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Contributing to slicerSALT

Forking workflow

To contribute your changes to slicerSALT, you will need to follow the forking workflow.

  1. Fork the slicerSALT Repository to your own github space, and add it to your git source directory
 git remote add custom-remote-name [email protected]:{github-space-name}/slicerSALT.git
  1. Create an issue on slicerSALT's issue tracker (optional step for minor changes)

  1. Create a new branch named <issuer_number>-a-descriptive-topic-name. Example:
git checkout -b 101-add-surface-preprocess-extension
  1. Fix the code or implement your feature, then commit your change(s)

Make sure to read the Slicer Coding and Commit Style Guide and guidelines below

  1. Push your branch to your fork of slicerSALT
git push custom-remote-name 101-add-surface-preprocess-extension
  1. Once your branch is ready for merging, create a pull request.

  2. Stay available for the review process: you might need to address some issues and push new changes.

  3. Once your changes have been reviewed and the associated builds and tests pass on slicerSALT dashboards, your branch will be merged into master.

  4. Once your changes have been reviewed and merged into the master branch of slicerSALT, you may get rid of your development branch and pull the latest commits from the master branch, then repeat from step 2 for further development

git branch -d 101-add-surface-preprocess-extension
git checkout master
git pull origin master

Coding guidelines

Coding style

Documenting your code

*Coming soon

Testing your code

Coming soon - Please refer to the rest of the code in the meantime

Commit guidelines

Commit 101

  1. Commit often

    You do not need to have a lot of changes to create a commit. On the contrary, you should try to split your changes into small logical steps and commit each of them. They should be consistent, self-contained (work independently of later commits), and pass the same test which previously did (or more) to ensure you do not introduce any regression. On the other hand, do not push it to the extreme: if your changes are tightly related and stay clear as a whole, there is no need to create multiple commits, even if they are applied to different files, methods, etc.

    TIP: git gui will allow you to stage changes by lines or by hunk instead of the whole file. It is extremely useful when your recent changes could be divided in multiple commits.

  2. Style only rhymes with style

    Style changes can introduce a big number of diffs in your whole project (take a variable name change, tabulation in a whole file...). If committed as part of a commit for enhancement or bug fixes, it becomes very difficult for a reviewer to track down the changes specific to your work, and the ones specific to style changes. For that reason, prefer grouping style changes in a separate commit.

  3. Push often

    The first main reason to push often is to have your work somewhere else than just on your computer if something happens to your source code or your machine. Another reason is to facilitate code sharing: even if your branch is not at maturity, creating a pull request as [WIP] will allow you to discuss your progress, ask questions, and get feedbacks during the development process and not just at the end.

  4. Merge to master often...

    The whole idea behind continuous integration (or CI) is to integrate your own code with the main repository as often as you can. If you make small changes and put them into single commits you may integrate them often (and probably should). Doing so minimizes merge conflicts with your team members. You can read more about CI in a Git context in Martin Fowler’s excellent FeatureBranch article.

  5. ... but never the other way around!

    If your branch and the master branch diverge and are in conflicts, never resolve those by merging master into your branch. Instead, rebase your branch against master. This will allow you to address the conflicts where they were introduced instead of committing a patch complicated to review, and will keep the commit history clean.

Some of the content above was directly or partially taken from Crealytics blog : 5 reasons for keeping your git commits small.

Commit messages

Proper commit messages are important as they allow to speed up the review process. They are also crucial for development down the road to be able to come back to that commit and understand the logic behind the changes.

  1. Use the appropriate title prefix
  • ENH: For enhancement, new features, etc.
  • PERF: For improved performance, optimisations.
  • BUG: For runtime error fix.
  • COMP: For compilation error fix.
  • TEST: For new or improved testing.
  • DOC: For documentation improvements.
  • STYLE: For changes which do not impact the way the code is executed nor the user experience.
  1. Use a clear and short commit title

    Describe the topic in a couple words while being as specific as possible. "Improve rendering" or "Fix controllers" would be considered too broad.

  2. Describe thoroughly

    Assume the reviewers do not know your motivation behind your work: every change you make has a reason you need to explicitly write down in the commit description, even the little things (ex: why changing a default value). This will accelerate the review process by allowing reviewers to rely on your work description instead of having to contact you for answers.

  3. Document accordingly

    A great addition is to offer links to additional information like your source (reference to the algorithm you are using, online discussion supporting your changes...), hash of the commit that introduced the regression being fixed, etc.

  4. Be specific

    When making changes to multiple classes or referring to other classes than the one being modified, be specific about class methods and members by properly specifying the namespace: Class:method() or Class::m_member.

  5. List changes

    If your commit is composed of multiple changes in order to stay self-contained, list your changes instead of appending them in long paragraphs for clarity.

Editing previous commits

While implementing your topic that would be holding multiple commits, you might end up making changes which should be coupled with or which revert changes from previous commits. The same thing can happen when your merge request has been reviewed and you need to make changes that should be applied in existing commit.

It is possible to change previous commits in order to keep your topic clean and make the reviewing process easier, a couple options are listed below.

This process consists of rewriting the branch history, therefore re-syncing it with other remote and local repositories will be necessary (see below).

  • Amending changes to last commit

    All you have to do is stage the extra changes like you would for a normal commit, then commit with the --amend argument.

    git commit --amend

    TIP: You can also use git gui and click on the amend commit radio button.*

  • Removing previous commit changes

    To go to your previous commit and make changes, you can use reset:

    git reset HEAD~

    This will undo your commit, but keep your changes as unstaged. Once your have made your changes, you can then create a new commit:

    git commit -m "message"


    • You can also use git gui and click on the amend commit radio button, then unstage or remove changes from the previous commit.
    • To keep the changes staged, you can use the --soft flag. If you want to get rid of the commit changes altogether, you can use the --force.
    • To reset more than one commit, you can call git reset HEAD~X with X the number of commits to reset. Works with the flags referenced above.
  • Editing older commits

    If you need to change commits that precede your last commit, you can use the interactive rebase tool.

    First, run git log to see how much back you need to go from your current state:

    git log --pretty=oneline

    If you want to make changes up to 3 commits back, you would then call:

    git rebase -i HEAD~3

    Running this command gives you a list of commits in your text editor that looks like this (note that the order is inversed from git log, the more recent commits being at the bottom of the list):

    pick ecd29d0 ENH: Add custom event handlers for vtk interaction
    pick 529ca92 COMP: Fix function is not a member of std (Win)
    pick 8d0bc67 COMP: Fix return error in MeshIO::write

    From here, you can do multiple things:

    • Rearrange the order of commits by swapping the lines (in vim: d+d to copy, p to paste)
    • Delete a commit by removing the commit line
    • Replace the pick command (which does nothing) by other commands, like:
      • r or reword to edit the commit message
      • e or edit to stop for amending
      • s or squash to meld into previous commit (line above) and stop to edit the commit message
      • f or fixup to meld into previous commit (line above) and ignore that commit message
      • d or drop to remove the commit (same as removing the line

    When you save and exit the editor, Git rewinds you back to the last commit in that list and starts running the commands per commit, from the oldest commit to the more recent. If you stop at a commit to amend it with edit, follow the instructions above to amend/edit the latest commit (you can even create multiple commits). Once you are ready, continue the rebase with the command:

    git rebase --continue
    • How do I amend some code I already wrote to a previous comment?

      You have two possibilities:

      • If you have already committed that new code, you can place its line under the commit to amend in the interactive rebase, and change its command to s or f if you want to edit the initial commit message or not.

      • If you haven't committed your changes, you can either commit them and follow the instructions above, or stash them:

        git stash

        Then run the interactive rebase with e on the commit to amend. Once you stop at that commit, you can pop the changes from the stash, commit them, then continue:

        git stash pop
        git add .
        git commit --amend
        git rebase --continue
    • I have conflicts when rebasing or calling stash pop, what do I do?

      When you try to amend changes to a previous commit, it is necessary that no changes were made to that same chunk of code in between to avoid conflicts. If you end up having conflicts, there are two solutions:

      • Try fixing the conflicts by hand: if you have made small and concise commits, the conflicts should be easy to tackle. git status or git gui will show your were the conflicts are. You can use tools like the ones listed here to help you resolve those.

        Once you have resolved the conflicts, stage the final changes and continue the rebase. MAKE SURE NOT TO COMMIT!

        git add .
        git rebase --continue
      • If the conflicts are too complex to solve, you can abort the rebase at any time:

        git rebase --abort

        At that point, you can rethink your amending strategy based on the conflicts you discovered, and divide your recent changes in multiple commits to squash properly in a new interactive rebase attempt.

    • I messed up the rebase really bad without aborting, what do I do?

      • ONLY if everything you need is on your remote (you did not lose anything locally which would not be on the web), the easiest way is to do sync up from your remote repository:

        git fetch myremote
        git reset --hard myremote/branch-name
      • If not, reflog is a mechanism which records when the tip of branches are updated. It can be used to revert/access changes still in Git's storage.

        git reflog --all

        What this shows is a list of commits that Git still has in its storage. The first 7 characters are the beginning of the commit’s SHA1 hash, followed by the commit’s pointer, action, and message. You can see that not just commits are listed: switching branches, merges, rebases, and more are shown. The important part is the commit pointer and the SHA1: once you have that, you can do a git show to see the diff, or perhaps a checkout, cherry-pick, or merge depending on how you want to get the change back into your history. - Read the full article on for more information.

        TIP: You can also use the --all option to get more detailed information about different branches and even the stash


Coming soon!