1 |
| -name: Docker |
| 1 | +name: Package & Release |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 | # This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub.
4 | 4 | # They are provided by a third-party and are governed by
16 | 16 | env:
17 | 17 | # Use docker.io for Docker Hub if empty
18 | 18 | REGISTRY: ghcr.io
19 |
| - # github.repository as <account>/<repo> |
20 |
| - IMAGE_NAME: ${{ github.repository }} |
21 |
| - |
| 19 | + # Format as <account>/<repo> |
| 20 | + # Must be lower case for container tools to parse correctly |
| 21 | + IMAGE_NAME: kong/insomnia-mockbin |
| 22 | + HAS_ACCESS_TO_GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.repository_owner == 'Kong' }} |
| 23 | + # Local docker OCI archive name until the image is pushed to registry |
| 24 | + DOCKER_OCI_ARCHIVE: "docker-archive" |
| 25 | + # Always use Docker Hub for publishing image signatures |
| 26 | + ## docker.io/kong/notary - Use Public Notary repository for release image signatures |
| 27 | + ## docker.io/kong/notary-internal - Use Private Notary repository for internal image signatures |
| 28 | + NOTARY_REPOSITORY: ${{ github.ref_type == 'tag' || github.ref_name == 'master' && 'kong/notary' || 'kong/notary-internal' }} |
22 | 29 |
23 | 30 | jobs:
24 |
| - build: |
25 |
| - |
| 31 | + check: |
26 | 32 | runs-on: ubuntu-latest
27 | 33 | permissions:
28 | 34 | contents: read
29 |
| - packages: write |
30 |
| - # This is used to complete the identity challenge |
31 |
| - # with sigstore/fulcio when running outside of PRs. |
32 |
| - id-token: write |
33 |
| - |
| 35 | + packages: write |
34 | 36 | steps:
35 | 37 | - name: Checkout repository
36 | 38 | uses: actions/checkout@v3
37 | 39 |
38 |
| - # Install the cosign tool except on PR |
39 |
| - # https://github.com/sigstore/cosign-installer |
40 |
| - - name: Install cosign |
41 |
| - if: github.event_name != 'pull_request' |
42 |
| - uses: sigstore/cosign-installer@6e04d228eb30da1757ee4e1dd75a0ec73a653e06 #v3.1.1 |
| 40 | + # Perform SCA analysis for the code repository |
| 41 | + # Produces SBOM and CVE report |
| 42 | + # Helps understand vulnerabilities / license compliance across third party dependencies |
| 43 | + - id: sca-project |
| 44 | + uses: Kong/public-shared-actions/security-actions/sca@2f02738ecb1670f01391162e43fe3f5d4e7942a1 # v2.2.2 |
43 | 45 | with:
44 |
| - cosign-release: 'v2.1.1' |
| 46 | + dir: . |
| 47 | + upload-sbom-release-assets: true |
| 48 | + |
| 49 | + # Build docker images |
| 50 | + build-images: |
| 51 | + runs-on: ubuntu-latest |
| 52 | + permissions: |
| 53 | + contents: read |
| 54 | + packages: write |
| 55 | + needs: [check] |
| 56 | + outputs: |
| 57 | + image_tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }} |
| 58 | + image_tag_version: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.version }} |
| 59 | + steps: |
| 60 | + - name: Checkout repository |
| 61 | + uses: actions/checkout@v3 |
45 | 62 |
46 | 63 | # Set up BuildKit Docker container builder to be able to build
47 | 64 | # multi-platform images and export cache
48 | 65 | # https://github.com/docker/setup-buildx-action
49 | 66 | - name: Set up Docker Buildx
50 | 67 | uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@f95db51fddba0c2d1ec667646a06c2ce06100226 # v3.0.0
51 | 68 |
52 |
| - # Login against a Docker registry except on PR |
53 |
| - # https://github.com/docker/login-action |
54 |
| - - name: Log into registry ${{ env.REGISTRY }} |
55 |
| - if: github.event_name != 'pull_request' |
56 |
| - uses: docker/login-action@343f7c4344506bcbf9b4de18042ae17996df046d # v3.0.0 |
57 |
| - with: |
58 |
| - registry: ${{ env.REGISTRY }} |
59 |
| - username: ${{ github.actor }} |
60 |
| - password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} |
61 |
| - |
62 |
| - # Extract metadata (tags, labels) for Docker |
| 69 | + # Extract metadata (tags, labels) for Docker Image |
63 | 70 | # https://github.com/docker/metadata-action
64 | 71 | - name: Extract Docker metadata
65 | 72 | id: meta
| 73 | + env: |
66 | 75 | uses: docker/metadata-action@96383f45573cb7f253c731d3b3ab81c87ef81934 # v5.0.0
67 | 76 | with:
68 | 77 | images: ${{ env.REGISTRY }}/${{ env.IMAGE_NAME }}
| 78 | + sep-tags: "," |
69 | 79 |
70 |
| - # Build and push Docker image with Buildx (don't push on PR) |
| 80 | + # Build Docker image with Buildx (don't push on PR) |
71 | 81 | # https://github.com/docker/build-push-action
72 |
| - - name: Build and push Docker image |
| 82 | + - name: Build Docker image |
73 | 83 | id: build-and-push
74 | 84 | uses: docker/build-push-action@0565240e2d4ab88bba5387d719585280857ece09 # v5.0.0
75 | 85 | with:
76 | 86 | context: .
77 |
| - push: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }} |
| 87 | + push: false # only push after the image is scanned |
78 | 88 | tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }}
79 | 89 | labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.labels }}
80 | 90 | cache-from: type=gha
81 | 91 | cache-to: type=gha,mode=max
| 92 | + # these 2 options are needed so that the MediaType of the manifest is |
| 93 | + # OCI-compliant for other downstream integrations |
| 94 | + # see also: |
| 95 | + # - https://github.com/docker/buildx/issues/1507 |
| 96 | + # - https://github.com/docker/buildx/issues/1509#issuecomment-1378538197 |
| 97 | + provenance: false |
| 98 | + outputs: type=docker,dest=${{ env.DOCKER_OCI_ARCHIVE }}.tar,oci-mediatypes=true |
82 | 99 |
83 |
| - # Sign the resulting Docker image digest except on PRs. |
84 |
| - # This will only write to the public Rekor transparency log when the Docker |
85 |
| - # repository is public to avoid leaking data. If you would like to publish |
86 |
| - # transparency data even for private images, pass --force to cosign below. |
87 |
| - # https://github.com/sigstore/cosign |
88 |
| - - name: Sign the published Docker image |
89 |
| - if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }} |
90 |
| - env: |
91 |
| - # https://docs.github.com/en/actions/security-guides/security-hardening-for-github-actions#using-an-intermediate-environment-variable |
92 |
| - TAGS: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }} |
93 |
| - DIGEST: ${{ steps.build-and-push.outputs.digest }} |
94 |
| - # This step uses the identity token to provision an ephemeral certificate |
95 |
| - # against the sigstore community Fulcio instance. |
96 |
| - run: echo "${TAGS}" | xargs -I {} cosign sign --yes {}@${DIGEST} |
| 100 | + - name: Upload Docker OCI layout TAR Artifact |
| 101 | + uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 |
| 102 | + with: |
| 103 | + name: ${{ env.DOCKER_OCI_ARCHIVE }} |
| 104 | + path: ${{ env.DOCKER_OCI_ARCHIVE }}.tar |
| 105 | + if-no-files-found: error |
| 106 | + retention-days: 1 |
| 107 | + |
| 108 | + scan-images: |
| 109 | + runs-on: ubuntu-latest |
| 110 | + permissions: |
| 111 | + contents: read |
| 112 | + packages: write |
| 113 | + needs: [check, build-images] |
| 114 | + if: > |
| 115 | + github.repository_owner == 'Kong' |
| 116 | + && needs.build-images.result == 'success' |
| 117 | + steps: |
| 118 | + |
| 119 | + - name: Download OCI docker TAR artifact |
| 120 | + uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 |
| 121 | + with: |
| 122 | + name: ${{ env.DOCKER_OCI_ARCHIVE }} |
| 123 | + path: ${{ github.workspace }} |
| 124 | + - name: Load OCI docker TAR artifact |
| 125 | + run: | |
| 126 | + docker load -i ${{ github.workspace }}/${{ env.DOCKER_OCI_ARCHIVE }}.tar |
| 127 | + docker image ls |
| 128 | +
| 129 | + - name: Scan the docker OCI Tar ball |
| 130 | + id: sbom_action_amd64 |
| 131 | + uses: Kong/public-shared-actions/security-actions/scan-docker-image@2f02738ecb1670f01391162e43fe3f5d4e7942a1 # v2.2.2 |
| 132 | + with: |
| 133 | + asset_prefix: image-${{ env.IMAGE_NAME }}-amd64 |
| 134 | + image: ${{ env.DOCKER_OCI_ARCHIVE }}.tar |
| 135 | + upload-sbom-release-assets: true |
| 136 | + |
| 137 | + release-images: |
| 138 | + runs-on: ubuntu-latest |
| 139 | + permissions: |
| 140 | + contents: write |
| 141 | + packages: write # needed for publishing the images |
| 142 | + id-token: write # needed for keyless signing of the images |
| 143 | + needs: [check, build-images, scan-images] |
| 144 | + if: > |
| 145 | + github.repository_owner == 'Kong' |
| 146 | + && needs.scan-images.result == 'success' |
| 147 | + && github.event_name != 'pull_request' |
| 148 | + env: |
| 149 | + IMAGE_TAGS: ${{ needs.build-images.outputs.image_tags }} |
| 150 | + outputs: |
| 151 | + image_name: ${{ env.REGISTRY }}/${{ env.IMAGE_NAME }} |
| 152 | + image_manifest_sha: ${{ steps.image_manifest_metadata.outputs.image_manifest_sha }} |
| 153 | + notary_repository: ${{ env.NOTARY_REPOSITORY }} |
| 154 | + steps: |
| 155 | + |
| 156 | + - name: Download OCI docker TAR artifact |
| 157 | + uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 |
| 158 | + with: |
| 159 | + name: ${{ env.DOCKER_OCI_ARCHIVE }} |
| 160 | + path: ${{ github.workspace }} |
| 161 | + |
| 162 | + - name: Load OCI docker TAR artifact |
| 163 | + run: | |
| 164 | + docker load -i ${{ github.workspace }}/${{ env.DOCKER_OCI_ARCHIVE }}.tar |
| 165 | + docker image ls |
| 166 | +
| 167 | + # Login against a Docker registry except on PR |
| 168 | + # https://github.com/docker/login-action |
| 169 | + - name: Log into image registry ${{ env.REGISTRY }} |
| 170 | + uses: docker/login-action@343f7c4344506bcbf9b4de18042ae17996df046d # v3.0.0 |
| 171 | + with: |
| 172 | + registry: ${{ env.REGISTRY }} |
| 173 | + username: ${{ github.actor }} |
| 174 | + password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} |
| 175 | + |
| 176 | + - name: Push images to registry |
| 177 | + id: publish_images |
| 178 | + run: | |
| 179 | + for tag in ${IMAGE_TAGS//,/ }; do \ |
| 180 | + docker push $tag; \ |
| 181 | + done |
| 182 | +
| 183 | + # Setup regctl to parse platform specific image digest from image manifest |
| 184 | + - name: Install regctl |
| 185 | + uses: regclient/actions/regctl-installer@main |
| 186 | + |
| 187 | + # The image manifest digest/sha is generated only after the image is published to registry |
| 188 | + - name: Parse architecture specific digest from image manifest |
| 189 | + id: image_manifest_metadata |
| 190 | + run: | |
| 191 | + IMAGE=${{ env.REGISTRY }}/${{ env.IMAGE_NAME }}:${{ needs.build-images.outputs.IMAGE_TAG_VERSION }} |
| 192 | + sha="$(regctl image digest "${IMAGE}")" |
| 193 | + echo "sha=${sha}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT |
| 194 | +
| 195 | + # Signing images requires image manifest digest |
| 196 | + - name: Sign images |
| 197 | + id: sign_images |
| 198 | + if: ${{ steps.image_manifest_metadata.outputs.sha != '' }} |
| 199 | + uses: Kong/public-shared-actions/security-actions/sign-docker-image@2f02738ecb1670f01391162e43fe3f5d4e7942a1 # v2.2.2 |
| 200 | + with: |
| 201 | + image_digest: ${{ steps.image_manifest_metadata.outputs.sha }} |
| 202 | + tags: ${{ env.IMAGE_TAGS }} |
| 203 | + image_registry_domain: ghcr.io |
| 204 | + registry_username: ${{ github.actor }} |
| 205 | + registry_password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} |
| 206 | + # Optional: Central notary repository for image signatures |
| 207 | + # signature_registry_domain: docker.io |
| 208 | + # signature_registry_username: ${{ secrets.GHA_DOCKERHUB_PUSH_USER }} |
| 209 | + # signature_registry_password: ${{ secrets.GHA_DOCKERHUB_PUSH_TOKEN }} |
| 210 | + # signature_registry: ${{ env.NOTARY_REPOSITORY }} |
| 211 | + |
| 212 | + release-images-provenance: |
| 213 | + needs: ["check", "build-images", "scan-images", "release-images"] |
| 214 | + if: ${{ github.ref_type == 'tag' || (github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref_name == 'master') }} |
| 215 | + uses: slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator/.github/workflows/[email protected] |
| 216 | + permissions: |
| 217 | + contents: write |
| 218 | + id-token: write # For using token to sign images |
| 219 | + actions: read # For getting workflow run info to build provenance |
| 220 | + packages: write # Required for publishing provenance. Issue: https://github.com/slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator/tree/main/internal/builders/container#known-issues |
| 221 | + with: |
| 222 | + image: ${{ needs.release-images.outputs.image_name }} # Image repository without tag. Eg: kong/insomnia-mockbins |
| 223 | + digest: ${{ needs.release-images.outputs.image_manifest_sha }} # Image manifest digest for the published docker image/TAR |
| 224 | + #provenance-repository: ${{ needs.release-images.outputs.notary_repository }} |
| 225 | + secrets: |
| 226 | + registry-username: ${{ github.actor }} |
| 227 | + registry-password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} |
| 228 | + # provenance-registry-username: ${{ secrets.GHA_DOCKERHUB_PUSH_USER }} |
| 229 | + # provenance-registry-password: ${{ secrets.GHA_KONG_ORG_DOCKERHUB_PUSH_TOKEN }} |
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