From f91c81f291a6710864e27df1cab16e0394c97a99 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: elliotxx <> Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2024 20:44:20 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] docs: add more parameter in karpor chart document --- docs/karpor/1-getting-started/ | 3 +++ .../current/1-getting-started/ | 3 +++ 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+) diff --git a/docs/karpor/1-getting-started/ b/docs/karpor/1-getting-started/ index 055982b2..d52da689 100644 --- a/docs/karpor/1-getting-started/ +++ b/docs/karpor/1-getting-started/ @@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ The Karpor Server Component is main backend server. It itself is an `apiserver`, | server.port | int | `7443` | Port for karpor server. | | server.replicas | int | `1` | The number of karpor server pods to run. | | server.resources | object | `{"limits":{"cpu":"500m","ephemeral-storage":"10Gi","memory":"1Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"250m","ephemeral-storage":"2Gi","memory":"256Mi"}}` | Resource limits and requests for the karpor server pods. | +| server.serviceType | string | `"ClusterIP"` | Service type for the karpor server. The available type values list as ["ClusterIP"、"NodePort"、"LoadBalancer"]. | #### Karpor Syncer @@ -155,6 +156,8 @@ The ETCD Component is the storage of Karpor Server as `apiserver`. | etcd.image.repo | string | `""` | Repository for ETCD image. | | etcd.image.tag | string | `"v3.5.11"` | Specific tag for ETCD image. | | | string | `"etcd"` | Component name for ETCD. | +| etcd.persistence.accessModes[0] | string | `"ReadWriteOnce"` | | +| etcd.persistence.size | string | `"10Gi"` | | | etcd.port | int | `2379` | Port for ETCD. | | etcd.replicas | int | `1` | The number of etcd pods to run. | | etcd.resources | object | `{"limits":{"cpu":"500m","ephemeral-storage":"10Gi","memory":"1Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"250m","ephemeral-storage":"2Gi","memory":"256Mi"}}` | Resource limits and requests for the karpor etcd pods. | diff --git a/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-karpor/current/1-getting-started/ b/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-karpor/current/1-getting-started/ index 2de5eada..3a7509ab 100644 --- a/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-karpor/current/1-getting-started/ +++ b/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-karpor/current/1-getting-started/ @@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ Karpor Server 组件是主要的后端服务。它本身就是一个 `apiserver` | server.port | int | `7443` | Karpor Server 的端口 | | server.replicas | int | `1` | 要运行的 Karpor Server pod 的数量 | | server.resources | object | `{"limits":{"cpu":"500m","ephemeral-storage":"10Gi","memory":"1Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"250m","ephemeral-storage":"2Gi","memory":"256Mi"}}` | Karpor Server pod 的资源规格 | +| server.serviceType | string | `"ClusterIP"` | Karpor Server 的服务类型,可用的值为 ["ClusterIP"、"NodePort"、"LoadBalancer"] | #### Karpor Syncer @@ -155,6 +156,8 @@ ETCD 组件是 Karpor Server 作为 `apiserver` 背后的存储。 | etcd.image.repo | string | `""` | ETCD 镜像的仓库 | | etcd.image.tag | string | `"v3.5.11"` | ETCD 镜像的标签 | | | string | `"etcd"` | ETCD 的组件名称 | +| etcd.persistence.accessModes[0] | string | `"ReadWriteOnce"` | | +| etcd.persistence.size | string | `"10Gi"` | | | etcd.port | int | `2379` | ETCD 的端口 | | etcd.replicas | int | `1` | 要运行的 etcd pod 的数量 | | etcd.resources | object | `{"limits":{"cpu":"500m","ephemeral-storage":"10Gi","memory":"1Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"250m","ephemeral-storage":"2Gi","memory":"256Mi"}}` | karpor etcd pod 的资源规格 |