- Updated CA and CA chain retreival to work for CA's hosted outside of Command (EJBCA)
- Updated Keyfactor Client library to 1.2.0
- Now passing scopes and audience along with oAuth token request.
- including dns_sans, ip_sans and metadata along with pre-generated csr sign requests
- Added support for oAuth2 authentication to Keyfactor Command.
- Included the ability to specify CA and Template via command parameters
- Included the ability to pass metadata along with the request
- Fix for issue where plugin was not enforcing plugin-side role limitations for AllowedDomains and AllowSubDomains, and was relying exclusively on the certificate template for these values.
- Fix for double encoding certificates when viewed in the terminal.
- Updated the plugin to use it's own internal configuration settings storage per instance.
- added subject parameters to certificate enrollment
- now defaulting to role values for subject parameters if not provided.
- This release fixes a bug where the CA logical name was not being URL encoded before sending the request to Keyfactor.
- initial release