diff --git a/scripts/check_refpage_toc.py b/scripts/check_refpage_toc.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..21f186353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/check_refpage_toc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+# Copyright 2016-2024 The Khronos Group Inc.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# check_refpage_toc.py - validate the hand-written refpage category index
+# against the actual generated refpages.
+# Usage: check_refpage_toc.py -toctail path -refpages path
+import argparse
+import io
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+from reflib import loadFile
+# Contains the category index, which is a fragment (not valid HTML) with lines like
+# ...Enumerated Types...
+# ...clGetPlatformIDs
+# This should ideally refer to all generated refpages and aliases of them.
+# With the .html removed, the link text will sometimes be the same as the
+# page name; sometimes be an alias to the page name; and sometimes just be
+# explanatory text.
+# We already know that some extension appendices do not appear in the
+# category index; they do appear in the alphabetical index.
+# Unfortunately, some of the anchor text contains HTML constructs or text
+# more complex than just a name or a sequence of words. Probably will need
+# special handling.
+# There are the following duplicates in the link text;
+#clamp (different targets, commonClamp / clamp_integer)
+#max (different targets, commonMax / integerMax)
+#min (different targets, commonMin / integerMin)
+# In general this is fine, so long as the targets are identical. The
+# handful of different targets are also generally fine ATM and can
+# be put on an exception list if needed.
+# Contains the extracted and static (from man/static/) refpage source
+# files, named e.g. 'clGetPlatformIDs.txt', and the Apache rewrites for
+# aliases in 'rewritebody', which look like
+# RewriteRule ^CL_VERSION_1_0.html$ preprocessorDirectives.html
+# Combined, these make up the complete refpage set. We would like every
+# page and alias to be the category index (even more ideally, they would
+# be searchable in Antora, etc.)
+# rewritebody describes the actual aliases, and ideally should match the
+# aliases in man/toctail.
+#Comparison process:
+# toctail - RE match to page names and descriptions.
+# Construct dual index from page name to description(s) and vice-versa
+# (handle aliased descriptions somehow).
+# refpages - scan directory for all .txt files and construct
+# name -> name mapping.
+# Scan rewritebody (or better, emit it as a Python dictionary as well) and
+# construct alias -> name mapping.
+# Note that .txt files are 'actual' refpages.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('-tocfile', action='store', dest='tocfile',
+ default='man/toctail',
+ help='Set the ToC file (default man/toctail')
+ parser.add_argument('-refpages', action='store', dest='refpages',
+ default='generated/refpage',
+ help='Set path to generate refpage directory (default generated/refpage)')
+ results = parser.parse_args()
+ errcount = 0
+ # Scan ToC
+ file, _ = loadFile(results.tocfile)
+ if file is None:
+ write(f'Cannot open ToC file {results.tocfile}')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ FIND_TOC_LINK_RE = re.compile(r'.*href="(?P[^"]+)[^>]+>(?P[^<]+)')
+ # ToC links. Each entry is a set of link texts mapping to that refpage name
+ toclinks = {}
+ # ToC texts. Each entry is a set of refpage names described with that text
+ toctext = {}
+ for line in file:
+ # Extract ToC link, if present
+ match = FIND_TOC_LINK_RE.match(line)
+ if match is None:
+ continue
+ link = match.group('link')
+ text = match.group('text')
+ # Strip .html suffix
+ if link[-5:] != '.html':
+ print(f'{results.tocfile} contains non-.html link {link}: {line}')
+ continue
+ link = link[:-5]
+ #if text[-5:] != '.html':
+ # print(f'{rewritefile} contains non-.html rewrite to {text}: {line}')
+ # continue
+ #text = text[:-5]
+ if link not in toclinks:
+ toclinks[link] = set()
+ toclinks[link].add(text)
+ if text not in toctext:
+ toctext[text] = set()
+ toctext[text].add(link)
+ print(f'{len(toclinks)} links in ToC, {len(toctext)} link-texts')
+ for link, texts in toclinks.items():
+ if len(texts) > 1:
+ print(f'link {link} -> {len(texts)} distinct texts: {texts}')
+ for text, links in toctext.items():
+ if len(links) > 1:
+ print(f'text {text} -> {len(links)} distinct links: {links}')
+ # Scan refpages
+ # Actual pages - each entry is a set of aliases that rewrite to that page
+ refpages = {}
+ # Page aliases - each entry is the page name they are rewritten to
+ refaliases = {}
+ # Collect files in the refpage directory
+ for file in os.listdir(results.refpages):
+ if file.endswith('.txt'):
+ # Strip '.txt' leaving the API name
+ pagename = file[:-4]
+ refpages[pagename] = set()
+ # Collect aliases from the rewritebody file
+ rewritefile = results.refpages + '/rewritebody'
+ file, _ = loadFile(rewritefile)
+ if file is None:
+ write(f'Cannot open HTML rewrite file {rewritefile}')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ FIND_REWRITE_LINK_RE = re.compile(r'.*\^(?P[^$]+)\$ +(?P[^ ]+)')
+ for line in file:
+ # Extract rewrite directive, if present
+ # Remove trailing newline
+ match = FIND_REWRITE_LINK_RE.match(line.rstrip())
+ if match is None:
+ continue
+ alias = match.group('alias')
+ page = match.group('page')
+ if alias[-5:] != '.html':
+ print(f'{rewritefile} contains non-.html rewrite from {alias}: {line}')
+ continue
+ if page[-5:] != '.html':
+ print(f'{rewritefile} contains non-.html rewrite to {page}: {line}')
+ continue
+ # Now strip .html suffixes
+ alias = alias[:-5]
+ page = page[:-5]
+ # Track alias -> page rewrites
+ if alias in refaliases:
+ print(f'{rewritefile} contains multiple rewrites of {alias}: {line}')
+ errcount += 1
+ else:
+ refaliases[alias] = page
+ # Track all aliases rewriting to a page
+ if page not in refpages:
+ print(f'{rewritefile} contains rewrite of {alias} to the nonexistent refpage {page}: {line}')
+ errcount += 1
+ else:
+ refpages[page].add(alias)
+ #####################################
+ # Verify that all .html files in toctail exist and tag whether they are
+ # aliases or not.
+ for link in sorted(toclinks.keys()):
+ if link not in refpages and link not in refaliases:
+ print(f'ToC link to {link}.html has no corresponding refpage {link}.txt, or alias to it')
+ errcount += 1
+ # Verify that all aliases in refpages/ appear in toctail as descriptions.
+ for alias in sorted(refaliases.keys()):
+ if alias not in toctext:
+ print(f'refpage alias {alias} has no link from the ToC, at least with that name')
+ errcount += 1
+ # Verify that all non-aliased names (.txt files) in refpages appear in
+ # toctail as .html files and descriptions.
+ for page in sorted(refpages.keys()):
+ if page not in toclinks:
+ print(f'refpage {page} has no link from the ToC')
+ errcount += 1
+ print(f'{errcount} errors found')
+ # Summarize link text (descriptions) that do not appear as refpage
+ # aliases. Most are probably just straight text and fine.
+ #
+ # Summarize any remaining discrepancies.
+ print(f'Found {len(refpages)} reference pages')
+ print(f'Found {len(refaliases)} aliases to reference pages')