA384EncodingDecodingTest
[       OK ] RSAAlgo.RSA384EncodingDecodingTest (204 ms)
[ RUN      ] RSAAlgo.RSA512EncodingDecodingTest
[       OK ] RSAAlgo.RSA512EncodingDecodingTest (1077 ms)
[ RUN      ] RSAAlgo.NoSpecificAlgo
[       OK ] RSAAlgo.NoSpecificAlgo (1080 ms)
[----------] 4 tests from RSAAlgo (2451 ms total)

[----------] 11 tests from DecodeTest
[ RUN      ] DecodeTest.InvalidFinalDotForNoneAlg
[       OK ] DecodeTest.InvalidFinalDotForNoneAlg (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeTest.DecodeNoneAlgSign
{"aud":"","exp":4513863371,"sub":"nothing much"}
[       OK ] DecodeTest.DecodeNoneAlgSign (3 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeTest.DecodeWrongAlgo
[       OK ] DecodeTest.DecodeWrongAlgo (2 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeTest.DecodeInvalidHeader
[       OK ] DecodeTest.DecodeInvalidHeader (5 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeTest.DecodeEmptyHeader
[       OK ] DecodeTest.DecodeEmptyHeader (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeTest.DecodeInvalidPayload
[       OK ] DecodeTest.DecodeInvalidPayload (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeTest.DecodeHS256
[       OK ] DecodeTest.DecodeHS256 (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeTest.SecretKeyNotPassed
[       OK ] DecodeTest.SecretKeyNotPassed (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeTest.DecodeHS384
[       OK ] DecodeTest.DecodeHS384 (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeTest.DecodeHS512
[       OK ] DecodeTest.DecodeHS512 (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] DecodeTest.TypHeaderMiss
Decode header: {"alg":"HS256"}
[       OK ] DecodeTest.TypHeaderMiss (1 ms)
[----------] 11 tests from DecodeTest (66 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 58 tests from 7 test suites ran. (3251 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 58 tests.

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