- KclImporter (A executable program used for importing and exporting collision models)
- KclLibraryGUI (A library for gui handling importing and configuring material attributes)
- KclRender (A 3D view displaying collision models and hit detection of octree boundings)
- KclLibrary (The main collision library for handling the file binaries, hit detection, etc. Can be built using dot net core for cross platform)
- Supports all versions. GCN, WII, DS, 3DS Wii U, and Switch
- Supports multiple model subdivisions for V2 KCL (WiiU/Switch) allowing for high poly collision models.
- Can easily load and save KCL binaries, change endianness, version, etc.
- Supports mapping material attributes by .obj files (COL_## for material name, ## is hex value).
- KCL importer GUI which can load various game material and collision presets and export .obj files.
- Functional collision handling for in tool editors (currently somewhat functional but needs improvements).
- Automatic .obj triangulation.
Library by Syroot & KillXGaming.
Thanks to MasterF0x for the first V2 KCL implimentation and exelix11 for some help with odyssey support.
Thanks to Syroot/Ray Koopa for the original library base.