description |
Upgrading from the deprecated Emulsify Pattern Lab |
- Disable old theme
- Rename old theme directory to something else (e.g.,
) and rename the old theme's info.yml file as well (e.g.,
) - Follow Drupal installation instructions (be sure and use your old name and machine name in the php script, e.g.,
php emulsify.php "THEME NAME" --machine-name THEME_NAME
- Replace contents of the new theme's
directory with your old theme'scomponents/_patterns
contents (if you don't want to have a lot of path changes you can keep them in the_patterns
subdirectory). Be sure and change any library paths in style.scss, like so:
// Old
@import "normalize";
@import "breakpoint-sass/stylesheets/breakpoint"
// New
@import "~normalize.css/normalize";
@import "~breakpoint-sass/stylesheets/breakpoint";
4. Move any static contents \(e.g., `images` directory\) into the new theme.
5. Copy over Drupal files \(you may need to fix paths later\):
6. Disable/uninstall/remove the unified\_twig\_extensions module, and enable the new [emulsify\_twig]( module.
7. Enable new theme in Drupal
8. Run `composer remove fourkitchens/emulsify`
9. Run `yarn develop` or `npm develop`.
- Move any custom references inside
(see Storybook docs for details) and fix any reference paths. An example of this might be as follows:
<!-- Old _00-head.twig -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../js/slick/slick.css?{{ cacheBuster }}" media="all" />
<script src="../../js/slick/slick.min.js"></script>
<!-- New preview-head.html -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../js/slick/slick.css?{{ cacheBuster }}" media="all" />
<script src="../js/slick/slick.min.js"></script>
To complete the step above, you would add this js
directory to the Storybook command in package.json like:
"storybook": "start-storybook -s ./dist, ./images, ./js -p 6006",
"build-storybook": "build-storybook -s ./dist, ./images, ./js -o .out",
2. You may need to copy over new Emulsify styles, e.g. for [the colors](
Storybook only loads the stories you tell it to, so you will need to create *.stories.js files. We have multiple examples in the new starter including ones using complex Twig includes, sharing data across components and using JavaScript (see usage details).
Data can still be handled via YML (preferred) or JSON files. However, you will need to handle any global data files differently (see usage instructions) as the new setup pays no attention automatically to the old /components/_data