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Module Services

syl edited this page Oct 25, 2020 · 15 revisions

What is a service ?

Every service is an ECS system: they are refreshed every frame. Therefore it can be used to continually fetch data or process logic. Moreover, services can provide a set of utilities in order to help the developer.

Functional scheme

List of current services

Service name Description
mm2.service Allows you to communicate with the mm2 api. Stores coins informations and updates current balance
ip.checker.service Tells if your IP and country are authorized
internet.checker.service Checks your internet status
ohlc.provider Updates OHLC status
global.provider Fetches coins prices by using band.provider or coinpaprika.provider services
band.provider Uses Band protocol to fetch coin prices in fiat (not available for every coin)
coinpaprika.provider Uses coinpaprika to fetch coin prices in fiat
update.checker.service Checks if a new version of the API is available