diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
index befa1f3d..ade95aa4 100644
--- a/.circleci/config.yml
+++ b/.circleci/config.yml
@@ -2,30 +2,46 @@ version: 2
- - image: circleci/python:3.8.5-buster
+ - image: cimg/base:current-22.04
# Get our data and merge with upstream
- checkout
- - run: echo $(git log -1 --pretty=%B) | tee gitlog.txt
- - run: echo ${CI_PULL_REQUEST//*pull\//} | tee merge.txt
- - run: sudo apt update
- - run: sudo apt install libglu1-mesa ffmpeg
- run:
- command: |
- if [[ $(cat merge.txt) != "" ]]; then
- echo "Merging $(cat merge.txt)";
- git pull --ff-only origin "refs/pull/$(cat merge.txt)/merge";
- fi
- - run: echo "export DISPLAY=:99" >> $BASH_ENV
- - run: echo "export _EXPYFUN_SILENT=true" >> $BASH_ENV
- - run: echo "export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH" >> $BASH_ENV
- - run: echo "export SOUND_CARD_BACKEND=pyglet >> $BASH_ENV" # rtmixer needs pulse, which is a huge pain to get running on CircleCI
- - run: /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /tmp/custom_xvfb_99.pid --make-pidfile --background --exec /usr/bin/Xvfb -- :99 -screen 0 1400x900x24 -ac +extension GLX +render -noreset;
- - run: pip install --quiet --upgrade --user pip
- - run: pip install --quiet --upgrade --user numpy scipy matplotlib sphinx pillow pandas h5py mne pyglet psutil sphinx_bootstrap_theme sphinx_fontawesome numpydoc https://api.github.com/repos/sphinx-gallery/sphinx-gallery/zipball/master
+ name: Merge
+ command: |
+ set -eo pipefail
+ echo $(git log -1 --pretty=%B) | tee gitlog.txt
+ echo ${CI_PULL_REQUEST//*pull\//} | tee merge.txt
+ if [[ $(cat merge.txt) != "" ]]; then
+ echo "Merging $(cat merge.txt)";
+ git pull --ff-only origin "refs/pull/$(cat merge.txt)/merge";
+ fi
+ - run:
+ name: Prep env
+ command: |
+ set -eo pipefail
+ echo "set -eo pipefail" >> $BASH_ENV
+ sudo apt update
+ sudo apt install libglu1-mesa python3.10-venv python3-venv libxft2 ffmpeg ffmpeg xvfb
+ /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /tmp/custom_xvfb_99.pid --make-pidfile --background --exec /usr/bin/Xvfb -- :99 -screen 0 1400x900x24 -ac +extension GLX +render -noreset
+ python3.10 -m venv ~/python_env
+ echo "export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH" >> $BASH_ENV
+ echo "export SOUND_CARD_BACKEND=pyglet >> $BASH_ENV" # rtmixer needs pulse, which is a huge pain to get running on CircleCI
+ echo "export OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=4" >> $BASH_ENV
+ echo "export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/runtime-circleci" >> $BASH_ENV
+ echo "export PATH=~/.local/bin/:$PATH" >> $BASH_ENV
+ echo "export DISPLAY=:99" >> $BASH_ENV
+ echo "export _EXPYFUN_SILENT=true" >> $BASH_ENV
+ echo "source ~/python_env/bin/activate" >> $BASH_ENV
+ mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
+ ln -s ~/python_env/bin/python ~/.local/bin/python
+ echo "BASH_ENV:"
+ cat $BASH_ENV
+ - run: pip install --quiet --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
+ - run: pip install --quiet --upgrade numpy scipy matplotlib sphinx pandas h5py mne "pyglet<2.0" psutil pydata-sphinx-theme numpydoc git+https://github.com/sphinx-gallery/sphinx-gallery
+ - run: python -m pip install -ve .
- run: python -c "import mne; mne.sys_info()"
- run: python -c "import pyglet; print(pyglet.version)"
- - run: python setup.py develop --user
- run: cd doc && make html
- store_artifacts:
@@ -44,7 +60,7 @@ jobs:
- add_ssh_keys:
- - d4:4f:25:af:ed:5f:61:01:dc:b6:3a:9e:b5:d6:8d:d1
+ - "25:b7:f2:bf:d7:38:6d:b6:c7:78:41:05:01:f8:41:7b"
- attach_workspace:
at: /tmp/_build
- run:
diff --git a/.coveragerc b/.coveragerc
index 7978105a..9a1bf336 100644
--- a/.coveragerc
+++ b/.coveragerc
@@ -5,4 +5,3 @@ include = */expyfun/*
omit =
- */expyfun/_externals/*
diff --git a/.git-blame-ignore-revs b/.git-blame-ignore-revs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32db017b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.git-blame-ignore-revs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+c7c1b18440968e2def388dff25118e13fe3c3b9a # ruff format
diff --git a/.github/dependabot.yml b/.github/dependabot.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d57929b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/dependabot.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+version: 2
+ - package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
+ directory: "/"
+ schedule:
+ interval: "monthly"
+ groups:
+ actions:
+ patterns:
+ - "*"
diff --git a/.github/release.yml b/.github/release.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d1e0987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/release.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ exclude:
+ authors:
+ - dependabot
+ - pre-commit-ci
diff --git a/.github/workflows/circle_artifacts.yml b/.github/workflows/circle_artifacts.yml
index e0294320..1026bc29 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/circle_artifacts.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/circle_artifacts.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
-on: [status]
+on: [status] # yamllint disable-line rule:truthy
+ if: "${{ startsWith(github.event.context, 'ci/circleci: build_docs') }}"
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
name: Run CircleCI artifacts redirector
- name: GitHub Action step
- uses: larsoner/circleci-artifacts-redirector-action@master
+ uses: scientific-python/circleci-artifacts-redirector-action@master
repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ api-token: ${{ secrets.CIRCLECI_TOKEN }}
artifact-path: 0/html/index.html
circleci-jobs: build_docs
+ job-title: Check the rendered docs here!
diff --git a/.github/workflows/codespell_and_flake.yml b/.github/workflows/codespell_and_flake.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a96ab6a0..00000000
--- a/.github/workflows/codespell_and_flake.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-name: 'codespell_and_flake'
- group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.number }}-${{ github.event.ref }}
- cancel-in-progress: true
- push:
- branches:
- - '*'
- pull_request:
- branches:
- - '*'
- style:
- runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- env:
- CODESPELL_DIRS: 'expyfun/ doc/ examples/'
- CODESPELL_SKIPS: '*.log,*.doctree,*.pickle,*.png,*.js,*.html,*.orig'
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
- with:
- python-version: '3.9'
- architecture: 'x64'
- - run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
- python -m pip install flake8 pydocstyle check-manifest numpy
- name: 'Install dependencies'
- - uses: rbialon/flake8-annotations@v1
- name: 'Setup flake8 annotations'
- - run: make flake
- - run: make docstyle
- - run: make check-manifest
- - uses: GuillaumeFavelier/actions-codespell@feat/quiet_level
- with:
- path: ${{ env.CODESPELL_DIRS }}
- skip: ${{ env.CODESPELL_SKIPS }}
- quiet_level: '3'
- builtin: 'clear,rare,informal,names'
- ignore_words_file: 'ignore_words.txt'
- name: 'make codespell-error'
diff --git a/.github/workflows/compat_old.yml b/.github/workflows/compat_old.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 66817b24..00000000
--- a/.github/workflows/compat_old.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-name: 'compat'
- group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.number }}-${{ github.event.ref }}
- cancel-in-progress: true
- push:
- branches:
- - '*'
- pull_request:
- branches:
- - '*'
- job:
- name: conda ${{ matrix.python }}
- runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- defaults:
- run:
- shell: bash -el {0}
- strategy:
- matrix:
- python: ['3.7']
- env:
- DISPLAY: ':99.0'
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Checkout
- - run: /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /tmp/custom_xvfb_99.pid --make-pidfile --background --exec /usr/bin/Xvfb -- :99 -screen 0 1400x900x24 -ac +extension GLX +render -noreset
- name: Start Xvfb
- - run: sudo apt update -q && sudo apt install -q libglu1-mesa
- name: Install system dependencies
- - uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2
- with:
- activate-environment: 'test'
- python-version: ${{ matrix.python }}
- environment-file: 'environment_test.yml'
- name: 'Setup conda'
- - run: |
- set -e
- conda remove -n test pandas h5py
- pip install sounddevice rtmixer "pyglet<1.4"
- name: Dependencies
- - run: git clone --depth=1 git://github.com/LABSN/sound-ci-helpers.git && sound-ci-helpers/auto.sh
- name: Get sound working
- - run: python -m sounddevice
- name: List sound devices
- - run: python -c "import pyglet; print(pyglet.version)"
- name: Print Pyglet version
- - run: python -c "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt"
- name: Make sure matplotlib works
- - run: python setup.py develop
- name: Install
- - run: pytest --tb=short --cov=expyfun --cov-report=xml expyfun
- name: Pytest
- - uses: codecov/codecov-action@v1
- if: success()
- name: 'Codecov'
diff --git a/.github/workflows/linux.yml b/.github/workflows/linux.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index d5cbb604..00000000
--- a/.github/workflows/linux.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-name: 'linux'
- group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.number }}-${{ github.event.ref }}
- cancel-in-progress: true
- push:
- branches:
- - '*'
- pull_request:
- branches:
- - '*'
- job:
- name: pip ${{ matrix.python }}
- runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- defaults:
- run:
- shell: bash -el {0}
- strategy:
- matrix:
- python: ['3.10']
- env:
- DISPLAY: ':99.0'
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Checkout
- - run: /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /tmp/custom_xvfb_99.pid --make-pidfile --background --exec /usr/bin/Xvfb -- :99 -screen 0 1400x900x24 -ac +extension GLX +render -noreset
- name: Start Xvfb
- - run: sudo apt update -q && sudo apt install -q libavutil56 libavcodec58 libavformat58 libswscale5 libglu1-mesa gstreamer1.0-alsa gstreamer1.0-libav python3-gst-1.0
- name: Install system dependencies
- - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
- with:
- python-version: ${{ matrix.PYTHON_VERSION }}
- name: 'Setup python'
- - run: pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
- name: Upgrade pip
- - run: pip install --upgrade sounddevice rtmixer "pyglet<1.6" pyglet_ffmpeg scipy matplotlib pandas h5py coverage mne numpydoc pytest pytest-cov pytest-timeout pillow joblib codecov
- name: Dependencies
- - run: git clone --depth=1 git://github.com/LABSN/sound-ci-helpers.git && sound-ci-helpers/auto.sh
- name: Get sound working
- - run: python -m sounddevice
- name: List sound devices
- - run: python -c "import pyglet; print(pyglet.version)"
- name: Print Pyglet version
- - run: python -c "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt"
- name: Make sure matplotlib works
- - run: pip install -ve .
- name: Install
- - run: python -c "import expyfun; expyfun._utils._has_video(raise_error=True)"
- name: Check video
- - run: pytest --tb=short --cov=expyfun --cov-report=xml expyfun
- name: Pytest
- - uses: codecov/codecov-action@v1
- if: success()
- name: Codecov
diff --git a/.github/workflows/macos_conda.yml b/.github/workflows/macos_conda.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 16a8039a..00000000
--- a/.github/workflows/macos_conda.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-name: 'macos'
- group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.number }}-${{ github.event.ref }}
- cancel-in-progress: true
- push:
- branches:
- - '*'
- pull_request:
- branches:
- - '*'
- job:
- name: conda ${{ matrix.python }}
- runs-on: macos-latest
- strategy:
- matrix:
- python: ['3.10']
- defaults:
- run:
- shell: bash -el {0}
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2
- with:
- activate-environment: 'test'
- python-version: ${{ matrix.python }}
- environment-file: 'environment_test.yml'
- name: 'Setup conda'
- - run: pip install sounddevice rtmixer "pyglet<1.6"
- - run: git clone --depth=1 git://github.com/LABSN/sound-ci-helpers.git && sound-ci-helpers/auto.sh
- name: Get sound working
- - run: python -m sounddevice
- - run: python -c "import pyglet; print(pyglet.version)"
- - run: python -c "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt"
- - run: pip install -ve .
- - run: python -c "import expyfun; expyfun._utils._has_video(raise_error=True)"
- - run: pytest --tb=short --cov=expyfun --cov-report=xml expyfun
- - uses: codecov/codecov-action@v1
- if: success()
- name: 'Codecov'
diff --git a/.github/workflows/tests.yml b/.github/workflows/tests.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a684dc71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/tests.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+name: 'tests'
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.number }}-${{ github.event.ref }}
+ cancel-in-progress: true
+on: # yamllint disable-line rule:truthy
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - '*'
+ pull_request:
+ branches:
+ - '*'
+ job:
+ name: ${{ matrix.os }} ${{ matrix.kind }}
+ continue-on-error: true
+ runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
+ defaults:
+ run:
+ shell: bash -el {0}
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ include:
+ # 24.04 works except for the video test, even though it works locally on 24.10
+ - os: ubuntu-22.04
+ kind: pip
+ python: '3.12'
+ # ARM64 will probably need to wait until
+ # - os: 'macos-latest' # arm64
+ # kind: 'conda'
+ # python: '3.12'
+ - os: 'macos-13' # intel
+ kind: 'conda'
+ python: '3.12'
+ # TODO: There is a bug on Python 3.12 on Windows :(
+ - os: 'windows-latest'
+ kind: 'pip'
+ python: '3.11'
+ - os: 'ubuntu-20.04'
+ kind: 'old'
+ python: '3.8'
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: LABSN/sound-ci-helpers@v1
+ - uses: pyvista/setup-headless-display-action@main
+ with:
+ qt: true
+ pyvista: false
+ # Use -dev here just to get whichever version is right (e.g., 22.04 has a different version from 24.04)
+ - run: sudo apt install -q libavutil-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libglu1-mesa gstreamer1.0-alsa gstreamer1.0-libav
+ if: ${{ startsWith(matrix.os, 'ubuntu') }}
+ - run: powershell tools/get_video.ps1
+ if: ${{ startsWith(matrix.os, 'windows') }}
+ - run: |
+ set -xeo pipefail
+ if [[ "${{ runner.os }}" == "Windows" ]]; then
+ echo "Setting env vars for Windows"
+ echo "SOUND_CARD_BACKEND=rtmixer" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ echo "SOUND_CARD_NAME=Speakers" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ echo "SOUND_CARD_FS=48000" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ elif [[ "${{ runner.os }}" == "Linux" ]]; then
+ echo "Setting env vars for Linux"
+ echo "_EXPYFUN_SILENT=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ elif [[ "${{ runner.os }}" == "macOS" ]]; then
+ echo "Setting env vars for macOS"
+ fi
+ name: Set env vars
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v5
+ with:
+ python-version: ${{ matrix.python }}
+ if: matrix.kind != 'conda'
+ - uses: mamba-org/setup-micromamba@v1
+ with:
+ environment-file: 'environment_test.yml'
+ create-args: python=${{ matrix.python }}
+ init-shell: bash
+ if: matrix.kind == 'conda'
+ # Pyglet pin: https://github.com/pyglet/pyglet/issues/1089 (and need OpenGL2 compat for Pyglet>=2, too)
+ - run: python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel sounddevice "pyglet<1.5.28"
+ - run: python -m pip install --upgrade --only-binary="rtmixer,scipy,matplotlib,pandas,numpy" rtmixer pyglet-ffmpeg scipy matplotlib pandas h5py mne numpydoc pillow joblib
+ if: matrix.kind == 'pip'
+ # arm64 has issues with rtmixer / PortAudio
+ - run: python -m pip install --only-binary="rtmixer" rtmixer
+ if: matrix.kind == 'conda' && matrix.os != 'macos-latest'
+ - run: python -m pip install --only-binary="rtmixer,numpy,scipy,matplotlib" rtmixer "pyglet<1.4" numpy scipy matplotlib "pillow<8"
+ if: matrix.kind == 'old'
+ - run: python -m pip install tdtpy
+ if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'windows')
+ - run: python -m sounddevice
+ - run: |
+ set -o pipefail
+ python -m sounddevice | grep "[82] out"
+ name: Check that there is some output device
+ - run: python -c "import pyglet; print(pyglet.version)"
+ - run: python -c "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt"
+ - run: pip install -ve .[test]
+ # Video hangs on macOS arm64, not sure why
+ - run: python -c "import expyfun; expyfun._utils._has_video(raise_error=True)"
+ if: matrix.kind != 'old' && matrix.os != 'macos-latest'
+ - run: pytest expyfun --cov-report=xml --cov=expyfun
+ - uses: codecov/codecov-action@v4
+ with:
+ token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}
+ if: always()
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 128a90ef..0961ef97 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
# C extensions
diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c5c3232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ # Ruff mne
+ - repo: https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit
+ rev: v0.3.7
+ hooks:
+ - id: ruff
+ name: ruff lint expyfun
+ args: ["--fix"]
+ files: ^expyfun/
+ - id: ruff
+ name: ruff lint doc and examples
+ # D103: missing docstring in public function
+ # D400: docstring first line must end with period
+ args: ["--ignore=D103,D400", "--fix"]
+ files: ^doc/|^examples/
+ - id: ruff-format
+ files: ^expyfun/|^doc/|^examples/
+ # Codespell
+ - repo: https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell
+ rev: v2.2.6
+ hooks:
+ - id: codespell
+ additional_dependencies:
+ - tomli
+ files: ^expyfun/|^doc/|^examples/
+ types_or: [python, bib, rst, inc]
+ # yamllint
+ - repo: https://github.com/adrienverge/yamllint.git
+ rev: v1.35.1
+ hooks:
+ - id: yamllint
+ args: [--strict, -c, .yamllint.yml]
+ # rstcheck
+ - repo: https://github.com/rstcheck/rstcheck.git
+ rev: v6.2.0
+ hooks:
+ - id: rstcheck
+ additional_dependencies:
+ - tomli
+ files: ^doc/.*\.(rst|inc)$
diff --git a/.yamllint.yml b/.yamllint.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f54915d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.yamllint.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+extends: default
+ignore: |
+ .github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml
+ line-length: disable
+ document-start: disable
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index e0e8ff96..7f7f4c2f 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ recursive-include expyfun/data *
### Exclude
-exclude make
+exclude tools
exclude doc
exclude .circleci
exclude Makefile
@@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ exclude .mailmap
recursive-exclude expyfun *.pyc
recursive-exclude doc *
-recursive-exclude make *
+recursive-exclude tools *
recursive-exclude examples *.tab
recursive-exclude .circleci *
diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cabffdf..00000000
--- a/appveyor.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- matrix:
- - PYTHON: "C:\\Python37-x64"
- -x64
- - "SET PATH=%PYTHON%;%PYTHON%\\Scripts;%PATH%"
- - "python --version"
- - "pip install -q numpy scipy matplotlib coverage setuptools h5py pandas pytest pytest-cov pytest-timeout pytest-xdist codecov \"pyglet!=1.5.16\" mne tdtpy joblib numpydoc pillow"
- - "python -c \"import mne; mne.sys_info()\""
- - "python -c \"import pyglet; print(pyglet.version)\""
- # Get a virtual sound card / VBAudioVACWDM device
- - "git clone --depth 1 git://github.com/LABSN/sound-ci-helpers.git"
- - "powershell sound-ci-helpers/windows/setup_sound.ps1"
- - "pip install rtmixer"
- - "python -m sounddevice"
- # OpenGL (should provide a Gallium driver)
- - "git clone --depth 1 git://github.com/pyvista/gl-ci-helpers.git"
- - "powershell gl-ci-helpers/appveyor/install_opengl.ps1"
- - "python -c \"import pyglet; r = pyglet.gl.gl_info.get_renderer(); print(r); assert 'gallium' in r.lower()\""
- # expyfun
- - "powershell make/get_video.ps1"
- - "python setup.py develop"
-build: false # Not a C# project, build stuff at the test step instead.
- # Ensure that video works
- - "python -c \"from ctypes import cdll; print(cdll.LoadLibrary('avcodec-58'))\""
- - "python -c \"from ctypes import cdll; print(cdll.LoadLibrary('avformat-58'))\""
- - "python -c \"import expyfun; assert expyfun._utils._has_video(raise_error=True)\""
- # Run the project tests
- - "pytest -n 1 --tb=short --cov=expyfun expyfun"
- - "codecov"
diff --git a/azure-pipelines.yml b/azure-pipelines.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0182c3ed..00000000
--- a/azure-pipelines.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
- # start a new build for every push
- batch: False
- branches:
- include:
- - main
-- stage: Check
- jobs:
- - job: Skip
- pool:
- vmImage: 'ubuntu-18.04'
- variables:
- RET: 'true'
- steps:
- - bash: |
- git_log=`git log --max-count=1 --skip=1 --pretty=format:"%s"`
- echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=log]$git_log"
- - bash: echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=RET]false"
- condition: or(contains(variables.log, '[skip azp]'), contains(variables.log, '[azp skip]'), contains(variables.log, '[skip ci]'), contains(variables.log, '[ci skip]'))
- - bash: echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=start_main;isOutput=true]$RET"
- name: result
-- stage: Main
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.Check.outputs['Skip.result.start_main'], 'true'))
- dependsOn: Check
- variables:
- AZURE_CI: 'true'
- jobs:
- - job: Windows
- pool:
- vmIMage: 'windows-latest'
- variables:
- MNE_LOGGING_LEVEL: 'warning'
- SOUND_CARD_NAME: 'Speakers'
- SOUND_CARD_FS: '44100'
- strategy:
- maxParallel: 4
- matrix:
- Python37:
- Python39:
- steps:
- - task: UsePythonVersion@0
- inputs:
- versionSpec: $(PYTHON_VERSION)
- architecture: 'x64'
- addToPath: true
- - script: echo "##vso[task.prependpath]C:\Users\VssAdministrator\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\pywin32_system32;"
- displayName: Add local bin to PATH
- condition: in(variables['PYTHON_VERSION'], '3.9')
- - bash: |
- set -e
- pip install --user --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
- pip install --user --upgrade numpy scipy matplotlib
- if [[ "$PYTHON_VERSION" == "3.9" ]]; then
- # Until https://github.com/pyglet/pyglet/pull/516 is reverted or fixed, we need to use an older one
- pip install --user --upgrade https://github.com/pyglet/pyglet/zipball/pyglet-1.5-maintenance
- else
- pip install --user --upgrade "pyglet!=1.5.16"
- fi
- pip install --user -q coverage setuptools h5py pandas pytest pytest-cov pytest-timeout codecov pyglet-ffmpeg mne tdtpy joblib numpydoc pillow
- python -c "import mne; mne.sys_info()"
- python -c "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt"
- python -c "import pyglet; print(pyglet.version)"
- python -c "import tdt; print(tdt.__version__)"
- displayName: 'Install pip dependencies'
- - bash: |
- set -e
- git clone --depth 1 git://github.com/LABSN/sound-ci-helpers.git
- sound-ci-helpers/auto.sh
- pip install -q --user rtmixer
- python -m sounddevice
- displayName: 'Install rtmixer'
- - bash: |
- set -e
- git clone --depth 1 git://github.com/pyvista/gl-ci-helpers.git
- powershell gl-ci-helpers/appveyor/install_opengl.ps1
- python -c "import pyglet; r = pyglet.gl.gl_info.get_renderer(); print(r); assert 'gallium' in r.lower()"
- displayName: 'Get OpenGL'
- - powershell: |
- powershell make/get_video.ps1
- displayName: 'Get video support'
- - powershell: |
- python -c "from ctypes import cdll; print(cdll.LoadLibrary('avcodec-58'))"
- displayName: 'Check avcodec'
- - powershell: |
- python -c "import expyfun; expyfun._utils._has_video(raise_error=True)"
- displayName: 'Check video support'
- - bash: |
- python setup.py develop
- displayName: 'Install'
- - bash: |
- pytest --tb=short --cov=expyfun expyfun
- displayName: 'Run tests'
- - bash: |
- displayName: 'Codecov'
- env:
- condition: always()
- - task: PublishTestResults@2
- inputs:
- testResultsFiles: 'junit-*.xml'
- testRunTitle: 'Publish test results for Python $(python.version)'
- condition: always()
diff --git a/codecov.yml b/codecov.yml
index a011f80f..408f379c 100644
--- a/codecov.yml
+++ b/codecov.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ github_checks: # too noisy, even though "a" interactively disables them
- require_ci_to_pass: no
+ require_ci_to_pass: false
diff --git a/doc/_static/font-awesome.css b/doc/_static/font-awesome.css
deleted file mode 100644
index c1ecf734..00000000
--- a/doc/_static/font-awesome.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2337 +0,0 @@
- * Font Awesome 4.7.0 by @davegandy - http://fontawesome.io - @fontawesome
- * License - http://fontawesome.io/license (Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License)
- */
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index e4adacd5..fe474401 100644
--- a/doc/_templates/autosummary/class.rst
+++ b/doc/_templates/autosummary/class.rst
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-{{ fullname }}
-{{ underline }}
+{{ fullname | escape | underline }}
.. currentmodule:: {{ module }}
.. autoclass:: {{ objname }}
- :special-members: __contains__,__getitem__,__iter__,__len__,__add__,__sub__,__mul__,__div__,__neg__,__hash__
+ :special-members: __contains__,__getitem__,__iter__,__len__,__add__,__sub__,__mul__,__div__,__neg__
+ :members:
- {% block methods %}
- {% endblock %}
+.. _sphx_glr_backreferences_{{ fullname }}:
-.. include:: {{module}}.{{objname}}.examples
+.. minigallery:: {{ fullname }}
+ :add-heading:
diff --git a/doc/_templates/autosummary/function.rst b/doc/_templates/autosummary/function.rst
index bdde2420..bd78b8e8 100644
--- a/doc/_templates/autosummary/function.rst
+++ b/doc/_templates/autosummary/function.rst
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-{{ fullname }}
-{{ underline }}
+{{ fullname | escape | underline }}
.. currentmodule:: {{ module }}
.. autofunction:: {{ objname }}
-.. include:: {{module}}.{{objname}}.examples
+.. _sphx_glr_backreferences_{{ fullname }}:
-.. raw:: html
+.. minigallery:: {{ fullname }}
+ :add-heading:
diff --git a/doc/conf.py b/doc/conf.py
index 8abf8f39..4ae798d1 100644
--- a/doc/conf.py
+++ b/doc/conf.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Expyfun documentation build configuration file, created by
# sphinx-quickstart on Fri Jun 11 10:45:48 2010.
@@ -14,75 +13,75 @@
import inspect
import os
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import sys
from datetime import date
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+import sphinx # noqa
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- s = sys.modules.pop('sphinx')
- import pyglet # noqa
- sys.modules['sphinx'] = s
- del s
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+s = sys.modules.pop("sphinx")
+import pyglet # noqa
+sys.modules["sphinx"] = s
+del s
+import expyfun # noqa: E402
# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
curdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(curdir, '..', 'expyfun')))
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+sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(curdir, "sphinxext")))
-import expyfun
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- os.mkdir('_images')
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+ os.mkdir("_images")
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# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones.
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+project = "expyfun"
td = date.today()
-copyright = u'2013-%s, expyfun developers. Last updated on %s' % (td.year,
- td.isoformat())
+copyright = ( # noqa: A001
+ f"2013-{td.year}, expyfun developers. Last updated on {td.isoformat()}"
nitpicky = True
# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
@@ -96,81 +95,86 @@
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# for a list of supported languages.
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# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
# non-false value, then it is used:
-#today = ''
+# today = ''
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# unit titles (such as .. function::).
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# output. They are ignored by default.
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# a list of builtin themes.
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# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
# documentation.
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- ("Getting started", "getting_started"),
- ("Examples", "auto_examples/index"),
- ("API reference", "python_reference"),
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+ dict(
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+ url="https://github.com/LABSN/expyfun",
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# of the sidebar.
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# docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
@@ -180,36 +184,36 @@
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# directly to the root of the documentation.
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# using the given strftime format.
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# typographically correct entities.
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# template names.
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@@ -219,52 +223,55 @@
html_show_sphinx = False
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# contain a tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the
# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
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- 'rtmixer': ('https://python-rtmixer.readthedocs.io/en/latest', None),
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+ "pyglet": ("https://pyglet.readthedocs.io/en/latest", None),
+ "mne": ("https://mne.tools/dev", None),
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- 'filename_pattern': r'/.*(?>> expyfun.get_config()
@@ -165,8 +163,7 @@ The fixed, hardware-dependent settings for a given system get written to
an ``expyfun.json`` file. You can use :func:`expyfun.get_config_path` to
get the path to your config file. Some sample configurations:
-- A TDT-based M/EEG+pupillometry machine:
+A TDT-based M/EEG+pupillometry machine
.. code-block:: JSON
@@ -182,8 +179,7 @@ get the path to your config file. Some sample configurations:
-- A sound-card-based EEG system:
+A sound-card-based EEG system
.. code-block:: JSON
diff --git a/doc/git_diagram.py b/doc/git_diagram.py
index 003910f4..231f06ca 100644
--- a/doc/git_diagram.py
+++ b/doc/git_diagram.py
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import os
-from os import path as op
+import pygraphviz as pgv
-title = 'git flow diagram'
+title = "git flow diagram"
-font_face = 'Arial'
+font_face = "Arial"
node_size = 12
node_small_size = 9
edge_size = 9
-local_color = '#7bbeca'
-remote_color = '#ff6347'
+local_color = "#7bbeca"
+remote_color = "#ff6347"
legend = """
@@ -20,102 +17,94 @@
Remote repositories
>""" % (edge_size, local_color, remote_color)
-legend = ''.join(legend.split('\n'))
+legend = "".join(legend.split("\n"))
nodes = dict(
- upstream='LABSN/expyfun\n'
- 'master\n'
- ' ',
- maint='Eric89GXL/expyfun\n'
- 'master\n'
- 'other_branch',
- dev='rkmaddox/expyfun\n'
- 'master\n'
- 'fix_branch',
- maint_clone='/home/larsoner/expyfun\n'
- 'master (origin/master)\n'
- 'other_branch (origin/other_branch)\n'
- 'ross_branch (rkmaddox/fix_branch)',
- dev_clone='/home/rkmaddox/expyfun\n'
- 'master (origin/master)\n'
- 'fix_branch (origin/fix_branch)\n'
- ' ',
- user_clone='/home/akclee/expyfun\n'
- 'master (origin/master)\n'
- ' \n'
- ' ',
+ upstream="LABSN/expyfun\n" "master\n" " ",
+ maint="Eric89GXL/expyfun\n" "master\n" "other_branch",
+ dev="rkmaddox/expyfun\n" "master\n" "fix_branch",
+ maint_clone="/home/larsoner/expyfun\n"
+ "master (origin/master)\n"
+ "other_branch (origin/other_branch)\n"
+ "ross_branch (rkmaddox/fix_branch)",
+ dev_clone="/home/rkmaddox/expyfun\n"
+ "master (origin/master)\n"
+ "fix_branch (origin/fix_branch)\n"
+ " ",
+ user_clone="/home/akclee/expyfun\n" "master (origin/master)\n" " \n" " ",
-remote_space = ('maint', 'dev', 'upstream')
-local_space = ('maint_clone', 'dev_clone', 'user_clone')
+remote_space = ("maint", "dev", "upstream")
+local_space = ("maint_clone", "dev_clone", "user_clone")
edges = (
- ('maint_clone', 'maint', 'origin'),
- ('dev_clone', 'dev', 'origin'),
- ('user_clone', 'upstream', 'origin'),
- ('maint_clone', 'upstream', 'upstream'),
- ('maint_clone', 'dev', 'rkmaddox'),
- ('dev_clone', 'upstream', 'upstream'),
+ ("maint_clone", "maint", "origin"),
+ ("dev_clone", "dev", "origin"),
+ ("user_clone", "upstream", "origin"),
+ ("maint_clone", "upstream", "upstream"),
+ ("maint_clone", "dev", "rkmaddox"),
+ ("dev_clone", "upstream", "upstream"),
subgraphs = (
- [('upstream', 'maint', 'dev'), ('GitHub')],
- [('maint_clone'), ('Maintainer')],
- [('dev_clone'), ("Developer")],
- [('user_clone'), ("User")],
+ [("upstream", "maint", "dev"), ("GitHub")],
+ [("maint_clone"), ("Maintainer")],
+ [("dev_clone"), ("Developer")],
+ [("user_clone"), ("User")],
-import pygraphviz as pgv
g = pgv.AGraph(name=title, directed=True)
for key, label in nodes.items():
- label = label.split('\n')
+ label = label.split("\n")
if len(label) > 1:
- label[0] = ('<' % node_size
- + label[0] + ' ')
+ label[0] = '<' % node_size + label[0] + " "
for li in range(1, len(label)):
- label[li] = ('' % node_small_size
- + label[li] + ' ')
+ label[li] = (
+ '' % node_small_size
+ + label[li]
+ + " "
+ )
label[-1] = label[-1] + ' >'
label = ' '.join(label)
label = label[0]
- g.add_node(key, shape='plaintext', label=label)
+ g.add_node(key, shape="plaintext", label=label)
# Create and customize nodes and edges
for edge in edges:
e = g.get_edge(*edge[:2])
if len(edge) > 2:
- e.attr['label'] = ('<' +
- ' '.join(edge[2].split('\n')) +
- ' >')
- e.attr['fontsize'] = edge_size
+ e.attr["label"] = (
+ "<"
+ + ' '.join(edge[2].split("\n"))
+ + ' >'
+ )
+ e.attr["fontsize"] = edge_size
# Change colors
-for these_nodes, color in zip((local_space, remote_space),
- (local_color, remote_color)):
+for these_nodes, color in zip((local_space, remote_space), (local_color, remote_color)):
for node in these_nodes:
- g.get_node(node).attr['fillcolor'] = color
- g.get_node(node).attr['style'] = 'filled'
+ g.get_node(node).attr["fillcolor"] = color
+ g.get_node(node).attr["style"] = "filled"
# Create subgraphs
for si, subgraph in enumerate(subgraphs):
- g.add_subgraph(subgraph[0], 'cluster%s' % si,
- label=subgraph[1], color='black')
+ g.add_subgraph(subgraph[0], "cluster%s" % si, label=subgraph[1], color="black")
# Format (sub)graphs
for gr in g.subgraphs() + [g]:
for x in [gr.node_attr, gr.edge_attr]:
- x['fontname'] = font_face
-g.node_attr['shape'] = 'box'
+ x["fontname"] = font_face
+g.node_attr["shape"] = "box"
-g.get_node('legend').attr.update(shape='plaintext', margin=0, rank='sink')
+g.get_node("legend").attr.update(shape="plaintext", margin=0, rank="sink")
# put legend in same rank/level as inverse
-l = g.add_subgraph(['legend', 'inv'], name='legendy')
-l.graph_attr['rank'] = 'same'
+ll = g.add_subgraph(["legend", "inv"], name="legendy")
+ll.graph_attr["rank"] = "same"
-g.draw('git_flow.svg', format='svg')
+g.draw("git_flow.svg", format="svg")
diff --git a/doc/index.rst b/doc/index.rst
index 4332eabc..bc1f5195 100644
--- a/doc/index.rst
+++ b/doc/index.rst
@@ -1,17 +1,11 @@
-.. raw:: html
+.. rst-class:: h4 font-weight-light my-4
-Expyfun |headphones|
-A high-precision auditory and visual stimulus delivery library for
-psychoacoustics in Python.
-.. raw:: html
+ A high-precision auditory and visual stimulus delivery library for
+ psychoacoustics in Python.
@@ -49,3 +43,10 @@ Hardware support
- Mouse responses
- Cedrus response boxes
- Joystick control / responses
+.. toctree::
+ :hidden:
+ getting_started.rst
+ python_reference.rst
+ auto_examples/index.rst
diff --git a/doc/parallel_installation.rst b/doc/parallel_installation.rst
index eb94bf7a..8b5be040 100644
--- a/doc/parallel_installation.rst
+++ b/doc/parallel_installation.rst
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ USB protocol itself, which is not designed for low-latency control.
Instructions differ between Linux and Windows:
-- |linux| Linux
On Linux, you need ``pyparallel``::
$ pip install pyparallel
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Instructions differ between Linux and Windows:
5. ``$ ls /dev/parport*`` to get the parallel port address, e.g.
``'/dev/parport0'``, and set this as ``TRIGGER_ADDRESS`` in the config.
-- |windows| Windows
If you are on a modern Windows system (i.e., 64-bit), you'll need to:
- Download the latest "binaries" archive from the `InpOut32 site`_
diff --git a/environment_test.yml b/environment_test.yml
index 8ce8f254..688ad5db 100644
--- a/environment_test.yml
+++ b/environment_test.yml
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
name: test
-- conda-forge
+ - conda-forge
-- scipy
-- matplotlib
-- pandas
-- h5py
-- coverage
-- setuptools
-- mne-base
-- numpydoc
-- pytest
-- pytest-cov
-- pytest-timeout
-- pillow
-- joblib
-- ffmpeg
-- codecov
+ - scipy
+ - matplotlib
+ - pandas
+ - h5py
+ - coverage
+ - setuptools
+ - mne-base
+ - numpydoc
+ - pytest
+ - pytest-cov
+ - pytest-timeout
+ - pillow
+ - joblib
+ - ffmpeg<6
# Do pip separately
diff --git a/examples/analysis/analysis_demo.py b/examples/analysis/analysis_demo.py
index 768f8622..bd66f7b5 100644
--- a/examples/analysis/analysis_demo.py
+++ b/examples/analysis/analysis_demo.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Analysis demo
@@ -12,9 +11,9 @@
# License: BSD (3-clause)
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import expyfun.analyze as ea
@@ -26,7 +25,7 @@
a_prob = 0.9
b_prob = 0.6
f_prob = 0.2
-subjs = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
+subjs = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
a_hit = np.random.binomial(targets, a_prob, len(subjs))
b_hit = np.random.binomial(targets, b_prob, len(subjs))
a_fa = np.random.binomial(foils, f_prob, len(subjs))
@@ -35,25 +34,43 @@
b_miss = targets - b_hit
a_cr = foils - a_fa
b_cr = foils - b_fa
-data = pd.DataFrame(dict(a_hit=a_hit, a_miss=a_miss, a_fa=a_fa, a_cr=a_cr,
- b_hit=b_hit, b_miss=b_miss, b_fa=b_fa, b_cr=b_cr),
- index=subjs)
+data = pd.DataFrame(
+ dict(
+ a_hit=a_hit,
+ a_miss=a_miss,
+ a_fa=a_fa,
+ a_cr=a_cr,
+ b_hit=b_hit,
+ b_miss=b_miss,
+ b_fa=b_fa,
+ b_cr=b_cr,
+ ),
+ index=subjs,
# calculate dprimes
-a_dprime = ea.dprime(data[['a_hit', 'a_miss', 'a_fa', 'a_cr']])
-b_dprime = ea.dprime(data[['b_hit', 'b_miss', 'b_fa', 'b_cr']])
+a_dprime = ea.dprime(data[["a_hit", "a_miss", "a_fa", "a_cr"]])
+b_dprime = ea.dprime(data[["b_hit", "b_miss", "b_fa", "b_cr"]])
results = pd.DataFrame(dict(ctrl=a_dprime, test=b_dprime))
# plot
-subplt, barplt = ea.barplot(results, axis=0, err_bars='sd', lines=True,
- brackets=[(0, 1)], bracket_text=[r'$p < 10^{-9}$'])
-subplt.yaxis.set_label_text('d-prime +/- 1 s.d.')
-subplt.set_title('Each line represents a different subject')
+subplt, barplt = ea.barplot(
+ results,
+ axis=0,
+ err_bars="sd",
+ lines=True,
+ brackets=[(0, 1)],
+ bracket_text=[r"$p < 10^{-9}$"],
+subplt.yaxis.set_label_text("d-prime +/- 1 s.d.")
+subplt.set_title("Each line represents a different subject")
# significance brackets example
trials_per_cond = 100
-conds = ['ctrl', 'test']
-diffs = ['easy', 'hard']
-colnames = ['-'.join([x, y]) for x, y in zip(conds * 2,
- np.tile(diffs, (2, 1)).T.ravel().tolist())]
+conds = ["ctrl", "test"]
+diffs = ["easy", "hard"]
+colnames = [
+ "-".join([x, y])
+ for x, y in zip(conds * 2, np.tile(diffs, (2, 1)).T.ravel().tolist())
cond_prob = [0.9, 0.8]
diff_prob = [0.9, 0.7]
cond_block = np.tile(np.atleast_2d(cond_prob).T, (2, len(subjs))).T
@@ -62,19 +79,26 @@
shape = (len(subjs), len(conds) * len(diffs))
rawscores_targ = np.random.binomial(trials_per_cond, probs, shape)
rawscores_foil = np.random.binomial(trials_per_cond, probs, shape)
-hmfc = np.c_[rawscores_targ.ravel(),
- (trials_per_cond - rawscores_targ).ravel(),
- (trials_per_cond - rawscores_foil).ravel(),
- rawscores_foil.ravel()]
+hmfc = np.c_[
+ rawscores_targ.ravel(),
+ (trials_per_cond - rawscores_targ).ravel(),
+ (trials_per_cond - rawscores_foil).ravel(),
+ rawscores_foil.ravel(),
dprimes = ea.dprime(hmfc).reshape(shape)
results = pd.DataFrame(dprimes, index=subjs, columns=colnames)
-subplt, barplt = ea.barplot(results, axis=0, err_bars='sd', lines=True,
- groups=[(0, 1), (2, 3)], group_names=diffs,
- bar_names=conds * 2, bracket_group_lines=True,
- brackets=[(0, 1), (2, 3), (0, 2), (1, 3),
- ([0, 1], 3)], # [2, 3]
- bracket_text=['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'snafu',
- 'foobar'])
-subplt.yaxis.set_label_text('d-prime +/- 1 s.d.')
-subplt.set_title('Each line represents a different subject')
+subplt, barplt = ea.barplot(
+ results,
+ axis=0,
+ err_bars="sd",
+ lines=True,
+ groups=[(0, 1), (2, 3)],
+ group_names=diffs,
+ bar_names=conds * 2,
+ bracket_group_lines=True,
+ brackets=[(0, 1), (2, 3), (0, 2), (1, 3), ([0, 1], 3)], # [2, 3]
+ bracket_text=["foo", "bar", "baz", "snafu", "foobar"],
+subplt.yaxis.set_label_text("d-prime +/- 1 s.d.")
+subplt.set_title("Each line represents a different subject")
diff --git a/examples/analysis/parse_demo.py b/examples/analysis/parse_demo.py
index 1470b8ac..119e2e88 100644
--- a/examples/analysis/parse_demo.py
+++ b/examples/analysis/parse_demo.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Parsing demo
@@ -17,13 +16,13 @@
-data = read_tab('sample.tab') # from simple_experiment
-print('Number of trials: %s' % len(data))
+data = read_tab("sample.tab") # from simple_experiment
+print("Number of trials: %s" % len(data))
keys = list(data[0].keys())
-print('Data keys: %s\n' % keys)
+print("Data keys: %s\n" % keys)
for di, d in enumerate(data):
- if d['trial_id'][0][0] == 'multi-tone':
- print('Trial %s multi-tone' % (di + 1))
- targs = ast.literal_eval(d['multi-tone trial'][0][0])
- presses = [int(k[0]) for k in d['keypress']]
- print(' Targs: %s\n Press: %s' % (targs, presses))
+ if d["trial_id"][0][0] == "multi-tone":
+ print("Trial %s multi-tone" % (di + 1))
+ targs = ast.literal_eval(d["multi-tone trial"][0][0])
+ presses = [int(k[0]) for k in d["keypress"]]
+ print(" Targs: %s\n Press: %s" % (targs, presses))
diff --git a/examples/basic_experiment.py b/examples/basic_experiment.py
index 1c2d549b..e16243ef 100644
--- a/examples/basic_experiment.py
+++ b/examples/basic_experiment.py
@@ -18,26 +18,26 @@
# set configuration
-fs = 24414. # default for ExperimentController
+fs = 24414.0 # default for ExperimentController
dur = 1.0
tone = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 1000 * np.arange(int(fs * dur)) / float(fs))
tone *= 0.01 * np.sqrt(2) # Set RMS to 0.01
-max_wait = 1. if not building_doc else 0.
+max_wait = 1.0 if not building_doc else 0.0
-with ExperimentController('testExp', participant='foo', session='001',
- output_dir=None, version='dev') as ec:
- ec.screen_prompt('Press a button when you hear the tone',
- max_wait=max_wait)
+with ExperimentController(
+ "testExp", participant="foo", session="001", output_dir=None, version="dev"
+) as ec:
+ ec.screen_prompt("Press a button when you hear the tone", max_wait=max_wait)
dot = FixationDot(ec)
screenshot = ec.screenshot() # only because we want to show it in the docs
- ec.identify_trial(ec_id='tone', ttl_id=[0, 0])
+ ec.identify_trial(ec_id="tone", ttl_id=[0, 0])
- presses = ec.wait_for_presses(dur if not building_doc else 0.)
+ presses = ec.wait_for_presses(dur if not building_doc else 0.0)
- print('Presses:\n{}'.format(presses))
+ print(f"Presses:\n{presses}")
diff --git a/examples/experiments/drawing_methods.py b/examples/experiments/drawing_methods.py
index dbe85af1..4265b8a9 100644
--- a/examples/experiments/drawing_methods.py
+++ b/examples/experiments/drawing_methods.py
@@ -11,16 +11,22 @@
import numpy as np
-from expyfun import visual, ExperimentController
import expyfun.analyze as ea
+from expyfun import ExperimentController, visual
-with ExperimentController('test', session='1', participant='2',
- full_screen=False, window_size=[600, 600],
- output_dir=None, version='dev') as ec:
- ec.screen_text('hello')
+with ExperimentController(
+ "test",
+ session="1",
+ participant="2",
+ full_screen=False,
+ window_size=[600, 600],
+ output_dir=None,
+ version="dev",
+) as ec:
+ ec.screen_text("hello")
# make an image with alpha the x-dimension (columns), RGB upward
img_buffer = np.zeros((120, 100, 4))
@@ -28,17 +34,29 @@
img_buffer[:, 50:, 3] = 0.5
img_buffer[0] = 1
for ii in range(3):
- img_buffer[ii * 40:(ii + 1) * 40, :, ii] = 1.0
- img = visual.RawImage(ec, img_buffer, scale=2.)
+ img_buffer[ii * 40 : (ii + 1) * 40, :, ii] = 1.0
+ img = visual.RawImage(ec, img_buffer, scale=2.0)
# make a line, rectangle, diamond, and circle
- line = visual.Line(ec, [[-2, 2, 2, -2], [-2, 2, -2, -2]], units='deg',
- line_color='w', line_width=2.0)
- rect = visual.Rectangle(ec, [0, 0, 2, 2], units='deg', fill_color='y')
- diamond = visual.Diamond(ec, [0, 0, 4, 4], units='deg', fill_color=None,
- line_color='gray', line_width=2.0)
- circle = visual.Circle(ec, 1, units='deg', line_color='w', fill_color='k',
- line_width=2.0)
+ line = visual.Line(
+ ec,
+ [[-2, 2, 2, -2], [-2, 2, -2, -2]],
+ units="deg",
+ line_color="w",
+ line_width=2.0,
+ )
+ rect = visual.Rectangle(ec, [0, 0, 2, 2], units="deg", fill_color="y")
+ diamond = visual.Diamond(
+ ec,
+ [0, 0, 4, 4],
+ units="deg",
+ fill_color=None,
+ line_color="gray",
+ line_width=2.0,
+ )
+ circle = visual.Circle(
+ ec, 1, units="deg", line_color="w", fill_color="k", line_width=2.0
+ )
# do the drawing, then flip
for obj in [img, line, rect, diamond, circle]:
diff --git a/examples/experiments/eyetracking_experiment_.py b/examples/experiments/eyetracking_experiment_.py
index e1270600..3e2ff6d1 100644
--- a/examples/experiments/eyetracking_experiment_.py
+++ b/examples/experiments/eyetracking_experiment_.py
@@ -12,53 +12,70 @@
import numpy as np
-from expyfun import ExperimentController, EyelinkController, visual
import expyfun.analyze as ea
+from expyfun import ExperimentController, EyelinkController, visual
-with ExperimentController('testExp', full_screen=True, participant='foo',
- session='001', output_dir=None, version='dev') as ec:
+with ExperimentController(
+ "testExp",
+ full_screen=True,
+ participant="foo",
+ session="001",
+ output_dir=None,
+ version="dev",
+) as ec:
el = EyelinkController(ec)
- ec.screen_prompt('Welcome to the experiment!\n\nFirst, we will '
- 'perform a screen calibration.\n\nPress a button '
- 'to continue.')
+ ec.screen_prompt(
+ "Welcome to the experiment!\n\nFirst, we will "
+ "perform a screen calibration.\n\nPress a button "
+ "to continue."
+ )
el.calibrate() # by default this starts recording EyeLink data
- ec.screen_prompt('Excellent! Now, follow the red circle around the edge '
- 'of the big white circle.\n\nPress a button to '
- 'continue')
+ ec.screen_prompt(
+ "Excellent! Now, follow the red circle around the edge "
+ "of the big white circle.\n\nPress a button to "
+ "continue"
+ )
# make some circles to be drawn
radius = 7.5 # degrees
targ_rad = 0.2 # degrees
- theta = np.linspace(np.pi / 2., 2.5 * np.pi, 200)
+ theta = np.linspace(np.pi / 2.0, 2.5 * np.pi, 200)
x_pos, y_pos = radius * np.cos(theta), radius * np.sin(theta)
- big_circ = visual.Circle(ec, radius, (0, 0), units='deg',
- fill_color=None, line_color='white',
- line_width=3.0)
- targ_circ = visual.Circle(ec, targ_rad, (x_pos[0], y_pos[0]),
- units='deg', fill_color='red')
+ big_circ = visual.Circle(
+ ec,
+ radius,
+ (0, 0),
+ units="deg",
+ fill_color=None,
+ line_color="white",
+ line_width=3.0,
+ )
+ targ_circ = visual.Circle(
+ ec, targ_rad, (x_pos[0], y_pos[0]), units="deg", fill_color="red"
+ )
fix_pos = (x_pos[0], y_pos[0])
# start out by waiting for a 1 sec fixation at the start
screenshot = ec.screenshot()
- ec.identify_trial(ec_id='Circle', ttl_id=[0], el_id=[0])
+ ec.identify_trial(ec_id="Circle", ttl_id=[0], el_id=[0])
ec.start_stimulus() # automatically stamps to EL
- if not el.wait_for_fix(fix_pos, 1., max_wait=5., units='deg'):
- print('Initial fixation failed')
+ if not el.wait_for_fix(fix_pos, 1.0, max_wait=5.0, units="deg"):
+ print("Initial fixation failed")
for ii, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(x_pos[1:], y_pos[1:])):
- targ_circ.set_pos((x, y), units='deg')
+ targ_circ.set_pos((x, y), units="deg")
- if not el.wait_for_fix([x, y], max_wait=5., units='deg'):
- print('Fixation {0} failed'.format(ii + 1))
+ if not el.wait_for_fix([x, y], max_wait=5.0, units="deg"):
+ print(f"Fixation {ii + 1} failed")
el.stop() # stop recording to save the file
- ec.screen_prompt('All done!', max_wait=1.0)
+ ec.screen_prompt("All done!", max_wait=1.0)
# eyelink auto-closes (el.close()) because it gets registered with EC
diff --git a/examples/experiments/formatted_text.py b/examples/experiments/formatted_text.py
index 4d3d7f66..783733c8 100644
--- a/examples/experiments/formatted_text.py
+++ b/examples/experiments/formatted_text.py
@@ -15,34 +15,42 @@
# Colors
-blue = _convert_color('#00CEE9')
-pink = _convert_color('#FF97AF')
+blue = _convert_color("#00CEE9")
+pink = _convert_color("#FF97AF")
white = (255, 255, 255, 255)
# Text
-one = ('This text can only have a single color, font, and size for the whole '
- 'sentence, because it is specified as attr=False')
-two = ('Additional calls to ec.screen_text() can have different formatting,'
- 'but have to be manually positioned.')
-thr = ('This text can have {{color {0}}}different {{color {1}}}colors '
- 'speci{{color {2}}}fied inline, because its {{color {0}}}attr '
- '{{color {2}}}argument is {{color {1}}}True. {{color {2}}}'
- 'Specifying different typefaces or sizes inline is buggy and '
- 'not recommended.').format(blue, pink, white)
-fou = 'Press any key to change all the text to pink using .set_color().'
-fiv = 'Press any key to quit.'
-max_wait = float('inf') if not building_doc else 0.
+one = (
+ "This text can only have a single color, font, and size for the whole "
+ "sentence, because it is specified as attr=False"
+two = (
+ "Additional calls to ec.screen_text() can have different formatting,"
+ "but have to be manually positioned."
+thr = (
+ f"This text can have {{color {blue}}}different {{color {pink}}}colors "
+ f"speci{{color {white}}}fied inline, because its {{color {blue}}}attr "
+ f"{{color {white}}}argument is {{color {pink}}}True. {{color {white}}}"
+ "Specifying different typefaces or sizes inline is buggy and "
+ "not recommended."
+fou = "Press any key to change all the text to pink using .set_color()."
+fiv = "Press any key to quit."
+max_wait = float("inf") if not building_doc else 0.0
-with ExperimentController('textDemo', participant='foo', session='001',
- output_dir=None, version='dev') as ec:
+with ExperimentController(
+ "textDemo", participant="foo", session="001", output_dir=None, version="dev"
+) as ec:
ec.wait_secs(0.1) # without this, first flip doesn't show on some systems
txt_one = ec.screen_text(one, pos=[0, 0.5], attr=False)
- txt_two = ec.screen_text(two, pos=[0, 0.2], font_name='Times New Roman',
- font_size=32, color='#00CEE9')
+ txt_two = ec.screen_text(
+ two, pos=[0, 0.2], font_name="Times New Roman", font_size=32, color="#00CEE9"
+ )
txt_thr = ec.screen_text(thr, pos=[0, -0.2])
screenshot = ec.screenshot()
ec.screen_prompt(fou, pos=[0, -0.5], max_wait=max_wait)
for txt in (txt_one, txt_two, txt_thr):
- txt.set_color('#FF97AF')
+ txt.set_color("#FF97AF")
ec.screen_prompt(fiv, pos=[0, -0.5], max_wait=max_wait)
diff --git a/examples/experiments/joystick_experiment.py b/examples/experiments/joystick_experiment.py
index 4feb5176..40e1a2a0 100644
--- a/examples/experiments/joystick_experiment.py
+++ b/examples/experiments/joystick_experiment.py
@@ -21,26 +21,31 @@
noise_thresh = 0.01 # permit slight miscalibration
# on a Logitech Cordless Rumblepad, the right stick is the analog one,
# and it has values stored in z and rz
-joy_keys = ('z', 'rz')
-with ExperimentController('joyExp', participant='foo', session='001',
- output_dir=None, version='dev',
- joystick=joystick) as ec:
- circles = [Circle(ec, 0.5, units='deg',
- fill_color=(1., 1., 1., 0.2), line_color='w')]
+joy_keys = ("z", "rz")
+with ExperimentController(
+ "joyExp",
+ participant="foo",
+ session="001",
+ output_dir=None,
+ version="dev",
+ joystick=joystick,
+) as ec:
+ circles = [
+ Circle(ec, 0.5, units="deg", fill_color=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.2), line_color="w")
+ ]
# We use normalized units for "pos" so we need to compensate in movement
# so that X/Y movement is even
- ratios = [1., ec.window_size_pix[0] / float(ec.window_size_pix[1])]
- pressed = ''
+ ratios = [1.0, ec.window_size_pix[0] / float(ec.window_size_pix[1])]
+ pressed = ""
if not building_doc:
count = 0
screenshot = None
- pos = [0., 0.]
- while pressed != '2': # enable a clean quit (button number 3)
+ pos = [0.0, 0.0]
+ while pressed != "2": # enable a clean quit (button number 3)
# Draw things
- Text(ec, str(count), pos=(1, -1),
- anchor_x='right', anchor_y='bottom').draw()
+ Text(ec, str(count), pos=(1, -1), anchor_x="right", anchor_y="bottom").draw()
for circle in circles[::-1]:
screenshot = ec.screenshot() if screenshot is None else screenshot
@@ -52,21 +57,21 @@
pressed = ec.get_joystick_button_presses()
ec.listen_joystick_button_presses() # clear events
- pressed = [('2',)]
+ pressed = [("2",)]
count += len(pressed)
# Move the cursor
for idx, (key, ratio) in enumerate(zip(joy_keys, ratios)):
- delta = 0. if building_doc else ec.get_joystick_value(key)
+ delta = 0.0 if building_doc else ec.get_joystick_value(key)
if abs(delta) > noise_thresh: # remove noise
- pos[idx] = max(min(
- pos[idx] + move_rate * ratio * delta, 1), -1)
- circles[0].set_pos(pos, units='norm')
+ pos[idx] = max(min(pos[idx] + move_rate * ratio * delta, 1), -1)
+ circles[0].set_pos(pos, units="norm")
if pressed:
- circles.insert(1, Circle(ec, 1, units='deg',
- fill_color='r', line_color='w'))
- circles[1].set_pos(pos, units='norm')
+ circles.insert(
+ 1, Circle(ec, 1, units="deg", fill_color="r", line_color="w")
+ )
+ circles[1].set_pos(pos, units="norm")
if len(circles) > 5:
pressed = pressed[0][0] # for exit condition
diff --git a/examples/experiments/keypress.py b/examples/experiments/keypress.py
index c0f657aa..c5b28d18 100644
--- a/examples/experiments/keypress.py
+++ b/examples/experiments/keypress.py
@@ -10,104 +10,119 @@
# License: BSD (3-clause)
-from expyfun import ExperimentController, building_doc
import expyfun.analyze as ea
+from expyfun import ExperimentController, building_doc
isi = 0.5
-wait_dur = 3.0 if not building_doc else 0.
-msg_dur = 3.0 if not building_doc else 0.
+wait_dur = 3.0 if not building_doc else 0.0
+msg_dur = 3.0 if not building_doc else 0.0
-with ExperimentController('KeypressDemo', screen_num=0,
- window_size=[640, 480], full_screen=False,
- stim_db=0, noise_db=0, output_dir=None,
- participant='foo', session='001',
- version='dev') as ec:
+with ExperimentController(
+ "KeypressDemo",
+ screen_num=0,
+ window_size=[640, 480],
+ full_screen=False,
+ stim_db=0,
+ noise_db=0,
+ output_dir=None,
+ participant="foo",
+ session="001",
+ version="dev",
+) as ec:
# screen_prompt
- pressed = ec.screen_prompt('press any key\n\nscreen_prompt('
- 'max_wait={})'.format(wait_dur),
- max_wait=wait_dur, timestamp=True)
- ec.write_data_line('screen_prompt', pressed)
+ pressed = ec.screen_prompt(
+ "press any key\n\nscreen_prompt(" f"max_wait={wait_dur})",
+ max_wait=wait_dur,
+ timestamp=True,
+ )
+ ec.write_data_line("screen_prompt", pressed)
if pressed[0] is None:
- message = 'no keys pressed'
+ message = "no keys pressed"
- message = '{} pressed after {} secs'.format(pressed[0],
- round(pressed[1], 4))
+ message = f"{pressed[0]} pressed after {round(pressed[1], 4)} secs"
ec.screen_prompt(message, msg_dur)
# wait_for_presses
- ec.screen_text('press some keys\n\nwait_for_presses(max_wait={})'
- ''.format(wait_dur))
+ ec.screen_text(f"press some keys\n\nwait_for_presses(max_wait={wait_dur})" "")
screenshot = ec.screenshot()
pressed = ec.wait_for_presses(wait_dur)
- ec.write_data_line('wait_for_presses', pressed)
+ ec.write_data_line("wait_for_presses", pressed)
if not len(pressed):
- message = 'no keys pressed'
+ message = "no keys pressed"
- message = ['{} pressed after {} secs\n'
- ''.format(key, round(time, 4)) for key, time in pressed]
- message = ''.join(message)
+ message = [
+ f"{key} pressed after {round(time, 4)} secs\n" "" for key, time in pressed
+ ]
+ message = "".join(message)
ec.screen_prompt(message, msg_dur)
# wait_for_presses, relative to master clock
- ec.screen_text('press some keys\n\nwait_for_presses(max_wait={}, '
- 'relative_to=0.0)'.format(wait_dur))
+ ec.screen_text(
+ f"press some keys\n\nwait_for_presses(max_wait={wait_dur}, " "relative_to=0.0)"
+ )
pressed = ec.wait_for_presses(wait_dur, relative_to=0.0)
- ec.write_data_line('wait_for_presses relative_to 0.0', pressed)
+ ec.write_data_line("wait_for_presses relative_to 0.0", pressed)
if not len(pressed):
- message = 'no keys pressed'
+ message = "no keys pressed"
- message = ['{} pressed at {} secs\n'
- ''.format(key, round(time, 4)) for key, time in pressed]
- message = ''.join(message)
+ message = [
+ f"{key} pressed at {round(time, 4)} secs\n" "" for key, time in pressed
+ ]
+ message = "".join(message)
ec.screen_prompt(message, msg_dur)
# listen_presses / wait_secs / get_presses
- ec.screen_text('press some keys\n\nlisten_presses()\nwait_secs({0})'
- '\nget_presses()'.format(wait_dur))
+ ec.screen_text(
+ f"press some keys\n\nlisten_presses()\nwait_secs({wait_dur})" "\nget_presses()"
+ )
pressed = ec.get_presses() # relative_to=0.0
- ec.write_data_line('listen / wait / get_presses', pressed)
+ ec.write_data_line("listen / wait / get_presses", pressed)
if not len(pressed):
- message = 'no keys pressed'
+ message = "no keys pressed"
- message = ['{} pressed after {} secs\n'
- ''.format(key, round(time, 4)) for key, time in pressed]
- message = ''.join(message)
+ message = [
+ f"{key} pressed after {round(time, 4)} secs\n" "" for key, time in pressed
+ ]
+ message = "".join(message)
ec.screen_prompt(message, msg_dur)
# listen_presses / wait_secs / get_presses, relative to master clock
- ec.screen_text('press a few keys\n\nlisten_presses()'
- '\nwait_secs({0})\nget_presses(relative_to=0.0)'
- ''.format(wait_dur))
+ ec.screen_text(
+ "press a few keys\n\nlisten_presses()"
+ f"\nwait_secs({wait_dur})\nget_presses(relative_to=0.0)"
+ ""
+ )
pressed = ec.get_presses(relative_to=0.0)
- ec.write_data_line('listen / wait / get_presses relative_to 0.0', pressed)
+ ec.write_data_line("listen / wait / get_presses relative_to 0.0", pressed)
if not len(pressed):
- message = 'no keys pressed'
+ message = "no keys pressed"
- message = ['{} pressed at {} secs\n'
- ''.format(key, round(time, 4)) for key, time in pressed]
- message = ''.join(message)
+ message = [
+ f"{key} pressed at {round(time, 4)} secs\n" "" for key, time in pressed
+ ]
+ message = "".join(message)
ec.screen_prompt(message, msg_dur)
@@ -116,25 +131,29 @@
disp_time = wait_dur
countdown = ec.current_time + disp_time
- ec.screen_text('press some keys\n\nlisten_presses()'
- '\nwhile loop {}\nget_presses()'.format(disp_time))
+ ec.screen_text(
+ "press some keys\n\nlisten_presses()" f"\nwhile loop {disp_time}\nget_presses()"
+ )
while ec.current_time < countdown:
cur_time = round(countdown - ec.current_time, 1)
if cur_time != disp_time:
disp_time = cur_time
# redraw text with updated disp_time
- ec.screen_text('press some keys\n\nlisten_presses() '
- '\nwhile loop {}\nget_presses()'.format(disp_time))
+ ec.screen_text(
+ "press some keys\n\nlisten_presses() "
+ f"\nwhile loop {disp_time}\nget_presses()"
+ )
pressed = ec.get_presses()
- ec.write_data_line('listen / while / get_presses', pressed)
+ ec.write_data_line("listen / while / get_presses", pressed)
if not len(pressed):
- message = 'no keys pressed'
+ message = "no keys pressed"
- message = ['{} pressed after {} secs\n'
- ''.format(key, round(time, 4)) for key, time in pressed]
- message = ''.join(message)
+ message = [
+ f"{key} pressed after {round(time, 4)} secs\n" "" for key, time in pressed
+ ]
+ message = "".join(message)
ec.screen_prompt(message, msg_dur)
@@ -143,26 +162,31 @@
disp_time = wait_dur
countdown = ec.current_time + disp_time
- ec.screen_text('press some keys\n\nlisten_presses()\nwhile loop '
- '{}\nget_presses(relative_to=0.0)'.format(disp_time))
+ ec.screen_text(
+ "press some keys\n\nlisten_presses()\nwhile loop "
+ f"{disp_time}\nget_presses(relative_to=0.0)"
+ )
while ec.current_time < countdown:
cur_time = round(countdown - ec.current_time, 1)
if cur_time != disp_time:
disp_time = cur_time
# redraw text with updated disp_time
- ec.screen_text('press some keys\n\nlisten_presses()\nwhile '
- 'loop {}\nget_presses(relative_to=0.0)'
- ''.format(disp_time))
+ ec.screen_text(
+ "press some keys\n\nlisten_presses()\nwhile "
+ f"loop {disp_time}\nget_presses(relative_to=0.0)"
+ ""
+ )
pressed = ec.get_presses(relative_to=0.0)
- ec.write_data_line('listen / while / get_presses relative_to 0.0', pressed)
+ ec.write_data_line("listen / while / get_presses relative_to 0.0", pressed)
if not len(pressed):
- message = 'no keys pressed'
+ message = "no keys pressed"
- message = ['{} pressed at {} secs\n'
- ''.format(key, round(time, 4)) for key, time in pressed]
- message = ''.join(message)
+ message = [
+ f"{key} pressed at {round(time, 4)} secs\n" "" for key, time in pressed
+ ]
+ message = "".join(message)
ec.screen_prompt(message, msg_dur)
diff --git a/examples/experiments/keyrelease.py b/examples/experiments/keyrelease.py
index 88033e8a..2c9be464 100644
--- a/examples/experiments/keyrelease.py
+++ b/examples/experiments/keyrelease.py
@@ -20,26 +20,37 @@
# License: BSD (3-clause)
-from expyfun import ExperimentController, building_doc, analyze as ea
+from expyfun import ExperimentController, building_doc
+from expyfun import analyze as ea
isi = 0.5
-wait_dur = 3.0 if not building_doc else 0.
-msg_dur = 3.0 if not building_doc else 0.
+wait_dur = 3.0 if not building_doc else 0.0
+msg_dur = 3.0 if not building_doc else 0.0
-with ExperimentController('KeyPressAndReleaseDemo', screen_num=0,
- window_size=[1280, 960], full_screen=False,
- stim_db=0, noise_db=0, output_dir=None,
- participant='foo', session='001',
- version='dev', response_device='keyboard') as ec:
+with ExperimentController(
+ "KeyPressAndReleaseDemo",
+ screen_num=0,
+ window_size=[1280, 960],
+ full_screen=False,
+ stim_db=0,
+ noise_db=0,
+ output_dir=None,
+ participant="foo",
+ session="001",
+ version="dev",
+ response_device="keyboard",
+) as ec:
# listen_presses / while loop / get_presses(kind='both')
- instruction = ("Press and release some keys\n\nlisten_presses()"
- "\nwhile loop {}\n"
- "get_presses(kind='both', return_kinds=True)")
+ instruction = (
+ "Press and release some keys\n\nlisten_presses()"
+ "\nwhile loop {}\n"
+ "get_presses(kind='both', return_kinds=True)"
+ )
disp_time = wait_dur
countdown = ec.current_time + disp_time
@@ -53,14 +64,13 @@
# redraw text with updated disp_time
- events = ec.get_presses(kind='both', return_kinds=True)
- ec.write_data_line('listen / while / get_presses', events)
+ events = ec.get_presses(kind="both", return_kinds=True)
+ ec.write_data_line("listen / while / get_presses", events)
if not len(events):
- message = 'no keys pressed'
+ message = "no keys pressed"
- message = ['{} {} after {} secs\n'
- ''.format(k, r, round(t, 4)) for k, t, r in events]
- message = ''.join(message)
+ message = [f"{k} {r} after {round(t, 4)} secs\n" "" for k, t, r in events]
+ message = "".join(message)
ec.screen_prompt(message, msg_dur)
diff --git a/examples/experiments/level_test.py b/examples/experiments/level_test.py
index 1f035878..e3cb616f 100644
--- a/examples/experiments/level_test.py
+++ b/examples/experiments/level_test.py
@@ -16,35 +16,47 @@
import numpy as np
+import expyfun.analyze as ea
from expyfun import ExperimentController, building_doc
from expyfun.visual import Rectangle
-import expyfun.analyze as ea
-with ExperimentController('LevelTest', full_screen=True, noise_db=-np.inf,
- participant='s', session='0', output_dir=None,
- suppress_resamp=True, check_rms=None,
- stim_db=80, version='dev') as ec:
- tone = (0.01 * np.sqrt(2.) *
- np.sin(2 * np.pi * 1000. * np.arange(0, 10, 1. / ec.fs)))
+with ExperimentController(
+ "LevelTest",
+ full_screen=True,
+ noise_db=-np.inf,
+ participant="s",
+ session="0",
+ output_dir=None,
+ suppress_resamp=True,
+ check_rms=None,
+ stim_db=80,
+ version="dev",
+) as ec:
+ tone = (
+ 0.01 * np.sqrt(2.0) * np.sin(2 * np.pi * 1000.0 * np.arange(0, 10, 1.0 / ec.fs))
+ )
assert np.allclose(np.sqrt(np.mean(tone * tone)), 0.01)
- square = Rectangle(ec, (0, 0, 10, 10), units='deg', fill_color='r')
- cm = np.diff(ec._convert_units([[0, 5], [0, 5]], 'deg', 'pix'),
- axis=-1)[0] / ec.dpi / 0.39370
+ square = Rectangle(ec, (0, 0, 10, 10), units="deg", fill_color="r")
+ cm = (
+ np.diff(ec._convert_units([[0, 5], [0, 5]], "deg", "pix"), axis=-1)[0]
+ / ec.dpi
+ / 0.39370
+ )
ec.load_buffer(tone) # RMS == 0.01
pressed = None
screenshot = None
- while pressed != '8': # enable a clean quit if required
+ while pressed != "8": # enable a clean quit if required
- ec.screen_text('Width: {} cm'.format(np.round(2 * cm, 1)), wrap=False)
- ec.screen_text('Output level: {} dB'.format(ec.stim_db), wrap=True)
+ ec.screen_text(f"Width: {np.round(2 * cm, 1)} cm", wrap=False)
+ ec.screen_text(f"Output level: {ec.stim_db} dB", wrap=True)
screenshot = ec.screenshot() if screenshot is None else screenshot
t1 = ec.start_stimulus(start_of_trial=False) # skip checks
- pressed = ec.wait_one_press(10)[0] if not building_doc else '8'
+ pressed = ec.wait_one_press(10)[0] if not building_doc else "8"
- ec.wait_one_press(0.5 if not building_doc else 0.)
+ ec.wait_one_press(0.5 if not building_doc else 0.0)
diff --git a/examples/experiments/mouse.py b/examples/experiments/mouse.py
index 619bef95..b5a6e194 100644
--- a/examples/experiments/mouse.py
+++ b/examples/experiments/mouse.py
@@ -10,65 +10,73 @@
# License: BSD (3-clause)
-from expyfun import ExperimentController, building_doc
import expyfun.analyze as ea
-from expyfun.visual import (Circle, Rectangle, Diamond, ConcentricCircles,
- FixationDot)
+from expyfun import ExperimentController, building_doc
+from expyfun.visual import Circle, ConcentricCircles, Diamond, FixationDot, Rectangle
-wait_dur = 3.0 if not building_doc else 0.
-msg_dur = 1.5 if not building_doc else 0.
-max_wait = float('inf') if not building_doc else 0.
+wait_dur = 3.0 if not building_doc else 0.0
+msg_dur = 1.5 if not building_doc else 0.0
+max_wait = float("inf") if not building_doc else 0.0
-with ExperimentController('MouseDemo', screen_num=0,
- window_size=[640, 480], full_screen=False,
- stim_db=0, noise_db=0, output_dir=None,
- participant='foo', session='001',
- version='dev') as ec:
+with ExperimentController(
+ "MouseDemo",
+ screen_num=0,
+ window_size=[640, 480],
+ full_screen=False,
+ stim_db=0,
+ noise_db=0,
+ output_dir=None,
+ participant="foo",
+ session="001",
+ version="dev",
+) as ec:
# toggle_cursor and move_mouse_to
ec.move_mouse_to((0, 0))
- ec.screen_prompt('Now you see it (centered on the window).',
- max_wait=msg_dur, wrap=False)
+ ec.screen_prompt(
+ "Now you see it (centered on the window).", max_wait=msg_dur, wrap=False
+ )
- ec.screen_prompt("Now you don't (maybe--Windows is buggy)",
- max_wait=msg_dur, wrap=False)
+ ec.screen_prompt(
+ "Now you don't (maybe--Windows is buggy)", max_wait=msg_dur, wrap=False
+ )
# wait_one_click
- ec.screen_text('Press any mouse button.', wrap=False)
+ ec.screen_text("Press any mouse button.", wrap=False)
- ec.screen_text('Press the left button.', wrap=False)
+ ec.screen_text("Press the left button.", wrap=False)
- ec.wait_one_click(live_buttons=['left'], visible=True, max_wait=max_wait)
+ ec.wait_one_click(live_buttons=["left"], visible=True, max_wait=max_wait)
# listen_clicks, get_clicks
- ec.screen_text('Press a few buttons in a row.', wrap=False)
+ ec.screen_text("Press a few buttons in a row.", wrap=False)
clicks = ec.get_clicks()
- ec.screen_prompt('Your clicks:\n%s' % str(clicks), max_wait=msg_dur)
+ ec.screen_prompt("Your clicks:\n%s" % str(clicks), max_wait=msg_dur)
# get_mouse_position
- ec.screen_prompt('Move the mouse around...', max_wait=msg_dur, wrap=False)
+ ec.screen_prompt("Move the mouse around...", max_wait=msg_dur, wrap=False)
stop_time = ec.current_time + wait_dur
while ec.current_time < stop_time:
- ec.screen_text('%i, %i' % tuple([p for p in
- ec.get_mouse_position()]),
- wrap=False)
+ ec.screen_text(
+ "%i, %i" % tuple([p for p in ec.get_mouse_position()]), wrap=False
+ )
@@ -76,15 +84,16 @@
# wait_for_click_on
- c = Circle(ec, 150, units='pix')
- r = Rectangle(ec, (0.5, 0.5, 0.2, 0.2), units='norm', fill_color='r')
- cc = ConcentricCircles(ec, pos=[0.6, -0.4],
- colors=[[0.2, 0.2, 0.2], [0.6, 0.6, 0.6]])
- d = Diamond(ec, (-0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.25), fill_color='b')
+ c = Circle(ec, 150, units="pix")
+ r = Rectangle(ec, (0.5, 0.5, 0.2, 0.2), units="norm", fill_color="r")
+ cc = ConcentricCircles(
+ ec, pos=[0.6, -0.4], colors=[[0.2, 0.2, 0.2], [0.6, 0.6, 0.6]]
+ )
+ d = Diamond(ec, (-0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.25), fill_color="b")
dot = FixationDot(ec)
objects = [c, r, cc, d, dot]
- ec.screen_prompt('Click on some objects...', max_wait=msg_dur, wrap=False)
+ ec.screen_prompt("Click on some objects...", max_wait=msg_dur, wrap=False)
for ti in range(3):
for o in objects:
diff --git a/examples/experiments/progress_bar.py b/examples/experiments/progress_bar.py
index a1e0c3f2..ec6c62c0 100644
--- a/examples/experiments/progress_bar.py
+++ b/examples/experiments/progress_bar.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python2
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ProgressBar demo
@@ -8,24 +7,34 @@
This example shows how to display progress between trials using
+import numpy as np
+import expyfun.analyze as ea
from expyfun import ExperimentController, building_doc
from expyfun.visual import ProgressBar
-import expyfun.analyze as ea
-import numpy as np
n_trials = 6
max_wait = 0.1 if building_doc else np.inf
wait_dur = 0.1 if building_doc else 0.5
-with ExperimentController('name', version='dev', window_size=[800, 600],
- full_screen=False, session='foo',
- participant='foo') as ec:
+with ExperimentController(
+ "name",
+ version="dev",
+ window_size=[800, 600],
+ full_screen=False,
+ session="foo",
+ participant="foo",
+) as ec:
# initialize the progress bar
- pb = ProgressBar(ec, [0, -.1, 1.5, .1], units='norm')
+ pb = ProgressBar(ec, [0, -0.1, 1.5, 0.1], units="norm")
- ec.screen_prompt('Press the number shown on the screen. Start by pressing'
- ' 1.', font_size=16, live_keys=[1], max_wait=max_wait)
+ ec.screen_prompt(
+ "Press the number shown on the screen. Start by pressing" " 1.",
+ font_size=16,
+ live_keys=[1],
+ max_wait=max_wait,
+ )
for n in np.arange(n_trials) + 1:
# subject does some task
@@ -41,16 +50,19 @@
percent = int(n * 100 / n_trials)
# display the progress bar with some text
- ec.screen_text('You\'ve completed {} %. Press any key to proceed.'
- ''.format(percent), [0, .1], wrap=False,
- font_size=16)
+ ec.screen_text(
+ f"You've completed {percent} %. Press any key to proceed." "",
+ [0, 0.1],
+ wrap=False,
+ font_size=16,
+ )
if n == 4:
screenshot = ec.screenshot()
# subject uses any key press to proceed
- ec.screen_text('This example is complete.')
+ ec.screen_text("This example is complete.")
diff --git a/examples/experiments/pupillometry_experiment_.py b/examples/experiments/pupillometry_experiment_.py
index 0d3c09e5..0ba3dc91 100644
--- a/examples/experiments/pupillometry_experiment_.py
+++ b/examples/experiments/pupillometry_experiment_.py
@@ -10,43 +10,50 @@
# License: BSD (3-clause)
-import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
from expyfun import ExperimentController, EyelinkController
-from expyfun.codeblocks import (find_pupil_dynamic_range,
- find_pupil_tone_impulse_response)
+from expyfun.codeblocks import (
+ find_pupil_dynamic_range,
+ find_pupil_tone_impulse_response,
-with ExperimentController('pupilExp', full_screen=True, participant='foo',
- session='001', output_dir=None, version='dev') as ec:
+with ExperimentController(
+ "pupilExp",
+ full_screen=True,
+ participant="foo",
+ session="001",
+ output_dir=None,
+ version="dev",
+) as ec:
el = EyelinkController(ec)
bgcolor, fcolor, lev, resp = find_pupil_dynamic_range(ec, el)
- prf, t_srf, e_prf = find_pupil_tone_impulse_response(ec, el, bgcolor,
- fcolor)
+ prf, t_srf, e_prf = find_pupil_tone_impulse_response(ec, el, bgcolor, fcolor)
uni_lev = np.unique(lev)
uni_lev_label = (255 * uni_lev).astype(int)
-uni_lev[uni_lev == 0] = np.sort(uni_lev)[1] / 2.
+uni_lev[uni_lev == 0] = np.sort(uni_lev)[1] / 2.0
r = resp.reshape((len(lev) // len(uni_lev), len(uni_lev)))
r_span = [r.min(), r.max()]
# Grayscale responses
-ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1, xlabel='Screen level', ylabel='Pupil dilation (AU)')
-ax.plot([bgcolor, bgcolor], r_span, linestyle='--', color='r')
-ax.fill_between(uni_lev, np.min(r, 0), np.max(r, 0), facecolor=(1, 1, 0),
- edgecolor='none')
-ax.semilogx(uni_lev, np.mean(r, 0), color='k')
+ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1, xlabel="Screen level", ylabel="Pupil dilation (AU)")
+ax.plot([bgcolor, bgcolor], r_span, linestyle="--", color="r")
+ uni_lev, np.min(r, 0), np.max(r, 0), facecolor=(1, 1, 0), edgecolor="none"
+ax.semilogx(uni_lev, np.mean(r, 0), color="k")
ax.set_xlim(uni_lev[[0, -1]])
plt.xticks(uni_lev, uni_lev_label)
-ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2, xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel='Pupil response (AU)')
-ax.fill_between(t_srf, prf - e_prf, prf + e_prf, facecolor=(1, 1, 0),
- edgecolor='none')
-ax.plot(t_srf, prf, color='k')
+ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2, xlabel="Time (s)", ylabel="Pupil response (AU)")
+ax.fill_between(t_srf, prf - e_prf, prf + e_prf, facecolor=(1, 1, 0), edgecolor="none")
+ax.plot(t_srf, prf, color="k")
ax.set_xlim(t_srf[[0, -1]])
diff --git a/examples/experiments/tracker_dealer.py b/examples/experiments/tracker_dealer.py
index 174a143a..a64f3189 100644
--- a/examples/experiments/tracker_dealer.py
+++ b/examples/experiments/tracker_dealer.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Adaptive tracking for two trial types and tracker reconstruction from .tab
@@ -15,12 +14,13 @@
@author: maddycapp27
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from expyfun import ExperimentController
-from expyfun.stimuli import TrackerUD, TrackerDealer
from expyfun.analyze import sigmoid
from expyfun.io import reconstruct_dealer
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from expyfun.stimuli import TrackerDealer, TrackerUD
# define parameters of modeled subject (using sigmoid probability)
true_thresh = [30, 40] # true thresholds for trial types 1 and 2
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@
stop_trials = np.inf
start_value = 45
change_indices = [5]
-change_rule = 'reversals'
+change_rule = "reversals"
x_min = 0
x_max = 90
# parameters for the tracker dealer
max_lag = 2
-pace_rule = 'reversals'
+pace_rule = "reversals"
rng_dealer = np.random.RandomState(3) # random seed to select trial type
@@ -63,18 +63,37 @@
# for that trial can be acquired. :class:`expyfun.ExperimentController` is used
# to generate log files with :class:`expyfun.stimuli.TrackerUD` and
# :class:`expyfun.stimuli.TrackerDealer` information.
-std_args = ['test'] # experiment name
-std_kwargs = dict(full_screen=False, window_size=(1, 1), participant='foo',
- session='01', stim_db=0.0, noise_db=0.0, verbose=True,
- version='dev')
+std_args = ["test"] # experiment name
+std_kwargs = dict(
+ full_screen=False,
+ window_size=(1, 1),
+ participant="foo",
+ session="01",
+ stim_db=0.0,
+ noise_db=0.0,
+ verbose=True,
+ version="dev",
with ExperimentController(*std_args, **std_kwargs) as ec:
# initialize two tracker objects--one for each trial type
- tr_ud = [TrackerUD(ec, up, down, step_size_up, step_size_down,
- stop_reversals, stop_trials, start_value,
- change_indices, change_rule, x_min,
- x_max) for _ in range(2)]
+ tr_ud = [
+ TrackerUD(
+ ec,
+ up,
+ down,
+ step_size_up,
+ step_size_down,
+ stop_reversals,
+ stop_trials,
+ start_value,
+ change_indices,
+ change_rule,
+ x_min,
+ x_max,
+ )
+ for _ in range(2)
+ ]
# initialize TrackerDealer object
td = TrackerDealer(ec, tr_ud, max_lag, pace_rule, rng_dealer)
@@ -85,8 +104,10 @@
for ss, level in td:
# Get information of which trial type is next and what the level is at
# that time from TrackerDealer
- td.respond(rng_human.rand() < sigmoid(level - true_thresh[sum(ss)],
- lower=chance, slope=slope))
+ td.respond(
+ rng_human.rand()
+ < sigmoid(level - true_thresh[sum(ss)], lower=chance, slope=slope)
+ )
# Reconstructing the TrackerDealer Object
@@ -107,7 +128,9 @@
for i in [0, 1]:
fig, ax, lines = td_tab.trackers.ravel()[i].plot(ax=axes[i], n_skip=4)
- ax.legend(loc='best')
- ax.set_title('Adaptive track of model human trial type {} (true threshold '
- 'is {})'.format(i + 1, true_thresh[i]))
+ ax.legend(loc="best")
+ ax.set_title(
+ f"Adaptive track of model human trial type {i + 1} (true threshold "
+ f"is {true_thresh[i]})"
+ )
diff --git a/examples/experiments/tracker_dealer_doublesided.py b/examples/experiments/tracker_dealer_doublesided.py
index aed5a7a9..f3f04b10 100644
--- a/examples/experiments/tracker_dealer_doublesided.py
+++ b/examples/experiments/tracker_dealer_doublesided.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Adaptive tracking from above and below
@@ -11,10 +10,11 @@
@author: maddycapp27
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
-from expyfun.stimuli import TrackerUD, TrackerDealer
from expyfun.analyze import sigmoid
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from expyfun.stimuli import TrackerDealer, TrackerUD
# define parameters of modeled subject (using sigmoid probability)
true_thresh = 30 # true thresholds for trial types 1 and 2
@@ -40,19 +40,19 @@
stop_trials = np.inf
start_value = [15, 45]
change_indices = [5]
-change_rule = 'reversals'
+change_rule = "reversals"
x_min = 0
x_max = 90
# callback function that prints to console
def callback(event_type, value=None, timestamp=None):
- print((str(event_type) + ':').ljust(40) + str(value))
+ print((str(event_type) + ":").ljust(40) + str(value))
# parameters for the tracker dealer
max_lag = 2
-pace_rule = 'reversals'
+pace_rule = "reversals"
rng_dealer = np.random.RandomState(4) # random seed for selecting trial type
@@ -65,9 +65,23 @@ def callback(event_type, value=None, timestamp=None):
# acquired.
# initialize two tracker objects--one for each start value
-tr_ud = [TrackerUD(callback, up, down, step_size_up, step_size_down,
- stop_reversals, stop_trials, sv, change_indices,
- change_rule, x_min, x_max) for sv in start_value]
+tr_ud = [
+ TrackerUD(
+ callback,
+ up,
+ down,
+ step_size_up,
+ step_size_down,
+ stop_reversals,
+ stop_trials,
+ sv,
+ change_indices,
+ change_rule,
+ x_min,
+ x_max,
+ )
+ for sv in start_value
# initialize TrackerDealer object
td = TrackerDealer(callback, tr_ud, max_lag, pace_rule, rng_dealer)
@@ -78,8 +92,9 @@ def callback(event_type, value=None, timestamp=None):
for _, level in td:
# Get information of which trial type is next and what the level is at
# that time from TrackerDealer
- td.respond(rng_human.rand() < sigmoid(level - true_thresh,
- lower=chance, slope=slope))
+ td.respond(
+ rng_human.rand() < sigmoid(level - true_thresh, lower=chance, slope=slope)
+ )
# Plotting the Results
@@ -88,7 +103,9 @@ def callback(event_type, value=None, timestamp=None):
for i in [0, 1]:
fig, ax, lines = td.trackers.ravel()[i].plot(ax=axes[i], n_skip=4)
- ax.legend(loc='best')
- ax.set_title('Adaptive track with start value {} (true threshold '
- 'is {})'.format(start_value[i], true_thresh))
+ ax.legend(loc="best")
+ ax.set_title(
+ f"Adaptive track with start value {start_value[i]} (true threshold "
+ f"is {true_thresh})"
+ )
diff --git a/examples/experiments/version_checking_.py b/examples/experiments/version_checking_.py
index c7ed25d8..78df6e82 100644
--- a/examples/experiments/version_checking_.py
+++ b/examples/experiments/version_checking_.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
# directory so we don't break any other code examples, but usually you'd
# want to do it in the experiment directory:
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-download_version('c18133c', temp_dir)
+download_version("c18133c", temp_dir)
# Now we would normally need to restart Python so the next ``import expyfun``
# call imported the proper version. We'd want to add an ``assert_version``
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@
- run_subprocess(['python', '-c', cmd], cwd=temp_dir)
+ run_subprocess(["python", "-c", cmd], cwd=temp_dir)
except Exception as exp:
- print('Failure: {0}'.format(exp))
+ print(f"Failure: {exp}")
- print('Success!')
+ print("Success!")
# Try modifying the commit number to something invalid, and you should
# see a failure.
diff --git a/examples/generate_simple_stimuli.py b/examples/generate_simple_stimuli.py
index 8b4b8683..a3c20b79 100644
--- a/examples/generate_simple_stimuli.py
+++ b/examples/generate_simple_stimuli.py
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@
from os import path as op
-import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
from expyfun.io import write_hdf5, write_wav
from expyfun.stimuli import play_sound
@@ -17,9 +18,18 @@
-def generate_stimuli(num_trials=10, num_freqs=4, stim_dur=0.5, min_freq=500.0,
- max_freq=4000.0, fs=24414.0625, rms=0.01, output_dir='.',
- save_as='hdf5', rand_seed=0):
+def generate_stimuli(
+ num_trials=10,
+ num_freqs=4,
+ stim_dur=0.5,
+ min_freq=500.0,
+ max_freq=4000.0,
+ fs=24414.0625,
+ rms=0.01,
+ output_dir=".",
+ save_as="hdf5",
+ rand_seed=0,
"""Make some sine waves and save in various formats. Optimized for saving
as MAT files, but can also save directly as WAV files, or can return a
python dictionary with sinewave data as values.
@@ -65,42 +75,47 @@ def generate_stimuli(num_trials=10, num_freqs=4, stim_dur=0.5, min_freq=500.0,
rng = np.random.RandomState(rand_seed)
# check input arguments
- if save_as is not None and save_as not in ['dict', 'wav', 'hdf5']:
+ if save_as is not None and save_as not in ["dict", "wav", "hdf5"]:
raise ValueError('"save_as" must be "dict", "wav", or "hdf5"')
fs = float(fs)
t = np.arange(np.round(stim_dur * fs)) / fs
# frequencies equally spaced on a log-2 scale
- freqs = min_freq * np.logspace(0, np.log2(max_freq / float(min_freq)),
- num_freqs, endpoint=True, base=2)
+ freqs = min_freq * np.logspace(
+ 0, np.log2(max_freq / float(min_freq)), num_freqs, endpoint=True, base=2
+ )
# strings for the filenames / dictionary keys
freq_names = [str(int(f)) for f in freqs]
- names = ['stim_%s_%s' % (n, f) for n, f in enumerate(freq_names)]
+ names = ["stim_%s_%s" % (n, f) for n, f in enumerate(freq_names)]
# generate sinewaves & RMS normalize
wavs = [np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * t) for f in freqs]
- wavs = [rms / np.sqrt(np.mean(w ** 2)) * w for w in wavs]
+ wavs = [rms / np.sqrt(np.mean(w**2)) * w for w in wavs]
# collect into dictionary & save
wav_dict = {n: w for (n, w) in zip(names, wavs)}
- if save_as == 'hdf5':
+ if save_as == "hdf5":
num_reps = num_trials // num_freqs + 1
trials = np.tile(range(num_freqs), num_reps)
trial_order = rng.permutation(trials[0:num_trials])
- wav_dict.update({'trial_order': trial_order, 'freqs': freqs, 'fs': fs,
- 'rms': rms})
- write_hdf5(op.join(output_dir, 'equally_spaced_sinewaves.hdf5'),
- wav_dict, overwrite=True)
- elif save_as == 'wav':
+ wav_dict.update(
+ {"trial_order": trial_order, "freqs": freqs, "fs": fs, "rms": rms}
+ )
+ write_hdf5(
+ op.join(output_dir, "equally_spaced_sinewaves.hdf5"),
+ wav_dict,
+ overwrite=True,
+ )
+ elif save_as == "wav":
for n in names:
- write_wav(op.join(output_dir, n + '.wav'), wav_dict[n], int(fs))
+ write_wav(op.join(output_dir, n + ".wav"), wav_dict[n], int(fs))
return wav_dict
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
wav_dict = generate_stimuli(save_as=None)
- plt.plot(wav_dict['stim_0_500'][:1000])
- play_sound(wav_dict['stim_0_500'])
+ plt.plot(wav_dict["stim_0_500"][:1000])
+ play_sound(wav_dict["stim_0_500"])
diff --git a/examples/simple_experiment.py b/examples/simple_experiment.py
index 5b8278e0..54804e8a 100644
--- a/examples/simple_experiment.py
+++ b/examples/simple_experiment.py
@@ -13,16 +13,21 @@
import os
import sys
from os import path as op
import numpy as np
-from expyfun import (ExperimentController, get_keyboard_input, set_log_level,
- building_doc)
-from expyfun.io import read_hdf5
import expyfun.analyze as ea
+from expyfun import (
+ ExperimentController,
+ building_doc,
+ get_keyboard_input,
+ set_log_level,
+from expyfun.io import read_hdf5
# set configuration
noise_db = 45 # dB for background noise
@@ -35,41 +40,54 @@
running_total = 0
# make the stimuli if necessary and then load them
-fname = 'equally_spaced_sinewaves.hdf5'
+fname = "equally_spaced_sinewaves.hdf5"
if not op.isfile(fname):
# This sys.path wrangling is only necessary for Sphinx automatic
# documentation building
sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
from generate_simple_stimuli import generate_stimuli
stims = read_hdf5(fname)
-orig_rms = stims['rms']
-freqs = stims['freqs']
-fs = stims['fs']
-trial_order = stims['trial_order']
+orig_rms = stims["rms"]
+freqs = stims["freqs"]
+fs = stims["fs"]
+trial_order = stims["trial_order"]
num_trials = len(trial_order)
num_freqs = len(freqs)
if num_freqs > 8:
- raise RuntimeError('Too many frequencies, not enough buttons.')
+ raise RuntimeError("Too many frequencies, not enough buttons.")
# keep only sinusoids, order low-high, convert to list of arrays
-wavs = [stims[k] for k in sorted(stims.keys()) if k.startswith('stim_')]
+wavs = [stims[k] for k in sorted(stims.keys()) if k.startswith("stim_")]
# instructions
-instructions = ('You will hear tones at {0} different frequencies. Your job is'
- ' to press the button corresponding to that frequency. Please '
- 'press buttons 1-{0} now to hear each tone.').format(num_freqs)
-instr_finished = ('Okay, now press any of those buttons to start the real '
- 'thing. There will be background noise.')
-with ExperimentController('testExp', verbose=True, screen_num=0,
- window_size=[800, 600], full_screen=False,
- stim_db=stim_db, noise_db=noise_db, stim_fs=fs,
- participant='foo', session='001',
- version='dev', output_dir=None) as ec:
+instructions = (
+ f"You will hear tones at {num_freqs} different frequencies. Your job is"
+ " to press the button corresponding to that frequency. Please "
+ f"press buttons 1-{num_freqs} now to hear each tone."
+instr_finished = (
+ "Okay, now press any of those buttons to start the real "
+ "thing. There will be background noise."
+with ExperimentController(
+ "testExp",
+ verbose=True,
+ screen_num=0,
+ window_size=[800, 600],
+ full_screen=False,
+ stim_db=stim_db,
+ noise_db=noise_db,
+ stim_fs=fs,
+ participant="foo",
+ session="001",
+ version="dev",
+ output_dir=None,
+) as ec:
# define usable buttons / keys
live_keys = [x + 1 for x in range(num_freqs)]
@@ -80,8 +98,7 @@
max_wait = max_resp_time = min_resp_time = train = feedback_dur = 0
long_resp_time = 0
- train = get_keyboard_input('Run training (0=no, 1=yes [default]): ',
- 1, int)
+ train = get_keyboard_input("Run training (0=no, 1=yes [default]): ", 1, int)
if train:
@@ -108,72 +125,75 @@
- ec.screen_text('OK, here we go!', wrap=False)
+ ec.screen_text("OK, here we go!", wrap=False)
screenshot = ec.screenshot()
ec.wait_one_press(max_wait=feedback_dur, live_keys=None)
single_trial_order = trial_order[range(len(trial_order) // 2)]
- mass_trial_order = trial_order[len(trial_order) // 2:]
+ mass_trial_order = trial_order[len(trial_order) // 2 :]
# run the single-tone trials
for stim_num in single_trial_order:
ec.identify_trial(ec_id=stim_num, ttl_id=[0, 0])
- ec.write_data_line('one-tone trial', stim_num + 1)
+ ec.write_data_line("one-tone trial", stim_num + 1)
- pressed, timestamp = ec.wait_one_press(max_resp_time, min_resp_time,
- live_keys)
+ pressed, timestamp = ec.wait_one_press(max_resp_time, min_resp_time, live_keys)
ec.stop() # will stop stim playback as soon as response logged
# some feedback
if pressed is None:
- message = 'Too slow!'
+ message = "Too slow!"
elif int(pressed) == stim_num + 1:
running_total += 1
- message = ('Correct! Your reaction time was '
- '{}').format(round(timestamp, 3))
+ message = "Correct! Your reaction time was " f"{round(timestamp, 3)}"
- message = ('You pressed {0}, the correct answer was '
- '{1}.').format(pressed, stim_num + 1)
+ message = (
+ f"You pressed {pressed}, the correct answer was " f"{stim_num + 1}."
+ )
ec.screen_prompt(message, max_wait=feedback_dur)
# create 100 ms pause to play between stims and concatenate
pause = np.zeros(int(ec.fs / 10))
concat_wavs = wavs[mass_trial_order[0]]
- for num in mass_trial_order[1:len(mass_trial_order)]:
+ for num in mass_trial_order[1 : len(mass_trial_order)]:
concat_wavs = np.r_[concat_wavs, pause, wavs[num]]
concat_dur = len(concat_wavs) / float(ec.fs)
# run mass trial
- ec.screen_prompt('Now you will hear {0} tones in a row. After they stop, '
- 'wait for the "Go!" prompt, then you will have {1} '
- 'seconds to push the buttons in the order that the tones '
- 'played in. Press one of the buttons to begin.'
- ''.format(len(mass_trial_order), max_resp_time),
- live_keys=live_keys, max_wait=max_wait)
+ ec.screen_prompt(
+ f"Now you will hear {len(mass_trial_order)} tones in a row. After they stop, "
+ f'wait for the "Go!" prompt, then you will have {max_resp_time} '
+ "seconds to push the buttons in the order that the tones "
+ "played in. Press one of the buttons to begin."
+ "",
+ live_keys=live_keys,
+ max_wait=max_wait,
+ )
- ec.identify_trial(ec_id='multi-tone', ttl_id=[0, 1])
- ec.write_data_line('multi-tone trial', [x + 1 for x in mass_trial_order])
+ ec.identify_trial(ec_id="multi-tone", ttl_id=[0, 1])
+ ec.write_data_line("multi-tone trial", [x + 1 for x in mass_trial_order])
- ec.wait_secs(len(concat_wavs) / float(ec.stim_fs) if not building_doc else
- 0)
- ec.screen_text('Go!', wrap=False)
+ ec.wait_secs(len(concat_wavs) / float(ec.stim_fs) if not building_doc else 0)
+ ec.screen_text("Go!", wrap=False)
- pressed = ec.wait_for_presses(long_resp_time, min_resp_time,
- live_keys, False)
+ pressed = ec.wait_for_presses(long_resp_time, min_resp_time, live_keys, False)
answers = [str(x + 1) for x in mass_trial_order]
correct = [press == ans for press, ans in zip(pressed, answers)]
running_total += sum(correct)
- ec.screen_prompt('You got {0} out of {1} correct.'
- ''.format(sum(correct), len(answers)),
- max_wait=feedback_dur)
+ ec.screen_prompt(
+ f"You got {sum(correct)} out of {len(answers)} correct." "",
+ max_wait=feedback_dur,
+ )
# end experiment
- ec.screen_prompt('All done! You got {0} correct out of {1} tones. Press '
- 'any key to close.'.format(running_total, num_trials),
- max_wait=max_wait)
+ ec.screen_prompt(
+ f"All done! You got {running_total} correct out of {num_trials} tones. Press "
+ "any key to close.",
+ max_wait=max_wait,
+ )
diff --git a/examples/stimuli/advanced_stimuli.py b/examples/stimuli/advanced_stimuli.py
index 15d79f37..31681976 100644
--- a/examples/stimuli/advanced_stimuli.py
+++ b/examples/stimuli/advanced_stimuli.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Generate more advanced auditory stimuli
@@ -8,28 +7,29 @@
of more advanced stimuli.
-import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
from expyfun import building_doc
from expyfun.stimuli import convolve_hrtf, play_sound, window_edges
fs = 24414
dur = 0.5
-freq = 500.
+freq = 500.0
# let's make a square wave
sig = np.sin(freq * 2 * np.pi * np.arange(dur * fs, dtype=float) / fs)
-sig = ((sig > 0) - 0.5) / 5. # make it reasonably quiet for play_sound
+sig = ((sig > 0) - 0.5) / 5.0 # make it reasonably quiet for play_sound
sig = window_edges(sig, fs)
play_sound(sig, fs, norm=False, wait=True)
-move_sig = np.concatenate([convolve_hrtf(sig, fs, ang)
- for ang in range(-90, 91, 15)], axis=1)
+move_sig = np.concatenate(
+ [convolve_hrtf(sig, fs, ang) for ang in range(-90, 91, 15)], axis=1
if not building_doc:
play_sound(move_sig, fs, norm=False, wait=True)
t = np.arange(move_sig.shape[1]) / float(fs)
plt.plot(t, move_sig.T)
-plt.xlabel('Time (sec)')
+plt.xlabel("Time (sec)")
diff --git a/examples/stimuli/advanced_video.py b/examples/stimuli/advanced_video.py
index f01aeef7..a0da5fdf 100644
--- a/examples/stimuli/advanced_video.py
+++ b/examples/stimuli/advanced_video.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Video property control
@@ -10,36 +9,50 @@
import numpy as np
-from expyfun import (ExperimentController, fetch_data_file, building_doc,
- analyze as ea, visual)
+from expyfun import (
+ ExperimentController,
+ building_doc,
+ fetch_data_file,
+ visual,
+from expyfun import (
+ analyze as ea,
-movie_path = fetch_data_file('video/example-video.mp4')
+movie_path = fetch_data_file("video/example-video.mp4")
-ec_args = dict(exp_name='advanced video example', window_size=(720, 480),
- full_screen=False, participant='foo', session='foo',
- version='dev', output_dir=None)
-colors = [x for x in 'rgbcmyk']
+ec_args = dict(
+ exp_name="advanced video example",
+ window_size=(720, 480),
+ full_screen=False,
+ participant="foo",
+ session="foo",
+ version="dev",
+ output_dir=None,
+colors = [x for x in "rgbcmyk"]
with ExperimentController(**ec_args) as ec:
- screen_period = 1. / ec.estimate_screen_fs()
+ screen_period = 1.0 / ec.estimate_screen_fs()
all_presses = list()
fix = visual.FixationDot(ec)
- text = text = visual.Text(ec, "Running ...", (0, -0.1), 'k')
+ text = text = visual.Text(ec, "Running ...", (0, -0.1), "k")
screenshot = None # don't have one yet
- ec.video.set_scale('fill')
- ec.screen_prompt('press 1 during video to toggle pause.', max_wait=1.)
+ ec.video.set_scale("fill")
+ ec.screen_prompt("press 1 during video to toggle pause.", max_wait=1.0)
ec.listen_presses() # to catch presses on first pass of while loop
t_zero = ec.video.play(auto_draw=False)
- this_sec = 0.
+ this_sec = 0.0
while not ec.video.finished:
if ec.video.playing:
- ec.screen_text('paused!', color='y', font_size=32, wrap=False)
+ ec.screen_text("paused!", color="y", font_size=32, wrap=False)
if screenshot is None:
@@ -50,8 +63,7 @@
# change the background color every 1 second
if this_sec != int(ec.video.time):
this_sec = int(ec.video.time)
- text = visual.Text(
- ec, str(colors[this_sec]), (0, -0.1), 'k')
+ text = visual.Text(ec, str(colors[this_sec]), (0, -0.1), "k")
# shrink the video, then move it rightward
if ec.video.playing:
@@ -70,9 +82,9 @@
if building_doc:
- preamble = 'press times:' if len(all_presses) else 'no presses'
- msg = ', '.join(['{0:.3f}'.format(x[1]) for x in all_presses])
+ preamble = "press times:" if len(all_presses) else "no presses"
+ msg = ", ".join([f"{x[1]:.3f}" for x in all_presses])
- ec.screen_prompt('\n'.join([preamble, msg]), max_wait=1.)
+ ec.screen_prompt("\n".join([preamble, msg]), max_wait=1.0)
diff --git a/examples/stimuli/crm_stimuli.py b/examples/stimuli/crm_stimuli.py
index 49ad869b..263d3017 100644
--- a/examples/stimuli/crm_stimuli.py
+++ b/examples/stimuli/crm_stimuli.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Use the CRM corpus
@@ -9,13 +8,19 @@
@author: rkmaddox
-from expyfun._utils import _TempDir
-from expyfun import ExperimentController, analyze, building_doc
-from expyfun.stimuli import (crm_prepare_corpus, crm_sentence, crm_info,
- crm_response_menu, add_pad, CRMPreload)
import numpy as np
+from expyfun import ExperimentController, analyze, building_doc
+from expyfun._utils import _TempDir
+from expyfun.stimuli import (
+ CRMPreload,
+ add_pad,
+ crm_info,
+ crm_prepare_corpus,
+ crm_response_menu,
+ crm_sentence,
crm_path = _TempDir()
@@ -40,46 +45,56 @@
# >>> crm_prepare_corpus(24414)
-crm_prepare_corpus(fs, path_out=crm_path, overwrite=True,
- talker_list=[dict(sex=0, talker_num=0),
- dict(sex=1, talker_num=0)])
+ fs,
+ path_out=crm_path,
+ overwrite=True,
+ talker_list=[dict(sex=0, talker_num=0), dict(sex=1, talker_num=0)],
# print the valid callsigns
-print('Valid callsigns are {0}'.format(crm_info()['callsign']))
+print(f'Valid callsigns are {crm_info()["callsign"]}')
# read a sentence in from the hard drive
-x1 = 0.5 * crm_sentence(fs, 'm', '0', 'c', 'r', '5', path=crm_path)
+x1 = 0.5 * crm_sentence(fs, "m", "0", "c", "r", "5", path=crm_path)
# preload all the talkers and get a second sentence from memory
crm = CRMPreload(fs, path=crm_path)
-x2 = crm.sentence('f', '0', 'ringo', 'green', '6')
+x2 = crm.sentence("f", "0", "ringo", "green", "6")
-x = add_pad([x1, x2], alignment='start')
+x = add_pad([x1, x2], alignment="start")
# Now we actually run the experiment.
max_wait = 0.01 if building_doc else 3
with ExperimentController(
- exp_name='CRM corpus example', window_size=(720, 480),
- full_screen=False, participant='foo', session='foo', version='dev',
- output_dir=None, stim_fs=40000) as ec:
- ec.screen_text('Report the color and number spoken by the female '
- 'talker.', wrap=True)
+ exp_name="CRM corpus example",
+ window_size=(720, 480),
+ full_screen=False,
+ participant="foo",
+ session="foo",
+ version="dev",
+ output_dir=None,
+ stim_fs=40000,
+) as ec:
+ ec.screen_text(
+ "Report the color and number spoken by the female " "talker.", wrap=True
+ )
screenshot = ec.screenshot()
- ec.identify_trial(ec_id='', ttl_id=[])
+ ec.identify_trial(ec_id="", ttl_id=[])
ec.wait_secs(x.shape[-1] / float(fs))
resp = crm_response_menu(ec, max_wait=0.01 if building_doc else np.inf)
- if resp == ('g', '6'):
- ec.screen_prompt('Correct!', max_wait=max_wait)
+ if resp == ("g", "6"):
+ ec.screen_prompt("Correct!", max_wait=max_wait)
- ec.screen_prompt('Incorrect.', max_wait=max_wait)
+ ec.screen_prompt("Incorrect.", max_wait=max_wait)
diff --git a/examples/stimuli/simple_video.py b/examples/stimuli/simple_video.py
index 335da5bd..90dc1afc 100644
--- a/examples/stimuli/simple_video.py
+++ b/examples/stimuli/simple_video.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Video playing made simple
@@ -10,21 +9,27 @@
@author: drmccloy
-from expyfun import (ExperimentController, fetch_data_file, analyze as ea,
- building_doc)
+from expyfun import ExperimentController, building_doc, fetch_data_file
+from expyfun import analyze as ea
-movie_path = fetch_data_file('video/example-video.mp4')
-ec_args = dict(exp_name='simple video example', window_size=(720, 480),
- full_screen=False, participant='foo', session='foo',
- version='dev', output_dir=None)
+movie_path = fetch_data_file("video/example-video.mp4")
+ec_args = dict(
+ exp_name="simple video example",
+ window_size=(720, 480),
+ full_screen=False,
+ participant="foo",
+ session="foo",
+ version="dev",
+ output_dir=None,
screenshot = None
with ExperimentController(**ec_args) as ec:
- ec.video.set_scale('fit')
+ ec.video.set_scale("fit")
t_zero = ec.video.play()
while not ec.video.finished:
if ec.video.playing:
@@ -36,6 +41,6 @@
- ec.screen_prompt('video over', max_wait=1.)
+ ec.screen_prompt("video over", max_wait=1.0)
diff --git a/examples/stimuli/stimulus_power.py b/examples/stimuli/stimulus_power.py
index f7ceab18..60bff2d1 100644
--- a/examples/stimuli/stimulus_power.py
+++ b/examples/stimuli/stimulus_power.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Examine and manipulate stimulus power
@@ -7,11 +6,11 @@
This shows how to make stimuli that play at different SNRs and db SPL.
-import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
-from expyfun.stimuli import window_edges, read_wav, rms
from expyfun import fetch_data_file
+from expyfun.stimuli import read_wav, rms, window_edges
@@ -19,7 +18,7 @@
# Load data
# ---------
# Get 2 seconds of data
-data_orig, fs = read_wav(fetch_data_file('audio/dream.wav'))
+data_orig, fs = read_wav(fetch_data_file("audio/dream.wav"))
stop = int(round(fs * 2))
data_orig = window_edges(data_orig[0, :stop], fs)
t = np.arange(data_orig.size) / float(fs)
@@ -27,8 +26,7 @@
# look at the waveform
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(t, data_orig)
-ax.set(xlabel='Time (sec)', ylabel='Amplitude', title='Original',
- xlim=t[[0, -1]])
+ax.set(xlabel="Time (sec)", ylabel="Amplitude", title="Original", xlim=t[[0, -1]])
@@ -45,7 +43,7 @@
target *= 0.01
# do manual calculation same as ``rms``, result should be 0.01
# (to numerical precision)
-print(np.sqrt(np.mean(target ** 2)))
# One important thing to note about this stimulus is that its long-term RMS
@@ -67,26 +65,25 @@
# during your experiment.
# Good idea to use a seed for reproducibility!
-ratio_dB = -6. # dB
+ratio_dB = -6.0 # dB
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
masker = rng.randn(len(target))
masker /= rms(masker) # now has unit RMS
masker *= 0.01 # now has RMS=0.01, same as target
-ratio_amplitude = 10 ** (ratio_dB / 20.) # conversion from dB to amplitude
+ratio_amplitude = 10 ** (ratio_dB / 20.0) # conversion from dB to amplitude
masker *= ratio_amplitude
# Looking at the overlaid traces, you can see that the resulting SNR varies as
# a function of time.
-colors = ['#4477AA', '#EE7733']
+colors = ["#4477AA", "#EE7733"]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
-ax.plot(t, target, label='target', alpha=0.5, color=colors[0], lw=0.5)
-ax.plot(t, masker, label='masker', alpha=0.5, color=colors[1], lw=0.5)
-ax.axhline(0.01, label='target RMS', color=colors[0], lw=1)
-ax.axhline(0.01 * ratio_amplitude, label='masker RMS', color=colors[1], lw=1)
-ax.set(xlabel='Time (sec)', ylabel='Amplitude', title='Calibrated',
- xlim=t[[0, -1]])
+ax.plot(t, target, label="target", alpha=0.5, color=colors[0], lw=0.5)
+ax.plot(t, masker, label="masker", alpha=0.5, color=colors[1], lw=0.5)
+ax.axhline(0.01, label="target RMS", color=colors[0], lw=1)
+ax.axhline(0.01 * ratio_amplitude, label="masker RMS", color=colors[1], lw=1)
+ax.set(xlabel="Time (sec)", ylabel="Amplitude", title="Calibrated", xlim=t[[0, -1]])
@@ -97,19 +94,19 @@
# SNR varies as a function of frequency.
from scipy.fft import rfft, rfftfreq # noqa
-f = rfftfreq(len(target), 1. / fs)
+f = rfftfreq(len(target), 1.0 / fs)
T = np.abs(rfft(target)) / np.sqrt(len(target)) # normalize the FFT properly
M = np.abs(rfft(masker)) / np.sqrt(len(target))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
-ax.plot(f, T, label='target', alpha=0.5, color=colors[0], lw=0.5)
-ax.plot(f, M, label='masker', alpha=0.5, color=colors[1], lw=0.5)
+ax.plot(f, T, label="target", alpha=0.5, color=colors[0], lw=0.5)
+ax.plot(f, M, label="masker", alpha=0.5, color=colors[1], lw=0.5)
T_rms = rms(T)
M_rms = rms(M)
-print('Parseval\'s theorem: target RMS still %s' % (T_rms,))
-print('dB TMR is still %s' % (20 * np.log10(T_rms / M_rms),))
-ax.axhline(T_rms, label='target RMS', color=colors[0], lw=1)
-ax.axhline(M_rms, label='masker RMS', color=colors[1], lw=1)
-ax.set(xlabel='Freq (Hz)', ylabel='Amplitude', title='Spectrum',
- xlim=f[[0, -1]])
+print("Parseval's theorem: target RMS still %s" % (T_rms,))
+print("dB TMR is still %s" % (20 * np.log10(T_rms / M_rms),))
+ax.axhline(T_rms, label="target RMS", color=colors[0], lw=1)
+ax.axhline(M_rms, label="masker RMS", color=colors[1], lw=1)
+ax.set(xlabel="Freq (Hz)", ylabel="Amplitude", title="Spectrum", xlim=f[[0, -1]])
diff --git a/examples/stimuli/texture_stimuli.py b/examples/stimuli/texture_stimuli.py
index 70e6cc6a..5d21b25a 100644
--- a/examples/stimuli/texture_stimuli.py
+++ b/examples/stimuli/texture_stimuli.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Generate texture stimuli
@@ -7,25 +6,25 @@
This shows how to generate texture coherence stimuli.
-import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
-from expyfun.stimuli import texture_ERB, play_sound
+from expyfun.stimuli import play_sound, texture_ERB
fs = 24414
n_freqs = 20
n_coh = 18 # very coherent example
# let's make a textured stimilus and play it
-sig = texture_ERB(n_freqs, n_coh, fs=fs, seq=('inc', 'nb', 'sam'))
+sig = texture_ERB(n_freqs, n_coh, fs=fs, seq=("inc", "nb", "sam"))
play_sound(sig, fs, norm=True, wait=True)
# Let's look at the time course
t = np.arange(len(sig)) / float(fs)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
-ax.plot(t, sig.T, color='k')
-ax.set(xlabel='Time (sec)', ylabel='Amplitude (normalized)', xlim=t[[0, -1]])
+ax.plot(t, sig.T, color="k")
+ax.set(xlabel="Time (sec)", ylabel="Amplitude (normalized)", xlim=t[[0, -1]])
@@ -33,17 +32,15 @@
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(8, 2))
img = ax.specgram(sig, NFFT=1024, Fs=fs, noverlap=800)[3]
img.set_clim([img.get_clim()[1] - 50, img.get_clim()[1]])
-ax.set(xlim=t[[0, -1]], ylim=[0, 10000], xlabel='Time (sec)',
- ylabel='Freq (Hz)')
+ax.set(xlim=t[[0, -1]], ylim=[0, 10000], xlabel="Time (sec)", ylabel="Freq (Hz)")
# And the long-term spectrum:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
-ax.psd(sig, NFFT=16384, Fs=fs, color='k')
+ax.psd(sig, NFFT=16384, Fs=fs, color="k")
xticks = [250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000]
-ax.set(xlabel='Frequency (Hz)', ylabel='Power (dB)', xlim=[100, 10000],
- xscale='log')
+ax.set(xlabel="Frequency (Hz)", ylabel="Power (dB)", xlim=[100, 10000], xscale="log")
diff --git a/examples/stimuli/tracker_staircase.py b/examples/stimuli/tracker_staircase.py
index b4d4ca09..1b6f9e56 100644
--- a/examples/stimuli/tracker_staircase.py
+++ b/examples/stimuli/tracker_staircase.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Do an adaptive track staircase
@@ -12,15 +11,15 @@
import numpy as np
-from expyfun.stimuli import TrackerUD
from expyfun.analyze import sigmoid
+from expyfun.stimuli import TrackerUD
# Make a callback function that prints to the console, rather than log file
def callback(event_type, value=None, timestamp=None):
- print((str(event_type) + ':').ljust(40) + str(value))
+ print((str(event_type) + ":").ljust(40) + str(value))
# Define parameters for modeled human subject (sigmoid probability)
@@ -36,12 +35,12 @@ def callback(event_type, value=None, timestamp=None):
# Do the task until the tracker stops
while not tr.stopped:
- tr.respond(rng.rand() < sigmoid(tr.x_current - true_thresh,
- lower=chance, slope=slope))
+ tr.respond(
+ rng.rand() < sigmoid(tr.x_current - true_thresh, lower=chance, slope=slope)
+ )
# Plot the results
fig, ax, lines = tr.plot()
lines += tr.plot_thresh(4, ax=ax)
-ax.set_title('Adaptive track of model human (true threshold is {})'
- .format(true_thresh))
+ax.set_title(f"Adaptive track of model human (true threshold is {true_thresh})")
diff --git a/examples/stimuli/tracker_staircase_MHW.py b/examples/stimuli/tracker_staircase_MHW.py
index d38d271e..959c6cb9 100644
--- a/examples/stimuli/tracker_staircase_MHW.py
+++ b/examples/stimuli/tracker_staircase_MHW.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Do an adaptive track staircase with MHW procedure
@@ -12,13 +11,13 @@
import numpy as np
-from expyfun.stimuli import TrackerMHW
from expyfun.analyze import sigmoid
+from expyfun.stimuli import TrackerMHW
# Make a callback function that prints to the console, rather than log file
def callback(event_type, value=None, timestamp=None):
- print((str(event_type) + ':').ljust(40) + str(value))
+ print((str(event_type) + ":").ljust(40) + str(value))
# Define parameters for modeled human subject (sigmoid probability)
@@ -34,12 +33,12 @@ def callback(event_type, value=None, timestamp=None):
# Do the task until the tracker stops
while not tr.stopped:
- tr.respond(rng.rand() < sigmoid(tr.x_current - true_thresh,
- lower=chance, slope=slope))
+ tr.respond(
+ rng.rand() < sigmoid(tr.x_current - true_thresh, lower=chance, slope=slope)
+ )
# Plot the results
fig, ax, lines = tr.plot()
lines += tr.plot_thresh()
-ax.set_title('Adaptive track of model human (true threshold is {})'
- .format(true_thresh))
+ax.set_title(f"Adaptive track of model human (true threshold is {true_thresh})")
diff --git a/examples/stimuli/vocoded_stimuli.py b/examples/stimuli/vocoded_stimuli.py
index 116ed06a..8db0ab09 100644
--- a/examples/stimuli/vocoded_stimuli.py
+++ b/examples/stimuli/vocoded_stimuli.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Generate vocoded stimuli
@@ -9,33 +8,33 @@
@author: larsoner
-import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
-from expyfun.stimuli import vocode, play_sound, window_edges, read_wav, rms
from expyfun import fetch_data_file
+from expyfun.stimuli import play_sound, read_wav, rms, vocode, window_edges
-data, fs = read_wav(fetch_data_file('audio/dream.wav'))
+data, fs = read_wav(fetch_data_file("audio/dream.wav"))
data = window_edges(data[0], fs)
t = np.arange(data.size) / float(fs)
# noise vocoder
-data_noise = vocode(data, fs, mode='noise')
+data_noise = vocode(data, fs, mode="noise")
data_noise = data_noise * 0.01 / rms(data_noise)
# sinewave vocoder
-data_tone = vocode(data, fs, mode='tone')
+data_tone = vocode(data, fs, mode="tone")
data_tone = data_tone * 0.01 / rms(data_tone)
# poisson vocoder
-data_click = vocode(data, fs, mode='poisson', rate=400)
+data_click = vocode(data, fs, mode="poisson", rate=400)
data_click = data_click * 0.01 / rms(data_click)
# combine all three
cutoff = data.shape[-1] // 3
data_allthree = data_noise.copy()
-data_allthree[cutoff:2 * cutoff] = data_tone[cutoff:2 * cutoff]
-data_allthree[2 * cutoff:] = data_click[2 * cutoff:]
+data_allthree[cutoff : 2 * cutoff] = data_tone[cutoff : 2 * cutoff]
+data_allthree[2 * cutoff :] = data_click[2 * cutoff :]
snd = play_sound(data_allthree, fs, norm=False, wait=False)
# Uncomment this to play the original, too:
@@ -43,18 +42,18 @@
ax1 = plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
ax1.plot(t, data)
ax2 = plt.subplot(3, 1, 2, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
ax2.plot(t, data_noise)
ax3 = plt.subplot(3, 1, 3, sharex=ax1)
ax3.specgram(data_noise, Fs=fs)
ax3.set_xlim(t[[0, -1]])
-ax3.set_ylim([0, fs / 2.])
-ax3.set_ylabel('Frequency (hz)')
-ax3.set_xlabel('Time (sec)')
+ax3.set_ylim([0, fs / 2.0])
+ax3.set_ylabel("Frequency (hz)")
+ax3.set_xlabel("Time (sec)")
diff --git a/examples/sync/sample_rate_test.py b/examples/sync/sample_rate_test.py
index 07c9a091..a13e2c70 100644
--- a/examples/sync/sample_rate_test.py
+++ b/examples/sync/sample_rate_test.py
@@ -44,18 +44,25 @@
stim = np.zeros(int(1e6) + 1)
-stim[[0, -1]] = 1.
-with ExperimentController('FsTest', full_screen=False, noise_db=-np.inf,
- participant='s', session='0', output_dir=None,
- suppress_resamp=True, check_rms=None,
- version='dev') as ec:
- ec.identify_trial(ec_id='', ttl_id=[0])
+stim[[0, -1]] = 1.0
+with ExperimentController(
+ "FsTest",
+ full_screen=False,
+ noise_db=-np.inf,
+ participant="s",
+ session="0",
+ output_dir=None,
+ suppress_resamp=True,
+ check_rms=None,
+ version="dev",
+) as ec:
+ ec.identify_trial(ec_id="", ttl_id=[0])
- print('Starting stimulus.')
+ print("Starting stimulus.")
- wait_dur = len(stim) / ec.fs + 1.
- print('Stimulus started. Please wait %d seconds.' % wait_dur)
+ wait_dur = len(stim) / ec.fs + 1.0
+ print("Stimulus started. Please wait %d seconds." % wait_dur)
if not building_doc:
- print('Stimulus done.')
+ print("Stimulus done.")
diff --git a/examples/sync/sync_test.py b/examples/sync/sync_test.py
index f245ad83..f59ef418 100644
--- a/examples/sync/sync_test.py
+++ b/examples/sync/sync_test.py
@@ -36,16 +36,24 @@
import numpy as np
+import expyfun.analyze as ea
from expyfun import ExperimentController, building_doc
from expyfun.visual import Circle, Rectangle
-import expyfun.analyze as ea
n_channels = 2
click_idx = [0]
-with ExperimentController('SyncTest', full_screen=True, noise_db=-np.inf,
- participant='s', session='0', output_dir=None,
- suppress_resamp=True, check_rms=None,
- n_channels=n_channels, version='dev') as ec:
+with ExperimentController(
+ "SyncTest",
+ full_screen=True,
+ noise_db=-np.inf,
+ participant="s",
+ session="0",
+ output_dir=None,
+ suppress_resamp=True,
+ check_rms=None,
+ n_channels=n_channels,
+ version="dev",
+) as ec:
click = np.r_[0.1, np.zeros(99)] # RMS = 0.01
data = np.zeros((n_channels, len(click)))
data[click_idx] = click
@@ -53,23 +61,23 @@
pressed = None
screenshot = None
# Make a circle so that the photodiode can be centered on the screen
- circle = Circle(ec, 1, units='deg', fill_color='k', line_color='w')
+ circle = Circle(ec, 1, units="deg", fill_color="k", line_color="w")
# Make a rectangle that is the standard credit card size
- rect = Rectangle(ec, [0, 0, 8.56, 5.398], 'cm', None, '#AA3377')
- while pressed != '8': # enable a clean quit if required
- ec.set_background_color('white')
+ rect = Rectangle(ec, [0, 0, 8.56, 5.398], "cm", None, "#AA3377")
+ while pressed != "8": # enable a clean quit if required
+ ec.set_background_color("white")
t1 = ec.start_stimulus(start_of_trial=False) # skip checks
- ec.set_background_color('black')
+ ec.set_background_color("black")
t2 = ec.flip()
diff = round(1000 * (t2 - t1), 2)
- ec.screen_text('IFI (ms): {}'.format(diff), wrap=True)
+ ec.screen_text(f"IFI (ms): {diff}", wrap=True)
screenshot = ec.screenshot() if screenshot is None else screenshot
ec.stamp_triggers([2, 4, 8])
- pressed = ec.wait_one_press(0.5)[0] if not building_doc else '8'
+ pressed = ec.wait_one_press(0.5)[0] if not building_doc else "8"
diff --git a/expyfun/__init__.py b/expyfun/__init__.py
index 76ceb486..105a8ed9 100644
--- a/expyfun/__init__.py
+++ b/expyfun/__init__.py
@@ -8,16 +8,28 @@
from ._version import __version__
# have to import verbose first since it's needed by many things
-from ._utils import (set_log_level, set_log_file, set_config, check_units,
- get_config, get_config_path, fetch_data_file,
- run_subprocess, verbose_dec as verbose, building_doc,
- known_config_types)
+from ._utils import (
+ set_log_level,
+ set_log_file,
+ set_config,
+ check_units,
+ get_config,
+ get_config_path,
+ fetch_data_file,
+ run_subprocess,
+ verbose_dec as verbose,
+ building_doc,
+ known_config_types,
from ._git import assert_version, download_version
from ._experiment_controller import ExperimentController, get_keyboard_input
from ._eyelink_controller import EyelinkController
from ._sound_controllers import SoundCardController
-from ._trigger_controllers import (decimals_to_binary, binary_to_decimals,
- ParallelTrigger)
+from ._trigger_controllers import (
+ decimals_to_binary,
+ binary_to_decimals,
+ ParallelTrigger,
from ._tdt_controller import TDTController
from . import analyze
from . import codeblocks
diff --git a/expyfun/_experiment_controller.py b/expyfun/_experiment_controller.py
index 396d3d94..2cbdb02c 100644
--- a/expyfun/_experiment_controller.py
+++ b/expyfun/_experiment_controller.py
@@ -6,31 +6,43 @@
# License: BSD (3-clause)
-from collections import OrderedDict
import inspect
import json
import os
+import string
import sys
+import traceback as tb
import warnings
-from os import path as op
+from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import partial
-import traceback as tb
-import string
+from os import path as op
import numpy as np
-from ._utils import (get_config, verbose_dec, _check_pyglet_version,
- running_rms, _sanitize, logger, ZeroClock, date_str,
- check_units, set_log_file, flush_logger, _TempDir,
- string_types, _fix_audio_dims, input, _get_args,
- _get_display, _wait_secs)
+from ._git import __version__, assert_version
+from ._input_controllers import CedrusBox, Joystick, Keyboard, Mouse
+from ._sound_controllers import _AUTO_BACKENDS, SoundCardController, SoundPlayer
from ._tdt_controller import TDTController
from ._trigger_controllers import ParallelTrigger
-from ._sound_controllers import (SoundPlayer, SoundCardController,
-from ._input_controllers import Keyboard, CedrusBox, Mouse, Joystick
-from .visual import Text, Rectangle, Video, _convert_color
-from ._git import assert_version, __version__
+from ._utils import (
+ ZeroClock,
+ _check_pyglet_version,
+ _fix_audio_dims,
+ _get_args,
+ _get_display,
+ _sanitize,
+ _TempDir,
+ _wait_secs,
+ check_units,
+ date_str,
+ flush_logger,
+ get_config,
+ logger,
+ running_rms,
+ set_log_file,
+ verbose_dec,
+from .visual import Rectangle, Text, Video, _convert_color
# Note: ec._trial_progress has three values:
# 1. 'stopped', which ec.identify_trial turns into...
@@ -40,7 +52,7 @@
_SLOW_LIMIT = 10000000
-class ExperimentController(object):
+class ExperimentController:
"""Interface for hardware control (audio, buttonbox, eye tracker, etc.)
@@ -142,14 +154,33 @@ class ExperimentController(object):
- def __init__(self, exp_name, audio_controller=None, response_device=None,
- stim_rms=0.01, stim_fs=24414, stim_db=65, noise_db=45,
- output_dir='data', window_size=None, screen_num=None,
- full_screen=True, force_quit=None, participant=None,
- monitor=None, trigger_controller=None, session=None,
- check_rms='windowed', suppress_resamp=False, version=None,
- safe_flipping=None, n_channels=2,
- trigger_duration=0.01, joystick=False, verbose=None):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ exp_name,
+ audio_controller=None,
+ response_device=None,
+ stim_rms=0.01,
+ stim_fs=24414,
+ stim_db=65,
+ noise_db=45,
+ output_dir="data",
+ window_size=None,
+ screen_num=None,
+ full_screen=True,
+ force_quit=None,
+ participant=None,
+ monitor=None,
+ trigger_controller=None,
+ session=None,
+ check_rms="windowed",
+ suppress_resamp=False,
+ version=None,
+ safe_flipping=None,
+ n_channels=2,
+ trigger_duration=0.01,
+ joystick=False,
+ verbose=None,
+ ):
# initialize some values
self._stim_fs = stim_fs
self._stim_rms = stim_rms
@@ -158,7 +189,7 @@ def __init__(self, exp_name, audio_controller=None, response_device=None,
self._stim_scaler = None
self._suppress_resamp = suppress_resamp
self.video = None
- self._bgcolor = _convert_color('k')
+ self._bgcolor = _convert_color("k")
# placeholder for extra actions to do on flip-and-play
self._on_every_flip = []
self._on_next_flip = []
@@ -179,19 +210,23 @@ def __init__(self, exp_name, audio_controller=None, response_device=None,
# assure proper formatting for force-quit keys
if force_quit is None:
- force_quit = ['lctrl', 'rctrl']
- elif isinstance(force_quit, (int, string_types)):
+ force_quit = ["lctrl", "rctrl"]
+ elif isinstance(force_quit, (int, str)):
force_quit = [str(force_quit)]
- if 'escape' in force_quit:
- logger.warning('Expyfun: using "escape" as a force-quit key '
- 'is not recommended because it has special '
- 'status in pyglet.')
+ if "escape" in force_quit:
+ logger.warning(
+ 'Expyfun: using "escape" as a force-quit key '
+ "is not recommended because it has special "
+ "status in pyglet."
+ )
# check expyfun version
if version is None:
- raise RuntimeError('You must specify an expyfun version string'
- ' to use ExperimentController, or specify '
- 'version=\'dev\' to override.')
- elif version.lower() != 'dev':
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "You must specify an expyfun version string"
+ " to use ExperimentController, or specify "
+ "version='dev' to override."
+ )
+ elif version.lower() != "dev":
# set up timing
# Use ZeroClock, which uses the "clock" fn but starts at zero
@@ -203,28 +238,28 @@ def __init__(self, exp_name, audio_controller=None, response_device=None,
self._exp_info = OrderedDict()
for name in _get_args(self.__init__):
- if name != 'self':
+ if name != "self":
self._exp_info[name] = locals()[name]
- self._exp_info['date'] = date_str()
+ self._exp_info["date"] = date_str()
# skip verbose decorator frames
- self._exp_info['file'] = \
- op.abspath(inspect.getfile(sys._getframe(3)))
- self._exp_info['version_used'] = __version__
+ self._exp_info["file"] = op.abspath(inspect.getfile(sys._getframe(3)))
+ self._exp_info["version_used"] = __version__
# session start dialog, if necessary
- show_list = ['exp_name', 'date', 'file', 'participant', 'session']
- edit_list = ['participant', 'session'] # things editable in GUI
+ show_list = ["exp_name", "date", "file", "participant", "session"]
+ edit_list = ["participant", "session"] # things editable in GUI
for key in show_list:
value = self._exp_info[key]
- if key in edit_list and value is not None and \
- not isinstance(value, string_types):
- raise TypeError('{} must be string or None'
- ''.format(value))
+ if (
+ key in edit_list
+ and value is not None
+ and not isinstance(value, str)
+ ):
+ raise TypeError(f"{value} must be string or None" "")
if key in edit_list and value is None:
- self._exp_info[key] = get_keyboard_input(
- '{0}: '.format(key))
+ self._exp_info[key] = get_keyboard_input(f"{key}: ")
- print('{0}: {1}'.format(key, value))
+ print(f"{key}: {value}")
# initialize log file
@@ -235,92 +270,103 @@ def __init__(self, exp_name, audio_controller=None, response_device=None,
output_dir = op.abspath(output_dir)
if not op.isdir(output_dir):
- basename = op.join(output_dir, '{}_{}'
- ''.format(self._exp_info['participant'],
- self._exp_info['date']))
+ basename = op.join(
+ output_dir,
+ "{}_{}" "".format(
+ self._exp_info["participant"], self._exp_info["date"]
+ ),
+ )
self._output_dir = basename
- self._log_file = self._output_dir + '.log'
+ self._log_file = self._output_dir + ".log"
closer = partial(set_log_file, None)
# initialize data file
- self._data_file = open(self._output_dir + '.tab', 'a')
+ self._data_file = open(self._output_dir + ".tab", "a")
self._extra_cleanup_fun.append(self.flush) # flush
self._extra_cleanup_fun.append(self._data_file.close) # close
self._extra_cleanup_fun.append(closer) # un-set log file
- self._data_file.write('# ' + json.dumps(self._exp_info) + '\n')
- self.write_data_line('event', 'value', 'timestamp')
- logger.info('Expyfun: Using version %s (requested %s)'
- % (__version__, version))
+ self._data_file.write("# " + json.dumps(self._exp_info) + "\n")
+ self.write_data_line("event", "value", "timestamp")
+ logger.info(
+ "Expyfun: Using version %s (requested %s)" % (__version__, version)
+ )
# set up monitor
if safe_flipping is None:
- safe_flipping = not (get_config('SAFE_FLIPPING', '').lower() ==
- 'false')
+ safe_flipping = not (get_config("SAFE_FLIPPING", "").lower() == "false")
if not safe_flipping:
- logger.warning('Expyfun: Unsafe flipping mode enabled, flip '
- 'timing not guaranteed')
+ logger.warning(
+ "Expyfun: Unsafe flipping mode enabled, flip "
+ "timing not guaranteed"
+ )
self.safe_flipping = safe_flipping
if screen_num is None:
- screen_num = int(get_config('SCREEN_NUM', '0'))
+ screen_num = int(get_config("SCREEN_NUM", "0"))
display = _get_display()
screen = display.get_screens()[screen_num]
if monitor is None:
mon_size = [screen.width, screen.height]
- mon_size = ','.join([str(d) for d in mon_size])
+ mon_size = ",".join([str(d) for d in mon_size])
monitor = dict()
- width = float(get_config('SCREEN_WIDTH', '51.0'))
- dist = float(get_config('SCREEN_DISTANCE', '48.0'))
- monitor['SCREEN_WIDTH'] = width
- monitor['SCREEN_DISTANCE'] = dist
- mon_size = get_config('SCREEN_SIZE_PIX', mon_size).split(',')
+ width = float(get_config("SCREEN_WIDTH", "51.0"))
+ dist = float(get_config("SCREEN_DISTANCE", "48.0"))
+ monitor["SCREEN_WIDTH"] = width
+ monitor["SCREEN_DISTANCE"] = dist
+ mon_size = get_config("SCREEN_SIZE_PIX", mon_size).split(",")
mon_size = [int(p) for p in mon_size]
- monitor['SCREEN_SIZE_PIX'] = mon_size
+ monitor["SCREEN_SIZE_PIX"] = mon_size
if not isinstance(monitor, dict):
- raise TypeError('monitor must be a dict, got %r' % (monitor,))
- req_mon_keys = ['SCREEN_WIDTH', 'SCREEN_DISTANCE',
+ raise TypeError("monitor must be a dict, got %r" % (monitor,))
missing_keys = [key for key in req_mon_keys if key not in monitor]
if missing_keys:
- raise KeyError('monitor is missing required keys {0}'
- ''.format(missing_keys))
- mon_size = monitor['SCREEN_SIZE_PIX']
- monitor['SCREEN_DPI'] = (monitor['SCREEN_SIZE_PIX'][0] /
- (monitor['SCREEN_WIDTH'] * 0.393701))
- monitor['SCREEN_HEIGHT'] = (monitor['SCREEN_WIDTH'] /
- float(monitor['SCREEN_SIZE_PIX'][0]) *
- float(monitor['SCREEN_SIZE_PIX'][1]))
+ raise KeyError(f"monitor is missing required keys {missing_keys}" "")
+ mon_size = monitor["SCREEN_SIZE_PIX"]
+ monitor["SCREEN_DPI"] = monitor["SCREEN_SIZE_PIX"][0] / (
+ monitor["SCREEN_WIDTH"] * 0.393701
+ )
+ monitor["SCREEN_HEIGHT"] = (
+ monitor["SCREEN_WIDTH"]
+ / float(monitor["SCREEN_SIZE_PIX"][0])
+ * float(monitor["SCREEN_SIZE_PIX"][1])
+ )
self._monitor = monitor
# parse audio controller
if audio_controller is None:
- audio_controller = {'TYPE': get_config('AUDIO_CONTROLLER',
- 'sound_card')}
- elif isinstance(audio_controller, string_types):
+ audio_controller = {
+ "TYPE": get_config("AUDIO_CONTROLLER", "sound_card")
+ }
+ elif isinstance(audio_controller, str):
# old option, backward compat / shortcut
if audio_controller in _AUTO_BACKENDS:
audio_controller = {
- 'TYPE': 'sound_card',
- 'SOUND_CARD_BACKEND': audio_controller}
+ "TYPE": "sound_card",
+ "SOUND_CARD_BACKEND": audio_controller,
+ }
- audio_controller = {'TYPE': audio_controller.lower()}
+ audio_controller = {"TYPE": audio_controller.lower()}
elif not isinstance(audio_controller, dict):
- raise TypeError('audio_controller must be a str or dict, got '
- 'type %s' % (type(audio_controller),))
- audio_type = audio_controller['TYPE'].lower()
+ raise TypeError(
+ "audio_controller must be a str or dict, got "
+ "type %s" % (type(audio_controller),)
+ )
+ audio_type = audio_controller["TYPE"].lower()
# parse response device
if response_device is None:
- response_device = get_config('RESPONSE_DEVICE', 'keyboard')
- if response_device not in ['keyboard', 'tdt', 'cedrus']:
- raise ValueError('response_device must be "keyboard", "tdt", '
- '"cedrus", or None')
+ response_device = get_config("RESPONSE_DEVICE", "keyboard")
+ if response_device not in ["keyboard", "tdt", "cedrus"]:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'response_device must be "keyboard", "tdt", ' '"cedrus", or None'
+ )
self._response_device = response_device
@@ -329,28 +375,40 @@ def __init__(self, exp_name, audio_controller=None, response_device=None,
trigger_duration = float(trigger_duration)
if not 0.001 < trigger_duration <= 0.02: # probably an error
- raise ValueError('high_duration must be between 0.001 and '
- '0.02 sec, got %s' % (trigger_duration,))
+ raise ValueError(
+ "high_duration must be between 0.001 and "
+ "0.02 sec, got %s" % (trigger_duration,)
+ )
# Audio (and for TDT, potentially keyboard)
- if audio_type == 'tdt':
- logger.info('Expyfun: Setting up TDT')
+ if audio_type == "tdt":
+ logger.info("Expyfun: Setting up TDT")
if n_channels != 2:
- raise ValueError('n_channels must be equal to 2 for the '
- 'TDT backend, got %s' % (n_channels,))
+ raise ValueError(
+ "n_channels must be equal to 2 for the "
+ "TDT backend, got %s" % (n_channels,)
+ )
if trigger_duration != 0.01:
- raise ValueError('trigger_duration must be 0.01 for TDT, '
- 'got %s' % (trigger_duration,))
+ raise ValueError(
+ "trigger_duration must be 0.01 for TDT, "
+ "got %s" % (trigger_duration,)
+ )
self._ac = TDTController(audio_controller, ec=self)
self.audio_type = self._ac.model
- elif audio_type == 'sound_card':
+ elif audio_type == "sound_card":
self._ac = SoundCardController(
- audio_controller, self.stim_fs, n_channels,
- trigger_duration=trigger_duration, ec=self)
+ audio_controller,
+ self.stim_fs,
+ n_channels,
+ trigger_duration=trigger_duration,
+ ec=self,
+ )
self.audio_type = self._ac.backend_name
- raise ValueError('audio_controller[\'TYPE\'] must be "tdt" '
- 'or "sound_card", got %r.' % (audio_type,))
+ raise ValueError(
+ "audio_controller['TYPE'] must be \"tdt\" "
+ 'or "sound_card", got %r.' % (audio_type,)
+ )
del audio_type
self._extra_cleanup_fun.insert(0, self._ac.halt)
# audio scaling factor; ensure uniform intensity across devices
@@ -358,46 +416,50 @@ def __init__(self, exp_name, audio_controller=None, response_device=None,
if self._fs_mismatch:
- msg = ('Expyfun: Mismatch between reported stim sample '
- 'rate ({0}) and device sample rate ({1}). '
- .format(self.stim_fs, self.fs))
+ msg = (
+ "Expyfun: Mismatch between reported stim sample "
+ f"rate ({self.stim_fs}) and device sample rate ({self.fs}). "
+ )
if self._suppress_resamp:
- msg += ('Nothing will be done about this because '
- 'suppress_resamp is "True"')
+ msg += (
+ "Nothing will be done about this because "
+ 'suppress_resamp is "True"'
+ )
- msg += ('Experiment Controller will resample for you, but '
- 'this takes a non-trivial amount of processing '
- 'time and may compromise your experimental '
- 'timing and/or cause artifacts.')
+ msg += (
+ "Experiment Controller will resample for you, but "
+ "this takes a non-trivial amount of processing "
+ "time and may compromise your experimental "
+ "timing and/or cause artifacts."
+ )
# set up visual window (must be done before keyboard and mouse)
- logger.info('Expyfun: Setting up screen')
+ logger.info("Expyfun: Setting up screen")
if full_screen:
if window_size is None:
- window_size = monitor['SCREEN_SIZE_PIX']
+ window_size = monitor["SCREEN_SIZE_PIX"]
if window_size is None:
- window_size = get_config('WINDOW_SIZE',
- '800,600').split(',')
+ window_size = get_config("WINDOW_SIZE", "800,600").split(",")
window_size = [int(w) for w in window_size]
window_size = np.array(window_size)
if window_size.ndim != 1 or window_size.size != 2:
- raise ValueError('window_size must be 2-element array-like or '
- 'None')
+ raise ValueError("window_size must be 2-element array-like or " "None")
# open window and setup GL config
self._setup_window(window_size, exp_name, full_screen, screen)
# Keyboard
- if response_device == 'keyboard':
+ if response_device == "keyboard":
self._response_handler = Keyboard(self, force_quit)
- elif response_device == 'tdt':
+ elif response_device == "tdt":
if not isinstance(self._ac, TDTController):
- raise ValueError('response_device can only be "tdt" if '
- 'tdt is used for audio')
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'response_device can only be "tdt" if ' "tdt is used for audio"
+ )
self._response_handler = self._ac
self._ac._add_keyboard_init(self, force_quit)
else: # response_device == 'cedrus'
@@ -415,67 +477,79 @@ def __init__(self, exp_name, audio_controller=None, response_device=None,
self._ofp_critical_funs = list()
if trigger_controller is None:
- trigger_controller = get_config('TRIGGER_CONTROLLER', 'dummy')
- if isinstance(trigger_controller, string_types):
+ trigger_controller = get_config("TRIGGER_CONTROLLER", "dummy")
+ if isinstance(trigger_controller, str):
trigger_controller = dict(TYPE=trigger_controller)
assert isinstance(trigger_controller, dict)
trigger_controller = trigger_controller.copy()
- known_keys = ('TYPE',)
+ known_keys = ("TYPE",)
if set(trigger_controller) != set(known_keys):
raise ValueError(
- 'Unknown keys for trigger_controller, must be '
- f'{known_keys}, got {set(trigger_controller)}')
- logger.info(f'Expyfun: Initializing {trigger_controller["TYPE"]} '
- 'triggering mode')
- if trigger_controller['TYPE'] == 'tdt':
+ "Unknown keys for trigger_controller, must be "
+ f"{known_keys}, got {set(trigger_controller)}"
+ )
+ logger.info(
+ f'Expyfun: Initializing {trigger_controller["TYPE"]} ' 'triggering mode'
+ )
+ if trigger_controller["TYPE"] == "tdt":
if not isinstance(self._ac, TDTController):
- raise ValueError('trigger_controller can only be "tdt" if '
- 'tdt is used for audio')
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'trigger_controller can only be "tdt" if '
+ "tdt is used for audio"
+ )
self._tc = self._ac
- elif trigger_controller['TYPE'] == 'sound_card':
+ elif trigger_controller["TYPE"] == "sound_card":
if not isinstance(self._ac, SoundCardController):
- raise ValueError('trigger_controller can only be '
- '"sound_card" if the sound card is '
- 'used for audio')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "trigger_controller can only be "
+ '"sound_card" if the sound card is '
+ "used for audio"
+ )
if self._ac._n_channels_stim == 0:
- raise ValueError('cannot use sound card for triggering '
- 'zero')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "cannot use sound card for triggering "
+ "zero"
+ )
self._tc = self._ac
- elif trigger_controller['TYPE'] in ['parallel', 'dummy']:
+ elif trigger_controller["TYPE"] in ["parallel", "dummy"]:
addr = trigger_controller.get(
+ )
self._tc = ParallelTrigger(
- trigger_controller['TYPE'], addr,
- trigger_duration, ec=self)
+ trigger_controller["TYPE"], addr, trigger_duration, ec=self
+ )
self._extra_cleanup_fun.insert(0, self._tc.close)
# The TDT always stamps "1" on stimulus onset. Here we need
# to manually mimic that behavior.
- 0, lambda: self._stamp_ttl_triggers([1], False, False))
+ 0, lambda: self._stamp_ttl_triggers([1], False, False)
+ )
- raise ValueError('trigger_controller type must be '
- '"parallel", "dummy", "sound_card", or "tdt",'
- 'got {0}'.format(trigger_controller['TYPE']))
- self._id_call_dict['ttl_id'] = self._stamp_binary_id
+ raise ValueError(
+ "trigger_controller type must be "
+ '"parallel", "dummy", "sound_card", or "tdt",'
+ "got {0}".format(trigger_controller["TYPE"])
+ )
+ self._id_call_dict["ttl_id"] = self._stamp_binary_id
# other basic components
self._mouse_handler = Mouse(self)
- t = np.arange(44100 // 3) / 44100.
+ t = np.arange(44100 // 3) / 44100.0
car = sum([np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * t) for f in [800, 1000, 1200]])
self._beep = None
self._beep_data = np.tile(car * np.exp(-t * 10) / 4, (2, 3))
# finish initialization
- logger.info('Expyfun: Initialization complete')
- logger.exp('Expyfun: Participant: {0}'
- ''.format(self._exp_info['participant']))
- logger.exp('Expyfun: Session: {0}'
- ''.format(self._exp_info['session']))
- ok_log = partial(self.write_data_line, 'trial_ok', None)
+ logger.info("Expyfun: Initialization complete")
+ logger.exp(
+ "Expyfun: Participant: {0}" "".format(self._exp_info["participant"])
+ )
+ logger.exp("Expyfun: Session: {0}" "".format(self._exp_info["session"]))
+ ok_log = partial(self.write_data_line, "trial_ok", None)
- self._trial_progress = 'stopped'
+ self._trial_progress = "stopped"
except Exception:
@@ -483,19 +557,28 @@ def __init__(self, exp_name, audio_controller=None, response_device=None,
def __repr__(self):
- """Return a useful string representation of the experiment
- """
- string = (''
- ''.format(self._exp_info['exp_name'],
- self._exp_info['participant'],
- self._exp_info['session'],
- self.audio_type))
+ """Return a useful string representation of the experiment"""
+ string = '' "".format(
+ self._exp_info["exp_name"],
+ self._exp_info["participant"],
+ self._exp_info["session"],
+ self.audio_type,
+ )
return string
-# ############################### SCREEN METHODS ##############################
- def screen_text(self, text, pos=[0, 0], color='white', font_name='Arial',
- font_size=24, wrap=True, units='norm', attr=True,
- log_data=True):
+ # ############################### SCREEN METHODS ##############################
+ def screen_text(
+ self,
+ text,
+ pos=(0, 0),
+ color="white",
+ font_name="Arial",
+ font_size=24,
+ wrap=True,
+ units="norm",
+ attr=True,
+ log_data=True,
+ ):
"""Show some text on the screen.
@@ -534,18 +617,39 @@ def screen_text(self, text, pos=[0, 0], color='white', font_name='Arial',
- scr_txt = Text(self, text, pos, color, font_name, font_size,
- wrap=wrap, units=units, attr=attr)
+ scr_txt = Text(
+ self,
+ text,
+ pos,
+ color,
+ font_name,
+ font_size,
+ wrap=wrap,
+ units=units,
+ attr=attr,
+ )
if log_data:
- self.call_on_next_flip(partial(self.write_data_line, 'screen_text',
- text))
+ self.call_on_next_flip(partial(self.write_data_line, "screen_text", text))
return scr_txt
- def screen_prompt(self, text, max_wait=np.inf, min_wait=0, live_keys=None,
- timestamp=False, clear_after=True, pos=[0, 0],
- color='white', font_name='Arial', font_size=24,
- wrap=True, units='norm', attr=True, click=False):
+ def screen_prompt(
+ self,
+ text,
+ max_wait=np.inf,
+ min_wait=0,
+ live_keys=None,
+ timestamp=False,
+ clear_after=True,
+ pos=(0, 0),
+ color="white",
+ font_name="Arial",
+ font_size=24,
+ wrap=True,
+ units="norm",
+ attr=True,
+ click=False,
+ ):
"""Display text and (optionally) wait for user continuation
@@ -605,12 +709,19 @@ def screen_prompt(self, text, max_wait=np.inf, min_wait=0, live_keys=None,
if not isinstance(text, list):
text = [text]
- if not all([isinstance(t, string_types) for t in text]):
- raise TypeError('text must be a string or list of strings')
+ if not all(isinstance(t, str) for t in text):
+ raise TypeError("text must be a string or list of strings")
for t in text:
- self.screen_text(t, pos=pos, color=color, font_name=font_name,
- font_size=font_size, wrap=wrap, units=units,
- attr=attr)
+ self.screen_text(
+ t,
+ pos=pos,
+ color=color,
+ font_name=font_name,
+ font_size=font_size,
+ wrap=wrap,
+ units=units,
+ attr=attr,
+ )
fun = self.wait_one_click if click else self.wait_one_press
out = fun(max_wait, min_wait, live_keys, timestamp)
@@ -618,7 +729,7 @@ def screen_prompt(self, text, max_wait=np.inf, min_wait=0, live_keys=None,
return out
- def set_background_color(self, color='black'):
+ def set_background_color(self, color="black"):
"""Set and draw a solid background color
@@ -635,10 +746,11 @@ def set_background_color(self, color='black'):
appropriate background color.
from pyglet import gl
# we go a little over here to be safe from round-off errors
Rectangle(self, pos=[0, 0, 2.1, 2.1], fill_color=color).draw()
self._bgcolor = _convert_color(color)
- gl.glClearColor(*[c / 255. for c in self._bgcolor])
+ gl.glClearColor(*[c / 255.0 for c in self._bgcolor])
def start_stimulus(self, start_of_trial=True, flip=True, when=None):
"""Play audio, (optionally) flip screen, run any "on_flip" functions.
@@ -679,17 +791,19 @@ def start_stimulus(self, start_of_trial=True, flip=True, when=None):
`call_on_next_flip` and `call_on_every_flip`.
if start_of_trial:
- if self._trial_progress != 'identified':
- raise RuntimeError('Trial ID must be stamped before starting '
- 'the trial')
- self._trial_progress = 'started'
- extra = 'flipping screen and ' if flip else ''
- logger.exp('Expyfun: Starting stimuli: {0}playing audio'.format(extra))
+ if self._trial_progress != "identified":
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Trial ID must be stamped before starting " "the trial"
+ )
+ self._trial_progress = "started"
+ extra = "flipping screen and " if flip else ""
+ logger.exp(f"Expyfun: Starting stimuli: {extra}playing audio")
# ensure self._play comes first in list, followed by other critical
# private functions (e.g., EL stamping), then user functions:
if flip:
- self._on_next_flip = ([self._play] + self._ofp_critical_funs +
- self._on_next_flip)
+ self._on_next_flip = (
+ [self._play] + self._ofp_critical_funs + self._on_next_flip
+ )
stimulus_time = self.flip(when)
if when is not None:
@@ -757,51 +871,56 @@ def _convert_units(self, verts, fro, to):
verts = np.array(np.atleast_2d(verts), dtype=float)
if verts.shape[0] != 2:
- raise RuntimeError('verts must have 2 rows')
+ raise RuntimeError("verts must have 2 rows")
if fro == to:
return verts
# simplify by using two if neither is in normalized (native) units
- if 'norm' not in [to, fro]:
+ if "norm" not in [to, fro]:
# convert to normal
- verts = self._convert_units(verts, fro, 'norm')
+ verts = self._convert_units(verts, fro, "norm")
# convert from normal to dest
- verts = self._convert_units(verts, 'norm', to)
+ verts = self._convert_units(verts, "norm", to)
return verts
# figure out our actual transition, knowing one is 'norm'
win_w_pix, win_h_pix = self.window_size_pix
mon_w_pix, mon_h_pix = self.monitor_size_pix
- wh_cm = np.array([self._monitor['SCREEN_WIDTH'],
- self._monitor['SCREEN_HEIGHT']], float)
- d_cm = self._monitor['SCREEN_DISTANCE']
- cm_factors = (self.window_size_pix / self.monitor_size_pix *
- wh_cm / 2.)[:, np.newaxis]
- if 'pix' in [to, fro]:
- if 'pix' == to:
+ wh_cm = np.array(
+ [self._monitor["SCREEN_WIDTH"], self._monitor["SCREEN_HEIGHT"]], float
+ )
+ d_cm = self._monitor["SCREEN_DISTANCE"]
+ cm_factors = (self.window_size_pix / self.monitor_size_pix * wh_cm / 2.0)[
+ :, np.newaxis
+ ]
+ if "pix" in [to, fro]:
+ if "pix" == to:
# norm to pixels
- x = np.array([[win_w_pix / 2., 0, win_w_pix / 2.],
- [0, win_h_pix / 2., win_h_pix / 2.]])
+ x = np.array(
+ [
+ [win_w_pix / 2.0, 0, win_w_pix / 2.0],
+ [0, win_h_pix / 2.0, win_h_pix / 2.0],
+ ]
+ )
# pixels to norm
- x = np.array([[2. / win_w_pix, 0, -1.],
- [0, 2. / win_h_pix, -1.]])
+ x = np.array([[2.0 / win_w_pix, 0, -1.0], [0, 2.0 / win_h_pix, -1.0]])
verts = np.dot(x, np.r_[verts, np.ones((1, verts.shape[1]))])
- elif 'deg' in [to, fro]:
- if 'deg' == to:
+ elif "deg" in [to, fro]:
+ if "deg" == to:
# norm (window) to norm (whole screen), then to deg
verts = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(verts * cm_factors, d_cm))
# deg to norm (whole screen), to norm (window)
verts = (d_cm * np.tan(np.deg2rad(verts))) / cm_factors
- elif 'cm' in [to, fro]:
- if 'cm' == to:
+ elif "cm" in [to, fro]:
+ if "cm" == to:
verts = verts * cm_factors
verts = verts / cm_factors
- raise KeyError('unknown conversion "{}" to "{}"'.format(fro, to))
+ raise KeyError(f'unknown conversion "{fro}" to "{to}"')
return verts
def screenshot(self):
@@ -817,9 +936,10 @@ def screenshot(self):
import pyglet
from PIL import Image
tempdir = _TempDir()
- fname = op.join(tempdir, 'tmp.png')
- with open(fname, 'wb') as fid:
+ fname = op.join(tempdir, "tmp.png")
+ with open(fname, "wb") as fid:
with Image.open(fname) as img:
data = np.array(img)
@@ -844,7 +964,7 @@ def window(self):
def dpi(self):
- return self._monitor['SCREEN_DPI']
+ return self._monitor["SCREEN_DPI"]
def window_size_pix(self):
@@ -852,10 +972,10 @@ def window_size_pix(self):
def monitor_size_pix(self):
- return np.array(self._monitor['SCREEN_SIZE_PIX'])
+ return np.array(self._monitor["SCREEN_SIZE_PIX"])
-# ############################### VIDEO METHODS ###############################
- def load_video(self, file_name, pos=(0, 0), units='norm', center=True):
+ # ############################### VIDEO METHODS ###############################
+ def load_video(self, file_name, pos=(0, 0), units="norm", center=True):
"""Load a video.
@@ -877,26 +997,27 @@ def load_video(self, file_name, pos=(0, 0), units='norm', center=True):
self.video = Video(self, file_name, pos, units)
except MediaFormatException as exp:
raise RuntimeError(
- 'Something is wrong; probably you tried to load a '
- 'compressed video file but you do not have FFmpeg/Avbin '
- 'installed. Download and install it; if you are on Windows, '
- 'you may also need to manually copy the .dll file(s) '
- 'from C:\\Windows\\system32 to C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64.:\n%s'
- % (exp,))
+ "Something is wrong; probably you tried to load a "
+ "compressed video file but you do not have FFmpeg/Avbin "
+ "installed. Download and install it; if you are on Windows, "
+ "you may also need to manually copy the .dll file(s) "
+ "from C:\\Windows\\system32 to C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64.:\n%s" % (exp,)
+ )
def delete_video(self):
"""Delete the video."""
self.video = None
-# ############################### PYGLET EVENTS ###############################
-# https://pyglet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/programming_guide/eventloop.html#dispatching-events-manually # noqa
+ # ############################### PYGLET EVENTS ###############################
+ # https://pyglet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/programming_guide/eventloop.html#dispatching-events-manually # noqa
def _setup_event_loop(self):
- from pyglet.app import platform_event_loop, event_loop
+ from pyglet.app import event_loop, platform_event_loop
event_loop.has_exit = False
- event_loop.dispatch_event('on_enter')
+ event_loop.dispatch_event("on_enter")
event_loop.is_running = True
# This is when Pyglet calls:
@@ -905,6 +1026,7 @@ def _setup_event_loop(self):
def _dispatch_events(self):
import pyglet
# timeout = self._event_loop.idle()
@@ -912,27 +1034,40 @@ def _dispatch_events(self):
def _end_event_loop(self):
- from pyglet.app import platform_event_loop, event_loop
+ from pyglet.app import event_loop, platform_event_loop
event_loop.is_running = False
- event_loop.dispatch_event('on_exit')
+ event_loop.dispatch_event("on_exit")
-# ############################### OPENGL METHODS ##############################
+ # ############################### OPENGL METHODS ##############################
def _setup_window(self, window_size, exp_name, full_screen, screen):
import pyglet
from pyglet import gl
# Use 16x sampling here
- config_kwargs = dict(depth_size=8, double_buffer=True, stereo=False,
- stencil_size=0, samples=0, sample_buffers=0)
+ config_kwargs = dict(
+ depth_size=8,
+ double_buffer=True,
+ stereo=False,
+ stencil_size=0,
+ samples=0,
+ sample_buffers=0,
+ )
# Travis can't handle multi-sampling, but our production machines must
- if os.getenv('TRAVIS') == 'true':
- del config_kwargs['samples'], config_kwargs['sample_buffers']
+ if os.getenv("TRAVIS") == "true":
+ del config_kwargs["samples"], config_kwargs["sample_buffers"]
self._full_screen = full_screen
- win_kwargs = dict(width=int(window_size[0]),
- height=int(window_size[1]),
- caption=exp_name, fullscreen=False,
- screen=screen, style='borderless', visible=False,
- config=pyglet.gl.Config(**config_kwargs))
+ win_kwargs = dict(
+ width=int(window_size[0]),
+ height=int(window_size[1]),
+ caption=exp_name,
+ fullscreen=False,
+ screen=screen,
+ style="borderless",
+ visible=False,
+ config=pyglet.gl.Config(**config_kwargs),
+ )
max_try = 5 # sometimes it fails for unknown reasons
for ii in range(max_try):
@@ -944,16 +1079,15 @@ def _setup_window(self, window_size, exp_name, full_screen, screen):
if not full_screen:
- x = int(win.screen.width / 2. - win.width / 2.)
- y = int(win.screen.height / 2. - win.height / 2.)
+ x = int(win.screen.width / 2.0 - win.width / 2.0)
+ y = int(win.screen.height / 2.0 - win.height / 2.0)
win.set_location(x, y)
self._win = win
# with the context set up, do basic GL initialization
gl.glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) # set the color to clear to
gl.glClearDepth(1.0) # clear value for the depth buffer
# set the viewport size
- gl.glViewport(0, 0, int(self.window_size_pix[0]),
- int(self.window_size_pix[1]))
+ gl.glViewport(0, 0, int(self.window_size_pix[0]), int(self.window_size_pix[1]))
# set the projection matrix
@@ -968,18 +1102,21 @@ def _setup_window(self, window_size, exp_name, full_screen, screen):
- v_ = False if os.getenv('_EXPYFUN_WIN_INVISIBLE') == 'true' else True
+ v_ = False if os.getenv("_EXPYFUN_WIN_INVISIBLE") == "true" else True
self.set_visible(v_) # this is when we set fullscreen
# ensure we got the correct window size
got_size = win.get_size()
if not np.array_equal(got_size, window_size):
- raise RuntimeError('Window size requested by config (%s) does not '
- 'match obtained window size (%s), is the '
- 'screen resolution set incorrectly?'
- % (window_size, got_size))
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Window size requested by config (%s) does not "
+ "match obtained window size (%s), is the "
+ "screen resolution set incorrectly?" % (window_size, got_size)
+ )
- logger.info('Initialized %s window on screen %s with DPI %0.2f'
- % (window_size, screen, self.dpi))
+ logger.info(
+ "Initialized %s window on screen %s with DPI %0.2f"
+ % (window_size, screen, self.dpi)
+ )
def flip(self, when=None):
"""Flip screen, then run any "on-flip" functions.
@@ -1013,6 +1150,7 @@ def flip(self, when=None):
from pyglet import gl
if when is not None:
call_list = self._on_next_flip + self._on_every_flip
@@ -1033,7 +1171,7 @@ def flip(self, when=None):
flip_time = self.get_time()
for function in call_list:
- self.write_data_line('flip', flip_time)
+ self.write_data_line("flip", flip_time)
self._on_next_flip = []
return flip_time
@@ -1056,7 +1194,7 @@ def estimate_screen_fs(self, n_rep=10):
n_rep = int(n_rep)
times = [self.flip() for _ in range(n_rep)]
- return 1. / np.median(np.diff(times[1:]))
+ return 1.0 / np.median(np.diff(times[1:]))
def set_visible(self, visible=True, flip=True):
"""Set the window visibility
@@ -1075,13 +1213,13 @@ def set_visible(self, visible=True, flip=True):
- logger.exp('Expyfun: Set screen visibility {0}'.format(visible))
+ logger.exp(f"Expyfun: Set screen visibility {visible}")
if visible and flip:
# it seems like newer Pyglet sometimes messes up without two flips
-# ############################## KEYPRESS METHODS #############################
+ # ############################## KEYPRESS METHODS #############################
def listen_presses(self):
"""Start listening for keypresses.
@@ -1093,8 +1231,14 @@ def listen_presses(self):
- def get_presses(self, live_keys=None, timestamp=True, relative_to=None,
- kind='presses', return_kinds=False):
+ def get_presses(
+ self,
+ live_keys=None,
+ timestamp=True,
+ relative_to=None,
+ kind="presses",
+ return_kinds=False,
+ ):
"""Get the entire keyboard / button box buffer.
This will also clear events that are not requested per ``type``.
@@ -1140,10 +1284,17 @@ def get_presses(self, live_keys=None, timestamp=True, relative_to=None,
return self._response_handler.get_presses(
- live_keys, timestamp, relative_to, kind, return_kinds)
- def wait_one_press(self, max_wait=np.inf, min_wait=0.0, live_keys=None,
- timestamp=True, relative_to=None):
+ live_keys, timestamp, relative_to, kind, return_kinds
+ )
+ def wait_one_press(
+ self,
+ max_wait=np.inf,
+ min_wait=0.0,
+ live_keys=None,
+ timestamp=True,
+ relative_to=None,
+ ):
"""Returns only the first button pressed after min_wait.
@@ -1182,10 +1333,12 @@ def wait_one_press(self, max_wait=np.inf, min_wait=0.0, live_keys=None,
return self._response_handler.wait_one_press(
- max_wait, min_wait, live_keys, timestamp, relative_to)
+ max_wait, min_wait, live_keys, timestamp, relative_to
+ )
- def wait_for_presses(self, max_wait, min_wait=0.0, live_keys=None,
- timestamp=True, relative_to=None):
+ def wait_for_presses(
+ self, max_wait, min_wait=0.0, live_keys=None, timestamp=True, relative_to=None
+ ):
"""Returns all button presses between min_wait and max_wait.
@@ -1222,9 +1375,10 @@ def wait_for_presses(self, max_wait, min_wait=0.0, live_keys=None,
return self._response_handler.wait_for_presses(
- max_wait, min_wait, live_keys, timestamp, relative_to)
+ max_wait, min_wait, live_keys, timestamp, relative_to
+ )
- def _log_presses(self, pressed, kind='key'):
+ def _log_presses(self, pressed, kind="key"):
"""Write key presses to data file."""
# This function will typically be called by self._response_handler
# after it retrieves some button presses
@@ -1235,10 +1389,18 @@ def check_force_quit(self):
"""Check to see if any force quit keys were pressed."""
- def text_input(self, stop_key='return', instruction_string='Type'
- ' response below', pos=[0, 0], color='white',
- font_name='Arial', font_size=24, wrap=True, units='norm',
- all_caps=True):
+ def text_input(
+ self,
+ stop_key="return",
+ instruction_string="Type" " response below",
+ pos=(0, 0),
+ color="white",
+ font_name="Arial",
+ font_size=24,
+ wrap=True,
+ units="norm",
+ all_caps=True,
+ ):
"""Allows participant to input text and view on the screen.
@@ -1271,28 +1433,34 @@ def text_input(self, stop_key='return', instruction_string='Type'
text : str
The final input string.
- letters = string.ascii_letters + ' '
- text = str()
+ letters = string.ascii_letters + " "
+ text = ""
while True:
- self.screen_text(instruction_string + '\n\n' + text + '|',
- pos=pos, color=color,
- font_name=font_name, font_size=font_size,
- wrap=wrap, units=units, log_data=False)
+ self.screen_text(
+ instruction_string + "\n\n" + text + "|",
+ pos=pos,
+ color=color,
+ font_name=font_name,
+ font_size=font_size,
+ wrap=wrap,
+ units=units,
+ log_data=False,
+ )
letter = self.wait_one_press(timestamp=False)
if letter == stop_key:
- if letter == 'backspace':
+ if letter == "backspace":
text = text[:-1]
- letter = ' ' if letter == 'space' else letter
+ letter = " " if letter == "space" else letter
letter = letter.upper() if all_caps else letter
- text += letter if letter in letters else ''
- self.write_data_line('text_input', text)
+ text += letter if letter in letters else ""
+ self.write_data_line("text_input", text)
return text
-# ############################## KEYPRESS METHODS #############################
+ # ############################## KEYPRESS METHODS #############################
def listen_joystick_button_presses(self):
"""Start listening for joystick buttons.
@@ -1302,8 +1470,9 @@ def listen_joystick_button_presses(self):
- def get_joystick_button_presses(self, timestamp=True, relative_to=None,
- kind='presses', return_kinds=False):
+ def get_joystick_button_presses(
+ self, timestamp=True, relative_to=None, kind="presses", return_kinds=False
+ ):
"""Get the entire joystick buffer.
This will also clear events that are not requested per ``type``.
@@ -1338,7 +1507,8 @@ def get_joystick_button_presses(self, timestamp=True, relative_to=None,
return self._joystick_handler.get_presses(
- None, timestamp, relative_to, kind, return_kinds)
+ None, timestamp, relative_to, kind, return_kinds
+ )
def get_joystick_value(self, kind):
"""Get the current joystick x direction.
@@ -1355,7 +1525,7 @@ def get_joystick_value(self, kind):
return getattr(self._joystick_handler, kind)
-# ############################## MOUSE METHODS ################################
+ # ############################## MOUSE METHODS ################################
def listen_clicks(self):
"""Start listening for mouse clicks.
@@ -1401,10 +1571,9 @@ def get_clicks(self, live_buttons=None, timestamp=True, relative_to=None):
- return self._mouse_handler.get_clicks(live_buttons, timestamp,
- relative_to)
+ return self._mouse_handler.get_clicks(live_buttons, timestamp, relative_to)
- def get_mouse_position(self, units='pix'):
+ def get_mouse_position(self, units="pix"):
"""Mouse position in screen coordinates
@@ -1427,7 +1596,7 @@ def get_mouse_position(self, units='pix'):
pos = np.array(self._mouse_handler.pos)
- pos = self._convert_units(pos[:, np.newaxis], 'norm', units)[:, 0]
+ pos = self._convert_units(pos[:, np.newaxis], "norm", units)[:, 0]
return pos
def toggle_cursor(self, visibility, flip=False):
@@ -1456,8 +1625,15 @@ def toggle_cursor(self, visibility, flip=False):
if flip:
- def wait_one_click(self, max_wait=np.inf, min_wait=0.0, live_buttons=None,
- timestamp=True, relative_to=None, visible=None):
+ def wait_one_click(
+ self,
+ max_wait=np.inf,
+ min_wait=0.0,
+ live_buttons=None,
+ timestamp=True,
+ relative_to=None,
+ visible=None,
+ ):
"""Returns only the first mouse button clicked after min_wait.
@@ -1501,11 +1677,11 @@ def wait_one_click(self, max_wait=np.inf, min_wait=0.0, live_buttons=None,
- return self._mouse_handler.wait_one_click(max_wait, min_wait,
- live_buttons, timestamp,
- relative_to, visible)
+ return self._mouse_handler.wait_one_click(
+ max_wait, min_wait, live_buttons, timestamp, relative_to, visible
+ )
- def move_mouse_to(self, pos, units='norm'):
+ def move_mouse_to(self, pos, units="norm"):
"""Move the mouse position to the specified position.
@@ -1517,8 +1693,15 @@ def move_mouse_to(self, pos, units='norm'):
self._mouse_handler._move_to(pos, units)
- def wait_for_clicks(self, max_wait=np.inf, min_wait=0.0, live_buttons=None,
- timestamp=True, relative_to=None, visible=None):
+ def wait_for_clicks(
+ self,
+ max_wait=np.inf,
+ min_wait=0.0,
+ live_buttons=None,
+ timestamp=True,
+ relative_to=None,
+ visible=None,
+ ):
"""Returns all clicks between min_wait and max_wait.
@@ -1561,12 +1744,19 @@ def wait_for_clicks(self, max_wait=np.inf, min_wait=0.0, live_buttons=None,
- return self._mouse_handler.wait_for_clicks(max_wait, min_wait,
- live_buttons, timestamp,
- relative_to, visible)
- def wait_for_click_on(self, objects, max_wait=np.inf, min_wait=0.0,
- live_buttons=None, timestamp=True, relative_to=None):
+ return self._mouse_handler.wait_for_clicks(
+ max_wait, min_wait, live_buttons, timestamp, relative_to, visible
+ )
+ def wait_for_click_on(
+ self,
+ objects,
+ max_wait=np.inf,
+ min_wait=0.0,
+ live_buttons=None,
+ timestamp=True,
+ relative_to=None,
+ ):
"""Returns the first click after min_wait over a visual object.
@@ -1608,21 +1798,19 @@ def wait_for_click_on(self, objects, max_wait=np.inf, min_wait=0.0,
if isinstance(objects, legal_types):
objects = [objects]
elif not isinstance(objects, list):
- raise TypeError('objects must be a list or one of: %s' %
- (legal_types,))
+ raise TypeError("objects must be a list or one of: %s" % (legal_types,))
return self._mouse_handler.wait_for_click_on(
- objects, max_wait, min_wait, live_buttons, timestamp, relative_to)
+ objects, max_wait, min_wait, live_buttons, timestamp, relative_to
+ )
def _log_clicks(self, clicked):
- """Write mouse clicks to data file.
- """
+ """Write mouse clicks to data file."""
# This function will typically be called by self._response_handler
# after it retrieves some mouse clicks
for button, x, y, stamp in clicked:
- self.write_data_line('mouseclick', '%s,%i,%i' % (button, x, y),
- stamp)
+ self.write_data_line("mouseclick", "%s,%i,%i" % (button, x, y), stamp)
-# ############################## AUDIO METHODS ################################
+ # ############################## AUDIO METHODS ################################
def system_beep(self):
"""Play a system beep
@@ -1674,13 +1862,13 @@ def load_buffer(self, samples):
if self._playing:
- raise RuntimeError('Previous audio must be stopped before loading '
- 'the buffer')
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Previous audio must be stopped before loading " "the buffer"
+ )
samples = self._validate_audio(samples)
- if not np.isclose(self._stim_scaler, 1.):
+ if not np.isclose(self._stim_scaler, 1.0):
samples = samples * self._stim_scaler
- logger.exp('Expyfun: Loading {} samples to buffer'
- ''.format(samples.size))
+ logger.exp(f"Expyfun: Loading {samples.size} samples to buffer" "")
def play(self):
@@ -1698,28 +1886,33 @@ def play(self):
- logger.exp('Expyfun: Playing audio')
+ logger.exp("Expyfun: Playing audio")
# ensure self._play comes first in list:
return self.get_time()
def _play(self):
- """Play the audio buffer.
- """
+ """Play the audio buffer."""
if self._playing:
- raise RuntimeError('Previous audio must be stopped before playing')
+ raise RuntimeError("Previous audio must be stopped before playing")
- logger.debug('Expyfun: started audio')
- self.write_data_line('play')
+ logger.debug("Expyfun: started audio")
+ self.write_data_line("play")
def _playing(self):
"""Whether or not a stimulus is currently playing"""
return self._ac.playing
- def stop(self):
+ def stop(self, wait=False):
"""Stop audio buffer playback and reset cursor to beginning of buffer
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ wait : bool
+ If True, try to wait until the end of the sound stimulus
+ (not guaranteed to yield accurate timings!).
See Also
@@ -1728,9 +1921,9 @@ def stop(self):
if self._ac is not None: # need to check b/c used in __exit__
- self._ac.stop()
- self.write_data_line('stop')
- logger.exp('Expyfun: Audio stopped and reset.')
+ self._ac.stop(wait=wait)
+ self.write_data_line("stop")
+ logger.exp("Expyfun: Audio stopped and reset.")
def set_noise_db(self, new_db):
"""Set the level of the background noise.
@@ -1769,10 +1962,9 @@ def set_stim_db(self, new_db):
# not immediate: new value is applied on the next load_buffer call
def _update_sound_scaler(self, desired_db, orig_rms):
- """Calcs coefficient ensuring stim ampl equivalence across devices.
- """
- exponent = (-(_get_dev_db(self.audio_type) - desired_db) / 20.0)
- return (10 ** exponent) / float(orig_rms)
+ """Calcs coefficient ensuring stim ampl equivalence across devices."""
+ exponent = -(_get_dev_db(self.audio_type) - desired_db) / 20.0
+ return (10**exponent) / float(orig_rms)
def _validate_audio(self, samples):
"""Converts audio sample data to the required format.
@@ -1793,7 +1985,7 @@ def _validate_audio(self, samples):
# check values
if samples.size and np.max(np.abs(samples)) > 1:
- raise ValueError('Sound data exceeds +/- 1.')
+ raise ValueError("Sound data exceeds +/- 1.")
# samples /= np.max(np.abs(samples),axis=0)
# check shape and dimensions, make stereo
@@ -1804,52 +1996,60 @@ def _validate_audio(self, samples):
if np.isclose(self.stim_fs, 24414, atol=1):
max_samples = 4000000 - 1
if samples.shape[0] > max_samples:
- raise RuntimeError('Sample too long {0} > {1}'
- ''.format(samples.shape[0], max_samples))
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ f"Sample too long {samples.shape[0]} > {max_samples}" ""
+ )
# resample if needed
if self._fs_mismatch and not self._suppress_resamp:
- logger.warning('Expyfun: Resampling {} seconds of audio'
- ''.format(round(len(samples) / self.stim_fs, 2)))
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Expyfun: Resampling {round(len(samples) / self.stim_fs, 2)} "
+ "seconds of audio"
+ )
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
- warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
from mne.filter import resample
if samples.size:
samples = resample(
- samples.astype(np.float64), self.fs, self.stim_fs,
- axis=0).astype(np.float32)
+ samples.astype(np.float64), self.fs, self.stim_fs, axis=0
+ ).astype(np.float32)
# check RMS
if self._check_rms is not None and samples.size:
chans = [samples[:, x] for x in range(samples.shape[1])]
- if self._check_rms == 'wholefile':
- chan_rms = [np.sqrt(np.mean(x ** 2)) for x in chans]
+ if self._check_rms == "wholefile":
+ chan_rms = [np.sqrt(np.mean(x**2)) for x in chans]
max_rms = max(chan_rms)
else: # 'windowed'
# ~226 sec at 44100 Hz
if samples.size >= _SLOW_LIMIT and not self._slow_rms_warned:
- 'Checking RMS with a 10 ms window and many samples is '
- 'slow, consider using None or "wholefile" modes.')
+ "Checking RMS with a 10 ms window and many samples is "
+ 'slow, consider using None or "wholefile" modes.'
+ )
self._slow_rms_warned = True
win_length = int(self.fs * 0.01) # 10ms running window
max_rms = [running_rms(x, win_length).max() for x in chans]
max_rms = max(max_rms)
if max_rms > 2 * self._stim_rms:
- warn_string = ('Expyfun: Stimulus max RMS ({}) exceeds stated '
- 'RMS ({}) by more than 6 dB.'
- ''.format(max_rms, self._stim_rms))
+ warn_string = (
+ f"Expyfun: Stimulus max RMS ({max_rms}) exceeds stated "
+ f"RMS ({self._stim_rms}) by more than 6 dB."
+ ""
+ )
elif max_rms < 0.5 * self._stim_rms:
- warn_string = ('Expyfun: Stimulus max RMS ({}) is less than '
- 'stated RMS ({}) by more than 6 dB.'
- ''.format(max_rms, self._stim_rms))
+ warn_string = (
+ f"Expyfun: Stimulus max RMS ({max_rms}) is less than "
+ f"stated RMS ({self._stim_rms}) by more than 6 dB."
+ ""
+ )
# let's make sure we don't change our version of this array later
samples = samples.view()
- samples.flags['WRITEABLE'] = False
+ samples.flags["WRITEABLE"] = False
return samples
def set_rms_checking(self, check_rms):
@@ -1864,24 +2064,25 @@ def set_rms_checking(self, check_rms):
``stim_rms``. ``'wholefile'`` checks the RMS of the stimulus as a
whole, while ``None`` disables RMS checking.
- if check_rms not in [None, 'wholefile', 'windowed']:
- raise ValueError('check_rms must be one of "wholefile", "windowed"'
- ', or None.')
+ if check_rms not in [None, "wholefile", "windowed"]:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'check_rms must be one of "wholefile", "windowed"' ", or None."
+ )
self._slow_rms_warned = False
self._check_rms = check_rms
-# ############################## OTHER METHODS ################################
+ # ############################## OTHER METHODS ################################
def participant(self):
- return self._exp_info['participant']
+ return self._exp_info["participant"]
def session(self):
- return self._exp_info['session']
+ return self._exp_info["session"]
def exp_name(self):
- return self._exp_info['exp_name']
+ return self._exp_info["exp_name"]
def data_fname(self):
@@ -1917,35 +2118,38 @@ def write_data_line(self, event_type, value=None, timestamp=None):
if timestamp is None:
timestamp = self._master_clock()
- ll = '\t'.join(_sanitize(x) for x in [timestamp, event_type,
- value]) + '\n'
+ ll = "\t".join(_sanitize(x) for x in [timestamp, event_type, value]) + "\n"
if self._data_file is not None:
if self._data_file.closed:
- logger.warning('Data line not written due to closed file %s:\n'
- '%s' % (self.data_fname, ll[:-1]))
+ logger.warning(
+ "Data line not written due to closed file %s:\n"
+ "%s" % (self.data_fname, ll[:-1])
+ )
def _get_time_correction(self, clock_type):
- """Clock correction (sec) for different devices (screen, bbox, etc.)
- """
- time_correction = (self._master_clock() -
- self._time_correction_fxns[clock_type]())
+ """Clock correction (sec) for different devices (screen, bbox, etc.)"""
+ time_correction = (
+ self._master_clock() - self._time_correction_fxns[clock_type]()
+ )
if clock_type not in self._time_corrections:
self._time_corrections[clock_type] = time_correction
diff = time_correction - self._time_corrections[clock_type]
max_dt = self._time_correction_maxs.get(clock_type, 50e-6)
if np.abs(diff) > max_dt:
- logger.warning('Expyfun: drift of > {} microseconds ({}) '
- 'between {} clock and EC master clock.'
- ''.format(max_dt * 1e6, int(round(diff * 1e6)),
- clock_type))
- logger.debug('Expyfun: time correction between {} clock and EC '
- 'master clock is {}. This is a change of {}.'
- ''.format(clock_type, time_correction, time_correction -
- self._time_corrections[clock_type]))
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Expyfun: drift of > {max_dt * 1e6} microseconds "
+ f"({int(round(diff * 1e6))}) "
+ f"between {clock_type} clock and EC master clock."
+ )
+ logger.debug(
+ f"Expyfun: time correction between {clock_type} clock and EC "
+ f"master clock is {time_correction}. This is a change of "
+ f"{time_correction - self._time_corrections[clock_type]}."
+ )
return time_correction
def wait_secs(self, secs):
@@ -1991,9 +2195,11 @@ def wait_until(self, timestamp):
time_left = timestamp - self._master_clock()
if time_left < 0:
- logger.warning('Expyfun: wait_until was called with a timestamp '
- '({}) that had already passed {} seconds prior.'
- ''.format(timestamp, -time_left))
+ logger.warning(
+ "Expyfun: wait_until was called with a timestamp "
+ f"({timestamp}) that had already passed {-time_left} seconds prior."
+ ""
+ )
return time_left
@@ -2018,22 +2224,23 @@ def identify_trial(self, **ids):
- if self._trial_progress != 'stopped':
- raise RuntimeError('Cannot identify a trial twice')
+ if self._trial_progress != "stopped":
+ raise RuntimeError("Cannot identify a trial twice")
call_set = set(self._id_call_dict.keys())
passed_set = set(ids.keys())
if not call_set == passed_set:
- raise KeyError('All keys passed in {0} must match the set of '
- 'keys required {1}'.format(passed_set, call_set))
+ raise KeyError(
+ f"All keys passed in {passed_set} must match the set of "
+ f"keys required {call_set}"
+ )
ll = max([len(key) for key in ids.keys()])
for key, id_ in ids.items():
- logger.exp('Expyfun: Stamp trial ID to {0} : {1}'
- ''.format(key.ljust(ll), str(id_)))
+ logger.exp(f"Expyfun: Stamp trial ID to {key.ljust(ll)} : {str(id_)}" "")
if isinstance(id_, dict):
- self._trial_progress = 'identified'
+ self._trial_progress = "identified"
def trial_ok(self):
"""Report that the trial was okay and do post-trial tasks.
@@ -2047,19 +2254,21 @@ def trial_ok(self):
- if self._trial_progress != 'started':
- raise RuntimeError('trial cannot be okay unless it was started, '
- 'did you call ec.start_stimulus?')
+ if self._trial_progress != "started":
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "trial cannot be okay unless it was started, "
+ "did you call ec.start_stimulus?"
+ )
if self._playing:
- logger.warning('ec.trial_ok called before stimulus had stopped')
+ logger.warning("ec.trial_ok called before stimulus had stopped")
for func in self._on_trial_ok:
- logger.exp('Expyfun: Trial OK')
- self._trial_progress = 'stopped'
+ logger.exp("Expyfun: Trial OK")
+ self._trial_progress = "stopped"
def _stamp_ec_id(self, id_):
"""Stamp id -- currently anything allowed"""
- self.write_data_line('trial_id', id_)
+ self.write_data_line("trial_id", id_)
def _stamp_binary_id(self, id_, wait_for_last=True):
"""Helper for ec to stamp a set of IDs using binary controller
@@ -2069,14 +2278,14 @@ def _stamp_binary_id(self, id_, wait_for_last=True):
but for now it's unified. ``delay`` is the inter-trigger delay.
if not isinstance(id_, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
- raise TypeError('id must be array-like')
+ raise TypeError("id must be array-like")
id_ = np.array(id_)
- if not np.all(np.in1d(id_, [0, 1])):
- raise ValueError('All values of id must be 0 or 1')
+ if not np.all(np.isin(id_, [0, 1])):
+ raise ValueError("All values of id must be 0 or 1")
id_ = (id_.astype(int) + 1) << 2 # 0, 1 -> 4, 8
self._stamp_ttl_triggers(id_, wait_for_last, True)
- def stamp_triggers(self, ids, check='binary', wait_for_last=True):
+ def stamp_triggers(self, ids, check="binary", wait_for_last=True):
"""Stamp binary values
@@ -2100,22 +2309,24 @@ def stamp_triggers(self, ids, check='binary', wait_for_last=True):
- if check not in ('int4', 'binary'):
+ if check not in ("int4", "binary"):
raise ValueError('Check must be either "int4" or "binary"')
ids = [ids] if not isinstance(ids, list) else ids
if not all(isinstance(id_, int) and 1 <= id_ <= 15 for id_ in ids):
- raise ValueError('ids must all be integers between 1 and 15')
- if check == 'binary':
+ raise ValueError("ids must all be integers between 1 and 15")
+ if check == "binary":
_vals = [1, 2, 4, 8]
if not all(id_ in _vals for id_ in ids):
- raise ValueError('with check="binary", ids must all be '
- '1, 2, 4, or 8: {0}'.format(ids))
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'with check="binary", ids must all be ' f"1, 2, 4, or 8: {ids}"
+ )
self._stamp_ttl_triggers(ids, wait_for_last, False)
def _stamp_ttl_triggers(self, ids, wait_for_last, is_trial_id):
- logger.exp('Stamping TTL triggers: %s', ids)
+ logger.exp("Stamping TTL triggers: %s", ids)
- ids, wait_for_last=wait_for_last, is_trial_id=is_trial_id)
+ ids, wait_for_last=wait_for_last, is_trial_id=is_trial_id
+ )
def flush(self):
@@ -2125,24 +2336,22 @@ def flush(self):
def close(self):
- """Close all connections in experiment controller.
- """
+ """Close all connections in experiment controller."""
self.__exit__(None, None, None)
def __enter__(self):
- logger.debug('Expyfun: Entering')
+ logger.debug("Expyfun: Entering")
return self
def __exit__(self, err_type, value, traceback):
- """
- Notes
- -----
+ """Exit cleanly.
err_type, value and traceback will be None when called by self.close()
- logger.info('Expyfun: Exiting')
+ logger.info("Expyfun: Exiting")
# do external cleanups
cleanup_actions = []
- if hasattr(self, '_win'):
+ if hasattr(self, "_win"):
cleanup_actions.extend([self.stop_noise, self.stop])
@@ -2171,66 +2380,63 @@ def refocus(self):
This function currently does nothing on Linux and OSX.
""" # noqa: E501
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
from pyglet.libs.win32 import _user32
m_hWnd = self._win._hwnd
hCurWnd = _user32.GetForegroundWindow()
if hCurWnd != m_hWnd:
+ _user32.SetWindowPos(m_hWnd, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x0001 | 0x0002)
dwMyID = _user32.GetWindowThreadProcessId(m_hWnd, 0)
dwCurID = _user32.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hCurWnd, 0)
_user32.AttachThreadInput(dwCurID, dwMyID, True)
- # _user32.SetWindowPos(m_hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- # _user32.SetWindowPos(m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0,
self._win.activate() # _user32.SetForegroundWindow(m_hWnd)
_user32.AttachThreadInput(dwCurID, dwMyID, False)
-# ############################## READ-ONLY PROPERTIES #########################
+ # ############################## READ-ONLY PROPERTIES #########################
def id_types(self):
- """Trial ID types needed for each trial.
- """
+ """Trial ID types needed for each trial."""
return sorted(self._id_call_dict.keys())
def fs(self):
- """Playback frequency of the audio controller (samples / second).
- """
+ """Playback frequency of the audio controller (samples / second)."""
return self._ac.fs # not user-settable
def stim_fs(self):
- """Sampling rate at which the stimuli were generated.
- """
+ """Sampling rate at which the stimuli were generated."""
return self._stim_fs # not user-settable
def stim_db(self):
- """Sound power in dB of the stimuli.
- """
+ """Sound power in dB of the stimuli."""
return self._stim_db # not user-settable
def noise_db(self):
- """Sound power in dB of the background noise.
- """
+ """Sound power in dB of the background noise."""
return self._noise_db # not user-settable
def current_time(self):
- """Timestamp from the experiment master clock.
- """
+ """Timestamp from the experiment master clock."""
return self._master_clock()
def _fs_mismatch(self):
- """Quantify if sample rates substantively differ.
- """
+ """Quantify if sample rates substantively differ."""
return not np.allclose(self.stim_fs, self.fs, rtol=0, atol=0.5)
+ # Testing cruft to work around "queue full" errors on Windows
+ def _ac_flush(self):
+ if isinstance(getattr(self, "_ac", None), SoundCardController):
+ self._ac.halt()
def get_keyboard_input(prompt, default=None, out_type=str, valid=None):
"""Get keyboard input of a specific type
@@ -2258,11 +2464,11 @@ def get_keyboard_input(prompt, default=None, out_type=str, valid=None):
# pass a lambda, e.g., that made sure a float was in a given range
# TODO: add tests
if not isinstance(out_type, type):
- raise TypeError('out_type must be a type')
+ raise TypeError("out_type must be a type")
good = False
while not good:
response = input(prompt)
- if response == '' and default is not None:
+ if response == "" and default is not None:
response = default
response = out_type(response)
@@ -2276,27 +2482,28 @@ def get_keyboard_input(prompt, default=None, out_type=str, valid=None):
def _get_dev_db(audio_controller):
- """Selects device-specific amplitude to ensure equivalence across devices.
- """
+ """Selects device-specific amplitude to ensure equivalence across devices."""
# First try to get the level from the expyfun.json file.
- level = get_config('DB_OF_SINE_AT_1KHZ_1RMS')
+ level = get_config("DB_OF_SINE_AT_1KHZ_1RMS")
if level is None:
level = dict(
- RM1=108., # approx w/ knob @ 12 o'clock (knob not detented)
- RP2=108.,
- RP2legacy=108.,
- RZ6=114.,
+ RM1=108.0, # approx w/ knob @ 12 o'clock (knob not detented)
+ RP2=108.0,
+ RP2legacy=108.0,
+ RZ6=114.0,
# TODO: these values not calibrated, system-dependent
- pyglet=100.,
- rtmixer=100.,
- dummy=100., # only used for testing
+ pyglet=100.0,
+ rtmixer=100.0,
+ dummy=100.0, # only used for testing
).get(audio_controller, None)
level = float(level)
if level is None:
- logger.warning('Expyfun: Unknown audio controller %s: stim scaler may '
- 'not work correctly. You may want to remove your '
- 'headphones if this is the first run of your '
- 'experiment.' % (audio_controller,))
+ logger.warning(
+ "Expyfun: Unknown audio controller %s: stim scaler may "
+ "not work correctly. You may want to remove your "
+ "headphones if this is the first run of your "
+ "experiment." % (audio_controller,)
+ )
level = 100 # for untested TDT models
return level
diff --git a/expyfun/_externals/__init__.py b/expyfun/_externals/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f6748740..00000000
--- a/expyfun/_externals/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from .decorator import decorator # noqa
-from ._h5io import read_hdf5, write_hdf5 # noqa, analysis:ignore
diff --git a/expyfun/_externals/_h5io.py b/expyfun/_externals/_h5io.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0130dff3..00000000
--- a/expyfun/_externals/_h5io.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Authors: Eric Larson
-# License: BSD (3-clause)
-import sys
-import tempfile
-from shutil import rmtree
-from os import path as op
-import numpy as np
- from scipy import sparse
-except ImportError:
- sparse = None
-# Adapted from six
-PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
-text_type = str if PY3 else unicode # noqa
-string_types = str if PY3 else basestring # noqa
-special_chars = {'{FWDSLASH}': '/'}
-def _check_h5py():
- """Helper to check if h5py is installed"""
- try:
- import h5py
- except ImportError:
- raise ImportError('the h5py module is required to use HDF5 I/O')
- return h5py
-def _create_titled_group(root, key, title):
- """Helper to create a titled group in h5py"""
- out = root.create_group(key)
- out.attrs['TITLE'] = title
- return out
-def _create_titled_dataset(root, key, title, data, comp_kw=None):
- """Helper to create a titled dataset in h5py"""
- comp_kw = {} if comp_kw is None else comp_kw
- out = root.create_dataset(key, data=data, **comp_kw)
- out.attrs['TITLE'] = title
- return out
-def _create_pandas_dataset(fname, root, key, title, data):
- h5py = _check_h5py()
- rootpath = '/'.join([root, key])
- data.to_hdf(fname, rootpath)
- with h5py.File(fname, mode='a') as fid:
- fid[rootpath].attrs['TITLE'] = 'pd_dataframe'
-def write_hdf5(fname, data, overwrite=False, compression=4,
- title='h5io', slash='error'):
- """Write python object to HDF5 format using h5py
- Parameters
- ----------
- fname : str
- Filename to use.
- data : object
- Object to write. Can be of any of these types:
- {ndarray, dict, list, tuple, int, float, str}
- Note that dict objects must only have ``str`` keys. It is recommended
- to use ndarrays where possible, as it is handled most efficiently.
- overwrite : True | False | 'update'
- If True, overwrite file (if it exists). If 'update', appends the title
- to the file (or replace value if title exists).
- compression : int
- Compression level to use (0-9) to compress data using gzip.
- title : str
- The top-level directory name to use. Typically it is useful to make
- this your package name, e.g. ``'mnepython'``.
- slash : 'error' | 'replace'
- Whether to replace forward-slashes ('/') in any key found nested within
- keys in data. This does not apply to the top level name (title).
- If 'error', '/' is not allowed in any lower-level keys.
- """
- h5py = _check_h5py()
- mode = 'w'
- if op.isfile(fname):
- if isinstance(overwrite, string_types):
- if overwrite != 'update':
- raise ValueError('overwrite must be "update" or a bool')
- mode = 'a'
- elif not overwrite:
- raise IOError('file "%s" exists, use overwrite=True to overwrite'
- % fname)
- if not isinstance(title, string_types):
- raise ValueError('title must be a string')
- comp_kw = dict()
- if compression > 0:
- comp_kw = dict(compression='gzip', compression_opts=compression)
- with h5py.File(fname, mode=mode) as fid:
- if title in fid:
- del fid[title]
- cleanup_data = []
- _triage_write(title, data, fid, comp_kw, str(type(data)),
- cleanup_data=cleanup_data, slash=slash, title=title)
- # Will not be empty if any extra data to be written
- for data in cleanup_data:
- # In case different extra I/O needs different inputs
- title = list(data.keys())[0]
- if title in ['pd_dataframe', 'pd_series']:
- rootname, key, value = data[title]
- _create_pandas_dataset(fname, rootname, key, title, value)
-def _triage_write(key, value, root, comp_kw, where,
- cleanup_data=[], slash='error', title=None):
- if key != title and '/' in key:
- if slash == 'error':
- raise ValueError('Found a key with "/", '
- 'this is not allowed if slash == error')
- elif slash == 'replace':
- # Auto-replace keys with proper values
- for key_spec, val_spec in special_chars.items():
- key = key.replace(val_spec, key_spec)
- else:
- raise ValueError("slash must be one of ['error', 'replace'")
- if isinstance(value, dict):
- sub_root = _create_titled_group(root, key, 'dict')
- for key, sub_value in value.items():
- if not isinstance(key, string_types):
- raise TypeError('All dict keys must be strings')
- _triage_write(
- 'key_{0}'.format(key), sub_value, sub_root, comp_kw,
- where + '["%s"]' % key, cleanup_data=cleanup_data, slash=slash)
- elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
- title = 'list' if isinstance(value, list) else 'tuple'
- sub_root = _create_titled_group(root, key, title)
- for vi, sub_value in enumerate(value):
- _triage_write(
- 'idx_{0}'.format(vi), sub_value, sub_root, comp_kw,
- where + '[%s]' % vi, cleanup_data=cleanup_data, slash=slash)
- elif isinstance(value, type(None)):
- _create_titled_dataset(root, key, 'None', [False])
- elif isinstance(value, (int, float)):
- if isinstance(value, int):
- title = 'int'
- else: # isinstance(value, float):
- title = 'float'
- _create_titled_dataset(root, key, title, np.atleast_1d(value))
- elif isinstance(value, np.bool_):
- _create_titled_dataset(root, key, 'np_bool_', np.atleast_1d(value))
- elif isinstance(value, string_types):
- if isinstance(value, text_type): # unicode
- value = np.fromstring(value.encode('utf-8'), np.uint8)
- title = 'unicode'
- else:
- value = np.fromstring(value.encode('ASCII'), np.uint8)
- title = 'ascii'
- _create_titled_dataset(root, key, title, value, comp_kw)
- elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
- _create_titled_dataset(root, key, 'ndarray', value)
- elif sparse is not None and isinstance(value, sparse.csc_matrix):
- sub_root = _create_titled_group(root, key, 'csc_matrix')
- _triage_write('data', value.data, sub_root, comp_kw,
- where + '.csc_matrix_data', cleanup_data=cleanup_data,
- slash=slash)
- _triage_write('indices', value.indices, sub_root, comp_kw,
- where + '.csc_matrix_indices', cleanup_data=cleanup_data,
- slash=slash)
- _triage_write('indptr', value.indptr, sub_root, comp_kw,
- where + '.csc_matrix_indptr', cleanup_data=cleanup_data,
- slash=slash)
- elif sparse is not None and isinstance(value, sparse.csr_matrix):
- sub_root = _create_titled_group(root, key, 'csr_matrix')
- _triage_write('data', value.data, sub_root, comp_kw,
- where + '.csr_matrix_data', cleanup_data=cleanup_data,
- slash=slash)
- _triage_write('indices', value.indices, sub_root, comp_kw,
- where + '.csr_matrix_indices', cleanup_data=cleanup_data,
- slash=slash)
- _triage_write('indptr', value.indptr, sub_root, comp_kw,
- where + '.csr_matrix_indptr', cleanup_data=cleanup_data,
- slash=slash)
- _triage_write('shape', value.shape, sub_root, comp_kw,
- where + '.csr_matrix_shape', cleanup_data=cleanup_data,
- slash=slash)
- else:
- try:
- from pandas import DataFrame, Series
- except ImportError:
- pass
- else:
- if isinstance(value, (DataFrame, Series)):
- if isinstance(value, DataFrame):
- title = 'pd_dataframe'
- else:
- title = 'pd_series'
- rootname = root.name
- cleanup_data.append({title: (rootname, key, value)})
- return
- err_str = 'unsupported type %s (in %s)' % (type(value), where)
- raise TypeError(err_str)
-def read_hdf5(fname, title='h5io', slash='ignore'):
- """Read python object from HDF5 format using h5py
- Parameters
- ----------
- fname : str
- File to load.
- title : str
- The top-level directory name to use. Typically it is useful to make
- this your package name, e.g. ``'mnepython'``.
- slash : 'ignore' | 'replace'
- Whether to replace the string {FWDSLASH} with the value /. This does
- not apply to the top level name (title). If 'ignore', nothing will be
- replaced.
- Returns
- -------
- data : object
- The loaded data. Can be of any type supported by ``write_hdf5``.
- """
- h5py = _check_h5py()
- if not op.isfile(fname):
- raise IOError('file "%s" not found' % fname)
- if not isinstance(title, string_types):
- raise ValueError('title must be a string')
- with h5py.File(fname, mode='r') as fid:
- if title not in fid:
- raise ValueError('no "%s" data found' % title)
- if isinstance(fid[title], h5py.Group):
- if 'TITLE' not in fid[title].attrs:
- raise ValueError('no "%s" data found' % title)
- data = _triage_read(fid[title], slash=slash)
- return data
-def _triage_read(node, slash='ignore'):
- if slash not in ['ignore', 'replace']:
- raise ValueError("slash must be one of 'replace', 'ignore'")
- h5py = _check_h5py()
- type_str = node.attrs['TITLE']
- if isinstance(type_str, bytes):
- type_str = type_str.decode()
- if isinstance(node, h5py.Group):
- if type_str == 'dict':
- data = dict()
- for key, subnode in node.items():
- if slash == 'replace':
- for key_spec, val_spec in special_chars.items():
- key = key.replace(key_spec, val_spec)
- data[key[4:]] = _triage_read(subnode, slash=slash)
- elif type_str in ['list', 'tuple']:
- data = list()
- ii = 0
- while True:
- subnode = node.get('idx_{0}'.format(ii), None)
- if subnode is None:
- break
- data.append(_triage_read(subnode, slash=slash))
- ii += 1
- assert len(data) == ii
- data = tuple(data) if type_str == 'tuple' else data
- return data
- elif type_str == 'csc_matrix':
- if sparse is None:
- raise RuntimeError('scipy must be installed to read this data')
- data = sparse.csc_matrix((_triage_read(node['data'], slash=slash),
- _triage_read(node['indices'],
- slash=slash),
- _triage_read(node['indptr'],
- slash=slash)))
- elif type_str == 'csr_matrix':
- if sparse is None:
- raise RuntimeError('scipy must be installed to read this data')
- data = sparse.csr_matrix((_triage_read(node['data'], slash=slash),
- _triage_read(node['indices'],
- slash=slash),
- _triage_read(node['indptr'],
- slash=slash)),
- shape=_triage_read(node['shape']))
- elif type_str in ['pd_dataframe', 'pd_series']:
- from pandas import read_hdf
- rootname = node.name
- filename = node.file.filename
- data = read_hdf(filename, rootname, mode='r')
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError('Unknown group type: {0}'
- ''.format(type_str))
- elif type_str == 'ndarray':
- data = np.array(node)
- elif type_str in ('int', 'float'):
- cast = int if type_str == 'int' else float
- data = cast(np.array(node)[0])
- elif type_str == 'np_bool_':
- data = np.bool_(np.array(node)[0])
- elif type_str in ('unicode', 'ascii', 'str'): # 'str' for backward compat
- decoder = 'utf-8' if type_str == 'unicode' else 'ASCII'
- cast = text_type if type_str == 'unicode' else str
- data = cast(np.array(node).tostring().decode(decoder))
- elif type_str == 'None':
- data = None
- else:
- raise TypeError('Unknown node type: {0}'.format(type_str))
- return data
-# ############################################################################
-def _sort_keys(x):
- """Sort and return keys of dict"""
- keys = list(x.keys()) # note: not thread-safe
- idx = np.argsort([str(k) for k in keys])
- keys = [keys[ii] for ii in idx]
- return keys
-def object_diff(a, b, pre=''):
- """Compute all differences between two python variables
- Parameters
- ----------
- a : object
- Currently supported: dict, list, tuple, ndarray, int, str, bytes,
- float.
- b : object
- Must be same type as x1.
- pre : str
- String to prepend to each line.
- Returns
- -------
- diffs : str
- A string representation of the differences.
- """
- try:
- from pandas import DataFrame, Series
- except ImportError:
- DataFrame = Series = type(None)
- out = ''
- if type(a) != type(b):
- out += pre + ' type mismatch (%s, %s)\n' % (type(a), type(b))
- elif isinstance(a, dict):
- k1s = _sort_keys(a)
- k2s = _sort_keys(b)
- m1 = set(k2s) - set(k1s)
- if len(m1):
- out += pre + ' x1 missing keys %s\n' % (m1)
- for key in k1s:
- if key not in k2s:
- out += pre + ' x2 missing key %s\n' % key
- else:
- out += object_diff(a[key], b[key], pre + 'd1[%s]' % repr(key))
- elif isinstance(a, (list, tuple)):
- if len(a) != len(b):
- out += pre + ' length mismatch (%s, %s)\n' % (len(a), len(b))
- else:
- for xx1, xx2 in zip(a, b):
- out += object_diff(xx1, xx2, pre='')
- elif isinstance(a, (string_types, int, float, bytes)):
- if a != b:
- out += pre + ' value mismatch (%s, %s)\n' % (a, b)
- elif a is None:
- pass # b must be None due to our type checking
- elif isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
- if not np.array_equal(a, b):
- out += pre + ' array mismatch\n'
- elif sparse is not None and sparse.isspmatrix(a):
- # sparsity and sparse type of b vs a already checked above by type()
- if b.shape != a.shape:
- out += pre + (' sparse matrix a and b shape mismatch'
- '(%s vs %s)' % (a.shape, b.shape))
- else:
- c = a - b
- c.eliminate_zeros()
- if c.nnz > 0:
- out += pre + (' sparse matrix a and b differ on %s '
- 'elements' % c.nnz)
- elif isinstance(a, (DataFrame, Series)):
- if b.shape != a.shape:
- out += pre + (' pandas values a and b shape mismatch'
- '(%s vs %s)' % (a.shape, b.shape))
- else:
- c = a.values - b.values
- nzeros = np.sum(c != 0)
- if nzeros > 0:
- out += pre + (' pandas values a and b differ on %s '
- 'elements' % nzeros)
- else:
- raise RuntimeError(pre + ': unsupported type %s (%s)' % (type(a), a))
- return out
-class _TempDir(str):
- """Class for creating and auto-destroying temp dir
- This is designed to be used with testing modules. Instances should be
- defined inside test functions. Instances defined at module level can not
- guarantee proper destruction of the temporary directory.
- When used at module level, the current use of the __del__() method for
- cleanup can fail because the rmtree function may be cleaned up before this
- object (an alternative could be using the atexit module instead).
- """
- def __new__(self):
- new = str.__new__(self, tempfile.mkdtemp())
- return new
- def __init__(self):
- self._path = self.__str__()
- def __del__(self):
- rmtree(self._path, ignore_errors=True)
diff --git a/expyfun/_externals/decorator.py b/expyfun/_externals/decorator.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0836d2b3..00000000
--- a/expyfun/_externals/decorator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-########################## LICENCE ###############################
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2012, Michele Simionato
-# All rights reserved.
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-# met:
-# Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-# Redistributions in bytecode form must reproduce the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
-# the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-# distribution.
-Decorator module, see http://pypi.python.org/pypi/decorator
-for the documentation.
-from __future__ import print_function
-__version__ = '3.4.0'
-__all__ = ["decorator", "FunctionMaker", "contextmanager"]
-import sys, re, inspect
-if sys.version >= '3':
- from inspect import getfullargspec
- def get_init(cls):
- return cls.__init__
- class getfullargspec(object):
- "A quick and dirty replacement for getfullargspec for Python 2.X"
- def __init__(self, f):
- self.args, self.varargs, self.varkw, self.defaults = \
- inspect.getargspec(f)
- self.kwonlyargs = []
- self.kwonlydefaults = None
- def __iter__(self):
- yield self.args
- yield self.varargs
- yield self.varkw
- yield self.defaults
- def get_init(cls):
- return cls.__init__.__func__
-DEF = re.compile(r'\s*def\s*([_\w][_\w\d]*)\s*\(')
-# basic functionality
-class FunctionMaker(object):
- """
- An object with the ability to create functions with a given signature.
- It has attributes name, doc, module, signature, defaults, dict and
- methods update and make.
- """
- def __init__(self, func=None, name=None, signature=None,
- defaults=None, doc=None, module=None, funcdict=None):
- self.shortsignature = signature
- if func:
- # func can be a class or a callable, but not an instance method
- self.name = func.__name__
- if self.name == '': # small hack for lambda functions
- self.name = '_lambda_'
- self.doc = func.__doc__
- self.module = func.__module__
- if inspect.isfunction(func):
- argspec = getfullargspec(func)
- self.annotations = getattr(func, '__annotations__', {})
- for a in ('args', 'varargs', 'varkw', 'defaults', 'kwonlyargs',
- 'kwonlydefaults'):
- setattr(self, a, getattr(argspec, a))
- for i, arg in enumerate(self.args):
- setattr(self, 'arg%d' % i, arg)
- if sys.version < '3': # easy way
- self.shortsignature = self.signature = \
- inspect.formatargspec(
- formatvalue=lambda val: "", *argspec)[1:-1]
- else: # Python 3 way
- allargs = list(self.args)
- allshortargs = list(self.args)
- if self.varargs:
- allargs.append('*' + self.varargs)
- allshortargs.append('*' + self.varargs)
- elif self.kwonlyargs:
- allargs.append('*') # single star syntax
- for a in self.kwonlyargs:
- allargs.append('%s=None' % a)
- allshortargs.append('%s=%s' % (a, a))
- if self.varkw:
- allargs.append('**' + self.varkw)
- allshortargs.append('**' + self.varkw)
- self.signature = ', '.join(allargs)
- self.shortsignature = ', '.join(allshortargs)
- self.dict = func.__dict__.copy()
- # func=None happens when decorating a caller
- if name:
- self.name = name
- if signature is not None:
- self.signature = signature
- if defaults:
- self.defaults = defaults
- if doc:
- self.doc = doc
- if module:
- self.module = module
- if funcdict:
- self.dict = funcdict
- # check existence required attributes
- assert hasattr(self, 'name')
- if not hasattr(self, 'signature'):
- raise TypeError('You are decorating a non function: %s' % func)
- def update(self, func, **kw):
- "Update the signature of func with the data in self"
- func.__name__ = self.name
- func.__doc__ = getattr(self, 'doc', None)
- func.__dict__ = getattr(self, 'dict', {})
- func.__defaults__ = getattr(self, 'defaults', ())
- func.__kwdefaults__ = getattr(self, 'kwonlydefaults', None)
- func.__annotations__ = getattr(self, 'annotations', None)
- callermodule = sys._getframe(3).f_globals.get('__name__', '?')
- func.__module__ = getattr(self, 'module', callermodule)
- func.__dict__.update(kw)
- def make(self, src_templ, evaldict=None, addsource=False, **attrs):
- "Make a new function from a given template and update the signature"
- src = src_templ % vars(self) # expand name and signature
- evaldict = evaldict or {}
- mo = DEF.match(src)
- if mo is None:
- raise SyntaxError('not a valid function template\n%s' % src)
- name = mo.group(1) # extract the function name
- names = set([name] + [arg.strip(' *') for arg in
- self.shortsignature.split(',')])
- for n in names:
- if n in ('_func_', '_call_'):
- raise NameError('%s is overridden in\n%s' % (n, src))
- if not src.endswith('\n'): # add a newline just for safety
- src += '\n' # this is needed in old versions of Python
- try:
- code = compile(src, '', 'single')
- # print >> sys.stderr, 'Compiling %s' % src
- exec(code, evaldict)
- except:
- print('Error in generated code:', file=sys.stderr)
- print(src, file=sys.stderr)
- raise
- func = evaldict[name]
- if addsource:
- attrs['__source__'] = src
- self.update(func, **attrs)
- return func
- @classmethod
- def create(cls, obj, body, evaldict, defaults=None,
- doc=None, module=None, addsource=True, **attrs):
- """
- Create a function from the strings name, signature and body.
- evaldict is the evaluation dictionary. If addsource is true an attribute
- __source__ is added to the result. The attributes attrs are added,
- if any.
- """
- if isinstance(obj, str): # "name(signature)"
- name, rest = obj.strip().split('(', 1)
- signature = rest[:-1] #strip a right parens
- func = None
- else: # a function
- name = None
- signature = None
- func = obj
- self = cls(func, name, signature, defaults, doc, module)
- ibody = '\n'.join(' ' + line for line in body.splitlines())
- return self.make('def %(name)s(%(signature)s):\n' + ibody,
- evaldict, addsource, **attrs)
-def decorator(caller, func=None):
- """
- decorator(caller) converts a caller function into a decorator;
- decorator(caller, func) decorates a function using a caller.
- """
- if func is not None: # returns a decorated function
- evaldict = func.__globals__.copy()
- evaldict['_call_'] = caller
- evaldict['_func_'] = func
- return FunctionMaker.create(
- func, "return _call_(_func_, %(shortsignature)s)",
- evaldict, undecorated=func, __wrapped__=func)
- else: # returns a decorator
- if inspect.isclass(caller):
- name = caller.__name__.lower()
- callerfunc = get_init(caller)
- doc = 'decorator(%s) converts functions/generators into ' \
- 'factories of %s objects' % (caller.__name__, caller.__name__)
- fun = getfullargspec(callerfunc).args[1] # second arg
- elif inspect.isfunction(caller):
- name = '_lambda_' if caller.__name__ == '' \
- else caller.__name__
- callerfunc = caller
- doc = caller.__doc__
- fun = getfullargspec(callerfunc).args[0] # first arg
- else: # assume caller is an object with a __call__ method
- name = caller.__class__.__name__.lower()
- callerfunc = caller.__call__.__func__
- doc = caller.__call__.__doc__
- fun = getfullargspec(callerfunc).args[1] # second arg
- evaldict = callerfunc.__globals__.copy()
- evaldict['_call_'] = caller
- evaldict['decorator'] = decorator
- return FunctionMaker.create(
- '%s(%s)' % (name, fun),
- 'return decorator(_call_, %s)' % fun,
- evaldict, undecorated=caller, __wrapped__=caller,
- doc=doc, module=caller.__module__)
-######################### contextmanager ########################
-def __call__(self, func):
- 'Context manager decorator'
- return FunctionMaker.create(
- func, "with _self_: return _func_(%(shortsignature)s)",
- dict(_self_=self, _func_=func), __wrapped__=func)
-try: # Python >= 3.2
- from contextlib import _GeneratorContextManager
- ContextManager = type(
- 'ContextManager', (_GeneratorContextManager,), dict(__call__=__call__))
-except ImportError: # Python >= 2.5
- from contextlib import GeneratorContextManager
- def __init__(self, f, *a, **k):
- return GeneratorContextManager.__init__(self, f(*a, **k))
- ContextManager = type(
- 'ContextManager', (GeneratorContextManager,),
- dict(__call__=__call__, __init__=__init__))
-contextmanager = decorator(ContextManager)
diff --git a/expyfun/_eyelink_controller.py b/expyfun/_eyelink_controller.py
index eb257888..cfd88dcc 100644
--- a/expyfun/_eyelink_controller.py
+++ b/expyfun/_eyelink_controller.py
@@ -5,16 +5,17 @@
# License: BSD (3-clause)
-import numpy as np
import datetime
import os
-from os import path as op
-import sys
import subprocess
+import sys
import time
+from os import path as op
-from .visual import FixationDot, Circle, RawImage, Line, Text
-from ._utils import get_config, verbose_dec, logger, string_types
+import numpy as np
+from ._utils import get_config, logger, verbose_dec
+from .visual import Circle, FixationDot, Line, RawImage, Text
# Constants
@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ def dummy_fun(*args, **kwargs):
# don't prevent basic functionality for folks who don't use EL
import pylink
cal_super_class = pylink.EyeLinkCustomDisplay
openGraphicsEx = pylink.openGraphicsEx
except ImportError:
@@ -43,87 +45,105 @@ def dummy_fun(*args, **kwargs):
openGraphicsEx = dummy_fun
-eye_list = ['LEFT_EYE', 'RIGHT_EYE', 'BINOCULAR'] # Used by eyeAvailable
+eye_list = ["LEFT_EYE", "RIGHT_EYE", "BINOCULAR"] # Used by eyeAvailable
def _get_key_trans_dict():
"""Helper to translate pyglet keys to pylink codes"""
from pyglet.window import key
- key_trans_dict = {str(key.F1): pylink.F1_KEY,
- str(key.F2): pylink.F2_KEY,
- str(key.F3): pylink.F3_KEY,
- str(key.F4): pylink.F4_KEY,
- str(key.F5): pylink.F5_KEY,
- str(key.F6): pylink.F6_KEY,
- str(key.F7): pylink.F7_KEY,
- str(key.F8): pylink.F8_KEY,
- str(key.F9): pylink.F9_KEY,
- str(key.F10): pylink.F10_KEY,
- str(key.PAGEUP): pylink.PAGE_UP,
- str(key.PAGEDOWN): pylink.PAGE_DOWN,
- str(key.UP): pylink.CURS_UP,
- str(key.DOWN): pylink.CURS_DOWN,
- str(key.LEFT): pylink.CURS_LEFT,
- str(key.RIGHT): pylink.CURS_RIGHT,
- str(key.BACKSPACE): '\b',
- str(key.RETURN): pylink.ENTER_KEY,
- str(key.ESCAPE): pylink.ESC_KEY,
- str(key.NUM_ADD): key.PLUS,
- str(key.NUM_SUBTRACT): key.MINUS,
- }
+ key_trans_dict = {
+ str(key.F1): pylink.F1_KEY,
+ str(key.F2): pylink.F2_KEY,
+ str(key.F3): pylink.F3_KEY,
+ str(key.F4): pylink.F4_KEY,
+ str(key.F5): pylink.F5_KEY,
+ str(key.F6): pylink.F6_KEY,
+ str(key.F7): pylink.F7_KEY,
+ str(key.F8): pylink.F8_KEY,
+ str(key.F9): pylink.F9_KEY,
+ str(key.F10): pylink.F10_KEY,
+ str(key.PAGEUP): pylink.PAGE_UP,
+ str(key.PAGEDOWN): pylink.PAGE_DOWN,
+ str(key.UP): pylink.CURS_UP,
+ str(key.DOWN): pylink.CURS_DOWN,
+ str(key.LEFT): pylink.CURS_LEFT,
+ str(key.RIGHT): pylink.CURS_RIGHT,
+ str(key.BACKSPACE): "\b",
+ str(key.RETURN): pylink.ENTER_KEY,
+ str(key.ESCAPE): pylink.ESC_KEY,
+ str(key.NUM_ADD): key.PLUS,
+ str(key.NUM_SUBTRACT): key.MINUS,
+ }
return key_trans_dict
def _get_color_dict():
"""Helper to translate pylink colors to pyglet"""
- color_dict = {str(CR_HAIR_COLOR): (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
- str(PUPIL_HAIR_COLOR): (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
- str(PUPIL_BOX_COLOR): (0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
- str(SEARCH_LIMIT_BOX_COLOR): (1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
- str(MOUSE_CURSOR_COLOR): (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)}
+ color_dict = {
+ str(CR_HAIR_COLOR): (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ str(PUPIL_HAIR_COLOR): (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ str(PUPIL_BOX_COLOR): (0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
+ str(SEARCH_LIMIT_BOX_COLOR): (1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ str(MOUSE_CURSOR_COLOR): (1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ }
return color_dict
-def _check(val, msg, out='error'):
+def _check(val, msg, out="error"):
"""Helper to check output"""
if val != TRIAL_OK:
msg = msg.format(val)
- if out == 'warn':
+ if out == "warn":
raise RuntimeError(msg)
_dummy_names = [
- 'setSaccadeVelocityThreshold', 'setAccelerationThreshold',
- 'setUpdateInterval', 'setFixationUpdateAccumulate', 'setFileEventFilter',
- 'setLinkEventFilter', 'setFileSampleFilter', 'setLinkSampleFilter',
- 'setPupilSizeDiameter', 'setAcceptTargetFixationButton',
- 'openDataFile', 'startRecording', 'waitForModeReady',
- 'isRecording', 'stopRecording', 'closeDataFile', 'doTrackerSetup',
- 'receiveDataFile', 'close', 'eyeAvailable', 'sendCommand',
+ "setSaccadeVelocityThreshold",
+ "setAccelerationThreshold",
+ "setUpdateInterval",
+ "setFixationUpdateAccumulate",
+ "setFileEventFilter",
+ "setLinkEventFilter",
+ "setFileSampleFilter",
+ "setLinkSampleFilter",
+ "setPupilSizeDiameter",
+ "setAcceptTargetFixationButton",
+ "openDataFile",
+ "startRecording",
+ "waitForModeReady",
+ "isRecording",
+ "stopRecording",
+ "closeDataFile",
+ "doTrackerSetup",
+ "receiveDataFile",
+ "close",
+ "eyeAvailable",
+ "sendCommand",
-class DummyEl(object):
+class DummyEl:
"""Dummy EyeLink controller."""
def __init__(self):
for name in _dummy_names:
setattr(self, name, dummy_fun)
- self.getTrackerVersion = lambda: 'Dummy'
+ self.getTrackerVersion = lambda: "Dummy"
self.getDummyMode = lambda: True
self.getCurrentMode = lambda: IN_RECORD_MODE
self.waitForBlockStart = lambda a, b, c: 1
def sendMessage(self, msg):
"""Send a message."""
- if not isinstance(msg, string_types):
- raise TypeError('msg must be str')
+ if not isinstance(msg, str):
+ raise TypeError("msg must be str")
return TRIAL_OK
-class EyelinkController(object):
+class EyelinkController:
"""Eyelink communication and control methods.
@@ -147,50 +167,53 @@ class EyelinkController(object):
- def __init__(self, ec, link='default', fs=1000, verbose=None):
- if link == 'default':
- link = get_config('EXPYFUN_EYELINK', None)
+ def __init__(self, ec, link="default", fs=1000, verbose=None):
+ if link == "default":
+ link = get_config("EXPYFUN_EYELINK", None)
if link is not None and pylink is None:
- raise ImportError('Could not import pylink, please ensure it '
- 'is installed correctly to use the EyeLink')
+ raise ImportError(
+ "Could not import pylink, please ensure it "
+ "is installed correctly to use the EyeLink"
+ )
valid_fs = (250, 500, 1000, 2000)
if fs not in valid_fs:
- raise ValueError('fs must be one of {0}'.format(list(valid_fs)))
+ raise ValueError(f"fs must be one of {list(valid_fs)}")
output_dir = ec._output_dir
if output_dir is None:
output_dir = os.getcwd()
- if not isinstance(output_dir, string_types):
- raise TypeError('output_dir must be a string')
+ if not isinstance(output_dir, str):
+ raise TypeError("output_dir must be a string")
if not op.isdir(output_dir):
self._output_dir = output_dir
self._ec = ec
- if 'el_id' in self._ec._id_call_dict:
- raise RuntimeError('Cannot use initialize EL twice')
- logger.info('EyeLink: Initializing on {}'.format(link))
+ if "el_id" in self._ec._id_call_dict:
+ raise RuntimeError("Cannot use initialize EL twice")
+ logger.info(f"EyeLink: Initializing on {link}")
if link is not None:
- iswin = (sys.platform == 'win32')
- cmd = 'ping -n 1 -w 100' if iswin else 'fping -c 1 -t100'
- cmd = subprocess.Popen('%s %s' % (cmd, link),
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ iswin = sys.platform == "win32"
+ cmd = "ping -n 1 -w 100" if iswin else "fping -c 1 -t100"
+ cmd = subprocess.Popen(
+ "%s %s" % (cmd, link), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE
+ )
if cmd.returncode:
- raise RuntimeError('could not connect to Eyelink @ %s, '
- 'is it turned on?' % link)
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "could not connect to Eyelink @ %s, " "is it turned on?" % link
+ )
self._eyelink = DummyEl() if link is None else pylink.EyeLink(link)
self._file_list = []
self._size = np.array(self._ec.window_size_pix)
self._ec._extra_cleanup_fun += [self._close]
- self._ec._id_call_dict['el_id'] = self._stamp_trial_id
+ self._ec._id_call_dict["el_id"] = self._stamp_trial_id
self._fake_calibration = False # Only used for testing
self._closed = False # to prevent double-closing
self._current_open_file = None
- logger.debug('EyeLink: Setup complete')
+ logger.debug("EyeLink: Setup complete")
def _setup(self, fs=1000):
@@ -206,10 +229,10 @@ def _setup(self, fs=1000):
# map the gaze positions from the tracker to screen pixel positions
res = self._size
- res_str = '0 0 {0} {1}'.format(res[0] - 1, res[1] - 1)
- logger.debug('EyeLink: Setting display coordinates and saccade levels')
- self._command('screen_pixel_coords = ' + res_str)
- self._message('DISPLAY_COORDS ' + res_str)
+ res_str = f"0 0 {res[0] - 1} {res[1] - 1}"
+ logger.debug("EyeLink: Setting display coordinates and saccade levels")
+ self._command("screen_pixel_coords = " + res_str)
+ self._message("DISPLAY_COORDS " + res_str)
# set calibration parameters
@@ -219,33 +242,31 @@ def _setup(self, fs=1000):
- self._command('sample_rate = {0}'.format(fs))
+ self._command(f"sample_rate = {fs}")
# retrieve tracker version and tracker software version
v = str(self._eyelink.getTrackerVersion()).strip()
- logger.info('Eyelink: Running experiment on a version ''{0}'' '
- 'tracker.'.format(v))
- v = v.split('.')
+ logger.info("Eyelink: Running experiment on a version " f"{v}" " " "tracker.")
+ v = v.split(".")
# set EDF file contents
- logger.debug('EyeLink: Setting file and event filters')
+ logger.debug("EyeLink: Setting file and event filters")
- if len(v) > 1 and v[0] == '3' and v[1] == '4':
+ if len(v) > 1 and v[0] == "3" and v[1] == "4":
# remote mode possible add HTARGET ( head target)
- fsf += ',HTARGET'
+ fsf += ",HTARGET"
# set link data (used for gaze cursor)
- lsf += ',HTARGET'
+ lsf += ",HTARGET"
# Ensure that we get areas
- self._eyelink.setPupilSizeDiameter('NO')
+ self._eyelink.setPupilSizeDiameter("NO")
# calibration/drift cordisp.rection target
@@ -266,23 +287,24 @@ def fs(self):
def _is_file_open(self):
- return (self._current_open_file is not None)
+ return self._current_open_file is not None
def _open_file(self):
"""Opens a new file on the Eyelink"""
if self._is_file_open:
- raise RuntimeError('Cannot start new file, old must be closed')
- file_name = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%H%M%S')
+ raise RuntimeError("Cannot start new file, old must be closed")
+ file_name = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H%M%S")
while file_name in self._file_list:
# This should succeed in under 1 second
- file_name = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%H%M%S')
+ file_name = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H%M%S")
# make absolutely sure we don't break this, but it shouldn't ever
# be wrong
assert len(file_name) <= 8
- logger.info('Eyelink: Opening remote file with filename {}'
- ''.format(file_name))
- _check(self._eyelink.openDataFile(file_name),
- 'Remote file "' + file_name + '" could not be opened: {0}')
+ logger.info(f"Eyelink: Opening remote file with filename {file_name}" "")
+ _check(
+ self._eyelink.openDataFile(file_name),
+ 'Remote file "' + file_name + '" could not be opened: {0}',
+ )
self._current_open_file = file_name
return self._current_open_file
@@ -290,28 +312,33 @@ def _open_file(self):
def _start_recording(self):
"""Start Eyelink recording"""
if not self._is_file_open:
- raise RuntimeError('cannot start recording without file open')
+ raise RuntimeError("cannot start recording without file open")
for ii in range(5):
- out = 'check' if ii < 4 else 'error'
- _check(self._eyelink.startRecording(1, 1, 1, 1),
- 'Recording could not be started: {0}', out)
+ out = "check" if ii < 4 else "error"
+ _check(
+ self._eyelink.startRecording(1, 1, 1, 1),
+ "Recording could not be started: {0}",
+ out,
+ )
# self._eyelink.waitForModeReady(100) # doesn't work
- _check(not self._eyelink.waitForBlockStart(100, 1, 0),
- 'No link samples received: {0}')
+ _check(
+ not self._eyelink.waitForBlockStart(100, 1, 0),
+ "No link samples received: {0}",
+ )
if not self.recording:
- raise RuntimeError('Eyelink is not recording')
+ raise RuntimeError("Eyelink is not recording")
# double-check
mode = self._eyelink.getCurrentMode()
if mode != IN_RECORD_MODE:
- raise RuntimeError('Eyelink is not recording: {0}'.format(mode))
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Eyelink is not recording: {mode}")
def recording(self):
"""Returns boolean for whether or not the Eyelink is recording"""
- return (self._eyelink.isRecording() == TRIAL_OK)
+ return self._eyelink.isRecording() == TRIAL_OK
def stop(self):
"""Stop Eyelink recording and close current file
@@ -322,12 +349,11 @@ def stop(self):
if not self.recording:
- raise RuntimeError('Cannot stop, not currently recording')
- logger.info('Eyelink: Stopping recording')
+ raise RuntimeError("Cannot stop, not currently recording")
+ logger.info("Eyelink: Stopping recording")
- logger.info('Eyelink: Closing file')
- _check(self._eyelink.closeDataFile(),
- 'File could not be closed: {0}', 'warn')
+ logger.info("Eyelink: Closing file")
+ _check(self._eyelink.closeDataFile(), "File could not be closed: {0}", "warn")
self._current_open_file = None
@@ -363,9 +389,11 @@ def calibrate(self, beep=False, prompt=True):
# open file to record *before* running calibration so it gets saved!
fname = self._open_file()
if prompt:
- self._ec.screen_prompt('We will now perform a screen calibration.'
- '\n\nPress a button to continue.')
- logger.info('EyeLink: Entering calibration')
+ self._ec.screen_prompt(
+ "We will now perform a screen calibration."
+ "\n\nPress a button to continue."
+ )
+ logger.info("EyeLink: Entering calibration")
# enter Eyetracker camera setup mode, calibration and validation
@@ -377,7 +405,7 @@ def calibrate(self, beep=False, prompt=True):
- logger.info('EyeLink: Completed calibration')
+ logger.info("EyeLink: Completed calibration")
return fname
@@ -401,13 +429,13 @@ def _stamp_trial_id(self, ids):
# such as one number for each trial independent variable.
# Here we just force up to 12 integers for simplicity.
if not isinstance(ids, (list, tuple)):
- raise TypeError('ids must be a list (or tuple)')
+ raise TypeError("ids must be a list (or tuple)")
if not all([np.isscalar(x) for x in ids]):
- raise ValueError('All ids must be numeric')
+ raise ValueError("All ids must be numeric")
if len(ids) > 12:
- raise ValueError('ids must not have more than 12 entries')
- ids = ' '.join([str(int(ii)) for ii in ids])
- msg = 'TRIALID {}'.format(ids)
+ raise ValueError("ids must not have more than 12 entries")
+ ids = " ".join([str(int(ii)) for ii in ids])
+ msg = f"TRIALID {ids}"
def _stamp_trial_start(self):
@@ -416,17 +444,16 @@ def _stamp_trial_start(self):
This is a timing-critical operation used to synchronize the
recording to stimulus presentation.
- self._eyelink.sendMessage('SYNCTIME')
+ self._eyelink.sendMessage("SYNCTIME")
def _stamp_trial_ok(self):
- """Signal the end of a trial
- """
- self._eyelink.sendMessage('TRIAL OK')
+ """Signal the end of a trial"""
+ self._eyelink.sendMessage("TRIAL OK")
def _message(self, msg):
"""Send message to eyelink, must be a string"""
- self._command('record_status_message "{0}"'.format(msg))
+ self._command(f'record_status_message "{msg}"')
def _command(self, cmd):
"""Send Eyelink a command, must be a string"""
@@ -449,11 +476,10 @@ def transfer_remote_file(self, remote_name):
- fname = op.join(self._output_dir, '{0}.edf'.format(remote_name))
- logger.info('Eyelink: saving Eyelink file: {0} ...'
- ''.format(remote_name))
+ fname = op.join(self._output_dir, f"{remote_name}.edf")
+ logger.info(f"Eyelink: saving Eyelink file: {remote_name} ..." "")
status = self._eyelink.receiveDataFile(remote_name, fname)
- logger.info('Eyelink: transferred {0} bytes'.format(status))
+ logger.info(f"Eyelink: transferred {status} bytes")
return fname
def _close(self):
@@ -463,21 +489,30 @@ def _close(self):
if self.recording:
# make sure files get transferred
- fnames = [self.transfer_remote_file(remote_name)
- for remote_name in self._file_list]
+ fnames = [
+ self.transfer_remote_file(remote_name)
+ for remote_name in self._file_list
+ ]
self._file_list = list()
self._closed = True
- assert 'el_id' in self._ec._id_call_dict
- del self._ec._id_call_dict['el_id']
+ assert "el_id" in self._ec._id_call_dict
+ del self._ec._id_call_dict["el_id"]
idx = self._ec._ofp_critical_funs.index(self._stamp_trial_start)
idx = self._ec._on_trial_ok.index(self._stamp_trial_ok)
return fnames
- def wait_for_fix(self, fix_pos, fix_time=0., tol=100., max_wait=np.inf,
- check_interval=0.001, units='norm'):
+ def wait_for_fix(
+ self,
+ fix_pos,
+ fix_time=0.0,
+ tol=100.0,
+ max_wait=np.inf,
+ check_interval=0.001,
+ units="norm",
+ ):
"""Wait for gaze to settle within a defined region
@@ -512,11 +547,12 @@ def wait_for_fix(self, fix_pos, fix_time=0., tol=100., max_wait=np.inf,
time_out = time_in + max_wait
fix_pos = np.array(fix_pos)
if not (fix_pos.ndim == 1 and fix_pos.size == 2):
- raise ValueError('fix_pos must be a 2-element array-like vector')
- fix_pos = self._ec._convert_units(fix_pos[:, np.newaxis], units, 'pix')
+ raise ValueError("fix_pos must be a 2-element array-like vector")
+ fix_pos = self._ec._convert_units(fix_pos[:, np.newaxis], units, "pix")
fix_pos = fix_pos[:, 0]
- while (time.time() < time_out and not
- (fix_success and time.time() - time_in >= fix_time)):
+ while time.time() < time_out and not (
+ fix_success and time.time() - time_in >= fix_time
+ ):
# sample eye position
eye_pos = self.get_eye_position() # in pixels
if _within_distance(eye_pos, fix_pos, tol):
@@ -529,8 +565,16 @@ def wait_for_fix(self, fix_pos, fix_time=0., tol=100., max_wait=np.inf,
return fix_success
- def maintain_fix(self, fix_pos, check_duration, tol=100., period=.250,
- check_interval=0.001, units='norm', stop_early=False):
+ def maintain_fix(
+ self,
+ fix_pos,
+ check_duration,
+ tol=100.0,
+ period=0.250,
+ check_interval=0.001,
+ units="norm",
+ stop_early=False,
+ ):
"""Check to see if subject is fixating in a region.
This checks to make sure that the subjects gaze falls within a region
@@ -569,12 +613,15 @@ def maintain_fix(self, fix_pos, check_duration, tol=100., period=.250,
fix_pos = np.array(fix_pos)
if not (fix_pos.ndim == 1 and fix_pos.size == 2):
- raise ValueError('fix_pos must be a 2-element array-like vector')
- fix_pos = self._ec._convert_units(fix_pos[:, np.newaxis], units, 'pix')
+ raise ValueError("fix_pos must be a 2-element array-like vector")
+ fix_pos = self._ec._convert_units(fix_pos[:, np.newaxis], units, "pix")
fix_pos = fix_pos[:, 0]
check = []
- while ((fix_success and time.time() < time_end) if stop_early else
- time.time() < time_end):
+ while (
+ (fix_success and time.time() < time_end)
+ if stop_early
+ else time.time() < time_end
+ ):
if fix_success:
# sample eye position
eye_pos = self.get_eye_position() # in pixels
@@ -588,8 +635,14 @@ def maintain_fix(self, fix_pos, check_duration, tol=100., period=.250,
return fix_success
- def custom_calibration(self, ctype='HV5', horiz=2./3., vert=2./3.,
- coordinates=None, units='norm'):
+ def custom_calibration(
+ self,
+ ctype="HV5",
+ horiz=2.0 / 3.0,
+ vert=2.0 / 3.0,
+ coordinates=None,
+ units="norm",
+ ):
"""Set Eyetracker to use a custom calibration sequence
@@ -611,54 +664,79 @@ def custom_calibration(self, ctype='HV5', horiz=2./3., vert=2./3.,
- allowed_types = ['H3', 'HV5', 'HV9', 'HV13', 'custom']
+ allowed_types = ["H3", "HV5", "HV9", "HV13", "custom"]
if ctype not in allowed_types:
- raise ValueError('ctype cannot be "{0}", but must be one of {1}'
- ''.format(ctype, allowed_types))
- if ctype != 'custom':
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'ctype cannot be "{ctype}", but must be one of {allowed_types}' ""
+ )
+ if ctype != "custom":
if coordinates is not None:
- raise ValueError('If ctype is not \'custom\' coordinates canno'
- 't be used to generate calibration pattern.')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "If ctype is not 'custom' coordinates canno"
+ "t be used to generate calibration pattern."
+ )
horiz, vert = float(horiz), float(vert)
- xx = np.array(([0., horiz], [0., vert]))
- h_pix, v_pix = np.diff(self._ec._convert_units(xx, units, 'pix'),
- axis=1)[:, 0]
- h_max, v_max = self._size[0] / 2., self._size[1] / 2.
- for p, m, s in zip((h_pix, v_pix), (h_max, v_max), ('horiz', 'vert')):
+ xx = np.array(([0.0, horiz], [0.0, vert]))
+ h_pix, v_pix = np.diff(self._ec._convert_units(xx, units, "pix"), axis=1)[:, 0]
+ h_max, v_max = self._size[0] / 2.0, self._size[1] / 2.0
+ for p, m, s in zip((h_pix, v_pix), (h_max, v_max), ("horiz", "vert")):
if p > m:
- raise ValueError('{0} too large ({1} > {2})'
- ''.format(s, p, m))
+ raise ValueError(f"{s} too large ({p} > {m})" "")
# make the locations
- if ctype == 'HV5':
+ if ctype == "HV5":
mat = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1]])
- elif ctype == 'HV9':
- mat = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1], [1, 1],
- [-1, -1], [1, -1], [-1, 1]])
- elif ctype == 'H3':
+ elif ctype == "HV9":
+ mat = np.array(
+ [
+ [0, 0],
+ [1, 0],
+ [-1, 0],
+ [0, 1],
+ [0, -1],
+ [1, 1],
+ [-1, -1],
+ [1, -1],
+ [-1, 1],
+ ]
+ )
+ elif ctype == "H3":
mat = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [-1, 0]])
- elif ctype == 'HV13':
- mat = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1], [1, 1],
- [-1, -1], [1, -1], [-1, 1], [.5, .5], [-.5, -.5],
- [.5, -.5], [-.5, .5]])
- elif ctype == 'custom':
+ elif ctype == "HV13":
+ mat = np.array(
+ [
+ [0, 0],
+ [1, 0],
+ [-1, 0],
+ [0, 1],
+ [0, -1],
+ [1, 1],
+ [-1, -1],
+ [1, -1],
+ [-1, 1],
+ [0.5, 0.5],
+ [-0.5, -0.5],
+ [0.5, -0.5],
+ [-0.5, 0.5],
+ ]
+ )
+ elif ctype == "custom":
mat = np.array(coordinates, float)
if mat.ndim != 2 or mat.shape[-1] != 2:
- raise ValueError('Each coordinate must be a list with length 2'
- '.')
+ raise ValueError("Each coordinate must be a list with length 2" ".")
offsets = mat * np.array([h_pix, v_pix])
- coords = (self._size / 2. + offsets)
+ coords = self._size / 2.0 + offsets
n_samples = coords.shape[0]
- targs = ' '.join(['{0},{1}'.format(*c) for c in coords])
- seq = ','.join([str(x) for x in range(n_samples + 1)])
- self._command('calibration_type = {0}'.format(ctype))
- self._command('generate_default_targets = NO')
- self._command('calibration_samples = {0}'.format(n_samples))
- self._command('calibration_sequence = ' + seq)
- self._command('calibration_targets = ' + targs)
- self._command('validation_samples = {0}'.format(n_samples))
- self._command('validation_sequence = ' + seq)
- self._command('validation_targets = ' + targs)
+ targs = " ".join(["{0},{1}".format(*c) for c in coords])
+ seq = ",".join([str(x) for x in range(n_samples + 1)])
+ self._command(f"calibration_type = {ctype}")
+ self._command("generate_default_targets = NO")
+ self._command(f"calibration_samples = {n_samples}")
+ self._command("calibration_sequence = " + seq)
+ self._command("calibration_targets = " + targs)
+ self._command(f"validation_samples = {n_samples}")
+ self._command("validation_sequence = " + seq)
+ self._command("validation_targets = " + targs)
def get_eye_position(self):
"""The current eye position in pixels
@@ -676,11 +754,14 @@ def get_eye_position(self):
if not self.dummy_mode:
sample = self._eyelink.getNewestSample()
if sample is None:
- raise RuntimeError('No sample data, consider starting a '
- 'recording using el.start()')
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "No sample data, consider starting a " "recording using el.start()"
+ )
if sample.isBinocular():
- eye_pos = (np.array(sample.getLeftEye().getGaze()) +
- np.array(sample.getRightEye().getGaze())) / 2.
+ eye_pos = (
+ np.array(sample.getLeftEye().getGaze())
+ + np.array(sample.getRightEye().getGaze())
+ ) / 2.0
elif sample.isLeftSample():
eye_pos = np.array(sample.getLeftEye().getGaze())
elif sample.isRightSample():
@@ -699,8 +780,7 @@ def _toggle_dummy_cursor(self, visibility):
def file_list(self):
- """The list of files started on the EyeLink
- """
+ """The list of files started on the EyeLink"""
return self._file_list
@@ -730,7 +810,7 @@ def __init__(self, ec, beep=False):
self.ec = ec
self.keys = []
ws = np.array(ec.window_size_pix)
- self.img_span = 1.5 * np.array((float(ws[0]) / ws[1], 1.))
+ self.img_span = 1.5 * np.array((float(ws[0]) / ws[1], 1.0))
# set up reusable objects
self.targ_circ = FixationDot(self.ec)
@@ -749,11 +829,15 @@ def __init__(self, ec, beep=False):
self.img_size = (0, 0)
def setup_event_handlers(self):
- self.label = Text(self.ec, 'Eye Label', units='norm',
- pos=(0, -self.img_span[1] / 2.),
- anchor_y='top', color='white')
- self.img = RawImage(self.ec, np.zeros((1, 2, 3)),
- pos=(0, 0), units='norm')
+ self.label = Text(
+ self.ec,
+ "Eye Label",
+ units="norm",
+ pos=(0, -self.img_span[1] / 2.0),
+ anchor_y="top",
+ color="white",
+ )
+ self.img = RawImage(self.ec, np.zeros((1, 2, 3)), pos=(0, 0), units="norm")
def on_mouse_press(x, y, button, modifiers):
self.state = 1
@@ -773,9 +857,13 @@ def on_key_press(symbol, modifiers):
self.keys += [pylink.KeyInput(key, modifiers)]
# create new handler at top of handling stack
- self.ec.window.push_handlers(on_key_press, on_mouse_press,
- on_mouse_motion, on_mouse_release,
- on_mouse_drag)
+ self.ec.window.push_handlers(
+ on_key_press,
+ on_mouse_press,
+ on_mouse_motion,
+ on_mouse_release,
+ on_mouse_drag,
+ )
def release_event_handlers(self):
@@ -794,7 +882,7 @@ def record_abort_hide(self):
def draw_cal_target(self, x, y):
- self.targ_circ.set_pos((x, y), units='pix')
+ self.targ_circ.set_pos((x, y), units="pix")
@@ -829,19 +917,25 @@ def _img2win(self, x, y):
return x, y
def alert_printf(self, msg):
- logger.warning('EyeLink: alert_printf {}'.format(msg))
+ logger.warning(f"EyeLink: alert_printf {msg}")
def setup_image_display(self, w, h):
# convert w, h from pixels to relative units
x = np.array([[0, 0], [0, self.img_span[1]]], float)
- x = np.diff(self.ec._convert_units(x, 'norm', 'pix')[1]) / h
+ x = np.diff(self.ec._convert_units(x, "norm", "pix")[1]) / h
def image_title(self, text):
- text = "{0} ".format(text)
- self.label = Text(self.ec, text, units='norm', anchor_y='top',
- color='white', pos=(0, -self.img_span[1] / 2.))
+ text = f"{text} "
+ self.label = Text(
+ self.ec,
+ text,
+ units="norm",
+ anchor_y="top",
+ color="white",
+ pos=(0, -self.img_span[1] / 2.0),
+ )
def set_image_palette(self, r, g, b):
self.palette = np.array([r, g, b], np.uint8).T
@@ -850,7 +944,7 @@ def draw_image_line(self, width, line, totlines, buff):
if self.image_buffer is None:
self.img_size = (width, totlines)
self.image_buffer = np.empty((totlines, width, 3), float)
- self.image_buffer[line - 1, :, :] = self.palette[buff, :] / 255.
+ self.image_buffer[line - 1, :, :] = self.palette[buff, :] / 255.0
if line == totlines:
@@ -862,18 +956,18 @@ def draw_line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, colorindex):
color = _get_color_dict()[str(colorindex)]
x1, y1 = self._img2win(x1, y1)
x2, y2 = self._img2win(x2, y2)
- Line(self.ec, ((x1, x2), (y1, y2)), 'pix', color).draw()
+ Line(self.ec, ((x1, x2), (y1, y2)), "pix", color).draw()
def draw_lozenge(self, x, y, width, height, colorindex):
- coords = self._img2win(x + width / 2., y + width / 2.)
- width = width * self.img.scale / 2.
- height = height * self.img.scale / 2.
+ coords = self._img2win(x + width / 2.0, y + width / 2.0)
+ width = width * self.img.scale / 2.0
+ height = height * self.img.scale / 2.0
- self.loz_circ.set_pos(coords, units='pix')
- self.loz_circ.set_radius((width, height), units='pix')
+ self.loz_circ.set_pos(coords, units="pix")
+ self.loz_circ.set_radius((width, height), units="pix")
def _within_distance(pos_1, pos_2, radius):
"""Helper for checking eye position"""
- return np.sum((pos_1 - pos_2) ** 2) <= radius ** 2
+ return np.sum((pos_1 - pos_2) ** 2) <= radius**2
diff --git a/expyfun/_git.py b/expyfun/_git.py
index 5c66a215..fb8d1908 100644
--- a/expyfun/_git.py
+++ b/expyfun/_git.py
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
-from os import path as op
import sys
import warnings
+from importlib import reload
+from io import StringIO
+from os import path as op
-from ._utils import _TempDir, string_types, run_subprocess, StringIO, reload
+from ._utils import _TempDir, run_subprocess
from ._version import __version__
this_version = __version__[-7:]
- run_subprocess(['git', '--help'])
+ run_subprocess(["git", "--help"])
except Exception as exp:
_has_git, why_not = False, str(exp)
@@ -20,22 +21,21 @@
def _check_git():
"""Helper to check the expyfun version"""
if not _has_git:
- raise RuntimeError('git not found: {0}'.format(why_not))
+ raise RuntimeError(f"git not found: {why_not}")
def _check_version_format(version):
"""Helper to ensure version is of proper format"""
- if not isinstance(version, string_types) or len(version) != 7:
- raise TypeError('version must be a string of length 7, got {0}'
- ''.format(version))
+ if not isinstance(version, str) or len(version) != 7:
+ raise TypeError(f"version must be a string of length 7, got {version}" "")
def _active_version(wd):
"""Helper to get the currently active version"""
- return run_subprocess(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=wd)[0][:7]
+ return run_subprocess(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], cwd=wd)[0][:7]
-def download_version(version='current', dest_dir=None):
+def download_version(version="current", dest_dir=None):
"""Download specific expyfun version
@@ -56,24 +56,28 @@ def download_version(version='current', dest_dir=None):
if dest_dir is None:
dest_dir = os.getcwd()
- if not isinstance(dest_dir, string_types) or not op.isdir(dest_dir):
- raise IOError('Destination directory {0} does not exist'
- ''.format(dest_dir))
- if op.isdir(op.join(dest_dir, 'expyfun')):
- raise IOError('Destination directory {0} already has "expyfun" '
- 'subdirectory'.format(dest_dir))
+ if not isinstance(dest_dir, str) or not op.isdir(dest_dir):
+ raise OSError(f"Destination directory {dest_dir} does not exist" "")
+ if op.isdir(op.join(dest_dir, "expyfun")):
+ raise OSError(
+ f'Destination directory {dest_dir} already has "expyfun" ' "subdirectory"
+ )
# fetch locally and get the proper version
tempdir = _TempDir()
- expyfun_dir = op.join(tempdir, 'expyfun') # git will auto-create this dir
- repo_url = 'git://github.com/LABSN/expyfun.git'
- run_subprocess(['git', 'clone', repo_url, expyfun_dir])
- version = _active_version(expyfun_dir) if version == 'current' else version
+ expyfun_dir = op.join(tempdir, "expyfun") # git will auto-create this dir
+ repo_url = "https://github.com/LABSN/expyfun.git"
+ env = os.environ.copy()
+ env["GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT"] = "0" # do not prompt for credentials
+ run_subprocess(
+ ["git", "clone", repo_url, expyfun_dir, "--single-branch", "--branch", "main"],
+ env=env,
+ )
+ version = _active_version(expyfun_dir) if version == "current" else version
- run_subprocess(['git', 'checkout', version], cwd=expyfun_dir)
+ run_subprocess(["git", "checkout", version], cwd=expyfun_dir, env=env)
except Exception as exp:
- raise RuntimeError('Could not check out version {0}: {1}'
- ''.format(version, str(exp)))
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Could not check out version {version}: {str(exp)}" "")
assert _active_version(expyfun_dir) == version
# install
@@ -82,29 +86,53 @@ def download_version(version='current', dest_dir=None):
# ensure our version-specific "setup" is imported
sys.path.insert(0, expyfun_dir)
orig_stdout = sys.stdout
+ # numpy.distutils is gone, but all we use is setup from it. Let's use the one
+ # from setuptools instead.
+ orig_numpy_distutils_core = None
+ if "numpy.distutils.core" in sys.modules:
+ orig_numpy_distutils_core = sys.modules["numpy.distutils.core"]
+ import setuptools
+ sys.modules["numpy.distutils.core"] = setuptools
# on pytest with Py3k this can be problematic
- if 'setup' in sys.modules:
- del sys.modules['setup']
+ if "setup" in sys.modules:
+ del sys.modules["setup"]
import setup
setup_version = setup.git_version()
# This is necessary because for a while git_version returned
# a tuple of (version, fork)
- if not isinstance(setup_version, string_types):
+ if not isinstance(setup_version, str):
setup_version = setup_version[0]
assert version.lower() == setup_version[:7].lower()
del setup_version
+ # Now we need to monkey-patch to change FULL_VERSION, which can be for example:
+ # 2.0.0.dev-090948e
+ # to
+ # 2.0.0.dev0+090948e
+ if "-" in setup.FULL_VERSION:
+ setup.FULL_VERSION = setup.FULL_VERSION.replace("-", "0+") # PEP440
sys.stdout = StringIO()
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # PEP440
- setup.setup_package(
- script_args=['build', '--build-purelib', dest_dir])
+ setup.setup_package(script_args=["build", "--build-purelib", dest_dir])
sys.stdout = orig_stdout
- print('\n'.join(['Successfully checked out expyfun version:', version,
- 'into destination directory:', op.join(dest_dir)]))
+ if orig_numpy_distutils_core is not None:
+ sys.modules["numpy.distutils.core"] = orig_numpy_distutils_core
+ print(
+ "\n".join(
+ [
+ "Successfully checked out expyfun version:",
+ version,
+ "into destination directory:",
+ op.join(dest_dir),
+ ]
+ )
+ )
def assert_version(version):
@@ -117,5 +145,7 @@ def assert_version(version):
if this_version.lower() != version.lower():
- raise AssertionError('Requested version {0} does not match current '
- 'version {1}'.format(version, this_version))
+ raise AssertionError(
+ f"Requested version {version} does not match current "
+ f"version {this_version}"
+ )
diff --git a/expyfun/_input_controllers.py b/expyfun/_input_controllers.py
index 5fb7a082..57631a09 100644
--- a/expyfun/_input_controllers.py
+++ b/expyfun/_input_controllers.py
@@ -7,17 +7,16 @@
# License: BSD (3-clause)
-from functools import partial
import sys
+from functools import partial
import numpy as np
-from .visual import (Triangle, Rectangle, Circle, Diamond, ConcentricCircles,
- FixationDot)
-from ._utils import clock, string_types, logger
+from ._utils import clock, logger
+from .visual import Circle, ConcentricCircles, Diamond, FixationDot, Rectangle, Triangle
-class Keyboard(object):
+class Keyboard:
"""Retrieve presses from various devices.
Public metohds:
@@ -34,16 +33,19 @@ class Keyboard(object):
- key_event_types = {'presses': ['press'], 'releases': ['release'],
- 'both': ['press', 'release']}
+ key_event_types = {
+ "presses": ["press"],
+ "releases": ["release"],
+ "both": ["press", "release"],
+ }
def __init__(self, ec, force_quit_keys):
self.master_clock = ec._master_clock
self.log_presses = ec._log_presses
self.force_quit_keys = force_quit_keys
self.listen_start = None
- ec._time_correction_fxns['keypress'] = self._get_timebase
- self.get_time_corr = partial(ec._get_time_correction, 'keypress')
+ ec._time_correction_fxns["keypress"] = self._get_timebase
+ self.get_time_corr = partial(ec._get_time_correction, "keypress")
self.time_correction = self.get_time_corr()
self.ec = ec
# always init pyglet response handler for error (and non-error) keys
@@ -57,19 +59,18 @@ def __init__(self, ec, force_quit_keys):
def _clear_events(self):
- def _retrieve_events(self, live_keys, kind='presses'):
+ def _retrieve_events(self, live_keys, kind="presses"):
return self._retrieve_keyboard_events(live_keys, kind)
def _get_timebase(self):
- """Get keyboard time reference (in seconds)
- """
+ """Get keyboard time reference (in seconds)"""
return clock()
def _clear_keyboard_events(self):
self._keyboard_buffer = []
- def _retrieve_keyboard_events(self, live_keys, kind='presses'):
+ def _retrieve_keyboard_events(self, live_keys, kind="presses"):
# add escape keys
if live_keys is not None:
live_keys = [str(x) for x in live_keys] # accept ints
@@ -83,22 +84,21 @@ def _retrieve_keyboard_events(self, live_keys, kind='presses'):
return targets
- def _on_pyglet_keypress(self, symbol, modifiers, emulated=False,
- isPress=True):
+ def _on_pyglet_keypress(self, symbol, modifiers, emulated=False, isPress=True):
"""Handler for on_key_press pyglet events"""
key_time = clock()
if emulated:
this_key = str(symbol)
from pyglet.window import key
this_key = key.symbol_string(symbol).lower()
- this_key = this_key.lstrip('_').lstrip('NUM_')
- press_or_release = {True: 'press', False: 'release'}[isPress]
+ this_key = this_key.lstrip("_").lstrip("NUM_")
+ press_or_release = {True: "press", False: "release"}[isPress]
self._keyboard_buffer.append((this_key, key_time, press_or_release))
def _on_pyglet_keyrelease(self, symbol, modifiers, emulated=False):
- self._on_pyglet_keypress(symbol, modifiers, emulated=emulated,
- isPress=False)
+ self._on_pyglet_keypress(symbol, modifiers, emulated=emulated, isPress=False)
def listen_presses(self):
"""Start listening for keypresses."""
@@ -106,8 +106,9 @@ def listen_presses(self):
self.listen_start = self.master_clock()
- def get_presses(self, live_keys, timestamp, relative_to, kind='presses',
- return_kinds=False):
+ def get_presses(
+ self, live_keys, timestamp, relative_to, kind="presses", return_kinds=False
+ ):
"""Get the current entire keyboard / button box buffer.
@@ -129,27 +130,30 @@ def get_presses(self, live_keys, timestamp, relative_to, kind='presses',
The presses (and possibly timestamps and/or types).
if kind not in self.key_event_types.keys():
- raise ValueError('Kind argument must be one of: '+', '.join(
- self.key_event_types.keys()))
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Kind argument must be one of: "
+ + ", ".join(self.key_event_types.keys())
+ )
events = []
if timestamp and relative_to is None:
if self.listen_start is None:
- raise ValueError('I cannot timestamp: relative_to is None and '
- 'you have not yet called listen_presses.')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "I cannot timestamp: relative_to is None and "
+ "you have not yet called listen_presses."
+ )
relative_to = self.listen_start
events = self._retrieve_events(live_keys, kind)
events = self._correct_presses(events, timestamp, relative_to, kind)
events = [e[:-1] for e in events] if not return_kinds else events
return events
- def wait_one_press(self, max_wait, min_wait, live_keys, timestamp,
- relative_to):
+ def wait_one_press(self, max_wait, min_wait, live_keys, timestamp, relative_to):
"""Return the first button pressed after min_wait.
max_wait : float
- Maxmimum time to wait.
+ Maximum time to wait.
min_wait : float
Minimum time to wait.
live_keys : list | None
@@ -165,10 +169,10 @@ def wait_one_press(self, max_wait, min_wait, live_keys, timestamp,
The press. Will be tuple if timestamp is True.
relative_to, start_time = self._init_wait_press(
- max_wait, min_wait, live_keys, relative_to)
+ max_wait, min_wait, live_keys, relative_to
+ )
pressed = []
- while (not len(pressed) and
- self.master_clock() - start_time < max_wait):
+ while not len(pressed) and self.master_clock() - start_time < max_wait:
pressed = self._retrieve_events(live_keys)
# handle non-presses
@@ -179,14 +183,13 @@ def wait_one_press(self, max_wait, min_wait, live_keys, timestamp,
pressed = (None, None) if timestamp else None
return pressed
- def wait_for_presses(self, max_wait, min_wait, live_keys,
- timestamp, relative_to):
+ def wait_for_presses(self, max_wait, min_wait, live_keys, timestamp, relative_to):
"""Return all button presses between min_wait and max_wait.
max_wait : float
- Maxmimum time to wait.
+ Maximum time to wait.
min_wait : float
Minimum time to wait.
live_keys : list | None
@@ -202,9 +205,10 @@ def wait_for_presses(self, max_wait, min_wait, live_keys,
The list of presses (and possibly timestamps).
relative_to, start_time = self._init_wait_press(
- max_wait, min_wait, live_keys, relative_to)
+ max_wait, min_wait, live_keys, relative_to
+ )
pressed = []
- while (self.master_clock() - start_time < max_wait):
+ while self.master_clock() - start_time < max_wait:
pressed = self._retrieve_events(live_keys)
pressed = self._correct_presses(pressed, timestamp, relative_to)
pressed = [p[:2] if timestamp else p[0] for p in pressed]
@@ -224,18 +228,20 @@ def check_force_quit(self, keys=None):
# only grab the force-quit keys
keys = self._retrieve_keyboard_events([])
- if isinstance(keys, string_types):
+ if isinstance(keys, str):
keys = [keys]
if isinstance(keys, list):
keys = [k for k in keys if k in self.force_quit_keys]
- raise TypeError('Force quit checking requires a string or '
- ' list of strings, not a {}.'
- ''.format(type(keys)))
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Force quit checking requires a string or "
+ f" list of strings, not a {type(keys)}."
+ ""
+ )
if len(keys):
- raise RuntimeError('Quit key pressed')
+ raise RuntimeError("Quit key pressed")
- def _correct_presses(self, events, timestamp, relative_to, kind='presses'):
+ def _correct_presses(self, events, timestamp, relative_to, kind="presses"):
"""Correct timing of presses and check for quit press."""
events = [(k, s + self.time_correction, r) for k, s, r in events]
@@ -251,10 +257,11 @@ def _correct_presses(self, events, timestamp, relative_to, kind='presses'):
def _init_wait_press(self, max_wait, min_wait, live_keys, relative_to):
"""Prepare for ``wait_one_press`` and ``wait_for_presses``."""
if np.isinf(max_wait) and live_keys == []:
- raise ValueError('max_wait cannot be infinite if there are no live'
- ' keys.')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "max_wait cannot be infinite if there are no live" " keys."
+ )
if not min_wait <= max_wait:
- raise ValueError('min_wait must be less than max_wait')
+ raise ValueError("min_wait must be less than max_wait")
start_time = self.master_clock()
relative_to = start_time if relative_to is None else relative_to
@@ -263,7 +270,7 @@ def _init_wait_press(self, max_wait, min_wait, live_keys, relative_to):
return relative_to, start_time
-class Mouse(object):
+class Mouse:
"""Class to track mouse properties and events
@@ -289,21 +296,28 @@ class Mouse(object):
def __init__(self, ec, visible=False):
from pyglet.window import mouse
self.ec = ec
self.master_clock = ec._master_clock
self.log_clicks = ec._log_clicks
self.listen_start = None
- ec._time_correction_fxns['mouseclick'] = self._get_timebase
- self.get_time_corr = partial(ec._get_time_correction, 'mouseclick')
+ ec._time_correction_fxns["mouseclick"] = self._get_timebase
+ self.get_time_corr = partial(ec._get_time_correction, "mouseclick")
self.time_correction = self.get_time_corr()
self._check_force_quit = ec.check_force_quit
self.ec._win.on_mouse_press = self._on_pyglet_mouse_click
self._mouse_buffer = []
- self._button_names = {mouse.LEFT: 'left', mouse.MIDDLE: 'middle',
- mouse.RIGHT: 'right'}
- self._button_ids = {'left': mouse.LEFT, 'middle': mouse.MIDDLE,
- 'right': mouse.RIGHT}
+ self._button_names = {
+ mouse.LEFT: "left",
+ mouse.MIDDLE: "middle",
+ mouse.RIGHT: "right",
+ }
+ self._button_ids = {
+ "left": mouse.LEFT,
+ "middle": mouse.MIDDLE,
+ "right": mouse.RIGHT,
+ }
self._legal_types = (Rectangle, Circle)
def set_visible(self, visible):
@@ -326,10 +340,12 @@ def visible(self):
def pos(self):
"""The current position of the mouse in normalized units"""
- x = (self.ec._win._mouse_x -
- self.ec._win.width / 2.) / (self.ec._win.width / 2.)
- y = (self.ec._win._mouse_y -
- self.ec._win.height / 2.) / (self.ec._win.height / 2.)
+ x = (self.ec._win._mouse_x - self.ec._win.width / 2.0) / (
+ self.ec._win.width / 2.0
+ )
+ y = (self.ec._win._mouse_y - self.ec._win.height / 2.0) / (
+ self.ec._win.height / 2.0
+ )
return np.array([x, y])
@@ -342,8 +358,7 @@ def _retrieve_events(self, live_buttons):
return self._retrieve_mouse_events(live_buttons)
def _get_timebase(self):
- """Get mouse time reference (in seconds)
- """
+ """Get mouse time reference (in seconds)"""
return clock()
def _clear_mouse_events(self):
@@ -365,35 +380,35 @@ def _on_pyglet_mouse_click(self, x, y, button, modifiers):
self._mouse_buffer.append((this_button, x, y, button_time))
def listen_clicks(self):
- """Start listening for mouse clicks.
- """
+ """Start listening for mouse clicks."""
self.time_correction = self.get_time_corr()
self.listen_start = self.master_clock()
def get_clicks(self, live_buttons, timestamp, relative_to):
- """Get the current entire mouse buffer.
- """
+ """Get the current entire mouse buffer."""
clicked = []
if timestamp and relative_to is None:
if self.listen_start is None:
- raise ValueError('I cannot timestamp: relative_to is None and '
- 'you have not yet called listen_clicks.')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "I cannot timestamp: relative_to is None and "
+ "you have not yet called listen_clicks."
+ )
relative_to = self.listen_start
clicked = self._retrieve_events(live_buttons)
return self._correct_clicks(clicked, timestamp, relative_to)
- def wait_one_click(self, max_wait, min_wait, live_buttons,
- timestamp, relative_to, visible):
- """Returns only the first button clicked after min_wait.
- """
+ def wait_one_click(
+ self, max_wait, min_wait, live_buttons, timestamp, relative_to, visible
+ ):
+ """Returns only the first button clicked after min_wait."""
relative_to, start_time, was_visible = self._init_wait_click(
- max_wait, min_wait, live_buttons, timestamp, relative_to, visible)
+ max_wait, min_wait, live_buttons, timestamp, relative_to, visible
+ )
clicked = []
- while (not len(clicked) and
- self.master_clock() - start_time < max_wait):
+ while not len(clicked) and self.master_clock() - start_time < max_wait:
clicked = self._retrieve_events(live_buttons)
# handle non-clicks
@@ -405,29 +420,30 @@ def wait_one_click(self, max_wait, min_wait, live_buttons,
clicked = None
return clicked
- def wait_for_clicks(self, max_wait, min_wait, live_buttons,
- timestamp, relative_to, visible=None):
- """Returns all clicks between min_wait and max_wait.
- """
+ def wait_for_clicks(
+ self, max_wait, min_wait, live_buttons, timestamp, relative_to, visible=None
+ ):
+ """Returns all clicks between min_wait and max_wait."""
relative_to, start_time, was_visible = self._init_wait_click(
- max_wait, min_wait, live_buttons, timestamp, relative_to, visible)
+ max_wait, min_wait, live_buttons, timestamp, relative_to, visible
+ )
clicked = []
- while (self.master_clock() - start_time < max_wait):
+ while self.master_clock() - start_time < max_wait:
clicked = self._retrieve_events(live_buttons)
return self._correct_clicks(clicked, timestamp, relative_to)
- def wait_for_click_on(self, objects, max_wait, min_wait,
- live_buttons, timestamp, relative_to):
- """Waits for a click on one of the supplied window objects
- """
+ def wait_for_click_on(
+ self, objects, max_wait, min_wait, live_buttons, timestamp, relative_to
+ ):
+ """Waits for a click on one of the supplied window objects"""
relative_to, start_time, was_visible = self._init_wait_click(
- max_wait, min_wait, live_buttons, timestamp, relative_to, True)
+ max_wait, min_wait, live_buttons, timestamp, relative_to, True
+ )
index = None
ci = 0
- while (self.master_clock() - start_time < max_wait and
- index is None):
+ while self.master_clock() - start_time < max_wait and index is None:
clicked = self._retrieve_events(live_buttons)
while ci < len(clicked) and index is None: # clicks first
@@ -453,29 +469,28 @@ def wait_for_click_on(self, objects, max_wait, min_wait,
def _correct_clicks(self, clicked, timestamp, relative_to):
"""Correct timing of clicks"""
if len(clicked):
- clicked = [(b, x, y, s + self.time_correction) for
- b, x, y, s in clicked]
+ clicked = [(b, x, y, s + self.time_correction) for b, x, y, s in clicked]
buttons = [(b, x, y) for b, x, y, _ in clicked]
if timestamp:
- clicked = [(b, x, y, s - relative_to) for
- b, x, y, s in clicked]
+ clicked = [(b, x, y, s - relative_to) for b, x, y, s in clicked]
clicked = buttons
return clicked
- def _init_wait_click(self, max_wait, min_wait, live_buttons, timestamp,
- relative_to, visible):
- """Actions common to ``wait_one_click`` and ``wait_for_clicks``
- """
+ def _init_wait_click(
+ self, max_wait, min_wait, live_buttons, timestamp, relative_to, visible
+ ):
+ """Actions common to ``wait_one_click`` and ``wait_for_clicks``"""
if np.isinf(max_wait) and live_buttons == []:
- raise ValueError('max_wait cannot be infinite if there are no live'
- ' mouse buttons.')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "max_wait cannot be infinite if there are no live" " mouse buttons."
+ )
if not min_wait <= max_wait:
- raise ValueError('min_wait must be less than max_wait')
+ raise ValueError("min_wait must be less than max_wait")
if visible not in [True, False, None]:
- raise ValueError('set_visible must be one of (True, False, None)')
+ raise ValueError("set_visible must be one of (True, False, None)")
start_time = self.master_clock()
if timestamp and relative_to is None:
relative_to = start_time
@@ -489,27 +504,25 @@ def _init_wait_click(self, max_wait, min_wait, live_buttons, timestamp,
# Define some functions for determining if a click point is in an object
def _point_in_object(self, pos, obj):
- """Determine if a point is within a visual object
- """
+ """Determine if a point is within a visual object"""
if isinstance(obj, (Rectangle, Circle, Diamond, Triangle)):
return self._point_in_tris(pos, obj)
elif isinstance(obj, (ConcentricCircles, FixationDot)):
return np.any([self._point_in_tris(pos, c) for c in obj._circles])
def _point_in_tris(self, pos, obj):
- """Check to see if a point is in any of the triangles
- """
- these_tris = obj._tris['fill'].reshape(-1, 3)
+ """Check to see if a point is in any of the triangles"""
+ these_tris = obj._tris["fill"].reshape(-1, 3)
for tri in these_tris:
- if self._point_in_tri(pos, obj._points['fill'][tri]):
+ if self._point_in_tri(pos, obj._points["fill"][tri]):
return True
return False
def _point_in_tri(self, pos, tri):
- """Check to see if a point is in a single triangle
- """
- signs = np.sign([np.cross(tri[np.mod(i + 1, 3)] - tri[i],
- pos - tri[i]) for i in range(3)])
+ """Check to see if a point is in a single triangle"""
+ signs = np.sign(
+ [_cross_2d(tri[np.mod(i + 1, 3)] - tri[i], pos - tri[i]) for i in range(3)]
+ )
if np.all(signs[1:] == signs[0]):
return True
@@ -517,12 +530,16 @@ def _point_in_tri(self, pos, tri):
def _move_to(self, pos, units):
# adapted from pyautogui (BSD)
- x, y = self.ec._convert_units(np.array(
- [pos]).T, units, 'pix')[:, 0].round().astype(int)
+ x, y = (
+ self.ec._convert_units(np.array([pos]).T, units, "pix")[:, 0]
+ .round()
+ .astype(int)
+ )
# The "y" we use is inverted relative to the OSes
y = self.ec.window.height - y
- if sys.platform == 'darwin':
- from pyglet.libs.darwin.cocoapy import quartz, CGPoint, CGRect
+ if sys.platform == "darwin":
+ from pyglet.libs.darwin.cocoapy import CGPoint, CGRect, quartz
# Convert from window to global
view, window = self.ec.window._nsview, self.ec.window._nswindow
point = CGPoint()
@@ -548,9 +565,10 @@ def _move_to(self, pos, units):
# func(kCGHIDEventTap, event)
# time.sleep(0.001)
# quartz.CFRelease(event)
- elif sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+ elif sys.platform.startswith("win"):
# Convert from window to global
from pyglet.window.win32 import POINT, _user32, byref
point = POINT()
point.x = x
point.y = y
@@ -559,8 +577,13 @@ def _move_to(self, pos, units):
_user32.SetCursorPos(point.x, point.y)
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2433447
- from pyglet.libs.x11.xlib import (XWarpPointer, XFlush,
- XSelectInput, KeyReleaseMask)
+ from pyglet.libs.x11.xlib import (
+ KeyReleaseMask,
+ XFlush,
+ XSelectInput,
+ XWarpPointer,
+ )
display, window = self.ec.window._x_display, self.ec.window._window
XSelectInput(display, window, KeyReleaseMask)
XWarpPointer(display, 0, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, x, y)
@@ -576,13 +599,14 @@ class CedrusBox(Keyboard):
def __init__(self, ec, force_quit_keys):
import pyxid
pyxid.use_response_pad_timer = True
dev = pyxid.get_xid_devices()[0]
assert dev.is_response_device()
self._dev = dev
- super(CedrusBox, self).__init__(ec, force_quit_keys)
- ec._time_correction_maxs['keypress'] = 1e-3 # higher tolerance
+ super().__init__(ec, force_quit_keys)
+ ec._time_correction_maxs["keypress"] = 1e-3 # higher tolerance
def _get_timebase(self):
"""WARNING: For now this will clear the event queue!"""
@@ -599,7 +623,7 @@ def _clear_events(self):
self._keyboard_buffer = []
- def _retrieve_events(self, live_keys, kind='presses'):
+ def _retrieve_events(self, live_keys, kind="presses"):
# add escape keys
if live_keys is not None:
live_keys = [str(x) for x in live_keys] # accept ints
@@ -608,9 +632,8 @@ def _retrieve_events(self, live_keys, kind='presses'):
while self._dev.response_queue_size() > 0:
key = self._dev.get_next_response()
- press_or_release = {True: 'press',
- False: 'release'}[key['pressed']]
- key = [str(key['key'] + 1), key['time'] / 1000., press_or_release]
+ press_or_release = {True: "press", False: "release"}[key["pressed"]]
+ key = [str(key["key"] + 1), key["time"] / 1000.0, press_or_release]
# check to see if we have matches
@@ -632,39 +655,47 @@ class Joystick(Keyboard):
def __init__(self, ec):
import pyglet.input
self.ec = ec
self.master_clock = ec._master_clock
- self.log_presses = partial(ec._log_presses, kind='joy')
+ self.log_presses = partial(ec._log_presses, kind="joy")
self.force_quit_keys = []
self.listen_start = None
- ec._time_correction_fxns['joystick'] = self._get_timebase
- self.get_time_corr = partial(ec._get_time_correction, 'joystick')
+ ec._time_correction_fxns["joystick"] = self._get_timebase
+ self.get_time_corr = partial(ec._get_time_correction, "joystick")
self.time_correction = self.get_time_corr()
self._keyboard_buffer = []
self._dev = pyglet.input.get_joysticks()[0]
- logger.info('Expyfun: Initializing joystick %s' % (self._dev.device,))
+ logger.info("Expyfun: Initializing joystick %s" % (self._dev.device,))
self._dev.open(window=ec._win, exclusive=True)
- assert hasattr(self._dev, 'on_joybutton_press')
- self._dev.on_joybutton_press = partial(
- self._on_pyglet_joybutton, kind='press')
+ assert hasattr(self._dev, "on_joybutton_press")
+ self._dev.on_joybutton_press = partial(self._on_pyglet_joybutton, kind="press")
self._dev.on_joybutton_release = partial(
- self._on_pyglet_joybutton, kind='release')
+ self._on_pyglet_joybutton, kind="release"
+ )
- def _on_pyglet_joybutton(self, joystick, button='foo', kind='press'):
+ def _on_pyglet_joybutton(self, joystick, button="foo", kind="press"):
"""Handler for on_joybutton_press events."""
key_time = clock()
self._keyboard_buffer.append((str(button), key_time, kind))
def _close(self):
- dev = getattr(self, '_dev', None)
+ dev = getattr(self, "_dev", None)
if dev is not None:
-for key in ('x', 'y', 'hat_x', 'hat_y', 'z', 'rz', 'rx', 'ry'):
+for key in ("x", "y", "hat_x", "hat_y", "z", "rz", "rx", "ry"):
def _wrap(key=key):
- sign = -1 if key in ('rz',) else 1
+ sign = -1 if key in ("rz",) else 1
return property(lambda self: sign * getattr(self._dev, key))
setattr(Joystick, key, _wrap())
del _wrap
del key
+# https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/26694/files
+def _cross_2d(x, y):
+ return x[..., 0] * y[..., 1] - x[..., 1] * y[..., 0]
diff --git a/expyfun/_parallel.py b/expyfun/_parallel.py
index 127ab079..6150947b 100644
--- a/expyfun/_parallel.py
+++ b/expyfun/_parallel.py
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-"""Parallel util functions
+"""Parallel util functions"""
# Adapted from mne-python with permission
@@ -62,9 +60,10 @@ def _check_n_jobs(n_jobs):
The checked number of jobs. Always positive.
if not isinstance(n_jobs, int):
- raise TypeError('n_jobs must be an integer')
+ raise TypeError("n_jobs must be an integer")
if n_jobs <= 0:
import multiprocessing
n_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
n_jobs = max(min(n_cores + n_jobs + 1, n_cores), 1)
return n_jobs
diff --git a/expyfun/_sound_controllers/__init__.py b/expyfun/_sound_controllers/__init__.py
index 3d779b52..809bd6c7 100644
--- a/expyfun/_sound_controllers/__init__.py
+++ b/expyfun/_sound_controllers/__init__.py
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
-from ._sound_controller import (SoundCardController, SoundPlayer, _BACKENDS,
- _import_backend)
+from ._sound_controller import (
+ SoundCardController,
+ SoundPlayer,
+ _import_backend,
diff --git a/expyfun/_sound_controllers/_pyglet.py b/expyfun/_sound_controllers/_pyglet.py
index e4e8a1f8..0fc00864 100644
--- a/expyfun/_sound_controllers/_pyglet.py
+++ b/expyfun/_sound_controllers/_pyglet.py
@@ -10,21 +10,18 @@
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pyglet
from .._utils import _new_pyglet
-_use_silent = (os.getenv('_EXPYFUN_SILENT', '') == 'true')
-_opts_dict = dict(linux2=('pulse',),
- win32=('directsound',),
- darwin=('openal',))
-_opts_dict['linux'] = _opts_dict['linux2'] # new name on Py3k
-_driver = _opts_dict[sys.platform] if not _use_silent else ('silent',)
+_use_silent = os.getenv("_EXPYFUN_SILENT", "") == "true"
+_opts_dict = dict(linux2=("pulse",), win32=("directsound",), darwin=("openal",))
+_opts_dict["linux"] = _opts_dict["linux2"] # new name on Py3k
+_driver = _opts_dict[sys.platform] if not _use_silent else ("silent",)
-pyglet.options['audio'] = _driver
+pyglet.options["audio"] = _driver
# We might also want this at some point if we hit OSX problems:
# pyglet.options['shadow_window'] = False
@@ -35,6 +32,7 @@
except ImportError:
from pyglet.media import AudioFormat
from pyglet.media import Player, SourceGroup # noqa
from pyglet.media.codecs import StaticMemorySource
except ImportError:
@@ -43,30 +41,42 @@
except ImportError:
from pyglet.media.sources.base import StaticMemorySource # noqa
except Exception as exp:
- warnings.warn('Pyglet could not be imported:\n%s' % exp)
+ warnings.warn("Pyglet could not be imported:\n%s" % exp)
Player = AudioFormat = SourceGroup = StaticMemorySource = object
def _check_pyglet_audio():
- if pyglet.media.get_audio_driver() is None and \
- not (_new_pyglet() and _driver == ('silent',)):
- raise SystemError('pyglet audio ("%s") could not be initialized'
- % pyglet.options['audio'][0])
+ if pyglet.media.get_audio_driver() is None and not (
+ _new_pyglet() and _driver == ("silent",)
+ ):
+ raise SystemError(
+ 'pyglet audio ("%s") could not be initialized' % pyglet.options["audio"][0]
+ )
class SoundPlayer(Player):
"""SoundPlayer based on Pyglet."""
- def __init__(self, data, fs=None, loop=False, api=None, name=None,
- fixed_delay=None, api_options=None):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ data,
+ fs=None,
+ loop=False,
+ api=None,
+ name=None,
+ fixed_delay=None,
+ api_options=None,
+ ):
assert AudioFormat is not None
if any(x is not None for x in (api, name, fixed_delay, api_options)):
- raise ValueError('The Pyglet backend does not support specifying '
- 'api, name, fixed_delay, or api_options')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "The Pyglet backend does not support specifying "
+ "api, name, fixed_delay, or api_options"
+ )
# We could maybe let Pyglet make this decision, but hopefully
# people won't need to tweak the Pyglet backend anyway
self.fs = 44100 if fs is None else fs
- super(SoundPlayer, self).__init__()
+ super().__init__()
sms = _as_static(data, self.fs)
if _new_pyglet():
@@ -79,30 +89,32 @@ def __init__(self, data, fs=None, loop=False, api=None, name=None,
self._ec_duration = sms._duration
- def stop(self, wait=True, extra_delay=0.):
+ def stop(self, wait=True, extra_delay=0.0):
- self.pause()
- self.seek(0.)
+ try:
+ self.pause()
+ # assert timestamp >= 0, 'Timestamp beyond dequeued source memory'
+ except AssertionError:
+ pass
+ self.seek(0.0)
def playing(self):
# Pyglet has this, but it doesn't notice when it's finished on its own
- return (super(SoundPlayer, self).playing and not
- np.isclose(self.time, self._ec_duration))
+ return super().playing and not np.isclose(self.time, self._ec_duration)
def _as_static(data, fs):
"""Get data into the Pyglet audio format."""
fs = int(fs)
if data.ndim not in (1, 2):
- raise ValueError('Data must have one or two dimensions')
+ raise ValueError("Data must have one or two dimensions")
n_ch = data.shape[0] if data.ndim == 2 else 1
- audio_format = AudioFormat(channels=n_ch, sample_size=16,
- sample_rate=fs)
- data = data.T.ravel('C')
+ audio_format = AudioFormat(channels=n_ch, sample_size=16, sample_rate=fs)
+ data = data.T.ravel("C")
data[data < -1] = -1
data[data > 1] = 1
- data = (data * (2 ** 15)).astype('int16').tobytes()
+ data = (data * (2**15)).astype("int16").tobytes()
return StaticMemorySourceFixed(data, audio_format)
diff --git a/expyfun/_sound_controllers/_rtmixer.py b/expyfun/_sound_controllers/_rtmixer.py
index 233f6b60..71673853 100644
--- a/expyfun/_sound_controllers/_rtmixer.py
+++ b/expyfun/_sound_controllers/_rtmixer.py
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
import sys
import numpy as np
-from rtmixer import Mixer, RingBuffer
import sounddevice
-from .._utils import logger, get_config
+from rtmixer import Mixer, RingBuffer
+from .._utils import get_config, logger
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
# only initialize each mixer once and reuse it until this gets garbage
# collected
-class _MixerRegistry(dict):
+class _MixerRegistry(dict):
def __del__(self):
for mixer in self.values():
- print(f'Closing {mixer}')
+ print(f"Closing {mixer}")
@@ -32,15 +32,15 @@ def _get_mixer(self, fs, n_channels, api, name, api_options):
"""Select the API and device."""
if api is None:
- api = get_config('SOUND_CARD_API', None)
+ api = get_config("SOUND_CARD_API", None)
if api is None:
# Eventually we should maybe allow 'Windows WDM-KS',
# 'Windows DirectSound', or 'MME'
api = dict(
- darwin='Core Audio',
- win32='Windows WASAPI',
- linux='ALSA',
- linux2='ALSA',
+ darwin="Core Audio",
+ win32="Windows WASAPI",
+ linux="ALSA",
+ linux2="ALSA",
key = (fs, n_channels, api, name)
if key not in self:
@@ -54,83 +54,97 @@ def _get_mixer(self, fs, n_channels, api, name, api_options):
def _init_mixer(fs, n_channels, api, name, api_options=None):
devices = sounddevice.query_devices()
if len(devices) == 0:
- raise OSError('No sound devices found!')
+ raise OSError("No sound devices found!")
apis = sounddevice.query_hostapis()
valid_apis = []
for ai, this_api in enumerate(apis):
- if this_api['name'] == api:
+ if this_api["name"] == api:
api = this_api
- valid_apis.append(this_api['name'])
+ valid_apis.append(this_api["name"])
m = 'Could not find host API %s. Valid choices are "%s"'
- raise RuntimeError(m % (api, ', '.join(valid_apis)))
+ raise RuntimeError(m % (api, ", ".join(valid_apis)))
del this_api
# Name
if name is None:
- name = get_config('SOUND_CARD_NAME', None)
+ name = get_config("SOUND_CARD_NAME", None)
if name is None:
if _DEFAULT_NAME is None:
- di = api['default_output_device']
- _DEFAULT_NAME = devices[di]['name']
- logger.exp('Selected default sound device: %r' % (_DEFAULT_NAME,))
+ di = api["default_output_device"]
+ _DEFAULT_NAME = devices[di]["name"]
+ logger.exp("Selected default sound device: %r" % (_DEFAULT_NAME,))
possible = list()
for di, device in enumerate(devices):
- if device['hostapi'] == ai:
- possible.append(device['name'])
- if name in device['name']:
+ if device["hostapi"] == ai:
+ possible.append(device["name"])
+ if name in device["name"]:
- raise RuntimeError('Could not find device on API %r with name '
- 'containing %r, found:\n%s'
- % (api['name'], name, '\n'.join(possible)))
- param_str = ('sound card %r (devices[%d]) via %r'
- % (device['name'], di, api['name']))
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Could not find device on API %r with name "
+ "containing %r, found:\n%s" % (api["name"], name, "\n".join(possible))
+ )
+ param_str = "sound card %r (devices[%d]) via %r" % (device["name"], di, api["name"])
extra_settings = None
if api_options is not None:
- if api['name'] == 'Windows WASAPI':
+ if api["name"] == "Windows WASAPI":
# exclusive mode is needed for zero jitter on Windows in testing
extra_settings = sounddevice.WasapiSettings(**api_options)
raise ValueError(
'api_options only supported for "Windows WASAPI" backend, '
- 'using %s backend got api_options=%s'
- % (api['name'], api_options))
- param_str += ' with options %s' % (api_options,)
- param_str += ', %d channels' % (n_channels,)
+ "using %s backend got api_options=%s" % (api["name"], api_options)
+ )
+ param_str += " with options %s" % (api_options,)
+ param_str += ", %d channels" % (n_channels,)
if fs is not None:
- param_str += ' @ %d Hz' % (fs,)
+ param_str += " @ %d Hz" % (fs,)
mixer = Mixer(
- samplerate=fs, latency='low', channels=n_channels,
- dither_off=True, device=di,
- extra_settings=extra_settings)
+ samplerate=fs,
+ latency="low",
+ channels=n_channels,
+ dither_off=True,
+ device=di,
+ extra_settings=extra_settings,
+ )
except Exception as exp:
- raise RuntimeError('Could not set up %s:\n%s' % (param_str, exp))
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Could not set up {param_str}:\n{exp}") from None
assert mixer.channels == n_channels
if fs is None:
- param_str += ' @ %d Hz' % (mixer.samplerate,)
+ param_str += " @ %d Hz" % (mixer.samplerate,)
assert mixer.samplerate == fs
assert mixer.active
- logger.info('Expyfun: using %s, %0.1f ms nominal latency'
- % (param_str, 1000 * device['default_low_output_latency']))
+ logger.info(
+ "Expyfun: using %s, %0.1f ms nominal latency"
+ % (param_str, 1000 * device["default_low_output_latency"])
+ )
return mixer
-class SoundPlayer(object):
+class SoundPlayer:
"""SoundPlayer based on rtmixer."""
- def __init__(self, data, fs=None, loop=False, api=None, name=None,
- fixed_delay=None, api_options=None):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ data,
+ fs=None,
+ loop=False,
+ api=None,
+ name=None,
+ fixed_delay=None,
+ api_options=None,
+ ):
data = np.atleast_2d(data).T
- data = np.asarray(data, np.float32, 'C')
+ data = np.asarray(data, np.float32, "C")
self._data = data
self.loop = bool(loop)
self._n_samples, n_channels = self._data.shape
@@ -138,20 +152,23 @@ def __init__(self, data, fs=None, loop=False, api=None, name=None,
self._n_channels = n_channels
self._mixer = None # in case the next line crashes, __del__ works
self._mixer = _mixer_registry._get_mixer(
- fs, self._n_channels, api, name, api_options)
+ fs, self._n_channels, api, name, api_options
+ )
if loop:
- self._ring = RingBuffer(self._data.itemsize * self._n_channels,
- self._data.size)
+ self._ring = RingBuffer(
+ self._data.itemsize * self._n_channels, self._data.size
+ )
self._fs = float(self._mixer.samplerate)
self._ec_duration = self._n_samples / self._fs
self._action = None
self._fixed_delay = fixed_delay
if fixed_delay is not None:
- logger.info('Expyfun: Using fixed audio delay %0.1f ms'
- % (1000 * fixed_delay,))
+ logger.info(
+ "Expyfun: Using fixed audio delay %0.1f ms" % (1000 * fixed_delay,)
+ )
- logger.info('Expyfun: Variable audio delay')
+ logger.info("Expyfun: Variable audio delay")
def fs(self):
@@ -166,25 +183,28 @@ def _start_time(self):
if self._fixed_delay is not None:
return self._mixer.time + self._fixed_delay
- return 0.
+ return 0.0
def play(self):
if not self.playing and self._mixer is not None:
if self.loop:
self._action = self._mixer.play_ringbuffer(
- self._ring, start=self._start_time)
+ self._ring, start=self._start_time
+ )
self._action = self._mixer.play_buffer(
- self._data, self._data.shape[1], start=self._start_time)
+ self._data, self._data.shape[1], start=self._start_time
+ )
- def stop(self, wait=True, extra_delay=0.):
+ def stop(self, wait=True, extra_delay=0.0):
if self.playing:
action, self._action = self._action, None
# Impose the same delay here that we imposed on the stim start
cancel_action = self._mixer.cancel(
- action, time=self._start_time + extra_delay)
+ action, time=self._start_time + extra_delay
+ )
if wait:
@@ -192,12 +212,33 @@ def stop(self, wait=True, extra_delay=0.):
def delete(self):
- if getattr(self, '_mixer', None) is not None:
+ if getattr(self, "_mixer", None) is not None:
mixer, self._mixer = self._mixer, None
- stats = mixer.fetch_and_reset_stats().stats
- logger.exp('%d underflows %d blocks'
- % (stats.output_underflows, stats.blocks))
+ try:
+ stats = mixer.fetch_and_reset_stats().stats
+ except RuntimeError as exc: # action queue is full
+ logger.exp(f"Could not fetch mixer stats ({exc})")
+ else:
+ logger.exp(
+ f"{stats.output_underflows} underflows " f"{stats.blocks} blocks"
+ )
def __del__(self): # noqa
+def _abort_all_queues():
+ for mixer in _mixer_registry.values():
+ if len(mixer.actions) == 0:
+ continue
+ do_start_stop = mixer.stopped
+ if do_start_stop:
+ mixer.start()
+ for action in list(mixer.actions):
+ mixer.wait(mixer.cancel(action))
+ mixer.wait()
+ assert len(mixer.actions) == 0, mixer.actions
+ if do_start_stop:
+ mixer.abort(ignore_errors=False)
+ assert len(mixer.actions) == 0, mixer.actions
diff --git a/expyfun/_sound_controllers/_sound_controller.py b/expyfun/_sound_controllers/_sound_controller.py
index 10187fce..bef54133 100644
--- a/expyfun/_sound_controllers/_sound_controller.py
+++ b/expyfun/_sound_controllers/_sound_controller.py
@@ -9,31 +9,42 @@
import operator
import os
import os.path as op
-import numpy as np
-from .._fixes import rfft, irfft, rfftfreq
-from .._utils import logger, flush_logger, _check_params
import warnings
+import numpy as np
-_BACKENDS = tuple(sorted(
- op.splitext(x.lstrip('._'))[0] for x in os.listdir(op.dirname(__file__))
- if x.startswith('_') and x.endswith(('.py', '.pyc')) and
- not x.startswith(('_sound_controller.py', '__init__.py'))))
+from .._fixes import irfft, rfft, rfftfreq
+from .._utils import _check_params, flush_logger, logger
+_BACKENDS = tuple(
+ sorted(
+ op.splitext(x.lstrip("._"))[0]
+ for x in os.listdir(op.dirname(__file__))
+ if x.startswith("_")
+ and x.endswith((".py", ".pyc"))
+ and not x.startswith(("_sound_controller.py", "__init__.py"))
+ )
# libsoundio stub (kind of iffy)
# https://gist.github.com/larsoner/fd9228f321d369c8a00c66a246fcc83f
+ "TYPE",
-class SoundCardController(object):
+class SoundCardController:
"""Use a sound card.
@@ -90,33 +101,32 @@ class SoundCardController(object):
the configuration file.
- def __init__(self, params, stim_fs, n_channels=2, trigger_duration=0.01,
- ec=None):
+ def __init__(self, params, stim_fs, n_channels=2, trigger_duration=0.01, ec=None):
self.ec = ec
defaults = dict(
- SOUND_CARD_TRIGGER_SCALE=1. / float(2 ** 31 - 1),
+ SOUND_CARD_TRIGGER_SCALE=1.0 / float(2**31 - 1),
) # any omitted become None
- params = _check_params(params, _SOUND_CARD_KEYS, defaults, 'params')
- if params['SOUND_CARD_FS'] is not None:
- params['SOUND_CARD_FS'] = float(params['SOUND_CARD_FS'])
- self.backend, self.backend_name = _import_backend(
- self._n_channels_stim = int(params['SOUND_CARD_TRIGGER_CHANNELS'])
- trig_scale = float(params['SOUND_CARD_TRIGGER_SCALE'])
+ params = _check_params(params, _SOUND_CARD_KEYS, defaults, "params")
+ if params["SOUND_CARD_FS"] is not None:
+ params["SOUND_CARD_FS"] = float(params["SOUND_CARD_FS"])
+ self.backend, self.backend_name = _import_backend(params["SOUND_CARD_BACKEND"])
+ self._n_channels_stim = int(params["SOUND_CARD_TRIGGER_CHANNELS"])
+ trig_scale = float(params["SOUND_CARD_TRIGGER_SCALE"])
self._id_after_onset = (
- str(params['SOUND_CARD_TRIGGER_ID_AFTER_ONSET']).lower() == 'true')
+ str(params["SOUND_CARD_TRIGGER_ID_AFTER_ONSET"]).lower() == "true"
+ )
self._extra_onset_triggers = list()
- drift_trigger = params['SOUND_CARD_DRIFT_TRIGGER']
+ drift_trigger = params["SOUND_CARD_DRIFT_TRIGGER"]
if np.isscalar(drift_trigger):
drift_trigger = [drift_trigger]
# convert possible command-line option
- if isinstance(drift_trigger, str) and drift_trigger != 'end':
+ if isinstance(drift_trigger, str) and drift_trigger != "end":
drift_trigger = eval(drift_trigger)
if isinstance(drift_trigger, str):
drift_trigger = [drift_trigger]
@@ -124,55 +134,59 @@ def __init__(self, params, stim_fs, n_channels=2, trigger_duration=0.01,
drift_trigger = list(drift_trigger) # make mutable
for trig in drift_trigger:
if isinstance(trig, str):
- assert trig == 'end', trig
+ assert trig == "end", trig
assert isinstance(trig, (int, float)), type(trig)
self._drift_trigger_time = drift_trigger
assert self._n_channels_stim >= 0
self._n_channels = int(operator.index(n_channels))
del n_channels
- insertion = str(params['SOUND_CARD_TRIGGER_INSERTION'])
- if insertion not in ('prepend', 'append'):
- raise ValueError('SOUND_CARD_TRIGGER_INSERTION must be "prepend" '
- 'or "append", got %r' % (insertion,))
- self._stim_sl = slice(None, None, 1 if insertion == 'prepend' else -1)
- extra = ''
+ insertion = str(params["SOUND_CARD_TRIGGER_INSERTION"])
+ if insertion not in ("prepend", "append"):
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'SOUND_CARD_TRIGGER_INSERTION must be "prepend" '
+ 'or "append", got %r' % (insertion,)
+ )
+ self._stim_sl = slice(None, None, 1 if insertion == "prepend" else -1)
+ extra = ""
if self._n_channels_stim:
- extra = ('%d %sed stim and '
- % (self._n_channels_stim, insertion))
+ extra = "%d %sed stim and " % (self._n_channels_stim, insertion)
- extra = ''
+ extra = ""
del insertion
- logger.info('Expyfun: Setting up sound card using %s backend with %s'
- '%d playback channels'
- % (self.backend_name, extra, self._n_channels))
- self._kwargs = {key: params['SOUND_CARD_' + key.upper()] for key in (
- 'fs', 'api', 'name', 'fixed_delay', 'api_options')}
+ logger.info(
+ "Expyfun: Setting up sound card using %s backend with %s"
+ "%d playback channels" % (self.backend_name, extra, self._n_channels)
+ )
+ self._kwargs = {
+ key: params["SOUND_CARD_" + key.upper()]
+ for key in ("fs", "api", "name", "fixed_delay", "api_options")
+ }
temp_sound = np.zeros((self._n_channels_tot, 1000))
temp_sound = self.backend.SoundPlayer(temp_sound, **self._kwargs)
- self.fs = temp_sound.fs
- temp_sound.stop(wait=False)
+ self.fs = float(temp_sound.fs)
+ self._mixer = getattr(temp_sound, "_mixer", None)
del temp_sound
# Need to generate at RMS=1 to match TDT circuit, and use a power of
# 2 length for the RingBuffer (here make it >= 15 sec)
- n_samples = 2 ** int(np.ceil(np.log2(self.fs * 15.)))
+ n_samples = 2 ** int(np.ceil(np.log2(self.fs * 15.0)))
noise = np.random.normal(0, 1.0, (self._n_channels, n_samples))
# Low-pass if necessary
if stim_fs < self.fs:
# note we can use cheap DFT method here b/c
# circular convolution won't matter for AWGN (yay!)
- freqs = rfftfreq(noise.shape[-1], 1. / self.fs)
+ freqs = rfftfreq(noise.shape[-1], 1.0 / self.fs)
noise = rfft(noise, axis=-1)
- noise[:, np.abs(freqs) > stim_fs / 2.] = 0.0
+ noise[:, np.abs(freqs) > stim_fs / 2.0] = 0.0
noise = irfft(noise, axis=-1)
# ensure true RMS of 1.0 (DFT method also lowers RMS, compensate here)
noise /= np.sqrt(np.mean(noise * noise))
noise = np.concatenate(
- (np.zeros((self._n_channels_stim, noise.shape[1]), noise.dtype),
- noise))
+ (np.zeros((self._n_channels_stim, noise.shape[1]), noise.dtype), noise)
+ )
self.noise_array = noise
self.noise_level = 0.01
self.noise = None
@@ -183,8 +197,10 @@ def __init__(self, params, stim_fs, n_channels=2, trigger_duration=0.01,
def __repr__(self):
- return (''
- % (self._n_channels, self._n_channels_stim))
+ return "" % (
+ self._n_channels,
+ self._n_channels_stim,
+ )
def _n_channels_tot(self):
@@ -194,7 +210,8 @@ def start_noise(self):
"""Start noise."""
if not self._noise_playing:
self.noise = self.backend.SoundPlayer(
- self.noise_array * self.noise_level, loop=True, **self._kwargs)
+ self.noise_array * self.noise_level, loop=True, **self._kwargs
+ )
def stop_noise(self, wait=False):
@@ -235,46 +252,49 @@ def load_buffer(self, samples):
sample_len = len(samples)
extra = sample_len - stim_len
if extra > 0: # stim shorter than samples (typical)
- stim = np.pad(stim, ((0, extra), (0, 0)), 'constant')
+ stim = np.pad(stim, ((0, extra), (0, 0)), "constant")
elif extra < 0: # samples shorter than stim (very brief stim)
- samples = np.pad(samples, ((0, -extra), (0, 0)), 'constant')
+ samples = np.pad(samples, ((0, -extra), (0, 0)), "constant")
# place the drift triggers
trig2 = self._make_digital_trigger([2])
trig2_len = trig2.shape[0]
trig2_starts = []
for trig2_time in self._drift_trigger_time:
- if trig2_time == 'end':
+ if trig2_time == "end":
stim[-trig2_len:] = np.bitwise_or(stim[-trig2_len:], trig2)
- trig2_starts += [sample_len-trig2_len]
+ trig2_starts += [sample_len - trig2_len]
trig2_start = int(np.round(trig2_time * self.fs))
- if ((trig2_start >= 0 and trig2_start <= stim_len) or
- (trig2_start < 0 and abs(trig2_start) >= extra)):
- warnings.warn('Drift triggers overlap'
- ' with onset triggers.')
- if ((trig2_start > 0 and
- trig2_start > sample_len-trig2_len) or
- (trig2_start < 0 and
- abs(trig2_start) >= sample_len)):
- warnings.warn('Drift trigger at {} seconds occurs'
- ' outside stimulus window, '
- 'not stamping '
- 'trigger.'.format(trig2_time))
+ if (trig2_start >= 0 and trig2_start <= stim_len) or (
+ trig2_start < 0 and abs(trig2_start) >= extra
+ ):
+ warnings.warn("Drift triggers overlap" " with onset triggers.")
+ if (trig2_start > 0 and trig2_start > sample_len - trig2_len) or (
+ trig2_start < 0 and abs(trig2_start) >= sample_len
+ ):
+ warnings.warn(
+ f"Drift trigger at {trig2_time} seconds occurs"
+ " outside stimulus window, "
+ "not stamping "
+ "trigger."
+ )
- stim[trig2_start:trig2_start+trig2_len] = \
- np.bitwise_or(stim[trig2_start:trig2_start+trig2_len],
- trig2)
+ stim[trig2_start : trig2_start + trig2_len] = np.bitwise_or(
+ stim[trig2_start : trig2_start + trig2_len], trig2
+ )
if trig2_start > 0:
trig2_starts += [trig2_start]
trig2_starts += [sample_len + trig2_start]
if np.any(np.diff(trig2_starts) < trig2_len):
- warnings.warn('Some 2-triggers overlap, times should be at '
- 'least {} seconds apart.'.format(trig2_len /
- self.fs))
- self.ec.write_data_line('Drift triggers were stamped at the '
- 'folowing times: ',
- str([t2s/self.fs for t2s in trig2_starts]))
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Some 2-triggers overlap, times should be at "
+ f"least {trig2_len / self.fs} seconds apart."
+ )
+ self.ec.write_data_line(
+ "Drift triggers were stamped at the following times: ",
+ str([t2s / self.fs for t2s in trig2_starts]),
+ )
stim = self._scale_digital_trigger(stim)
samples = np.concatenate((stim, samples)[self._stim_sl], axis=1)
self.audio = self.backend.SoundPlayer(samples.T, **self._kwargs)
@@ -317,16 +337,16 @@ def _make_digital_trigger(self, trigs, delay=None):
stim = np.zeros((n_samples, self._n_channels_stim), np.int32)
offset = 0
for trig in trigs:
- stim[offset:offset + n_on] = trig
+ stim[offset : offset + n_on] = trig
offset += n_each
return stim
def _scale_digital_trigger(self, triggers):
- return ((triggers << 8) *
- self._trig_scale).astype(np.float32)
+ return ((triggers << 8) * self._trig_scale).astype(np.float32)
- def stamp_triggers(self, triggers, delay=None, wait_for_last=True,
- is_trial_id=False):
+ def stamp_triggers(
+ self, triggers, delay=None, wait_for_last=True, is_trial_id=False
+ ):
"""Stamp a list of triggers with a given inter-trigger delay.
@@ -350,8 +370,7 @@ def stamp_triggers(self, triggers, delay=None, wait_for_last=True,
delay = 2 * self._trigger_duration
stim = self._make_digital_trigger(triggers, delay)
stim = self._scale_digital_trigger(stim)
- stim = np.pad(
- stim, ((0, 0), (0, self._n_channels)[self._stim_sl]), 'constant')
+ stim = np.pad(stim, ((0, 0), (0, self._n_channels)[self._stim_sl]), "constant")
stim = self.backend.SoundPlayer(stim.T, **self._kwargs)
t_each = self._trigger_duration + delay
@@ -404,11 +423,13 @@ def halt(self):
+ abort_all = getattr(self.backend, "_abort_all_queues", lambda: None)
+ abort_all()
def _import_backend(backend):
# Auto mode is special, will loop through all possible backends
- if backend == 'auto':
+ if backend == "auto":
backends = list()
for backend in _BACKENDS:
@@ -417,21 +438,21 @@ def _import_backend(backend):
backends = sorted([backend._PRIORITY, backend] for backend in backends)
if len(backends) == 0:
- raise RuntimeError('Could not load any sound backend: %s'
- % (_BACKENDS,))
+ raise RuntimeError("Could not load any sound backend: %s" % (_BACKENDS,))
backend = op.splitext(op.basename(backends[0][1].__file__))[0][1:]
if backend not in _BACKENDS:
- raise ValueError('Unknown sound card backend %r, must be one of %s'
- % (backend, ('auto',) + _BACKENDS))
- lib = importlib.import_module('._' + backend,
- package='expyfun._sound_controllers')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Unknown sound card backend %r, must be one of %s"
+ % (backend, ("auto",) + _BACKENDS)
+ )
+ lib = importlib.import_module("._" + backend, package="expyfun._sound_controllers")
return lib, backend
-class SoundPlayer(object):
+class SoundPlayer:
"""Play sounds via the sound card."""
def __new__(self, data, **kwargs):
"""Create a new instance."""
- backend = kwargs.pop('backend', 'auto')
+ backend = kwargs.pop("backend", "auto")
return _import_backend(backend)[0].SoundPlayer(data, **kwargs)
diff --git a/expyfun/_tdt_controller.py b/expyfun/_tdt_controller.py
index 89ac7276..859e3479 100644
--- a/expyfun/_tdt_controller.py
+++ b/expyfun/_tdt_controller.py
@@ -7,31 +7,41 @@
# License: BSD (3-clause)
import time
-import numpy as np
-from os import path as op
-from functools import partial
import warnings
+from functools import partial
+from os import path as op
+import numpy as np
-from ._utils import _check_params, logger, ZeroClock
from ._input_controllers import Keyboard
+from ._utils import ZeroClock, _check_params, logger
def _dummy_fun(self, name, ret, *args, **kwargs):
- logger.info('dummy-tdt: {0} {1}'.format(name, str(args)[:20] + ' ... ' +
- str(kwargs)[:20] + ' ...'))
+ logger.info(
+ "dummy-tdt: {0} {1}".format(
+ name, str(args)[:20] + " ... " + str(kwargs)[:20] + " ..."
+ )
+ )
return ret
-class DummyRPcoX(object):
+class DummyRPcoX:
"""Dummy RPcoX."""
def __init__(self, model, interface):
self.model = model
self.interface = interface
- names = ['LoadCOF', 'ClearCOF', 'Run', 'ZeroTag', 'SetTagVal',
- 'GetSFreq', 'Halt']
- returns = [True, True, True, True, True,
- 24414.0125, True]
+ names = [
+ "LoadCOF",
+ "ClearCOF",
+ "Run",
+ "ZeroTag",
+ "SetTagVal",
+ "GetSFreq",
+ "Halt",
+ ]
+ returns = [True, True, True, True, True, 24414.0125, True]
for name, ret in zip(names, returns):
setattr(self, name, partial(_dummy_fun, self, name, ret))
self._clock = ZeroClock()
@@ -40,7 +50,7 @@ def __init__(self, model, interface):
def WriteTagVEX(self, name, offset, kind, data):
"""Write tag data."""
- if name == 'datainleft':
+ if name == "datainleft":
self._stim_dur = len(data) / self.GetSFreq()
return True
@@ -54,14 +64,14 @@ def SoftTrg(self, trignum):
def GetTagVal(self, name):
"""Get a tag value."""
- if name == 'masterclock':
+ if name == "masterclock":
return self._clock.get_time()
- elif name == 'npressabs':
+ elif name == "npressabs":
return 0
- elif name == 'playing':
- return (time.time() - self._play_start < self._stim_dur)
+ elif name == "playing":
+ return time.time() - self._play_start < self._stim_dur
- raise ValueError('unknown tag "{0}"'.format(name))
+ raise ValueError(f'unknown tag "{name}"')
class TDTController(Keyboard): # lgtm [py/missing-call-to-init]
@@ -100,36 +110,49 @@ class TDTController(Keyboard): # lgtm [py/missing-call-to-init]
def __init__(self, tdt_params, ec):
self.ec = ec
- defaults = dict(TDT_MODEL='dummy', TDT_DELAY='0', TDT_TRIG_DELAY='0',
- TYPE='tdt') # if not listed -> None
- tdt_params = _check_params(tdt_params, keys, defaults, 'tdt_params')
- if tdt_params['TYPE'] != 'tdt':
- raise ValueError('tdt_params["TYPE"] must be "tdt", not '
- '{0}'.format(tdt_params['TYPE']))
- for key in ('TDT_DELAY', 'TDT_TRIG_DELAY'):
+ defaults = dict(
+ TDT_MODEL="dummy", TDT_DELAY="0", TDT_TRIG_DELAY="0", TYPE="tdt"
+ ) # if not listed -> None
+ keys = [
+ "TYPE",
+ ]
+ tdt_params = _check_params(tdt_params, keys, defaults, "tdt_params")
+ if tdt_params["TYPE"] != "tdt":
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'tdt_params["TYPE"] must be "tdt", not ' "{0}".format(
+ tdt_params["TYPE"]
+ )
+ )
+ for key in ("TDT_DELAY", "TDT_TRIG_DELAY"):
tdt_params[key] = int(tdt_params[key])
- if tdt_params['TDT_DELAY'] < 0:
- raise ValueError('tdt_delay must be non-negative.')
- self._model = tdt_params['TDT_MODEL']
- legal_models = ['RM1', 'RP2', 'RZ6', 'RP2legacy', 'dummy']
+ if tdt_params["TDT_DELAY"] < 0:
+ raise ValueError("tdt_delay must be non-negative.")
+ self._model = tdt_params["TDT_MODEL"]
+ legal_models = ["RM1", "RP2", "RZ6", "RP2legacy", "dummy"]
if self.model not in legal_models:
- raise ValueError('TDT_MODEL="{0}" must be one of '
- '{1}'.format(self.model, legal_models))
- if tdt_params['TDT_CIRCUIT_PATH'] is None and self.model != 'dummy':
- cl = dict(RM1='RM1', RP2='RM1', RP2legacy='RP2legacy', RZ6='RZ6')
- self._circuit = op.join(op.dirname(__file__), 'data',
- 'expCircuitF32_' + cl[self._model] +
- '.rcx')
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'TDT_MODEL="{self.model}" must be one of ' f"{legal_models}"
+ )
+ if tdt_params["TDT_CIRCUIT_PATH"] is None and self.model != "dummy":
+ cl = dict(RM1="RM1", RP2="RM1", RP2legacy="RP2legacy", RZ6="RZ6")
+ self._circuit = op.join(
+ op.dirname(__file__),
+ "data",
+ "expCircuitF32_" + cl[self._model] + ".rcx",
+ )
- self._circuit = tdt_params['TDT_CIRCUIT_PATH']
- if self.model != 'dummy' and not op.isfile(self._circuit):
- raise IOError('Could not find file {}'.format(self._circuit))
- if tdt_params['TDT_INTERFACE'] is None:
- tdt_params['TDT_INTERFACE'] = 'USB'
- self._interface = tdt_params['TDT_INTERFACE']
+ self._circuit = tdt_params["TDT_CIRCUIT_PATH"]
+ if self.model != "dummy" and not op.isfile(self._circuit):
+ raise OSError(f"Could not find file {self._circuit}")
+ if tdt_params["TDT_INTERFACE"] is None:
+ tdt_params["TDT_INTERFACE"] = "USB"
+ self._interface = tdt_params["TDT_INTERFACE"]
self._n_channels = 2
# initialize RPcoX connection
@@ -143,28 +166,33 @@ def __init__(self, tdt_params, ec):
self.connection = self.rpcox.ConnectRM1(IntName=interface, DevNum=1)
- if tdt_params['TDT_MODEL'] != 'dummy':
+ if tdt_params["TDT_MODEL"] != "dummy":
from tdt.util import connect_rpcox
- use_model = self.model if self.model != 'RP2legacy' else 'RP2'
+ use_model = self.model if self.model != "RP2legacy" else "RP2"
- self.rpcox = connect_rpcox(name=use_model,
- interface=self.interface,
- device_id=1, address=None)
+ self.rpcox = connect_rpcox(
+ name=use_model, interface=self.interface, device_id=1, address=None
+ )
except Exception as exp:
- raise OSError('Could not connect to {}, is it turned on? '
- '(TDT message: "{}")'.format(self._model, exp))
+ raise OSError(
+ f"Could not connect to {self._model}, is it turned on? "
+ f'(TDT message: "{exp}")'
+ )
- msg = ('TDT is in dummy mode. No sound or triggers will '
- 'be produced. Check TDT configuration and TDTpy '
- 'installation.')
+ msg = (
+ "TDT is in dummy mode. No sound or triggers will "
+ "be produced. Check TDT configuration and TDTpy "
+ "installation."
+ )
logger.warning(msg) # log it
warnings.warn(msg) # make it red
self.rpcox = DummyRPcoX(self._model, self._interface)
if self.rpcox is not None:
- logger.info('Expyfun: RPcoX connection established')
+ logger.info("Expyfun: RPcoX connection established")
- raise IOError('Problem initializing RPcoX.')
+ raise OSError("Problem initializing RPcoX.")
# start zBUS (may be needed for devices other than RM1)
self.zbus = connect_zbus(interface=interface)
@@ -175,30 +203,31 @@ def __init__(self, tdt_params, ec):
# load circuit
if not self.rpcox.LoadCOF(self.circuit):
- logger.debug('Expyfun: Problem loading circuit. Clearing...')
+ logger.debug("Expyfun: Problem loading circuit. Clearing...")
if self.rpcox.ClearCOF():
- logger.debug('Expyfun: TDT circuit cleared')
+ logger.debug("Expyfun: TDT circuit cleared")
if not self.rpcox.LoadCOF(self.circuit):
- raise RuntimeError('Second loading attempt failed')
+ raise RuntimeError("Second loading attempt failed")
except Exception:
- raise IOError('Expyfun: Problem loading circuit.')
- logger.info('Expyfun: Circuit loaded to {1} via {2}:\n{0}'
- ''.format(self.circuit, self.model, self.interface))
+ raise OSError("Expyfun: Problem loading circuit.")
+ logger.info(
+ f"Expyfun: Circuit loaded to {self.model} via {self.interface}:\n"
+ f"{self.circuit}"
+ )
# run circuit
if self.rpcox.Run():
- logger.info('Expyfun: TDT circuit running')
+ logger.info("Expyfun: TDT circuit running")
- raise SystemError('Expyfun: Problem starting TDT circuit.')
+ raise SystemError("Expyfun: Problem starting TDT circuit.")
- self._set_delay(tdt_params['TDT_DELAY'],
- tdt_params['TDT_TRIG_DELAY'])
+ self._set_delay(tdt_params["TDT_DELAY"], tdt_params["TDT_TRIG_DELAY"])
# Set output values to zero (esp. first few)
- for tag in ('datainleft', 'datainright'):
+ for tag in ("datainleft", "datainright"):
- self.rpcox.SetTagVal('trgname', 0)
+ self.rpcox.SetTagVal("trgname", 0)
self._used_params = tdt_params
def _add_keyboard_init(self, ec, force_quit_keys):
@@ -206,11 +235,11 @@ def _add_keyboard_init(self, ec, force_quit_keys):
# do BaseKeyboard init last, to make sure circuit is running
Keyboard.__init__(self, ec, force_quit_keys)
-# ############################### AUDIO METHODS ###############################
+ # ############################### AUDIO METHODS ###############################
def _set_noise_corr(self, val=0):
"""Helper to set the noise correlation, only -1, 0, 1 supported"""
assert val in (-1, 0, 1)
- self.rpcox.SetTagVal('noise_corr', int(val))
+ self.rpcox.SetTagVal("noise_corr", int(val))
def load_buffer(self, data):
"""Load audio samples into TDT buffer.
@@ -223,21 +252,20 @@ def load_buffer(self, data):
assert data.dtype == np.float32
# Leave the first sample zero so on reset the output goes to zero
- self.rpcox.WriteTagVEX('datainleft', 1, 'F32', data[:, 0])
- self.rpcox.WriteTagVEX('datainright', 1, 'F32', data[:, 1])
- self.rpcox.SetTagVal('nsamples', max(data.shape[0] + 1, 1))
+ self.rpcox.WriteTagVEX("datainleft", 1, "F32", data[:, 0])
+ self.rpcox.WriteTagVEX("datainright", 1, "F32", data[:, 1])
+ self.rpcox.SetTagVal("nsamples", max(data.shape[0] + 1, 1))
def play(self):
- """Send the soft trigger to start the ring buffer playback.
- """
- self.rpcox.SetTagVal('trgname', 1)
+ """Send the soft trigger to start the ring buffer playback."""
+ self.rpcox.SetTagVal("trgname", 1)
- logger.debug('Expyfun: Starting TDT ring buffer')
+ logger.debug("Expyfun: Starting TDT ring buffer")
def playing(self):
"""Is a sound currently playing"""
- return bool(int(self.rpcox.GetTagVal('playing')))
+ return bool(int(self.rpcox.GetTagVal("playing")))
def stop(self, wait=True):
"""Send the soft trigger to stop and reset the ring buffer playback.
@@ -248,13 +276,12 @@ def stop(self, wait=True):
Unused by the TDT.
- logger.debug('Expyfun: Stopping TDT audio')
+ logger.debug("Expyfun: Stopping TDT audio")
def start_noise(self):
- """Send the soft trigger to start the noise generator.
- """
+ """Send the soft trigger to start the noise generator."""
- logger.debug('Expyfun: Starting TDT noise')
+ logger.debug("Expyfun: Starting TDT noise")
def stop_noise(self, wait=True):
"""Send the soft trigger to stop the noise generator.
@@ -265,7 +292,7 @@ def stop_noise(self, wait=True):
Unused by the TDT.
- logger.debug('Expyfun: Stopping TDT noise')
+ logger.debug("Expyfun: Stopping TDT noise")
def set_noise_level(self, level):
"""Set the noise level.
@@ -275,21 +302,21 @@ def set_noise_level(self, level):
level : float
The new level.
- self.rpcox.SetTagVal('noiselev', level)
+ self.rpcox.SetTagVal("noiselev", level)
def _set_delay(self, delay, delay_trig):
- """Set the delay (in ms) of the system
- """
+ """Set the delay (in ms) of the system"""
assert isinstance(delay, int) # this should never happen
assert isinstance(delay_trig, int)
- self.rpcox.SetTagVal('onsetdel', delay)
- logger.info('Expyfun: Setting TDT delay to %s' % delay)
- self.rpcox.SetTagVal('trigdel', delay_trig)
- logger.info('Expyfun: Setting TDT trigger delay to %s' % delay_trig)
-# ############################### TRIGGER METHODS #############################
- def stamp_triggers(self, triggers, delay=None, wait_for_last=True,
- is_trial_id=False):
+ self.rpcox.SetTagVal("onsetdel", delay)
+ logger.info("Expyfun: Setting TDT delay to %s" % delay)
+ self.rpcox.SetTagVal("trigdel", delay_trig)
+ logger.info("Expyfun: Setting TDT trigger delay to %s" % delay_trig)
+ # ############################### TRIGGER METHODS #############################
+ def stamp_triggers(
+ self, triggers, delay=None, wait_for_last=True, is_trial_id=False
+ ):
"""Stamp a list of triggers with a given inter-trigger delay.
@@ -308,7 +335,7 @@ def stamp_triggers(self, triggers, delay=None, wait_for_last=True,
if delay is None:
delay = 0.02 # we have a fixed trig duration of 0.01
for ti, trig in enumerate(triggers):
- self.rpcox.SetTagVal('trgname', trig)
+ self.rpcox.SetTagVal("trgname", trig)
if ti < len(triggers) - 1 or wait_for_last:
@@ -322,35 +349,34 @@ def _trigger(self, trig):
Trigger number to send to TDT.
if not self.rpcox.SoftTrg(trig):
- logger.warning('SoftTrg failure for trigger: {}'.format(trig))
+ logger.warning(f"SoftTrg failure for trigger: {trig}")
-# ############################### KEYBOARD METHODS ############################
+ # ############################### KEYBOARD METHODS ############################
def _get_timebase(self):
- """Return time since circuit was started (in seconds).
- """
- return self.rpcox.GetTagVal('masterclock') / float(self.fs)
+ """Return time since circuit was started (in seconds)."""
+ return self.rpcox.GetTagVal("masterclock") / float(self.fs)
def _clear_events(self):
- """Clear keyboard buffers.
- """
+ """Clear keyboard buffers."""
- def _retrieve_events(self, live_keys, type='presses'):
- """Values and timestamps currently in keyboard buffer.
- """
- if type != 'presses':
+ def _retrieve_events(self, live_keys, type="presses"): # noqa: A002
+ """Values and timestamps currently in keyboard buffer."""
+ if type != "presses":
raise RuntimeError("TDT Cannot get key release events")
# get values from the tdt
- press_count = int(round(self.rpcox.GetTagVal('npressabs')))
+ press_count = int(round(self.rpcox.GetTagVal("npressabs")))
if press_count > 0:
# this one is indexed from zero
- press_times = self.rpcox.ReadTagVEX('presstimesabs', 0,
- press_count, 'I32', 'I32', 1)
+ press_times = self.rpcox.ReadTagVEX(
+ "presstimesabs", 0, press_count, "I32", "I32", 1
+ )
# this one is indexed from one (silly)
- press_vals = self.rpcox.ReadTagVEX('pressvalsabs', 1, press_count,
- 'I32', 'I32', 1)
+ press_vals = self.rpcox.ReadTagVEX(
+ "pressvalsabs", 1, press_count, "I32", "I32", 1
+ )
press_times = np.array(press_times[0], float) / self.fs
press_vals = np.log2(np.array(press_vals[0], float)) + 1
press_vals = [str(int(round(p))) for p in press_vals]
@@ -361,7 +387,7 @@ def _retrieve_events(self, live_keys, type='presses'):
return presses
- def _correct_presses(self, events, timestamp, relative_to, kind='presses'):
+ def _correct_presses(self, events, timestamp, relative_to, kind="presses"):
"""Correct timing of presses and check for quit press"""
events = [(k, s + self.time_correction, kind) for k, s in events]
@@ -376,9 +402,9 @@ def _correct_presses(self, events, timestamp, relative_to, kind='presses'):
def halt(self):
"""Wrapper for tdt.util.RPcoX.Halt()."""
- logger.debug('Expyfun: Halting TDT circuit')
+ logger.debug("Expyfun: Halting TDT circuit")
-# ############################ READ-ONLY PROPERTIES ###########################
+ # ############################ READ-ONLY PROPERTIES ###########################
def fs(self):
"""Playback frequency of the audio (samples / second)."""
@@ -408,5 +434,11 @@ def get_tdt_rates():
rates : dict
The sample rates.
- return {'6k': 6103.515625, '12k': 12207.03125, '25k': 24414.0625,
- '50k': 48828.125, '100k': 97656.25, '200k': 195312.5}
+ return {
+ "6k": 6103.515625,
+ "12k": 12207.03125,
+ "25k": 24414.0625,
+ "50k": 48828.125,
+ "100k": 97656.25,
+ "200k": 195312.5,
+ }
diff --git a/expyfun/_trigger_controllers.py b/expyfun/_trigger_controllers.py
index b735e846..24d43c98 100644
--- a/expyfun/_trigger_controllers.py
+++ b/expyfun/_trigger_controllers.py
@@ -6,12 +6,13 @@
# License: BSD (3-clause)
import sys
import numpy as np
-from ._utils import verbose_dec, string_types, logger
+from ._utils import logger, verbose_dec
-class ParallelTrigger(object):
+class ParallelTrigger:
"""Parallel port and dummy triggering support.
.. warning:: When using the parallel port, calling
@@ -46,34 +47,42 @@ class ParallelTrigger(object):
- def __init__(self, mode='dummy', address=None, trigger_duration=0.01,
- ec=None, verbose=None):
+ def __init__(
+ self, mode="dummy", address=None, trigger_duration=0.01, ec=None, verbose=None
+ ):
self.ec = ec
- if mode == 'parallel':
- if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
- address = '/dev/parport0' if address is None else address
- if not isinstance(address, string_types):
- raise ValueError('addrss must be a string or None, got %s '
- 'of type %s' % (address, type(address)))
+ if mode == "parallel":
+ if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
+ address = "/dev/parport0" if address is None else address
+ if not isinstance(address, str):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "address must be a string or None, got %s "
+ "of type %s" % (address, type(address))
+ )
from parallel import Parallel
- logger.info('Expyfun: Using address %s' % (address,))
+ logger.info("Expyfun: Using address %s" % (address,))
self._port = Parallel(address)
self._portname = address
self._set_data = self._port.setData
- elif sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+ elif sys.platform.startswith("win"):
from ctypes import windll
- if not hasattr(windll, 'inpout32'):
+ if not hasattr(windll, "inpout32"):
raise SystemError(
- 'Must have inpout32 installed, see:\n\n'
- 'http://www.highrez.co.uk/downloads/inpout32/')
+ "Must have inpout32 installed, see:\n\n"
+ "http://www.highrez.co.uk/downloads/inpout32/"
+ )
- base = '0x378' if address is None else address
- logger.info('Expyfun: Using base address %s' % (base,))
- if isinstance(base, string_types):
+ base = "0x378" if address is None else address
+ logger.info("Expyfun: Using base address %s" % (base,))
+ if isinstance(base, str):
base = int(base, 16)
if not isinstance(base, int):
- raise ValueError('address must be int or None, got %s of '
- 'type %s' % (base, type(base)))
+ raise ValueError(
+ "address must be int or None, got %s of "
+ "type %s" % (base, type(base))
+ )
self._port = windll.inpout32
mask = np.uint8(1 << 5 | 1 << 6 | 1 << 7)
# Use ECP to put the port into byte mode
@@ -87,18 +96,20 @@ def __init__(self, mode='dummy', address=None, trigger_duration=0.01,
self._set_data = lambda data: self._port.Out32(base, data)
self._portname = str(base)
- raise NotImplementedError('Parallel port triggering only '
- 'supported on Linux and Windows')
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "Parallel port triggering only " "supported on Linux and Windows"
+ )
else: # mode == 'dummy':
self._port = self._portname = None
self._trigger_list = list()
- self._set_data = lambda x: (self._trigger_list.append(x)
- if x != 0 else None)
+ self._set_data = lambda x: (
+ self._trigger_list.append(x) if x != 0 else None
+ )
self.trigger_duration = trigger_duration
self.mode = mode
def __repr__(self):
- return '' % (self.mode, self._portname)
+ return "" % (self.mode, self._portname)
def _stamp_trigger(self, trig):
"""Fake stamping."""
@@ -106,8 +117,9 @@ def _stamp_trigger(self, trig):
- def stamp_triggers(self, triggers, delay=None, wait_for_last=True,
- is_trial_id=False):
+ def stamp_triggers(
+ self, triggers, delay=None, wait_for_last=True, is_trial_id=False
+ ):
"""Stamp a list of triggers with a given inter-trigger delay.
@@ -132,7 +144,7 @@ def stamp_triggers(self, triggers, delay=None, wait_for_last=True,
def close(self):
"""Release hardware interfaces."""
- if hasattr(self, '_port'):
+ if hasattr(self, "_port"):
del self._port
def __del__(self):
@@ -160,17 +172,16 @@ def decimals_to_binary(decimals, n_bits):
decimals = np.array(decimals, int)
if decimals.ndim != 1 or (decimals < 0).any():
- raise ValueError('decimals must be 1D with all nonnegative values')
+ raise ValueError("decimals must be 1D with all nonnegative values")
n_bits = np.array(n_bits, int)
if decimals.shape != n_bits.shape:
- raise ValueError('n_bits must have same shape as decimals')
+ raise ValueError("n_bits must have same shape as decimals")
if (n_bits <= 0).any():
- raise ValueError('all n_bits must be positive')
+ raise ValueError("all n_bits must be positive")
binary = list()
for d, b in zip(decimals, n_bits):
- if d > 2 ** b - 1:
- raise ValueError('cannot convert number {0} using {1} bits'
- ''.format(d, b))
+ if d > 2**b - 1:
+ raise ValueError(f"cannot convert number {d} using {b} bits" "")
binary.extend([int(bb) for bb in np.binary_repr(d, b)])
assert len(binary) == n_bits.sum() # make sure we didn't do something dumb
return binary
@@ -192,21 +203,23 @@ def binary_to_decimals(binary, n_bits):
Array of integers.
if not np.array_equal(binary, np.array(binary, bool)):
- raise ValueError('binary must only contain zeros and ones')
+ raise ValueError("binary must only contain zeros and ones")
binary = np.array(binary, bool)
if binary.ndim != 1:
- raise ValueError('binary must be 1 dimensional')
+ raise ValueError("binary must be 1 dimensional")
n_bits = np.atleast_1d(n_bits).astype(int)
if np.any(n_bits <= 0):
- raise ValueError('n_bits must all be > 0')
+ raise ValueError("n_bits must all be > 0")
if n_bits.sum() != len(binary):
- raise ValueError('the sum of n_bits must be equal to the number of '
- 'elements in binary')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "the sum of n_bits must be equal to the number of " "elements in binary"
+ )
offset = 0
outs = []
for nb in n_bits:
- outs.append(np.sum(binary[offset:offset + nb] *
- (2 ** np.arange(nb - 1, -1, -1))))
+ outs.append(
+ np.sum(binary[offset : offset + nb] * (2 ** np.arange(nb - 1, -1, -1)))
+ )
offset += nb
assert offset == len(binary)
return np.array(outs)
diff --git a/expyfun/_utils.py b/expyfun/_utils.py
index 412191d8..d40908a7 100644
--- a/expyfun/_utils.py
+++ b/expyfun/_utils.py
@@ -4,63 +4,48 @@
# License: BSD (3-clause)
-import warnings
-import operator
-from copy import deepcopy
-import subprocess
+import atexit
+import datetime
import importlib
+import inspect
+import json
+import logging
+import operator
import os
import os.path as op
-import inspect
+import ssl
+import subprocess
import sys
-import time
import tempfile
+import time
import traceback
-import ssl
-from shutil import rmtree
-import atexit
-import json
+import warnings
+from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
-import logging
-import datetime
-from timeit import default_timer as clock
+from shutil import rmtree
from threading import Timer
+from timeit import default_timer as clock
+from urllib.request import urlopen
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
-from ._externals import decorator
+from decorator import decorator
# set this first thing to make sure it "takes"
import pyglet
- pyglet.options['debug_gl'] = False
+ pyglet.options["debug_gl"] = False
del pyglet
except Exception:
-# for py3k (eventually)
-if sys.version.startswith('2'):
- string_types = basestring # noqa
- input = raw_input # noqa, input is raw_input in py3k
- text_type = unicode # noqa
- from __builtin__ import reload
- from urllib2 import urlopen # noqa
- from cStringIO import StringIO # noqa
- string_types = str
- text_type = str
- from urllib.request import urlopen
- input = input
- from io import StringIO # noqa, analysis:ignore
- from importlib import reload # noqa, analysis:ignore
EXP = 25
-logging.addLevelName(EXP, 'EXP')
+logging.addLevelName(EXP, "EXP")
def exp(self, message, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -69,7 +54,7 @@ def exp(self, message, *args, **kwargs):
logging.Logger.exp = exp
-logger = logging.getLogger('expyfun')
+logger = logging.getLogger("expyfun")
def flush_logger():
@@ -94,26 +79,32 @@ def set_log_level(verbose=None, return_old_level=False):
If True, return the old verbosity level.
if verbose is None:
- verbose = get_config('EXPYFUN_LOGGING_LEVEL', 'INFO')
+ verbose = get_config("EXPYFUN_LOGGING_LEVEL", "INFO")
elif isinstance(verbose, bool):
- verbose = 'INFO' if verbose is True else 'WARNING'
- if isinstance(verbose, string_types):
+ verbose = "INFO" if verbose is True else "WARNING"
+ if isinstance(verbose, str):
verbose = verbose.upper()
- logging_types = dict(DEBUG=logging.DEBUG, INFO=logging.INFO,
+ logging_types = dict(
+ DEBUG=logging.DEBUG,
+ INFO=logging.INFO,
+ ERROR=logging.ERROR,
+ )
if verbose not in logging_types:
- raise ValueError('verbose must be of a valid type')
+ raise ValueError("verbose must be of a valid type")
verbose = logging_types[verbose]
old_verbose = logger.level
- return (old_verbose if return_old_level else None)
+ return old_verbose if return_old_level else None
-def set_log_file(fname=None,
- output_format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)-7s - %(message)s',
- overwrite=None):
+def set_log_file(
+ fname=None,
+ output_format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)-7s - %(message)s",
+ overwrite=None,
"""Convenience function for setting the log to print to a file
@@ -138,10 +129,12 @@ def set_log_file(fname=None,
if fname is not None:
if op.isfile(fname) and overwrite is None:
- warnings.warn('Log entries will be appended to the file. Use '
- 'overwrite=False to avoid this message in the '
- 'future.')
- mode = 'w' if overwrite is True else 'a'
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Log entries will be appended to the file. Use "
+ "overwrite=False to avoid this message in the "
+ "future."
+ )
+ mode = "w" if overwrite is True else "a"
lh = logging.FileHandler(fname, mode=mode)
""" we should just be able to do:
@@ -158,9 +151,10 @@ def set_log_file(fname=None,
-building_doc = any('sphinx-build' in ((''.join(i[4]).lower() + i[1])
- if i[4] is not None else '')
- for i in inspect.stack())
+building_doc = any(
+ "sphinx-build" in (("".join(i[4]).lower() + i[1]) if i[4] is not None else "")
+ for i in inspect.stack()
def run_subprocess(command, **kwargs):
@@ -176,7 +170,7 @@ def run_subprocess(command, **kwargs):
command : list of str
Command to run as subprocess (see subprocess.Popen documentation).
**kwargs : objects
- Keywoard arguments to pass to ``subprocess.Popen``.
+ Keyword arguments to pass to ``subprocess.Popen``.
@@ -192,10 +186,13 @@ def run_subprocess(command, **kwargs):
p = subprocess.Popen(command, **kw)
stdout_, stderr = p.communicate()
- output = (stdout_.decode(), stderr.decode())
+ output = (
+ stdout_.decode() if stdout_ else "",
+ stderr.decode() if stderr else "",
+ )
if p.returncode:
err_fun = subprocess.CalledProcessError.__init__
- if 'output' in _get_args(err_fun):
+ if "output" in _get_args(err_fun):
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, command, output)
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, command)
@@ -203,7 +200,7 @@ def run_subprocess(command, **kwargs):
return output
-class ZeroClock(object):
+class ZeroClock:
"""Clock that uses "clock" function but starts at zero on init."""
def __init__(self):
@@ -222,10 +219,10 @@ def date_str():
datestr : str
The date string.
- return str(datetime.datetime.today()).replace(':', '_')
+ return str(datetime.datetime.today()).replace(":", "_")
-class WrapStdOut(object):
+class WrapStdOut:
"""Ridiculous class to work around how doctest captures stdout."""
def __getattr__(self, name):
@@ -258,7 +255,7 @@ def __init__(self):
def cleanup(self):
if self._del_after is True:
if self._print_del is True:
- print('Deleting {} ...'.format(self._path))
+ print(f"Deleting {self._path} ...")
rmtree(self._path, ignore_errors=True)
@@ -270,10 +267,9 @@ def check_units(units):
units : str
Must be ``'norm'``, ``'deg'``, ``'pix'``, or ``'cm'``.
- good_units = ['norm', 'pix', 'deg', 'cm']
+ good_units = ["norm", "pix", "deg", "cm"]
if units not in good_units:
- raise ValueError('"units" must be one of {}, not {}'
- ''.format(good_units, units))
+ raise ValueError(f'"units" must be one of {good_units}, not {units}' "")
@@ -281,7 +277,8 @@ def check_units(units):
# Following deprecated class copied from scikit-learn
-class deprecated(object):
+class deprecated:
"""Decorator to mark a function or class as deprecated.
Issue a warning when the function is called/the class is instantiated and
@@ -305,14 +302,8 @@ class deprecated(object):
# scikit-learn will not import on all platforms b/c it can be
# sklearn or scikits.learn, so a self-contained example is used above
- def __init__(self, extra=''):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- extra: string
- to be added to the deprecation messages
- """
+ def __init__(self, extra=""):
+ # extra: string to be added to the deprecation messages
self.extra = extra
def __call__(self, obj):
@@ -333,9 +324,10 @@ def _decorate_class(self, cls):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning)
return init(*args, **kwargs)
cls.__init__ = wrapped
- wrapped.__name__ = '__init__'
+ wrapped.__name__ = "__init__"
wrapped.__doc__ = self._update_doc(init.__doc__)
wrapped.deprecated_original = init
@@ -366,20 +358,28 @@ def _update_doc(self, olddoc):
return newdoc
-if hasattr(inspect, 'signature'): # py35
+if hasattr(inspect, "signature"): # py35
def _get_args(function, varargs=False):
params = inspect.signature(function).parameters
- args = [key for key, param in params.items()
- if param.kind not in (param.VAR_POSITIONAL, param.VAR_KEYWORD)]
+ args = [
+ key
+ for key, param in params.items()
+ if param.kind not in (param.VAR_POSITIONAL, param.VAR_KEYWORD)
+ ]
if varargs:
- varargs = [param.name for param in params.values()
- if param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL]
+ varargs = [
+ param.name
+ for param in params.values()
+ if param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL
+ ]
if len(varargs) == 0:
varargs = None
return args, varargs
return args
def _get_args(function, varargs=False):
out = inspect.getargspec(function) # args, varargs, keywords, defaults
if varargs:
@@ -407,13 +407,13 @@ def verbose_dec(function, *args, **kwargs):
arg_names = _get_args(function)
- if len(arg_names) > 0 and arg_names[0] == 'self':
- default_level = getattr(args[0], 'verbose', None)
+ if len(arg_names) > 0 and arg_names[0] == "self":
+ default_level = getattr(args[0], "verbose", None)
default_level = None
- if('verbose' in arg_names):
- verbose_level = args[arg_names.index('verbose')]
+ if "verbose" in arg_names:
+ verbose_level = args[arg_names.index("verbose")]
verbose_level = default_level
@@ -434,7 +434,8 @@ def verbose_dec(function, *args, **kwargs):
def _new_pyglet():
import pyglet
- return _compare_version(pyglet.version, '>=', '1.4')
+ return _compare_version(pyglet.version, ">=", "1.4")
def _has_video(raise_error=False):
@@ -448,7 +449,7 @@ def _has_video(raise_error=False):
good = False
if raise_error:
- print('Found FFmpegSource for new Pyglet')
+ print("Found FFmpegSource for new Pyglet")
from pyglet.media.avbin import AVbinSource # noqa
@@ -461,60 +462,72 @@ def _has_video(raise_error=False):
good = False
if raise_error:
- print('Found AVbinSource for old Pyglet 1')
+ print("Found AVbinSource for old Pyglet 1")
if raise_error:
- print('Found AVbinSource for old Pyglet 2')
+ print("Found AVbinSource for old Pyglet 2")
if raise_error and not good:
- raise RuntimeError('Video support not enabled, got exception(s):\n'
- '\n***********************\n'.join(exceptions))
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Video support not enabled, got exception(s):\n"
+ "\n***********************\n".join(exceptions)
+ )
return good
def requires_video():
"""Require FFmpeg/AVbin."""
import pytest
- return pytest.mark.skipif(not _has_video(), reason='Requires FFmpeg/AVbin')
+ return pytest.mark.skipif(not _has_video(), reason="Requires FFmpeg/AVbin")
def requires_opengl21(func):
"""Require OpenGL."""
- import pytest
import pyglet.gl
+ import pytest
vendor = pyglet.gl.gl_info.get_vendor()
version = pyglet.gl.gl_info.get_version()
sufficient = pyglet.gl.gl_info.have_version(2, 0)
- return pytest.mark.skipif(not sufficient,
- reason='OpenGL too old: %s %s'
- % (vendor, version,))(func)
+ return pytest.mark.skipif(
+ not sufficient,
+ reason="OpenGL too old: %s %s"
+ % (
+ vendor,
+ version,
+ ),
+ )(func)
def requires_lib(lib):
"""Requires lib decorator."""
import pytest
except Exception as exp:
val = True
- reason = 'Needs %s (%s)' % (lib, exp)
+ reason = "Needs %s (%s)" % (lib, exp)
val = False
- reason = ''
+ reason = ""
return pytest.mark.skipif(val, reason=reason)
def _has_scipy_version(version):
- return _compare_version(sp.__version__, '>=', version)
+ return _compare_version(sp.__version__, ">=", version)
def _get_user_home_path():
"""Return standard preferences path"""
# this has been checked on OSX64, Linux64, and Win32
- val = os.getenv('APPDATA' if 'nt' == os.name.lower() else 'HOME', None)
+ val = os.getenv("APPDATA" if "nt" == os.name.lower() else "HOME", None)
if val is None:
- raise ValueError('expyfun config file path could '
- 'not be determined, please report this '
- 'error to expyfun developers')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "expyfun config file path could "
+ "not be determined, please report this "
+ "error to expyfun developers"
+ )
return val
@@ -532,13 +545,13 @@ def fetch_data_file(fname):
fname : str
The filename on the local system where the file was downloaded.
- path = get_config('EXPYFUN_DATA_PATH', op.join(_get_user_home_path(),
- '.expyfun', 'data'))
+ path = get_config(
+ "EXPYFUN_DATA_PATH", op.join(_get_user_home_path(), ".expyfun", "data")
+ )
fname_out = op.join(path, fname)
if not op.isdir(op.dirname(fname_out)):
- fname_url = ('https://github.com/LABSN/expyfun-data/raw/master/{0}'
- ''.format(fname))
+ fname_url = f"https://github.com/LABSN/expyfun-data/raw/master/{fname}" ""
# until we get proper certificates
context = ssl._create_unverified_context()
@@ -548,7 +561,7 @@ def fetch_data_file(fname):
this_urlopen = urlopen
if not op.isfile(fname_out):
- with open(fname_out, 'wb') as fid:
+ with open(fname_out, "wb") as fid:
www = this_urlopen(fname_url, timeout=30.0)
@@ -570,40 +583,41 @@ def get_config_path():
will be '%APPDATA%\.expyfun\expyfun.json'. On every other
system, this will be $HOME/.expyfun/expyfun.json.
- val = op.join(_get_user_home_path(), '.expyfun', 'expyfun.json')
+ val = op.join(_get_user_home_path(), ".expyfun", "expyfun.json")
return val
# List the known configuration values
-known_config_types = ('RESPONSE_DEVICE',
- )
+known_config_types = (
# These allow for partial matches: 'NAME_1' is okay key if 'NAME' is listed
known_config_wildcards = ()
@@ -628,8 +642,8 @@ def get_config(key=None, default=None, raise_error=False):
value : str | None
The preference key value.
- if key is not None and not isinstance(key, string_types):
- raise ValueError('key must be a string')
+ if key is not None and not isinstance(key, str):
+ raise ValueError("key must be a string")
# first, check to see if key is in env
if key is not None and key in os.environ:
@@ -641,7 +655,7 @@ def get_config(key=None, default=None, raise_error=False):
key_found = False
val = default
- with open(config_path, 'r') as fid:
+ with open(config_path) as fid:
config = json.load(fid)
if key is None:
return config
@@ -651,13 +665,14 @@ def get_config(key=None, default=None, raise_error=False):
if not key_found and raise_error is True:
meth_1 = 'os.environ["%s"] = VALUE' % key
meth_2 = 'expyfun.utils.set_config("%s", VALUE)' % key
- raise KeyError('Key "%s" not found in environment or in the '
- 'expyfun config file:\n%s\nTry either:\n'
- ' %s\nfor a temporary solution, or:\n'
- ' %s\nfor a permanent one. You can also '
- 'set the environment variable before '
- 'running python.'
- % (key, config_path, meth_1, meth_2))
+ raise KeyError(
+ 'Key "%s" not found in environment or in the '
+ "expyfun config file:\n%s\nTry either:\n"
+ " %s\nfor a temporary solution, or:\n"
+ " %s\nfor a permanent one. You can also "
+ "set the environment variable before "
+ "running python." % (key, config_path, meth_1, meth_2)
+ )
return val
@@ -675,25 +690,27 @@ def set_config(key, value):
if key is None:
return sorted(known_config_types)
- if not isinstance(key, string_types):
- raise ValueError('key must be a string')
+ if not isinstance(key, str):
+ raise ValueError("key must be a string")
# While JSON allow non-string types, we allow users to override config
# settings using env, which are strings, so we enforce that here
- if not isinstance(value, string_types) and value is not None:
- raise ValueError('value must be a string or None')
- if key not in known_config_types and not \
- any(k in key for k in known_config_wildcards):
+ if not isinstance(value, str) and value is not None:
+ raise ValueError("value must be a string or None")
+ if key not in known_config_types and not any(
+ k in key for k in known_config_wildcards
+ ):
warnings.warn('Setting non-standard config type: "%s"' % key)
# Read all previous values
config_path = get_config_path()
if op.isfile(config_path):
- with open(config_path, 'r') as fid:
+ with open(config_path) as fid:
config = json.load(fid)
config = dict()
- logger.info('Attempting to create new expyfun configuration '
- 'file:\n%s' % config_path)
+ logger.info(
+ "Attempting to create new expyfun configuration " "file:\n%s" % config_path
+ )
if value is None:
config.pop(key, None)
@@ -703,7 +720,7 @@ def set_config(key, value):
directory = op.split(config_path)[0]
if not op.isdir(directory):
- with open(config_path, 'w') as fid:
+ with open(config_path, "w") as fid:
json.dump(config, fid, sort_keys=True, indent=0)
@@ -711,7 +728,7 @@ def set_config(key, value):
-def fake_button_press(ec, button='1', delay=0.):
+def fake_button_press(ec, button="1", delay=0.0):
"""Fake a button press after a delay
@@ -720,29 +737,34 @@ def fake_button_press(ec, button='1', delay=0.):
It uses threads to ensure that control is passed back, so other commands
can be called (like wait_for_presses).
def send():
ec._response_handler._on_pyglet_keypress(button, [], True)
- Timer(delay, send).start() if delay > 0. else send()
+ Timer(delay, send).start() if delay > 0.0 else send()
-def fake_mouse_click(ec, pos, button='left', delay=0.):
+def fake_mouse_click(ec, pos, button="left", delay=0.0):
"""Fake a mouse click after a delay"""
button = dict(left=1, middle=2, right=4)[button] # trans to pyglet
def send():
ec._mouse_handler._on_pyglet_mouse_click(pos[0], pos[1], button, [])
- Timer(delay, send).start() if delay > 0. else send()
+ Timer(delay, send).start() if delay > 0.0 else send()
def _check_pyglet_version(raise_error=False):
- """Check pyglet version, return True if usable.
- """
+ """Check pyglet version, return True if usable."""
import pyglet
- is_usable = _compare_version(pyglet.version, '>=', '1.2')
+ is_usable = _compare_version(pyglet.version, ">=", "1.2")
if raise_error is True and is_usable is False:
- raise ImportError('On Linux, you must run at least Pyglet '
- 'version 1.2, and you are running '
- '{0}'.format(pyglet.version))
+ raise ImportError(
+ "On Linux, you must run at least Pyglet "
+ "version 1.2, and you are running "
+ f"{pyglet.version}"
+ )
return is_usable
@@ -797,7 +819,7 @@ def running_rms(signal, win_length):
sig2 = signal * signal
c1 = np.cumsum(sig2)
- out = c1[win_length - 1:].copy()
+ out = c1[win_length - 1 :].copy()
if len(out) == 0: # len(signal) < len(win_length)
out = np.array([np.sqrt(c1[-1] / signal.size)])
@@ -830,21 +852,23 @@ def _fix_audio_dims(signal, n_channels):
signal = np.asarray(np.atleast_2d(signal), dtype=np.float32)
# Check dimensionality
if signal.ndim != 2:
- raise ValueError('Sound data must have one or two dimensions, got %s.'
- % (signal.ndim,))
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Sound data must have one or two dimensions, got %s." % (signal.ndim,)
+ )
# Return data with correct dimensions
if n_channels == 2 and signal.shape[0] == 1:
signal = np.tile(signal, (n_channels, 1))
if signal.shape[0] != n_channels:
- raise ValueError('signal channel count %d did not match required '
- 'channel count %d' % (signal.shape[0], n_channels))
+ raise ValueError(
+ "signal channel count %d did not match required "
+ "channel count %d" % (signal.shape[0], n_channels)
+ )
return signal
def _sanitize(text_like):
- """Cast as string, encode as UTF-8 and sanitize any escape characters.
- """
- return text_type(text_like).encode('unicode_escape').decode('utf-8')
+ """Cast as string, encode as UTF-8 and sanitize any escape characters."""
+ return str(text_like).encode("unicode_escape").decode("utf-8")
def _sort_keys(x):
@@ -855,7 +879,7 @@ def _sort_keys(x):
return keys
-def object_diff(a, b, pre=''):
+def object_diff(a, b, pre=""):
"""Compute all differences between two python variables
@@ -877,72 +901,76 @@ def object_diff(a, b, pre=''):
Taken from mne-python with permission.
- out = ''
+ out = ""
if type(a) != type(b):
- out += pre + ' type mismatch (%s, %s)\n' % (type(a), type(b))
+ out += pre + " type mismatch (%s, %s)\n" % (type(a), type(b))
elif isinstance(a, dict):
k1s = _sort_keys(a)
k2s = _sort_keys(b)
m1 = set(k2s) - set(k1s)
if len(m1):
- out += pre + ' x1 missing keys %s\n' % (m1)
+ out += pre + " x1 missing keys %s\n" % (m1)
for key in k1s:
if key not in k2s:
- out += pre + ' x2 missing key %s\n' % key
+ out += pre + " x2 missing key %s\n" % key
- out += object_diff(a[key], b[key], pre + 'd1[%s]' % repr(key))
+ out += object_diff(a[key], b[key], pre + "d1[%s]" % repr(key))
elif isinstance(a, (list, tuple)):
if len(a) != len(b):
- out += pre + ' length mismatch (%s, %s)\n' % (len(a), len(b))
+ out += pre + " length mismatch (%s, %s)\n" % (len(a), len(b))
for xx1, xx2 in zip(a, b):
- out += object_diff(xx1, xx2, pre='')
- elif isinstance(a, (string_types, int, float, bytes)):
+ out += object_diff(xx1, xx2, pre="")
+ elif isinstance(a, (str, int, float, bytes)):
if a != b:
- out += pre + ' value mismatch (%s, %s)\n' % (a, b)
+ out += pre + " value mismatch (%s, %s)\n" % (a, b)
elif a is None:
if b is not None:
- out += pre + ' a is None, b is not (%s)\n' % (b)
+ out += pre + " a is None, b is not (%s)\n" % (b)
elif isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
if not np.array_equal(a, b):
- out += pre + ' array mismatch\n'
+ out += pre + " array mismatch\n"
- raise RuntimeError(pre + ': unsupported type %s (%s)' % (type(a), a))
+ raise RuntimeError(pre + ": unsupported type %s (%s)" % (type(a), a))
return out
def _check_skip_backend(backend):
- from expyfun._sound_controllers import _import_backend
import pytest
+ from expyfun._sound_controllers import _import_backend
if isinstance(backend, dict): # actually an AC
- backend = backend['SOUND_CARD_BACKEND']
+ backend = backend["SOUND_CARD_BACKEND"]
except Exception as exc:
- pytest.skip('Skipping test for backend %s: %s' % (backend, exc))
+ pytest.skip("Skipping test for backend %s: %s" % (backend, exc))
def _check_params(params, keys, defaults, name):
if not isinstance(params, dict):
- raise TypeError('{0} must be a dict, got type {1}'
- .format(name, type(params)))
+ raise TypeError(f"{name} must be a dict, got type {type(params)}")
params = deepcopy(params)
if not isinstance(params, dict):
- raise TypeError('{0} must be a dict, got {1}'
- .format(name, type(params)))
+ raise TypeError(f"{name} must be a dict, got {type(params)}")
# Set sensible defaults for values that are not passed
for k in keys:
params[k] = params.get(k, get_config(k, defaults.get(k, None)))
# Check keys
for k in params.keys():
if k not in keys:
- raise KeyError('Unrecognized key in {0}["{1}"], must be '
- 'one of {2}'.format(name, k, ', '.join(keys)))
+ raise KeyError(
+ 'Unrecognized key in {0}["{1}"], must be ' "one of {2}".format(
+ name, k, ", ".join(keys)
+ )
+ )
return params
def _get_display():
import pyglet
display = pyglet.canvas.get_display()
except AttributeError: # < 1.4
@@ -952,9 +980,6 @@ def _get_display():
# Adapted from MNE-Python
def _compare_version(version_a, operator, version_b):
- try:
- from pkg_resources import parse_version as parse # noqa
- except ImportError:
- from distutils.version import LooseVersion as parse # noqa
+ from packaging.version import parse # noqa
return eval(f'parse("{version_a}") {operator} parse("{version_b}")')
diff --git a/expyfun/_version.py b/expyfun/_version.py
index 8933c937..9fc20a7e 100644
--- a/expyfun/_version.py
+++ b/expyfun/_version.py
@@ -1 +1 @@
-__version__ = '2.0.0.dev0'
+__version__ = "2.0.0.dev0"
diff --git a/expyfun/analyze/__init__.py b/expyfun/analyze/__init__.py
index c5edef1d..87792884 100644
--- a/expyfun/analyze/__init__.py
+++ b/expyfun/analyze/__init__.py
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from ._analyze import (dprime, logit, sigmoid, fit_sigmoid,
- rt_chisq, press_times_to_hmfc)
+from ._analyze import dprime, logit, sigmoid, fit_sigmoid, rt_chisq, press_times_to_hmfc
from ._viz import barplot, box_off, plot_screen, format_pval
from ._recon import restore_values
diff --git a/expyfun/analyze/_analyze.py b/expyfun/analyze/_analyze.py
index f8119d29..defac1dc 100644
--- a/expyfun/analyze/_analyze.py
+++ b/expyfun/analyze/_analyze.py
@@ -1,19 +1,14 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-"""Analysis functions (mostly for psychophysics data).
+"""Analysis functions (mostly for psychophysics data)."""
-from collections import namedtuple
import warnings
+from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as ss
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
-from .._utils import string_types
-def press_times_to_hmfc(presses, targets, foils, tmin, tmax,
- return_type='counts'):
+def press_times_to_hmfc(presses, targets, foils, tmin, tmax, return_type="counts"):
"""Convert press times to hits/misses/FA/CR and reaction times
@@ -58,15 +53,15 @@ def press_times_to_hmfc(presses, targets, foils, tmin, tmax,
press by this function. However, there is no such de-bouncing of responses
to "other" times.
- known_types = ['counts', 'rts']
- if isinstance(return_type, string_types):
+ known_types = ["counts", "rts"]
+ if isinstance(return_type, str):
singleton = True
return_type = [return_type]
singleton = False
for r in return_type:
- if not isinstance(r, string_types) or r not in known_types:
- raise ValueError('r must be one of %s, got %s' % (known_types, r))
+ if not isinstance(r, str) or r not in known_types:
+ raise ValueError("r must be one of %s, got %s" % (known_types, r))
# Sanity check that targets and foils don't overlap (due to tmin/tmax)
targets = np.atleast_1d(targets)
foils = np.atleast_1d(foils)
@@ -77,7 +72,7 @@ def press_times_to_hmfc(presses, targets, foils, tmin, tmax,
order = np.argsort(stim_times)
stim_times = stim_times[order]
if not np.all(stim_times[:-1] + tmax <= stim_times[1:] + tmin):
- raise ValueError('Analysis windows for targets and foils overlap')
+ raise ValueError("Analysis windows for targets and foils overlap")
# figure out what targ/mask times our presses correspond to
press_to_stim = np.searchsorted(stim_times, presses - tmin) - 1
if len(press_to_stim) > 0:
@@ -88,8 +83,7 @@ def press_times_to_hmfc(presses, targets, foils, tmin, tmax,
assert (stim_times <= presses).all()
# figure out which presses were valid (to target or masker)
- valid_mask = ((presses >= stim_times + tmin) &
- (presses <= stim_times + tmax))
+ valid_mask = (presses >= stim_times + tmin) & (presses <= stim_times + tmax)
n_other = np.sum(~valid_mask)
press_to_stim = press_to_stim[valid_mask]
presses = presses[valid_mask]
@@ -105,14 +99,16 @@ def press_times_to_hmfc(presses, targets, foils, tmin, tmax,
del used_map_idx
# figure out which valid presses were to target or masker
- target_mask = (order <= len(targets))
+ target_mask = order <= len(targets)
n_hit = np.sum(target_mask)
n_fa = len(target_mask) - n_hit
n_miss = len(targets) - n_hit
n_cr = len(foils) - n_fa
- outs = dict(counts=(n_hit, n_miss, n_fa, n_cr, n_other),
- rts=(diffs[target_mask], diffs[~target_mask]))
- assert outs['counts'][:4:2] == tuple(map(len, outs['rts']))
+ outs = dict(
+ counts=(n_hit, n_miss, n_fa, n_cr, n_other),
+ rts=(diffs[target_mask], diffs[~target_mask]),
+ )
+ assert outs["counts"][:4:2] == tuple(map(len, outs["rts"]))
outs = tuple(outs[r] for r in return_type)
if singleton:
outs = outs[0]
@@ -141,7 +137,7 @@ def logit(prop, max_events=None):
prop = np.atleast_1d(prop).astype(float)
if np.any([prop > 1, prop < 0]):
- raise ValueError('Proportions must be in the range [0, 1].')
+ raise ValueError("Proportions must be in the range [0, 1].")
if max_events is not None:
# add equivalent of half an event to 0s, and subtract same from 1s
max_events = np.atleast_1d(max_events) * np.ones_like(prop)
@@ -150,10 +146,10 @@ def logit(prop, max_events=None):
prop[loc] = corr_factor[loc]
for loc in zip(*np.where(prop == 1)):
prop[loc] = 1 - corr_factor[loc]
- return np.log(prop / (1. - prop))
+ return np.log(prop / (1.0 - prop))
-def sigmoid(x, lower=0., upper=1., midpt=0., slope=1.):
+def sigmoid(x, lower=0.0, upper=1.0, midpt=0.0, slope=1.0):
"""Calculate sigmoidal values along the x-axis
@@ -213,23 +209,21 @@ def fit_sigmoid(x, y, p0=None, fixed=()):
# Initial estimates
x = np.asarray(x)
y = np.asarray(y)
- k = 2 * 4. / (np.max(x) - np.min(x))
+ k = 2 * 4.0 / (np.max(x) - np.min(x))
if p0 is None:
p0 = [None] * 4
p0 = list(p0)
- for ii, p in enumerate([np.min(y), np.max(y),
- np.mean([np.max(x), np.min(x)]), k]):
+ for ii, p in enumerate([np.min(y), np.max(y), np.mean([np.max(x), np.min(x)]), k]):
p0[ii] = p if p0[ii] is None else p0[ii]
p0 = np.array(p0, dtype=np.float64)
if p0.size != 4 or p0.ndim != 1:
- raise ValueError('p0 must have 4 elements, or be None')
+ raise ValueError("p0 must have 4 elements, or be None")
# Fixing values
- p_types = ('lower', 'upper', 'midpt', 'slope')
+ p_types = ("lower", "upper", "midpt", "slope")
for f in fixed:
if f not in p_types:
- raise ValueError('fixed {0} not in parameter list {1}'
- ''.format(f, p_types))
+ raise ValueError(f"fixed {f} not in parameter list {p_types}" "")
fixed = np.array([(True if f in fixed else False) for f in p_types], bool)
kwargs = dict()
@@ -243,7 +237,7 @@ def fit_sigmoid(x, y, p0=None, fixed=()):
p0 = p0[idx]
if len(idx) == 0:
- raise RuntimeError('cannot fit with all fixed values')
+ raise RuntimeError("cannot fit with all fixed values")
def wrapper(*args):
assert len(args) == len(keys) + 1
@@ -255,7 +249,7 @@ def wrapper(*args):
assert len(idx) == len(out)
for ii, o in zip(idx, out):
kwargs[p_types[ii]] = o
- return namedtuple('params', p_types)(**kwargs)
+ return namedtuple("params", p_types)(**kwargs)
def rt_chisq(x, axis=None, warn=True):
@@ -294,30 +288,29 @@ def rt_chisq(x, axis=None, warn=True):
x = np.asarray(x)
if np.any(np.less(x, 0)): # save the user some pain
- raise ValueError('x cannot have negative values')
+ raise ValueError("x cannot have negative values")
if axis is None:
df, _, scale = ss.chi2.fit(x, floc=0)
def fit(x):
return np.array(ss.chi2.fit(x, floc=0))
params = np.apply_along_axis(fit, axis=axis, arr=x) # df, loc, scale
- pmut = np.concatenate((np.atleast_1d(axis),
- np.delete(np.arange(x.ndim), axis)))
+ pmut = np.concatenate((np.atleast_1d(axis), np.delete(np.arange(x.ndim), axis)))
df = np.transpose(params, pmut)[0]
scale = np.transpose(params, pmut)[2]
quartiles = np.percentile(x, (25, 75))
whiskers = quartiles + np.array((-1.5, 1.5)) * np.diff(quartiles)
- n_bad = np.sum(np.logical_or(np.less(x, whiskers[0]),
- np.greater(x, whiskers[1])))
+ n_bad = np.sum(np.logical_or(np.less(x, whiskers[0]), np.greater(x, whiskers[1])))
if n_bad > 0 and warn:
- warnings.warn('{0} likely bad values in x (of {1})'
- ''.format(n_bad, x.size))
+ warnings.warn(f"{n_bad} likely bad values in x (of {x.size})" "")
peak = np.maximum(0, (df - 2)) * scale
return peak
def dprime(hmfc, zero_correction=True, return_bias=False, two_interval=False):
- u"""Estimate d′ and bias.
+ """Estimate d′ and bias.
@@ -366,13 +359,11 @@ def dprime(hmfc, zero_correction=True, return_bias=False, two_interval=False):
hmfc = _check_dprime_inputs(hmfc)
a = 0.5 if zero_correction else 0.0
- z_hr = ss.norm.ppf((hmfc[..., 0] + a) /
- (hmfc[..., 0] + hmfc[..., 1] + 2 * a))
- z_fr = ss.norm.ppf((hmfc[..., 2] + a) /
- (hmfc[..., 2] + hmfc[..., 3] + 2 * a))
- cf = 1. / np.sqrt(2) if two_interval else 1.
+ z_hr = ss.norm.ppf((hmfc[..., 0] + a) / (hmfc[..., 0] + hmfc[..., 1] + 2 * a))
+ z_fr = ss.norm.ppf((hmfc[..., 2] + a) / (hmfc[..., 2] + hmfc[..., 3] + 2 * a))
+ cf = 1.0 / np.sqrt(2) if two_interval else 1.0
dp = cf * (z_hr - z_fr)
- bias = (z_hr + z_fr) / -2.
+ bias = (z_hr + z_fr) / -2.0
return (dp, bias) if return_bias else dp
@@ -386,10 +377,13 @@ def _check_dprime_inputs(hmfc):
hmfc = np.asarray(hmfc)
if hmfc.shape[-1] != 4:
- raise ValueError('Array must have last dimension 4')
+ raise ValueError("Array must have last dimension 4")
if hmfc.dtype not in (np.int64, np.int32):
- warnings.warn('Argument (%s) to dprime() cast to np.int64; floating '
- 'point values will have been truncated.' % hmfc.dtype,
- RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=3)
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Argument (%s) to dprime() cast to np.int64; floating "
+ "point values will have been truncated." % hmfc.dtype,
+ RuntimeWarning,
+ stacklevel=3,
+ )
hmfc = hmfc.astype(np.int64)
return hmfc
diff --git a/expyfun/analyze/_recon.py b/expyfun/analyze/_recon.py
index e49cc2de..12afc1c6 100644
--- a/expyfun/analyze/_recon.py
+++ b/expyfun/analyze/_recon.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-"""Functions for fixing data.
+"""Functions for fixing data."""
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
@@ -36,8 +35,10 @@ def restore_values(correct, other, idx):
correct = np.array(correct, np.float64)
other = np.array(other, np.float64)
if correct.ndim != 1 or other.ndim != 1 or other.size > correct.size:
- raise RuntimeError('correct and other must be 1D, and correct must '
- 'be at least as long as other')
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "correct and other must be 1D, and correct must "
+ "be at least as long as other"
+ )
keep = np.ones(len(correct), bool)
for ii in idx:
keep[ii] = False
@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ def restore_values(correct, other, idx):
X = np.dot(X, other)
test = np.dot(np.array((np.ones_like(use), use)).T, X)
if not np.allclose(other, test): # validate fit
- raise RuntimeError('data could not be fit')
+ raise RuntimeError("data could not be fit")
miss = correct[replace]
vals = np.dot(np.array((np.ones_like(miss), miss)).T, X)
out = np.zeros(len(correct), np.float64)
diff --git a/expyfun/analyze/_viz.py b/expyfun/analyze/_viz.py
index c83ee779..5bac4dd1 100644
--- a/expyfun/analyze/_viz.py
+++ b/expyfun/analyze/_viz.py
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
-"""Analysis visualization functions
+"""Analysis visualization functions"""
-import numpy as np
from itertools import chain
-from .._utils import string_types
+import numpy as np
-def format_pval(pval, latex=True, scheme='default'):
+def format_pval(pval, latex=True, scheme="default"):
"""Format a p-value using one of several schemes.
@@ -36,38 +34,42 @@ def format_pval(pval, latex=True, scheme='default'):
expon = np.trunc(np.log10(pval)).astype(int) # exponents
pv = np.zeros_like(pval, dtype=object)
if latex:
- wrap = '$'
- brk_l = '{{'
- brk_r = '}}'
+ wrap = "$"
+ brk_l = "{{"
+ brk_r = "}}"
- wrap = ''
- brk_l = ''
- brk_r = ''
- if scheme == 'ross': # (exact value up to 4 decimal places)
- pv[pval >= 0.0001] = [wrap + 'p = {:.4f}'.format(x) + wrap
- for x in pval[pval > 0.0001]]
- pv[pval < 0.0001] = [wrap + 'p < 10^' + brk_l + '{}'.format(x) +
- brk_r + wrap for x in expon[pval < 0.0001]]
- elif scheme == 'stars':
- star = '{*}' if latex else '*'
- pv[pval >= 0.05] = wrap + '' + wrap
+ wrap = ""
+ brk_l = ""
+ brk_r = ""
+ if scheme == "ross": # (exact value up to 4 decimal places)
+ pv[pval >= 0.0001] = [wrap + f"p = {x:.4f}" + wrap for x in pval[pval > 0.0001]]
+ pv[pval < 0.0001] = [
+ wrap + "p < 10^" + brk_l + f"{x}" + brk_r + wrap
+ for x in expon[pval < 0.0001]
+ ]
+ elif scheme == "stars":
+ star = "{*}" if latex else "*"
+ pv[pval >= 0.05] = wrap + "" + wrap
pv[pval < 0.05] = wrap + star + wrap
pv[pval < 0.01] = wrap + star * 2 + wrap
pv[pval < 0.001] = wrap + star * 3 + wrap
else: # scheme == 'default'
- pv[pval >= 0.05] = wrap + 'n.s.' + wrap
- pv[pval < 0.05] = wrap + 'p < 0.05' + wrap
- pv[pval < 0.01] = wrap + 'p < 0.01' + wrap
- pv[pval < 0.001] = wrap + 'p < 0.001' + wrap
- pv[pval < 0.0001] = [wrap + 'p < 10^' + brk_l + '{}'.format(x) +
- brk_r + wrap for x in expon[pval < 0.0001]]
+ pv[pval >= 0.05] = wrap + "n.s." + wrap
+ pv[pval < 0.05] = wrap + "p < 0.05" + wrap
+ pv[pval < 0.01] = wrap + "p < 0.01" + wrap
+ pv[pval < 0.001] = wrap + "p < 0.001" + wrap
+ pv[pval < 0.0001] = [
+ wrap + "p < 10^" + brk_l + f"{x}" + brk_r + wrap
+ for x in expon[pval < 0.0001]
+ ]
if single_value:
pv = pv[0]
- return(pv)
+ return pv
def _instantiate(obj, typ):
- """Returns obj if obj is not None, else returns new instance of typ
+ """Return obj if obj is not None, else returns new instance of typ.
obj : an object
An object (most likely one that a user passed into a function) that,
if ``None``, should be initiated as an empty object of some other type.
@@ -77,13 +79,31 @@ def _instantiate(obj, typ):
return typ() if obj is None else obj
-def barplot(h, axis=-1, ylim=None, err_bars=None, lines=False,
- groups=None, eq_group_widths=False, gap_size=0.2,
- brackets=None, bracket_text=None, bracket_inline=False,
- bracket_group_lines=False, bar_names=None, group_names=None,
- bar_kwargs=None, err_kwargs=None, line_kwargs=None,
- bracket_kwargs=None, pval_kwargs=None, figure_kwargs=None,
- smart_defaults=True, fname=None, ax=None):
+def barplot(
+ h,
+ axis=-1,
+ ylim=None,
+ err_bars=None,
+ lines=False,
+ groups=None,
+ eq_group_widths=False,
+ gap_size=0.2,
+ brackets=None,
+ bracket_text=None,
+ bracket_inline=False,
+ bracket_group_lines=False,
+ bar_names=None,
+ group_names=None,
+ bar_kwargs=None,
+ err_kwargs=None,
+ line_kwargs=None,
+ bracket_kwargs=None,
+ pval_kwargs=None,
+ figure_kwargs=None,
+ smart_defaults=True,
+ fname=None,
+ ax=None,
"""Makes barplots w/ optional line overlays, grouping, & signif. brackets.
@@ -198,7 +218,9 @@ def barplot(h, axis=-1, ylim=None, err_bars=None, lines=False,
bracket color: dark gray (30%)
- from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, rcParams
+ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+ from matplotlib import rcParams
from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame
except Exception:
@@ -210,24 +232,26 @@ def barplot(h, axis=-1, ylim=None, err_bars=None, lines=False,
bar_names = h.columns.tolist() if axis == 0 else h.index.tolist()
# check arg errors
if gap_size < 0 or gap_size >= 1:
- raise ValueError('Barplot argument "gap_size" must be in the range '
- '[0, 1).')
+ raise ValueError('Barplot argument "gap_size" must be in the range ' "[0, 1).")
if err_bars is not None:
- if isinstance(err_bars, string_types) and \
- err_bars not in ['sd', 'se', 'ci']:
- raise ValueError('err_bars must be "sd", "se", or "ci" (or an '
- 'array of error bar magnitudes).')
+ if isinstance(err_bars, str) and err_bars not in ["sd", "se", "ci"]:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'err_bars must be "sd", "se", or "ci" (or an '
+ "array of error bar magnitudes)."
+ )
if brackets is not None:
if any([len(x) != 2 for x in brackets]):
- raise ValueError('Each top-level element of brackets must have '
- 'length 2.')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Each top-level element of brackets must have " "length 2."
+ )
if not len(brackets) == len(bracket_text):
- raise ValueError('Mismatch between number of brackets and bracket '
- 'labels.')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Mismatch between number of brackets and bracket " "labels."
+ )
# handle single-element args
- if isinstance(bracket_text, string_types):
+ if isinstance(bracket_text, str):
bracket_text = [bracket_text]
- if isinstance(group_names, string_types):
+ if isinstance(group_names, str):
group_names = [group_names]
# arg defaults: if arg is None, instantiate as given type
brackets = _instantiate(brackets, list)
@@ -239,20 +263,20 @@ def barplot(h, axis=-1, ylim=None, err_bars=None, lines=False,
bracket_kwargs = _instantiate(bracket_kwargs, dict)
# user-supplied Axes
if ax is not None:
- bar_kwargs['axes'] = ax
+ bar_kwargs["axes"] = ax
# smart defaults
if smart_defaults:
- if 'color' not in bar_kwargs.keys():
- bar_kwargs['color'] = '0.7'
- if 'color' not in line_kwargs.keys():
- line_kwargs['color'] = 'k'
- if 'ecolor' not in err_kwargs.keys():
- err_kwargs['ecolor'] = 'k'
- if 'color' not in bracket_kwargs.keys():
- bracket_kwargs['color'] = '0.3'
+ if "color" not in bar_kwargs.keys():
+ bar_kwargs["color"] = "0.7"
+ if "color" not in line_kwargs.keys():
+ line_kwargs["color"] = "k"
+ if "ecolor" not in err_kwargs.keys():
+ err_kwargs["ecolor"] = "k"
+ if "color" not in bracket_kwargs.keys():
+ bracket_kwargs["color"] = "0.3"
# fix bar alignment (defaults to 'center' in more recent versions of MPL)
- if 'align' not in bar_kwargs.keys():
- bar_kwargs['align'] = 'edge'
+ if "align" not in bar_kwargs.keys():
+ bar_kwargs["align"] = "edge"
# parse heights
h = np.array(h)
if len(h.shape) > 2:
@@ -265,54 +289,61 @@ def barplot(h, axis=-1, ylim=None, err_bars=None, lines=False,
groups = [list(x) for x in groups] # forgive list/tuple mix-ups
# calculate bar positions
non_gap = 1 - gap_size
- offset = gap_size / 2.
+ offset = gap_size / 2.0
if eq_group_widths:
group_sizes = np.array([float(len(_grp)) for _grp in groups], int)
group_widths = [non_gap for _ in groups]
group_edges = [offset + _ix for _ix in range(len(groups))]
group_ixs = list(chain.from_iterable([range(x) for x in group_sizes]))
- bar_widths = np.repeat(np.array(group_widths) / group_sizes,
- group_sizes).tolist()
- bar_edges = (np.repeat(group_edges, group_sizes) +
- bar_widths * np.array(group_ixs)).tolist()
+ bar_widths = np.repeat(
+ np.array(group_widths) / group_sizes, group_sizes
+ ).tolist()
+ bar_edges = (
+ np.repeat(group_edges, group_sizes) + bar_widths * np.array(group_ixs)
+ ).tolist()
bar_widths = [[non_gap for _ in _grp] for _grp in groups]
# next line: offset + cumul. gap widths + cumul. bar widths
- bar_edges = [[offset + _ix * gap_size + _bar * non_gap
- for _bar in _grp] for _ix, _grp in enumerate(groups)]
+ bar_edges = [
+ [offset + _ix * gap_size + _bar * non_gap for _bar in _grp]
+ for _ix, _grp in enumerate(groups)
+ ]
group_widths = [np.sum(_width) for _width in bar_widths]
group_edges = [_edge[0] for _edge in bar_edges]
bar_edges = list(chain.from_iterable(bar_edges))
bar_widths = list(chain.from_iterable(bar_widths))
- bar_centers = np.array(bar_edges) + np.array(bar_widths) / 2.
- group_centers = np.array(group_edges) + np.array(group_widths) / 2.
+ bar_centers = np.array(bar_edges) + np.array(bar_widths) / 2.0
+ group_centers = np.array(group_edges) + np.array(group_widths) / 2.0
# calculate error bars
err = np.zeros(num_bars) # default if no err_bars
if err_bars is not None:
if h.ndim == 2:
- if err_bars == 'sd': # sample standard deviation
+ if err_bars == "sd": # sample standard deviation
err = h.std(axis)
- elif err_bars == 'se': # standard error
+ elif err_bars == "se": # standard error
err = h.std(axis) / np.sqrt(h.shape[axis])
else: # 95% conf int
err = 1.96 * h.std(axis) / np.sqrt(h.shape[axis])
else: # h.ndim == 1
- if isinstance(err_bars, string_types):
- raise ValueError('string arguments to "err_bars" ignored when '
- '"h" has fewer than 2 dimensions.')
+ if isinstance(err_bars, str):
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'string arguments to "err_bars" ignored when '
+ '"h" has fewer than 2 dimensions.'
+ )
elif not h.shape == np.array(err_bars).shape:
- raise ValueError('When "err_bars" is array-like it must have '
- 'the same shape as "h".')
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'When "err_bars" is array-like it must have '
+ 'the same shape as "h".'
+ )
err = np.atleast_1d(err_bars)
- bar_kwargs['yerr'] = err
+ bar_kwargs["yerr"] = err
# plot (bars and error bars)
if ax is None:
p = plt.subplot(111)
p = ax
- b = p.bar(bar_edges, heights, bar_widths, error_kw=err_kwargs,
- **bar_kwargs)
+ b = p.bar(bar_edges, heights, bar_widths, error_kw=err_kwargs, **bar_kwargs)
# plot within-subject lines
if lines:
_h = h if axis == 0 else h.T
@@ -326,41 +357,53 @@ def barplot(h, axis=-1, ylim=None, err_bars=None, lines=False,
brk_min_h = np.diff(p.get_ylim()) * 0.05
# temporarily plot a textbox to get its height
t = plt.annotate(bracket_text[0], (0, 0), **pval_kwargs)
- t.set_bbox(dict(boxstyle='round, pad=0.25'))
+ t.set_bbox(dict(boxstyle="round, pad=0.25"))
bb = t.get_bbox_patch().get_window_extent()
- txth = np.diff(p.transData.inverted().transform(bb),
- axis=0).ravel()[-1]
+ txth = np.diff(p.transData.inverted().transform(bb), axis=0).ravel()[-1]
if bracket_inline:
- txth = txth / 2.
+ txth = txth / 2.0
# find highest points
if lines and h.ndim == 2: # brackets must be above lines & error bars
- apex = np.amax(np.r_[np.atleast_2d(heights + err),
- np.atleast_2d(np.amax(h, axis))], axis=0)
+ apex = np.amax(
+ np.r_[np.atleast_2d(heights + err), np.atleast_2d(np.amax(h, axis))],
+ axis=0,
+ )
apex = np.atleast_1d(heights + err)
apex = np.maximum(apex, 0) # for negative-going bars
apex = apex + brk_offset
gr_apex = np.array([np.amax(apex[_g]) for _g in groups])
# boolean for whether each half of a bracket is a group
- is_group = [[hasattr(_b, 'append') for _b in _br] for _br in brackets]
+ is_group = [[hasattr(_b, "append") for _b in _br] for _br in brackets]
# bracket left & right coords
- brk_lr = [[group_centers[groups.index(_ix)] if _g
- else bar_centers[_ix] for _ix, _g in zip(_brk, _isg)]
- for _brk, _isg in zip(brackets, is_group)]
+ brk_lr = [
+ [
+ group_centers[groups.index(_ix)] if _g else bar_centers[_ix]
+ for _ix, _g in zip(_brk, _isg)
+ ]
+ for _brk, _isg in zip(brackets, is_group)
+ ]
# bracket L/R midpoints (label position)
brk_c = [np.mean(_lr) for _lr in brk_lr]
# bracket bottom coords (first pass)
- brk_b = [[gr_apex[groups.index(_ix)] if _g else apex[_ix]
- for _ix, _g in zip(_brk, _isg)]
- for _brk, _isg in zip(brackets, is_group)]
+ brk_b = [
+ [
+ gr_apex[groups.index(_ix)] if _g else apex[_ix]
+ for _ix, _g in zip(_brk, _isg)
+ ]
+ for _brk, _isg in zip(brackets, is_group)
+ ]
# main bracket positioning loop
brk_t = []
for _ix, (_brk, _isg) in enumerate(zip(brackets, is_group)):
# which bars does this bracket span?
- spanned_bars = list(chain.from_iterable(
- [_b if hasattr(_b, 'append') else [_b] for _b in _brk]))
+ spanned_bars = list(
+ chain.from_iterable(
+ [_b if hasattr(_b, "append") else [_b] for _b in _brk]
+ )
+ )
spanned_bars = range(min(spanned_bars), max(spanned_bars) + 1)
# raise apex a bit extra if prev bracket label centered on bar
prev_label_pos = brk_c[_ix - 1] if _ix else -1
@@ -375,41 +418,42 @@ def barplot(h, axis=-1, ylim=None, err_bars=None, lines=False,
apex[label_bar_more] += txth
gr_apex = np.array([np.amax(apex[_g]) for _g in groups])
# recalc lower tips of bracket: apex / gr_apex may have changed
- brk_b[_ix] = [gr_apex[groups.index(_b)] if _g else apex[_b]
- for _b, _g in zip(_brk, _isg)]
+ brk_b[_ix] = [
+ gr_apex[groups.index(_b)] if _g else apex[_b]
+ for _b, _g in zip(_brk, _isg)
+ ]
# calculate top span position
_min_t = max(apex[spanned_bars]) + brk_min_h
# raise apex on spanned bars to account for bracket
- apex[spanned_bars] = np.maximum(apex[spanned_bars],
- _min_t) + brk_offset
+ apex[spanned_bars] = np.maximum(apex[spanned_bars], _min_t) + brk_offset
gr_apex = np.array([np.amax(apex[_g]) for _g in groups])
# draw horz line spanning groups if desired
if bracket_group_lines:
for _brk, _isg, _blr in zip(brackets, is_group, brk_b):
for _bk, _g, _b in zip(_brk, _isg, _blr):
if _g:
- _lr = [bar_centers[_ix]
- for _ix in groups[groups.index(_bk)]]
+ _lr = [bar_centers[_ix] for _ix in groups[groups.index(_bk)]]
_lr = (min(_lr), max(_lr))
p.plot(_lr, (_b, _b), **bracket_kwargs)
# draw (left, right, bottom-left, bottom-right, top, center, string)
- for ((_l, _r), (_bl, _br), _t, _c, _s) in zip(brk_lr, brk_b, brk_t,
- brk_c, bracket_text):
+ for (_l, _r), (_bl, _br), _t, _c, _s in zip(
+ brk_lr, brk_b, brk_t, brk_c, bracket_text
+ ):
# bracket text
- _t = float(_t) # on newer Pandas it can be shape (1,)
- defaults = dict(ha='center', annotation_clip=False,
- textcoords='offset points')
+ _t = np.array(_t).item() # on newer Pandas it can be shape (1,)
+ defaults = dict(
+ ha="center", annotation_clip=False, textcoords="offset points"
+ )
for k, v in defaults.items():
if k not in pval_kwargs.keys():
pval_kwargs[k] = v
- if 'va' not in pval_kwargs.keys():
- pval_kwargs['va'] = 'center' if bracket_inline else 'baseline'
- if 'xytext' not in pval_kwargs.keys():
- pval_kwargs['xytext'] = (0, 0) if bracket_inline else (0, 2)
+ if "va" not in pval_kwargs.keys():
+ pval_kwargs["va"] = "center" if bracket_inline else "baseline"
+ if "xytext" not in pval_kwargs.keys():
+ pval_kwargs["xytext"] = (0, 0) if bracket_inline else (0, 2)
txt = p.annotate(_s, (_c, _t), **pval_kwargs)
- txt.set_bbox(dict(facecolor='w', alpha=0,
- boxstyle='round, pad=0.2'))
+ txt.set_bbox(dict(facecolor="w", alpha=0, boxstyle="round, pad=0.2"))
# bracket lines
lline = ((_l, _l), (_bl, _t))
@@ -417,10 +461,9 @@ def barplot(h, axis=-1, ylim=None, err_bars=None, lines=False,
tline = ((_l, _r), (_t, _t))
if bracket_inline:
bb = txt.get_bbox_patch().get_window_extent()
- txtw = np.diff(p.transData.inverted().transform(bb),
- axis=0).ravel()[0]
- _m = _c - txtw / 2.
- _n = _c + txtw / 2.
+ txtw = np.diff(p.transData.inverted().transform(bb), axis=0).ravel()[0]
+ _m = _c - txtw / 2.0
+ _n = _c + txtw / 2.0
tline = [((_l, _m), (_t, _t)), ((_n, _r), (_t, _t))]
tline = [((_l, _r), (_t, _t))]
@@ -432,17 +475,23 @@ def barplot(h, axis=-1, ylim=None, err_bars=None, lines=False,
p.set_ybound(ybnd[0], _t + txth)
# annotation
- p.tick_params(axis='x', length=0, pad=12)
+ p.tick_params(axis="x", length=0, pad=12)
if bar_names is not None:
- p.xaxis.set_ticklabels(bar_names, va='baseline')
+ p.xaxis.set_ticklabels(bar_names, va="baseline")
if group_names is not None:
ymin = ylim[0] if ylim is not None else p.get_ylim()[0]
- yoffset = -2.5 * rcParams['font.size']
+ yoffset = -2.5 * rcParams["font.size"]
for gn, gp in zip(group_names, group_centers):
- p.annotate(gn, xy=(gp, ymin), xytext=(0, yoffset),
- xycoords='data', textcoords='offset points',
- ha='center', va='baseline')
+ p.annotate(
+ gn,
+ xy=(gp, ymin),
+ xytext=(0, yoffset),
+ xycoords="data",
+ textcoords="offset points",
+ ha="center",
+ va="baseline",
+ )
# axis limits
p.set_xlim(0, bar_edges[-1] + bar_widths[-1] + gap_size / 2)
if ylim is not None:
@@ -450,6 +499,7 @@ def barplot(h, axis=-1, ylim=None, err_bars=None, lines=False,
# output file
if fname is not None:
from os.path import splitext
fmt = splitext(fname)[-1][1:]
plt.savefig(fname, format=fmt, transparent=True)
# return handles for subplot and barplot instances
@@ -467,10 +517,10 @@ def box_off(ax):
- ax.tick_params(axis='x', direction='out')
- ax.tick_params(axis='y', direction='out')
- ax.spines['right'].set_color('none')
- ax.spines['top'].set_color('none')
+ ax.tick_params(axis="x", direction="out")
+ ax.tick_params(axis="y", direction="out")
+ ax.spines["right"].set_color("none")
+ ax.spines["top"].set_color("none")
def plot_screen(screen, ax=None):
@@ -490,12 +540,13 @@ def plot_screen(screen, ax=None):
The axes used to plot the image.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
screen = np.array(screen)
if screen.ndim != 3 or screen.shape[2] not in [3, 4]:
- raise ValueError('screen must be a 3D array with 3 or 4 channels')
+ raise ValueError("screen must be a 3D array with 3 or 4 channels")
if ax is None:
ax = plt.axes([0, 0, 1, 1])
- ax.axis('off')
+ ax.axis("off")
return ax
diff --git a/expyfun/analyze/tests/test_analyze_functions.py b/expyfun/analyze/tests/test_analyze_functions.py
index 81cefb7a..f7db6345 100644
--- a/expyfun/analyze/tests/test_analyze_functions.py
+++ b/expyfun/analyze/tests/test_analyze_functions.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import pytest
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose, assert_array_equal
from scipy.special import logit as splogit
except ImportError:
@@ -18,10 +19,9 @@ def assert_rts_equal(actual, desired):
assert isinstance(desired, (list, tuple))
assert len(actual) == 2
assert len(desired) == 2
- kinds = ['hits', 'fas']
+ kinds = ["hits", "fas"]
for act, des, kind in zip(actual, desired, kinds):
- assert_allclose(act, des, atol=1e-7,
- err_msg='{0} mismatch'.format(kind))
+ assert_allclose(act, des, atol=1e-7, err_msg=f"{kind} mismatch")
def assert_hmfc(presses, targets, foils, hmfco, rts, tmin=0.1, tmax=0.6):
@@ -30,14 +30,16 @@ def assert_hmfc(presses, targets, foils, hmfco, rts, tmin=0.1, tmax=0.6):
assert_array_equal(out, hmfco)
out = ea.press_times_to_hmfc(presses, targets, foils, tmin, tmax)
assert_array_equal(out, hmfco)
- out = ea.press_times_to_hmfc(presses, targets, foils, tmin, tmax,
- return_type=['counts', 'rts'])
+ out = ea.press_times_to_hmfc(
+ presses, targets, foils, tmin, tmax, return_type=["counts", "rts"]
+ )
assert_array_equal(out[0][:4:2], list(map(len, out[1])))
assert_array_equal(out[0], hmfco)
assert_rts_equal(out[1], rts)
# reversing targets and foils
- out = ea.press_times_to_hmfc(presses, foils, targets, tmin, tmax,
- return_type=['counts', 'rts'])
+ out = ea.press_times_to_hmfc(
+ presses, foils, targets, tmin, tmax, return_type=["counts", "rts"]
+ )
assert_array_equal(out[0], np.array(hmfco)[[2, 3, 0, 1, 4]])
assert_rts_equal(out[1], rts[::-1])
@@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ def assert_hmfc(presses, targets, foils, hmfco, rts, tmin=0.1, tmax=0.6):
def test_presses_to_hmfc():
"""Test converting press times to HMFCO and RTs."""
# Simple example
- targets = [0., 1.]
+ targets = [0.0, 1.0]
foils = [0.5, 1.5]
presses = [0.1, 1.6] # presses right at tmin/tmax
@@ -76,8 +78,8 @@ def test_presses_to_hmfc():
# A complicated example: multiple preses to targ
targets = [0, 2, 3]
foils = [1, 4]
- tmin, tmax = 0., 0.5
- presses = [0.111, 0.2, 1.101, 1.3, 2.222, 2.333, 2.7, 5.]
+ tmin, tmax = 0.0, 0.5
+ presses = [0.111, 0.2, 1.101, 1.3, 2.222, 2.333, 2.7, 5.0]
hmfco = [2, 1, 1, 1, 2]
rts = [[0.111, 0.222], [0.101]]
assert_hmfc(presses, targets, foils, hmfco, rts)
@@ -95,35 +97,37 @@ def test_presses_to_hmfc():
# lots of presses
targets = [1, 2, 5, 6, 7]
foils = [0, 3, 4, 8]
- presses = [0.201, 2.101, 4.202, 5.102, 6.103, 10.]
+ presses = [0.201, 2.101, 4.202, 5.102, 6.103, 10.0]
hmfco = [3, 2, 2, 2, 1]
rts = [[0.101, 0.102, 0.103], [0.201, 0.202]]
assert_hmfc(presses, targets, foils, hmfco, rts)
# Bad inputs
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ea.press_times_to_hmfc,
- presses, targets, foils, tmin, 1.1)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ea.press_times_to_hmfc,
- presses, targets, foils, tmin, tmax, 'foo')
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError, ea.press_times_to_hmfc, presses, targets, foils, tmin, 1.1
+ )
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError, ea.press_times_to_hmfc, presses, targets, foils, tmin, tmax, "foo"
+ )
def test_dprime():
"""Test dprime accuracy."""
- with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='cast to'):
- pytest.raises(IndexError, ea.dprime, 'foo')
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ea.dprime, ['foo', 0, 0, 0])
- with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='truncated'):
+ with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match="cast to"):
+ pytest.raises(IndexError, ea.dprime, "foo")
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, ea.dprime, ["foo", 0, 0, 0])
+ with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match="truncated"):
ea.dprime((1.1, 0, 0, 0))
for resp, want in (
- ((1, 1, 1, 1), [0, 0]),
- ((1, 0, 0, 1), [1.34898, 0.]),
- ((0, 1, 0, 1), [0, 0.67449]),
- ((0, 0, 1, 1), [0, 0]),
- ((1, 0, 1, 0), [0, -0.67449]),
- ((0, 1, 1, 0), [-1.34898, 0.]),
- ((0, 1, 1, 0), [-1.34898, 0.])):
- assert_allclose(ea.dprime(resp, return_bias=True),
- want, atol=1e-5)
+ ((1, 1, 1, 1), [0, 0]),
+ ((1, 0, 0, 1), [1.34898, 0.0]),
+ ((0, 1, 0, 1), [0, 0.67449]),
+ ((0, 0, 1, 1), [0, 0]),
+ ((1, 0, 1, 0), [0, -0.67449]),
+ ((0, 1, 1, 0), [-1.34898, 0.0]),
+ ((0, 1, 1, 0), [-1.34898, 0.0]),
+ ):
+ assert_allclose(ea.dprime(resp, return_bias=True), want, atol=1e-5)
assert_allclose([np.inf, -np.inf], ea.dprime((1, 0, 2, 1), False, True))
pytest.raises(ValueError, ea.dprime, np.ones((5, 4, 3)))
pytest.raises(ValueError, ea.dprime, (1, 2, 3))
@@ -135,7 +139,7 @@ def test_logit():
"""Test logit calculations."""
pytest.raises(ValueError, ea.logit, 2)
# On some versions, this throws warnings about divide-by-zero
- with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
+ with np.errstate(divide="ignore"):
assert ea.logit(0) == -np.inf
assert ea.logit(1) == np.inf
assert ea.logit(1, max_events=1) < np.inf
@@ -156,14 +160,14 @@ def test_sigmoid():
"""Test sigmoidal fitting and generation."""
n_pts = 1000
x = np.random.RandomState(0).randn(n_pts)
- p0 = (0., 1., 0., 1.)
+ p0 = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
y = ea.sigmoid(x, *p0)
assert np.all(np.logical_and(y <= 1, y >= 0))
p = ea.fit_sigmoid(x, y)
assert_allclose(p, p0, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4)
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # scipy convergence
- warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
- p = ea.fit_sigmoid(x, y, (0, 1, None, None), ('upper', 'lower'))
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+ p = ea.fit_sigmoid(x, y, (0, 1, None, None), ("upper", "lower"))
assert_allclose(p, p0, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4)
y += np.random.rand(n_pts) * 0.01
@@ -175,13 +179,13 @@ def test_rt_chisq():
"""Test reaction time chi-square fitting."""
# 1D should return single float
foo = np.random.RandomState(0).rand(30)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ea.rt_chisq, foo - 1.)
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, ea.rt_chisq, foo - 1.0)
assert_equal(np.array(ea.rt_chisq(foo, warn=False)).shape, ())
# 2D should return array with shape of input but without ``axis`` dimension
foo = np.random.rand(30).reshape((2, 3, 5))
for axis in range(-1, foo.ndim):
bar = ea.rt_chisq(foo, axis=axis, warn=False)
assert_array_equal(np.delete(foo.shape, axis), np.array(bar.shape))
- foo_bad = np.concatenate((np.random.rand(30), [100.]))
- with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='likely bad'):
+ foo_bad = np.concatenate((np.random.rand(30), [100.0]))
+ with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="likely bad"):
bar = ea.rt_chisq(foo_bad)
diff --git a/expyfun/analyze/tests/test_recon.py b/expyfun/analyze/tests/test_recon.py
index e42187c9..35ae0c53 100644
--- a/expyfun/analyze/tests/test_recon.py
+++ b/expyfun/analyze/tests/test_recon.py
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
def test_restore():
- """Test restoring missing values
- """
+ """Test restoring missing values"""
n = 20
x = np.arange(n, dtype=float)
y = x * 10 - 1.5
@@ -14,7 +13,7 @@ def test_restore():
keep[[0, 4, -1]] = False
missing = np.where(~keep)[0]
keep = np.where(keep)[0]
- y = x[keep] * 10. - 1.5
+ y = x[keep] * 10.0 - 1.5
y2 = restore_values(x, y, missing)[0]
- x2 = (y2 + 1.5) / 10.
+ x2 = (y2 + 1.5) / 10.0
assert_allclose(x, x2, atol=1e-7)
diff --git a/expyfun/analyze/tests/test_viz.py b/expyfun/analyze/tests/test_viz.py
index 739a51e6..2bbbcaf5 100644
--- a/expyfun/analyze/tests/test_viz.py
+++ b/expyfun/analyze/tests/test_viz.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-import numpy as np
-from os import path as op
import warnings
+from os import path as op
+import numpy as np
import pytest
from numpy.testing import assert_equal
@@ -13,16 +13,19 @@
def _check_warnings(w):
"""Silly helper to deal with MPL deprecation warnings."""
- assert all(['expyfun' not in ww.filename for ww in w])
+ assert all(["expyfun" not in ww.filename for ww in w])
def test_barplot_with_pandas():
"""Test bar plot function pandas support."""
import pandas as pd
- tmp = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(20).reshape((4, 5)),
- columns=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'],
- index=['one', 'two', 'three', 'four'])
+ tmp = pd.DataFrame(
+ np.arange(20).reshape((4, 5)),
+ columns=["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"],
+ index=["one", "two", "three", "four"],
+ )
ea.barplot(tmp, axis=0, lines=True)
@@ -31,13 +34,14 @@ def test_barplot_with_pandas():
def tmp_err(): # noqa
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
tmp = np.ones(4) + rng.rand(4)
- err = 0.1 + tmp / 5.
+ err = 0.1 + tmp / 5.0
return tmp, err
def test_barplot_degenerate(tmp_err):
"""Test bar plot degenerate cases."""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
tmp, err = tmp_err
# too many data dimensions:
pytest.raises(ValueError, ea.barplot, np.arange(8).reshape((2, 2, 2)))
@@ -46,73 +50,111 @@ def test_barplot_degenerate(tmp_err):
# shape mismatch between data & error bars:
pytest.raises(ValueError, ea.barplot, tmp, err_bars=np.arange(3))
# bad err_bar string:
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ea.barplot, tmp, err_bars='foo')
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, ea.barplot, tmp, err_bars="foo")
# cannot calculate 'sd' error bars with only 1 value per bar:
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ea.barplot, tmp, err_bars='sd')
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, ea.barplot, tmp, err_bars="sd")
# mismatched lengths of brackets & bracket_text:
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ea.barplot, tmp, brackets=[(0, 1)],
- bracket_text=['foo', 'bar'])
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError, ea.barplot, tmp, brackets=[(0, 1)], bracket_text=["foo", "bar"]
+ )
# bad bracket spec:
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ea.barplot, tmp, brackets=[(1,)],
- bracket_text=['foo'])
- plt.close('all')
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, ea.barplot, tmp, brackets=[(1,)], bracket_text=["foo"])
+ plt.close("all")
def test_barplot_single(tmp_err):
"""Test with single data point and single error bar spec."""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
tmp, err = tmp_err
ea.barplot(2, err_bars=0.2)
- plt.close('all')
+ plt.close("all")
def test_barplot_single_spec(tmp_err):
"""Test with one data point per bar and user-specified err ranges."""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
tmp, err = tmp_err
_, axs = plt.subplots(1, 5, sharey=False)
- ea.barplot(tmp, err_bars=err, brackets=([2, 3], [0, 1]), ax=axs[0],
- bracket_text=['foo', 'bar'], bracket_inline=True)
- ea.barplot(tmp, err_bars=err, brackets=((0, 2), (1, 3)), ax=axs[1],
- bracket_text=['foo', 'bar'])
- ea.barplot(tmp, err_bars=err, brackets=[[2, 1], [0, 3]], ax=axs[2],
- bracket_text=['foo', 'bar'])
- ea.barplot(tmp, err_bars=err, brackets=[(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3)],
- bracket_text=['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], ax=axs[3])
- ea.barplot(tmp, err_bars=err, brackets=[(0, 1), (2, 3), (0, 2), (1, 3)],
- bracket_text=['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'snafu'], ax=axs[4])
- ea.barplot(tmp, groups=[[0, 1, 2], [3]], eq_group_widths=True,
- brackets=[(0, 1), (1, 2), ([0, 1, 2], 3)],
- bracket_text=['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
- bracket_group_lines=True)
- plt.close('all')
+ ea.barplot(
+ tmp,
+ err_bars=err,
+ brackets=([2, 3], [0, 1]),
+ ax=axs[0],
+ bracket_text=["foo", "bar"],
+ bracket_inline=True,
+ )
+ ea.barplot(
+ tmp,
+ err_bars=err,
+ brackets=((0, 2), (1, 3)),
+ ax=axs[1],
+ bracket_text=["foo", "bar"],
+ )
+ ea.barplot(
+ tmp,
+ err_bars=err,
+ brackets=[[2, 1], [0, 3]],
+ ax=axs[2],
+ bracket_text=["foo", "bar"],
+ )
+ ea.barplot(
+ tmp,
+ err_bars=err,
+ brackets=[(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3)],
+ bracket_text=["foo", "bar", "baz"],
+ ax=axs[3],
+ )
+ ea.barplot(
+ tmp,
+ err_bars=err,
+ brackets=[(0, 1), (2, 3), (0, 2), (1, 3)],
+ bracket_text=["foo", "bar", "baz", "snafu"],
+ ax=axs[4],
+ )
+ ea.barplot(
+ tmp,
+ groups=[[0, 1, 2], [3]],
+ eq_group_widths=True,
+ brackets=[(0, 1), (1, 2), ([0, 1, 2], 3)],
+ bracket_text=["foo", "bar", "baz"],
+ bracket_group_lines=True,
+ )
+ plt.close("all")
def test_barplot_multiple():
"""Test with multiple data points per bar and calculated ranges."""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
tmp = (rng.randn(20) + np.arange(20)).reshape((5, 4)) # 2-dim
_, axs = plt.subplots(1, 4, sharey=False)
- ea.barplot(tmp, lines=True, err_bars='sd', ax=axs[0], smart_defaults=False)
- ea.barplot(tmp, lines=True, err_bars='ci', ax=axs[1], axis=0)
- ea.barplot(tmp, lines=True, err_bars='se', ax=axs[2], ylim=(0, 30))
- ea.barplot(tmp, lines=True, err_bars='se', ax=axs[3],
- groups=[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4]], bracket_group_lines=True,
- brackets=[(0, 1), (1, 2), (3, 4), ([0, 1, 2], [3, 4])],
- bracket_text=['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'snafu'])
- extns = ['pdf'] # jpg, tif not supported; 'png', 'raw', 'svg' not tested
+ ea.barplot(tmp, lines=True, err_bars="sd", ax=axs[0], smart_defaults=False)
+ ea.barplot(tmp, lines=True, err_bars="ci", ax=axs[1], axis=0)
+ ea.barplot(tmp, lines=True, err_bars="se", ax=axs[2], ylim=(0, 30))
+ ea.barplot(
+ tmp,
+ lines=True,
+ err_bars="se",
+ ax=axs[3],
+ groups=[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4]],
+ bracket_group_lines=True,
+ brackets=[(0, 1), (1, 2), (3, 4), ([0, 1, 2], [3, 4])],
+ bracket_text=["foo", "bar", "baz", "snafu"],
+ )
+ extns = ["pdf"] # jpg, tif not supported; 'png', 'raw', 'svg' not tested
for ext in extns:
- fname = op.join(temp_dir, 'temp.' + ext)
+ fname = op.join(temp_dir, "temp." + ext)
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
- warnings.simplefilter('always')
- ea.barplot(tmp, groups=[[0, 1, 2], [3]], err_bars='sd', axis=0,
- fname=fname)
+ warnings.simplefilter("always")
+ ea.barplot(tmp, groups=[[0, 1, 2], [3]], err_bars="sd", axis=0, fname=fname)
- plt.close('all')
+ plt.close("all")
def test_plot_screen():
@@ -126,10 +168,10 @@ def test_plot_screen():
def test_format_pval():
"""Test p-value formatting."""
foo = ea.format_pval(1e-10, latex=False)
- bar = ea.format_pval(1e-10, scheme='ross')
+ bar = ea.format_pval(1e-10, scheme="ross")
baz = ea.format_pval([0.2, 0.02])
- qux = ea.format_pval(0.002, scheme='stars')
- assert_equal(foo, 'p < 10^-9')
- assert_equal(bar, '$p < 10^{{-9}}$')
- assert_equal(baz[0], '$n.s.$')
- assert_equal(qux, '${*}{*}$')
+ qux = ea.format_pval(0.002, scheme="stars")
+ assert_equal(foo, "p < 10^-9")
+ assert_equal(bar, "$p < 10^{{-9}}$")
+ assert_equal(baz[0], "$n.s.$")
+ assert_equal(qux, "${*}{*}$")
diff --git a/expyfun/codeblocks/__init__.py b/expyfun/codeblocks/__init__.py
index 6f3798e6..342c3d60 100644
--- a/expyfun/codeblocks/__init__.py
+++ b/expyfun/codeblocks/__init__.py
@@ -8,5 +8,4 @@
# Copyright (c) 2014, LABSN.
# Distributed under the (new) BSD License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.
-from ._pupillometry import (find_pupil_dynamic_range,
- find_pupil_tone_impulse_response)
+from ._pupillometry import find_pupil_dynamic_range, find_pupil_tone_impulse_response
diff --git a/expyfun/codeblocks/_pupillometry.py b/expyfun/codeblocks/_pupillometry.py
index 021094ec..fe2946a6 100644
--- a/expyfun/codeblocks/_pupillometry.py
+++ b/expyfun/codeblocks/_pupillometry.py
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-"""Analysis functions (mostly for psychophysics data).
+"""Analysis functions (mostly for psychophysics data)."""
import numpy as np
-from ..visual import FixationDot
-from ..analyze import sigmoid
from .._utils import logger, verbose_dec
+from ..analyze import sigmoid
from ..stimuli import window_edges
+from ..visual import FixationDot
def _check_pyeparse():
@@ -20,12 +19,13 @@ def _check_pyeparse():
def _load_raw(el, fname):
"""Helper to load some pupil data"""
import pyeparse
fname = el.transfer_remote_file(fname)
# Load and parse data
- logger.info('Pupillometry: Parsing local file "{0}"'.format(fname))
+ logger.info(f'Pupillometry: Parsing local file "{fname}"')
raw = pyeparse.RawEDF(fname)
- events = raw.find_events('SYNCTIME', 1)
+ events = raw.find_events("SYNCTIME", 1)
return raw, events
@@ -61,14 +61,17 @@ def find_pupil_dynamic_range(ec, el, prompt=True, verbose=None):
import pyeparse
if el.recording:
if prompt:
- ec.screen_prompt('We will now determine the dynamic '
- 'range of your pupil.\n\n'
- 'Press a button to continue.')
- levels = np.concatenate(([0.], 2 ** np.arange(8) / 255.))
+ ec.screen_prompt(
+ "We will now determine the dynamic "
+ "range of your pupil.\n\n"
+ "Press a button to continue."
+ )
+ levels = np.concatenate(([0.0], 2 ** np.arange(8) / 255.0))
fixs = levels + 0.2
n_rep = 2
# inter-rep interval (allow system to reset)
@@ -76,15 +79,14 @@ def find_pupil_dynamic_range(ec, el, prompt=True, verbose=None):
# amount of time between levels
settle_time = 3.0 if not el.dummy_mode else 0.3
fix = FixationDot(ec)
- fix.set_colors([fixs[0] * np.ones(3), 'k'])
- ec.set_background_color('k')
+ fix.set_colors([fixs[0] * np.ones(3), "k"])
+ ec.set_background_color("k")
for ri in range(n_rep):
for ii, (lev, fc) in enumerate(zip(levels, fixs)):
- ec.identify_trial(ec_id='FPDR_%02i' % (ii + 1),
- el_id=[ii + 1], ttl_id=())
+ ec.identify_trial(ec_id="FPDR_%02i" % (ii + 1), el_id=[ii + 1], ttl_id=())
bgcolor = np.ones(3) * lev
fcolor = np.ones(3) * fc
@@ -95,13 +97,12 @@ def find_pupil_dynamic_range(ec, el, prompt=True, verbose=None):
- ec.set_background_color('k')
- fix.set_colors([fixs[0] * np.ones(3), 'k'])
+ ec.set_background_color("k")
+ fix.set_colors([fixs[0] * np.ones(3), "k"])
el.stop() # stop the recording
- ec.screen_prompt('Processing data, please wait...', max_wait=0,
- clear_after=False)
+ ec.screen_prompt("Processing data, please wait...", max_wait=0, clear_after=False)
# now we need to parse the data
if el.dummy_mode:
@@ -115,17 +116,18 @@ def find_pupil_dynamic_range(ec, el, prompt=True, verbose=None):
epochs = pyeparse.Epochs(raw, events, 1, -0.5, settle_time)
assert len(epochs) == len(levels) * n_rep
idx = epochs.n_times // 2
- resp = np.median(epochs.get_data('ps')[:, idx:], 1)
+ resp = np.median(epochs.get_data("ps")[:, idx:], 1)
bgcolor = np.mean(resp.reshape((n_rep, len(levels))), 0)
idx = np.argmin(np.diff(bgcolor)) + 1
bgcolor = levels[idx] * np.ones(3)
fcolor = fixs[idx] * np.ones(3)
- logger.info('Pupillometry: optimal background color {0}'.format(bgcolor))
+ logger.info(f"Pupillometry: optimal background color {bgcolor}")
return bgcolor, fcolor, np.tile(levels, n_rep), resp
-def find_pupil_tone_impulse_response(ec, el, bgcolor, fcolor, prompt=True,
- verbose=None, targ_is_fm=True):
+def find_pupil_tone_impulse_response(
+ ec, el, bgcolor, fcolor, prompt=True, verbose=None, targ_is_fm=True
"""Find pupil impulse response using responses to tones
@@ -162,6 +164,7 @@ def find_pupil_tone_impulse_response(ec, el, bgcolor, fcolor, prompt=True,
import pyeparse
if el.recording:
@@ -175,14 +178,14 @@ def find_pupil_tone_impulse_response(ec, el, bgcolor, fcolor, prompt=True,
delay_range = np.array(delay_range)
targ_prop = 0.25
stim_dur = 100e-3
- f0 = 1000. # Hz
+ f0 = 1000.0 # Hz
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
isis = np.linspace(*delay_range, num=n_stimuli)
n_targs = int(targ_prop * n_stimuli)
targs = np.zeros(n_stimuli, bool)
targs[np.linspace(0, n_stimuli - 1, n_targs + 2)[1:-1].astype(int)] = True
- while(True): # ensure we randomize but don't start with a target
+ while True: # ensure we randomize but don't start with a target
idx = rng.permutation(np.arange(n_stimuli))
isis = isis[idx]
targs = targs[idx]
@@ -196,8 +199,9 @@ def find_pupil_tone_impulse_response(ec, el, bgcolor, fcolor, prompt=True,
n_samp = int(fs * stim_dur)
t = np.arange(n_samp).astype(float) / fs
steady = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f0 * t)
- wobble = np.sin(np.cumsum(f0 + 100 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * (1 / stim_dur) * t)
- ) / fs * 2 * np.pi)
+ wobble = np.sin(
+ np.cumsum(f0 + 100 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * (1 / stim_dur) * t)) / fs * 2 * np.pi
+ )
std_stim, dev_stim = (steady, wobble) if targ_is_fm else (wobble, steady)
std_stim = window_edges(std_stim * ec._stim_rms * np.sqrt(2), fs)
dev_stim = window_edges(dev_stim * ec._stim_rms * np.sqrt(2), fs)
@@ -207,17 +211,23 @@ def find_pupil_tone_impulse_response(ec, el, bgcolor, fcolor, prompt=True,
- targstr, tonestr = ('wobble', 'beep') if targ_is_fm else ('beep', 'wobble')
- instr = ('Remember to press the button as quickly as possible following '
- 'each "{}" sound.\n\nPress the response button to '
- 'continue.'.format(targstr))
+ targstr, tonestr = ("wobble", "beep") if targ_is_fm else ("beep", "wobble")
+ instr = (
+ "Remember to press the button as quickly as possible following "
+ f'each "{targstr}" sound.\n\nPress the response button to '
+ "continue."
+ )
if prompt:
- notes = [('We will now determine the response of your pupil to sound '
- 'changes.\n\nYour job is to press the response button '
- 'as quickly as possible when you hear a "{1}" instead '
- 'of a "{0}".\n\nPress a button to hear the "{0}".'
- ''.format(tonestr, targstr)),
- ('Now press a button to hear the "{}".'.format(targstr))]
+ notes = [
+ (
+ "We will now determine the response of your pupil to sound "
+ "changes.\n\nYour job is to press the response button "
+ f'as quickly as possible when you hear a "{targstr}" instead '
+ f'of a "{tonestr}".\n\nPress a button to hear the "{tonestr}".'
+ ""
+ ),
+ (f'Now press a button to hear the "{targstr}".'),
+ ]
for text, stim in zip(notes, (std_stim, dev_stim)):
@@ -235,10 +245,12 @@ def find_pupil_tone_impulse_response(ec, el, bgcolor, fcolor, prompt=True,
if ii in cal_stim:
if ii != 0:
- perc = round((100. * ii) / n_stimuli)
- ec.screen_prompt('Great work! You are {0}% done.\n\nFeel '
- 'free to take a break, then press the '
- 'button to continue.'.format(perc))
+ perc = round((100.0 * ii) / n_stimuli)
+ ec.screen_prompt(
+ f"Great work! You are {perc}% done.\n\nFeel "
+ "free to take a break, then press the "
+ "button to continue."
+ )
# let's put the initial color up to allow the system to settle
@@ -247,15 +259,15 @@ def find_pupil_tone_impulse_response(ec, el, bgcolor, fcolor, prompt=True,
ec.wait_secs(10.0) # let the pupil settle
ec.load_buffer(dev_stim if targ else std_stim)
- ec.identify_trial(ec_id='TONE_{0}'.format(int(targ)),
- el_id=[int(targ)], ttl_id=[int(targ)])
+ ec.identify_trial(
+ ec_id=f"TONE_{int(targ)}", el_id=[int(targ)], ttl_id=[int(targ)]
+ )
el.stop() # stop the recording
- ec.screen_prompt('Processing data, please wait...', max_wait=0,
- clear_after=False)
+ ec.screen_prompt("Processing data, please wait...", max_wait=0, clear_after=False)
flip_times = np.array(flip_times)
tmin = -0.5
@@ -275,8 +287,7 @@ def find_pupil_tone_impulse_response(ec, el, bgcolor, fcolor, prompt=True,
assert sum(len(event) for event in events) == n_stimuli
- epochs = pyeparse.Epochs(raws, events, 1,
- tmin=tmin, tmax=delay_range[0])
+ epochs = pyeparse.Epochs(raws, events, 1, tmin=tmin, tmax=delay_range[0])
response = epochs.pupil_zscores()
assert response.shape[0] == n_stimuli
std_err = np.std(response[~targs], axis=0)
diff --git a/expyfun/conftest.py b/expyfun/conftest.py
index 6fda1829..f2a38734 100644
--- a/expyfun/conftest.py
+++ b/expyfun/conftest.py
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Eric Larson
# License: BSD (3-clause)
import os
import pytest
-from expyfun._utils import _get_display
from expyfun._sound_controllers import _AUTO_BACKENDS
+from expyfun._utils import _get_display
# Unknown pytest problem with readline<->deprecated decorator
@@ -15,40 +16,43 @@
-@pytest.mark.timeout(0) # importing plt will build font cache, slow on Azure
def matplotlib_config():
"""Configure matplotlib for viz tests."""
import matplotlib
- matplotlib.use('agg') # don't pop up windows
+ matplotlib.use("agg") # don't pop up windows
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- assert plt.get_backend() == 'agg'
+ assert plt.get_backend() == "agg"
# overwrite some params that can horribly slow down tests that
# users might have changed locally (but should not otherwise affect
# functionality)
- plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 100
- os.environ['_EXPYFUN_WIN_INVISIBLE'] = 'true'
+ plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 100
+ os.environ["_EXPYFUN_WIN_INVISIBLE"] = "true"
def hide_window():
"""Hide the expyfun window."""
except Exception as exp:
- pytest.skip('Windowing unavailable (%s)' % exp)
+ pytest.skip("Windowing unavailable (%s)" % exp)
-_SOUND_CARD_ACS = tuple({'TYPE': 'sound_card', 'SOUND_CARD_BACKEND': backend}
- for backend in _AUTO_BACKENDS)
+_SOUND_CARD_ACS = tuple(
+ {"TYPE": "sound_card", "SOUND_CARD_BACKEND": backend} for backend in _AUTO_BACKENDS
for val in _SOUND_CARD_ACS:
- if val['SOUND_CARD_BACKEND'] == 'pyglet':
- val.update(SOUND_CARD_API=None, SOUND_CARD_NAME=None,
+ if val["SOUND_CARD_BACKEND"] == "pyglet":
+ val.update(
+ )
-@pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=('tdt',) + _SOUND_CARD_ACS)
+@pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=("tdt",) + _SOUND_CARD_ACS)
def ac(request):
"""Get the backend name."""
yield request.param
diff --git a/expyfun/io/__init__.py b/expyfun/io/__init__.py
index c655b909..ae3fe8e5 100644
--- a/expyfun/io/__init__.py
+++ b/expyfun/io/__init__.py
@@ -4,12 +4,10 @@
File reading and writing routines.
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from h5io import read_hdf5 as _read_hdf5, write_hdf5 as _write_hdf5
from ._wav import read_wav, write_wav
-from .._externals._h5io import (read_hdf5 as _read_hdf5,
- write_hdf5 as _write_hdf5)
-from ._parse import (read_tab, reconstruct_tracker,
- reconstruct_dealer, read_tab_raw)
+from ._parse import read_tab, reconstruct_tracker, reconstruct_dealer, read_tab_raw
def read_hdf5(fname):
@@ -29,7 +27,7 @@ def read_hdf5(fname):
- return _read_hdf5(fname, title='expyfun')
+ return _read_hdf5(fname, title="expyfun")
def write_hdf5(fname, data, overwrite=False, compression=4):
@@ -54,4 +52,4 @@ def write_hdf5(fname, data, overwrite=False, compression=4):
- return _write_hdf5(fname, data, overwrite, compression, title='expyfun')
+ return _write_hdf5(fname, data, overwrite, compression, title="expyfun")
diff --git a/expyfun/io/_parse.py b/expyfun/io/_parse.py
index 2729be71..ea8a0a8a 100644
--- a/expyfun/io/_parse.py
+++ b/expyfun/io/_parse.py
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-"""File parsing functions
+"""File parsing functions"""
import ast
-from collections import OrderedDict
import csv
import json
+from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
@@ -33,23 +31,21 @@ def read_tab_raw(fname, return_params=False):
- with open(fname, 'r') as f:
- csvr = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
+ with open(fname) as f:
+ csvr = csv.reader(f, delimiter="\t")
lines = [c for c in csvr]
# first two lines are headers
- assert len(lines[0]) == 1 and lines[0][0].startswith('# ')
+ assert len(lines[0]) == 1 and lines[0][0].startswith("# ")
if return_params:
line = lines[0][0][2:]
- params = json.loads(
- line, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
+ params = json.loads(line, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: # old format
- params = json.loads(
- line.replace("'", '"'), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
+ params = json.loads(line.replace("'", '"'), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
params = None
- assert lines[1] == ['timestamp', 'event', 'value']
+ assert lines[1] == ["timestamp", "event", "value"]
lines = lines[2:]
times = [float(line[0]) for line in lines]
@@ -59,8 +55,13 @@ def read_tab_raw(fname, return_params=False):
return (data, params) if return_params else data
-def read_tab(fname, group_start='trial_id', group_end='trial_ok',
- return_params=False, allow_last_missing=False):
+def read_tab(
+ fname,
+ group_start="trial_id",
+ group_end="trial_ok",
+ return_params=False,
+ allow_last_missing=False,
"""Read .tab file from expyfun output and segment into trials.
@@ -100,28 +101,24 @@ def read_tab(fname, group_start='trial_id', group_end='trial_ok',
header = list(set([line[1] for line in lines]))
if group_start not in header:
- raise ValueError('group_start "{0}" not in header: {1}'
- ''.format(group_start, header))
+ raise ValueError(f'group_start "{group_start}" not in header: {header}' "")
if group_end == group_start:
- raise ValueError('group_start cannot equal group_end, use '
- 'group_end=None')
+ raise ValueError("group_start cannot equal group_end, use " "group_end=None")
header = [header.pop(header.index(group_start))] + header
b1s = np.where([line[1] == group_start for line in lines])[0]
if group_end is None:
b2s = np.concatenate((b1s[1:], [len(lines)]))
else: # group_end is not None
if group_end not in header:
- raise ValueError('group_end "{0}" not in header ({1})'
- ''.format(group_end, header))
+ raise ValueError(f'group_end "{group_end}" not in header ({header})' "")
b2s = np.where([line[1] == group_end for line in lines])[0]
if len(b1s) == len(b2s) + 1 and allow_last_missing:
# old expyfun would sometimes not write the last trial_ok :(
b2s = np.concatenate([b2s, [len(lines)]])
- lines.append((lines[-1][0] + 0.1, group_end, 'None'))
+ lines.append((lines[-1][0] + 0.1, group_end, "None"))
if len(b1s) != len(b2s) or not np.all(b1s < b2s):
- raise RuntimeError('bad bounds in {0}:\n{1}\n{2}'
- .format(fname, b1s, b2s))
+ raise RuntimeError(f"bad bounds in {fname}:\n{b1s}\n{b2s}")
data = []
for b1, b2 in zip(b1s, b2s):
assert lines[b1][1] == group_start # prevent stupidity
@@ -155,40 +152,42 @@ def reconstruct_tracker(fname):
the generation of the file.) If only one tracker is found in the file,
it will still be stored in a list and will be accessible as ``tr[0]``.
- from ..stimuli import TrackerUD, TrackerBinom, TrackerMHW
+ from ..stimuli import TrackerBinom, TrackerMHW, TrackerUD
# read in raw data
raw = read_tab_raw(fname)
# find tracker_identify and make list of IDs
- tracker_idx = np.where([r[1] == 'tracker_identify' for r in raw])[0]
+ tracker_idx = np.where([r[1] == "tracker_identify" for r in raw])[0]
if len(tracker_idx) == 0:
- raise ValueError('There are no Trackers in this file.')
+ raise ValueError("There are no Trackers in this file.")
tr = []
used_dict_idx = [] # they can have repeat names!
used_stop_idx = []
for ii in tracker_idx:
- tracker_id = ast.literal_eval(raw[ii][2])['tracker_id']
- tracker_type = ast.literal_eval(raw[ii][2])['tracker_type']
+ tracker_id = ast.literal_eval(raw[ii][2])["tracker_id"]
+ tracker_type = ast.literal_eval(raw[ii][2])["tracker_type"]
# find tracker_ID_init lines and get dict
- init_str = 'tracker_' + str(tracker_id) + '_init'
+ init_str = "tracker_" + str(tracker_id) + "_init"
tracker_dict_idx = np.where([r[1] == init_str for r in raw])[0]
tracker_dict_idx = np.setdiff1d(tracker_dict_idx, used_dict_idx)
tracker_dict_idx = tracker_dict_idx[0]
tracker_dict = json.loads(raw[tracker_dict_idx][2])
- td = dict(TrackerUD=TrackerUD, TrackerBinom=TrackerBinom,
- TrackerMHW=TrackerMHW)
+ td = dict(TrackerUD=TrackerUD, TrackerBinom=TrackerBinom, TrackerMHW=TrackerMHW)
tr[-1]._tracker_id = tracker_id # make sure tracker has original ID
- stop_str = 'tracker_' + str(tracker_id) + '_stop'
+ stop_str = "tracker_" + str(tracker_id) + "_stop"
tracker_stop_idx = np.where([r[1] == stop_str for r in raw])[0]
tracker_stop_idx = np.setdiff1d(tracker_stop_idx, used_stop_idx)
if len(tracker_stop_idx) == 0:
- raise ValueError('Tracker {} has not stopped. All Trackers '
- 'must be stopped.'.format(tracker_id))
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Tracker {tracker_id} has not stopped. All Trackers "
+ "must be stopped."
+ )
tracker_stop_idx = tracker_stop_idx[0]
- responses = json.loads(raw[tracker_stop_idx][2])['responses']
+ responses = json.loads(raw[tracker_stop_idx][2])["responses"]
# feed in responses from tracker_ID_stop
for r in responses:
@@ -214,20 +213,20 @@ def reconstruct_dealer(fname):
still be stored in a list and will be assessible as ``td[0]``.
from ..stimuli import TrackerDealer
raw = read_tab_raw(fname)
# find info on dealer
- dealer_idx = np.where([r[1] == 'dealer_identify' for r in raw])[0]
+ dealer_idx = np.where([r[1] == "dealer_identify" for r in raw])[0]
if len(dealer_idx) == 0:
- raise ValueError('There are no TrackerDealers in this file.')
+ raise ValueError("There are no TrackerDealers in this file.")
dealer = []
for ii in dealer_idx:
- dealer_id = ast.literal_eval(raw[ii][2])['dealer_id']
- dealer_init_str = 'dealer_' + str(dealer_id) + '_init'
- dealer_dict_idx = np.where([r[1] == dealer_init_str
- for r in raw])[0][0]
+ dealer_id = ast.literal_eval(raw[ii][2])["dealer_id"]
+ dealer_init_str = "dealer_" + str(dealer_id) + "_init"
+ dealer_dict_idx = np.where([r[1] == dealer_init_str for r in raw])[0][0]
dealer_dict = ast.literal_eval(raw[dealer_dict_idx][2])
- dealer_trackers = dealer_dict['trackers']
+ dealer_trackers = dealer_dict["trackers"]
# match up tracker objects to id
trackers = reconstruct_tracker(fname)
@@ -237,22 +236,24 @@ def reconstruct_dealer(fname):
# make the dealer object
- max_lag = dealer_dict['max_lag']
- pace_rule = dealer_dict['pace_rule']
+ max_lag = dealer_dict["max_lag"]
+ pace_rule = dealer_dict["pace_rule"]
dealer.append(TrackerDealer(None, tr_objects, max_lag, pace_rule))
# force input responses/log data
- dealer_stop_str = 'dealer_' + str(dealer_id) + '_stop'
+ dealer_stop_str = "dealer_" + str(dealer_id) + "_stop"
dealer_stop_idx = np.where([r[1] == dealer_stop_str for r in raw])[0]
if len(dealer_stop_idx) == 0:
- raise ValueError('TrackerDealer {} has not stopped. All dealers '
- 'must be stopped.'.format(dealer_id))
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"TrackerDealer {dealer_id} has not stopped. All dealers "
+ "must be stopped."
+ )
dealer_stop_log = json.loads(raw[dealer_stop_idx[0]][2])
- shape = tuple(dealer_dict['shape'])
- log_response_history = dealer_stop_log['response_history']
- log_x_history = dealer_stop_log['x_history']
- log_tracker_history = dealer_stop_log['tracker_history']
+ shape = tuple(dealer_dict["shape"])
+ log_response_history = dealer_stop_log["response_history"]
+ log_x_history = dealer_stop_log["x_history"]
+ log_tracker_history = dealer_stop_log["tracker_history"]
dealer[-1]._shape = shape
dealer[-1]._trackers.shape = shape
diff --git a/expyfun/io/_wav.py b/expyfun/io/_wav.py
index e888a1e1..3daf2ef1 100644
--- a/expyfun/io/_wav.py
+++ b/expyfun/io/_wav.py
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-"""WAV file IO functions
+"""WAV file IO functions"""
+import warnings
+from os import path as op
import numpy as np
from scipy.io import wavfile
-from os import path as op
-import warnings
-from .._utils import verbose_dec, logger, _has_scipy_version
+from .._utils import _has_scipy_version, logger, verbose_dec
@@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ def read_wav(fname, verbose=None):
orig_dtype = data.dtype
max_val = _get_dtype_norm(orig_dtype)
data = np.ascontiguousarray(data.astype(np.float64) / max_val)
- _print_wav_info('Read', data, orig_dtype)
+ _print_wav_info("Read", data, orig_dtype)
return data, fs
@@ -61,26 +60,30 @@ def write_wav(fname, data, fs, dtype=np.int16, overwrite=False, verbose=None):
If not None, override default verbose level.
if not overwrite and op.isfile(fname):
- raise IOError('File {} exists, overwrite=True must be '
- 'used'.format(op.basename(fname)))
- if not np.dtype(type(fs)).kind == 'i':
+ raise OSError(
+ f"File {op.basename(fname)} exists, overwrite=True must be " "used"
+ )
+ if not np.dtype(type(fs)).kind == "i":
fs = int(fs)
- warnings.warn('Warning: sampling rate is being cast to integer and '
- 'may be truncated.')
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Warning: sampling rate is being cast to integer and " "may be truncated."
+ )
data = np.atleast_2d(data)
- if np.dtype(dtype).kind not in ['i', 'f']:
- raise TypeError('dtype must be integer or float')
- if np.dtype(dtype).kind == 'f':
- if not _has_scipy_version('0.13'):
- raise RuntimeError('cannot write float datatype unless '
- 'scipy >= 0.13 is installed')
+ if np.dtype(dtype).kind not in ["i", "f"]:
+ raise TypeError("dtype must be integer or float")
+ if np.dtype(dtype).kind == "f":
+ if not _has_scipy_version("0.13"):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "cannot write float datatype unless " "scipy >= 0.13 is installed"
+ )
elif np.dtype(dtype).itemsize == 8:
- raise RuntimeError('Writing 64-bit integers is not supported')
- if np.dtype(data.dtype).kind == 'f':
- if np.dtype(dtype).kind == 'i' and np.max(np.abs(data)) > 1.:
- raise ValueError('Data must be between -1 and +1 when saving '
- 'with an integer dtype')
- _print_wav_info('Writing', data, dtype)
+ raise RuntimeError("Writing 64-bit integers is not supported")
+ if np.dtype(data.dtype).kind == "f":
+ if np.dtype(dtype).kind == "i" and np.max(np.abs(data)) > 1.0:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Data must be between -1 and +1 when saving " "with an integer dtype"
+ )
+ _print_wav_info("Writing", data, dtype)
max_val = _get_dtype_norm(dtype)
data = (data * max_val).astype(dtype)
wavfile.write(fname, fs, data.T)
@@ -88,15 +91,16 @@ def write_wav(fname, data, fs, dtype=np.int16, overwrite=False, verbose=None):
def _print_wav_info(pre, data, dtype):
"""Helper to print WAV info"""
- logger.info('{0} WAV file with {1} channel{3} and {2} samples '
- '(format {4})'.format(pre, data.shape[0], data.shape[1],
- 's' if data.shape[0] != 1 else '',
- dtype))
+ logger.info(
+ "{0} WAV file with {1} channel{3} and {2} samples " "(format {4})".format(
+ pre, data.shape[0], data.shape[1], "s" if data.shape[0] != 1 else "", dtype
+ )
+ )
def _get_dtype_norm(dtype):
"""Helper to get normalization factor for a given datatype"""
- if np.dtype(dtype).kind == 'i':
+ if np.dtype(dtype).kind == "i":
info = np.iinfo(dtype)
maxval = min(-info.min, info.max)
else: # == 'f'
diff --git a/expyfun/io/tests/test_parse.py b/expyfun/io/tests/test_parse.py
index 6e9d519f..17f33ecd 100644
--- a/expyfun/io/tests/test_parse.py
+++ b/expyfun/io/tests/test_parse.py
@@ -3,71 +3,78 @@
from numpy.testing import assert_equal
from expyfun import ExperimentController, __version__
-from expyfun.io import read_tab, reconstruct_tracker, reconstruct_dealer
from expyfun._utils import _TempDir
-from expyfun.stimuli import TrackerUD, TrackerBinom, TrackerDealer
+from expyfun.io import read_tab, reconstruct_dealer, reconstruct_tracker
+from expyfun.stimuli import TrackerBinom, TrackerDealer, TrackerUD
temp_dir = _TempDir()
-std_args = ['test'] # experiment name
-std_kwargs = dict(output_dir=temp_dir, full_screen=False, window_size=(1, 1),
- participant='foo', session='01', stim_db=0.0, noise_db=0.0,
- verbose=True, version='dev')
+std_args = ["test"] # experiment name
+std_kwargs = dict(
+ output_dir=temp_dir,
+ full_screen=False,
+ window_size=(1, 1),
+ participant="foo",
+ session="01",
+ stim_db=0.0,
+ noise_db=0.0,
+ verbose=True,
+ version="dev",
def test_parse_basic(hide_window, tmpdir):
"""Test .tab parsing."""
with ExperimentController(*std_args, **std_kwargs) as ec:
- ec.identify_trial(ec_id='one', ttl_id=[0])
+ ec.identify_trial(ec_id="one", ttl_id=[0])
- ec.write_data_line('misc', 'trial one')
+ ec.write_data_line("misc", "trial one")
- ec.write_data_line('misc', 'between trials')
- ec.identify_trial(ec_id='two', ttl_id=[1])
+ ec.write_data_line("misc", "between trials")
+ ec.identify_trial(ec_id="two", ttl_id=[1])
- ec.write_data_line('misc', 'trial two')
+ ec.write_data_line("misc", "trial two")
- ec.write_data_line('misc', 'end of experiment')
+ ec.write_data_line("misc", "end of experiment")
- pytest.raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_start='foo')
- pytest.raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end='foo')
- pytest.raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end='trial_id')
- pytest.raises(RuntimeError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end='misc')
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_start="foo")
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end="foo")
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end="trial_id")
+ pytest.raises(RuntimeError, read_tab, ec.data_fname, group_end="misc")
data = read_tab(ec.data_fname)
keys = list(data[0].keys())
assert_equal(len(keys), 6)
- for key in ['trial_id', 'flip', 'play', 'stop', 'misc', 'trial_ok']:
+ for key in ["trial_id", "flip", "play", "stop", "misc", "trial_ok"]:
assert key in keys
- assert_equal(len(data[0]['misc']), 1)
- assert_equal(len(data[1]['misc']), 1)
+ assert_equal(len(data[0]["misc"]), 1)
+ assert_equal(len(data[1]["misc"]), 1)
data, params = read_tab(ec.data_fname, group_end=None, return_params=True)
- assert_equal(len(data[0]['misc']), 2) # includes between-trials stuff
- assert_equal(len(data[1]['misc']), 2)
- assert_equal(params['version'], 'dev')
- assert_equal(params['version_used'], __version__)
- assert (params['file'].endswith('test_parse.py'))
+ assert_equal(len(data[0]["misc"]), 2) # includes between-trials stuff
+ assert_equal(len(data[1]["misc"]), 2)
+ assert_equal(params["version"], "dev")
+ assert_equal(params["version_used"], __version__)
+ assert params["file"].endswith("test_parse.py")
# handle old files where the last trial_ok was missing
- bad_fname = str(tmpdir.join('bad.tab'))
- with open(ec.data_fname, 'r') as fid:
+ bad_fname = str(tmpdir.join("bad.tab"))
+ with open(ec.data_fname) as fid:
lines = fid.readlines()
- assert 'trial_ok' in lines[-3]
- with open(bad_fname, 'w') as fid:
+ assert "trial_ok" in lines[-3]
+ with open(bad_fname, "w") as fid:
# we used to write JSON badly
fid.write(lines[0].replace('"', "'"))
# and then sometimes missed the last trial_ok
for line in lines[1:-3]:
- with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='bad bounds'):
+ with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="bad bounds"):
data, params = read_tab(ec.data_fname, return_params=True)
- data_2, params_2 = read_tab(
- bad_fname, return_params=True, allow_last_missing=True)
+ data_2, params_2 = read_tab(bad_fname, return_params=True, allow_last_missing=True)
assert params == params_2
- t = data[-1].pop('trial_ok')
- t_2 = data_2[-1].pop('trial_ok')
+ t = data[-1].pop("trial_ok")
+ t_2 = data_2[-1].pop("trial_ok")
assert t != t_2
assert data_2 == data
@@ -81,24 +88,24 @@ def test_reconstruct(hide_window):
tr.respond(np.random.rand() < tr.x_current)
tracker = reconstruct_tracker(ec.data_fname)[0]
- assert (tracker.stopped)
+ assert tracker.stopped
# test with one TrackerBinom
with ExperimentController(*std_args, **std_kwargs) as ec:
- tr = TrackerBinom(ec, .05, .5, 10)
+ tr = TrackerBinom(ec, 0.05, 0.5, 10)
while not tr.stopped:
tracker = reconstruct_tracker(ec.data_fname)[0]
- assert (tracker.stopped)
+ assert tracker.stopped
# tracker not stopped
with ExperimentController(*std_args, **std_kwargs) as ec:
tr = TrackerUD(ec, 1, 1, 3, 1, 5, np.inf, 3)
tr.respond(np.random.rand() < tr.x_current)
- assert (not tr.stopped)
+ assert not tr.stopped
pytest.raises(ValueError, reconstruct_tracker, ec.data_fname)
# test with dealer
@@ -110,20 +117,20 @@ def test_reconstruct(hide_window):
td.respond(np.random.rand() < x_current)
dealer = reconstruct_dealer(ec.data_fname)[0]
- assert (all(td._x_history == dealer._x_history))
- assert (all(td._tracker_history == dealer._tracker_history))
- assert (all(td._response_history == dealer._response_history))
- assert (td.shape == dealer.shape)
- assert (td.trackers.shape == dealer.trackers.shape)
+ assert all(td._x_history == dealer._x_history)
+ assert all(td._tracker_history == dealer._tracker_history)
+ assert all(td._response_history == dealer._response_history)
+ assert td.shape == dealer.shape
+ assert td.trackers.shape == dealer.trackers.shape
# no tracker/dealer in file
with ExperimentController(*std_args, **std_kwargs) as ec:
- ec.identify_trial(ec_id='one', ttl_id=[0])
+ ec.identify_trial(ec_id="one", ttl_id=[0])
- ec.write_data_line('misc', 'trial one')
+ ec.write_data_line("misc", "trial one")
- ec.write_data_line('misc', 'end')
+ ec.write_data_line("misc", "end")
pytest.raises(ValueError, reconstruct_tracker, ec.data_fname)
pytest.raises(ValueError, reconstruct_dealer, ec.data_fname)
diff --git a/expyfun/io/tests/test_wav.py b/expyfun/io/tests/test_wav.py
index ad77f48b..46a901de 100644
--- a/expyfun/io/tests/test_wav.py
+++ b/expyfun/io/tests/test_wav.py
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from os import path as op
import numpy as np
import pytest
-from numpy.testing import (assert_array_almost_equal, assert_array_equal,
- assert_equal)
-from os import path as op
+from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal, assert_array_equal, assert_equal
from expyfun._utils import _has_scipy_version
from expyfun.io import read_wav, write_wav
@@ -11,7 +10,7 @@
def test_read_write_wav(tmpdir):
"""Test reading and writing WAV files."""
- fname = op.join(str(tmpdir), 'temp.wav')
+ fname = op.join(str(tmpdir), "temp.wav")
data = np.r_[np.random.rand(1000), 1, -1]
fs = 44100
@@ -25,12 +24,13 @@ def test_read_write_wav(tmpdir):
pytest.raises(IOError, write_wav, fname, data, fs)
# test forcing fs dtype to int
- with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='rate is being cast'):
+ with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="rate is being cast"):
write_wav(fname, data, float(fs), overwrite=True)
# Use 64-bit int: not supported
- pytest.raises(RuntimeError, write_wav, fname, data, fs, dtype=np.int64,
- overwrite=True)
+ pytest.raises(
+ RuntimeError, write_wav, fname, data, fs, dtype=np.int64, overwrite=True
+ )
# Use 32-bit int: better
write_wav(fname, data, fs, dtype=np.int32, overwrite=True)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ def test_read_write_wav(tmpdir):
assert_equal(fs_read, fs)
assert_array_almost_equal(data[np.newaxis, :], data_read, 7)
- if _has_scipy_version('0.13'):
+ if _has_scipy_version("0.13"):
# Use 32-bit float: better
write_wav(fname, data, fs, dtype=np.float32, overwrite=True)
data_read, fs_read = read_wav(fname)
@@ -51,8 +51,9 @@ def test_read_write_wav(tmpdir):
assert_equal(fs_read, fs)
assert_array_equal(data[np.newaxis, :], data_read)
- pytest.raises(RuntimeError, write_wav, fname, data, fs,
- dtype=np.float32, overwrite=True)
+ pytest.raises(
+ RuntimeError, write_wav, fname, data, fs, dtype=np.float32, overwrite=True
+ )
# Now try multi-dimensional data
data = np.tile(data[np.newaxis, :], (2, 1))
diff --git a/expyfun/stimuli/__init__.py b/expyfun/stimuli/__init__.py
index 9531df4b..d71b6b7c 100644
--- a/expyfun/stimuli/__init__.py
+++ b/expyfun/stimuli/__init__.py
@@ -16,8 +16,13 @@
from ._tracker import TrackerUD, TrackerBinom, TrackerDealer, TrackerMHW
from .._tdt_controller import get_tdt_rates
from ._texture import texture_ERB
-from ._crm import (crm_sentence, crm_response_menu, crm_prepare_corpus,
- crm_info, CRMPreload)
+from ._crm import (
+ crm_sentence,
+ crm_response_menu,
+ crm_prepare_corpus,
+ crm_info,
+ CRMPreload,
# for backward compat (not great to do this...)
from ..io import read_wav, write_wav
diff --git a/expyfun/stimuli/_crm.py b/expyfun/stimuli/_crm.py
index 7d4ef047..33b7be21 100644
--- a/expyfun/stimuli/_crm.py
+++ b/expyfun/stimuli/_crm.py
@@ -1,60 +1,45 @@
-"""Functions for using the Coordinate Response Measure (CRM) corpus.
+"""Functions for using the Coordinate Response Measure (CRM) corpus."""
# Author: Ross Maddox
# License: BSD (3-clause)
-from multiprocessing import cpu_count
import os
+from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from os.path import join
from zipfile import ZipFile
import numpy as np
-from ..io import read_wav, write_wav
+from .. import visual as vis
from .._parallel import parallel_func
+from .._utils import _get_user_home_path, fetch_data_file
+from ..io import read_wav, write_wav
from ._stimuli import window_edges
-from .. import visual as vis
-from .._utils import fetch_data_file, _get_user_home_path
_fs_binary = 40e3 # the sampling rate of the original corpus binaries
_rms_binary = 0.099977227591239365 # the RMS of the original corpus binaries
_rms_prepped = 0.01 # the RMS for preparation of the whole corpus at an fs
-_sexes = {
- 'male': 0,
- 'female': 1,
- 'm': 0,
- 'f': 1,
- 0: 0,
- 1: 1}
-_talker_nums = {
- '0': 0,
- '1': 1,
- '2': 2,
- '3': 3,
- 0: 0,
- 1: 1,
- 2: 2,
- 3: 3}
+_sexes = {"male": 0, "female": 1, "m": 0, "f": 1, 0: 0, 1: 1}
+_talker_nums = {"0": 0, "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3, 0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3}
_callsigns = {
- 'charlie': 0,
- 'ringo': 1,
- 'laker': 2,
- 'hopper': 3,
- 'arrow': 4,
- 'tiger': 5,
- 'eagle': 6,
- 'baron': 7,
- 'c': 0,
- 'r': 1,
- 'l': 2,
- 'h': 3,
- 'a': 4,
- 't': 5,
- 'e': 6,
- 'b': 7,
+ "charlie": 0,
+ "ringo": 1,
+ "laker": 2,
+ "hopper": 3,
+ "arrow": 4,
+ "tiger": 5,
+ "eagle": 6,
+ "baron": 7,
+ "c": 0,
+ "r": 1,
+ "l": 2,
+ "h": 3,
+ "a": 4,
+ "t": 5,
+ "e": 6,
+ "b": 7,
0: 0,
1: 1,
2: 2,
@@ -62,37 +47,39 @@
4: 4,
5: 5,
6: 6,
- 7: 7}
+ 7: 7,
_colors = {
- 'blue': 0,
- 'red': 1,
- 'white': 2,
- 'green': 3,
- 'b': 0,
- 'r': 1,
- 'w': 2,
- 'g': 3,
+ "blue": 0,
+ "red": 1,
+ "white": 2,
+ "green": 3,
+ "b": 0,
+ "r": 1,
+ "w": 2,
+ "g": 3,
0: 0,
1: 1,
2: 2,
- 3: 3}
+ 3: 3,
_numbers = {
- 'one': 0,
- 'two': 1,
- 'three': 2,
- 'four': 3,
- 'five': 4,
- 'six': 5,
- 'seven': 6,
- 'eight': 7,
- '1': 0,
- '2': 1,
- '3': 2,
- '4': 3,
- '5': 4,
- '6': 5,
- '7': 6,
- '8': 7,
+ "one": 0,
+ "two": 1,
+ "three": 2,
+ "four": 3,
+ "five": 4,
+ "six": 5,
+ "seven": 6,
+ "eight": 7,
+ "1": 0,
+ "2": 1,
+ "3": 2,
+ "4": 3,
+ "5": 4,
+ "6": 5,
+ "7": 6,
+ "8": 7,
0: 0,
1: 1,
2: 2,
@@ -100,7 +87,8 @@
4: 4,
5: 5,
6: 6,
- 7: 7}
+ 7: 7,
_n_sexes = 2
_n_talkers = 4
@@ -110,64 +98,72 @@
def _check(name, value):
- if name.lower() == 'sex':
+ if name.lower() == "sex":
param_dict = _sexes
- elif name.lower() == 'talker_num':
+ elif name.lower() == "talker_num":
param_dict = _talker_nums
- elif name.lower() == 'callsign':
+ elif name.lower() == "callsign":
param_dict = _callsigns
- elif name.lower() == 'color':
+ elif name.lower() == "color":
param_dict = _colors
- elif name.lower() == 'number':
+ elif name.lower() == "number":
param_dict = _numbers
if isinstance(value, str):
value = value.lower()
- if value in param_dict.keys():
+ if value in param_dict:
return param_dict[value]
- raise ValueError('{} is not a valid {}. Legal values are: {}'
- .format(value, name,
- sorted(k for k in param_dict.keys()
- if isinstance(k, int))))
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{value} is not a valid {name}. Legal values are: "
+ f"{sorted(k for k in param_dict if isinstance(k, int))}"
+ )
def _get_talker_zip_file(sex, talker_num):
talker_num_raw = _n_talkers * _sexes[sex] + _talker_nums[talker_num]
- fn = fetch_data_file('crm/Talker%i.zip' % talker_num_raw)
+ fn = fetch_data_file("crm/Talker%i.zip" % talker_num_raw)
return fn
# Read a raw binary CRM file
-def _read_binary(zip_file, callsign, color, number,
- ramp_dur=0.01):
+def _read_binary(zip_file, callsign, color, number, ramp_dur=0.01):
talk_path = zip_file.filelist[0].orig_filename[:8]
- raw = zip_file.read(talk_path + '/%02i%02i%02i.BIN' % (
- _callsigns[callsign], _colors[color], _numbers[number]))
- x = np.frombuffer(raw, ' max_wait:
- raise ValueError('min_wait must be <= max_wait')
+ raise ValueError("min_wait must be <= max_wait")
start_time = ec.current_time
mouse_cursor = ec.window._mouse_cursor
cursor = ec.window.get_system_mouse_cursor(ec.window.CURSOR_HAND)
colors = [c.lower() for c in colors]
- units = 'norm'
+ units = "norm"
vert = float(ec.window_size_pix[0]) / ec.window_size_pix[1]
h_spacing = 0.1
v_spacing = h_spacing * vert
@@ -395,57 +444,55 @@ def crm_response_menu(ec, colors=['blue', 'red', 'white', 'green'],
colors_rgb = [[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 0.85, 0]]
n_numbers = len(numbers)
n_colors = len(colors)
- h_start = -(n_numbers - 1) * h_spacing / 2.
- v_start = (n_colors - 1) * v_spacing / 2.
+ h_start = -(n_numbers - 1) * h_spacing / 2.0
+ v_start = (n_colors - 1) * v_spacing / 2.0
font_size = (72 / ec.dpi) * height * ec.window_size_pix[1] / 2
- h_nudge = h_spacing / 8.
- v_nudge = v_spacing / 20.
+ h_nudge = h_spacing / 8.0
+ v_nudge = v_spacing / 20.0
- colors = [_check('color', color) for color in colors]
- numbers = [str(_check('number', number) + 1) for number in numbers]
+ colors = [_check("color", color) for color in colors]
+ numbers = [str(_check("number", number) + 1) for number in numbers]
- if (len(colors) != len(np.unique(colors)) or
- len(numbers) != len(np.unique(numbers))):
- raise ValueError('There can be no repeated colors or numbers in the '
- 'menu.')
+ if len(colors) != len(np.unique(colors)) or len(numbers) != len(np.unique(numbers)):
+ raise ValueError("There can be no repeated colors or numbers in the " "menu.")
# Draw the buttons
rects = []
for ni, number in enumerate(numbers):
for ci, color in enumerate(colors):
- pos = [ni * h_spacing + h_start,
- -ci * v_spacing + v_start,
- width, height]
- rects += [vis.Rectangle(
- ec, pos, units=units,
- fill_color=colors_rgb[color])]
+ pos = [ni * h_spacing + h_start, -ci * v_spacing + v_start, width, height]
+ rects += [vis.Rectangle(ec, pos, units=units, fill_color=colors_rgb[color])]
- ec.screen_text(number, [pos[0] + h_nudge, pos[1] + v_nudge],
- color='black',
- wrap=False, units=units, font_size=font_size)
+ ec.screen_text(
+ number,
+ [pos[0] + h_nudge, pos[1] + v_nudge],
+ color="black",
+ wrap=False,
+ units=units,
+ font_size=font_size,
+ )
- ec.write_data_line('crm_menu')
+ ec.write_data_line("crm_menu")
# Wait for min_wait and get the click
while ec.current_time - start_time < min_wait:
max_wait = np.maximum(0, max_wait - (ec.current_time - start_time))
- but = ec.wait_for_click_on(rects, max_wait=max_wait,
- live_buttons='left')[1]
+ but = ec.wait_for_click_on(rects, max_wait=max_wait, live_buttons="left")[1]
if but is not None:
sub = np.unravel_index(but, (n_numbers, n_colors))
- resp = ('brwg'[colors[sub[1]]], numbers[sub[0]])
- ec.write_data_line('crm_response', resp[0] + ',' + resp[1])
+ resp = ("brwg"[colors[sub[1]]], numbers[sub[0]])
+ ec.write_data_line("crm_response", resp[0] + "," + resp[1])
return resp
- ec.write_data_line('crm_timeout')
+ ec.write_data_line("crm_timeout")
return (None, None)
-class CRMPreload(object):
+class CRMPreload:
"""Store the CRM corpus in memory for fast access.
@@ -466,13 +513,13 @@ class CRMPreload(object):
where the raw CRM originals are stored.
- def __init__(self, fs, ref_rms=0.01, ramp_dur=0.01, stereo=False,
- path=None):
+ def __init__(self, fs, ref_rms=0.01, ramp_dur=0.01, stereo=False, path=None):
if path is None:
- path = join(_get_user_home_path(), '.expyfun', 'data', 'crm')
+ path = join(_get_user_home_path(), ".expyfun", "data", "crm")
if not os.path.isdir(join(path, str(fs))):
- raise RuntimeError('prepare_corpus has not yet been run '
- 'for sampling rate of %i' % fs)
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "prepare_corpus has not yet been run " "for sampling rate of %i" % fs
+ )
self._excluded = []
self._all_stim = {}
for sex in range(_n_sexes):
@@ -480,12 +527,20 @@ def __init__(self, fs, ref_rms=0.01, ramp_dur=0.01, stereo=False,
for cal in range(_n_callsigns):
for col in range(_n_colors):
for num in range(_n_numbers):
- stim_id = '%i%i%i%i%i' % (sex, tal, cal, col, num)
+ stim_id = "%i%i%i%i%i" % (sex, tal, cal, col, num)
- self._all_stim[stim_id] = \
- crm_sentence(fs, sex, tal, cal, col, num,
- ref_rms, ramp_dur, stereo,
- path)
+ self._all_stim[stim_id] = crm_sentence(
+ fs,
+ sex,
+ tal,
+ cal,
+ col,
+ num,
+ ref_rms,
+ ramp_dur,
+ stereo,
+ path,
+ )
except Exception:
self._excluded += [stim_id]
@@ -528,11 +583,15 @@ def sentence(self, sex, talker_num, callsign, color, number):
index of ``'1'`` is 0, so care must be taken if using indices for the
number argument.
- stim_id = '%i%i%i%i%i' % (
- _check('sex', sex), _check('talker_num', talker_num),
- _check('callsign', callsign), _check('color', color),
- _check('number', number))
+ stim_id = "%i%i%i%i%i" % (
+ _check("sex", sex),
+ _check("talker_num", talker_num),
+ _check("callsign", callsign),
+ _check("color", color),
+ _check("number", number),
+ )
if stim_id in self._excluded:
- raise RuntimeError('prepare_corpus has not yet been run for the '
- 'requested talker')
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "prepare_corpus has not yet been run for the " "requested talker"
+ )
return self._all_stim[stim_id].copy()
diff --git a/expyfun/stimuli/_hrtf.py b/expyfun/stimuli/_hrtf.py
index 55049432..85477da5 100644
--- a/expyfun/stimuli/_hrtf.py
+++ b/expyfun/stimuli/_hrtf.py
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-"""Stimulus generation functions
+"""Stimulus generation functions"""
import numpy as np
-from ..io import read_hdf5
from .._fixes import irfft
-from .._utils import fetch_data_file, _fix_audio_dims
+from .._utils import _fix_audio_dims, fetch_data_file
+from ..io import read_hdf5
# This was used to generate "barb_anech.gz":
@@ -54,42 +53,42 @@ def _get_hrtf(angle, source, fs, interp=False):
Functions", Australian Government Department of Defence: Defence Science
and Technology Organization, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 2007.
- fname = fetch_data_file('hrtf/{0}_{1}.hdf5'.format(source, fs))
+ fname = fetch_data_file(f"hrtf/{source}_{fs}.hdf5")
data = read_hdf5(fname)
- angles = data['angles']
+ angles = data["angles"]
leftward = False
read_angle = float(angle)
if angle < 0:
leftward = True
read_angle = float(-angle)
if read_angle not in angles and not interp:
- raise ValueError('angle "{0}" must be one of +/-{1}'
- ''.format(angle, list(angles)))
- brir = data['brir']
+ raise ValueError(f'angle "{angle}" must be one of +/-{list(angles)}' "")
+ brir = data["brir"]
if read_angle in angles:
interp = False
if not interp:
idx = np.where(angles == read_angle)[0]
if len(idx) != 1:
- raise ValueError('angle "{0}" not uniquely found in angles'
- ''.format(angle))
+ raise ValueError(f'angle "{angle}" not uniquely found in angles' "")
brir = brir[idx[0]]
else: # interpolation
- if source != 'cipic':
- raise ValueError('source must be ''cipic'' when interp=True')
+ if source != "cipic":
+ raise ValueError("source must be " "cipic" " when interp=True")
# pull in files containing known hrtfs and extract magnitude and phase
- fname = fetch_data_file('hrtf/pair_cipic_{0}.hdf5'.format(fs))
+ fname = fetch_data_file(f"hrtf/pair_cipic_{fs}.hdf5")
data = read_hdf5(fname)
- hrtf_amp = data['hrtf_amp']
- hrtf_phase = data['hrtf_phase']
- pairs = data['pairs']
+ hrtf_amp = data["hrtf_amp"]
+ hrtf_phase = data["hrtf_phase"]
+ pairs = data["pairs"]
# isolate appropriate pair of amplitude and phase
idx = np.searchsorted(angles, read_angle)
if idx > len(pairs):
- raise ValueError('angle magnitude "{0}" must be smaller than "{1}"'
- ''.format(read_angle, pairs[-1][-1]))
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'angle magnitude "{read_angle}" must be smaller than "{pairs[-1][-1]}"'
+ ""
+ )
knowns = np.array([angles[idx - 1], angles[idx]])
index = np.where(pairs == knowns)[0][0]
hrtf_amp = hrtf_amp[index]
@@ -98,20 +97,18 @@ def _get_hrtf(angle, source, fs, interp=False):
# weighted averages of log magnitude and unwrapped phase
step = float(knowns[1] - knowns[0])
weights = (step - np.abs(read_angle - knowns)) / step
- hrtf_amp = np.prod(hrtf_amp ** weights[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],
- axis=0)
- hrtf_phase = np.sum(hrtf_phase * weights[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],
- axis=0)
+ hrtf_amp = np.prod(hrtf_amp ** weights[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], axis=0)
+ hrtf_phase = np.sum(hrtf_phase * weights[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], axis=0)
# reconstruct hrtf and convert to time domain
hrtf = hrtf_amp * np.exp(1j * hrtf_phase)
brir = irfft(hrtf, int(hrtf.shape[-1]))
- return brir, data['fs'], leftward
+ return brir, data["fs"], leftward
-def convolve_hrtf(data, fs, angle, source='cipic', interp=False):
- """Convolve a signal with a head-related transfer function
+def convolve_hrtf(data, fs, angle, source="cipic", interp=False):
+ """Convolve a signal with a head-related transfer function.
Technically we will be convolving with binaural room impulse
responses (BRIRs), but HRTFs (freq-domain equiv. representations)
@@ -147,7 +144,7 @@ def convolve_hrtf(data, fs, angle, source='cipic', interp=False):
Additional documentation:
- http://earlab.bu.edu/databases/collections/cipic/documentation/hrir_data_documentation.pdf # noqa
+ http://earlab.bu.edu/databases/collections/cipic/documentation/hrir_data_documentation.pdf
The data were modified to suit our experimental needs. Below is the
licensing information for the CIPIC data:
@@ -183,16 +180,17 @@ def convolve_hrtf(data, fs, angle, source='cipic', interp=False):
CIPIC- Center for Image Processing and Integrated Computing University of
California 1 Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616-8553
- """
+ """ # noqa: E501
fs = float(fs)
angle = float(angle)
- known_sources = ['barb', 'cipic']
+ known_sources = ["barb", "cipic"]
known_fs = [24414, 44100] # must be sorted
if source not in known_sources:
- raise ValueError('Source "{0}" unknown, must be one of {1}'
- ''.format(source, known_sources))
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'Source "{source}" unknown, must be one of {known_sources}' ""
+ )
if not isinstance(interp, bool):
- raise ValueError('interp must be bool')
+ raise ValueError("interp must be bool")
data = np.array(data, np.float64)
data = _fix_audio_dims(data, n_channels=1).ravel()
@@ -205,6 +203,7 @@ def convolve_hrtf(data, fs, angle, source='cipic', interp=False):
order = [1, 0] if leftward else [0, 1]
if not np.allclose(brir_fs, fs, rtol=0, atol=0.5):
from mne.filter import resample
brir = [resample(b, fs, brir_fs) for b in brir]
out = np.array([np.convolve(data, brir[o]) for o in order])
return out
diff --git a/expyfun/stimuli/_mls.py b/expyfun/stimuli/_mls.py
index cac8d35b..f5e453cb 100644
--- a/expyfun/stimuli/_mls.py
+++ b/expyfun/stimuli/_mls.py
@@ -1,26 +1,25 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2014, LABSN.
# Distributed under the (new) BSD License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.
-"""Maximum-length sequence (MLS) impulse-response finding functions
+"""Maximum-length sequence (MLS) impulse-response finding functions"""
from os import path as op
import numpy as np
from .._fixes import irfft, rfft
-from .._utils import verbose_dec, logger
+from .._utils import logger, verbose_dec
-_mls_file = op.join(op.dirname(__file__), '..', 'data', 'mls.bin')
+_mls_file = op.join(op.dirname(__file__), "..", "data", "mls.bin")
_max_bits = 14 # determined by how the file was made, see _max_len_wrapper
def _check_n_bits(n_bits):
"""Helper to make sure we have a usable number of bits"""
if not isinstance(n_bits, int):
- raise TypeError('n_bits must be an integer')
+ raise TypeError("n_bits must be an integer")
if n_bits < 2 or n_bits > _max_bits:
- raise ValueError('n_bits must be between 2 and %s' % _max_bits)
+ raise ValueError("n_bits must be between 2 and %s" % _max_bits)
def _max_len_wrapper(n_bits):
@@ -40,21 +39,21 @@ def _max_len_wrapper(n_bits):
n_bits = int(n_bits)
# This was used to generate the sequences:
- #from scipy.signal import max_len_seq
- #_mlss = np.concatenate([max_len_seq(n) > 0
+ # from scipy.signal import max_len_seq
+ # _mlss = np.concatenate([max_len_seq(n) > 0
# for n in range(2, _max_bits + 1)])
- #with open(_mls_file, 'wb') as fid:
+ # with open(_mls_file, 'wb') as fid:
# fid.write(_mlss.tostring())
- _lims = np.cumsum([0] + [2 ** n - 1 for n in range(2, 15)])
+ _lims = np.cumsum([0] + [2**n - 1 for n in range(2, 15)])
_mlss = np.fromfile(_mls_file, dtype=bool)
_mlss = [_mlss[l1:l2].copy() for l1, l2 in zip(_lims[:-1], _lims[1:])]
- return _mlss[n_bits - 2] * 2. - 1
+ return _mlss[n_bits - 2] * 2.0 - 1
# Once this is in upstream scipy, we can add this:
+# try:
# from scipy.signal import max_len_seq as _max_len_seq
+# except:
_max_len_seq = _max_len_wrapper
@@ -69,11 +68,10 @@ def repeated_mls(n_samp, n_repeats):
The number of repeats to use.
if not isinstance(n_samp, int) or not isinstance(n_repeats, int):
- raise TypeError('n_samp and n_repeats must both be integers')
+ raise TypeError("n_samp and n_repeats must both be integers")
n_bits = max(int(np.ceil(np.log2(n_samp + 1))), 2)
if n_bits > _max_bits:
- raise ValueError('Only lengths up to %s supported'
- % (2 ** _max_bits - 1))
+ raise ValueError("Only lengths up to %s supported" % (2**_max_bits - 1))
mls = 0.5 * _max_len_seq(n_bits) + 0.5
n_resp = len(mls) * (n_repeats + 1) - 1
mls = np.tile(mls, n_repeats)
@@ -96,37 +94,43 @@ def compute_mls_impulse_response(response, mls, n_repeats, verbose=None):
If not ``None``, override default verbose level.
if mls.ndim != 1 or response.ndim != 1:
- raise ValueError('response and mls must both be one-dimensional')
+ raise ValueError("response and mls must both be one-dimensional")
if not isinstance(n_repeats, int):
- raise TypeError('n_repeats must be an integer')
+ raise TypeError("n_repeats must be an integer")
if not np.array_equal(np.sort(np.unique(mls)), [0, 1]):
- raise ValueError('MLS must be sequence of 0s and 1s')
+ raise ValueError("MLS must be sequence of 0s and 1s")
if mls.size % n_repeats != 0:
- raise ValueError('MLS length (%s) is not a multiple of the number '
- 'of repeats (%s)' % (mls.size, n_repeats))
+ raise ValueError(
+ "MLS length (%s) is not a multiple of the number "
+ "of repeats (%s)" % (mls.size, n_repeats)
+ )
mls_len = mls.size // n_repeats
n_bits = int(np.round(np.log2(mls_len + 1)))
- n_check = 2 ** n_bits
+ n_check = 2**n_bits
if n_check != mls_len + 1:
- raise RuntimeError('length of MLS must be one shorter than a power '
- 'of 2, got %s (close to %s)' % (mls_len, n_check))
- logger.info('MLS using %s bits detected' % n_bits)
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "length of MLS must be one shorter than a power "
+ "of 2, got %s (close to %s)" % (mls_len, n_check)
+ )
+ logger.info("MLS using %s bits detected" % n_bits)
n_len = response.size + 1
if n_len % mls_len != 0:
n_rep = int(np.round(n_len / float(mls_len)))
n_len = mls_len * n_rep - 1
- raise ValueError('length of data must be one shorter than a '
- 'multiple of the MLS length (%s), found a length '
- 'of %s which is close to %s (%s repeats)'
- % (mls_len, response.size, n_len, n_rep))
+ raise ValueError(
+ "length of data must be one shorter than a "
+ "multiple of the MLS length (%s), found a length "
+ "of %s which is close to %s (%s repeats)"
+ % (mls_len, response.size, n_len, n_rep)
+ )
# Now that we know our signal, we can actually deconvolve.
# First, wrap the end back to the beginning
- resp_wrap = response[:n_repeats * mls_len].copy()
- resp_wrap[:mls_len - 1] += response[n_repeats * mls_len:]
+ resp_wrap = response[: n_repeats * mls_len].copy()
+ resp_wrap[: mls_len - 1] += response[n_repeats * mls_len :]
# Compute the circular crosscorrelation, w/correction for MLS scaling
correction = np.empty(len(mls) // 2 + 1)
- correction.fill(1. / (2 ** (n_bits - 2) * n_repeats))
- correction[0] = 1. / ((4 ** (n_bits - 1)) * n_repeats)
+ correction.fill(1.0 / (2 ** (n_bits - 2) * n_repeats))
+ correction[0] = 1.0 / ((4 ** (n_bits - 1)) * n_repeats)
y = irfft(correction * rfft(resp_wrap) * rfft(mls).conj())
# Average out repeats
h_est = np.mean(np.reshape(y, (n_repeats, mls_len)), axis=0)
diff --git a/expyfun/stimuli/_stimuli.py b/expyfun/stimuli/_stimuli.py
index 627e8e77..0adbbd45 100644
--- a/expyfun/stimuli/_stimuli.py
+++ b/expyfun/stimuli/_stimuli.py
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Generic stimulus generation functions."""
import warnings
+from threading import Timer
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
-from threading import Timer
-from ..io import read_wav
from .._sound_controllers import SoundPlayer
-from .._utils import _wait_secs, string_types
+from .._utils import _wait_secs
+from ..io import read_wav
-def window_edges(sig, fs, dur=0.01, axis=-1, window='hann', edges='both'):
+def window_edges(sig, fs, dur=0.01, axis=-1, window="hann", edges="both"):
"""Window the edges of a signal (e.g., to prevent "pops")
@@ -40,25 +40,27 @@ def window_edges(sig, fs, dur=0.01, axis=-1, window='hann', edges='both'):
sig_len = sig.shape[axis]
win_len = int(dur * fs)
if win_len > sig_len:
- raise RuntimeError('cannot create window of size {0} samples (dur={1})'
- 'for signal with length {2}'
- ''.format(win_len, dur, sig_len))
- if window == 'dpss':
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ f"cannot create window of size {win_len} samples (dur={dur})"
+ f"for signal with length {sig_len}"
+ ""
+ )
+ if window == "dpss":
from mne.time_frequency.multitaper import dpss_windows
win = dpss_windows(2 * win_len + 1, 1, 1)[0][0][:win_len]
win -= win[0]
win /= win.max()
win = signal.windows.get_window(window, 2 * win_len)[:win_len]
- valid_edges = ('leading', 'trailing', 'both')
+ valid_edges = ("leading", "trailing", "both")
if edges not in valid_edges:
- raise ValueError('edges must be one of {0}, not "{1}"'
- ''.format(valid_edges, edges))
+ raise ValueError(f'edges must be one of {valid_edges}, not "{edges}"' "")
# now we can actually do the calculation
flattop = np.ones(sig_len, dtype=np.float64)
- if edges in ('trailing', 'both'): # eliminate trailing
+ if edges in ("trailing", "both"): # eliminate trailing
flattop[-win_len:] *= win[::-1]
- if edges in ('leading', 'both'): # eliminate leading
+ if edges in ("leading", "both"): # eliminate leading
flattop[:win_len] *= win
shape = np.ones_like(sig.shape)
shape[axis] = sig.shape[axis]
@@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ def rms(data, axis=-1, keepdims=False):
return np.sqrt(np.mean(data * data, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims))
-def play_sound(sound, fs=None, norm=True, wait=False, backend='auto'):
+def play_sound(sound, fs=None, norm=True, wait=False, backend="auto"):
"""Play a sound
@@ -108,20 +110,20 @@ def play_sound(sound, fs=None, norm=True, wait=False, backend='auto'):
sound = np.array(sound)
fs_default = 44100
- if isinstance(sound, string_types):
+ if isinstance(sound, str):
sound, fs_default = read_wav(sound)
if fs is None:
fs = fs_default
if sound.ndim == 1: # make it stereo
sound = np.array((sound, sound))
if sound.ndim != 2:
- raise ValueError('sound must be 1- or 2-dimensional')
+ raise ValueError("sound must be 1- or 2-dimensional")
if norm:
m = np.abs(sound).max() * 1.000001
m = m if m != 0 else 1
sound /= m
- if np.abs(sound).max() > 1.:
- warnings.warn('Sound exceeds +/-1, will clip')
+ if np.abs(sound).max() > 1.0:
+ warnings.warn("Sound exceeds +/-1, will clip")
# For rtmixer it's possible this will fail on some configurations if
# resampling isn't built in to the backend; when we hit this we can
# try/except here and do the resampling ourselves.
@@ -133,12 +135,12 @@ def play_sound(sound, fs=None, norm=True, wait=False, backend='auto'):
del_wait += dur
- if hasattr(snd, 'delete'): # for backward compatibility
+ if hasattr(snd, "delete"): # for backward compatibility
Timer(del_wait, snd.delete).start()
return snd
-def add_pad(sounds, alignment='start'):
+def add_pad(sounds, alignment="start"):
"""Add sounds of different lengths and channel counts together
@@ -162,28 +164,27 @@ def add_pad(sounds, alignment='start'):
Even if the original sounds were all 0- or 1-dimensional, the output
will be 2-dimensional (channels, samples).
- if alignment not in ['start', 'center', 'end']:
- raise(ValueError("alignment must be either 'start', 'center', "
- "or 'end'"))
+ if alignment not in ["start", "center", "end"]:
+ raise ValueError("alignment must be either 'start', 'center', " "or 'end'")
x = [np.atleast_2d(y) for y in sounds]
if not np.all(y.ndim == 2 for y in x):
- raise ValueError('Sound data must have no more than 2 dimensions.')
+ raise ValueError("Sound data must have no more than 2 dimensions.")
shapes = [y.shape for y in x]
ch_max, len_max = np.max(shapes, axis=0)
if ch_max > 2:
- raise ValueError('Only 1- and 2-channel sounds are supported.')
+ raise ValueError("Only 1- and 2-channel sounds are supported.")
for xi, (ch, length) in enumerate(shapes):
if length < len_max:
- if alignment == 'start':
+ if alignment == "start":
n_pre = 0
n_post = len_max - length
- elif alignment == 'center':
+ elif alignment == "center":
n_pre = (len_max - length) // 2
n_post = len_max - length - n_pre
- elif alignment == 'end':
+ elif alignment == "end":
n_pre = len_max - length
n_post = 0
- x[xi] = np.pad(x[xi], ((0, 0), (n_pre, n_post)), 'constant')
+ x[xi] = np.pad(x[xi], ((0, 0), (n_pre, n_post)), "constant")
if ch < ch_max:
x[xi] = np.tile(x[xi], [ch_max, 1])
return np.sum(x, 0)
diff --git a/expyfun/stimuli/_texture.py b/expyfun/stimuli/_texture.py
index bff7c1cd..ba754754 100644
--- a/expyfun/stimuli/_texture.py
+++ b/expyfun/stimuli/_texture.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python2
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Texture (ERB-spaced) stimulus generation functions."""
# adapted (with permission) from code by Hari Bharadwaj
-import numpy as np
import warnings
-from ._stimuli import rms, window_edges
+import numpy as np
from .._fixes import irfft
+from ._stimuli import rms, window_edges
def _cams(f):
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def _cams(f):
def _inv_cams(E):
"""Compute cams inverse."""
- return (10 ** (E / 21.4) - 1.) / 0.00437
+ return (10 ** (E / 21.4) - 1.0) / 0.00437
def _scale_sound(x):
@@ -28,21 +28,30 @@ def _scale_sound(x):
def _make_narrow_noise(bw, f_c, dur, fs, ramp_dur, rng):
"""Make narrow-band noise using FFT."""
- f_min, f_max = f_c - bw / 2., f_c + bw / 2.
+ f_min, f_max = f_c - bw / 2.0, f_c + bw / 2.0
t = np.arange(int(round(dur * fs))) / fs
# Make Noise
- f_step = 1. / dur # Frequency bin size
+ f_step = 1.0 / dur # Frequency bin size
h_min = int(np.ceil(f_min / f_step))
h_max = int(np.floor(f_max / f_step)) + 1
phase = rng.rand(h_max - h_min) * 2 * np.pi
noise = np.zeros(len(t) // 2 + 1, np.complex128)
noise[h_min:h_max] = np.exp(1j * phase)
- return window_edges(irfft(noise)[:len(t)], fs, ramp_dur, window='dpss')
-def texture_ERB(n_freqs=20, n_coh=None, rho=1., seq=('inc', 'nb', 'inc', 'nb'),
- fs=24414.0625, dur=1., SAM_freq=7., random_state=None,
- freq_lims=(200, 8000), verbose=True):
+ return window_edges(irfft(noise)[: len(t)], fs, ramp_dur, window="dpss")
+def texture_ERB(
+ n_freqs=20,
+ n_coh=None,
+ rho=1.0,
+ seq=("inc", "nb", "inc", "nb"),
+ fs=24414.0625,
+ dur=1.0,
+ SAM_freq=7.0,
+ random_state=None,
+ freq_lims=(200, 8000),
+ verbose=True,
"""Create ERB texture stimulus
@@ -83,14 +92,16 @@ def texture_ERB(n_freqs=20, n_coh=None, rho=1., seq=('inc', 'nb', 'inc', 'nb'),
from mne.time_frequency.multitaper import dpss_windows
from mne.utils import check_random_state
if not isinstance(seq, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
- raise TypeError('seq must be list, tuple, or ndarray, got %s'
- % type(seq))
- known_seqs = ('inc', 'nb', 'sam')
+ raise TypeError("seq must be list, tuple, or ndarray, got %s" % type(seq))
+ known_seqs = ("inc", "nb", "sam")
for si, s in enumerate(seq):
if s not in known_seqs:
- raise ValueError('all entries in seq must be one of %s, got '
- 'seq[%s]=%s' % (known_seqs, si, s))
+ raise ValueError(
+ "all entries in seq must be one of %s, got "
+ "seq[%s]=%s" % (known_seqs, si, s)
+ )
fs = float(fs)
rng = check_random_state(random_state)
n_coh = int(np.round(n_freqs * 0.8)) if n_coh is None else n_coh
@@ -102,10 +113,12 @@ def texture_ERB(n_freqs=20, n_coh=None, rho=1., seq=('inc', 'nb', 'inc', 'nb'),
del f_max
spacing_ERBs = n_ERBs / float(n_freqs - 1)
if verbose:
- print('This stim will have successive tones separated by %2.2f ERBs'
- % spacing_ERBs)
+ print(
+ "This stim will have successive tones separated by %2.2f ERBs"
+ % spacing_ERBs
+ )
if spacing_ERBs < 1.0:
- warnings.warn('The spacing between tones is LESS THAN 1 ERB!')
+ warnings.warn("The spacing between tones is LESS THAN 1 ERB!")
# Make a filter whose impulse response is purely positive (to avoid phase
# jumps) so that the filtered envelope is purely positive. Use a DPSS
@@ -113,49 +126,51 @@ def texture_ERB(n_freqs=20, n_coh=None, rho=1., seq=('inc', 'nb', 'inc', 'nb'),
# filterlength, we need to restrict time-bandwidth product to a minimum.
# Thus we need a length*bw = 2 => length = 2/bw (second). Hence filter
# coefficients are calculated as follows:
- b = dpss_windows(int(np.floor(2 * fs / 100.)), 1., 1)[0][0]
+ b = dpss_windows(int(np.floor(2 * fs / 100.0)), 1.0, 1)[0][0]
b -= b[0]
b /= b.sum()
# Incoherent
envrate = 14
bw = 20
- incoh = 0.
+ incoh = 0.0
for k in range(n_freqs):
f = _inv_cams(_cams(f_min) + spacing_ERBs * k)
env = _make_narrow_noise(bw, envrate, dur, fs, rise, rng)
env[env < 0] = 0
- env = np.convolve(b, env)[:len(t)]
- incoh += _scale_sound(window_edges(
- env * np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * t), fs, rise, window='dpss'))
+ env = np.convolve(b, env)[: len(t)]
+ incoh += _scale_sound(
+ window_edges(env * np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * t), fs, rise, window="dpss")
+ )
incoh /= rms(incoh)
# Coherent (noise band)
- stims = dict(inc=0., nb=0., sam=0.)
+ stims = dict(inc=0.0, nb=0.0, sam=0.0)
group = np.sort(rng.permutation(np.arange(n_freqs))[:n_coh])
for kind in known_seqs:
- if kind == 'nb': # noise band
+ if kind == "nb": # noise band
env_coh = _make_narrow_noise(bw, envrate, dur, fs, rise, rng)
else: # 'nb' or 'inc'
- env_coh = 0.5 + np.sin(2 * np.pi * SAM_freq * t) / 2.
- env_coh = window_edges(env_coh, fs, rise, window='dpss')
+ env_coh = 0.5 + np.sin(2 * np.pi * SAM_freq * t) / 2.0
+ env_coh = window_edges(env_coh, fs, rise, window="dpss")
env_coh[env_coh < 0] = 0
- env_coh = np.convolve(b, env_coh)[:len(t)]
- if kind == 'inc':
+ env_coh = np.convolve(b, env_coh)[: len(t)]
+ if kind == "inc":
use_group = [] # no coherent ones
else: # 'nb' or 'sam'
use_group = group
for k in range(n_freqs):
f = _inv_cams(_cams(f_min) + spacing_ERBs * k)
env_inc = _make_narrow_noise(bw, envrate, dur, fs, rise, rng)
- env_inc[env_inc < 0] = 0.
- env_inc = np.convolve(b, env_inc)[:len(t)]
+ env_inc[env_inc < 0] = 0.0
+ env_inc = np.convolve(b, env_inc)[: len(t)]
if k in use_group:
- env = np.sqrt(rho) * env_coh + np.sqrt(1 - rho ** 2) * env_inc
+ env = np.sqrt(rho) * env_coh + np.sqrt(1 - rho**2) * env_inc
env = env_inc
- stims[kind] += _scale_sound(window_edges(
- env * np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * t), fs, rise, window='dpss'))
+ stims[kind] += _scale_sound(
+ window_edges(env * np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * t), fs, rise, window="dpss")
+ )
stims[kind] /= rms(stims[kind])
stim = np.concatenate([stims[s] for s in seq])
stim = 0.01 * stim / rms(stim)
diff --git a/expyfun/stimuli/_tracker.py b/expyfun/stimuli/_tracker.py
index f14832ed..bd599ed6 100644
--- a/expyfun/stimuli/_tracker.py
+++ b/expyfun/stimuli/_tracker.py
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-"""Adaptive tracks for psychophysics (individual, or multiple randomly dealt)
+"""Adaptive tracks for psychophysics (individual, or multiple randomly dealt)"""
# Author: Ross Maddox
# License: BSD (3-clause)
-import numpy as np
-import time
-from scipy.stats import binom
import json
+import time
import warnings
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.stats import binom
from .. import ExperimentController
@@ -17,29 +17,29 @@
# Set up the logging callback (use write_data_line or do nothing)
# =============================================================================
def _callback_dummy(event_type, value=None, timestamp=None):
- """Take the arguments of write_data_line, but do nothing.
- """
+ """Take the arguments of write_data_line, but do nothing."""
def _check_callback(callback):
- """Check to see if the callback is of an allowable type.
- """
+ """Check to see if the callback is of an allowable type."""
if callback is None:
callback = _callback_dummy
elif isinstance(callback, ExperimentController):
callback = callback.write_data_line
if not callable(callback):
- raise TypeError('callback must be a callable, None, or an instance of '
- 'ExperimentController.')
+ raise TypeError(
+ "callback must be a callable, None, or an instance of "
+ "ExperimentController."
+ )
return callback
# =============================================================================
# Define the TrackerUD Class
# =============================================================================
-class TrackerUD(object):
+class TrackerUD:
r"""Up-down adaptive tracker
This class implements a standard up-down adaptive tracker object. Based on
@@ -126,22 +126,34 @@ class TrackerUD(object):
- def __init__(self, callback, up, down, step_size_up, step_size_down,
- stop_reversals, stop_trials, start_value, change_indices=None,
- change_rule='reversals', x_min=None, x_max=None,
- repeat_limit='reversals'):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ callback,
+ up,
+ down,
+ step_size_up,
+ step_size_down,
+ stop_reversals,
+ stop_trials,
+ start_value,
+ change_indices=None,
+ change_rule="reversals",
+ x_min=None,
+ x_max=None,
+ repeat_limit="reversals",
+ ):
self._callback = _check_callback(callback)
if not isinstance(up, int):
- raise ValueError('up must be an integer')
+ raise ValueError("up must be an integer")
self._up = up
if not isinstance(down, int):
- raise ValueError('down must be an integer')
+ raise ValueError("down must be an integer")
self._down = down
- if stop_reversals != np.inf and type(stop_reversals) != int:
- raise ValueError('stop_reversals must be an integer or np.inf')
+ if stop_reversals != np.inf and not isinstance(stop_reversals, int):
+ raise ValueError("stop_reversals must be an integer or np.inf")
self._stop_reversals = stop_reversals
- if stop_trials != np.inf and type(stop_trials) != int:
- raise ValueError('stop_trials must be an integer or np.inf')
+ if stop_trials != np.inf and not isinstance(stop_trials, int):
+ raise ValueError("stop_trials must be an integer or np.inf")
self._stop_trials = stop_trials
self._start_value = start_value
self._x_min = -np.inf if x_min is None else float(x_min)
@@ -150,34 +162,41 @@ def __init__(self, callback, up, down, step_size_up, step_size_down,
if change_indices is None:
change_indices = [0]
if not np.isscalar(step_size_up):
- raise ValueError('If step_size_up is longer than 1, you must '
- 'specify change indices.')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "If step_size_up is longer than 1, you must "
+ "specify change indices."
+ )
if not np.isscalar(step_size_down):
- raise ValueError('If step_size_down is longer than 1, you must'
- ' specify change indices.')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "If step_size_down is longer than 1, you must"
+ " specify change indices."
+ )
self._change_indices = np.asarray(change_indices)
- if change_rule not in ['trials', 'reversals']:
- raise ValueError("change_rule must be either 'trials' or "
- "'reversals'")
+ if change_rule not in ["trials", "reversals"]:
+ raise ValueError("change_rule must be either 'trials' or " "'reversals'")
self._change_rule = change_rule
step_size_up = np.atleast_1d(step_size_up)
if change_indices != [0]:
if len(step_size_up) != len(change_indices) + 1:
- raise ValueError('If step_size_up is not scalar it must be one'
- ' element longer than change_indices.')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "If step_size_up is not scalar it must be one"
+ " element longer than change_indices."
+ )
self._step_size_up = np.asarray(step_size_up, dtype=float)
step_size_down = np.atleast_1d(step_size_down)
if change_indices != [0]:
if len(step_size_down) != len(change_indices) + 1:
- raise ValueError('If step_size_down is not scalar it must be '
- 'one element longer than change_indices.')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "If step_size_down is not scalar it must be "
+ "one element longer than change_indices."
+ )
self._step_size_down = np.asarray(step_size_down, dtype=float)
self._x = np.asarray([start_value], dtype=float)
if not np.isscalar(start_value):
- raise TypeError('start_value must be a scalar')
+ raise TypeError("start_value must be a scalar")
self._x_current = float(start_value)
self._responses = np.asarray([], dtype=bool)
self._reversals = np.asarray([], dtype=int)
@@ -193,25 +212,32 @@ def __init__(self, callback, up, down, step_size_up, step_size_down,
self._limit_count = 0
# Now write the initialization data out
- self._tracker_id = '%s-%s' % (id(self), int(round(time.time() * 1e6)))
- self._callback('tracker_identify', json.dumps(dict(
- tracker_id=self._tracker_id,
- tracker_type='TrackerUD')))
- self._callback('tracker_%s_init' % self._tracker_id, json.dumps(dict(
- callback=None,
- up=self._up,
- down=self._down,
- step_size_up=[float(s) for s in self._step_size_up],
- step_size_down=[float(s) for s in self._step_size_down],
- stop_reversals=self._stop_reversals,
- stop_trials=self._stop_trials,
- start_value=self._start_value,
- change_indices=[int(s) for s in self._change_indices],
- change_rule=self._change_rule,
- x_min=self._x_min,
- x_max=self._x_max,
- repeat_limit=self._repeat_limit)))
+ self._tracker_id = "%s-%s" % (id(self), int(round(time.time() * 1e6)))
+ self._callback(
+ "tracker_identify",
+ json.dumps(dict(tracker_id=self._tracker_id, tracker_type="TrackerUD")),
+ )
+ self._callback(
+ "tracker_%s_init" % self._tracker_id,
+ json.dumps(
+ dict(
+ callback=None,
+ up=self._up,
+ down=self._down,
+ step_size_up=[float(s) for s in self._step_size_up],
+ step_size_down=[float(s) for s in self._step_size_down],
+ stop_reversals=self._stop_reversals,
+ stop_trials=self._stop_trials,
+ start_value=self._start_value,
+ change_indices=[int(s) for s in self._change_indices],
+ change_rule=self._change_rule,
+ x_min=self._x_min,
+ x_max=self._x_max,
+ repeat_limit=self._repeat_limit,
+ )
+ ),
+ )
def respond(self, correct):
"""Update the tracker based on the last response.
@@ -222,7 +248,7 @@ def respond(self, correct):
Was the most recent subject response correct?
if self._stopped:
- raise RuntimeError('Tracker is stopped.')
+ raise RuntimeError("Tracker is stopped.")
bound = False
bad = False
@@ -262,11 +288,9 @@ def respond(self, correct):
if step_dir == 0:
self._x = np.append(self._x, self._x[-1])
elif step_dir < 0:
- self._x = np.append(self._x, self._x[-1] -
- self._current_step_size_down)
+ self._x = np.append(self._x, self._x[-1] - self._current_step_size_down)
elif step_dir > 0:
- self._x = np.append(self._x, self._x[-1] +
- self._current_step_size_up)
+ self._x = np.append(self._x, self._x[-1] + self._current_step_size_up)
if self._x_min is not -np.inf:
if self._x[-1] < self._x_min:
@@ -274,7 +298,7 @@ def respond(self, correct):
self._limit_count += 1
if bound:
bad = True
- if self._repeat_limit == 'reversals':
+ if self._repeat_limit == "reversals":
reversal = True
self._n_reversals += 1
if self._x_max is not np.inf:
@@ -283,7 +307,7 @@ def respond(self, correct):
self._limit_count += 1
if bound:
bad = True
- if self._repeat_limit == 'reversals':
+ if self._repeat_limit == "reversals":
reversal = True
self._n_reversals += 1
@@ -299,15 +323,19 @@ def respond(self, correct):
if not self._stopped:
self._x_current = self._x[-1]
- self._callback('tracker_%s_respond' % self._tracker_id,
- correct)
+ self._callback("tracker_%s_respond" % self._tracker_id, correct)
self._x = self._x[:-1]
- 'tracker_%s_stop' % self._tracker_id, json.dumps(dict(
- responses=[int(s) for s in self._responses],
- reversals=[int(s) for s in self._reversals],
- x=[float(s) for s in self._x])))
+ "tracker_%s_stop" % self._tracker_id,
+ json.dumps(
+ dict(
+ responses=[int(s) for s in self._responses],
+ reversals=[int(s) for s in self._reversals],
+ x=[float(s) for s in self._x],
+ )
+ ),
+ )
def check_valid(self, n_reversals):
"""If last reversals contain reversals exceeding x_min or x_max.
@@ -323,8 +351,7 @@ def check_valid(self, n_reversals):
True if none of the reversals are at x_min or x_max and False
- self._valid = (not self._bad_reversals[self._reversals != 0]
- [-n_reversals:].any())
+ self._valid = not self._bad_reversals[self._reversals != 0][-n_reversals:].any()
return self._valid
def _stop_here(self):
@@ -335,14 +362,16 @@ def _stop_here(self):
self._n_stop = False
if self._n_stop and self._limit_count > 0:
- warnings.warn('Tracker {} exceeded x_min or x_max bounds {} times.'
- ''.format(self._tracker_id, self._limit_count))
+ warnings.warn(
+ f"Tracker {self._tracker_id} exceeded x_min or x_max bounds "
+ f"{self._limit_count} times."
+ )
return self._n_stop
def _step_index(self):
- if self._change_rule.lower() == 'reversals':
+ if self._change_rule.lower() == "reversals":
self._n_change = self._n_reversals
- elif self._change_rule.lower() == 'trials':
+ elif self._change_rule.lower() == "trials":
self._n_change = self._n_trials
step_index = np.where(self._n_change >= self._change_indices)[0]
if len(step_index) == 0 or np.array_equal(self._change_indices, [0]):
@@ -404,44 +433,37 @@ def repeat_limit(self):
def stopped(self):
- """Has the tracker stopped
- """
+ """Has the tracker stopped"""
return self._stopped
def x(self):
- """The staircase
- """
+ """The staircase"""
return self._x
def x_current(self):
- """The current level
- """
+ """The current level"""
return self._x_current
def responses(self):
- """The response history
- """
+ """The response history"""
return self._responses
def n_trials(self):
- """The number of trials so far
- """
+ """The number of trials so far"""
return self._n_trials
def n_reversals(self):
- """The number of reversals so far
- """
+ """The number of reversals so far"""
return self._n_reversals
def reversals(self):
- """The reversal history (0 where there was no reversal)
- """
+ """The reversal history (0 where there was no reversal)"""
return self._reversals
@@ -475,20 +497,22 @@ def plot(self, ax=None, threshold=True, n_skip=2):
The handles to the staircase line and the reversal dots.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
fig = ax.figure
- line = ax.plot(1 + np.arange(self._n_trials), self._x, 'k.-')
- line[0].set_label('Trials')
- dots = ax.plot(1 + np.where(self._reversals > 0)[0],
- self._x[self._reversals > 0], 'ro')
- dots[0].set_label('Reversals')
- ax.set(xlabel='Trial number', ylabel='Level')
+ line = ax.plot(1 + np.arange(self._n_trials), self._x, "k.-")
+ line[0].set_label("Trials")
+ dots = ax.plot(
+ 1 + np.where(self._reversals > 0)[0], self._x[self._reversals > 0], "ro"
+ )
+ dots[0].set_label("Reversals")
+ ax.set(xlabel="Trial number", ylabel="Level")
if threshold:
thresh = self.plot_thresh(n_skip, ax)
- thresh[0].set_label('Estimated Threshold')
+ thresh[0].set_label("Estimated Threshold")
return fig, ax, line + dots
@@ -509,10 +533,12 @@ def plot_thresh(self, n_skip=2, ax=None):
The handle to the threshold line, as returned from ``plt.plot``.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
- h = ax.plot([1, self._n_trials], [self.threshold(n_skip)] * 2,
- '--', color='gray')
+ h = ax.plot(
+ [1, self._n_trials], [self.threshold(n_skip)] * 2, "--", color="gray"
+ )
return h
def threshold(self, n_skip=2):
@@ -543,17 +569,20 @@ def threshold(self, n_skip=2):
return np.nan
if self._bad_reversals[rev_inds].any():
- raise ValueError('Cannot calculate thresholds with reversals '
- 'attempting to exceed x_min or x_max. Try '
- 'increasing n_skip.')
- return (np.mean(self._x[rev_inds[0::2]]) +
- np.mean(self._x[rev_inds[1::2]])) / 2
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Cannot calculate thresholds with reversals "
+ "attempting to exceed x_min or x_max. Try "
+ "increasing n_skip."
+ )
+ return (
+ np.mean(self._x[rev_inds[0::2]]) + np.mean(self._x[rev_inds[1::2]])
+ ) / 2
# =============================================================================
# Define the TrackerBinom Class
# =============================================================================
-class TrackerBinom(object):
+class TrackerBinom:
"""Binomial hypothesis testing tracker
This class implements a tracker that runs a test at each trial with the
@@ -608,8 +637,16 @@ class TrackerBinom(object):
of following them.
- def __init__(self, callback, alpha, chance, max_trials, min_trials=0,
- stop_early=True, x_current=np.nan):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ callback,
+ alpha,
+ chance,
+ max_trials,
+ min_trials=0,
+ stop_early=True,
+ x_current=np.nan,
+ ):
self._callback = _check_callback(callback)
self._alpha = alpha
self._chance = chance
@@ -629,18 +666,25 @@ def __init__(self, callback, alpha, chance, max_trials, min_trials=0,
# Now write the initialization data out
self._tracker_id = id(self)
- self._callback('tracker_identify', json.dumps(dict(
- tracker_id=self._tracker_id,
- tracker_type='TrackerBinom')))
- self._callback('tracker_%s_init' % self._tracker_id, json.dumps(dict(
- callback=None,
- alpha=self._alpha,
- chance=self._chance,
- max_trials=self._max_trials,
- min_trials=self._min_trials,
- stop_early=self._stop_early,
- x_current=self._x_current)))
+ self._callback(
+ "tracker_identify",
+ json.dumps(dict(tracker_id=self._tracker_id, tracker_type="TrackerBinom")),
+ )
+ self._callback(
+ "tracker_%s_init" % self._tracker_id,
+ json.dumps(
+ dict(
+ callback=None,
+ alpha=self._alpha,
+ chance=self._chance,
+ max_trials=self._max_trials,
+ min_trials=self._min_trials,
+ stop_early=self._stop_early,
+ x_current=self._x_current,
+ )
+ ),
+ )
def respond(self, correct):
"""Update the tracker based on the last response.
@@ -657,15 +701,16 @@ def respond(self, correct):
self._n_correct += 1
self._pc = float(self._n_correct) / self._n_trials
- self._p_val = binom.cdf(self._n_wrong, self._n_trials,
- 1 - self._chance)
- self._min_p_val = binom.cdf(self._n_wrong, self._max_trials,
- 1 - self._chance)
- self._max_p_val = binom.cdf(self._n_wrong + (self._max_trials -
- self._n_trials),
- self._max_trials, 1 - self._chance)
- if ((self._p_val <= self._alpha) or
- (self._min_p_val >= self._alpha and self._stop_early)):
+ self._p_val = binom.cdf(self._n_wrong, self._n_trials, 1 - self._chance)
+ self._min_p_val = binom.cdf(self._n_wrong, self._max_trials, 1 - self._chance)
+ self._max_p_val = binom.cdf(
+ self._n_wrong + (self._max_trials - self._n_trials),
+ self._max_trials,
+ 1 - self._chance,
+ )
+ if (self._p_val <= self._alpha) or (
+ self._min_p_val >= self._alpha and self._stop_early
+ ):
if self._n_trials >= self._min_trials:
self._stopped = True
if self._n_trials == self._max_trials:
@@ -673,12 +718,17 @@ def respond(self, correct):
if self._stopped:
- 'tracker_%s_stop' % self._tracker_id, json.dumps(dict(
- responses=[int(s) for s in self._responses],
- p_val=self._p_val,
- success=int(self.success))))
+ "tracker_%s_stop" % self._tracker_id,
+ json.dumps(
+ dict(
+ responses=[int(s) for s in self._responses],
+ p_val=self._p_val,
+ success=int(self.success),
+ )
+ ),
+ )
- self._callback('tracker_%s_respond' % self._tracker_id, correct)
+ self._callback("tracker_%s_respond" % self._tracker_id, correct)
# =========================================================================
# Define all the public properties
@@ -717,55 +767,47 @@ def n_trials(self):
def n_wrong(self):
- """The number of incorrect trials so far
- """
+ """The number of incorrect trials so far"""
return self._n_wrong
def n_correct(self):
- """The number of correct trials so far
- """
+ """The number of correct trials so far"""
return self._n_correct
def pc(self):
- """Proportion correct (0-1, NaN before any responses made)
- """
+ """Proportion correct (0-1, NaN before any responses made)"""
return self._pc
def responses(self):
- """The response history
- """
+ """The response history"""
return self._responses
def stopped(self):
- """Is the tracker stopped
- """
+ """Is the tracker stopped"""
return self._stopped
def success(self):
- """Has the p-value reached significance
- """
+ """Has the p-value reached significance"""
return self._p_val <= self._alpha
def x_current(self):
- """Included only for compatibility with TrackerDealer
- """
+ """Included only for compatibility with TrackerDealer"""
return self._x_current
def x(self):
- """Included only for compatibility with TrackerDealer
- """
+ """Included only for compatibility with TrackerDealer"""
return np.array([self._x_current for _ in range(self._n_trials)])
def stop_rule(self):
- return 'trials'
+ return "trials"
# =============================================================================
@@ -774,9 +816,10 @@ def stop_rule(self):
# TODO: Make it so you can add a list of values for each dimension (such as the
# phase in a BMLD task) and have it return that
# TODO: eventually, make a BaseTracker class so that TrackerDealer can make
# sure it has the methods / properties it needs
-class TrackerDealer(object):
+class TrackerDealer:
"""Class for selecting and pacing independent simultaneous trackers
@@ -817,36 +860,44 @@ class TrackerDealer(object):
- def __init__(self, callback, trackers, max_lag=1, pace_rule='reversals',
- rand=None):
+ def __init__(self, callback, trackers, max_lag=1, pace_rule="reversals", rand=None):
# dim will only be used for user output. Will be stored as 0-d
self._callback = _check_callback(callback)
self._trackers = np.asarray(trackers)
for ti, t in enumerate(self._trackers.flat):
if not isinstance(t, (TrackerUD, TrackerBinom)):
- raise TypeError('trackers.ravel()[%d] is type %s, must be '
- 'TrackerUD or TrackerBinom' % (ti, type(t)))
+ raise TypeError(
+ "trackers.ravel()[%d] is type %s, must be "
+ "TrackerUD or TrackerBinom" % (ti, type(t))
+ )
if isinstance(t, TrackerBinom) and t.stop_early:
- raise ValueError('stop_early for trackers.flat[%d] must be '
- 'False to deal trials from a TrackerBinom '
- 'object' % (ti,))
+ raise ValueError(
+ "stop_early for trackers.flat[%d] must be "
+ "False to deal trials from a TrackerBinom "
+ "object" % (ti,)
+ )
self._shape = self._trackers.shape
self._n = np.prod(self._shape)
self._max_lag = max_lag
self._pace_rule = pace_rule
- if any([isinstance(t, TrackerBinom) for t in
- self._trackers]) and pace_rule == 'reversals':
- raise ValueError('pace_rule must be ''trials'' to deal trials from'
- ' a TrackerBinom object')
+ if (
+ any([isinstance(t, TrackerBinom) for t in self._trackers])
+ and pace_rule == "reversals"
+ ):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "pace_rule must be "
+ "trials"
+ " to deal trials from"
+ " a TrackerBinom object"
+ )
if rand is None:
self._seed = int(time.time())
rand = np.random.RandomState(self._seed)
self._seed = None
if not isinstance(rand, np.random.RandomState):
- raise TypeError('rand must be of type '
- 'numpy.random.RandomState')
+ raise TypeError("rand must be of type " "numpy.random.RandomState")
self._rand = rand
self._trial_complete = True
self._tracker_history = np.array([], dtype=int)
@@ -854,14 +905,19 @@ def __init__(self, callback, trackers, max_lag=1, pace_rule='reversals',
self._x_history = np.array([], dtype=float)
self._dealer_id = id(self)
- self._callback('dealer_identify', json.dumps(dict(
- dealer_id=self._dealer_id)))
- self._callback('dealer_%s_init' % self._dealer_id, json.dumps(dict(
- trackers=[s._tracker_id for s in self._trackers.ravel()],
- shape=self._shape,
- max_lag=self._max_lag,
- pace_rule=self._pace_rule)))
+ self._callback("dealer_identify", json.dumps(dict(dealer_id=self._dealer_id)))
+ self._callback(
+ "dealer_%s_init" % self._dealer_id,
+ json.dumps(
+ dict(
+ trackers=[s._tracker_id for s in self._trackers.ravel()],
+ shape=self._shape,
+ max_lag=self._max_lag,
+ pace_rule=self._pace_rule,
+ )
+ ),
+ )
def __iter__(self):
return self
@@ -877,15 +933,13 @@ def next(self):
The level of the selected tracker.
if self.stopped:
- raise(StopIteration)
+ raise StopIteration
if not self._trial_complete:
# Chose a new tracker before responding, so record non-response
- self._response_history = np.append(self._response_history,
- np.nan)
+ self._response_history = np.append(self._response_history, np.nan)
self._trial_complete = False
self._current_tracker = self._pick()
- self._tracker_history = np.append(self._tracker_history,
- self._current_tracker)
+ self._tracker_history = np.append(self._tracker_history, self._current_tracker)
ss = np.unravel_index(self._current_tracker, self.shape)
level = self._trackers.flat[self._current_tracker].x_current
self._x_history = np.append(self._x_history, level)
@@ -895,15 +949,14 @@ def __next__(self): # for py3k compatibility
return self.next()
def _pick(self):
- """Decide which tracker from which to draw a trial
- """
+ """Decide which tracker from which to draw a trial"""
if self.stopped:
- raise RuntimeError('All trackers have stopped.')
+ raise RuntimeError("All trackers have stopped.")
active = np.where([not t.stopped for t in self._trackers.flat])[0]
- if self._pace_rule == 'reversals':
+ if self._pace_rule == "reversals":
pace = np.asarray([t.n_reversals for t in self._trackers.flat])
- elif self._pace_rule == 'trials':
+ elif self._pace_rule == "trials":
pace = np.asarray([t.n_trials for t in self._trackers.flat])
pace = pace[active]
lag = pace.max() - pace
@@ -927,17 +980,21 @@ def respond(self, correct):
Was the most recent subject response correct?
if self._trial_complete:
- raise RuntimeError('You must get a trial before you can respond.')
+ raise RuntimeError("You must get a trial before you can respond.")
self._trial_complete = True
self._response_history = np.append(self._response_history, correct)
if self.stopped:
- 'dealer_%s_stop' % self._dealer_id, json.dumps(dict(
- tracker_history=[int(s) for s in self._tracker_history],
- response_history=[float(s) for s in
- self._response_history],
- x_history=[float(s) for s in self._x_history])))
+ "dealer_%s_stop" % self._dealer_id,
+ json.dumps(
+ dict(
+ tracker_history=[int(s) for s in self._tracker_history],
+ response_history=[float(s) for s in self._response_history],
+ x_history=[float(s) for s in self._x_history],
+ )
+ ),
+ )
def history(self, include_skips=False):
"""The history of the dealt trials and the responses
@@ -959,12 +1016,14 @@ def history(self, include_skips=False):
The response history (i.e., correct or incorrect)
if include_skips:
- return (self._tracker_history, self._x_history,
- self._response_history)
+ return (self._tracker_history, self._x_history, self._response_history)
inds = np.invert(np.isnan(self._response_history))
- return (self._tracker_history[inds], self._x_history[inds],
- self._response_history[inds].astype(bool))
+ return (
+ self._tracker_history[inds],
+ self._x_history[inds],
+ self._response_history[inds].astype(bool),
+ )
def shape(self):
@@ -972,21 +1031,19 @@ def shape(self):
def stopped(self):
- """Are all the trackers stopped
- """
+ """Are all the trackers stopped"""
return all(t.stopped for t in self._trackers.flat)
def trackers(self):
- """All of the tracker objects in the container
- """
+ """All of the tracker objects in the container"""
return self._trackers
# =============================================================================
# Define the TrackerMHW Class
# =============================================================================
-class TrackerMHW(object):
+class TrackerMHW:
"""Up-down adaptive tracker for the modified Hughson-Westlake Procedure
This class implements a standard up-down adaptive tracker object. It is
@@ -1039,9 +1096,18 @@ class TrackerMHW(object):
and finding threshold.
- def __init__(self, callback, x_min, x_max, base_step=5, factor_down=2,
- factor_up_nr=4, start_value=40, n_up_stop=2,
- repeat_limit='reversals'):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ callback,
+ x_min,
+ x_max,
+ base_step=5,
+ factor_down=2,
+ factor_up_nr=4,
+ start_value=40,
+ n_up_stop=2,
+ repeat_limit="reversals",
+ ):
self._callback = _check_callback(callback)
self._x_min = x_min
self._x_max = x_max
@@ -1052,25 +1118,25 @@ def __init__(self, callback, x_min, x_max, base_step=5, factor_down=2,
self._n_up_stop = n_up_stop
self._repeat_limit = repeat_limit
- if type(x_min) != int and type(x_min) != float:
- raise TypeError('x_min must be a float or integer')
- if type(x_max) != int and type(x_max) != float:
- raise TypeError('x_max must be a float or integer')
+ if not isinstance(x_min, (int, float)):
+ raise TypeError("x_min must be a float or integer")
+ if not isinstance(x_max, (int, float)):
+ raise TypeError("x_max must be a float or integer")
self._x = np.asarray([start_value], dtype=float)
if not np.isscalar(start_value):
- raise TypeError('start_value must be a scalar')
+ raise TypeError("start_value must be a scalar")
if start_value % base_step != 0:
- raise ValueError('start_value must be a multiple of base_step')
+ raise ValueError("start_value must be a multiple of base_step")
if (x_min - start_value) % base_step != 0:
- raise ValueError('x_min must be a multiple of base_step')
+ raise ValueError("x_min must be a multiple of base_step")
if (x_max - start_value) % base_step != 0:
- raise ValueError('x_max must be a multiple of base_step')
+ raise ValueError("x_max must be a multiple of base_step")
- if type(n_up_stop) != int:
- raise TypeError('n_up_stop must be an integer')
+ if not isinstance(n_up_stop, int):
+ raise TypeError("n_up_stop must be an integer")
self._x_current = float(start_value)
self._responses = np.asarray([], dtype=bool)
@@ -1090,21 +1156,28 @@ def __init__(self, callback, x_min, x_max, base_step=5, factor_down=2,
self._threshold = np.nan
# Now write the initialization data out
- self._tracker_id = '%s-%s' % (id(self), int(round(time.time() * 1e6)))
- self._callback('tracker_identify', json.dumps(dict(
- tracker_id=self._tracker_id,
- tracker_type='TrackerMHW')))
- self._callback('tracker_%s_init' % self._tracker_id, json.dumps(dict(
- callback=None,
- base_step=self._base_step,
- factor_down=self._factor_down,
- factor_up_nr=self._factor_up_nr,
- start_value=self._start_value,
- x_min=self._x_min,
- x_max=self._x_max,
- n_up_stop=self._n_up_stop,
- repeat_limit=self._repeat_limit)))
+ self._tracker_id = "%s-%s" % (id(self), int(round(time.time() * 1e6)))
+ self._callback(
+ "tracker_identify",
+ json.dumps(dict(tracker_id=self._tracker_id, tracker_type="TrackerMHW")),
+ )
+ self._callback(
+ "tracker_%s_init" % self._tracker_id,
+ json.dumps(
+ dict(
+ callback=None,
+ base_step=self._base_step,
+ factor_down=self._factor_down,
+ factor_up_nr=self._factor_up_nr,
+ start_value=self._start_value,
+ x_min=self._x_min,
+ x_max=self._x_max,
+ n_up_stop=self._n_up_stop,
+ repeat_limit=self._repeat_limit,
+ )
+ ),
+ )
def respond(self, correct):
"""Update the tracker based on the last response.
@@ -1115,7 +1188,7 @@ def respond(self, correct):
Was the most recent subject response correct?
if self._stopped:
- raise RuntimeError('Tracker is stopped.')
+ raise RuntimeError("Tracker is stopped.")
bound = False
bad = False
@@ -1153,12 +1226,14 @@ def respond(self, correct):
if step_dir == 0:
self._x = np.append(self._x, self._x[-1])
elif step_dir < 0:
- self._x = np.append(self._x, self._x[-1] -
- self._factor_down * self._base_step)
+ self._x = np.append(
+ self._x, self._x[-1] - self._factor_down * self._base_step
+ )
elif step_dir > 0:
if self._n_correct == 0:
- self._x = np.append(self._x, self._x[-1] +
- self._factor_up_nr * self._base_step)
+ self._x = np.append(
+ self._x, self._x[-1] + self._factor_up_nr * self._base_step
+ )
self._x = np.append(self._x, self._x[-1] + self._base_step)
@@ -1167,10 +1242,10 @@ def respond(self, correct):
self._limit_count += 1
if bound:
bad = True
- if self._repeat_limit == 'reversals':
+ if self._repeat_limit == "reversals":
reversal = True
self._n_reversals += 1
- if self._repeat_limit == 'ignore':
+ if self._repeat_limit == "ignore":
reversal = False
self._direction = 0
if self._x[-1] >= self._x_max:
@@ -1178,10 +1253,10 @@ def respond(self, correct):
self._limit_count += 1
if bound:
bad = True
- if self._repeat_limit == 'reversals':
+ if self._repeat_limit == "reversals":
reversal = True
self._n_reversals += 1
- if self._repeat_limit == 'ignore':
+ if self._repeat_limit == "ignore":
reversal = False
self._direction = 0
@@ -1197,18 +1272,23 @@ def respond(self, correct):
if not self._stopped:
self._x_current = self._x[-1]
- self._callback('tracker_%s_respond' % self._tracker_id,
- correct)
+ self._callback("tracker_%s_respond" % self._tracker_id, correct)
self._x = self._x[:-1]
- 'tracker_%s_stop' % self._tracker_id, json.dumps(dict(
- responses=[int(s) for s in self._responses],
- reversals=[int(s) for s in self._reversals],
- x=[float(s) for s in self._x],
- threshold=self._threshold,
- n_correct_levels={int(k): v for k, v in
- self._n_correct_levels.items()})))
+ "tracker_%s_stop" % self._tracker_id,
+ json.dumps(
+ dict(
+ responses=[int(s) for s in self._responses],
+ reversals=[int(s) for s in self._reversals],
+ x=[float(s) for s in self._x],
+ threshold=self._threshold,
+ n_correct_levels={
+ int(k): v for k, v in self._n_correct_levels.items()
+ },
+ )
+ ),
+ )
def check_valid(self, n_reversals):
"""If last reversals contain reversals exceeding x_min or x_max.
@@ -1224,15 +1304,18 @@ def check_valid(self, n_reversals):
True if none of the reversals are at x_min or x_max and False
- self._valid = (not self._bad_reversals[self._reversals != 0]
- [-n_reversals:].any())
+ self._valid = not self._bad_reversals[self._reversals != 0][-n_reversals:].any()
return self._valid
def _stop_here(self):
- self._threshold_reached = [self._n_correct_levels[level] ==
- self._n_up_stop for level in self._levels]
- if self._n_correct == 0 and self._x[
- -2] == self._x_max and self._x[-1] == self._x_max:
+ self._threshold_reached = [
+ self._n_correct_levels[level] == self._n_up_stop for level in self._levels
+ ]
+ if (
+ self._n_correct == 0
+ and self._x[-2] == self._x_max
+ and self._x[-1] == self._x_max
+ ):
self._n_stop = True
self._threshold = np.nan
elif len(self._x) > 3 and (self._x == self._x_max).sum() >= 4:
@@ -1242,13 +1325,14 @@ def _stop_here(self):
self._threshold = self._x_min
elif self._threshold_reached.count(True) == 1:
self._n_stop = True
- self._threshold = int(self._levels[
- [i for i, tr in enumerate(self._threshold_reached) if tr]])
+ self._threshold = self._levels[self._threshold_reached].item()
self._n_stop = False
if self._n_stop and self._limit_count > 0:
- warnings.warn('Tracker {} exceeded x_min or x_max bounds {} times.'
- ''.format(self._tracker_id, self._limit_count))
+ warnings.warn(
+ f"Tracker {self._tracker_id} exceeded x_min or x_max bounds "
+ f"{self._limit_count} times."
+ )
return self._n_stop
# =========================================================================
@@ -1296,44 +1380,37 @@ def threshold(self):
def stopped(self):
- """Has the tracker stopped
- """
+ """Has the tracker stopped"""
return self._stopped
def x(self):
- """The staircase
- """
+ """The staircase"""
return self._x
def x_current(self):
- """The current level
- """
+ """The current level"""
return self._x_current
def responses(self):
- """The response history
- """
+ """The response history"""
return self._responses
def n_trials(self):
- """The number of trials so far
- """
+ """The number of trials so far"""
return self._n_trials
def n_reversals(self):
- """The number of reversals so far
- """
+ """The number of reversals so far"""
return self._n_reversals
def reversals(self):
- """The reversal history (0 where there was no reversal)
- """
+ """The reversal history (0 where there was no reversal)"""
return self._reversals
@@ -1370,20 +1447,22 @@ def plot(self, ax=None, threshold=True):
The handles to the staircase line and the reversal dots.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
fig = ax.figure
- line = ax.plot(1 + np.arange(self._n_trials), self._x, 'k.-')
- line[0].set_label('Trials')
- dots = ax.plot(1 + np.where(self._reversals > 0)[0],
- self._x[self._reversals > 0], 'ro')
- dots[0].set_label('Reversals')
- ax.set(xlabel='Trial number', ylabel='Level (dB)')
+ line = ax.plot(1 + np.arange(self._n_trials), self._x, "k.-")
+ line[0].set_label("Trials")
+ dots = ax.plot(
+ 1 + np.where(self._reversals > 0)[0], self._x[self._reversals > 0], "ro"
+ )
+ dots[0].set_label("Reversals")
+ ax.set(xlabel="Trial number", ylabel="Level (dB)")
if threshold:
thresh = self.plot_thresh(ax)
- thresh[0].set_label('Threshold')
+ thresh[0].set_label("Threshold")
return fig, ax, line + dots
@@ -1402,8 +1481,8 @@ def plot_thresh(self, ax=None):
The handle to the threshold line, as returned from ``plt.plot``.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
- h = ax.plot([1, self._n_trials], [self._threshold] * 2, '--',
- color='gray')
+ h = ax.plot([1, self._n_trials], [self._threshold] * 2, "--", color="gray")
return h
diff --git a/expyfun/stimuli/_vocoder.py b/expyfun/stimuli/_vocoder.py
index a3d6271a..d68a4027 100644
--- a/expyfun/stimuli/_vocoder.py
+++ b/expyfun/stimuli/_vocoder.py
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-"""Vocoder functions
+"""Vocoder functions"""
-import numpy as np
-from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter, filtfilt
import warnings
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt, lfilter
from .._utils import verbose_dec
@@ -20,8 +19,9 @@ def _erbn_to_freq(e):
-def get_band_freqs(fs, n_bands=16, freq_lims=(200., 8000.), scale='erb',
- verbose=None):
+def get_band_freqs(
+ fs, n_bands=16, freq_lims=(200.0, 8000.0), scale="erb", verbose=None
"""Calculate frequency band edges.
@@ -45,27 +45,26 @@ def get_band_freqs(fs, n_bands=16, freq_lims=(200., 8000.), scale='erb',
freq_lims = np.array(freq_lims, float)
fs = float(fs)
- if np.any(freq_lims >= fs / 2.):
- raise ValueError('frequency limits must not exceed Nyquist')
+ if np.any(freq_lims >= fs / 2.0):
+ raise ValueError("frequency limits must not exceed Nyquist")
assert freq_lims.ndim == 1 and freq_lims.size == 2
- if scale not in ('erb', 'log', 'hz'):
+ if scale not in ("erb", "log", "hz"):
raise ValueError('Frequency scale must be "erb", "hz", or "log".')
- if scale == 'erb':
+ if scale == "erb":
freq_lims_erbn = _freq_to_erbn(freq_lims)
delta_erb = np.diff(freq_lims_erbn) / n_bands
- cutoffs = _erbn_to_freq(freq_lims_erbn[0] +
- delta_erb * np.arange(n_bands + 1))
+ cutoffs = _erbn_to_freq(freq_lims_erbn[0] + delta_erb * np.arange(n_bands + 1))
assert np.allclose(cutoffs[[0, -1]], freq_lims) # should be
- elif scale == 'log':
+ elif scale == "log":
freq_lims_log = np.log2(freq_lims)
delta = np.diff(freq_lims_log) / n_bands
- cutoffs = 2. ** (freq_lims_log[0] + delta * np.arange(n_bands + 1))
+ cutoffs = 2.0 ** (freq_lims_log[0] + delta * np.arange(n_bands + 1))
assert np.allclose(cutoffs[[0, -1]], freq_lims) # should be
else: # scale == 'hz'
delta = np.diff(freq_lims) / n_bands
cutoffs = freq_lims[0] + delta * np.arange(n_bands + 1)
edges = zip(cutoffs[:-1], cutoffs[1:])
- return(edges)
+ return edges
def get_bands(data, fs, edges, order=2, zero_phase=False, axis=-1):
@@ -100,15 +99,15 @@ def get_bands(data, fs, edges, order=2, zero_phase=False, axis=-1):
filts = []
for lf, hf in edges:
# band-pass
- b, a = butter(order, [2 * lf / fs, 2 * hf / fs], 'bandpass')
+ b, a = butter(order, [2 * lf / fs, 2 * hf / fs], "bandpass")
filt = filtfilt if zero_phase else lfilter
band = filt(b, a, data, axis=axis)
filts.append((b, a))
- return(bands, filts)
+ return bands, filts
-def get_env(data, fs, lp_order=4, lp_cutoff=160., zero_phase=False, axis=-1):
+def get_env(data, fs, lp_order=4, lp_cutoff=160.0, zero_phase=False, axis=-1):
"""Calculate a low-pass envelope of a signal
@@ -133,18 +132,17 @@ def get_env(data, fs, lp_order=4, lp_cutoff=160., zero_phase=False, axis=-1):
filt : tuple
The filter coefficients (numerator, denominator).
- if lp_cutoff >= fs / 2.:
- raise ValueError('frequency limits must not exceed Nyquist')
+ if lp_cutoff >= fs / 2.0:
+ raise ValueError("frequency limits must not exceed Nyquist")
cutoff = 2 * lp_cutoff / float(fs)
- data[data < 0] = 0. # half-wave rectify
- b, a = butter(lp_order, cutoff, 'lowpass')
+ data[data < 0] = 0.0 # half-wave rectify
+ b, a = butter(lp_order, cutoff, "lowpass")
filt = filtfilt if zero_phase else lfilter
env = filt(b, a, data, axis=axis)
- return(env, (b, a))
+ return env, (b, a)
-def get_carriers(data, fs, edges, order=2, axis=-1, mode='tone', rate=None,
- seed=None):
+def get_carriers(data, fs, edges, order=2, axis=-1, mode="tone", rate=None, seed=None):
"""Generate carriers for frequency bands of a signal
@@ -178,9 +176,8 @@ def get_carriers(data, fs, edges, order=2, axis=-1, mode='tone', rate=None,
List of numpy ndarrays of the carrier signals.
# check args
- if mode not in ('noise', 'tone', 'poisson'):
- raise ValueError('mode must be "noise", "tone", or "poisson", not {0}'
- ''.format(mode))
+ if mode not in ("noise", "tone", "poisson"):
+ raise ValueError(f'mode must be "noise", "tone", or "poisson", not {mode}' "")
if isinstance(seed, np.random.RandomState):
rng = seed
elif seed is None:
@@ -188,38 +185,53 @@ def get_carriers(data, fs, edges, order=2, axis=-1, mode='tone', rate=None,
elif isinstance(seed, int):
rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
- raise TypeError('"seed" must be an int, an instance of '
- 'numpy.random.RandomState, or None.')
+ raise TypeError(
+ '"seed" must be an int, an instance of '
+ "numpy.random.RandomState, or None."
+ )
carrs = []
fs = float(fs)
n_samp = data.shape[axis]
for lf, hf in edges:
- if mode == 'tone':
- cf = (lf + hf) / 2.
+ if mode == "tone":
+ cf = (lf + hf) / 2.0
carrier = np.sin(2 * np.pi * cf * np.arange(n_samp) / fs)
carrier *= np.sqrt(2) # rms of 1
shape = np.ones_like(data.shape)
shape[axis] = n_samp
carrier.shape = shape
- if mode == 'noise':
+ if mode == "noise":
carrier = rng.rand(*data.shape)
else: # mode == 'poisson'
prob = rate / fs
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # numpy silliness
- carrier = rng.choice([0., 1.], n_samp, p=[1 - prob, prob])
- b, a = butter(order, [2 * lf / fs, 2 * hf / fs], 'bandpass')
+ carrier = rng.choice([0.0, 1.0], n_samp, p=[1 - prob, prob])
+ b, a = butter(order, [2 * lf / fs, 2 * hf / fs], "bandpass")
carrier = lfilter(b, a, carrier, axis=axis)
- carrier /= np.sqrt(np.mean(carrier * carrier, axis=axis,
- keepdims=True)) # rms of 1
+ carrier /= np.sqrt(
+ np.mean(carrier * carrier, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
+ ) # rms of 1
- return(carrs)
+ return carrs
-def vocode(data, fs, n_bands=16, freq_lims=(200., 8000.), scale='erb',
- order=2, lp_cutoff=160., lp_order=4, mode='noise',
- rate=200, seed=None, axis=-1, verbose=None):
+def vocode(
+ data,
+ fs,
+ n_bands=16,
+ freq_lims=(200.0, 8000.0),
+ scale="erb",
+ order=2,
+ lp_cutoff=160.0,
+ lp_order=4,
+ mode="noise",
+ rate=200,
+ seed=None,
+ axis=-1,
+ verbose=None,
"""Vocode stimuli using a variety of methods
@@ -268,14 +280,17 @@ def vocode(data, fs, n_bands=16, freq_lims=(200., 8000.), scale='erb',
The default settings are adapted from a cochlear implant simulation
algorithm described by Zachary Smith (Cochlear Corp.).
- edges = get_band_freqs(fs, n_bands=n_bands, freq_lims=freq_lims,
- scale=scale)
+ edges = get_band_freqs(fs, n_bands=n_bands, freq_lims=freq_lims, scale=scale)
bands, filts = get_bands(data, fs, edges, order=order, axis=axis)
- envs, env_filts = zip(*[get_env(x, fs, lp_order=lp_order,
- lp_cutoff=lp_cutoff, axis=axis)
- for x in bands])
- carrs = get_carriers(data, fs, edges, order=order, axis=axis, mode=mode,
- rate=rate, seed=seed)
+ envs, env_filts = zip(
+ *[
+ get_env(x, fs, lp_order=lp_order, lp_cutoff=lp_cutoff, axis=axis)
+ for x in bands
+ ]
+ )
+ carrs = get_carriers(
+ data, fs, edges, order=order, axis=axis, mode=mode, rate=rate, seed=seed
+ )
# reconstruct
voc = np.zeros_like(data)
for carr, env in zip(carrs, envs):
diff --git a/expyfun/stimuli/tests/test_mls.py b/expyfun/stimuli/tests/test_mls.py
index e223c04b..a2644946 100644
--- a/expyfun/stimuli/tests/test_mls.py
+++ b/expyfun/stimuli/tests/test_mls.py
@@ -2,12 +2,11 @@
import pytest
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
-from expyfun.stimuli import repeated_mls, compute_mls_impulse_response
+from expyfun.stimuli import compute_mls_impulse_response, repeated_mls
def test_mls_ir():
- """Test computing impulse response with MLS
- """
+ """Test computing impulse response with MLS"""
# test simple stuff
for _ in range(5):
# make sure our signals have some DC
@@ -17,20 +16,20 @@ def test_mls_ir():
mls, n_resp = repeated_mls(len(kernel), n_repeats)
resp = np.zeros(n_resp)
- resp[:len(mls) + len(kernel) - 1] = np.convolve(mls, kernel)
+ resp[: len(mls) + len(kernel) - 1] = np.convolve(mls, kernel)
est_kernel = compute_mls_impulse_response(resp, mls, n_repeats)
kernel_pad = np.zeros(len(est_kernel))
- kernel_pad[:len(kernel)] = kernel
+ kernel_pad[: len(kernel)] = kernel
assert_allclose(kernel_pad, est_kernel, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
# failure modes
- pytest.raises(TypeError, repeated_mls, 'foo', n_repeats)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, compute_mls_impulse_response, resp[:-1], mls,
- n_repeats)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, compute_mls_impulse_response, resp, mls[:-1],
- n_repeats)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, compute_mls_impulse_response, resp,
- mls * 2. - 1., n_repeats)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, compute_mls_impulse_response, resp,
- mls[np.newaxis, :], n_repeats)
+ pytest.raises(TypeError, repeated_mls, "foo", n_repeats)
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, compute_mls_impulse_response, resp[:-1], mls, n_repeats)
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, compute_mls_impulse_response, resp, mls[:-1], n_repeats)
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError, compute_mls_impulse_response, resp, mls * 2.0 - 1.0, n_repeats
+ )
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError, compute_mls_impulse_response, resp, mls[np.newaxis, :], n_repeats
+ )
diff --git a/expyfun/stimuli/tests/test_stimuli.py b/expyfun/stimuli/tests/test_stimuli.py
index c1432c9d..3b73dfeb 100644
--- a/expyfun/stimuli/tests/test_stimuli.py
+++ b/expyfun/stimuli/tests/test_stimuli.py
@@ -1,92 +1,124 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os
import numpy as np
import pytest
-from numpy.testing import (assert_array_equal, assert_array_almost_equal,
- assert_allclose, assert_equal)
+from numpy.testing import (
+ assert_allclose,
+ assert_array_almost_equal,
+ assert_array_equal,
+ assert_equal,
from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter
-from expyfun._sound_controllers import _BACKENDS
-from expyfun._utils import requires_lib, requires_opengl21, _check_skip_backend
-from expyfun.stimuli import (rms, play_sound, convolve_hrtf, window_edges,
- vocode, texture_ERB, crm_info, crm_prepare_corpus,
- crm_sentence, crm_response_menu, CRMPreload,
- add_pad)
from expyfun import ExperimentController
-std_kwargs = dict(output_dir=None, full_screen=False, window_size=(340, 480),
- participant='foo', session='01', stim_db=0.0, noise_db=0.0,
- verbose=True, version='dev')
+from expyfun._sound_controllers import _BACKENDS
+from expyfun._utils import _check_skip_backend, requires_lib, requires_opengl21
+from expyfun.stimuli import (
+ CRMPreload,
+ add_pad,
+ convolve_hrtf,
+ crm_info,
+ crm_prepare_corpus,
+ crm_response_menu,
+ crm_sentence,
+ play_sound,
+ rms,
+ texture_ERB,
+ vocode,
+ window_edges,
+std_kwargs = dict(
+ output_dir=None,
+ full_screen=False,
+ window_size=(340, 480),
+ participant="foo",
+ session="01",
+ stim_db=0.0,
+ noise_db=0.0,
+ verbose=True,
+ version="dev",
def test_textures():
"""Test stimulus textures."""
texture_ERB() # smoke test
- pytest.raises(TypeError, texture_ERB, seq='foo')
- pytest.raises(ValueError, texture_ERB, seq=('foo',))
- with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='LESS THAN 1 ERB'):
+ pytest.raises(TypeError, texture_ERB, seq="foo")
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, texture_ERB, seq=("foo",))
+ with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="LESS THAN 1 ERB"):
x = texture_ERB(freq_lims=(200, 500))
- assert_allclose(len(x) / 24414., 4., rtol=1e-5)
+ assert_allclose(len(x) / 24414.0, 4.0, rtol=1e-5)
def test_hrtf_convolution():
"""Test HRTF convolution."""
data = np.random.randn(2, 10000)
pytest.raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 0, interp=False)
data = data[0]
pytest.raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 0.5, interp=False)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 0,
- source='foo', interp=False)
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 0, source="foo", interp=False)
pytest.raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 90.5, interp=True)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 0, interp='foo')
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 0, interp="foo")
# invalid angle when interp=False
for interp in [True, False]:
- for source in ['barb', 'cipic']:
- if interp and source == 'barb':
+ for source in ["barb", "cipic"]:
+ if interp and source == "barb":
# raise an error when trying to interp with 'barb'
- pytest.raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 2.5,
- source=source, interp=interp)
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError,
+ convolve_hrtf,
+ data,
+ 44100,
+ 2.5,
+ source=source,
+ interp=interp,
+ )
- out = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, 0, source=source,
- interp=interp)
- out_2 = convolve_hrtf(data, 24414, 0, source=source,
- interp=interp)
+ out = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, 0, source=source, interp=interp)
+ out_2 = convolve_hrtf(data, 24414, 0, source=source, interp=interp)
assert_equal(out.ndim, 2)
assert_equal(out.shape[0], 2)
- assert (out.shape[1] > data.size)
- assert (out_2.shape[1] < out.shape[1])
+ assert out.shape[1] > data.size
+ assert out_2.shape[1] < out.shape[1]
if interp:
- out_3 = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, 2.5, source=source,
- interp=interp)
- out_4 = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, -2.5, source=source,
- interp=interp)
+ out_3 = convolve_hrtf(
+ data, 44100, 2.5, source=source, interp=interp
+ )
+ out_4 = convolve_hrtf(
+ data, 44100, -2.5, source=source, interp=interp
+ )
assert_equal(out_3.ndim, 2)
assert_equal(out_4.ndim, 2)
# ensure that, at least for zero degrees, it's close
- out = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, 0, source=source,
- interp=interp)[:, 1024:-1024]
+ out = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, 0, source=source, interp=interp)[
+ :, 1024:-1024
+ ]
assert_allclose(np.mean(rms(out)), rms(data), rtol=1e-1)
- out = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, -90, source=source,
- interp=interp)
+ out = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, -90, source=source, interp=interp)
rmss = rms(out)
- assert (rmss[0] > 4 * rmss[1])
+ assert rmss[0] > 4 * rmss[1]
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('backend', ('auto',) + _BACKENDS)
+ os.getenv("AZURE_CI_WINDOWS", "") == "true", reason="Azure CI Windows has problems"
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("backend", ("auto",) + _BACKENDS)
def test_play_sound(backend, hide_window): # only works if windowing works
"""Test playing a sound."""
+ fs = 48000
data = np.zeros((2, 100))
- play_sound(data).stop()
- play_sound(data[0], norm=False, wait=True)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, play_sound, data[:, :, np.newaxis])
+ play_sound(data, fs=fs).stop()
+ play_sound(data[0], norm=False, wait=True, fs=fs)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="sound must be"):
+ play_sound(data[:, :, np.newaxis], fs=fs)
# Make sure each backend can handle a lot of sounds
for _ in range(10):
- snd = play_sound(data)
+ snd = play_sound(data, fs=fs)
# we manually stop and delete here, because we don't want to
# have to wait for our Timer instances to get around to doing
# it... this also checks to make sure calling `delete()` more
@@ -99,40 +131,40 @@ def test_window_edges():
"""Test windowing signal edges."""
sig = np.ones((2, 1000))
fs = 44100
- pytest.raises(ValueError, window_edges, sig, fs, window='foo') # bad win
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, window_edges, sig, fs, window="foo") # bad win
pytest.raises(RuntimeError, window_edges, sig, fs, dur=1.0) # too long
- pytest.raises(ValueError, window_edges, sig, fs, edges='foo') # bad type
- x = window_edges(sig, fs, edges='leading')
- y = window_edges(sig, fs, edges='trailing')
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, window_edges, sig, fs, edges="foo") # bad type
+ x = window_edges(sig, fs, edges="leading")
+ y = window_edges(sig, fs, edges="trailing")
z = window_edges(sig, fs)
- assert (np.all(x[:, 0] < 1)) # make sure we actually reduced amp
- assert (np.all(x[:, -1] == 1))
- assert (np.all(y[:, 0] == 1))
- assert (np.all(y[:, -1] < 1))
+ assert np.all(x[:, 0] < 1) # make sure we actually reduced amp
+ assert np.all(x[:, -1] == 1)
+ assert np.all(y[:, 0] == 1)
+ assert np.all(y[:, -1] < 1)
assert_allclose(x + y, z + 1)
def _voc_similarity(orig, voc):
"""Quantify envelope similarity after vocoding."""
- return np.correlate(orig, voc, mode='full').max()
+ return np.correlate(orig, voc, mode="full").max()
def test_vocoder():
"""Test noise, tone, and click vocoding."""
data = np.random.randn(10000)
env = np.random.randn(10000)
- b, a = butter(4, 0.001, 'lowpass')
+ b, a = butter(4, 0.001, "lowpass")
data *= lfilter(b, a, env)
# bad limits
pytest.raises(ValueError, vocode, data, 44100, freq_lims=(200, 30000))
# bad mode
- pytest.raises(ValueError, vocode, data, 44100, mode='foo')
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, vocode, data, 44100, mode="foo")
# bad seed
- pytest.raises(TypeError, vocode, data, 44100, seed='foo')
- pytest.raises(ValueError, vocode, data, 44100, scale='foo')
- voc1 = vocode(data, 20000, mode='noise', scale='log')
- voc2 = vocode(data, 20000, mode='tone', order=4, seed=0, scale='hz')
- voc3 = vocode(data, 20000, mode='poisson', seed=np.random.RandomState(123))
+ pytest.raises(TypeError, vocode, data, 44100, seed="foo")
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, vocode, data, 44100, scale="foo")
+ voc1 = vocode(data, 20000, mode="noise", scale="log")
+ voc2 = vocode(data, 20000, mode="tone", order=4, seed=0, scale="hz")
+ voc3 = vocode(data, 20000, mode="poisson", seed=np.random.RandomState(123))
# XXX This is about the best we can do for now...
assert_array_equal(voc1.shape, data.shape)
assert_array_equal(voc2.shape, data.shape)
@@ -142,13 +174,13 @@ def test_vocoder():
def test_rms():
"""Test RMS calculation."""
# Test a couple trivial things we know
- sin = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 1000 * np.arange(10000, dtype=float) / 10000.)
- assert_array_almost_equal(rms(sin), 1. / np.sqrt(2))
+ sin = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 1000 * np.arange(10000, dtype=float) / 10000.0)
+ assert_array_almost_equal(rms(sin), 1.0 / np.sqrt(2))
assert_array_almost_equal(rms(np.ones((100, 2)) * 2, 0), [2, 2])
-@pytest.mark.timeout(60) # can be slow to load on CIs
+@pytest.mark.timeout(120) # can be slow to load on CIs
def test_crm(tmpdir):
"""Test CRM Corpus functions."""
fs = 40000 # native rate, to avoid large resampling delay in testing
@@ -156,63 +188,58 @@ def test_crm(tmpdir):
tempdir = str(tmpdir)
# corpus prep
- talkers = [dict(sex='f', talker_num=0)]
+ talkers = [dict(sex="f", talker_num=0)]
- crm_prepare_corpus(fs, path_out=tempdir, talker_list=talkers,
- n_jobs=1)
- crm_prepare_corpus(fs, path_out=tempdir, talker_list=talkers, n_jobs=1,
- overwrite=True)
+ crm_prepare_corpus(fs, path_out=tempdir, talker_list=talkers, n_jobs=1)
+ crm_prepare_corpus(
+ fs, path_out=tempdir, talker_list=talkers, n_jobs=1, overwrite=True
+ )
# no overwrite
pytest.raises(RuntimeError, crm_prepare_corpus, fs, path_out=tempdir)
# load sentence from hard drive
- crm_sentence(fs, 'f', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ramp_dur=0, path=tempdir)
- crm_sentence(fs, 1, '0', 'charlie', 'red', '5', stereo=True, path=tempdir)
+ crm_sentence(fs, "f", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ramp_dur=0, path=tempdir)
+ crm_sentence(fs, 1, "0", "charlie", "red", "5", stereo=True, path=tempdir)
# bad value requested
- pytest.raises(ValueError, crm_sentence, fs, 1, 0, 0, 'periwinkle', 0,
- path=tempdir)
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, crm_sentence, fs, 1, 0, 0, "periwinkle", 0, path=tempdir)
# unprepared talker
- pytest.raises(RuntimeError, crm_sentence, fs, 'm', 0, 0, 0, 0,
- path=tempdir)
+ pytest.raises(RuntimeError, crm_sentence, fs, "m", 0, 0, 0, 0, path=tempdir)
# unprepared sampling rate
- pytest.raises(RuntimeError, crm_sentence, fs + 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- path=tempdir)
+ pytest.raises(RuntimeError, crm_sentence, fs + 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, path=tempdir)
# CRMPreload class
crm = CRMPreload(fs, path=tempdir)
- crm.sentence('f', 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ crm.sentence("f", 0, 0, 0, 0)
# unprepared sampling rate
pytest.raises(RuntimeError, CRMPreload, fs + 1)
# bad value requested
- pytest.raises(ValueError, crm.sentence, 1, 0, 0, 'periwinkle', 0)
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, crm.sentence, 1, 0, 0, "periwinkle", 0)
# unprepared talker
- pytest.raises(RuntimeError, crm.sentence, 'm', 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ pytest.raises(RuntimeError, crm.sentence, "m", 0, 0, 0, 0)
# try to specify parameters like fs, stereo, etc.
- pytest.raises(TypeError, crm.sentence, fs, '1', '0', 'charlie', 'red', '5')
+ pytest.raises(TypeError, crm.sentence, fs, "1", "0", "charlie", "red", "5")
# add_pad
x1 = np.zeros(10)
x2 = np.ones((2, 5))
x = add_pad([x1, x2])
- assert (np.sum(x[..., -1] == 0))
- x = add_pad((x1, x2), 'center')
- assert (np.sum(x[..., -1] == 0) and np.sum(x[..., 0] == 0))
- x = add_pad((x1, x2), 'end')
- assert (np.sum(x[..., 0] == 0))
+ assert np.sum(x[..., -1] == 0)
+ x = add_pad((x1, x2), "center")
+ assert np.sum(x[..., -1] == 0) and np.sum(x[..., 0] == 0)
+ x = add_pad((x1, x2), "end")
+ assert np.sum(x[..., 0] == 0)
def test_crm_response_menu(hide_window):
"""Test the CRM Response menu function."""
- with ExperimentController('crm_menu', **std_kwargs) as ec:
+ with ExperimentController("crm_menu", **std_kwargs) as ec:
resp = crm_response_menu(ec, max_wait=0.05)
crm_response_menu(ec, numbers=[0, 1, 2], max_wait=0.05)
- crm_response_menu(ec, colors=['blue'], max_wait=0.05)
- crm_response_menu(ec, colors=['r'], numbers=['7'], max_wait=0.05)
+ crm_response_menu(ec, colors=["blue"], max_wait=0.05)
+ crm_response_menu(ec, colors=["r"], numbers=["7"], max_wait=0.05)
assert_equal(resp, (None, None))
- pytest.raises(ValueError, crm_response_menu, ec,
- max_wait=0, min_wait=1)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, crm_response_menu, ec,
- colors=['g', 'g'])
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, crm_response_menu, ec, max_wait=0, min_wait=1)
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, crm_response_menu, ec, colors=["g", "g"])
diff --git a/expyfun/stimuli/tests/test_tracker.py b/expyfun/stimuli/tests/test_tracker.py
index b22ca737..f50cc26d 100644
--- a/expyfun/stimuli/tests/test_tracker.py
+++ b/expyfun/stimuli/tests/test_tracker.py
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import numpy as np
-from expyfun.stimuli import TrackerUD, TrackerBinom, TrackerDealer, TrackerMHW
-from expyfun import ExperimentController
import pytest
from numpy.testing import assert_equal
+from expyfun import ExperimentController
from expyfun._utils import requires_opengl21
+from expyfun.stimuli import TrackerBinom, TrackerDealer, TrackerMHW, TrackerUD
def callback(event_type, value=None, timestamp=None):
@@ -12,11 +12,20 @@ def callback(event_type, value=None, timestamp=None):
print(event_type, value, timestamp)
-std_kwargs = dict(output_dir=None, full_screen=False, window_size=(1, 1),
- participant='foo', session='01', stim_db=0.0, noise_db=0.0,
- trigger_controller='dummy', response_device='keyboard',
- audio_controller='sound_card',
- verbose=True, version='dev')
+std_kwargs = dict(
+ output_dir=None,
+ full_screen=False,
+ window_size=(1, 1),
+ participant="foo",
+ session="01",
+ stim_db=0.0,
+ noise_db=0.0,
+ trigger_controller="dummy",
+ response_device="keyboard",
+ audio_controller="sound_card",
+ verbose=True,
+ version="dev",
@@ -24,8 +33,9 @@ def callback(event_type, value=None, timestamp=None):
def test_tracker_ud(hide_window):
"""Test TrackerUD"""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
tr = TrackerUD(callback, 3, 1, 1, 1, np.inf, 10, 1)
- with ExperimentController('test', **std_kwargs) as ec:
+ with ExperimentController("test", **std_kwargs) as ec:
tr = TrackerUD(ec, 3, 1, 1, 1, np.inf, 10, 1)
tr = TrackerUD(None, 3, 1, 1, 1, 10, np.inf, 1)
rand = np.random.RandomState(0)
@@ -70,95 +80,106 @@ def test_tracker_ud(hide_window):
# bad callback type
- with pytest.raises(TypeError,
- match="callback must be a callable, None, or an"):
- TrackerUD('foo', 3, 1, 1, 1, 10, np.inf, 1)
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="callback must be a callable, None, or an"):
+ TrackerUD("foo", 3, 1, 1, 1, 10, np.inf, 1)
# test dynamic step size and error conditions
- tr = TrackerUD(None, 3, 1, [1, 0.5], [1, 0.5], 10, np.inf, 1,
- change_indices=[2])
+ tr = TrackerUD(None, 3, 1, [1, 0.5], [1, 0.5], 10, np.inf, 1, change_indices=[2])
- tr = TrackerUD(None, 1, 1, 0.75, 0.75, np.inf, 9, 1,
- x_min=0, x_max=2)
+ tr = TrackerUD(None, 1, 1, 0.75, 0.75, np.inf, 9, 1, x_min=0, x_max=2)
responses = [True, True, True, False, False, False, False, True, False]
- with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='exceeded x_min'):
+ with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="exceeded x_min"):
for r in responses: # run long enough to encounter change_indices
- assert(tr.check_valid(1)) # make sure checking validity is good
- assert(not tr.check_valid(3))
- with pytest.raises(ValueError,
- match="with reversals attempting to exceed x_min"):
+ assert tr.check_valid(1) # make sure checking validity is good
+ assert not tr.check_valid(3)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="with reversals attempting to exceed x_min"):
assert_equal(tr.n_trials, tr.stop_trials)
# run tests with ignore too--should generate warnings, but no error
- tr = TrackerUD(None, 1, 1, 0.75, 0.25, np.inf, 8, 1,
- x_min=0, x_max=2, repeat_limit='ignore')
+ tr = TrackerUD(
+ None, 1, 1, 0.75, 0.25, np.inf, 8, 1, x_min=0, x_max=2, repeat_limit="ignore"
+ )
responses = [False, True, False, False, True, True, False, True]
- with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='exceeded x_min'):
+ with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="exceeded x_min"):
for r in responses: # run long enough to encounter change_indices
# bad stop_trials
- with pytest.raises(ValueError,
- match="stop_trials must be an integer or np.inf"):
- TrackerUD(None, 3, 1, 1, 1, 10, 'foo', 1)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="stop_trials must be an integer or np.inf"):
+ TrackerUD(None, 3, 1, 1, 1, 10, "foo", 1)
# bad stop_reversals
- with pytest.raises(ValueError,
- match="stop_reversals must be an integer or np.inf"):
- TrackerUD(None, 3, 1, 1, 1, 'foo', 10, 1)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="stop_reversals must be an integer or np.inf"):
+ TrackerUD(None, 3, 1, 1, 1, "foo", 10, 1)
# change_indices too long
- with pytest.raises(ValueError,
- match="one element longer than change_indices"):
- TrackerUD(None, 3, 1, [1, 0.5], [1, 0.5], 10, np.inf, 1,
- change_indices=[1, 2])
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="one element longer than change_indices"):
+ TrackerUD(None, 3, 1, [1, 0.5], [1, 0.5], 10, np.inf, 1, change_indices=[1, 2])
# step_size_up length mismatch
- with pytest.raises(ValueError,
- match="step_size_up is not scalar it must be one"):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="step_size_up is not scalar it must be one"):
TrackerUD(None, 3, 1, [1], [1, 0.5], 10, np.inf, 1, change_indices=[2])
# step_size_down length mismatch
- with pytest.raises(ValueError,
- match="If step_size_down is not scalar it must be one"):
+ with pytest.raises(
+ ValueError, match="If step_size_down is not scalar it must be one"
+ ):
TrackerUD(None, 3, 1, [1, 0.5], [1], 10, np.inf, 1, change_indices=[2])
# bad change_rule
- with pytest.raises(ValueError,
- match="must be either 'trials' or 'reversals"):
- TrackerUD(None, 3, 1, [1, 0.5], [1, 0.5], 10, np.inf, 1,
- change_indices=[2], change_rule='foo')
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be either 'trials' or 'reversals"):
+ TrackerUD(
+ None,
+ 3,
+ 1,
+ [1, 0.5],
+ [1, 0.5],
+ 10,
+ np.inf,
+ 1,
+ change_indices=[2],
+ change_rule="foo",
+ )
# no change_indices (i.e. change_indices=None)
- with pytest.raises(ValueError,
- match="If step_size_up is longer than 1, you must"):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="If step_size_up is longer than 1, you must"):
TrackerUD(None, 3, 1, [1, 0.5], [1, 0.5], 10, np.inf, 1)
# start_value scalar type checking
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="start_value must be a scalar"):
- TrackerUD(None, 3, 1, [1, 0.5], [1, 0.5], 10, np.inf, [9, 5],
- change_indices=[2])
+ TrackerUD(
+ None, 3, 1, [1, 0.5], [1, 0.5], 10, np.inf, [9, 5], change_indices=[2]
+ )
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="start_value must be a scalar"):
- TrackerUD(None, 3, 1, [1, 0.5], [1, 0.5], 10, np.inf, None,
- change_indices=[2])
+ TrackerUD(None, 3, 1, [1, 0.5], [1, 0.5], 10, np.inf, None, change_indices=[2])
# test with multiple change_indices
- tr = TrackerUD(None, 3, 1, [3, 2, 1], [3, 2, 1], 10, np.inf, 1,
- change_indices=[2, 4], change_rule='reversals')
+ tr = TrackerUD(
+ None,
+ 3,
+ 1,
+ [3, 2, 1],
+ [3, 2, 1],
+ 10,
+ np.inf,
+ 1,
+ change_indices=[2, 4],
+ change_rule="reversals",
+ )
def test_tracker_binom(hide_window):
"""Test TrackerBinom"""
tr = TrackerBinom(callback, 0.05, 0.1, 5)
- with ExperimentController('test', **std_kwargs) as ec:
+ with ExperimentController("test", **std_kwargs) as ec:
tr = TrackerBinom(ec, 0.05, 0.1, 5)
tr = TrackerBinom(None, 0.05, 0.5, 2, stop_early=False)
while not tr.stopped:
- assert(tr.n_trials == 2)
- assert(not tr.success)
+ assert tr.n_trials == 2
+ assert not tr.success
tr = TrackerBinom(None, 0.05, 0.5, 1000)
while not tr.stopped:
@@ -167,7 +188,7 @@ def test_tracker_binom(hide_window):
tr = TrackerBinom(None, 0.05, 0.5, 1000, 100)
while not tr.stopped:
- assert(tr.n_trials == 100)
+ assert tr.n_trials == 100
@@ -191,29 +212,38 @@ def test_tracker_binom(hide_window):
def test_tracker_dealer():
"""Test TrackerDealer."""
# test TrackerDealer with TrackerUD
- trackers = [[TrackerUD(None, 1, 1, 0.06, 0.02, 20, np.inf,
- 1) for _ in range(2)] for _ in range(3)]
+ trackers = [
+ [TrackerUD(None, 1, 1, 0.06, 0.02, 20, np.inf, 1) for _ in range(2)]
+ for _ in range(3)
+ ]
dealer_ud = TrackerDealer(callback, trackers)
# can't respond to a trial twice
- with pytest.raises(RuntimeError,
- match="You must get a trial before you can respond."):
+ with pytest.raises(
+ RuntimeError, match="You must get a trial before you can respond."
+ ):
dealer_ud = TrackerDealer(callback, np.array(trackers))
# can't respond before you pick a tracker and get a trial
- with pytest.raises(RuntimeError,
- match="You must get a trial before you can respond."):
+ with pytest.raises(
+ RuntimeError, match="You must get a trial before you can respond."
+ ):
rand = np.random.RandomState(0)
for sub, x_current in dealer_ud:
dealer_ud.respond(rand.rand() < x_current)
- assert(np.abs(dealer_ud.trackers[0, 0].n_reversals -
- dealer_ud.trackers[1, 0].n_reversals) <= 1)
+ assert (
+ np.abs(
+ dealer_ud.trackers[0, 0].n_reversals
+ - dealer_ud.trackers[1, 0].n_reversals
+ )
+ <= 1
+ )
# test array-like indexing
@@ -225,39 +255,41 @@ def test_tracker_dealer():
# bad rand type
- trackers = [TrackerUD(None, 1, 1, 0.06, 0.02, 20, 50, 1)
- for _ in range(2)]
+ trackers = [TrackerUD(None, 1, 1, 0.06, 0.02, 20, 50, 1) for _ in range(2)]
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="argument"):
TrackerDealer(trackers, rand=1)
# test TrackerDealer with TrackerBinom
- trackers = [TrackerBinom(None, 0.05, 0.5, 50, stop_early=False)
- for _ in range(2)] # start_value scalar type checking
+ trackers = [
+ TrackerBinom(None, 0.05, 0.5, 50, stop_early=False) for _ in range(2)
+ ] # start_value scalar type checking
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="start_value must be a scalar"):
- TrackerUD(None, 3, 1, [1, 0.5], [1, 0.5], 10, np.inf, [9, 5],
- change_indices=[2])
- dealer_binom = TrackerDealer(callback, trackers, pace_rule='trials')
+ TrackerUD(
+ None, 3, 1, [1, 0.5], [1, 0.5], 10, np.inf, [9, 5], change_indices=[2]
+ )
+ dealer_binom = TrackerDealer(callback, trackers, pace_rule="trials")
for sub, x_current in dealer_binom:
# if you're dealing from TrackerBinom, you can't use stop_early feature
- trackers = [TrackerBinom(None, 0.05, 0.5, 50, stop_early=True, x_current=3)
- for _ in range(2)]
- with pytest.raises(ValueError,
- match="be False to deal trials from a TrackerBinom"):
- TrackerDealer(callback, trackers, 1, 'trials')
+ trackers = [
+ TrackerBinom(None, 0.05, 0.5, 50, stop_early=True, x_current=3)
+ for _ in range(2)
+ ]
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="be False to deal trials from a TrackerBinom"):
+ TrackerDealer(callback, trackers, 1, "trials")
# if you're dealing from TrackerBinom, you can't use reversals to pace
- with pytest.raises(ValueError,
- match="be False to deal trials from a TrackerBinom"):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="be False to deal trials from a TrackerBinom"):
TrackerDealer(callback, trackers, 1)
def test_tracker_mhw(hide_window):
"""Test TrackerMHW"""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
tr = TrackerMHW(callback, 0, 120)
- with ExperimentController('test', **std_kwargs) as ec:
+ with ExperimentController("test", **std_kwargs) as ec:
tr = TrackerMHW(ec, 0, 120)
tr = TrackerMHW(None, 0, 120)
rand = np.random.RandomState(0)
@@ -268,16 +300,32 @@ def test_tracker_mhw(hide_window):
rand = np.random.RandomState(0)
while not tr.stopped:
tr.respond(int(rand.rand() * 100) < tr.x_current)
- assert(tr.check_valid(1)) # make sure checking validity is good
+ assert tr.check_valid(1) # make sure checking validity is good
# test responding after stopped
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Tracker is stopped."):
- for key in ('base_step', 'factor_down', 'factor_up_nr', 'start_value',
- 'x_min', 'x_max', 'n_up_stop', 'repeat_limit',
- 'n_correct_levels', 'threshold', 'stopped', 'x', 'x_current',
- 'responses', 'n_trials', 'n_reversals', 'reversals',
- 'reversal_inds', 'threshold_reached'):
+ for key in (
+ "base_step",
+ "factor_down",
+ "factor_up_nr",
+ "start_value",
+ "x_min",
+ "x_max",
+ "n_up_stop",
+ "repeat_limit",
+ "n_correct_levels",
+ "threshold",
+ "stopped",
+ "x",
+ "x_current",
+ "responses",
+ "n_trials",
+ "n_reversals",
+ "reversals",
+ "reversal_inds",
+ "threshold_reached",
+ ):
assert hasattr(tr, key)
fig, ax, lines = tr.plot()
@@ -289,45 +337,42 @@ def test_tracker_mhw(hide_window):
# start_value scalar type checking
- with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='start_value must be a scalar'):
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="start_value must be a scalar"):
TrackerMHW(None, 0, 120, 5, 2, 4, [5, 4], 2)
# n_up_stop integer check
- with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='n_up_stop must be an integer'):
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="n_up_stop must be an integer"):
TrackerMHW(None, 0, 120, 5, 2, 4, 40, 1.5)
# x_min integer or float check
- with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='x_min must be a float or integer'):
- TrackerMHW(None, '5', 120, 5, 2, 4, 40, 2)
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="x_min must be a float or integer"):
+ TrackerMHW(None, "5", 120, 5, 2, 4, 40, 2)
# x_max integer or float check
- with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='x_max must be a float or integer'):
- TrackerMHW(None, 0, '90', 5, 2, 4, 40, 2)
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="x_max must be a float or integer"):
+ TrackerMHW(None, 0, "90", 5, 2, 4, 40, 2)
# start_value is a multiple of base_step
- with pytest.raises(ValueError,
- match='start_value must be a multiple of base_step'):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="start_value must be a multiple of base_step"):
TrackerMHW(None, 0, 120, 5, 2, 4, 41, 2)
# x_min factor check
- with pytest.raises(ValueError,
- match='x_min must be a multiple of base_step'):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="x_min must be a multiple of base_step"):
TrackerMHW(None, 2, 120, 5, 2, 4, 40, 2)
# x_max factor check
- with pytest.raises(ValueError,
- match='x_max must be a multiple of base_step'):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="x_max must be a multiple of base_step"):
TrackerMHW(None, 0, 93, 5, 2, 4, 40, 2)
tr = TrackerMHW(None, 0, 120, 5, 2, 4, 10, 2)
responses = [True, True, True, True]
- with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='exceeded x_min or x_max bounds'):
+ with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="exceeded x_min or x_max bounds"):
for r in responses:
tr = TrackerMHW(None, 0, 120, 5, 2, 4, 40, 2)
responses = [False, False, False, False, False]
- with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='exceeded x_min or x_max bounds'):
+ with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="exceeded x_min or x_max bounds"):
for r in responses:
- assert(not tr.check_valid(3))
+ assert not tr.check_valid(3)
tr = TrackerMHW(None, 0, 120, 5, 2, 4, 40, 2)
responses = [False, False, False, False, True, False, False, True]
- with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='exceeded x_min or x_max bounds'):
+ with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="exceeded x_min or x_max bounds"):
for r in responses:
diff --git a/expyfun/tests/test_docstring_parameters.py b/expyfun/tests/test_docstring_parameters.py
index db509a2e..0a8eeea7 100644
--- a/expyfun/tests/test_docstring_parameters.py
+++ b/expyfun/tests/test_docstring_parameters.py
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
import inspect
-from inspect import getsource
import os.path as op
-from pkgutil import walk_packages
import re
import sys
-from unittest import SkipTest
import warnings
+from inspect import getsource
+from pkgutil import walk_packages
+from unittest import SkipTest
import pytest
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
public_modules = [
# the list of modules users need to access for all functionality
- 'expyfun',
- 'expyfun.stimuli',
- 'expyfun.io',
- 'expyfun.visual',
- 'expyfun.codeblocks',
- 'expyfun.analyze',
+ "expyfun",
+ "expyfun.stimuli",
+ "expyfun.io",
+ "expyfun.visual",
+ "expyfun.codeblocks",
+ "expyfun.analyze",
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def requires_numpydoc(fun):
have = False
have = True
- return pytest.mark.skipif(not have, reason='Requires numpydoc')(fun)
+ return pytest.mark.skipif(not have, reason="Requires numpydoc")(fun)
def get_name(func, cls=None):
@@ -43,70 +43,72 @@ def get_name(func, cls=None):
if cls is not None:
- return '.'.join(parts)
+ return ".".join(parts)
# functions to ignore args / docstring of
-docstring_ignores = [
+docstring_ignores = []
char_limit = 800 # XX eventually we should probably get this lower
-docstring_length_ignores = [
-tab_ignores = [
+docstring_length_ignores = []
+tab_ignores = []
_doc_special_members = []
def check_parameters_match(func, doc=None, cls=None):
"""Check docstring, return list of incorrect results."""
from numpydoc import docscrape
incorrect = []
name_ = get_name(func, cls=cls)
- if not name_.startswith('expyfun.') or \
- name_.startswith('expyfun._externals'):
+ if not name_.startswith("expyfun.") or name_.startswith("expyfun._externals"):
return incorrect
if inspect.isdatadescriptor(func):
return incorrect
args = _get_args(func)
# drop self
- if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == 'self':
+ if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == "self":
args = args[1:]
if doc is None:
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
- warnings.simplefilter('always')
+ warnings.simplefilter("always")
doc = docscrape.FunctionDoc(func)
except Exception as exp:
- incorrect += [name_ + ' parsing error: ' + str(exp)]
+ incorrect += [name_ + " parsing error: " + str(exp)]
return incorrect
if len(w):
- raise RuntimeError('Error for %s:\n%s' % (name_, w[0]))
+ raise RuntimeError("Error for %s:\n%s" % (name_, w[0]))
# check set
- parameters = doc['Parameters']
+ parameters = doc["Parameters"]
# clean up some docscrape output:
- parameters = [[p[0].split(':')[0].strip('` '), p[2]]
- for p in parameters]
- parameters = [p for p in parameters if '*' not in p[0]]
+ parameters = [[p[0].split(":")[0].strip("` "), p[2]] for p in parameters]
+ parameters = [p for p in parameters if "*" not in p[0]]
param_names = [p[0] for p in parameters]
if len(param_names) != len(args):
- bad = str(sorted(list(set(param_names) - set(args)) +
- list(set(args) - set(param_names))))
- if not any(re.match(d, name_) for d in docstring_ignores) and \
- 'deprecation_wrapped' not in func.__code__.co_name:
- incorrect += [name_ + ' arg mismatch: ' + bad]
+ bad = str(
+ sorted(
+ list(set(param_names) - set(args)) + list(set(args) - set(param_names))
+ )
+ )
+ if (
+ not any(re.match(d, name_) for d in docstring_ignores)
+ and "deprecation_wrapped" not in func.__code__.co_name
+ ):
+ incorrect += [name_ + " arg mismatch: " + bad]
for n1, n2 in zip(param_names, args):
if n1 != n2:
- incorrect += [name_ + ' ' + n1 + ' != ' + n2]
+ incorrect += [name_ + " " + n1 + " != " + n2]
for param_name, desc in parameters:
- desc = '\n'.join(desc)
- full_name = name_ + '::' + param_name
+ desc = "\n".join(desc)
+ full_name = name_ + "::" + param_name
if full_name in docstring_length_ignores:
assert len(desc) > char_limit # assert it actually needs to be
elif len(desc) > char_limit:
- incorrect += ['%s too long (%d > %d chars)'
- % (full_name, len(desc), char_limit)]
+ incorrect += [
+ "%s too long (%d > %d chars)" % (full_name, len(desc), char_limit)
+ ]
return incorrect
@@ -114,37 +116,39 @@ def check_parameters_match(func, doc=None, cls=None):
def test_docstring_parameters():
"""Test module docstring formatting."""
from numpydoc import docscrape
incorrect = []
for name in public_modules:
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
- warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
module = __import__(name, globals())
- for submod in name.split('.')[1:]:
+ for submod in name.split(".")[1:]:
module = getattr(module, submod)
classes = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass)
for cname, cls in classes:
- if cname.startswith('_') and cname not in _doc_special_members:
+ if cname.startswith("_") and cname not in _doc_special_members:
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
- warnings.simplefilter('always')
+ warnings.simplefilter("always")
cdoc = docscrape.ClassDoc(cls)
for ww in w:
- if 'Using or importing the ABCs' not in str(ww.message):
- raise RuntimeError('Error for __init__ of %s in %s:\n%s'
- % (cls, name, ww))
- if hasattr(cls, '__init__'):
+ if "Using or importing the ABCs" not in str(ww.message):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Error for __init__ of %s in %s:\n%s" % (cls, name, ww)
+ )
+ if hasattr(cls, "__init__"):
incorrect += check_parameters_match(cls.__init__, cdoc, cls)
for method_name in cdoc.methods:
method = getattr(cls, method_name)
incorrect += check_parameters_match(method, cls=cls)
- if hasattr(cls, '__call__'):
+ if hasattr(cls, "__call__"):
incorrect += check_parameters_match(cls.__call__, cls=cls)
functions = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isfunction)
for fname, func in functions:
- if fname.startswith('_'):
+ if fname.startswith("_"):
incorrect += check_parameters_match(func)
- msg = '\n' + '\n'.join(sorted(list(set(incorrect))))
+ msg = "\n" + "\n".join(sorted(list(set(incorrect))))
if len(incorrect) > 0:
raise AssertionError(msg)
@@ -153,28 +157,27 @@ def test_tabs():
"""Test that there are no tabs in our source files."""
# avoid importing modules that require mayavi if mayavi is not installed
ignore = tab_ignores[:]
- for importer, modname, ispkg in walk_packages(expyfun.__path__,
- prefix='expyfun.'):
+ for importer, modname, ispkg in walk_packages(expyfun.__path__, prefix="expyfun."):
if not ispkg and modname not in ignore:
# mod = importlib.import_module(modname) # not py26 compatible!
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
- warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
except Exception: # can't import properly
mod = sys.modules[modname]
source = getsource(mod)
- except IOError: # user probably should have run "make clean"
+ except OSError: # user probably should have run "make clean"
- assert '\t' not in source, ('"%s" has tabs, please remove them '
- 'or add it to the ignore list'
- % modname)
+ assert "\t" not in source, (
+ '"%s" has tabs, please remove them '
+ "or add it to the ignore list" % modname
+ )
-documented_ignored_mods = (
+documented_ignored_mods = ()
documented_ignored_names = """
@@ -187,48 +190,51 @@ def test_tabs():
def test_documented():
"""Test that public functions and classes are documented."""
# skip modules that require mayavi if mayavi is not installed
public_modules_ = public_modules[:]
- doc_file = op.abspath(op.join(op.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'doc',
- 'python_reference.rst'))
+ doc_file = op.abspath(
+ op.join(op.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "doc", "python_reference.rst")
+ )
if not op.isfile(doc_file):
- raise SkipTest('Documentation file not found: %s' % doc_file)
+ raise SkipTest("Documentation file not found: %s" % doc_file)
known_names = list()
- with open(doc_file, 'rb') as fid:
+ with open(doc_file, "rb") as fid:
for line in fid:
- line = line.decode('utf-8')
- if not line.startswith(' '): # at least two spaces
+ line = line.decode("utf-8")
+ if not line.startswith(" "): # at least two spaces
line = line.split()
- if len(line) == 1 and line[0] != ':':
- known_names.append(line[0].split('.')[-1])
+ if len(line) == 1 and line[0] != ":":
+ known_names.append(line[0].split(".")[-1])
known_names = set(known_names)
missing = []
for name in public_modules_:
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # traits warnings
- warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
module = __import__(name, globals())
- for submod in name.split('.')[1:]:
+ for submod in name.split(".")[1:]:
module = getattr(module, submod)
classes = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass)
functions = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isfunction)
checks = list(classes) + list(functions)
for name, cf in checks:
- if not name.startswith('_') and name not in known_names:
+ if not name.startswith("_") and name not in known_names:
from_mod = inspect.getmodule(cf).__name__
- if (from_mod.startswith('expyfun') and
- not from_mod.startswith('expyfun._externals') and
- not any(from_mod.startswith(x)
- for x in documented_ignored_mods) and
- name not in documented_ignored_names):
- missing.append('%s (%s.%s)' % (name, from_mod, name))
+ if (
+ from_mod.startswith("expyfun")
+ and not from_mod.startswith("expyfun._externals")
+ and not any(from_mod.startswith(x) for x in documented_ignored_mods)
+ and name not in documented_ignored_names
+ ):
+ missing.append("%s (%s.%s)" % (name, from_mod, name))
if len(missing) > 0:
- raise AssertionError('\n\nFound new public members missing from '
- 'doc/python_reference.rst:\n\n* ' +
- '\n* '.join(sorted(set(missing))))
+ raise AssertionError(
+ "\n\nFound new public members missing from "
+ "doc/python_reference.rst:\n\n* " + "\n* ".join(sorted(set(missing)))
+ )
diff --git a/expyfun/tests/test_experiment_controller.py b/expyfun/tests/test_experiment_controller.py
index 22ef01d2..a9332133 100644
--- a/expyfun/tests/test_experiment_controller.py
+++ b/expyfun/tests/test_experiment_controller.py
@@ -1,27 +1,43 @@
+import sys
+import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
-import sys
-import warnings
import numpy as np
-from numpy.testing import assert_equal
import pytest
-from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
+from numpy.testing import assert_allclose, assert_equal
-from expyfun import ExperimentController, visual, _experiment_controller
+from expyfun import ExperimentController, _experiment_controller, visual
from expyfun._experiment_controller import _get_dev_db
-from expyfun._utils import (_TempDir, fake_button_press, _check_skip_backend,
- fake_mouse_click, requires_opengl21,
- _wait_secs as wait_secs, known_config_types,
- _new_pyglet)
from expyfun._sound_controllers._sound_controller import _SOUND_CARD_KEYS
+from expyfun._utils import (
+ _check_skip_backend,
+ _new_pyglet,
+ _TempDir,
+ fake_button_press,
+ fake_mouse_click,
+ known_config_types,
+ requires_opengl21,
+from expyfun._utils import (
+ _wait_secs as wait_secs,
from expyfun.stimuli import get_tdt_rates
-std_args = ['test'] # experiment name
-std_kwargs = dict(output_dir=None, full_screen=False, window_size=(8, 8),
- participant='foo', session='01', stim_db=0.0, noise_db=0.0,
- verbose=True, version='dev')
+std_args = ["test"] # experiment name
+std_kwargs = dict(
+ output_dir=None,
+ full_screen=False,
+ window_size=(8, 8),
+ participant="foo",
+ session="01",
+ stim_db=0.0,
+ noise_db=0.0,
+ verbose=True,
+ version="dev",
+SAFE_DELAY = 0.5 if sys.platform.startswith("win") else 0.2
def dummy_print(string):
@@ -29,44 +45,43 @@ def dummy_print(string):
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('ws', [(2, 1), (1, 1)])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("ws", [(2, 1), (1, 1)])
def test_unit_conversions(hide_window, ws):
"""Test unit conversions."""
kwargs = deepcopy(std_kwargs)
- kwargs['stim_fs'] = 44100
- kwargs['window_size'] = ws
+ kwargs["stim_fs"] = 44100
+ kwargs["window_size"] = ws
with ExperimentController(*std_args, **kwargs) as ec:
verts = np.random.rand(2, 4)
- for to in ['norm', 'pix', 'deg', 'cm']:
- for fro in ['norm', 'pix', 'deg', 'cm']:
+ for to in ["norm", "pix", "deg", "cm"]:
+ for fro in ["norm", "pix", "deg", "cm"]:
v2 = ec._convert_units(verts, fro, to)
v2 = ec._convert_units(v2, to, fro)
assert_allclose(verts, v2)
# test that degrees yield equiv. pixels in both directions
verts = np.ones((2, 1))
- v0 = ec._convert_units(verts, 'deg', 'pix')
+ v0 = ec._convert_units(verts, "deg", "pix")
verts = np.zeros((2, 1))
- v1 = ec._convert_units(verts, 'deg', 'pix')
+ v1 = ec._convert_units(verts, "deg", "pix")
v2 = v0 - v1 # must check deviation from zero position
assert_allclose(v2[0], v2[1])
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ec._convert_units, verts, 'deg', 'nothing')
- pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ec._convert_units, verts[0], 'deg', 'pix')
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, ec._convert_units, verts, "deg", "nothing")
+ pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ec._convert_units, verts[0], "deg", "pix")
def test_validate_audio(hide_window):
"""Test that validate_audio can pass through samples."""
- with ExperimentController(*std_args, suppress_resamp=True,
- **std_kwargs) as ec:
+ with ExperimentController(*std_args, suppress_resamp=True, **std_kwargs) as ec:
ec.set_stim_db(_get_dev_db(ec.audio_type) - 40) # 0.01 RMS
- assert ec._stim_scaler == 1.
+ assert ec._stim_scaler == 1.0
for shape in ((1000,), (1, 1000), (2, 1000)):
samples_in = np.zeros(shape)
samples_out = ec._validate_audio(samples_in)
assert samples_out.shape == (1000, 2)
assert samples_out.dtype == np.float32
assert samples_out is not samples_in
- for order in 'CF':
+ for order in "CF":
samples_in = np.zeros((2, 1000), dtype=np.float32, order=order)
samples_out = ec._validate_audio(samples_in)
assert samples_out.shape == samples_in.shape[::-1]
@@ -77,17 +92,13 @@ def test_validate_audio(hide_window):
def test_data_line(hide_window):
"""Test writing of data lines."""
- entries = [['foo'],
- ['bar', 'bar\tbar'],
- ['bar2', r'bar\tbar'],
- ['fb', None, -0.5]]
+ entries = [["foo"], ["bar", "bar\tbar"], ["bar2", r"bar\tbar"], ["fb", None, -0.5]]
# this is what should be written to the file for each one
- goal_vals = ['None', 'bar\\tbar', 'bar\\\\tbar', 'None']
+ goal_vals = ["None", "bar\\tbar", "bar\\\\tbar", "None"]
assert_equal(len(entries), len(goal_vals))
temp_dir = _TempDir()
with std_kwargs_changed(output_dir=temp_dir):
- with ExperimentController(*std_args, stim_fs=44100,
- **std_kwargs) as ec:
+ with ExperimentController(*std_args, stim_fs=44100, **std_kwargs) as ec:
for ent in entries:
fname = ec._data_file.name
@@ -95,18 +106,17 @@ def test_data_line(hide_window):
lines = fid.readlines()
# check the header
assert_equal(len(lines), len(entries) + 4) # header, colnames, flip, stop
- assert_equal(lines[0][0], '#') # first line is a comment
- for x in ['timestamp', 'event', 'value']: # second line is col header
- assert (x in lines[1])
- assert ('flip' in lines[2]) # ec.__init__ ends with a flip
- assert ('stop' in lines[-1]) # last line is stop (from __exit__)
- outs = lines[1].strip().split('\t')
- assert (all(l1 == l2 for l1, l2 in zip(outs, ['timestamp',
- 'event', 'value'])))
+ assert_equal(lines[0][0], "#") # first line is a comment
+ for x in ["timestamp", "event", "value"]: # second line is col header
+ assert x in lines[1]
+ assert "flip" in lines[2] # ec.__init__ ends with a flip
+ assert "stop" in lines[-1] # last line is stop (from __exit__)
+ outs = lines[1].strip().split("\t")
+ assert all(l1 == l2 for l1, l2 in zip(outs, ["timestamp", "event", "value"]))
# check the entries
ts = []
for line, ent, gv in zip(lines[3:], entries, goal_vals):
- outs = line.strip().split('\t')
+ outs = line.strip().split("\t")
assert_equal(len(outs), 3)
# check timestamping
if len(ent) == 3 and ent[2] is not None:
@@ -119,7 +129,7 @@ def test_data_line(hide_window):
assert_equal(outs[2], gv)
# make sure we got monotonically increasing timestamps
ts = np.array(ts)
- assert (np.all(ts[1:] >= ts[:-1]))
+ assert np.all(ts[1:] >= ts[:-1])
@@ -138,133 +148,196 @@ def std_kwargs_changed(**kwargs):
def test_degenerate():
"""Test degenerate EC conditions."""
- pytest.raises(TypeError, ExperimentController, *std_args,
- audio_controller=1, stim_fs=44100, **std_kwargs)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ExperimentController, *std_args,
- audio_controller='foo', stim_fs=44100, **std_kwargs)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ExperimentController, *std_args,
- audio_controller=dict(TYPE='foo'), stim_fs=44100,
- **std_kwargs)
+ pytest.raises(
+ TypeError,
+ ExperimentController,
+ *std_args,
+ audio_controller=1,
+ stim_fs=44100,
+ **std_kwargs,
+ )
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError,
+ ExperimentController,
+ *std_args,
+ audio_controller="foo",
+ stim_fs=44100,
+ **std_kwargs,
+ )
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError,
+ ExperimentController,
+ *std_args,
+ audio_controller=dict(TYPE="foo"),
+ stim_fs=44100,
+ **std_kwargs,
+ )
# monitor, etc.
- pytest.raises(TypeError, ExperimentController, *std_args,
- monitor='foo', **std_kwargs)
- pytest.raises(KeyError, ExperimentController, *std_args,
- monitor=dict(), **std_kwargs)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ExperimentController, *std_args,
- response_device='foo', **std_kwargs)
- with std_kwargs_changed(window_size=10.):
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ExperimentController, *std_args,
- **std_kwargs)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ExperimentController, *std_args,
- audio_controller='sound_card', response_device='tdt',
- **std_kwargs)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ExperimentController, *std_args,
- audio_controller='pyglet', response_device='keyboard',
- trigger_controller='sound_card', **std_kwargs)
+ pytest.raises(
+ TypeError, ExperimentController, *std_args, monitor="foo", **std_kwargs
+ )
+ pytest.raises(
+ KeyError, ExperimentController, *std_args, monitor=dict(), **std_kwargs
+ )
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError, ExperimentController, *std_args, response_device="foo", **std_kwargs
+ )
+ with std_kwargs_changed(window_size=10.0):
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, ExperimentController, *std_args, **std_kwargs)
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError,
+ ExperimentController,
+ *std_args,
+ audio_controller="sound_card",
+ response_device="tdt",
+ **std_kwargs,
+ )
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError,
+ ExperimentController,
+ *std_args,
+ audio_controller="pyglet",
+ response_device="keyboard",
+ trigger_controller="sound_card",
+ **std_kwargs,
+ )
# test type checking for 'session'
with std_kwargs_changed(session=1):
- pytest.raises(TypeError, ExperimentController, *std_args,
- audio_controller='sound_card', stim_fs=44100,
- **std_kwargs)
+ pytest.raises(
+ TypeError,
+ ExperimentController,
+ *std_args,
+ audio_controller="sound_card",
+ stim_fs=44100,
+ **std_kwargs,
+ )
# test value checking for trigger controller
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ExperimentController, *std_args,
- audio_controller='sound_card', trigger_controller='foo',
- stim_fs=44100, **std_kwargs)
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError,
+ ExperimentController,
+ *std_args,
+ audio_controller="sound_card",
+ trigger_controller="foo",
+ stim_fs=44100,
+ **std_kwargs,
+ )
# test value checking for RMS checker
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ExperimentController, *std_args,
- audio_controller='sound_card', check_rms=True, stim_fs=44100,
- **std_kwargs)
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError,
+ ExperimentController,
+ *std_args,
+ audio_controller="sound_card",
+ check_rms=True,
+ stim_fs=44100,
+ **std_kwargs,
+ )
def test_ec(ac, hide_window, monkeypatch):
"""Test EC methods."""
- if ac == 'tdt':
- rd, tc, fs = 'tdt', 'tdt', get_tdt_rates()['25k']
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ExperimentController, *std_args,
- audio_controller=dict(TYPE=ac, TDT_MODEL='foo'),
- **std_kwargs)
+ if ac == "tdt":
+ rd, tc, fs = "tdt", "tdt", get_tdt_rates()["25k"]
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError,
+ ExperimentController,
+ *std_args,
+ audio_controller=dict(TYPE=ac, TDT_MODEL="foo"),
+ **std_kwargs,
+ )
- rd, tc, fs = 'keyboard', 'dummy', 44100
+ rd, tc, fs = "keyboard", "dummy", 44100
for suppress in (True, False):
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
- warnings.simplefilter('always')
+ warnings.simplefilter("always")
with ExperimentController(
- *std_args, audio_controller=ac, response_device=rd,
- trigger_controller=tc, stim_fs=100.,
- suppress_resamp=suppress, **std_kwargs) as ec:
+ *std_args,
+ audio_controller=ac,
+ response_device=rd,
+ trigger_controller=tc,
+ stim_fs=100.0,
+ suppress_resamp=suppress,
+ **std_kwargs,
+ ) as ec:
- w = [ww for ww in w if 'TDT is in dummy mode' in str(ww.message)]
- assert len(w) == (1 if ac == 'tdt' else 0)
- SAFE_DELAY = 0.2
+ w = [ww for ww in w if "TDT is in dummy mode" in str(ww.message)]
+ assert len(w) == (1 if ac == "tdt" else 0)
with ExperimentController(
- *std_args, audio_controller=ac, response_device=rd,
- trigger_controller=tc, stim_fs=fs, **std_kwargs) as ec:
- assert (ec.participant == std_kwargs['participant'])
- assert (ec.session == std_kwargs['session'])
- assert (ec.exp_name == std_args[0])
+ *std_args,
+ audio_controller=ac,
+ response_device=rd,
+ trigger_controller=tc,
+ stim_fs=fs,
+ **std_kwargs,
+ ) as ec:
+ assert ec.participant == std_kwargs["participant"]
+ assert ec.session == std_kwargs["session"]
+ assert ec.exp_name == std_args[0]
stamp = ec.current_time
- ec.write_data_line('hello')
+ ec.write_data_line("hello")
ec.wait_until(stamp + 0.02)
- ec.screen_prompt('test', 0.01, 0, None)
- ec.screen_prompt('test', 0.01, 0, ['1'])
- ec.screen_prompt(['test', 'ing'], 0.01, 0, ['1'])
- ec.screen_prompt('test', 1e-3, click=True)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.screen_prompt, 'foo', np.inf, 0, [])
+ ec.screen_prompt("test", 0.01, 0, None)
+ ec.screen_prompt("test", 0.01, 0, ["1"])
+ ec.screen_prompt(["test", "ing"], 0.01, 0, ["1"])
+ ec.screen_prompt("test", 1e-3, click=True)
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.screen_prompt, "foo", np.inf, 0, [])
pytest.raises(TypeError, ec.screen_prompt, 3, 0.01, 0, None)
assert_equal(ec.wait_one_press(0.01), (None, None))
- assert (ec.wait_one_press(0.01, timestamp=False) is None)
+ assert ec.wait_one_press(0.01, timestamp=False) is None
assert_equal(ec.wait_for_presses(0.01), [])
assert_equal(ec.wait_for_presses(0.01, timestamp=False), [])
pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.get_presses)
assert_equal(ec.get_presses(), [])
- assert_equal(ec.get_presses(kind='presses'), [])
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.get_presses, kind='foo')
- if rd == 'tdt':
+ assert_equal(ec.get_presses(kind="presses"), [])
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.get_presses, kind="foo")
+ if rd == "tdt":
# TDT does not have key release events, so should raise an
# exception if asked for them:
- pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ec.get_presses, kind='releases')
- pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ec.get_presses, kind='both')
+ pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ec.get_presses, kind="releases")
+ pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ec.get_presses, kind="both")
- assert_equal(ec.get_presses(kind='both'), [])
- assert_equal(ec.get_presses(kind='releases'), [])
+ assert_equal(ec.get_presses(kind="both"), [])
+ assert_equal(ec.get_presses(kind="releases"), [])
# test buffer data handling
ec.load_buffer([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
+ ec.wait_secs(SAFE_DELAY)
+ ec.wait_secs(SAFE_DELAY)
pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.load_buffer, [0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0])
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='100 did not match .* count 2'):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="100 did not match .* count 2"):
ec.load_buffer(np.zeros((100, 1)))
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='100 did not match .* count 2'):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="100 did not match .* count 2"):
ec.load_buffer(np.zeros((100, 2)))
+ ec.wait_secs(SAFE_DELAY)
ec.load_buffer(np.zeros((1, 100)))
ec.load_buffer(np.zeros((2, 100)))
data = np.zeros(int(5e6), np.float32) # too long for TDT
- if fs == get_tdt_rates()['25k']:
+ if fs == get_tdt_rates()["25k"]:
pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ec.load_buffer, data)
del data
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.stamp_triggers, 'foo')
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.stamp_triggers, "foo")
pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.stamp_triggers, 0)
pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.stamp_triggers, 3)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.stamp_triggers, 1, check='foo')
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.stamp_triggers, 1, check="foo")
print(ec._tc) # test __repr__
- if tc == 'dummy':
+ if tc == "dummy":
assert_equal(ec._tc._trigger_list, [])
- ec.stamp_triggers(3, check='int4')
+ ec.stamp_triggers(3, check="int4")
ec.stamp_triggers([2, 4, 8])
- if tc == 'dummy':
+ if tc == "dummy":
assert_equal(ec._tc._trigger_list, [3, 2, 2, 4, 8])
ec._tc._trigger_list = list()
pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.load_buffer, np.zeros((100, 3)))
@@ -272,38 +345,39 @@ def test_ec(ac, hide_window, monkeypatch):
pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.load_buffer, np.zeros((1, 1, 1)))
# test RMS checking
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.set_rms_checking, 'foo')
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.set_rms_checking, "foo")
# click: RMS 0.0135, should pass 'fullfile' and fail 'windowed'
click = np.zeros((int(ec.fs / 4),)) # 250 ms
- click[len(click) // 2] = 1.
- click[len(click) // 2 + 1] = -1.
+ click[len(click) // 2] = 1.0
+ click[len(click) // 2 + 1] = -1.0
# noise: RMS 0.03, should fail both 'fullfile' and 'windowed'
noise = np.random.normal(scale=0.03, size=(int(ec.fs / 4),))
ec.load_buffer(click) # should go unchecked
ec.load_buffer(noise) # should go unchecked
- ec.set_rms_checking('wholefile')
+ ec.set_rms_checking("wholefile")
ec.load_buffer(click) # should pass
- with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='exceeds stated'):
+ with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="exceeds stated"):
- ec.set_rms_checking('windowed')
- with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='exceeds stated'):
+ ec.set_rms_checking("windowed")
+ with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="exceeds stated"):
- with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='exceeds stated'):
+ with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="exceeds stated"):
- if ac != 'tdt': # too many samples there
- monkeypatch.setattr(_experiment_controller, '_SLOW_LIMIT', 1)
- with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='samples is slow'):
+ if ac != "tdt": # too many samples there
+ monkeypatch.setattr(_experiment_controller, "_SLOW_LIMIT", 1)
+ with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="samples is slow"):
ec.load_buffer(np.zeros(2, dtype=np.float32))
- monkeypatch.setattr(_experiment_controller, '_SLOW_LIMIT', 1e7)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(_experiment_controller, "_SLOW_LIMIT", 1e7)
- ec.call_on_every_flip(partial(dummy_print, 'called start stimuli'))
+ ec.call_on_every_flip(partial(dummy_print, "called start stimuli"))
+ ec._ac_flush()
# Note: we put some wait_secs in here because otherwise the delay in
# play start (e.g. for trigdel and onsetdel) can
@@ -316,43 +390,43 @@ def test_ec(ac, hide_window, monkeypatch):
noise = np.random.normal(scale=0.01, size=(int(ec.fs),))
pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ec.start_stimulus) # order violation
- assert (ec._playing is False)
- if tc == 'dummy':
+ assert ec._playing is False
+ if tc == "dummy":
assert_equal(ec._tc._trigger_list, [])
- ec.start_stimulus(start_of_trial=False) # should work
- if tc == 'dummy':
+ ec.start_stimulus(start_of_trial=False) # should work
+ if tc == "dummy":
assert_equal(ec._tc._trigger_list, [1])
- assert (ec._playing is True)
- pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ec.trial_ok) # order violation
+ assert ec._playing is True
+ pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ec.trial_ok) # order violation
- assert (ec._playing is False)
+ assert ec._playing is False
# only binary for TTL
- pytest.raises(KeyError, ec.identify_trial, ec_id='foo') # need ttl_id
- pytest.raises(TypeError, ec.identify_trial, ec_id='foo', ttl_id='bar')
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.identify_trial, ec_id='foo', ttl_id=[2])
- assert (ec._playing is False)
- if tc == 'dummy':
+ pytest.raises(KeyError, ec.identify_trial, ec_id="foo") # need ttl_id
+ pytest.raises(TypeError, ec.identify_trial, ec_id="foo", ttl_id="bar")
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.identify_trial, ec_id="foo", ttl_id=[2])
+ assert ec._playing is False
+ if tc == "dummy":
ec._tc._trigger_list = list()
- ec.identify_trial(ec_id='foo', ttl_id=[0, 1])
- assert (ec._playing is False)
+ ec.identify_trial(ec_id="foo", ttl_id=[0, 1])
+ assert ec._playing is False
# Second: start_stimuli
- pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ec.identify_trial, ec_id='foo', ttl_id=[0])
- assert (ec._playing is False)
- pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ec.trial_ok) # order violation
- assert (ec._playing is False)
+ pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ec.identify_trial, ec_id="foo", ttl_id=[0])
+ assert ec._playing is False
+ pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ec.trial_ok) # order violation
+ assert ec._playing is False
ec.start_stimulus(flip=False, when=-1)
- if tc == 'dummy':
+ if tc == "dummy":
assert_equal(ec._tc._trigger_list, [4, 8, 1])
- if ac != 'tdt':
+ if ac != "tdt":
# dummy TDT version won't do this check properly, as
# ec._ac._playing -> GetTagVal('playing') always gives False
pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ec.play) # already played, must stop
- assert (ec._playing is False)
+ assert ec._playing is False
# Third: trial_ok
@@ -361,28 +435,28 @@ def test_ec(ac, hide_window, monkeypatch):
# double-check
pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ec.start_stimulus) # order violation
- ec.start_stimulus(start_of_trial=False) # should work
- pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ec.trial_ok) # order violation
+ ec.start_stimulus(start_of_trial=False) # should work
+ pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ec.trial_ok) # order violation
- assert (ec._playing is False)
+ assert ec._playing is False
- assert (ec._playing is False)
+ assert ec._playing is False
- assert (ec._playing is False)
+ assert ec._playing is False
- assert (ec._playing is True)
+ assert ec._playing is True
# something funny with the ring buffer in testing on OSX
- if sys.platform != 'darwin':
+ if sys.platform != "darwin":
- assert (ec._playing is False)
+ assert ec._playing is False
@@ -404,150 +478,169 @@ def test_ec(ac, hide_window, monkeypatch):
# we need to monkey-patch for old Pyglet
from PIL import Image
except AttributeError:
Image.fromstring = None
data = ec.screenshot()
- sizes = [tuple(std_kwargs['window_size']),
- tuple(np.array(std_kwargs['window_size']) * 2)]
+ sizes = [
+ tuple(std_kwargs["window_size"]),
+ tuple(np.array(std_kwargs["window_size"]) * 2),
+ ]
assert data.shape[:2] in sizes
print(ec.fs) # test fs support
test_pix = (11.3, 0.5, 110003)
# test __repr__
- assert all([x in repr(ec) for x in ['foo', '"test"', '01']])
+ assert all([x in repr(ec) for x in ["foo", '"test"', "01"]])
ec.refocus() # smoke test for refocusing
del ec
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('screen_num', (None, 0))
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('monitor', (
- None,
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("screen_num", (None, 0))
+ "monitor",
+ (
+ None,
+ ),
def test_screen_monitor(screen_num, monitor, hide_window):
"""Test screen and monitor option support."""
with ExperimentController(
- *std_args, screen_num=screen_num, monitor=monitor,
- **std_kwargs):
+ *std_args, screen_num=screen_num, monitor=monitor, **std_kwargs
+ ):
full_kwargs = deepcopy(std_kwargs)
- full_kwargs['full_screen'] = True
- with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='resolution set incorrectly'):
+ full_kwargs["full_screen"] = True
+ with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="resolution set incorrectly"):
ExperimentController(*std_args, **full_kwargs)
- with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='must be a dict'):
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="must be a dict"):
ExperimentController(*std_args, monitor=1, **std_kwargs)
- with pytest.raises(KeyError, match='is missing required keys'):
+ with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="is missing required keys"):
ExperimentController(*std_args, monitor={}, **std_kwargs)
def test_tdtpy_failure(hide_window):
"""Test that failed TDTpy import raises ImportError."""
- from tdt.util import connect_rpcox # noqa, analysis:ignore
+ from tdt.util import connect_rpcox # noqa: F401
except ImportError:
- pytest.skip('Cannot test TDT import failure')
- ac = dict(TYPE='tdt', TDT_MODEL='RP2')
- with pytest.raises(ImportError, match='No module named'):
+ pytest.skip("Cannot test TDT import failure")
+ ac = dict(TYPE="tdt", TDT_MODEL="RP2")
+ with pytest.raises(ImportError, match="No module named"):
- *std_args, audio_controller=ac, response_device='keyboard',
- trigger_controller='tdt', stim_fs=100.,
- suppress_resamp=True, **std_kwargs)
+ *std_args,
+ audio_controller=ac,
+ response_device="keyboard",
+ trigger_controller="tdt",
+ stim_fs=100.0,
+ suppress_resamp=True,
+ **std_kwargs,
+ )
def test_button_presses_and_window_size(hide_window):
"""Test EC window_size=None and button press capture."""
- with ExperimentController(*std_args, audio_controller='sound_card',
- response_device='keyboard', window_size=None,
- output_dir=None, full_screen=False, session='01',
- participant='foo', trigger_controller='dummy',
- force_quit='escape', version='dev') as ec:
+ with ExperimentController(
+ *std_args,
+ audio_controller="sound_card",
+ response_device="keyboard",
+ window_size=None,
+ output_dir=None,
+ full_screen=False,
+ session="01",
+ participant="foo",
+ trigger_controller="dummy",
+ force_quit="escape",
+ version="dev",
+ ) as ec:
assert_equal(ec.get_presses(), [])
- fake_button_press(ec, '1', 0.5)
- assert_equal(ec.screen_prompt('press 1', live_keys=['1'],
- max_wait=1.5), '1')
+ fake_button_press(ec, "1", 0.5)
+ assert_equal(ec.screen_prompt("press 1", live_keys=["1"], max_wait=1.5), "1")
assert_equal(ec.get_presses(), [])
- fake_button_press(ec, '1')
- assert_equal(ec.get_presses(timestamp=False), [('1',)])
+ fake_button_press(ec, "1")
+ assert_equal(ec.get_presses(timestamp=False), [("1",)])
- fake_button_press(ec, '1')
+ fake_button_press(ec, "1")
presses = ec.get_presses(timestamp=True, relative_to=0.2)
assert_equal(len(presses), 1)
assert_equal(len(presses[0]), 2)
- assert_equal(presses[0][0], '1')
- assert (isinstance(presses[0][1], float))
+ assert_equal(presses[0][0], "1")
+ assert isinstance(presses[0][1], float)
- fake_button_press(ec, '1')
- presses = ec.get_presses(timestamp=True, relative_to=0.1,
- return_kinds=True)
+ fake_button_press(ec, "1")
+ presses = ec.get_presses(timestamp=True, relative_to=0.1, return_kinds=True)
assert_equal(len(presses), 1)
assert_equal(len(presses[0]), 3)
- assert_equal(presses[0][::2], ('1', 'press'))
- assert (isinstance(presses[0][1], float))
+ assert_equal(presses[0][::2], ("1", "press"))
+ assert isinstance(presses[0][1], float)
- fake_button_press(ec, '1')
+ fake_button_press(ec, "1")
presses = ec.get_presses(timestamp=False, return_kinds=True)
- assert_equal(presses, [('1', 'press')])
+ assert_equal(presses, [("1", "press")])
- ec.screen_text('press 1 again')
+ ec.screen_text("press 1 again")
- fake_button_press(ec, '1', 0.3)
- assert_equal(ec.wait_one_press(1.5, live_keys=[1])[0], '1')
- ec.screen_text('press 1 one last time')
+ fake_button_press(ec, "1", 0.3)
+ assert_equal(ec.wait_one_press(1.5, live_keys=[1])[0], "1")
+ ec.screen_text("press 1 one last time")
- fake_button_press(ec, '1', 0.3)
- out = ec.wait_for_presses(1.5, live_keys=['1'], timestamp=False)
- assert_equal(out[0], '1')
- fake_button_press(ec, 'a', 0.3)
- fake_button_press(ec, 'return', 0.5)
- assert ec.text_input() == 'A'
- fake_button_press(ec, 'a', 0.3)
- fake_button_press(ec, 'space', 0.35)
- fake_button_press(ec, 'backspace', 0.4)
- fake_button_press(ec, 'comma', 0.45)
- fake_button_press(ec, 'return', 0.5)
+ fake_button_press(ec, "1", 0.3)
+ out = ec.wait_for_presses(1.5, live_keys=["1"], timestamp=False)
+ assert_equal(out[0], "1")
+ fake_button_press(ec, "a", 0.3)
+ fake_button_press(ec, "return", 0.5)
+ assert ec.text_input() == "A"
+ fake_button_press(ec, "a", 0.3)
+ fake_button_press(ec, "space", 0.35)
+ fake_button_press(ec, "backspace", 0.4)
+ fake_button_press(ec, "comma", 0.45)
+ fake_button_press(ec, "return", 0.5)
# XXX this fails on OSX travis for some reason
new_pyglet = _new_pyglet()
- bad = sys.platform == 'darwin'
- bad |= sys.platform == 'win32' and new_pyglet
+ bad = sys.platform == "darwin"
+ bad |= sys.platform == "win32" and new_pyglet
if not bad:
- assert ec.text_input(all_caps=False).strip() == 'a'
+ assert ec.text_input(all_caps=False).strip() == "a"
def test_mouse_clicks(hide_window):
"""Test EC mouse click support."""
- with ExperimentController(*std_args, participant='foo', session='01',
- output_dir=None, version='dev') as ec:
+ with ExperimentController(
+ *std_args, participant="foo", session="01", output_dir=None, version="dev"
+ ) as ec:
rect = visual.Rectangle(ec, [0, 0, 2, 2])
fake_mouse_click(ec, [1, 2], delay=0.3)
- assert_equal(ec.wait_for_click_on(rect, 1.5, timestamp=False)[0],
- ('left', 1, 2))
+ assert_equal(
+ ec.wait_for_click_on(rect, 1.5, timestamp=False)[0], ("left", 1, 2)
+ )
pytest.raises(TypeError, ec.wait_for_click_on, (rect, rect), 1.5)
- fake_mouse_click(ec, [2, 1], 'middle', delay=0.3)
- out = ec.wait_one_click(1.5, 0., ['middle'], timestamp=True)
- assert (out[3] < 1.5)
- assert_equal(out[:3], ('middle', 2, 1))
- fake_mouse_click(ec, [3, 2], 'left', delay=0.3)
- fake_mouse_click(ec, [4, 5], 'right', delay=0.3)
+ fake_mouse_click(ec, [2, 1], "middle", delay=0.3)
+ out = ec.wait_one_click(1.5, 0.0, ["middle"], timestamp=True)
+ assert out[3] < 1.5
+ assert_equal(out[:3], ("middle", 2, 1))
+ fake_mouse_click(ec, [3, 2], "left", delay=0.3)
+ fake_mouse_click(ec, [4, 5], "right", delay=0.3)
out = ec.wait_for_clicks(1.5, timestamp=False)
assert_equal(len(out), 2)
- assert (any(o == ('left', 3, 2) for o in out))
- assert (any(o == ('right', 4, 5) for o in out))
+ assert any(o == ("left", 3, 2) for o in out)
+ assert any(o == ("right", 4, 5) for o in out)
out = ec.wait_for_clicks(0.1)
assert_equal(len(out), 0)
@@ -556,136 +649,133 @@ def test_mouse_clicks(hide_window):
def test_background_color(hide_window):
"""Test setting background color"""
- with ExperimentController(*std_args, participant='foo', session='01',
- output_dir=None, version='dev') as ec:
+ with ExperimentController(
+ *std_args, participant="foo", session="01", output_dir=None, version="dev"
+ ) as ec:
print((ec.window.width, ec.window.height))
- ec.set_background_color('red')
+ ec.set_background_color("red")
ss = ec.screenshot()[:, :, :3]
red_mask = (ss == [255, 0, 0]).all(axis=-1)
- assert (red_mask.all())
- ec.set_background_color('white')
+ assert red_mask.all()
+ ec.set_background_color("white")
ss = ec.screenshot()[:, :, :3]
white_mask = (ss == [255] * 3).all(axis=-1)
- assert (white_mask.all())
+ assert white_mask.all()
- ec.set_background_color('0.5')
- visual.Rectangle(ec, [0, 0, 1, 1], fill_color='black').draw()
+ ec.set_background_color("0.5")
+ visual.Rectangle(ec, [0, 0, 1, 1], fill_color="black").draw()
ss = ec.screenshot()[:, :, :3]
- gray_mask = ((ss == [127] * 3).all(axis=-1) |
- (ss == [128] * 3).all(axis=-1))
- assert (gray_mask.any())
+ gray_mask = (ss == [127] * 3).all(axis=-1) | (ss == [128] * 3).all(axis=-1)
+ assert gray_mask.any()
black_mask = (ss == [0] * 3).all(axis=-1)
- assert (black_mask.any())
- assert (np.logical_or(gray_mask, black_mask).all())
+ assert black_mask.any()
+ assert np.logical_or(gray_mask, black_mask).all()
def test_tdt_delay(hide_window):
"""Test the tdt_delay parameter."""
- with ExperimentController(*std_args,
- audio_controller=dict(TYPE='tdt', TDT_DELAY=0),
- **std_kwargs) as ec:
- assert_equal(ec._ac._used_params['TDT_DELAY'], 0)
- with ExperimentController(*std_args,
- audio_controller=dict(TYPE='tdt', TDT_DELAY=1),
- **std_kwargs) as ec:
- assert_equal(ec._ac._used_params['TDT_DELAY'], 1)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ExperimentController, *std_args,
- audio_controller=dict(TYPE='tdt', TDT_DELAY='foo'),
- **std_kwargs)
- pytest.raises(OverflowError, ExperimentController, *std_args,
- audio_controller=dict(TYPE='tdt', TDT_DELAY=np.inf),
- **std_kwargs)
- pytest.raises(TypeError, ExperimentController, *std_args,
- audio_controller=dict(TYPE='tdt', TDT_DELAY=np.ones(2)),
- **std_kwargs)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ExperimentController, *std_args,
- audio_controller=dict(TYPE='tdt', TDT_DELAY=-1),
- **std_kwargs)
+ with ExperimentController(
+ *std_args, audio_controller=dict(TYPE="tdt", TDT_DELAY=0), **std_kwargs
+ ) as ec:
+ assert_equal(ec._ac._used_params["TDT_DELAY"], 0)
+ with ExperimentController(
+ *std_args, audio_controller=dict(TYPE="tdt", TDT_DELAY=1), **std_kwargs
+ ) as ec:
+ assert_equal(ec._ac._used_params["TDT_DELAY"], 1)
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError,
+ ExperimentController,
+ *std_args,
+ audio_controller=dict(TYPE="tdt", TDT_DELAY="foo"),
+ **std_kwargs,
+ )
+ pytest.raises(
+ OverflowError,
+ ExperimentController,
+ *std_args,
+ audio_controller=dict(TYPE="tdt", TDT_DELAY=np.inf),
+ **std_kwargs,
+ )
+ pytest.raises(
+ TypeError,
+ ExperimentController,
+ *std_args,
+ audio_controller=dict(TYPE="tdt", TDT_DELAY=np.ones(2)),
+ **std_kwargs,
+ )
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError,
+ ExperimentController,
+ *std_args,
+ audio_controller=dict(TYPE="tdt", TDT_DELAY=-1),
+ **std_kwargs,
+ )
def test_sound_card_triggering(hide_window):
"""Test using the sound card as a trigger controller."""
- audio_controller = dict(TYPE='sound_card', SOUND_CARD_TRIGGER_CHANNELS='0')
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='SOUND_CARD_TRIGGER_CHANNELS is zer'):
- ExperimentController(*std_args,
- audio_controller=audio_controller,
- trigger_controller='sound_card',
- suppress_resamp=True,
- **std_kwargs)
- audio_controller.update(SOUND_CARD_TRIGGER_CHANNELS='1')
+ audio_controller = dict(TYPE="sound_card", SOUND_CARD_TRIGGER_CHANNELS="0")
+ kwargs = std_kwargs.copy()
+ kwargs.update(
+ stim_fs=44100,
+ suppress_resamp=True,
+ audio_controller=audio_controller,
+ trigger_controller="sound_card",
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="SOUND_CARD_TRIGGER_CHANNELS is zer"):
+ ExperimentController(*std_args, **kwargs)
+ audio_controller.update(SOUND_CARD_TRIGGER_CHANNELS="1")
# Use 1 trigger ch and 1 output ch because this should work on all systems
- with ExperimentController(*std_args,
- audio_controller=audio_controller,
- trigger_controller='sound_card',
- n_channels=1,
- suppress_resamp=True,
- **std_kwargs) as ec:
- ec.identify_trial(ttl_id=[1, 0], ec_id='')
+ with ExperimentController(*std_args, n_channels=1, **kwargs) as ec:
+ ec.identify_trial(ttl_id=[1, 0], ec_id="")
# Test the drift triggers
- with ExperimentController(*std_args,
- audio_controller=audio_controller,
- trigger_controller='sound_card',
- n_channels=1,
- **std_kwargs) as ec:
- ec.identify_trial(ttl_id=[1, 0], ec_id='')
- with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='Drift triggers overlap with '
- 'onset triggers.'):
+ with ExperimentController(*std_args, n_channels=1, **kwargs) as ec:
+ ec.identify_trial(ttl_id=[1, 0], ec_id="")
+ with pytest.warns(
+ UserWarning, match="Drift triggers overlap with " "onset triggers."
+ ):
- audio_controller.update(SOUND_CARD_DRIFT_TRIGGER=[1.1, 0.3, -0.3,
- 'end'])
- with ExperimentController(*std_args,
- audio_controller=audio_controller,
- trigger_controller='sound_card',
- n_channels=1,
- **std_kwargs) as ec:
- ec.identify_trial(ttl_id=[1, 0], ec_id='')
- with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='Drift trigger at 1.1 seconds '
- 'occurs outside stimulus window, not stamping '
- 'trigger.'):
+ audio_controller.update(SOUND_CARD_DRIFT_TRIGGER=[1.1, 0.3, -0.3, "end"])
+ with ExperimentController(*std_args, n_channels=1, **kwargs) as ec:
+ ec.identify_trial(ttl_id=[1, 0], ec_id="")
+ with pytest.warns(
+ UserWarning,
+ match="Drift trigger at 1.1 seconds "
+ "occurs outside stimulus window, not stamping "
+ "trigger.",
+ ):
- audio_controller.update(SOUND_CARD_DRIFT_TRIGGER=[0.5, 0.501])
- with ExperimentController(*std_args,
- audio_controller=audio_controller,
- trigger_controller='sound_card',
- n_channels=1,
- **std_kwargs) as ec:
- ec.identify_trial(ttl_id=[1, 0], ec_id='')
- with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='Some 2-triggers overlap.*'):
+ audio_controller.update(SOUND_CARD_DRIFT_TRIGGER=[0.5, 0.505])
+ with ExperimentController(*std_args, n_channels=1, **kwargs) as ec:
+ ec.identify_trial(ttl_id=[1, 0], ec_id="")
+ with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="Some 2-triggers overlap.*"):
- with ExperimentController(*std_args,
- audio_controller=audio_controller,
- trigger_controller='sound_card',
- n_channels=1,
- **std_kwargs) as ec:
- ec.identify_trial(ttl_id=[1, 0], ec_id='')
+ with ExperimentController(*std_args, n_channels=1, **kwargs) as ec:
+ ec.identify_trial(ttl_id=[1, 0], ec_id="")
audio_controller.update(SOUND_CARD_DRIFT_TRIGGER=[0.2, 0.5, -0.3])
- with ExperimentController(*std_args,
- audio_controller=audio_controller,
- trigger_controller='sound_card',
- n_channels=1,
- **std_kwargs) as ec:
- ec.identify_trial(ttl_id=[1, 0], ec_id='')
- ec.load_buffer(np.zeros(ec.stim_fs))
+ with ExperimentController(*std_args, n_channels=1, **kwargs) as ec:
+ ec.identify_trial(ttl_id=[1, 0], ec_id="")
+ ec.load_buffer(np.zeros(ec.stim_fs * 2))
-class _FakeJoystick(object):
- device = 'FakeJoystick'
+class _FakeJoystick:
+ device = "FakeJoystick"
on_joybutton_press = lambda self, joystick, button: None # noqa
open = lambda self, window, exclusive: None # noqa
x = 0.125
@@ -694,19 +784,20 @@ class _FakeJoystick(object):
def test_joystick(hide_window, monkeypatch):
"""Test joystick support."""
import pyglet
fake = _FakeJoystick()
- monkeypatch.setattr(pyglet.input, 'get_joysticks', lambda: [fake])
+ monkeypatch.setattr(pyglet.input, "get_joysticks", lambda: [fake])
with ExperimentController(*std_args, joystick=True, **std_kwargs) as ec:
fake.on_joybutton_press(fake, 1)
presses = ec.get_joystick_button_presses()
assert len(presses) == 1
- assert presses[0][0] == '1'
- assert ec.get_joystick_value('x') == 0.125
+ assert presses[0][0] == "1"
+ assert ec.get_joystick_value("x") == 0.125
def test_sound_card_params():
"""Test that sound card params are known keys."""
for key in _SOUND_CARD_KEYS:
- if key != 'TYPE':
+ if key != "TYPE":
assert key in known_config_types, key
diff --git a/expyfun/tests/test_eyelink_controller.py b/expyfun/tests/test_eyelink_controller.py
index ed333c9c..ae37a557 100644
--- a/expyfun/tests/test_eyelink_controller.py
+++ b/expyfun/tests/test_eyelink_controller.py
@@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
import pytest
-from expyfun import EyelinkController, ExperimentController
+from expyfun import ExperimentController, EyelinkController
from expyfun._utils import _TempDir, requires_opengl21
-std_args = ['test']
+std_args = ["test"]
temp_dir = _TempDir()
-std_kwargs = dict(output_dir=temp_dir, full_screen=False, window_size=(1, 1),
- participant='foo', session='01', noise_db=0, version='dev')
+std_kwargs = dict(
+ output_dir=temp_dir,
+ full_screen=False,
+ window_size=(1, 1),
+ participant="foo",
+ session="01",
+ noise_db=0,
+ version="dev",
@@ -16,52 +23,58 @@ def test_eyelink_methods(hide_window):
pytest.raises(ValueError, EyelinkController, ec, fs=999)
el = EyelinkController(ec)
pytest.raises(RuntimeError, EyelinkController, ec) # can't have 2 open
- pytest.raises(ValueError, el.custom_calibration, ctype='hey')
- el.custom_calibration('H3')
- el.custom_calibration('HV9')
- el.custom_calibration('HV13')
- pytest.raises(ValueError, el.custom_calibration, ctype='custom',
- coordinates='foo')
- pytest.raises(ValueError, el.custom_calibration, ctype='custom',
- coordinates=[[0, 1], 0])
- pytest.raises(ValueError, el.custom_calibration, ctype='custom',
- coordinates=[[0, 1], [0]])
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, el.custom_calibration, ctype="hey")
+ el.custom_calibration("H3")
+ el.custom_calibration("HV9")
+ el.custom_calibration("HV13")
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError, el.custom_calibration, ctype="custom", coordinates="foo"
+ )
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError, el.custom_calibration, ctype="custom", coordinates=[[0, 1], 0]
+ )
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError, el.custom_calibration, ctype="custom", coordinates=[[0, 1], [0]]
+ )
pytest.raises(RuntimeError, el._open_file)
pytest.raises(ValueError, el.wait_for_fix, [1])
x = el.wait_for_fix([-10000, -10000], max_wait=0.1)
- assert (x is False)
+ assert x is False
assert el.eye_used
- assert (len(el.file_list) > 0)
+ assert len(el.file_list) > 0
x = el.maintain_fix([-10000, -10000], 0.1, period=0.01)
- assert (x is False)
+ assert x is False
# run much of the calibration code, but don't *actually* do it
el._fake_calibration = True
el.calibrate(beep=False, prompt=False)
el._fake_calibration = False
# missing el_id
- pytest.raises(KeyError, ec.identify_trial, ec_id='foo', ttl_id=[0])
- ec.identify_trial(ec_id='foo', ttl_id=[0], el_id=[1])
+ pytest.raises(KeyError, ec.identify_trial, ec_id="foo", ttl_id=[0])
+ ec.identify_trial(ec_id="foo", ttl_id=[0], el_id=[1])
- ec.identify_trial(ec_id='foo', ttl_id=[0], el_id=[1, 1])
+ ec.identify_trial(ec_id="foo", ttl_id=[0], el_id=[1, 1])
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.identify_trial, ec_id='foo', ttl_id=[0],
- el_id=[1, dict()])
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.identify_trial, ec_id='foo', ttl_id=[0],
- el_id=[0] * 13)
- pytest.raises(TypeError, ec.identify_trial, ec_id='foo', ttl_id=[0],
- el_id=dict())
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError, ec.identify_trial, ec_id="foo", ttl_id=[0], el_id=[1, dict()]
+ )
+ pytest.raises(
+ ValueError, ec.identify_trial, ec_id="foo", ttl_id=[0], el_id=[0] * 13
+ )
+ pytest.raises(
+ TypeError, ec.identify_trial, ec_id="foo", ttl_id=[0], el_id=dict()
+ )
pytest.raises(TypeError, el._message, 1)
- assert (not el._closed)
+ assert not el._closed
# ec.close() auto-calls el.close()
- assert (el._closed)
+ assert el._closed
diff --git a/expyfun/tests/test_logging.py b/expyfun/tests/test_logging.py
index 2fb4a973..9a698fa7 100644
--- a/expyfun/tests/test_logging.py
+++ b/expyfun/tests/test_logging.py
@@ -2,45 +2,59 @@
import os
import pytest
from expyfun import ExperimentController
from expyfun._utils import _check_skip_backend, requires_lib
-std_args = ['test']
-std_kwargs = dict(participant='foo', session='01', full_screen=False,
- window_size=(1, 1), verbose=True, noise_db=0, version='dev')
+std_args = ["test"]
+std_kwargs = dict(
+ participant="foo",
+ session="01",
+ full_screen=False,
+ window_size=(1, 1),
+ verbose=True,
+ noise_db=0,
+ version="dev",
def test_logging(ac, tmpdir, hide_window):
"""Test logging to file (Pyglet)."""
- if ac != 'tdt':
+ if ac != "tdt":
orig_dir = os.getcwd()
- with ExperimentController(*std_args, audio_controller=ac,
- response_device='keyboard',
- trigger_controller='dummy',
- **std_kwargs) as ec:
+ with ExperimentController(
+ *std_args,
+ audio_controller=ac,
+ response_device="keyboard",
+ trigger_controller="dummy",
+ **std_kwargs,
+ ) as ec:
test_name = ec._log_file
stamp = ec.current_time
ec.wait_until(stamp) # wait_until called w/already passed timest.
- with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='RMS'):
- ec.load_buffer([1., -1., 1., -1., 1., -1.]) # RMS warning
+ with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="RMS"):
+ ec.load_buffer([1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0]) # RMS warning
with open(test_name) as fid:
- data = '\n'.join(fid.readlines())
+ data = "\n".join(fid.readlines())
# check for various expected log messages (TODO: add more)
- should_have = ['Participant: foo', 'Session: 01',
- 'wait_until was called',
- 'Stimulus max RMS (']
- if ac == 'tdt':
- should_have.append('TDT')
+ should_have = [
+ "Participant: foo",
+ "Session: 01",
+ "wait_until was called",
+ "Stimulus max RMS (",
+ ]
+ if ac == "tdt":
+ should_have.append("TDT")
- should_have.append('sound card')
- if ac != 'auto' and ac['SOUND_CARD_BACKEND'] != 'auto':
- should_have.append(ac['SOUND_CARD_BACKEND'])
+ should_have.append("sound card")
+ if ac != "auto" and ac["SOUND_CARD_BACKEND"] != "auto":
+ should_have.append(ac["SOUND_CARD_BACKEND"])
assert_have_all(data, should_have)
@@ -48,8 +62,7 @@ def test_logging(ac, tmpdir, hide_window):
def assert_have_all(data, should_have):
"""Assert all substrings are in the logging output."""
- __tracebackhide__ = operator.methodcaller('errisinstance', AssertionError)
+ __tracebackhide__ = operator.methodcaller("errisinstance", AssertionError)
for s in should_have:
if s not in data:
- raise AssertionError('Missing data: "{0}" in:\n{1}'
- ''.format(s, data))
+ raise AssertionError(f'Missing data: "{s}" in:\n{data}' "")
diff --git a/expyfun/tests/test_parallel.py b/expyfun/tests/test_parallel.py
index 05c041fa..9f4d6c6b 100644
--- a/expyfun/tests/test_parallel.py
+++ b/expyfun/tests/test_parallel.py
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import pytest
from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal
-from expyfun._parallel import parallel_func, _check_n_jobs
+from expyfun._parallel import _check_n_jobs, parallel_func
from expyfun._utils import requires_lib
@@ -12,10 +10,11 @@ def _identity(x):
return x
def test_parallel():
"""Test parallel support."""
- pytest.raises(TypeError, _check_n_jobs, 'foo')
+ pytest.raises(TypeError, _check_n_jobs, "foo")
parallel, p_fun, _ = parallel_func(_identity, 1)
a = np.array(parallel(p_fun(x) for x in range(10)))
parallel, p_fun, _ = parallel_func(_identity, 2)
diff --git a/expyfun/tests/test_trigger_conversion.py b/expyfun/tests/test_trigger_conversion.py
index 99de3e1a..c4df2111 100644
--- a/expyfun/tests/test_trigger_conversion.py
+++ b/expyfun/tests/test_trigger_conversion.py
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal
import pytest
+from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal
-from expyfun import decimals_to_binary, binary_to_decimals
+from expyfun import binary_to_decimals, decimals_to_binary
def test_conversion():
- """Test decimal<->binary conversion
- """
+ """Test decimal<->binary conversion"""
pytest.raises(ValueError, decimals_to_binary, [1], [0])
pytest.raises(ValueError, decimals_to_binary, [-1], [1])
pytest.raises(ValueError, decimals_to_binary, [1, 1], [1])
@@ -18,21 +17,24 @@ def test_conversion():
pytest.raises(ValueError, binary_to_decimals, [1], [-1])
pytest.raises(ValueError, binary_to_decimals, [1], [2])
# test cases
- decs = [[1],
- [1, 0, 1, 4, 5],
- [0, 3],
- [3, 0],
- ]
- bits = [[1],
- [1, 1, 2, 4, 4],
- [2, 2],
- [2, 2],
- ]
- bins = [[1],
- [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1],
- [0, 0, 1, 1],
- [1, 1, 0, 0],
- ]
+ decs = [
+ [1],
+ [1, 0, 1, 4, 5],
+ [0, 3],
+ [3, 0],
+ ]
+ bits = [
+ [1],
+ [1, 1, 2, 4, 4],
+ [2, 2],
+ [2, 2],
+ ]
+ bins = [
+ [1],
+ [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1],
+ [0, 0, 1, 1],
+ [1, 1, 0, 0],
+ ]
for d, n, b in zip(decs, bits, bins):
assert_array_equal(decimals_to_binary(d, n), b)
assert_array_equal(binary_to_decimals(b, n), d)
diff --git a/expyfun/tests/test_utils.py b/expyfun/tests/test_utils.py
index 20abf148..fc18e96f 100644
--- a/expyfun/tests/test_utils.py
+++ b/expyfun/tests/test_utils.py
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-import pytest
import os
import warnings
import numpy as np
+import pytest
-from expyfun._utils import get_config, set_config, deprecated, _fix_audio_dims
+from expyfun._utils import _fix_audio_dims, deprecated, get_config, set_config
def test_config():
"""Test expyfun config file support."""
- value = '123456'
+ value = "123456"
old_val = os.getenv(key, None)
os.environ[key] = value
- assert (get_config(key) == value)
+ assert get_config(key) == value
del os.environ[key]
# catch the warning about it being a non-standard config key
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
- warnings.simplefilter('always')
+ warnings.simplefilter("always")
# warnings raised only when setting key
set_config(key, None)
- assert (get_config(key) is None)
+ assert get_config(key) is None
pytest.raises(KeyError, get_config, key, raise_error=True)
set_config(key, value)
assert get_config(key) == value
@@ -32,17 +32,17 @@ def test_config():
os.environ[key] = old_val
pytest.raises(ValueError, get_config, 1)
- set_config(None, '0')
+ set_config(None, "0")
def deprecated_func():
"""Deprecated function."""
-class deprecated_class(object):
+class deprecated_class:
"""Deprecated class."""
def __init__(self):
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ def __init__(self):
def test_deprecated():
"""Test deprecated function."""
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
- warnings.simplefilter('always')
+ warnings.simplefilter("always")
- assert (len(w) == 1)
+ assert len(w) == 1
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
- warnings.simplefilter('always')
+ warnings.simplefilter("always")
- assert (len(w) == 1)
+ assert len(w) == 1
def test_audio_dims():
@@ -73,13 +73,12 @@ def test_audio_dims():
y = _fix_audio_dims(y, 2)
assert y.shape == (2, n_samples)
# no tiling for >2 channel output
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='channel count 1 did not .* 3'):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="channel count 1 did not .* 3"):
_fix_audio_dims(x, 3)
for dim in (1, 3):
- want = ('signal channel count 2 did not match required channel '
- 'count %s' % dim)
+ want = "signal channel count 2 did not match required channel " "count %s" % dim
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=want):
_fix_audio_dims(y, dim)
for n_channels in (1, 2, 3):
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='must have one or two dimension'):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must have one or two dimension"):
_fix_audio_dims(np.zeros((2, 2, 2)), n_channels)
diff --git a/expyfun/tests/test_version.py b/expyfun/tests/test_version.py
index 98346128..cf7d5af5 100644
--- a/expyfun/tests/test_version.py
+++ b/expyfun/tests/test_version.py
@@ -1,58 +1,56 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
-from os import path as op
import warnings
+from os import path as op
import pytest
-from expyfun import (ExperimentController, assert_version, download_version,
- __version__)
-from expyfun._utils import _TempDir
+from expyfun import ExperimentController, __version__, assert_version, download_version
from expyfun._git import _has_git
+from expyfun._utils import _TempDir
+@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Package 'expyfun.data' is absent.*")
@pytest.mark.timeout(60) # can be slow to download
-def test_version_assertions():
+# old, broken, new
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("want_version", ["090948e", "cae6bc3", "b6e8a81"])
+def test_version_assertions(want_version):
"""Test version assertions."""
pytest.raises(TypeError, assert_version, 1)
- pytest.raises(TypeError, assert_version, '1' * 8)
- pytest.raises(AssertionError, assert_version, 'x' * 7)
+ pytest.raises(TypeError, assert_version, "1" * 8)
+ pytest.raises(AssertionError, assert_version, "x" * 7)
- # old, broken, new
- for wi, want_version in enumerate(('090948e', 'cae6bc3', 'b6e8a81')):
- print('Running %s' % want_version)
- tempdir = _TempDir()
- if not _has_git:
- pytest.raises(ImportError, download_version, want_version, tempdir)
- else:
- pytest.raises(IOError, download_version, want_version,
- op.join(tempdir, 'foo'))
- pytest.raises(RuntimeError, download_version, 'x' * 7, tempdir)
- ex_dir = op.join(tempdir, 'expyfun')
- assert not op.isdir(ex_dir)
- with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # Sometimes warns
- warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
- download_version(want_version, tempdir)
- assert op.isdir(ex_dir)
- assert op.isfile(op.join(ex_dir, '__init__.py'))
- got_fname = op.join(ex_dir, '_version.py')
- with open(got_fname) as fid:
- line1 = fid.readline().strip()
- got_version = line1.split(' = ')[1][-8:-1]
- ex = want_version
- if want_version == 'cae6bc3':
- ex = (ex, '.dev0+c')
- assert got_version in ex, got_fname
+ print("Running %s" % want_version)
+ tempdir = _TempDir()
+ if not _has_git:
+ pytest.raises(ImportError, download_version, want_version, tempdir)
+ else:
+ pytest.raises(IOError, download_version, want_version, op.join(tempdir, "foo"))
+ pytest.raises(RuntimeError, download_version, "x" * 7, tempdir)
+ ex_dir = op.join(tempdir, "expyfun")
+ assert not op.isdir(ex_dir)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # Sometimes warns
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+ download_version(want_version, tempdir)
+ assert op.isdir(ex_dir)
+ assert op.isfile(op.join(ex_dir, "__init__.py"))
+ got_fname = op.join(ex_dir, "_version.py")
+ with open(got_fname) as fid:
+ line1 = fid.readline().strip()
+ got_version = line1.split(" = ")[1][-8:-1]
+ ex = want_version
+ if want_version == "cae6bc3":
+ ex = (ex, ".dev0+c")
+ assert got_version in ex, got_fname
- # auto dir determination
- orig_dir = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(tempdir)
- try:
- assert op.isdir('expyfun')
- pytest.raises(IOError, download_version, want_version)
- finally:
- os.chdir(orig_dir)
+ # auto dir determination
+ orig_dir = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(tempdir)
+ try:
+ assert op.isdir("expyfun")
+ pytest.raises(IOError, download_version, want_version)
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(orig_dir)
# make sure we can get latest version
tempdir_2 = _TempDir()
if _has_git:
@@ -63,11 +61,18 @@ def test_version_assertions():
def test_integrated_version_checking():
"""Test EC version checking during init."""
tempdir = _TempDir()
- args = ['test'] # experiment name
- kwargs = dict(output_dir=tempdir, full_screen=False, window_size=(1, 1),
- participant='foo', session='01', stim_db=0.0, noise_db=0.0,
- verbose=True)
- pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ExperimentController, *args, version=None,
- **kwargs)
- pytest.raises(AssertionError, ExperimentController, *args,
- version='59f3f5b', **kwargs) # the very first commit
+ args = ["test"] # experiment name
+ kwargs = dict(
+ output_dir=tempdir,
+ full_screen=False,
+ window_size=(1, 1),
+ participant="foo",
+ session="01",
+ stim_db=0.0,
+ noise_db=0.0,
+ verbose=True,
+ )
+ pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ExperimentController, *args, version=None, **kwargs)
+ pytest.raises(
+ AssertionError, ExperimentController, *args, version="59f3f5b", **kwargs
+ ) # the very first commit
diff --git a/expyfun/visual/__init__.py b/expyfun/visual/__init__.py
index 9d98389e..9f784a01 100644
--- a/expyfun/visual/__init__.py
+++ b/expyfun/visual/__init__.py
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
-from ._visual import (Text, Line, Triangle, Rectangle, Circle, RawImage,
- Diamond, ConcentricCircles, FixationDot, ProgressBar,
- _convert_color, _Triangular, Video)
+from ._visual import (
+ Text,
+ Line,
+ Triangle,
+ Rectangle,
+ Circle,
+ RawImage,
+ Diamond,
+ ConcentricCircles,
+ FixationDot,
+ ProgressBar,
+ _convert_color,
+ _Triangular,
+ Video,
diff --git a/expyfun/visual/_visual.py b/expyfun/visual/_visual.py
index 0973afa6..669decb3 100644
--- a/expyfun/visual/_visual.py
+++ b/expyfun/visual/_visual.py
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-Visual stimulus design
+"""Visual stimulus design.
Tools for drawing shapes and text on the screen.
@@ -11,41 +9,45 @@
# License: BSD (3-clause)
-from ctypes import (cast, pointer, POINTER, create_string_buffer, c_char,
- c_int, c_float)
-from functools import partial
import re
import warnings
+from ctypes import POINTER, c_char, c_float, c_int, cast, create_string_buffer, pointer
+from functools import partial
import numpy as np
from PyOpenGL import gl
except ImportError:
from pyglet import gl
-from .._utils import check_units, string_types, logger, _new_pyglet
+from .._utils import _new_pyglet, check_units, logger
def _convert_color(color, byte=True):
- """Convert 3- or 4-element color into OpenGL usable color"""
+ """Convert 3- or 4-element color into OpenGL usable color."""
from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter
- color = (0., 0., 0., 0.) if color is None else color
+ color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) if color is None else color
color = 255 * np.array(colorConverter.to_rgba(color))
color = color.astype(np.uint8)
if not byte:
- color = (color / 255.).astype(np.float32)
- return tuple(color)
+ color = tuple((color / 255.0).astype(np.float32))
+ else:
+ color = tuple(int(c) for c in color)
+ return color
def _replicate_color(color, pts):
- """Convert single color to color array for OpenGL trianglulations"""
+ """Convert single color to color array for OpenGL triangulations."""
return np.tile(color, len(pts) // 2)
# Text
-class Text(object):
+class Text:
"""A text object.
@@ -93,31 +95,47 @@ class Text(object):
The text object.
- def __init__(self, ec, text, pos=(0, 0), color='white',
- font_name='Arial', font_size=24, height=None,
- width='auto', anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center',
- units='norm', wrap=False, attr=True):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ec,
+ text,
+ pos=(0, 0),
+ color="white",
+ font_name="Arial",
+ font_size=24,
+ height=None,
+ width="auto",
+ anchor_x="center",
+ anchor_y="center",
+ units="norm",
+ wrap=False,
+ attr=True,
+ ):
import pyglet
pos = np.array(pos)[:, np.newaxis]
- pos = ec._convert_units(pos, units, 'pix')
- if width == 'auto':
+ pos = ec._convert_units(pos, units, "pix")[:, 0]
+ if width == "auto":
width = float(ec.window_size_pix[0]) * 0.8
- elif isinstance(width, string_types):
+ elif isinstance(width, str):
raise ValueError('"width", if str, must be "auto"')
self._attr = attr
if wrap:
- text = text + '\n ' # weird Pyglet bug
+ text = text + "\n " # weird Pyglet bug
if self._attr:
- preamble = ('{{font_name \'{}\'}}{{font_size {}}}{{color {}}}'
- '').format(font_name, font_size, _convert_color(color))
+ preamble = (
+ f"{{font_name '{font_name}'}}"
+ f"{{font_size {font_size}}}"
+ f"{{color {_convert_color(color)}}}"
+ )
doc = pyglet.text.decode_attributed(preamble + text)
self._text = pyglet.text.layout.TextLayout(
- doc, width=width, height=height, multiline=wrap,
- dpi=int(ec.dpi))
+ doc, width=width, height=height, multiline=wrap, dpi=int(ec.dpi)
+ )
self._text = pyglet.text.Label(
- text, width=width, height=height, multiline=wrap,
- dpi=int(ec.dpi))
+ text, width=width, height=height, multiline=wrap, dpi=int(ec.dpi)
+ )
self._text.color = _convert_color(color)
self._text.font_name = font_name
self._text.font_size = font_size
@@ -135,8 +153,9 @@ def set_color(self, color):
The color. Use None for no color.
if self._attr:
- self._text.document.set_style(0, len(self._text.document.text),
- {'color': _convert_color(color)})
+ self._text.document.set_style(
+ 0, len(self._text.document.text), {"color": _convert_color(color)}
+ )
self._text.color = _convert_color(color)
@@ -178,9 +197,11 @@ def _check_log(obj, func):
func(obj, 4096, pointer(c_int()), ptr)
message = log.value
message = message.decode()
- if message.startswith('No errors') or \
- re.match('.*shader was successfully compiled.*', message) or \
- message == 'Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked.\n':
+ if (
+ message.startswith("No errors")
+ or re.match(".*shader was successfully compiled.*", message)
+ or message == "Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked.\n"
+ ):
elif message:
raise RuntimeError(message)
@@ -190,14 +211,14 @@ def _create_program(ec, vert, frag):
program = gl.glCreateProgram()
vertex = gl.glCreateShader(gl.GL_VERTEX_SHADER)
- buf = create_string_buffer(vert.encode('ASCII'))
+ buf = create_string_buffer(vert.encode("ASCII"))
ptr = cast(pointer(pointer(buf)), POINTER(POINTER(c_char)))
gl.glShaderSource(vertex, 1, ptr, None)
_check_log(vertex, gl.glGetShaderInfoLog)
fragment = gl.glCreateShader(gl.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)
- buf = create_string_buffer(frag.encode('ASCII'))
+ buf = create_string_buffer(frag.encode("ASCII"))
ptr = cast(pointer(pointer(buf)), POINTER(POINTER(c_char)))
gl.glShaderSource(fragment, 1, ptr, None)
@@ -213,9 +234,9 @@ def _create_program(ec, vert, frag):
# Set the view matrix
- loc = gl.glGetUniformLocation(program, b'u_view')
+ loc = gl.glGetUniformLocation(program, b"u_view")
view = ec.window_size_pix
- view = np.diag([2. / view[0], 2. / view[1], 1., 1.])
+ view = np.diag([2.0 / view[0], 2.0 / view[1], 1.0, 1.0])
view[-1, :2] = -1
view = view.astype(np.float32).ravel()
gl.glUniformMatrix4fv(loc, 1, False, (c_float * 16)(*view))
@@ -223,7 +244,7 @@ def _create_program(ec, vert, frag):
return program
-class _Triangular(object):
+class _Triangular:
"""Super class for objects that use triangulations and/or lines"""
def __init__(self, ec, fill_color, line_color, line_width, line_loop):
@@ -240,13 +261,13 @@ def __init__(self, ec, fill_color, line_color, line_width, line_loop):
self._buffers = dict()
self._points = dict()
self._tris = dict()
- for kind in ('line', 'fill'):
+ for kind in ("line", "fill"):
self._counts[kind] = 0
- self._colors[kind] = (0., 0., 0., 0.)
+ self._colors[kind] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
self._buffers[kind] = dict(array=gl.GLuint())
- gl.glGenBuffers(1, pointer(self._buffers[kind]['array']))
- self._buffers['fill']['index'] = gl.GLuint()
- gl.glGenBuffers(1, pointer(self._buffers['fill']['index']))
+ gl.glGenBuffers(1, pointer(self._buffers[kind]["array"]))
+ self._buffers["fill"]["index"] = gl.GLuint()
+ gl.glGenBuffers(1, pointer(self._buffers["fill"]["index"]))
@@ -256,12 +277,12 @@ def _set_points(self, points, kind, tris):
"""Set fill and line points."""
if points is None:
self._counts[kind] = 0
- points = np.asarray(points, dtype=np.float32, order='C')
+ points = np.asarray(points, dtype=np.float32, order="C")
assert points.ndim == 2 and points.shape[1] == 2
- array_count = points.size // 2 if kind == 'line' else points.size
- if kind == 'fill':
+ array_count = points.size // 2 if kind == "line" else points.size
+ if kind == "fill":
assert tris is not None
- tris = np.asarray(tris, dtype=np.uint32, order='C')
+ tris = np.asarray(tris, dtype=np.uint32, order="C")
assert tris.ndim == 1 and tris.size % 3 == 0
tris.shape = (-1, 3)
assert (tris < len(points)).all()
@@ -271,29 +292,33 @@ def _set_points(self, points, kind, tris):
del points
- gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self._buffers[kind]['array'])
- gl.glBufferData(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self._points[kind].size * 4,
- self._points[kind].tobytes(),
- if kind == 'line':
+ gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self._buffers[kind]["array"])
+ gl.glBufferData(
+ self._points[kind].size * 4,
+ self._points[kind].tobytes(),
+ )
+ if kind == "line":
self._counts[kind] = array_count
- if kind == 'fill':
+ if kind == "fill":
self._counts[kind] = self._tris[kind].size
- gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER,
- self._buffers[kind]['index'])
- gl.glBufferData(gl.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER,
- self._tris[kind].size * 4,
- self._tris[kind].tobytes(),
+ gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, self._buffers[kind]["index"])
+ gl.glBufferData(
+ self._tris[kind].size * 4,
+ self._tris[kind].tobytes(),
+ )
gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)
gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)
def _set_fill_points(self, points, tris):
- self._set_points(points, 'fill', tris)
+ self._set_points(points, "fill", tris)
def _set_line_points(self, points):
- self._set_points(points, 'line', None)
+ self._set_points(points, "line", None)
def set_fill_color(self, fill_color):
"""Set the object color
@@ -303,7 +328,7 @@ def set_fill_color(self, fill_color):
fill_color : matplotlib Color | None
The fill color. Use None for no fill.
- self._colors['fill'] = _convert_color(fill_color, byte=False)
+ self._colors["fill"] = _convert_color(fill_color, byte=False)
def set_line_color(self, line_color):
"""Set the object color
@@ -313,7 +338,7 @@ def set_line_color(self, line_color):
line_color : matplotlib Color | None
The fill color. Use None for no fill.
- self._colors['line'] = _convert_color(line_color, byte=False)
+ self._colors["line"] = _convert_color(line_color, byte=False)
def set_line_width(self, line_width):
"""Set the line width in pixels
@@ -326,15 +351,15 @@ def set_line_width(self, line_width):
line_width = float(line_width)
if not (0.0 <= line_width <= 10.0):
- raise ValueError('line_width must be between 0 and 10')
+ raise ValueError("line_width must be between 0 and 10")
self._line_width = line_width
def draw(self):
"""Draw the object to the display buffer."""
- for kind in ('fill', 'line'):
+ for kind in ("fill", "line"):
if self._counts[kind] > 0:
- if kind == 'line':
+ if kind == "line":
if self._line_width <= 0.0:
@@ -344,22 +369,26 @@ def draw(self):
mode = gl.GL_LINE_STRIP
cmd = partial(gl.glDrawArrays, mode, 0, self._counts[kind])
- gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER,
- self._buffers[kind]['index'])
- cmd = partial(gl.glDrawElements, gl.GL_TRIANGLES,
- self._counts[kind], gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0)
- gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,
- self._buffers[kind]['array'])
- loc_pos = gl.glGetAttribLocation(self._program, b'a_position')
+ gl.glBindBuffer(
+ gl.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, self._buffers[kind]["index"]
+ )
+ cmd = partial(
+ gl.glDrawElements,
+ self._counts[kind],
+ 0,
+ )
+ gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self._buffers[kind]["array"])
+ loc_pos = gl.glGetAttribLocation(self._program, b"a_position")
- gl.glVertexAttribPointer(loc_pos, 2, gl.GL_FLOAT, gl.GL_FALSE,
- 0, 0)
- loc_col = gl.glGetUniformLocation(self._program, b'u_color')
+ gl.glVertexAttribPointer(loc_pos, 2, gl.GL_FLOAT, gl.GL_FALSE, 0, 0)
+ loc_col = gl.glGetUniformLocation(self._program, b"u_color")
gl.glUniform4f(loc_col, *self._colors[kind])
# cleanup
- if kind != 'line':
+ if kind != "line":
gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)
gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)
@@ -390,14 +419,27 @@ class Line(_Triangular):
The line object.
- def __init__(self, ec, coords, units='norm', line_color='white',
- line_width=1.0, line_loop=False):
- _Triangular.__init__(self, ec, fill_color=None, line_color=line_color,
- line_width=line_width, line_loop=line_loop)
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ec,
+ coords,
+ units="norm",
+ line_color="white",
+ line_width=1.0,
+ line_loop=False,
+ ):
+ _Triangular.__init__(
+ self,
+ ec,
+ fill_color=None,
+ line_color=line_color,
+ line_width=line_width,
+ line_loop=line_loop,
+ )
self.set_coords(coords, units)
- def set_coords(self, coords, units='norm'):
+ def set_coords(self, coords, units="norm"):
"""Set line coordinates
@@ -412,10 +454,12 @@ def set_coords(self, coords, units='norm'):
if coords.ndim == 1:
coords = coords[:, np.newaxis]
if coords.ndim != 2 or coords.shape[0] != 2:
- raise ValueError('coords must be a vector of length 2, or an '
- 'array with 2 dimensions (with first dimension '
- 'having length 2')
- self._set_line_points(self._ec._convert_units(coords, units, 'pix').T)
+ raise ValueError(
+ "coords must be a vector of length 2, or an "
+ "array with 2 dimensions (with first dimension "
+ "having length 2"
+ )
+ self._set_line_points(self._ec._convert_units(coords, units, "pix").T)
class Triangle(_Triangular):
@@ -443,15 +487,27 @@ class Triangle(_Triangular):
The triangle object.
- def __init__(self, ec, coords, units='norm', fill_color='white',
- line_color=None, line_width=1.0):
- _Triangular.__init__(self, ec, fill_color=fill_color,
- line_color=line_color, line_width=line_width,
- line_loop=True)
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ec,
+ coords,
+ units="norm",
+ fill_color="white",
+ line_color=None,
+ line_width=1.0,
+ ):
+ _Triangular.__init__(
+ self,
+ ec,
+ fill_color=fill_color,
+ line_color=line_color,
+ line_width=line_width,
+ line_loop=True,
+ )
self.set_coords(coords, units)
- def set_coords(self, coords, units='norm'):
+ def set_coords(self, coords, units="norm"):
"""Set triangle coordinates
@@ -464,9 +520,10 @@ def set_coords(self, coords, units='norm'):
coords = np.array(coords, dtype=float)
if coords.shape != (2, 3):
- raise ValueError('coords must be an array of shape (2, 3), got %s'
- % (coords.shape,))
- points = self._ec._convert_units(coords, units, 'pix')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "coords must be an array of shape (2, 3), got %s" % (coords.shape,)
+ )
+ points = self._ec._convert_units(coords, units, "pix")
points = points.T
self._set_fill_points(points, [0, 1, 2])
@@ -498,14 +555,20 @@ class Rectangle(_Triangular):
The rectangle object.
- def __init__(self, ec, pos, units='norm', fill_color='white',
- line_color=None, line_width=1.0):
- _Triangular.__init__(self, ec, fill_color=fill_color,
- line_color=line_color, line_width=line_width,
- line_loop=True)
+ def __init__(
+ self, ec, pos, units="norm", fill_color="white", line_color=None, line_width=1.0
+ ):
+ _Triangular.__init__(
+ self,
+ ec,
+ fill_color=fill_color,
+ line_color=line_color,
+ line_width=line_width,
+ line_loop=True,
+ )
self.set_pos(pos, units)
- def set_pos(self, pos, units='norm'):
+ def set_pos(self, pos, units="norm"):
"""Set the position of the rectangle
@@ -519,16 +582,20 @@ def set_pos(self, pos, units='norm'):
# do this in normalized units, then convert
pos = np.array(pos)
if not (pos.ndim == 1 and pos.size == 4):
- raise ValueError('pos must be a 4-element array-like vector')
+ raise ValueError("pos must be a 4-element array-like vector")
self._pos = pos
w = self._pos[2]
h = self._pos[3]
- points = np.array([[-w / 2., -h / 2.],
- [-w / 2., h / 2.],
- [w / 2., h / 2.],
- [w / 2., -h / 2.]]).T
+ points = np.array(
+ [
+ [-w / 2.0, -h / 2.0],
+ [-w / 2.0, h / 2.0],
+ [w / 2.0, h / 2.0],
+ [w / 2.0, -h / 2.0],
+ ]
+ ).T
points += np.array(self._pos[:2])[:, np.newaxis]
- points = self._ec._convert_units(points, units, 'pix')
+ points = self._ec._convert_units(points, units, "pix")
points = points.T
self._set_fill_points(points, [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3])
self._set_line_points(points) # all 4 points used for line drawing
@@ -560,14 +627,20 @@ class Diamond(_Triangular):
The rectangle object.
- def __init__(self, ec, pos, units='norm', fill_color='white',
- line_color=None, line_width=1.0):
- _Triangular.__init__(self, ec, fill_color=fill_color,
- line_color=line_color, line_width=line_width,
- line_loop=True)
+ def __init__(
+ self, ec, pos, units="norm", fill_color="white", line_color=None, line_width=1.0
+ ):
+ _Triangular.__init__(
+ self,
+ ec,
+ fill_color=fill_color,
+ line_color=line_color,
+ line_width=line_width,
+ line_loop=True,
+ )
self.set_pos(pos, units)
- def set_pos(self, pos, units='norm'):
+ def set_pos(self, pos, units="norm"):
"""Set the position of the rectangle
@@ -581,16 +654,15 @@ def set_pos(self, pos, units='norm'):
# do this in normalized units, then convert
pos = np.array(pos)
if not (pos.ndim == 1 and pos.size == 4):
- raise ValueError('pos must be a 4-element array-like vector')
+ raise ValueError("pos must be a 4-element array-like vector")
self._pos = pos
w = self._pos[2]
h = self._pos[3]
- points = np.array([[w / 2., 0.],
- [0., h / 2.],
- [-w / 2., 0.],
- [0., -h / 2.]]).T
+ points = np.array(
+ [[w / 2.0, 0.0], [0.0, h / 2.0], [-w / 2.0, 0.0], [0.0, -h / 2.0]]
+ ).T
points += np.array(self._pos[:2])[:, np.newaxis]
- points = self._ec._convert_units(points, units, 'pix')
+ points = self._ec._convert_units(points, units, "pix")
points = points.T
self._set_fill_points(points, [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3])
@@ -626,16 +698,29 @@ class Circle(_Triangular):
The circle object.
- def __init__(self, ec, radius=1, pos=(0, 0), units='norm',
- n_edges=200, fill_color='white', line_color=None,
- line_width=1.0):
- _Triangular.__init__(self, ec, fill_color=fill_color,
- line_color=line_color, line_width=line_width,
- line_loop=True)
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ec,
+ radius=1,
+ pos=(0, 0),
+ units="norm",
+ n_edges=200,
+ fill_color="white",
+ line_color=None,
+ line_width=1.0,
+ ):
+ _Triangular.__init__(
+ self,
+ ec,
+ fill_color=fill_color,
+ line_color=line_color,
+ line_width=line_width,
+ line_loop=True,
+ )
if not isinstance(n_edges, int):
- raise TypeError('n_edges must be an int')
+ raise TypeError("n_edges must be an int")
if n_edges < 4:
- raise ValueError('n_edges must be >= 4 for a reasonable circle')
+ raise ValueError("n_edges must be >= 4 for a reasonable circle")
self._n_edges = n_edges
# construct triangulation (never changes so long as n_edges is fixed)
@@ -645,11 +730,11 @@ def __init__(self, ec, radius=1, pos=(0, 0), units='norm',
self._orig_tris = tris
# need to set a dummy value here so recalculation doesn't fail
- self._radius = np.array([1., 1.])
+ self._radius = np.array([1.0, 1.0])
self.set_pos(pos, units)
self.set_radius(radius, units)
- def set_radius(self, radius, units='norm'):
+ def set_radius(self, radius, units="norm"):
"""Set the position and radius of the circle
@@ -663,19 +748,19 @@ def set_radius(self, radius, units='norm'):
radius = np.atleast_1d(radius).astype(float)
if radius.ndim != 1 or radius.size > 2:
- raise ValueError('radius must be a 1- or 2-element '
- 'array-like vector')
+ raise ValueError("radius must be a 1- or 2-element " "array-like vector")
if radius.size == 1:
radius = np.r_[radius, radius]
# convert to pixel (OpenGL) units
- self._radius = self._ec._convert_units(radius[:, np.newaxis],
- units, 'pix')[:, 0]
+ self._radius = self._ec._convert_units(radius[:, np.newaxis], units, "pix")[
+ :, 0
+ ]
# need to subtract center position
- ctr = self._ec._convert_units(np.zeros((2, 1)), units, 'pix')[:, 0]
+ ctr = self._ec._convert_units(np.zeros((2, 1)), units, "pix")[:, 0]
self._radius -= ctr
- def set_pos(self, pos, units='norm'):
+ def set_pos(self, pos, units="norm"):
"""Set the position and radius of the circle
@@ -688,18 +773,18 @@ def set_pos(self, pos, units='norm'):
pos = np.array(pos, dtype=float)
if not (pos.ndim == 1 and pos.size == 2):
- raise ValueError('pos must be a 2-element array-like vector')
+ raise ValueError("pos must be a 2-element array-like vector")
# convert to pixel (OpenGL) units
- self._pos = self._ec._convert_units(pos[:, np.newaxis],
- units, 'pix')[:, 0]
+ self._pos = self._ec._convert_units(pos[:, np.newaxis], units, "pix")[:, 0]
def _recalculate(self):
"""Helper to recalculate point coordinates"""
edges = self._n_edges
arg = 2 * np.pi * (np.arange(edges) / float(edges))
- points = np.array([self._radius[0] * np.cos(arg),
- self._radius[1] * np.sin(arg)])
+ points = np.array(
+ [self._radius[0] * np.cos(arg), self._radius[1] * np.sin(arg)]
+ )
points = np.c_[np.zeros((2, 1)), points] # prepend the center
points += np.array(self._pos[:2], dtype=float)[:, np.newaxis]
points = points.T
@@ -707,7 +792,7 @@ def _recalculate(self):
self._set_line_points(points[1:]) # omit center point for lines
-class ConcentricCircles(object):
+class ConcentricCircles:
"""A set of filled concentric circles drawn without edges.
@@ -732,23 +817,26 @@ class ConcentricCircles(object):
The circle object.
- def __init__(self, ec, radii=(0.2, 0.05), pos=(0, 0), units='norm',
- colors=('w', 'k')):
+ def __init__(
+ self, ec, radii=(0.2, 0.05), pos=(0, 0), units="norm", colors=("w", "k")
+ ):
radii = np.array(radii, float)
if radii.ndim != 1:
- raise ValueError('radii must be 1D')
+ raise ValueError("radii must be 1D")
if not isinstance(colors, (tuple, list)):
- raise TypeError('colors must be a tuple, list, or array')
+ raise TypeError("colors must be a tuple, list, or array")
if len(colors) != len(radii):
- raise ValueError('colors and radii must be the same length')
+ raise ValueError("colors and radii must be the same length")
# need to set a dummy value here so recalculation doesn't fail
- self._circles = [Circle(ec, r, pos, units, fill_color=c, line_width=0)
- for r, c in zip(radii, colors)]
+ self._circles = [
+ Circle(ec, r, pos, units, fill_color=c, line_width=0)
+ for r, c in zip(radii, colors)
+ ]
def __len__(self):
return len(self._circles)
- def set_pos(self, pos, units='norm'):
+ def set_pos(self, pos, units="norm"):
"""Set the position of the circles
@@ -761,7 +849,7 @@ def set_pos(self, pos, units='norm'):
for circle in self._circles:
circle.set_pos(pos, units)
- def set_radius(self, radius, idx, units='norm'):
+ def set_radius(self, radius, idx, units="norm"):
"""Set the radius of one of the circles
@@ -775,7 +863,7 @@ def set_radius(self, radius, idx, units='norm'):
self._circles[idx].set_radius(radius, units)
- def set_radii(self, radii, units='norm'):
+ def set_radii(self, radii, units="norm"):
"""Set the color of each circle
@@ -788,8 +876,7 @@ def set_radii(self, radii, units='norm'):
radii = np.array(radii, float)
if radii.ndim != 1 or radii.size != len(self):
- raise ValueError('radii must contain exactly {0} radii'
- ''.format(len(self)))
+ raise ValueError(f"radii must contain exactly {len(self)} radii" "")
for idx, radius in enumerate(radii):
self.set_radius(radius, idx, units)
@@ -815,8 +902,9 @@ def set_colors(self, colors):
colors as the number of circles.
if not isinstance(colors, (tuple, list)) or len(colors) != len(self):
- raise ValueError('colors must be a list or tuple with {0} colors'
- ''.format(len(self)))
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"colors must be a list or tuple with {len(self)} colors" ""
+ )
for idx, color in enumerate(colors):
self.set_color(color, idx)
@@ -846,16 +934,14 @@ class FixationDot(ConcentricCircles):
The fixation dot.
- def __init__(self, ec, colors=('w', 'k')):
+ def __init__(self, ec, colors=("w", "k")):
if len(colors) != 2:
- raise ValueError('colors must have length 2')
- super(FixationDot, self).__init__(ec, radii=[0.2, 0.2],
- pos=[0, 0], units='deg',
- colors=colors)
- self.set_radius(1, 1, units='pix')
+ raise ValueError("colors must have length 2")
+ super().__init__(ec, radii=[0.2, 0.2], pos=[0, 0], units="deg", colors=colors)
+ self.set_radius(1, 1, units="pix")
-class ProgressBar(object):
+class ProgressBar:
"""A progress bar that can be displayed between sections.
This uses two rectangles, one outline, and one solid to show how much
@@ -876,12 +962,12 @@ class ProgressBar(object):
- def __init__(self, ec, pos, units='norm', colors=('g', 'w')):
+ def __init__(self, ec, pos, units="norm", colors=("g", "w")):
self._ec = ec
if len(colors) != 2:
- raise ValueError('colors must have length 2')
- if units not in ['norm', 'pix']:
- raise ValueError('units must be either \'norm\' or \'pix\'')
+ raise ValueError("colors must have length 2")
+ if units not in ["norm", "pix"]:
+ raise ValueError("units must be either 'norm' or 'pix'")
pos = np.array(pos, dtype=float)
self._pos = pos
@@ -894,9 +980,10 @@ def __init__(self, ec, pos, units='norm', colors=('g', 'w')):
self._init_x = self._pos_bar[0]
self._pos_bar[2] = 0
- self._rectangles = [Rectangle(ec, self._pos_bar, units, colors[0],
- None),
- Rectangle(ec, self._pos, units, None, colors[1])]
+ self._rectangles = [
+ Rectangle(ec, self._pos_bar, units, colors[0], None),
+ Rectangle(ec, self._pos, units, None, colors[1]),
+ ]
def update_bar(self, percent):
"""Update the progress of the bar.
@@ -907,8 +994,8 @@ def update_bar(self, percent):
The percentage of the bar to be filled. Must be between 0 and 1.
if percent > 100 or percent < 0:
- raise ValueError('percent must be a float between 0 and 100')
- self._pos_bar[2] = percent * self._width / 100.
+ raise ValueError("percent must be a float between 0 and 100")
+ self._pos_bar[2] = percent * self._width / 100.0
self._pos_bar[0] = self._init_x + self._pos_bar[2] * 0.5
self._rectangles[0].set_pos(self._pos_bar, self._units)
@@ -921,7 +1008,8 @@ def draw(self):
# Image display
-class RawImage(object):
+class RawImage:
"""Create image from array for on-screen display.
@@ -944,7 +1032,7 @@ class RawImage(object):
The image object.
- def __init__(self, ec, image_buffer, pos=(0, 0), scale=1., units='norm'):
+ def __init__(self, ec, image_buffer, pos=(0, 0), scale=1.0, units="norm"):
self._ec = ec
self._img = None
@@ -962,26 +1050,28 @@ def set_image(self, image_buffer):
``np.uint8`` is slightly more efficient.
from pyglet import image, sprite
image_buffer = np.ascontiguousarray(image_buffer)
if image_buffer.dtype not in (np.float64, np.uint8):
- raise TypeError('image_buffer must be np.float64 or np.uint8')
+ raise TypeError("image_buffer must be np.float64 or np.uint8")
if image_buffer.dtype == np.float64:
if image_buffer.max() > 1 or image_buffer.min() < 0:
- raise ValueError('all float values must be between 0 and 1')
- image_buffer = (image_buffer * 255).astype('uint8')
+ raise ValueError("all float values must be between 0 and 1")
+ image_buffer = (image_buffer * 255).astype("uint8")
if image_buffer.ndim == 2: # grayscale
image_buffer = np.tile(image_buffer[..., np.newaxis], (1, 1, 3))
if not image_buffer.ndim == 3 or image_buffer.shape[2] not in [3, 4]:
- raise RuntimeError('image_buffer incorrect size: {}'
- ''.format(image_buffer.shape))
+ raise RuntimeError(f"image_buffer incorrect size: {image_buffer.shape}" "")
# add alpha channel if necessary
dims = image_buffer.shape
- fmt = 'RGB' if dims[2] == 3 else 'RGBA'
- self._sprite = sprite.Sprite(image.ImageData(dims[1], dims[0], fmt,
- image_buffer.tobytes(),
- -dims[1] * dims[2]))
- def set_pos(self, pos, units='norm'):
+ fmt = "RGB" if dims[2] == 3 else "RGBA"
+ self._sprite = sprite.Sprite(
+ image.ImageData(
+ dims[1], dims[0], fmt, image_buffer.tobytes(), -dims[1] * dims[2]
+ )
+ )
+ def set_pos(self, pos, units="norm"):
"""Set image position.
@@ -993,17 +1083,16 @@ def set_pos(self, pos, units='norm'):
pos = np.array(pos, float)
if pos.ndim != 1 or pos.size != 2:
- raise ValueError('pos must be a 2-element array')
+ raise ValueError("pos must be a 2-element array")
pos = np.reshape(pos, (2, 1))
- self._pos = self._ec._convert_units(pos, units, 'pix').ravel()
+ self._pos = self._ec._convert_units(pos, units, "pix").ravel()
def bounds(self):
"""Left, Right, Bottom, Top (in pixels) of the image."""
pos = np.array(self._pos, float)
- size = np.array([self._sprite.width,
- self._sprite.height], float)
- bounds = np.concatenate((pos - size / 2., pos + size / 2.))
+ size = np.array([self._sprite.width, self._sprite.height], float)
+ bounds = np.concatenate((pos - size / 2.0, pos + size / 2.0))
return bounds[[0, 2, 1, 3]]
@@ -1026,14 +1115,14 @@ def set_scale(self, scale):
def draw(self):
"""Draw the image to the buffer"""
self._sprite.scale = self._scale
- pos = self._pos - [self._sprite.width / 2., self._sprite.height / 2.]
+ pos = self._pos - [self._sprite.width / 2.0, self._sprite.height / 2.0]
self._sprite.position = (pos[0], pos[1])
except AttributeError:
self._sprite.set_position(pos[0], pos[1])
- def get_rect(self, units='norm'):
+ def get_rect(self, units="norm"):
"""X, Y center, Width, Height of image.
@@ -1047,15 +1136,13 @@ def get_rect(self, units='norm'):
The rect.
# left,right,bottom,top
- lrbt = self._ec._convert_units(self.bounds.reshape(2, -1),
- fro='pix', to=units)
- center = self._ec._convert_units(self._pos.reshape(2, -1),
- fro='pix', to=units)
+ lrbt = self._ec._convert_units(self.bounds.reshape(2, -1), fro="pix", to=units)
+ center = self._ec._convert_units(self._pos.reshape(2, -1), fro="pix", to=units)
width_height = np.diff(lrbt, axis=-1)
return np.squeeze(np.concatenate([center, width_height]))
-tex_vert = '''
+tex_vert = """
#version 120
attribute vec2 a_position;
@@ -1068,9 +1155,9 @@ def get_rect(self, units='norm'):
gl_Position = u_view * vec4(a_position, 0.0, 1.0);
v_texcoord = a_texcoord;
-tex_frag = '''
+tex_frag = """
#version 120
#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable
@@ -1082,10 +1169,10 @@ def get_rect(self, units='norm'):
gl_FragColor = texture2DRect(u_texture, v_texcoord);
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;
-class Video(object):
+class Video:
"""Read video file and draw it to the screen.
@@ -1123,20 +1210,31 @@ class Video(object):
entertainment for the participant during a passive auditory task).
- def __init__(self, ec, file_name, pos=(0, 0), units='norm', scale=1.,
- center=True, visible=True):
- from pyglet.media import load, Player
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ec,
+ file_name,
+ pos=(0, 0),
+ units="norm",
+ scale=1.0,
+ center=True,
+ visible=True,
+ ):
+ from pyglet.media import Player, load
self._ec = ec
# On Windows, the default is unaccelerated WMF, which is terribly slow.
decoder = None
if _new_pyglet():
from pyglet.media.codecs.ffmpeg import FFmpegDecoder
decoder = FFmpegDecoder()
except Exception as exc:
- 'FFmpeg decoder could not be instantiated, decoding '
- f'performance could be compromised:\n{exc}')
+ "FFmpeg decoder could not be instantiated, decoding "
+ f"performance could be compromised:\n{exc}"
+ )
self._source = load(file_name, decoder=decoder)
self._player = Player()
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # deprecated eos_action
@@ -1144,9 +1242,9 @@ def __init__(self, ec, file_name, pos=(0, 0), units='norm', scale=1.,
self._player._audio_player = None
frame_rate = self.frame_rate
if frame_rate is None:
- logger.warning('Frame rate could not be determined')
- frame_rate = 60.
- self._dt = 1. / frame_rate
+ logger.warning("Frame rate could not be determined")
+ frame_rate = 60.0
+ self._dt = 1.0 / frame_rate
self._playing = False
self._finished = False
self._pos = pos
@@ -1159,14 +1257,15 @@ def __init__(self, ec, file_name, pos=(0, 0), units='norm', scale=1.,
self._program = _create_program(ec, tex_vert, tex_frag)
self._buffers = dict()
- for key in ('position', 'texcoord'):
+ for key in ("position", "texcoord"):
self._buffers[key] = gl.GLuint(0)
gl.glGenBuffers(1, pointer(self._buffers[key]))
w, h = self.source_width, self.source_height
tex = np.array([(0, h), (w, h), (w, 0), (0, 0)], np.float32)
- gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self._buffers['texcoord'])
- gl.glBufferData(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, tex.nbytes, tex.tobytes(),
+ gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self._buffers["texcoord"])
+ gl.glBufferData(
+ gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, tex.nbytes, tex.tobytes(), gl.GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW
+ )
gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)
@@ -1190,8 +1289,9 @@ def play(self, auto_draw=True):
self._playing = True
- warnings.warn('ExperimentController.video.play() called when '
- 'already playing.')
+ warnings.warn(
+ "ExperimentController.video.play() called when " "already playing."
+ )
return self._ec.get_time()
def pause(self):
@@ -1213,8 +1313,9 @@ def pause(self):
self._playing = False
- warnings.warn('ExperimentController.video.pause() called when '
- 'already paused.')
+ warnings.warn(
+ "ExperimentController.video.pause() called when " "already paused."
+ )
return self._ec.get_time()
def _delete(self):
@@ -1223,7 +1324,7 @@ def _delete(self):
- def set_scale(self, scale=1.):
+ def set_scale(self, scale=1.0):
"""Set video scale.
@@ -1237,20 +1338,20 @@ def set_scale(self, scale=1.):
while ensuring none of the video is offscreen, which may result in
- if isinstance(scale, string_types):
- _scale = self._ec.window_size_pix / np.array((self.source_width,
- self.source_height),
- dtype=float)
- if scale == 'fit':
+ if isinstance(scale, str):
+ _scale = self._ec.window_size_pix / np.array(
+ (self.source_width, self.source_height), dtype=float
+ )
+ if scale == "fit":
scale = _scale.min()
- elif scale == 'fill':
+ elif scale == "fill":
scale = _scale.max()
self._scale = float(scale) # allows [1, 1., '1']; others: ValueError
if self._scale <= 0:
- raise ValueError('Video scale factor must be strictly positive.')
+ raise ValueError("Video scale factor must be strictly positive.")
self.set_pos(self._pos, self._units, self._center)
- def set_pos(self, pos, units='norm', center=True):
+ def set_pos(self, pos, units="norm", center=True):
"""Set video position.
@@ -1266,9 +1367,9 @@ def set_pos(self, pos, units='norm', center=True):
pos = np.array(pos, float)
if pos.size != 2:
- raise ValueError('pos must be a 2-element array')
+ raise ValueError("pos must be a 2-element array")
pos = np.reshape(pos, (2, 1))
- pix = self._ec._convert_units(pos, units, 'pix').ravel()
+ pix = self._ec._convert_units(pos, units, "pix").ravel()
offset = np.array((self.width, self.height)) // 2 if center else 0
self._pos = pos
self._actual_pos = pix - offset
@@ -1284,16 +1385,16 @@ def _draw(self):
x, y = self._actual_pos
w = self.source_width * self._scale
h = self.source_height * self._scale
- pos = np.array(
- [(x, y), (x + w, y), (x + w, y + h), (x, y + h)], np.float32)
- gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self._buffers['position'])
- gl.glBufferData(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, pos.nbytes, pos.tobytes(),
- loc_pos = gl.glGetAttribLocation(self._program, b'a_position')
+ pos = np.array([(x, y), (x + w, y), (x + w, y + h), (x, y + h)], np.float32)
+ gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self._buffers["position"])
+ gl.glBufferData(
+ gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, pos.nbytes, pos.tobytes(), gl.GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW
+ )
+ loc_pos = gl.glGetAttribLocation(self._program, b"a_position")
gl.glVertexAttribPointer(loc_pos, 2, gl.GL_FLOAT, gl.GL_FALSE, 0, 0)
- gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self._buffers['texcoord'])
- loc_tex = gl.glGetAttribLocation(self._program, b'a_texcoord')
+ gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self._buffers["texcoord"])
+ loc_tex = gl.glGetAttribLocation(self._program, b"a_texcoord")
gl.glVertexAttribPointer(loc_tex, 2, gl.GL_FLOAT, gl.GL_FALSE, 0, 0)
gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)
@@ -1345,9 +1446,11 @@ def _eos(self):
return self._eos_fun()
def _eos_old(self):
- return (self._player._last_video_timestamp is not None and
- self._player._last_video_timestamp ==
- self._source.get_next_video_timestamp())
+ return (
+ self._player._last_video_timestamp is not None
+ and self._player._last_video_timestamp
+ == self._source.get_next_video_timestamp()
+ )
def _eos_new(self):
done = self._player.source is None
diff --git a/expyfun/visual/tests/test_visuals.py b/expyfun/visual/tests/test_visuals.py
index fbae8ca2..1619f2ad 100644
--- a/expyfun/visual/tests/test_visuals.py
+++ b/expyfun/visual/tests/test_visuals.py
@@ -2,18 +2,26 @@
import pytest
from numpy.testing import assert_equal
-from expyfun import ExperimentController, visual, fetch_data_file
+from expyfun import ExperimentController, fetch_data_file, visual
from expyfun._utils import requires_opengl21, requires_video
-std_kwargs = dict(output_dir=None, full_screen=False, window_size=(1, 1),
- participant='foo', session='01', stim_db=0.0, noise_db=0.0,
- verbose=True, version='dev')
+std_kwargs = dict(
+ output_dir=None,
+ full_screen=False,
+ window_size=(1, 1),
+ participant="foo",
+ session="01",
+ stim_db=0.0,
+ noise_db=0.0,
+ verbose=True,
+ version="dev",
def test_visuals(hide_window):
"""Test EC visual methods."""
- with ExperimentController('test', **std_kwargs) as ec:
+ with ExperimentController("test", **std_kwargs) as ec:
pytest.raises(TypeError, visual.Circle, ec, n_edges=3.5)
pytest.raises(ValueError, visual.Circle, ec, n_edges=3)
circ = visual.Circle(ec)
@@ -21,29 +29,28 @@ def test_visuals(hide_window):
pytest.raises(ValueError, circ.set_radius, [1, 2, 3])
pytest.raises(ValueError, circ.set_pos, [1])
pytest.raises(ValueError, visual.Triangle, ec, [5, 6])
- tri = visual.Triangle(ec, [[-1, 0, 1], [-1, 1, -1]], units='deg',
- line_width=1.0)
+ tri = visual.Triangle(
+ ec, [[-1, 0, 1], [-1, 1, -1]], units="deg", line_width=1.0
+ )
rect = visual.Rectangle(ec, [0, 0, 1, 1], line_width=1.0)
diamond = visual.Diamond(ec, [0, 0, 1, 1], line_width=1.0)
pytest.raises(TypeError, visual.ConcentricCircles, ec, colors=dict())
- pytest.raises(TypeError, visual.ConcentricCircles, ec,
- colors=np.array([]))
+ pytest.raises(TypeError, visual.ConcentricCircles, ec, colors=np.array([]))
pytest.raises(ValueError, visual.ConcentricCircles, ec, radii=[[1]])
pytest.raises(ValueError, visual.ConcentricCircles, ec, radii=[1])
- fix = visual.ConcentricCircles(ec, radii=[1, 2, 3],
- colors=['w', 'k', 'y'])
+ fix = visual.ConcentricCircles(ec, radii=[1, 2, 3], colors=["w", "k", "y"])
fix.set_pos([0.5, 0.5])
fix.set_radius(0.1, 1)
fix.set_radii([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
- fix.set_color('w', 1)
- fix.set_colors(['w', 'k', 'k'])
- fix.set_colors(('w', 'k', 'k'))
- pytest.raises(IndexError, fix.set_color, 'w', 3)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, fix.set_colors, ['w', 'k'])
- pytest.raises(ValueError, fix.set_colors, np.array(['w', 'k', 'k']))
+ fix.set_color("w", 1)
+ fix.set_colors(["w", "k", "k"])
+ fix.set_colors(("w", "k", "k"))
+ pytest.raises(IndexError, fix.set_color, "w", 3)
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, fix.set_colors, ["w", "k"])
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, fix.set_colors, np.array(["w", "k", "k"]))
pytest.raises(IndexError, fix.set_radius, 0.1, 3)
pytest.raises(ValueError, fix.set_radii, [0.1, 0.2])
@@ -60,8 +67,9 @@ def test_visuals(hide_window):
assert_equal(img.scale, 1)
# test get_rect
imgrect = visual.Rectangle(ec, img.get_rect())
- assert_equal(imgrect._points['fill'][(0, 2, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1, 1)],
- img.bounds)
+ assert_equal(
+ imgrect._points["fill"][(0, 2, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1, 1)], img.bounds
+ )
line = visual.Line(ec, [[0, 1], [1, 0]])
@@ -70,25 +78,29 @@ def test_visuals(hide_window):
pytest.raises(ValueError, line.set_coords, [0])
line.set_coords([0, 1])
- ec.set_background_color('black')
- text = visual.Text(ec, 'Hello {color (255, 0, 0, 255)}Everybody!',
- pos=[0, 0], color=[1, 1, 1], wrap=False)
+ ec.set_background_color("black")
+ text = visual.Text(
+ ec,
+ "Hello {color (255, 0, 0, 255)}Everybody!",
+ pos=[0, 0],
+ color=[1, 1, 1],
+ wrap=False,
+ )
- text = visual.Text(ec, 'Thank you, come again.', pos=[0, 0],
- color='white', attr=False)
+ text = visual.Text(
+ ec, "Thank you, come again.", pos=[0, 0], color="white", attr=False
+ )
- text.set_color('red')
+ text.set_color("red")
- bar = visual.ProgressBar(ec, [0, 0, 1, .2])
- bar = visual.ProgressBar(ec, [0, 0, 1, 1], units='pix')
- bar.update_bar(.5)
+ bar = visual.ProgressBar(ec, [0, 0, 1, 0.2])
+ bar = visual.ProgressBar(ec, [0, 0, 1, 1], units="pix")
+ bar.update_bar(0.5)
- pytest.raises(ValueError, visual.ProgressBar, ec, [0, 0, 1, .1],
- units='deg')
- pytest.raises(ValueError, visual.ProgressBar, ec, [0, 0, 1, .1],
- colors=['w'])
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, visual.ProgressBar, ec, [0, 0, 1, 0.1], units="deg")
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, visual.ProgressBar, ec, [0, 0, 1, 0.1], colors=["w"])
pytest.raises(ValueError, bar.update_bar, 500)
@@ -96,21 +108,21 @@ def test_visuals(hide_window):
def test_video(hide_window):
"""Test EC video methods."""
std_kwargs.update(dict(window_size=(640, 480)))
- video_path = fetch_data_file('video/example-video.mp4')
- with ExperimentController('test', **std_kwargs) as ec:
+ video_path = fetch_data_file("video/example-video.mp4")
+ with ExperimentController("test", **std_kwargs) as ec:
pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.video.set_pos, [1, 2, 3])
- pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.video.set_scale, 'foo')
+ pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.video.set_scale, "foo")
pytest.raises(ValueError, ec.video.set_scale, -1)
- ec.video.set_scale('fill')
- ec.video.set_scale('fit')
- ec.video.set_scale('0.5')
- ec.video.set_pos(pos=(0.1, 0), units='norm')
+ ec.video.set_scale("fill")
+ ec.video.set_scale("fit")
+ ec.video.set_scale("0.5")
+ ec.video.set_pos(pos=(0.1, 0), units="norm")
diff --git a/git_flow.rst b/git_flow.rst
index eb64d86d..fe35dd29 100644
--- a/git_flow.rst
+++ b/git_flow.rst
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Users will want to take the "official" version of the software, make a copy of
it on their own computer, and run the code from there. Using ``expyfun``
software as an example, this is done on the command line like this::
- $ git clone git://github.com/LABSN/expyfun.git
+ $ git clone https://github.com/LABSN/expyfun.git
$ cd expyfun
$ python setup.py install
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ command sets up a relationship between that folder on your computer and the
"origin" of the code. You can see this by typing::
$ git remote -v
- origin git://github.com/LABSN/expyfun.git (fetch)
- origin git://github.com/LABSN/expyfun.git (push)
+ origin https://github.com/LABSN/expyfun.git (fetch)
+ origin https://github.com/LABSN/expyfun.git (push)
This tells you that :bash:`git` knows about two "remote" addresses of
``expyfun``: one to ``fetch`` new changes from (if the source code gets updated
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ connect to the official remote repo with the name ``upstream``. So after forking
$ git clone git@github.com:/rkmaddox/expyfun.git
$ cd expyfun
- $ git remote add upstream git://github.com/LABSN/expyfun.git
+ $ git remote add upstream https://github.com/LABSN/expyfun.git
Now this user has the standard ``origin``/``upstream`` configuration, as seen
below. Note the difference in the URIs between ``origin`` and ``upstream``::
@@ -125,12 +125,12 @@ below. Note the difference in the URIs between ``origin`` and ``upstream``::
$ git remote -v
origin git@github.com:/rkmaddox/expyfun.git (fetch)
origin git@github.com:/rkmaddox/expyfun.git (push)
- upstream git://github.com/LABSN/expyfun.git (fetch)
- upstream git://github.com/LABSN/expyfun.git (push)
+ upstream https://github.com/LABSN/expyfun.git (fetch)
+ upstream https://github.com/LABSN/expyfun.git (push)
$ git branch
* master
-URIs beginning with ``git://`` are read-only connections, so ``rkmaddox`` can
+URIs beginning with ``https://`` are read-only connections, so ``rkmaddox`` can
pull down new changes from ``upstream``, but won't be able to directly push his
local changes to upstream. Instead, he would have to push to his fork
(``origin``) first, and create a
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ Maintainers
Maintainers start out with a similar set up as Developers_. However, they might
want to be able to push directly to the ``upstream`` repo as well as pushing to
-their fork. Having a repo set up with :bash:`git://` access instead of
+their fork. Having a repo set up with :bash:`https://` access instead of
:bash:`git@github.com` or :bash:`https://` access will not allow pushing. So
starting from scratch, a maintainer ``Eric89GXL`` might fork the upstream repo
and then do::
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ and then do::
$ git clone git@github.com:/Eric89GXL/expyfun.git
$ cd expyfun
$ git remote add upstream git@github.com:/LABSN/expyfun.git
- $ git remote add ross git://github.com/rkmaddox/expyfun.git
+ $ git remote add ross https://github.com/rkmaddox/expyfun.git
Now the maintainer's local repository has push/pull access to their own personal
development fork and the upstream repo, and has read-only access to
@@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ development fork and the upstream repo, and has read-only access to
$ git remote -v
origin git@github.com:/Eric89GXL/expyfun.git (fetch)
origin git@github.com:/Eric89GXL/expyfun.git (push)
- ross git://github.com/rkmaddox/expyfun.git (fetch)
- ross git://github.com/rkmaddox/expyfun.git (push)
+ ross https://github.com/rkmaddox/expyfun.git (fetch)
+ ross https://github.com/rkmaddox/expyfun.git (push)
upstream git@github.com:/LABSN/expyfun.git (fetch)
upstream git@github.com:/LABSN/expyfun.git (push)
diff --git a/ignore_words.txt b/ignore_words.txt
index 26ce2021..abef3133 100644
--- a/ignore_words.txt
+++ b/ignore_words.txt
@@ -5,3 +5,6 @@ ang
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b292de58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+ignore-words = "ignore_words.txt"
+builtin = "clear,rare,informal,names,usage"
+skip = "doc/references.bib"
+exclude = ["__init__.py"]
+select = ["A", "B006", "D", "E", "F", "I", "W", "UP"] # , "UP031"]
+ignore = [
+ "D100", # Missing docstring in public module
+ "D104", # Missing docstring in public package
+ "D400", # First line should end with a period
+ "D401", # First line should be in imperative mood
+ "D413", # Missing blank line after last section
+ "UP031", # Use format specifiers instead of percent format
+ "UP030", # Use implicit references for positional format fields
+convention = "numpy"
+ignore-decorators = [
+ "property",
+ "setter",
+ "mne.utils.copy_function_doc_to_method_doc",
+ "mne.utils.copy_doc",
+ "mne.utils.deprecated",
+"examples/**.py" = [
+ "D205", # 1 blank line required between summary line and description
+# -r f (failed), E (error), s (skipped), x (xfail), X (xpassed), w (warnings)
+# don't put in xfail for pytest 8.0+ because then it prints the tracebacks,
+# which look like real errors
+addopts = """--durations=20 --doctest-modules -rfEXs --cov-report= --tb=short \
+ --cov-branch --doctest-ignore-import-errors --junit-xml=junit-results.xml \
+ --ignore=doc --ignore=examples --ignore=tools \
+ --color=yes --capture=sys"""
+junit_family = "xunit2"
+# Set this pretty low to ensure we do not by default add really long tests,
+# or make changes that make things a lot slower
+timeout = 5
+usefixtures = "matplotlib_config"
+# Once SciPy updates not to have non-integer and non-tuple errors (1.2.0) we
+# should remove them from here.
+# This list should also be considered alongside reset_warnings in doc/conf.py
+filterwarnings = '''
+ error::
+ ignore::ImportWarning
+ ignore:TDT is in dummy mode:UserWarning
+ ignore:generator 'ZipRunIterator.ranges' raised StopIteration:DeprecationWarning
+ ignore:size changed:RuntimeWarning
+ ignore:Using or importing the ABCs:DeprecationWarning
+ ignore:joblib not installed:RuntimeWarning
+ ignore:Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list:UserWarning
+ ignore:.*clock has been deprecated.*:DeprecationWarning
+ ignore:the imp module is deprecated.*:DeprecationWarning
+ ignore:.*eos_action is deprecated.*:DeprecationWarning
+ ignore:.*Vertex attribute shorthand.*:
+ ignore:.*ufunc size changed.*:RuntimeWarning
+ ignore:.*doc-files.*:
+ ignore:.*include is ignored because.*:
+ always:.*unclosed file.*:ResourceWarning
+ always:.*may indicate binary incompatibility.*:
+ ignore:.*Cannot change thread mode after it is set.*:UserWarning
+ ignore:.*distutils Version classes are deprecated.*:DeprecationWarning
+ ignore:.*distutils\.sysconfig module is deprecated.*:DeprecationWarning
+ ignore:.*isSet\(\) is deprecated.*:DeprecationWarning
+ ignore:`product` is deprecated as of NumPy.*:DeprecationWarning
+ ignore:Invalid dash-separated options.*:
+ always:.*Exception ignored in.*__del__.*:
+report_level = "WARNING"
+ignore_roles = [
+ "attr",
+ "class",
+ "doc",
+ "eq",
+ "exc",
+ "file",
+ "footcite",
+ "footcite:t",
+ "func",
+ "gh",
+ "kbd",
+ "meth",
+ "mod",
+ "newcontrib",
+ "py:mod",
+ "py:obj",
+ "obj",
+ "ref",
+ "samp",
+ "term",
+ignore_directives = [
+ "autoclass",
+ "autofunction",
+ "automodule",
+ "autosummary",
+ "bibliography",
+ "cssclass",
+ "currentmodule",
+ "dropdown",
+ "footbibliography",
+ "glossary",
+ "graphviz",
+ "grid",
+ "highlight",
+ "minigallery",
+ "tabularcolumns",
+ "toctree",
+ "rst-class",
+ "tab-set",
+ "towncrier-draft-entries",
+ignore_messages = "^.*(Unknown target name|Undefined substitution referenced)[^`]*$"
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a1b0467..00000000
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-release = egg_info -RDb ''
-# Make sure the sphinx docs are built each time we do a dist.
-# bdist = build_sphinx bdist
-# sdist = build_sphinx sdist
-# Make sure a zip file is created each time we build the sphinx docs
-# build_sphinx = generate_help build_sphinx zip_help
-# Make sure the docs are uploaded when we do an upload
-# upload = upload upload_help
-# tag_build = .dev
-doc-files = doc
-addopts =
- --durations=20 --doctest-modules -ra --cov-report= --tb=short
- --doctest-ignore-import-errors --junit-xml=junit-results.xml
- --ignore=examples --ignore=tutorials --ignore=doc --ignore=make
- --capture=sys
-usefixtures = matplotlib_config
-junit_family = xunit2
-# Set this pretty low to ensure we do not by default add really long tests,
-# or make changes that make things a lot slower
-timeout = 5
-# Once SciPy updates not to have non-integer and non-tuple errors (1.2.0) we
-# should remove them from here.
-# This list should also be considered alongside reset_warnings in doc/conf.py
-filterwarnings =
- error::
- ignore::ImportWarning
- ignore:TDT is in dummy mode:UserWarning
- ignore:generator 'ZipRunIterator.ranges' raised StopIteration:DeprecationWarning
- ignore:size changed:RuntimeWarning
- ignore:Using or importing the ABCs:DeprecationWarning
- ignore:joblib not installed:RuntimeWarning
- ignore:Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list:UserWarning
- ignore:.*clock has been deprecated.*:DeprecationWarning
- ignore:the imp module is deprecated.*:DeprecationWarning
- ignore:.*eos_action is deprecated.*:DeprecationWarning
- ignore:.*Vertex attribute shorthand.*:
- ignore:.*ufunc size changed.*:RuntimeWarning
- ignore:.*doc-files.*:
- ignore:.*include is ignored because.*:
- always:.*unclosed file.*:ResourceWarning
- always:.*may indicate binary incompatibility.*:
- ignore:.*Cannot change thread mode after it is set.*:UserWarning
- ignore:.*distutils Version classes are deprecated.*:DeprecationWarning
- ignore:.*distutils\.sysconfig module is deprecated.*:DeprecationWarning
- ignore:.*isSet\(\) is deprecated.*:DeprecationWarning
- always:.*Exception ignored in.*__del__.*:
-exclude = __init__.py,decorator.py,ndarraysource.py
-ignore = E226,E241,E242,E265,W504
-convention = pep257
-match_dir = ^(?!\.|_externals|doc|examples).*$
-match = (?!tests/__init__\.py|fixes).*\.py
-add-ignore = D100,D104,D107,D413,D105,D200,D205,D400,D401 # eventually D105,D200,D205,D400,D401 should be used
-add-select = D214,D215,D404,D405,D406,D407,D408,D409,D410,D411
-ignore-decorators = ^(property|.*setter).*
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index a4e2022a..40d8f183 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
# we are using a setuptools namespace
import setuptools # noqa, analysis:ignore
-from numpy.distutils.core import setup
+from setuptools import setup
descr = """Experiment controller functions."""
@@ -79,7 +79,19 @@ def setup_package(script_args=None):
- python_requires=">=3.7",
+ python_requires=">=3.8",
+ install_requires=[
+ "packaging",
+ "numpy",
+ "scipy",
+ "matplotlib",
+ "pillow",
+ "h5io",
+ "decorator",
+ ],
+ extras_require={
+ "test": ["pytest", "pytest-cov", "pytest-timeout"],
+ },
zip_safe=False, # the package can run out of an .egg file
classifiers=['Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
'Intended Audience :: Developers',
diff --git a/make/get_video.ps1 b/tools/get_video.ps1
similarity index 100%
rename from make/get_video.ps1
rename to tools/get_video.ps1