thank you for taking the time on contributing on our project. Don't forget to read our code of conduct and license, to get to know better our project principles.
To make yourself confortable with the functions of our project, you can read the file with all the specifications. Consider that our contribution guideline are based on the GitHub docs contributing guide.
If you find any problem in our project you wanna work with, be sure there is no existent issue related to that problem. If there is no existent issue, create an issue in the repository.
If there is an existent issue, create a branch aiming at solving that issue. After following the workflow and opening a pull request, link the pull request to the issue.
- Fork the project.
- Create a Branch that specifically addresses the issue/problem you want to solve/work with.
If you find any element in our docs that must be improved such as erratas, style improvements, etc, you can propose an improved version.
Remember that our code is created following Object Oriented programming. Familiarize yourself with the existing code and propose improvements thinking of the already existing OOP.
When a change have been made to the code or to the documents, commit your changes with significant messages that allow to understand the change proposed.
IMPORTANT: If a change have been made to the code, don't forget to adjust the in-code documentation properly. This is important for a correct global documentation of the project.
Remember to check changes made on the main branch, which might put your working branch ahead. Don't forget to rebase your branch and keep it up to date.
When a change have been done and commited in a branch and you want to merge it into the main project. Create a pull request. You can read the following documentation on pull requests from forks.
Don't forget to link your pull request to the issue you are working on.
If the pull request meets sucesfully the conditions for the code, it will be merged to the main branch incorporating the feature changes proposed.
If there are comments related the solution you are proposing. We are going to note comments them in the issue in order to solve them. Only until all the
If you want to contact any of the main collaborators of the project, you can write an email to:
- Kshitij Kar - [email protected]
- Alejandra Camelo Cruz - [email protected]
- Bruk Asrat Tsega - [email protected]
- Leon Oparin - [email protected]
Institute for Informatics and Computational Science
University of Potsdam