RDF explorer is a Linked Data Frontend for SPARQL Endpoints
$ docker-compose build
Using docker-compose:
$ docker-compose up -d
Or you can only docker cmd:
docker run -d --name rdf_explorer -e "NODE_ENV=production" -p 7070:7070 kcapd/explorer
You should create a entry in the config. For example, this is the configuration for the mint endpoint:
"endpoints": {
"mint": {
"endpointQuery": "http://ontosoft.isi.edu:3030/ds/query",
"base": "https://w3id.org"
You can visit the webpage of a resource. For example, the resource PIHM of MINT Catalog http://<your_server>:<your_port>/mint/instance/PIHM
Or you can obtain the triples. For example, an execution of OPMW
$ curl -L -H "Accept: text/turtle" http://www.opmw.org/export/resource/WorkflowExecutionArtifact/Caesar_Cypher-1f-f788bcd8-75d9-4996-974d-ef6a442a36da_EncryptedDocument
The explorer supports;
- text/turtle
- application/ld+json
- application/rdf+xml
- application/n-triples