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Problems installing the pipeline?

This file contains a bunch of common pipeline installation problems and their solutions.

Installing on Apple M1 ARM Chips

There is an issue if CFITSIO is not compiled to be the same architecture as the DRP. CFITSIO should be compiled to be x86_64.

If installing CFITSIO from Macports:

arch -x86_64 sudo port install libgcc-devel
arch -x86_64 sudo port install cfitsio

In the Makefile for the OSIRIS DRP, update the CFLAGS variable:

CFLAGS += -arch x86_64

Wrong Architecture Errors

If you get an error like this:

            % DRPBACKBONE::ERRORHANDLER: ERROR in drpBackbone::ErrorHandler - -379: CALL_EXTERNAL: Error loading sharable executable.
                Symbol: osiris_wait_on_sem_signal, File = ./modules/source/
                dlopen(./modules/source/, 1): no suitable image found.  
                Did find: ./modules/source/ mach-o, but wrong

There is a mismatch between your compiled architectures somewhere between CFITSIO, IDL and libosiris (the compiled portion of the OSIRIS DRP). You can check the compiled architechture with lipo -info, e.g. for libosiris:

    $ lipo -info ./modules/source/
    Non-fat file: ./modules/source/ is architecture: x86_64

You should see an architecture like x86_64. You should check the architecture of libosiris and cfitsio. They need to match the architecture of IDL. You can find out your IDL architecture from within IDL with the following:

    IDL> print, !VERSION.arch

If you need to explicitly tell your compilier to target a specific architecutre, you might try the following copiler flags:

  • For 32 bit systems, either -m32 or -arch i386
  • For 64 bit systems, -arch x86_64

Error Starting IDL scripts

If you get an error that says something like:

    xterm: Can’t execvp idl: No such file or directory

Then it is likely one of two issues.

The first is that the IDL executable is not in your PATH. Something like the following should be in your path:


You can check what is in your PATH by entering the following command:

    echo $PATH

If the IDL executable is in your PATH and you are running this on a MAC then there may be a compatibility issue between your versions of XQuarts, IDL, and ENVI. This problem and the solution to it is documented on the Harris Geospatial website [here.] (

Other startup errors

If the pipline complains that csh or xterm are not installed, you will need to install them. You don't need to use cshell, but the startup script will automatically call it.

If you are unable to get run_odrp script to work, you can try to start the pipeline manually using (you will still need to setup your environment variables correctly):