- Index
- Basic Information
- The Instruction Format
- The Instruction Set and Their Assembly Equivalents
- The Registers and Their Assembly Equivalents
- The Flags and Their Assembly Equivalents
- Implementations of Operations
Desired clock frequency: 1 kHz (1000 Hz) Word Size: 4 bits (a nibble)
opcode - operand 1 / destination - operand 2
Examples in Sayman Assembly:
000000000000 = buffer acculumator 0 011100010010 = increment register1 2 001100100100 = or register2 4
0000 buffer 0001 not 0010 and 0011 or 0100 xor 0101 lshift 0110 rshift 0111 increment 1000 decrement 1001 add 1010 subtract 1011 multiply 1100 divide 1101 compare 1110 jump 1111 move
0000 accumulator 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111
0001 pcounter 0010 carry 0100 zero 1000 overflow
Let a and b be operand 1 and operand 2 respectively.
0000 buffer:
a bfr b
0001 not 0010 and 0011 or 0100 xor 0101 lshift 0110 rshift 0111 increment 1000 decrement 1001 add 1010 subtract 1011 multiply 1100 divide 1101 modulo 1110 jump 1111 move