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nkppmeta compiler usage example

The KasperskyOS SDK includes the nkppmeta compiler for generating transport code in C++. The nkppmeta compiler lets you generate transport C++ proxy objects and stubs for use by both a client and a server.

Proxy objects are used by the client to pack the parameters of the called method into an IPC request, execute the IPC request, and unpack the IPC response. Stubs are used by the server to unpack the parameters from the IPC request, dispatch the call to the appropriate method implementation, and pack the IPC response. For more information, please refer to the Transport code in C++.

For additional details on KasperskyOS, including its limitations and known issues, please refer to the KasperskyOS Community Edition Online Help.

Table of contents

Solution overview

List of programs

  • Client—Program that interacts with endpoints provided by the server.
  • Server—Program that contains several nested components and provides endpoints for the example.Animal interface.

To make the client call an interface method provided by the server, the following steps are taken in the ./client/src/main.cpp file:

  1. The generated client description header Client.edl.cpp.h is included.
  2. The generated header files of the descriptions of the utilized interfaces *.idl.cpp.h are included. In this example, only Animal.idl.cpp.h is included.
  3. The kosipc/make_application.h and corresponding kosipc/connect_*.h headers are included. In this example, only kosipc/connect_static_channel.h is included.
  4. The application object is initialized with the kosipc::MakeApplicationAutodetect() function.
  5. The proxy object for the endpoint to be used is initialized with the Application::MakeProxy() function by selecting one of the Connect*() functions as an argument. In this example, the ConnectStaticChannel() function is used because the connection to the endpoint uses the static channel described in the init.yaml file.
  6. The corresponding method of the proxy object is called.

To make the server provide endpoints to other processes, the following steps are taken in the ./server/src/main.cpp file:

  1. The generated server description header Server.edl.cpp.h that contains the component structure of the server including all endpoints is included.
  2. The kosipc/make_application.h and corresponding kosipc/serve_*.h headers are included. In this example, only kosipc/serve_static_channel.h is included.
  3. Classes that contain implementations of the interfaces (here it is only Animal) that this program and its components provide as endpoints are created.
  4. The application object is initialized with the kosipc::MakeApplicationAutodetect() function.
  5. The kosipc::components::Root structure which describes the component structure and interfaces of program endpoints is initialized.
  6. The fields of the Root structure are associated with the objects that implement the corresponding endpoints. The fields of the Root structure repeat the hierarchy in the CDL and EDL files.
  7. The incoming request processing cycle is created by calling the Application::MakeEventLoop() function and selecting one of the Serve*() functions as an argument. In this example the ServeStaticChannel() function is used because server maintains static channel described in init.yaml file. You need to pass the channel name that you want to maintain and the component structure (Root) that contains all the endpoint implementations into the ServeStaticChannel() function.
  8. The incoming IPC message dispatch cycle is run by using the Run() method of the kosipc::EventLoop object.

Initialization description

Static IPC channel: example.Clientexample.Server.

The ./einit/src/ template is used to automatically generate a part of the solution initialization description file init.yaml. For more information about the template file, see the KasperskyOS Community Edition Online Help.

Security policy description

The ./einit/src/ template is used to automatically generate a part of the security.psl file using CMake tools. The security.psl file contains a part of a solution security policy description. For more information about the security.psl file, see Describing a security policy for a KasperskyOS-based solution.

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Getting started


  1. To install KasperskyOS Community Edition SDK and run examples on QEMU or on a hardware platform, make sure you meet all the System requirements, which are listed in the KasperskyOS Community Edition Developer's Guide.
  2. Install KasperskyOS Community Edition SDK. You can download the latest version of the KasperskyOS Community Edition for free from The minimum required version of KasperskyOS Community Edition SDK is 1.3. For more information, see System requirements.
  3. Copy source files to your project directory.

Building and running the example

The example is built using the CMake build system, which is provided in the KasperskyOS Community Edition SDK.

To build the example, run the ./ script. There are environment variables that affect the build of the example:

  • SDK_PREFIX specifies the path to the installed version of the KasperskyOS Community Edition SDK. If the -s option is not specified when the script has been run, it is necessary to set the value of the SDK_PREFIX environment variable.
  • TARGET specifies the target platform. (Currently only the aarch64-kos platform is supported.)

Syntax for using the script:

$ ./ [-h] [-l] [-t TARGETS] [-s PATH] [-b PATH],


  • -h, --help

    Help text.

  • -l, --list

    List of all CMake targets which are available for building.

  • -t, --target TARGETS

    List of CMake targets that you want to build. Enclose the entire list of targets in quotation marks and separate the individual targets within the quotation marks with a space character. If not specified, the default target sim will be built.

  • -s, --sdk-path PATH

    Path to the installed version of the KasperskyOS Community Edition SDK. The path must be set using either the value of the SDK_PREFIX environment variable or the -s option. The value specified in the -s option takes precedence over the value of the SDK_PREFIX environment variable.

  • -b, --build PATH

    Path to the generated CMake build directory. If not specified, the default path ./build will be used.

For example, review the following command:

$ SDK_PREFIX=/opt/KasperskyOS-Community-Edition-<version> ./

The command builds the example and runs the KasperskyOS-based solution image on QEMU. The solution image is based on the SDK found in the /opt/KasperskyOS-Community-Edition-<version> path, where version is the latest version number of the KasperskyOS Community Edition SDK.


Running creates a KasperskyOS-based solution image that includes the example. The kos-qemu-image solution image is located in the ./<build_path>/einit directory, where build_path is the path to the generated CMake build directory.

The script both builds the example on QEMU and runs it.


Running creates a KasperskyOS-based solution image that includes the example and a bootable SD card image for Raspberry Pi 4 B or Radxa ROCK 3A. The kos-image solution image is located in the ./<build_path>/einit directory. The hdd.img bootable SD card image is located in the ./<build_path> directory.

  1. To copy the bootable SD card image to the SD card, connect the SD card to the computer and run the following command:

$ sudo dd bs=64k if=build/hdd.img of=/dev/sd[X] conv=fsync,

where [X] is the final character in the name of the SD card block device.

  1. Connect the bootable SD card to the Raspberry Pi 4 B or Radxa ROCK 3A.
  2. Supply power to the Raspberry Pi 4 B or Radxa ROCK 3A and wait for the example to run.

You can also use an alternative option to prepare and run the example:

  1. Prepare the required hardware platform and bootable SD card for it by following the instructions:
  2. Run the example as described in the KasperskyOS Community Edition Online Help

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CMake input files

When you develop a KasperskyOS-based solution, use the recommended structure of project directories to simplify usage of CMake scripts.

The CMakeLists.txt files use standard CMake syntax and scripts from the platform, nk, and image SDK libraries.

./сlient/CMakeLists.txt—CMake commands for building the Сlient program.

./einit/CMakeLists.txt—CMake commands for building the Einit program and the solution image.

./server/CMakeLists.txt—CMake commands for building the Server program.

./CMakeLists.txt—CMake commands for building the solution.

To generate transport proxies and stubs during image build, use the CMake commands add_nk_idl(), add_nk_сdl(), and add_nk_edl().

CMake command add_nk_idl() creates CMake target to generate needed files including *.idl.cpp.h for given IDL file nkppmeta compiler. It also creates a library containing transport code for the given interface. To link to this library the bind_nk_targets() command is required. Generated headers contain C++ representation for interface and data types described in IDL file and methods required for using proxy objects and stubs. Generated headers contain C++ representation for interface and data types, which are described in IDL file, and the methods which are required for using proxy objects and stubs.

CMake command add_nk_cdl() creates CMake target to generate *.cdl.cpp.h for given CDL file with nkppmeta compiler. It also creates a library containing transport code for the given component. To link to this library the bind_nk_targets() command is required. The *.cdl.cpp.h file contains the tree of nested components and endpoints of component in CDL file.

CMake command add_nk_edl() creates CMake target to generate *.edl.cpp.h for given EDL file with nkppmeta compiler. The command also creates a library containing transport code for the server. To link to this library the bind_nk_targets() command is required. The *.edl.cpp.h file contains the tree of nested components and endpoints of the process class in the EDL file.


Build and run the example. After running the example, the following actions will be executed:

  1. The KasperskyOS kernel runs the Einit initialization process.
  2. The Einit initializes static IPC channels and runs the Client and Server processes.
  3. The Client uses endpoints which are provided by the Server with IPC.
  4. On successful completion of work, the Client outputs the SUCCESS message to the standard output. The expected output is contained in the ./expected_output.txt file.


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