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✒️ RNA Editing: A-to-I Edits Analysis using REDItools package

A-to-I base modification successfully generates RNA and Protein diversity in higher eukaryotes, selectively reshaping coding and non-coding sequences in nuclear transcripts. REDItools package provides important comparative insights into the location and distribution of A-to-I RNA editing sites in healthy and disease state human tissues.

⚙️Technologies & Tools

Anaconda GitHub Shell Script Linux Python

Installatoion of REDItools and the associated packages:

  • REDItools installation:

git clone REDItools

cd REDItools/
python install
  • Pblat version 0.6 and 0.7 installation:

git clone Pblat

cd pblat/
  • pysam version 0.17 installation:
pip install pysam==0.17
  • samtools version 1.9 installation:

wget samtools

tar -vxjf samtools-1.9.tar.bz2
cd samtools-1.9
  • bcftools version 1.9 installation:

wget bcftools

tar -vxjf bcftools-1.9.tar.bz2
cd bcftools-1.9
  • bedtools version 2.28.0 installation

wget bedtools

tar -zxvf bedtools-2.28.0.tar.gz
cd bedtools2

📁 Downloading and organizing required data

  • Index the reference genome for REDItools
~/Apps/samtools-1.9/samtools faidx ~/Ref/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa
  • Create the nochr file for REDItools
grep ">" ~/Ref/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa  | awk '{if (substr($1,1,3)==">GL") print $2}' > nochr1
  • Download and unzip hg38 RefSeq annotations in .bed format for strand detection
wget -c -O [RefSeq](
gunzip hg38.refGene.txt.gz
conda install -c bioconda ucsc-genepredtogtf
cut -f 2- hg38.refGene.txt | genePredToGtf -utr -source=hg38_refseq file stdin hg38-RefGene.gtf
sort -k1,1 -k4,4n hg38-RefGene.gtf > Sorted-hg38-RefGene.gtf
  • Prepare RepeatMasker annotations for REDItools
wget [rmsk](
awk '{OFS="\t"} {print $6,"rmsk_hg38",$12,$7+1,$8,".",$10,".","gene_id \""$11"\"; transcript_id \""$13"\";"}' rmsk.txt > rmsk38.gtf
sort -k1,1 -k4,4n rmsk38.gtf > rmsk38.sorted.gtf
bgzip rmsk38.sorted.gtf
tabix -p gff rmsk38.sorted.gtf.gz
  • Prepare dbSNP annotations for REDItools
wget [dbSNP](
awk '{OFS="\t"} {if ($11=="genomic" && $12=="single") print $2,"ucsc_snp151_hg38","snp",$4,$4,".",$7,".","gene_id \""$5"\"; transcript_id \""$5"\";"}' snp151.txt > snp151.gtf
sort -k1,1 -k4,4n snp151.gtf > snp151.sorted.gtf
bgzip snp151.sorted.gtf
tabix -p gff snp151.sorted.gtf.gz
  • Prepare REDIportal annotations for REDItools and extract recoding events
wget [REDIprotal](
tail -n +2 TABLE1_hg38.txt > TABLE1_hg38_without.txt
awk '{OFS="\t"} {sum+=1; print $1,"rediportal","ed",$2,$2,".",$5,".","gene_id \""sum"\"; transcript_id\""sum"\";"}' TABLE1_hg38_without.txt > atlas38.gtf
sort -V -k1,1 -k4,4n atlas38.gtf > sorted_atlas38.gtf
bgzip sorted_atlas38.gtf
tabix -p gff sorted_atlas38.gtf.gz
  • Prepare REDIportal annotations For
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n TABLE1_hg38_without.txt > sorted-TABLE1_hg38_without.txt
bgzip sorted-TABLE1_hg38_without.txt
  • Prepare splice sites annotations for REDItools
wget [GMAP-GSNAP](
tar -xvzf gmap-gsnap-2021-08-25.tar.gz
cd gmap-gsnap-2021-08-25
./configure --prefix ~/Apps
make check
make install
export PATH=~/Apps/gmap-gsnap-2021-08-25:$PATh
  • If you have a GTF file, you can use the included programs gtf_splicesites and gtf_introns like this:
cat <gtf file> | /gmap-2021-08-25/util/gtf_splicesites > foo.splicesites
cat <gtf file> | /gmap-2021-08-25/util/gtf_introns > foo.introns
mawk -F" " '{split($2,a,":"); split(a[2],b,"."); if (b[1]>b[3]) print a[1],b[3],b[1],toupper(substr($3,1,1)),"-"; else print a[1],b[1],b[3],toupper(substr($3,1,1)),"+"}' foo.splicesites >

🔎 RNA Editing Detection

1a. Detect known RNA edit sites 🔧

python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/main/ -i ../STAR_Alignment/*_marked_duplicates.bam -f ~/kosar/Ref/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa -o ./STARcheck -l

2a. Annotate positions using RepeatMasker and dbSNP annotations:

python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/accessory/ -a ../RMSK/rmsk38.sorted.gtf.gz -n rmsk -i outTable_443931662.out -o Table_443931662.rmsk -u

python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/accessory/ -a ../SNP151/snp151.sorted.gtf.gz -n snp151 -i Table_443931662.rmsk -o Table_443931662.rmsk.snp -u

3a. Create a first set of positions selecting sites supported by at least five RNAseq reads and a single mismatch:

python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/accessory/ -i Table_443931662.rmsk.snp -c 5 -v 1 -f 0.0 -o Table_443931662.rmsk.snp.sel1

4a. Create a second set of positions selecting sites supported by ≥10 RNAseq reads, three mismatches and minimum editing frequency of 0.1:

python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/accessory/ -i Table_443931662.rmsk.snp -c 10 -v 3 -f 0.1 -o Table_443931662.rmsk.snp.sel2

5a. Select ALU sites from the first set of positions:

awk '{FS="\t"} {if ($1!="chrM" && substr($11,1,3)=="Alu" && $12=="-"&& $8!="-") print}' Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.sel1 > Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.alu

6a. Select REP NON ALU sites from the second set of positions, excluding sites in Simple repeats or Low complexity regions:

awk '{FS="\t"} {if ($1!="chrM" && substr($11,1,3)!="Alu" && $10!="-" && $10!="Simple_repeat" && $10!="Low_complexity" && $12=="-" && $8!="-" && $9>=0.1) print}' Table_443931662.rmsk.snp.sel2 > Table_443931662.rmsk.snp.nonalu

7a. Select NON REP sites from the second set of positions:

awk 'BEGIN {FS="\t"} {if ($1!="chrM" && substr($11,1,3)!="Alu" && $10=="-" && $12=="-" && $8!="-" && $9>=0.1) print$0; next}' Table_443931662.rmsk.snp.sel2 > Table_443931662.rmsk.snp.nonrep

❗ Outputs from steps 5, 6, and 7 will have no header information. In order to add header to the columns use the command below:

head -1 Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.sel1 | cat - Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.alu > Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.alu.out
head -1 Table_443931662.rmsk.snp.sel2 | cat - Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.nonalu > Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.nonal.out
head -1 Table_443931662.rmsk.snp.sel2 | cat - Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.nonrep > Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.nonrep.out

8a. Annotate ALU, REP NON ALU and NON REP sites using known editing events from REDIportal:

❗ In case of any error You might need to change pysam version from 0.17 to 0.7.7

python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/accessory/ -a ../REDIPortal/sorted_atlas38.gtf.gz -n ed -k R -c 1 -i Table_443931662.rmsk.snp.alu.out -o Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.alu.ed -u

python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/accessory/ -a ../REDIPortal/sorted_atlas38.gtf.gz -n ed -k R -c 1 -i Table_443931662.rmsk.snp.nonalu.out -o Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.nonalu.ed -u

python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/accessory/ -a ../REDIPortal/sorted_atlas38.gtf.gz -n ed -k R -c 1 -i Table_443931662.rmsk.snp.nonrep.out -o Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.nonrep.ed -u

9a. Merging Known editing events from ALU, REP NON ALU and NON REP sites:

❗ It is based on your decision whether to merge the files for Differential Edit Analysis or do the analysis on each one of the outputs separately

cat Table_443931662.rmsk.snp.alu Table_443931662.rmsk.snp.nonalu Table_443931662.rmsk.snp.nonrep > Table_443931662.alu-nonalu-nonrep

10a. Annotating REDItool tables (Gene symbols)

python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/accessory/ -a .../Strand_detection/Sorted-hg38-RefGene.gtf.gz -i Table_443931662.alu-nonalu-nonrep -u -c 1,2 -n RefSeq -o Table_443931662.alu-nonalu-nonrep.txt

1b. Detect all potential DNA–RNA variants 🔧

python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/main/ -i ../STAR_Alignment/*_marked_duplicates.bam -j ../BWA-mem2_Alignment/*_marked_duplicates.bam -o NEW_RNAEdits_picard -f ~/Ref/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa -t10 -c1,1 -m30,255 -v1 -q30,30 -e -n0.0 -N0.0 -u -l -p -s2 -g2 -S

2b. Exclude invariant positions as well as positions not supported by ≥10 WGS reads:

awk '{FS="\t"} {if ($8!="-" && $10>=10 && $13=="-") print}' outTable_443931662 > outTable_443931662.out

3b. Annotate positions using RepeatMasker and dbSNP annotations:

python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/accessory/ -a ../RMSK/rmsk38.sorted.gtf.gz -n rmsk -i outTable_443931662.out -o Table_443931662.out.out.rmsk -u

python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/accessory/ -a ../SNP151/snp151.sorted.gtf.gz -n snp151 -i Table_443931662.out.out.rmsk -o Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp -u

4b. Create a first set of positions selecting sites supported by at least five RNAseq reads and a single mismatch:

python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/accessory/ -i Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp -c 5 -v 1 -f 0.0 -o Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.sel1

5b. Create a second set of positions selecting sites supported by ≥10 RNAseq reads, three mismatches and minimum editing frequency of 0.1:

python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/accessory/ -i Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp -c 10 -v 3 -f 0.1 -o Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.sel2

6b. Select ALU sites from the first set of positions:

awk '{FS="\t"} {if ($1!="chrM" && substr($16,1,3)=="Alu" && $17=="-"&& $8!="-" && $10>=10 && $13=="-") print}' Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.sel1 > Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.alu

7b. Select REP NON ALU sites from the second set of positions, excluding sites in Simple repeats or Low complexity regions:

awk '{FS="\t"} {if ($1!="chrM" && substr($16,1,3)!="Alu" && $15!="-" && $15!="Simple_repeat" && $15!="Low_complexity" && $17=="-" && $8!="-" && $10>=10 && $14<=0.05 && $9>=0.1) print}' Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.sel2 > Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.nonalu

8b. Select NON REP sites from the second set of positions:

awk '{FS="\t"} {if ($1!="chrM" && substr($16,1,3)!="Alu" && $15=="-" && $17=="-" && $8!="-" && $10>=10 && $14<=0.05 && $9>=0.1) print}' Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.sel2 > Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.nonrep

9b. Annotate ALU, REP NON ALU and NON REP sites using known editing events from REDIportal:

python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/accessory/ -a ../REDIPortal/sorted_atlas38.gtf.gz -n ed -k R -c 1 -i Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.alu -o Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.alu.ed -u

python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/accessory/ -a ../REDIPortal/sorted_atlas38.gtf.gz -n ed -k R -c 1 -i Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.nonalu -o Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.nonalu.ed -u

python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/accessory/ -a ../REDIPortal/sorted_atlas38.gtf.gz -n ed -k R -c 1 -i Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.nonrep -o Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.nonrep.ed -u

10b. Extract known editing events from ALU, REP NON ALU and NON REP sites:

mv Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.alu.ed alu
mv Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.nonalu.ed nonalu
mv Table_443931662.out.rmsk.snp.nonrep.ed nonrep
cat alu nonalu nonrep > alu-nonalu-nonrep
awk '{FS="\t"} {if ($19=="ed") print}' alu-nonalu-nonrep > knownEditing

11b. Convert editing candidates in REP NON ALU and NON REP sites in GFF format for further filtering:

cat nonalu nonrep > nonalu-nonrep
awk '{FS="\t"} {if ($19!="ed") print}' nonalu-nonrep > pos.txt
python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/accessory/ -i pos.txt -s -t -o pos.gff

12b. Convert editing candidates in ALU sites in GFF format for further filtering:

awk '{FS="\t"} {if ($19!="ed") print}' alu > posalu.txt
python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/accessory/ -i posalu.txt -s -t -o posalu.gff

13b. Launch on ALU sites using stringent criteria to recover potential editing candidates:

python2.7 ~/Apps/REDItools/main/ -s 2 -g 2 -S -t 4 -i ../STAR_Alignment/*_marked_duplicates.bam -f ~/Ref/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa -c 5,5 -q 30,30 -m255,255 -O 5,5 -p -u -a 11-6 -l -v 1 -n 0.0 -e -T *-posalu.sorted.gff.gz -w  ../Splicesites/ -k ../Genome_hg38/nochr -R -o firstalu

14b. Launch on REP NON ALU and NON REP sites using stringent criteria to recover RNAseq reads harboring reference mismatches:

python2.7 ~/Apps/REDItools/main/ -s 2 -g 2 -S -t 4 -i ../STAR_Alignment/*_marked_duplicates.bam -f ~/Ref/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa -c 10,10 -q 30,30 -m 255,255 -O 5,5 -p -u -a 11-6 -l -v 3 -n 0.1 -e -T *-pos.sorted.gff.gz -w ../Splicesites/mysplicesites.sss -k ../Genome_hg38/nochr --reads -R --addP -o first

15b. Launch pblat on RNAseq reads harboring reference mismatches from Step 22 and select multi-mapping reads:

~/Apps/pblat/pblat -t=dna -q=rna -stepSize=5 -repMatch=2253 -minScore=20 -minIdentity=0 ~/Ref/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa first/DnaRna_51144481/outReads_51144481 reads.psl
python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/accessory/ reads.psl badreads.txt

16b. Extract RNAseq reads harboring reference mismatches from Step 14 and remove duplicates:

sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -k3,3n first/DnaRna_51144481/outPosReads_51144481 | mergeBed > bed
~/Apps/samtools-1.9/samtools view -@ 4 -L bed -h -b ../STAR_Alignment/*_marked_duplicates.bam > *_bed.bam
~/Apps/samtools-1.9/samtools sort -@ 4 -n *_bed.bam -o *_bed_ns.bam
~/Apps/samtools-1.9/samtools fixmate -@ 4 -m *_bed_ns.bam *_bed_ns_fx.bam
~/Apps/samtools-1.9/samtools sort -@ 4 *_bed_ns_fx.bam -o *_bed_ns_fx_st.bam
~/Apps/samtools-1.9/samtools markdup -r -@ 4 *_bed_ns_fx_st.bam *_bed_dedup.bam
~/Apps/samtools-1.9/samtools index *_bed_dedup.bam

17b. Re-run on REP NON ALU and NON REP sites using stringent criteria, deduplicated reads and mis-mapping info:

❗ Our bam files does not have the indels info, so we need to remove --rmIndels from the command line.

python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/main/ -s 2 -g 2 -S -t 4 -i *_bed_dedup.bam -f ~/Ref/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa -c 10,10 -q 30,30 -m 255,255 -O 5,5 -p -u -a 11-6 -l -v 3 -n 0.1 -e -T *-pos.sorted.gff.gz -w ../Splicesites/ -R -k ../Genome_hg38/nochr -b *-badreads.txt --rmIndels -o second

18b. Collect filtered ALU, REP NON ALU and NON REP sites:

❗ Run the command in the directory which includes the outputs related to Second, firstalu and knownEditing per individual (sample).

python2 ~/Apps/REDItools/NPscripts/
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n editing.txt > editing_sorted.txt