Thank you for your interest in contributing to this project! Any help is always appreciated.
The primary mechanism that this project uses to incorporate contributions is through forks and pull-requests.
If you are looking for some place where your help is needed, please check the repository issues and the project's backlog.
When submitting pull requests, please be sure to link any issues that your request resolves so that they are closed when your PR is merged in. Do note that I maintain this project in my spare time between my many other commitments, so don't take it personally if it takes me a while to get to reviewing and testing your pull request! Your contributions are greatly appreciated.
If you are interested in assisting with anything in the version 1.0 roadmap, stay tuned for guidelines on how to proceed with these contributions. Feel free to start making changes, but be prepared to reformat/update your codebase before your PR will be merged. If all you have to contribute is information that would assist in accomplishing any goal or feature on the roadmap, feel free to create an issue and share your insights there.