HamGeek POE Zigbee 3.0 Coordinator Router WiFi Zigbee Gateway for CC2652P #17360
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Did you need to flash any firmware to get it working? If so, can you advise which firmware you installed? |
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Hello, would like to share my experience: worked fine OOTB, but made the mistake of updating. Z2M started to lose conectivity to the device after some hours of usage. Tried everything with the ZigStar GW Multi Tool, was not able to finish flashing properly. Any ideas? |
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If any of you have the POE version, would you mind taking a picture of the inside - I want to see what POE module they are using. EDIT: By the pinout, I wonder if its the DP1435 module. |
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The gorogoo design is supposed to be a combination of the WT32-ETH01 and zigstar lilly, being all a single board (and can run the zigstar esp32 firmware), so maybe a clone, or an earlier revision? I did notice that on gorogoo's github, the non-poe version appears to be a different, smaller, form factor, and yours does appear to have the holes for a PoE module. Somewhat of a gamble when I bought mine, but it ticked all the boxes for what I was looking for, wasn't that expensive, and has a better fit and finish than I was expecting (case isn't 3d printed as an example). |
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Curious, what are the symptoms of these hangs? Not responding to the web UI, devices not updating/responding? I don't monitor mine all the time, but every time I've checked the web UI directly and in home assistant, everything seems to be working as expected. HA reports a current uptime of 13 days (I have the hub connected to the MQTT broker in the firmware to monitor it's stats) I'm running the v0.6.10 zigstar and CC1352P2_CC2652P_launchpad_coordinator_20230507. ZigStar was flashed from the web browser flasher (flashing it from the original firmware web UI page never worked right), and the coordinator using the ZigStar 0.3.5 multitool |
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This device indeed is clone, discussed with author of the board he admitted this and that he is using firmware for his "purposes". |
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Just received the POE 5V module and installed it in my unit. This is the module I ordered. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005177978012.html |
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G'day all, I have purchased a Hamgeek ZigBee Ethernet Gateway also to replace a SONOFF Zigbee USB Dongle. It has 2 dip switches, could someone please explain what they do and what setting they should be for a co-ordinator? Also, do people think it will be better than the Sonoff Dongle? Thanks in advance |
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Hello, My device is HamGeek Zigbee 3.0 PRO, POE Adapter. I tryed to upgrade firmware but at first time it was wrong and the device has stopped working. At present time I flashed ZigStarGW_v0.6.10.full.bin using NodeMCU-PyFlasher. Then I tried to use DTU-Config-Tool, but it doesn't connect by USB COM port. Please advise what to do? |
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I have two of these HamGeek POE devices and my experience has been mixed. In particular, although purchased months apart, both have the same IEEE primary address. This means that there can only be one on a zigbee network. I wanted to use one as coordinator and the second one as a router but this does not work as they have the same primary address. I do not believe they are zigbee compliant. I've used both as the coordinator and worked without a problem. One is the older (P2?) model and the second is the new P7 model. The Ethernet port on the first one broke after a PoE power cycle after a few months of use, hence I bought the second and planned to reuse the first one as a router. The documentation is poor to non existent. I got prompt support from corogoo who told me that the second one could be used as a router but it was much better to split the system into multiple coordinators. A very strange conversation, he seemed very evasive. I then realised that they both had the same IEEE primary address. I could get it on the network by assigning a secondary IEEE address to the older one (which the Zigstar software worked with) but the addressing just resulting in stage routing. So advertised as a router but without the important information that only one of these can be used on a network. I do not plan to buy another. I'll replace them with UZG-01 devices. |
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I've not had a problem getting it to work with Z2M. Perhaps you can describe your setup and what issue your having. Anyhow, it my setup I have the serial port set to: tcp://:6638 (insert your coordinator's IP address ). You will need to give your coordinator a static IP. |
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Finally got this device (P7) working with z2m! |
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@radioelf, @mrmaximas UZG released v.0.2.1 firmware today. Having no problems with my device I didn't flash it. But hope it'll be useful for you, maybe. |
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I'm using the Hamgeek via Ethernet. My web interface looks different than what I am seeing here and in videos of the Zigstar. Anyone know why? |
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Hey Team, running into a bit of an issue. I just tried to update to the latest Zigbee firmware and it seems to have bricked my device where its not recognised on the network when plugged in via Lan.
I tried the reset and nothing? Any other ideas? i tried flashing to esp zigbee and in the logs it says
So somehow i fooked the LAN on this?? NFI |
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@mercenaruss can you please sum up the differences between the HMG-01 and the UZG-01? Which one is to be preferred? |
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ich wollte nur ein kurzes Feedback geben.
Der HamGeek POE Zigbee 3.0 Coordinator Router WiFi Zigbee Gateway for CC2652P läuft einwandfrei mit Z2M.
Wäre gut ihn mit in die Liste aufzunemen.
Das Gateway ist bei Amazon schnell zu bekommen:
Github Link:
I just wanted to give a quick feedback.
The HamGeek POE Zigbee 3.0 Coordinator Router WiFi Zigbee Gateway for CC2652P runs flawlessly with Z2M.
Would be good to add him to the list.
The gateway can be obtained quickly from Amazon:
https://www.amazon.de/HamGeek-Coordinator-Gateway-CC2652P-Zigbee2mqtt-Black/dp/B0BMPVKT62/ref=sr_1_3?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95% C3%91&crid=2105BV491FJF3&keywords=zigbee+gateway+poe&qid=1681637068&s=ce-de&sprefix=zigbee+gateway+poe%2Celectronics%2C79&sr=1-3
Git hub link:
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